Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 23 Nov 1967, p. 6

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6 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, November 23, 1967 UNTIL APRIL 30, 1969 Dosco Plant At Sydney Gets One-Year Reprieve HALIFAX (CP) -- A Novalquire the chief assets of the Scotia government takeover will|Sydney works at a price to. be keep the Sydney stee! mill of}determined by boards of audi- Dominion Steel and Coal Corp. tors and valuers. going unti! at least April 30,| Dosco announced Oct. 13: that 1969, but the move may meant planned to close the 3,200-man the province will have to cut/mill, Sydney's chief employer. spending in other fields, Pre-| 'The overriding principle we mier G. I. Smith said Wednes-|have stuck to in our talks with day night |Dosco is that the financial posi- The company had planned tojtion of the Sydney mill, regard- close the mill by April 30, 1968. jing our purchase of it, should Mr. Smith said at a news con-jnot be better than if it had decid- ference that, subject to approv-|ed to close it out." al by the legislature at a special! The premier said Dosco has session next month and by|agreed to buy from the Sydney Dosco shareholders, an agyee-|works at competitive prices a ment had been reached To keep|substantial portion of the re- the mill operating until long-|quirements of its other works term arrangements could be ex-|for seoi-finished steel. plored and assessed. | He said little capital expendi- Although the government|ture would be necessary for the move might mean some spend-|interim period during which the ing restrictions, the government|province has agreed to take will try to cope with its finan-|over the operation. cial affairs "'in a manner suffi-| The premier emphasized that ciently prudent' to rule out ajapproval of the agreement deficit, the premier said. {would not in itself solve the Syd- Premier Smith withheld finan-/ney problem. It would, however, cial terms of the agreement/provide reasonable time for Wednesday, pending the special|"'thorough study and search for session of the legislature Dec. 1./a long-term solution." He said the pact provides that}; The premier said discussions Dosco will operate the works as|were being carried out by gov- agent of the province from Jan.|ernment representatives with 1 until April 30, 1968. For the|businessmen to find an operator next year the province or its/for the steel complex. nominee would operate the| One of the men with whom plant "'or cause it to be oper-/Mr. Smith had consulted was ated for one year... ." He said Nova Scotia will ac-|C. Irving. Trustee Seeks Senate Aid To Fight Glue-Sniffing |New Brunswick industrialist, K.|_ RCMP Asked To Investigate MONTREAL (CP) -- A Mont- realer of Byelorussian origin said Wednesday night the RCMP promised to investigate his case following Soviet charges that a war criminal) lives at his suburban Rossmount}| Mr. Irving is involyed in steel |@ddress, Imarketing in the Atlantic prov: Marian Xfm we sed jinces. an interview he went to see the | Premier Smith said that)RCMP Wednesday to demand jevery avenue by which the Syd-jhis name be cleared of any con- ney plant could increase produc-|nection with the man wanted in tivity and economic stability|the Soviet Union SURVEY SHOWS Ontario French-Canadians Oppose Separatist Move TORONTO (CP) -- Leaders of| guage and Gallic culture. In a series of interviews with| bilingual and unbiased. The Globe and Mail, the leaders } say a French-speaking culture|French Education would be explored, including -- ga of recommenda-|us,"' he said. ion of the A. D. Little Co, in " i 1059 that a rod and bar mill be sca saad a ta Hocus 30 built at the Sydney plant site. |Tiarion Makarovich Kovalev There have been reports that|ever existed and he believes the the province would pay $23,-/Russian move is just another 000,000 for the 67-year-old mill,|example of Soviet propaganda, but Mr. Smith said it would be} The soviet Union delivered a improper" to discuss the cost/ note Tuesday to the Canadian until the legislature sits to ra-|ambassy in Moscow asking Can- tify the agreement. lada to extradite the man they Premier Smith said during named as Kovalev to answer the course