Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Nov 1967, p. 22

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22 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturday, November 25, 1967 GARDEN GUIDE | "557 Ald TO | Association Gives Attention AILING HOUSE fe Good Idea To Start Planning ny nocen c. warrwan | Outstanding Artistic Talent BRIGHTENING UP CARPET j QUESTION: Is it possible to| Encouragement of outstandingjgram planninng through sur- Right Away For That Greenhouse re-dye a faded carpet right on|attistic talent gets top priority|veys and course evaluation. MONDAY pare, NOV. 27th By A. R. BUCKLEY catalogues and, if possible, visit the floor? It is nine by twelve Me the Oshawa and District Art biog pe bE wage ane Of Piant Research Institute other gardeners who have green-/and pretty heavy to move out-|Association. work out details of programs Have you ever dreamed ofjhouses, Almost any Sag fev rd rroagen Besides, who can trust) This is done by providing)#Nd exhibits. TUESDAY to NOV. 28th owning a greenhouse where youlyou select will soon be filled to the weather? counsel and special instruction could carry on your gardening|overflowing and you will wish) ANSWER: There are several|by professional artist-teachers. LICENSING KITES WEDNESDAY Ld NOV. 29th hobby even when the snow lies|you had built a larger one. So|brands of fabric sprays and) i instructors have to meet! BONN, Germany (AP)--Some thick upon the ground and the|plan to get one big enough for liquid brush-ons widely sold in|ine ultimate standard of being|time in the future one will need icicles glisten on the eaves-jall your future needs. Costs are|supermarkets and many paint ° ig a licence to fly a kite in West s F t S rough? Of course you have! So|much less if the whole job can|stores. They can be used with good teachers as well as being Germany. A government draft oney aving @a ure. leave your fall garden work for|be done at one time. |the carpet on the floor as long|@ccredited and accomplished|iaw revising air safety regula- a while and I shall try to bring) The structure should be made/as you don't really soak it so it\artists. tions requires permits "for the AT 2 'lyou up-to-date on the modernjof aluminum alloy for fire|gets the backing wet. These) Prime reason for the initiallspecial use of air space" by see home greenhouse and what is/safety, easy handling during in-| fabric colors won't make a dark|success of the group is that it|anyone flying kites, model air- necessary to know before youjstallation, freedom from paint. |color light.. They will eitherjcaters to the individual and|planes, balloons or similar embark upon this new venture.|ing chores and upkeep, andiprighten up the same color orjurges him to participate in pro-lobject Right now would be as good algreater light-gathering power.|make the carpet darker, which-)---- time as any to consider green-|Many gy borne ag ever you wish. 'house construction, for by thejdesigned to erected by a do- a . ¥ time you have figured out what|it-yourself gardener with little GUneTON: bakevapdeed git ~~ S, you might require and how tojmore than a screwdriver. poe is ns ago : A : : | et ; M || discoverd the old chimney go about getting it, the time for, If you have a spot that-gets, h J panei : 1 a he ; apparently leaked through the starting seedlings and new/at least three hours of winter) 4 : . ae Is ily. y > 'i lm onry, and it caused ugly, plants will have arrived. sun daily, you can have a home brown stains on the wallpaper.| 0 Along with our changing ideas|greenhouse. Admittedly, you|PrOwn Stains on the | ; 5 von' nay iI learned there was no flue, so) about gardening in general|won't be able to grow as large aah ie | | f xciti d interestingja selection of plants as you|! had a stainless steel flue put) ne ee a ice in fyi}jin. Then I patched the stained) DONALD DUCK BLONDIE "ATTENDANCE FLUCTUATES* ns Have Hen arene, luau nih seetmse al pr wih moe fe sae ... W. R. Murray In Action | gr rey Ci rag hi ate best ex. Pattern. But the stain came W. R. Mu - modern plants for outdoor liy-|worthwhile. Ideally 'the best ex through it too. What can I do? ling. Most architects seem to|posure is south or southeast. Rarie. ai paar ary Fs favor the lean-to type of struc-|For a freestanding greenhouse, Biota bea rT pe P d t ture, which can be part of the|east and west is considered the|Creosote, A ey thin A uare ancers re IC |house adjoining the outdoor ter-|best orientation, but no doubt peg Atta can eae ane race and provide a means of|you will be able to grow plants|°at © pa at Ratine quite a displaving a rich assortment of|whatever way the greenhouse hold it back, a Eee ae : pins hile. The only sure cure for .' Gold Finished gig FS vering faces, provided it is not in full! ¥ x Pe mS Brisk ! @al or {foliage pan oe -- oa the creosote-sodden plaster is to "MB = Malet ele specimens a : build a false wall on furring: .