Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Nov 1967, p. 14

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, November 25, 1967 CHILD GUIDANCE Correcting Speech Faults Calls For Gentle Tact By GARRY C. MYERS, PhD makes and prevail on him = BC speak co! ,|watch himself. You also might RE RE a ae call.to his attention the correct four, five or six, will speak al- speech used by certain other most with grammatical correct-|Persons he admires, ness, His speech is likely to be| A young husband or wife may still more nearly correct if you|discover that his or her spouse have been reading to him since|Sometimes employs bad gram- WS sus ome ox two yours old. 1A", Seoul thetr tetation® BAY 4 oe nage Age 7 Mage A be badly impaired. The one cor- may fodiins to take on hese f rected may endure great humil- liation and distress and feel very ay XPT €&-linferior about his or her speech. sions. you hearjthese ex-iv.+ this person may have Peeesions you agg rn gy ody choice speech otherwise, be far a Shae be Mekeure il more interesting to other per- byl cor an . in thi faite sons and be superior in many your etforts in this direc-lother ways. If you wish to help bm don't bring the results you our spouse or another adult + send oy ong niaa Baia friend to speak more correctly, eal oes era' "|be very skillful. Make sure you expres: @ don't embarrass him or her but In your zeal to cause your!maintain trustful, companion- child to speak with grammaticallable relationships. As with chil- correctness, you may have hin-|dren, the more you can encour- dered more than helped him.|age the adult to read the more| Evincing your annoyance when|he will gain in speaking correct-| he repeats expressions on which/iy. Whenever you or I attempt 'ou have often corrected him,|to help a child or adult to speak| may respond with still more/with grammatical correctness, | vexation himself, especially|let us always treat him or her| when you correct his utterance|as a precious person in the presence of other per- | sons, particularly his pals. PARENTS' QUESTIONS =| If you will check on your| ,@,-Would you try to force a| ways you may find that you child to incriminate himself? | often interrupt him in the mid-| A. No; courts of justice rarely} dle of a sentence and command /do. Parent seem to have a mo-| him to say after you the correct|nopoly here. word. If, in your imagination, you put yourself in his place you would see how you yourself| The Baked Bean would be vexed at such times. | | Forever Popular | DIPLOMACY HELPS When you fee! sure you should/ correct your child's 'grammar,| do it in a way which will annoy him least and be most likely to cause him to want to speak more correctly. As a rule, known as "navy beans". This therefore, you should not inter.\Vesetable with a long history rupt him to make such a correc-|985 become today's least ex- tion. You should wait till he has|P€"Sive source of calories, pro- tinished saying something. Then tein, iron, thiamine, and ribo- you might quietly say correctly flavin. Beans make a satisfy- what he said wrong, hoping he|!"& main dish and are consider- would choose to say it right|°d @ meat substitute for the} next time. But to stop him an-|°Ccasional meal | An old legend tells of men taking white pea beans on sea voyages about 1500 A.D. Prov- Ing seaworthy, they became SLEEP-OVERS Pajama parties or sleep- overs are fun for the school set and the various types of designs and fabrics avail- able for wear on these oc- casions are legion. The ro- mantic look is the "in" look and even the teener who wears the miniest mini dur- ing the day favors__sweet, softly romantic styles for | night. However, the mini revolution has invaded the | boudoir as is seen in this | very pastel peppermint stripe shift. It is fashioned | of soft estron acetate out- | lined with white crocheted lace and H&s matching | briefs that peek out from --By Tracy Adrian grily and command him io re-|. Perhaps the most popular way |LAST-MINUTE PRESSURE | : : jarises. Here is a potent secret: | the high side slits. |By making advance decisions,| }you |pressure on the will power. KEEP IN TRIM Will Power Is By IDA JEAN KAIN A new point of view concern- ing that elusive force known as will power can put you on the inside track in slimming. Will power is want power. It is a positive factor. You may be ho- nestly puzzled by this stat t and claim that you have wanted |to reduce for years, Analyze what is hindering you from put- ting your desire into action. A young mother wrote: "When I get upset I turn to food and eat and eat. Food stead- ies me. At these times I seem to have no will power at all,' she laments. Life's problems cannot be solved by excess eating. Under- stand that, when rouble crops up, old feelings about food are revived. Your habitual response is to turn to food to assuage dis- satisfactions and ward off. ten- sion. Food {fs tranquilizing. In the grip of emotion, it does little good to try to exert will power. At this point you are past car- ing. To get a new point of view, think through the situation at a time when you are calm and re- laxed. You are alert to the fact that you: tend to repeat a pat- jtern endlessly. With enlighten- |ment on the factors that lead up to the overeating binges, you lare in a better position to pre-| |vent the automatic response.