of discussions with|charges related to Second World Dosco officials it was indicated| War atrocities in Byelorussia, 'They are going to try to help) jthe company's Trenton. N.S.,/one of the republics of the So- jworks and Halifax Shipyards | viet Union. Ltd. are competitively profita- ssaniateualee ible, i | : 8 no . | Mr. Smith said he did not sub. (S24 we. Feratitying." sania scribe to the theory that the ; | |province was becoming too in-/ PROBLEMS REMAIN volved in Nova Scotia's indus-| 'Serious problems as a per-) try, despite recent takeovers of manent solution still exist," he} |Clairtone Sound Corp. in Stellar-/said. "While the government | |ton, the Deuterium of Canada/has taken action it is impossible |Ltd. heavy water plant in Glace|to say whether they have taken Bay and now Dosco the best or proper action until} Meanwhile, Gerald A, Regan.,more details are disclosed at leader of the Liberal Opposition|the special session of the legis-| in the provincial legislature, |lature."' | | | | e j 3 pale ic) A PB ag ho "These children appear to be school trustee submitted a briefj/in » stupor and answer ques- to the Senate banking commit- arte 4 : . tee Wednesday asking for an in- tions very slowly and with diffi- quiry into damage already done|Culty, and have a deathly white by glue-sniffing and why chil-| pallor to their skin." dren do it. | The brief was not discussed Alan B. Archer, speaking as a| Wednesday in the brief time 7 private citizen, said only the|committee spent on a govern- Senate can bring to the atten-;ment bill which prohibits the tion of Canadians proper steps|advertising or sale of hazardous to fight the practice particularly|substances unless given authori- prominent among the 8 to 10-/ty to do so year-olds | The prohibition includes He said he believes 10 per|"glues for household or hobby-| cent of the school children in|craft use containing aliphatic or Metropolitan Toronto require|aromatic hydrocarbon solvents "some degree of adjustment." jor ketone solvents' used by Mr. Archer said he has seen/glue-sniffers. | children undér the influence of}. The committee will continue) toluene (aromatic hydrocarbon) |consideration of the bill next| from inhaling glue jweek ) YOU COULD BE rk Corby's smooth, whisky with a most distinctive flavour. 10 year old Canadian e HK. CORBY DISTILLERY LIMITED, CORBYVILLE, CANADA e A WINNER - - - LET'S PLAY MEADOWS ~-- OR -- ENGLISH STYLE Unfasten Your Ect Belt for . . « CHIPS 'N GRAVY A N | 4 ERVICE 6 TRAVEL S$ Sy hs sae VARIETY A --_-- ~~ Service : ' Use Our Te | MeMURRA ome ion -- Lend Sea -- Bites DRIVE-IN-RESTAURANT 2 nig at ca 723-9441 Simece St. N. at Taunton Rd. sen nied ite Ri Poon: Tee LN. r CHCKEN ovelties 25 King St. E. "THE BIG "M' DRIVE-IN" 208 Sineoe St. seen eels CANADA GENERAL J. V. AVIATION (Gov't. Approved Schoo & + Private & Commercial. Flying . Instruction Aircraft Rentals %* Chorter ond Private Flights Oshawa Municipel Airport vont & 728-3191 623-3396 APPLIANCES OSHAWA and FURNITURE LAUNDRY & AUTOMATIC 728- TRANSMISSION 2151 ROGERS a eae NO DOWN PAYMENT DRY CLEANING | ond trucks OSHAWA TRANSMISSION SERVICE 116 Bord St. W. 576-2610 YOULL BE AMAZED AT NO PAYMENTS 'til FEB. on major items only ! % PICK-UP & DELIVERY % DRIVE IN SERVICE *% CASH & CARRY * COMPLETE STORAGE PHONE TODAY 723-8166 THESE LOW PRICES... 50 Mill St. RULES cinesses on thi st Quality MEA week and send you FREEZER ORDERS atest Editor. ¢/o WIN YOURSELF A WRIST WATCH | FOR "FONIT" CONTEST advertisement corefully, There will oppea s enc k, the lost four digits form Specializing in . i" ; cetieipatting businesses Perrecs y MOTORS LTD. Guaranteed Used Cars ROY NICHOLS is advertisement. All yr answer along with your nar The Oshaws Times. The first Courtice and Bowmanville QUALITY MEATS Blelr Pork Pleze, Whitby Dundes Hwy. --- 668-4782 212 King h week vin rist watch, Entries ysat ber Large Voriety of European sg = OF eh. pedis we = Chevrolet and Canadion Cold Meats Cervair EAST END BRUNO'S HAIRSTYLING || °°" z Soles & For o new line of styles, call Mr. Peppino, Service now at Bruno's Hoirstyling. Open 6 Doys « Week and Thurs, & Fri. Evenings Phone 728-6206 46 years serving you, St. West 576-2010 | unter Mtn Ce Demoliti CLINT's || PELESHOK