@) 30" x 48" KITCHEN LI'L ABNER pattern in winter and summer PLANT DECISION ae shi eres Square dancing in Oshawa|pear here for the Oshawavalike. This type of greenhouse] The temperature at which "PS over the oa Oe % MIRRORS | EXHAUST and district is here to stay. Swingers in January. Jim Mce-/is for display and should at all'vou want to keep your green- WOODWORK CHIPPING ' y For Meliweys, And that's not all Quade, Buffalo, N.Y., but for- times be kept filled with per- house depends upon the plants QUESTION: When we painted Vanities, ete. HOODS It is also due this coming|merly of Oshawa, will visit the;manent -- plants that _produce/you wish to grow, This is a point our living room we used the 7 LADDER winter for one of its busiest/Circle Squares March 8. {blooms most of the year. for consideration before you same latex paint on the wood- Gam Single Speed $ years. Mr. Arthur Petre is presi-| On the other hand, if youjstart to build. You may wish to kas on the walls. Now the 21 95 NSS x ¥ york is chipping already ¥) . ONLY U.S. NO. 1 Authority -for this statement/dent of the Circle Squares. want to have a utility green-|divide the greenhouse to have, wd y, is W. R. Murray, popular call-| Many Square Dance clubs, house, to be used mainly for|two night temperatures, one at So y close? doors. D. a Aho PE ; Sante Sicia ped fabian é spe Gage 8 gent oarae ita ely ee bi . jouble Speed i] er fot Oshawa's Circle Square|like the Circle Squares, have a growing plants from seeds or|50 to 60 degrees and the other min paint. to prevent this ®) 25.95 25 25 oN JUICY AND SWEET 7 \ A N 2 = * LAN Club, organized in 1962 and/code of ethics which bans alco-|cuttings, you might decide to 65 to 70 degrees F. In this wav Is this ture? my y . with a membership today ofjholic beverages at club/place it off to one side of the'you will be able to grow all, ANSWER: No. . Aluminum 3$\¥% 102. dances. house or near the garage where'kinds of plants. If you decide on paint is great to prevent stain 4 r : Mr. Murray admitted that "We are not a temperancejit is easily accessible but not/only one temperature, however,|/(such as mahognay) from aa membership in Oshawa and group, but we find the club very prominent. choose the lower one for eco-'|'bleeding'"' through paint put on / Oshawa Wood Products zy district clubs sometimes fluc-|functions better when liquor is) There are many differentjnomic reasons and decide to,top of it, but it won't prevent A COURTICE waioag id cern , tuated sharply from year tojnot served at dances," said Mr.|types of structures to choose!place. the heat-loving plants'chipping. This could be due to aoe tet) year, but said this was also/Murray. "After all the mem-/from. Select one that fits in/near the heat source and plants incomplete surface preparation ' true of most clubs in Canada. {bers make the rules and they|nicely with your home and its|that like a cool temperature or failure to sand down a glossv "We don't know why inter should know what 's best for surroundings. Take your time ininear the coolest part of the! surface. Paint won't adhere well @ j est suddenly lags and then the club." the selection. Consult various!greenhouse fo a greasy or glossy surface N ee \ " SIZE y shoots up again, but it does = Pa : ae 125's D0Z he said. Attendance dropped ~ ~ ak uae he Ene js down last year, but not: size LET Se AR4- > 4 et re r POT FP UEP SE om RO TO RI OTA Edt PRI ably. o~ One reason Mr. Murray is ; optimistic about the forthcom- HEINZ OR GERBER'S ing winter's activities is the high calibre of callers sched- INFANT uled to perform here for spe- cial Square Dance parties early in 1967 @ @ 46 59 Norm Wilcox is coming Feb 1 for the Oshawa Promenaders Earl Clark from Yorktown, Sask. (one of the big names in the caller business), will ap- Cc SAVE 4%4-OZ. e said I should use. alu 59 TINS "DOMINION'S OWN BRAND" HILLTOP BLACK OVEMBER IS HERE! ... And now EA BAGS the weeks 'til Christmas will fly by PKG. C . . . my how they'll fly... And like be everyone else you have so much to " , do to prepare for the festive sea- "DOMINION'S OWN BRAND" son. What happened last year? Left DAINTY -- 100% VEGETABLE OIL _ DON JACKSON things too late, didn't you? ... Re- MARGARINE member how you said then that Epon "next" year you'd do things EARLY C SAVE 3 LBS. 79 WHAT DID I SAY TO RATE THAT KIND OF PANIC --? JULIET JONES oo . . . Well this is just a friendly re- Siecsvtaug dows "states minder that "THIS IS NEXT YEAR" ih world and of the famous Ship- tad and Johncon ice Follies : . . . So if you want to save yourself : : we 7 all that frantic rush and bustle, you aang shoo ieapend He will be starting an en- or op gr ge better start right now. Gift shopping Philadelphia with the show which will appear Jan. 3 e e ° ei @ RG nee is the major item on the agenda Cheese Slices a ryardens, Jonkas ois piel icgihd ... and local stores are loaded with wife, also _performs.-in -the Follies sos wonderful gift-giving ideas so you pene Jac kson the skater s - E 8 father, sald this' week that can start right now . . . SHOP IN yy pkgs. ® MICKEY MOUSE his famous 27-year-old son had rehes sean NOVEMBER . . . RELAX IN DEC- "He has never said that the pace is getting too tough for him. I think he is improving EMBER. TASTY -- FEARMAN'S yearly. He keeps himself in tip-top shape. He doesn't : : ' smoke and takes a socia cocktail but infrequently," said the dather. When Don retires he wants to work at what is best for b 4 crane was Just a friendly reminder from... | pimcapoenil about . teaching > C is igure skating. a4 Mr. Jackson said his son PERE Ib GRANDMA long-range plan he is "very gave hockey "a fair trial" as @ youngster, but that he didn't like the game. __ FOLLOWED HORSE _ + EVERYTHING GUARANTEED NEWMARKET, England (GP) --When stable hand Tony Moss ' We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities eee on MIDTOWN PLAZA--KMART PLAZA to Australia, he decided he had : DOWNTOWN OSHAWA -- to follow. 'We're emigrating too,"' he told his wife. Austral WHITBY and BOWMANVILLE AMPLE FREE PARKING jan jockey George Moore, who ed his reputatin in Britai \ this season, bought the horse "ONTARIO COUNTY'S ONLY DAILY NEWSPAPER" before returning home. He DOMINION STORES LIMITED heard of Tony's love and offered F him a new home and a job : . pei cates Ee ate Seas : PLAYED MANY ROLES 0 + MUGGS AND SKEETER | al Henry Fonda' has made vans 0 ig ge ae Mi NION than 60 motion pictures.

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