| In Slimming Game a one utensil at Christmas andjorful utensils are treated to con- add individual pieces through-|trasting shades of non-stick inte- out the year on the installment|"°" finishes, Colored Cookware A Practical Gift plan--birthdays, anniversaries, ne ne cee j j Mother's Day and so forth, For|sets) gives the homemaker a@ To Give Or Receive something very special, give a Roe ovecteiti to add her own By ELEANOR ROSS piece of cookware containing|toych to the decor. Do you delight in giving gifts|jewelry, theatre tickets or a gift Having acquired insight into|that are useful as well as at- bag tse io cca nUx AND MASE pans, skil- what you tend to do, you are|ttactive? Gifts that you would 'ough color inva the lets, and baking casseroles are free to plan-your actions, Break |be overjoyed to receive your-| kitchen rather timidly at first, it : 4 .| self? has become boldly established/often carried through to a num up the habit pattern with ad 4 ber of portable gare | cooks | WIFE PRESERVER appliances. Mix and mary ¢To mend cuts or. tears in vance planning and this men-|. If so, here's a suggestion that|in countertops, cabinets, floor- tal-set goes into effect when/fits these requirements to a tee ing, and major appliances. As| needed --matched sets or individuallfor the new utensils, the names|contrasting colors--any scheme il ; pieces of the newest .aluminum|of the new exterior colors speak|is now possible for the kitchen. |foam rubber pillows or cush- ' gage thinking and pic-\cookware that comes in all col-[for themselves: Avocado, brick| Ideal for cooking purposes.jions, slather the cut with rub uring is the way to get yourlors of the rainbow so that prac-|red, coppertone, apple green,Jeasy to clean, handsome to lott iner cement, press edges toge- will working for you. The wills; .1y any kitchen scheme can|flame orange, cordovan brown,|at--these new colorful utensi Is\ther when dry. This is ajshaded poppy, and white. have everything. And w These exciting exterior colors|thinking about treating other are applied by porcelainizing|kitchens to these colorful func- Winner takes jts direction from your|ne matched smart! J y. thought pictures. Make your! wonderful gift for close friends ines toe oval friend, Prac-|o relatives Pail ice picturing what you want. E ,|tional pieces, how about giving INSTALLMENT PLAN baked enimaleling, . anodizing,|tional p' ha a special from This makes sense when you} Jf the entire set is beyond thelor fusing materials onto the alu-|your own kite! realize that thé practice periods|pudget, it is a nice idea to give minum. In addition, all the col-!Santa? ARNOLD PALMER'S SPECIALS OF THE WEEK! and picturing, you give your inner mind the blueprint. This sets a tremendous force into ac- (Except Bulky Knit or Suede Front) ~ HOUSEHOLD HINT Use cookie cutters as appli- que patterns for children's holi- day or bridge tablecloths, LIFT DANCING BAN STERLING, Kan. (AP) -- Sterling College is going to per- mit dancing on its campus for the first time in 80 years. Wil- liam McCreery, president of the United Presbyterian Church college, said the new policy may lose Sterling some accept- ance from more conservative people. "I'm hopeful," Mc- Creery said, "This will be at a minimum. We still will empha- size wholesome Christian val- ues," {When you make the effort to] jthink through your problem you jean see that overeating at these _-- is no solution. You then reason that--since your habitual! jreaction-pattern does not work, and only compounds the prob-| lem--you need to do something else. This is mature reasoning. | The next step is to give for-/ ethought to a new plan of ac-| tion. In your mind's eye, see} yourself reacting as you truly wish to act. Forethought means| to plan in advance how you in-) tend to cope when the situation) take off the last-minute tion to help you achieve your heart's desire. (Pleats Extra) OSHAWA TIMES PICTURE RE-PRINTS 20% Discount on Orders of § or More Pictures Availeble et NU-WAY PHOTO SERVICE 251 King St. £., Oshewe 8x 10 -- 1.50 each 5x 7-- 1.25 each @® PLAIN DRESSES (Two or More) TOP COATS PRICES EFFECTIVE ONLY WHEN NO LIMIT Any oer or Fall (No Trenchor Reversibles) . ACCOMPANIED BY OTHER CLEANING J Tories A To Topp By KEN CLARK : OTTAWA (CP)--The last par-|ity liamentary non-confidence vote|Wé raises new doubts that the oppo-|¥% sition can inflict an election- causing defeat on the govern-|ce ment in the Commons. ev Conservatives gained support| jy from the other four opposition parties for their motion Mon-|op day, but it went down 119 to 105.