MOTORS © || , Demolition Work 1H @ Commercial TEXACO SERVICE STATION | | LIMITED aay ° poate Speciclizing in | } - b4 foto at a gal @ Tune Ups | See Our Wide Selection of , any e erin tal blens | | Used Cars at! Lowest Prices! te hice Seasonal Chonge Overs | 2 a Taunton Mantworth 728-5811 | Horweod ond Station Rd. AJAX 942-6300 er OSHAWA SPRING SERVICE CO. ROY ALLAN SERVICE Springs & ~ enna 80 @ Fall fune-ups tee "ee e He pick-up and delivery . or, True : @ 2 licensed mechanics @ 24 hour towing || fielceed 723-0821 1 288 BLOOR ST. 728-3293 ~ithe conference is a major step ing Quebec in Canada. Other-|dienne-Francaise wise, they fear, they may be as- @ Ontario), said: similated in a new English Can-| ada, és ; tion conference. I think that We follow the separatism) premier Robarts is one of the movement with a certain degree | neonle in Canada who can save of alarm, but alarm tempered) confederation." i weak Gradient at a Preuh| Rene Brunelle, Ontario lands radio station and an English|4"4 forest minister, is the only television outlet in Timmins. {member of the provincial cabi- net whose first language is Other members of the Fran-| french, He represents Cochrane much in favor of the Confedera- co-Ontario community put high) North riding, where there arelknows no constituent of French hopes in the Confederation -of {47.900 residents of French ori- Tomorrow Conference of provin-| pin. cial premiers which opens here|" ,, waa f j next week. Many leaders say|, My French - speaking consti: "|tuents are very much opposed towards preservation of Confed- to separatism. They feel it eration sf segs petite be harmful to them- , |selves. The Franco-Ontario communi-| |ty makes up a tenth of the prov-|SEPARATISM OPPOSED ince's population and nearly; Father Lucien Matte of the half of the French-Canadian | bilingual University of Sudbury population outside Quebec. 'says the 65,000 Sudbury area re- RO French is the first tongue for sidents of French origin--39 per Ontario's 650,000 French-speak-jnearly 75 per cent of the On-|cent of the population--are vi- ing residents say most are op-|tarto community and more thanjolently opposed to separatism. posed to separatism and dedi-/85 per cent are bilingual. Their cated to preserving their lan-|leaders see themselves as the|- Ontarian is in favor-of it. new breed of true Canadians-- Roger Sequin, president of tne|the people from 'other provinces Association|understand each other. can only be preserved by keep-|/Of Ontario (L'Association Cana-|we speak, we understand. The d'Education|trouble is the people of Alberta, "Those I have talked to are|speaking to the people in Que- "But we are more moderate] ber our Quebec friends," he sald. are 27,000 residents of French origin--48 per cent of the popu- against separatism. the legislature agreed. "As far as I know, no Franco|the United States in 1907. COLLECTION PRESENTED VICTORIA (CP) -- A collec. : ee tion of 50 watercolors painted In Mr. Guindon's riding there|., Henry Ogle Bell-Irving be- tween 1883 and 1886 has been lation--and 99 per cent are|presented to the British Colum- bia archives by Ian M. Bell-Iry- Other provincial members of|ing of Vancouver, a descendent of the artist. The collection in- cludes a number of scenes along ,|the CPR route through the Ca CABS MARK ANNIVERSARY nadi#z Rockies on whics Taxicabs made their debut in/artist worked as a construction engineer. rer a "The conference is our hope to make people of Quebec and When jin Newfoundland have not been [bec." | Elsewhere, Gaston Demers, |French - speaking Conservative member for Nickel Belt, esti- mates that 99.99 per cent of his riding "think separatism is a lot of nonsense," Elie Martel, New Democratic Party member for the new rid- ing of Sudbury East, said he ancestry who supports separa- tism. CANADA FIRST "I'm a Canadian first," he said. 'I don't put national origin ahead of being a Canadian." Fernand Guindon, Conserva- tive member for Stormont, says jthere is no chance Franco - On- jtarians will be assimilated into} an English society. | with a de LOWEST PRICES NOW Famous "'Redtop" Thermaftiber Brand! LOAD UP YOUR GAR OR TRUCK TODAY! INSU g CUBIC FOOT BAGS! Ideal for hard-to-get-at-places! Add it by hand... fill in weak spots... packs easily! ANY QUANTITY! LATION INSULATION BATTS C ' i 90 SQ. FT, CARTON : (R-7 Insulation Factor by Government Standard) BAG 3" 60 SQ, FT, CARTON {R-10 Insulation Factor by Government Standard) Add f now, trim your fuel bills! Same low price per carton whether you buy 1... or 101! Save Now! ANY LAMBS DRY, WHITE lightful tropical flavour CARTON QUANTITY! All Centres Open Daily 8 a.m.-6 p.m.: Saturdays to 5 p.m.; Fridays to 9 p.m. Self-Storing Combination Storm and Screen ALUMINUM DOORS 26 x 6'6 -- 2'8 x 68 2'10 x 610 Pr i FIRST QUALITY . . . UNGROOVED! Al EACH any PANELS ANY QUANTITY AT THESE SPECIAL LOW PRICES! T0 $23.77 V-Groove & Prefinished Also Available! MAHOGANY BI-FO Drilled For Hi LD DOORS | 9" 9" 4-PANEL ALSO vaneaste! 1%" MAHOG Ye" HARDBOARD $4.1 a07 some ANY QUANTITY Strictly First Quality! OTHER SIZES Made In Canada! ALSO CASHWAY CENTRES TO SERVE YOU!! North of PHONE BROOK aPANEL. PLAIN Hardware For Above Sizes, Set BROOKLIN At Highway Nos. 7 and 12 Zac EACH Hinges Installed! FLOO R OTHER TILES Sueur | "REYNOLDS" HORIZONTAL, WHITE! ALUMINUM $°3 44.50 SIDING oan YOU SAVE AT CASHWAY! 14-2 ELECTRIC WIRE WITH GROUND! '100', 250', 1000' ROLLS! $2.75 No. 1 Interior ANY DOORS AVAILABLE! Whitby LIN 655-3313 Road. quantity! Choice of 4 colours! 1/16" Vinyl Asbestos! SEE OUR COMPLETE JI [FLOOR TILE SELECTION! J - = ECONOMY GRADE SPRUCE & PINE 2x4-8's5 46°. Any Quantity! Hwy. 401 to Exit 66, south on Harwood to Station Road and West to 161 Dowty PHONE AJAX 942-1221 BEFORE THE MAG Kingston For Spee A,60mph chase through Osh- awa late one night ended injc Oshawa magistrate's court Wed-| nesday. F Before the court was Gregory) Shorts, 20, of 270 Wellington, St., Kingston. He denied a careless); driving charge, but was con-); victed and fined $100 and costs/ Ve ft or 20 days. Shorts told Magistrate Donald Dodds that he had never driven more than 60 mph. | Magistrate Dodds said: 'How come you say you were not driv-|: ing in a dare-devil manner then|t you say you were not driving at/i more than 60 mph. At theseli speeds, on these streets, weav- ing back and forth and goingji through a stop sign, presum-|' ably because you didn't see it,|: does this constitute driving with) due care and attention? Canada's Lai Hasn't Been TORONTO (CP) -- Canada's|! newest and largest town--popu-|: lation 105,000--will be formed) Jan. 1 even if residents don't know what to call it. : By the time Toronto Town- ship, caught in the surging spread of Toronto's western|: suburbs, becomes a municipal- ity, residents will have voted to call it Mississauga, an Indian) name, or Sheridan, a pioneer community on the township's western fringes. Mississauga is expected to); win in the Dec. 2 vote, a possi-| bility that caused one policeman), to remark: 'We'll never get all of it on the door of the cruis- ers." In a way, the town will sym- : bolize Canada's post-war subur-|, ban explosion. It includes such} communities as Cooksville,| Clarkson, Lakeview and Malton --site of Toronto International Airport. They have become pop- ular suburban locations, but never have been incorporated. The 103-square-mile town will surround Port Credit, with 8,000 people and Streetsville, popula-|' tion 7,500. Both will remain dis- tinct municipalities. WELCOME CHANGE fF For township officials--who!: Say In CBC | Sought By Qu QUEBEC (CP) -- Premier Daniel Johnson said Wednesday he is sending a letter to Prime Minister Pearson outlining the role Quebec is seeking in opera- tion of the French - language section of the CBC. The premier told a press con-| ference the letter outlines in de- tail the Quebec government's objections to the new federal bill on broadcasting. ' He said Quebec wants to}; *"thave a say" in the operation of} the network. At St. Johns, Que., Mr. John-) son attacked the broadcasting), will last Saturday as bordering} on Fascism and said Quebec wants to control the French sec-) tion of the CBC. ; He objected to the part of the bill which says the CBC should). contribute to the development of} national unity. | Hov to m The name of th We made it ir making it dry. And we made i new way to make ing sweetness. This makes Gr: rye so smooth y Cal

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