\th, It was the first non-confidence|m th Se motion moved by Robert Stan- field since he took over as Con- servative leader from John Diefenbaker, who had als ojL failed to muster enough votes to/C unseat the minority government |se in four years of trying. Cc Butter-and-Ch Disrupts Trad By CARL MOLLINS 0 GENEVA (CP) -- The world's) major trade-promoting agency|! slithered around today on a but-|P ter-and-cheese dispute that|) raises questions about the whole|® future of international commer- |" cial co-operation. e Officials at the 20th-anniver-| sary ministerial meeting of|t GATT--the 74-country General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade --argued almost all night and resumed efforts today to resolve the crisis. New Zealand was demanding|§ something more positive than a resolution of good intentions to}® deal with farm-subsidy pro-|? grams in Europe that hit New)' Zealand's trade in dairy prod- ucts, The New Zealanders were supported with varying degrees of enthusiasm by a half-dozen other countries dependent on farm-produce exports. Canada has declared for "new and positive steps' through GATT against national farm- protection policies that consti- tute 'a serious and unjustifiable impediment to trade." But the at it correctly after you won't|*9 Serve beans is "'the way ; | jmother d to". {30 to 40 minutes. Be sure to t Pe Prag te href, gone b lomists at Macdonald. testitate cook beans in the water in| Canadians, led by Trade Minis- stants ih hie ae Guelph recommend this time.|Which they were soaked. Drain. . ter Robert Winters, view the Rental relaxed a; 4 en Youlrested recipe : |Starting with a piece of salt : i ] problem less urgently than New 'ward Gath othe - pe tp) : |pork in the bottom of an For Christmas e us om ean ue e Zealand. fectivel T, you might ef-/ = «THE WAY MOTHER _fearthenware casserole, _alter- ly call his attention to) USED TO" Inate be: ; -- A ARE WORRIED one or several mistakes he often| F + paso ny Milage bei, oy eS Give H Including Although most countries, in- steni2 cups white navy beans Mix brown sugar, molasses, salt, WY" ive er Judin 3 ta bate tari 14% pound salt pork mustard, catsup and water; add : (Vj Coats Jackets Gloves Suits elc pa ng ene and Snir devine - a ae a i \3 tbsp. brown sugar jto'beans. Cover pot and bake A D ' ' ' " ud oat tend to bar imports from BF ag , ge -- ne Fie molasses jat 250 degrees F. for 6 to 8 IAMOND \\ i more efficient, low-cost produc- s gional Primate Re-|1!4 tsp. salt jhours. Remove lid during the | \\ ers, the GATT agricultural po Noble Ff wa et a. Sea pes ROE us from \ countries are worried particu- ie cups water "one = eee i \\ larly about the European Com- a rare ee +. beg or oontee beso catsup SEWING MACHINE, mon Market's Hen ag evel cored M ; e e ment said the sex of the off-| The beans should be picked) ""' "soyy wore CLEANING CENTRE cnteenn Gittese of taxes sur age a Be sae and pee wb nee washed thoroughly. WHITE ELNA Located at the r ' K st. W port are oe world agri- » je rare il 2 cups dry beans for two i rk P -- ing St. West cultural trade in violation of the American monkeys, was not de-/minutes in 6 cups water. Re- ff adda gl dal OSHAWA SHOPPING ple lee pe Mag Be bf GATT spirit. The systems en- termined. Its name: Flower|move from heat and soak one 725.7181 CENTRE JEWELLERS courage high-cost production of Child. 'hour: Cook until tender, about surpluses which, New Zealand " Sie Wurst shares 0 n -- a second new X-ray Department, Why not build hospital? The Oshawa General expanded. Would it not have been better to build a second hospital ? This question is one in a series to be answered by the Board of Directors. It is published in the hope that when the campaign for funds begins, the residents of Oshawa will under- stand and support the expansion program. At first it seems like a logical answer to the problem' of providing hospital ser- vices for the expanding community. The biggest factor against this suggestion is cost. Property, extension of sewers and services, new roads and the availability of public transportation have to be considered. Furthermore, a second hospital would simply double the present hospital facilities. In the Board of Directors' con- sideration, not only additional bed space is required, but the expansion of pres- ent facilities and addition of services at present not available must be made. This includes new high intensity treatment areas such as a new Coronary Unit, new Intensive Care Unit, New Emergency and Out-Patient areas, also, a brand The Oshawa General Hospital is preparing for your good health. Hospital is to be The problem of staffing a second hospital. Staffing a second hospital presents further arguments in favour of expanding the present hospital. Fully qualified doctors, surgeons, chemists, technicians and nurses are hard to find. A second hospital in the Oshawa area would double the staff requirements. In the plan for expansion of the present hospital extra staff will be required, naturally, but not as many. The quality of care can be improved also, because two hospitals would cause needless travel of the highly skilled spe- io who by their scarcity would be overworked and unavailable in time of need. An expanded Oshawa General Hospital will provide a higher quality of patient : care, more hospital facilities arid more direct administration than could be attain- ed with a second hospital. W. A. HOLLAND Administrator &, G. STORIE ~ President countries that would otherwise buy from New Zealand. The issue has much wider re- percussions. It raises the ghost WINS HEAVY BOUT MIAMI BEACH, Fla. (AP) -- Eddie Talhami of Montreal scored his first victory as a heavyweight with a unanimous 10-round decision over Willie Johnson of Miami in Tuesday night's main event at the Miami Béach Auditorium. It was Tal- ham's fifth pro victory. 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