Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 23 Nov 1967, p. 23

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, November 23, 1967 s . itain ra greeny METAL BOX SUNK IN CONCRETE, I'M POSITIVE.,.A POLARIS-TYPE MISSILE LAUNCHER... ELECTRICAL CABLES LEADING FROM IT. ++AND HERE'S WHERE SOMETHING'S BEEN RIPPED LOOSE,..PROBABLY THE ara ig bya CUBAN FISHERMEN BROUGHT UP a's Aid usury because of the Canadian support he IMF, he said. arp told the Commons that Canada's contribu- er the IMF arrange- 11d Be about $01,0:.5,0%, in gold. lition, Canada would yroportionate share of obligation under an ar- ment among central id WHOA! SLOW CANT! LOUIE DOWN! A HANG os 1-25 He wrore lll! MY INITIALS IN KETCHUP THAT'S THE REAL. THING, ALL RIGHT ee Fa weiden. te "1042, Wad tin tert © King Features Syndicate, Ine 1967. World rights reserved. A DISCOVERY! WELL .++ee THEY oe tine i HAVE HUNG ON To Ar CANNON BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top Record-Holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) Mawth dealer. North - South vulnerable. oy 4 6 Hy rries ' y if ' 49 ; Opening lead--five of spades, e 4 The unusual notrump conven- , IT STOPS = f tion is unquestionably a value LAFFIN'ONLY able addition to the language of WHEN IT DONE | bidding, but, as with most arti- GITA GOOD DECIDED ON 52 ficial conventions, there is a NIGHT'S SLEEP, 4 tendency by players who adopt BEFO'TH' LAUGHING? | ad 7 it to abuse it. SADIE HAWKINS } Sa \ = id] According to the convention, EVE DANCE." 7 2 whenever a player makes a no- da --< trump overcall which cannot in nh, you nee ~ good sense have its natural i j 7} |meaning, he announces unusual ther exotic | ponegbtog Micra length in two of the unbid suits. : Including a) OUT OF THE In most deals, the unusual no- s fad BRAINWASHING trump shows length in the two er berries. "a TRAPPED! WE M MACHINE, minor suits, but when, as in the | spe present case, the opponents ) Alexander I pmores) have already bid two suits, the notrump bid asks partner to scenapaeing choose one of the remaining unl suits ta eeu NOW is THE TIME Most players who use . un- 1one usual notrump would not look ete and TO CASH IN ON THE with favor upon East's three .d. And one red that if : berries and SAVINGS ! YOUR PRESENT CAR CLIFF MILLS MOTORS notrump bid. They would regard the hand as too weak in high cards to justify use of the convention, though they would consider the distribution ideal for the purpose. . i i It is hard to blame West for thing -- MIGHT NOT LAST doubling four hearts, but the d. THROUGH WINTER! combination of the three no- y d 266 qd (4 W. 723-4634 trump overcall by East and the 1 make the SEE US TODAY ! double by West permitted de- gin ever. So > did. later we still don's is now elling gin in ror LONDON DRY GIN. RDON & CO, (CANADA) LTO, | | m= | 0S , Marquita iow White. Id Fantasy APS A yrmed EA. JULIET JONES MICKEY MOUSE GRANDMA MUGGS AND SKEETER AFTER ALL, WE WON, SHORT OVER, DIDN'T We? PEOPLE HAVE ee eet IT COMES TO A WINNER. AS TOUCH A FOO! TBALL, FIND YOURSELF ANOTHER GIRL. AND L MEAN IT! King Fosteres Synducata, inc, 1967. BESIDES MY MAGNETISM AND NATURAL CHARMS... ss WHAT ROCKED YOU WAS THE HERO Bit! I MEAN, AFTER ALL, BEING MRS, GREG DELMONICO WASN'T EXACTLY BEING MRS, NOBODY! BESIDES --)< T ONLY HAVE TO BATA A Ja OF we? ". Channel Channel Channel Channel Channel 3--Buttale 3--Barrie 4--Buffalo 4--Torente 7--Buttalo Channel @--Rochester Channel 9--Toronte Channel 11--Hamilton THURSDAY GVENING 6:00 P.M, sesgumous Quit N--Jericho é--Gentie Ben 3--Tralimaster 24--Pro Football 5:30 P.M, 12--Flintstones t--News é--Let's Go acaieedee 13--News, s Vi--Pierre Berton J--Movie 6--Rango 4--Pro Footbal! S--My Three Sons Wesiher, 6:3 P.M. \2--Premiere Theatre 11--Mothers-In-Law 3-6-9--News, Weather, and Sports 7:00 PLM, W--That Girl 9--Fiying Nun peice Is 4--Mov' That te PLM, weather, 7:3 PLM, V--Hockey 9---Hollywood Palace gts ted Special 7--Batm Accidental Family Deni Sone 8:00 P.M, 7--Fiying Nun Pa lb-togans Heroes tits Happening 7--King Family 3-6-12--Telescope 2-4--lronsides 9:00 P.M, %--Dean Martin 4--Movie 3-6-12--O'Keefe Centre Presents 130 PLM, 7--Peyton Place 2-4--Dragnet 18:00 P.M, 12--Dean Mart/n 9--Mann ACROSS . Amphibian |. and twenties ; Plants . Foster . Wandered . Worship . Exist . Smoothing tools . Parades . Sinclair Lewis character yeaihers sports . Midday . Mold . Examina- 5, Stroke . Nail J--Good Company 6--Dragnet 3--Run for Your Life elite» = Martin 0:30 P.M, 7Second Hundred 'ears The True North 11:00 PLM. 1 1--Plerre Berton Channel 12--Peterborough 215 P.M, 4--News, pats 14:20 PLM, 6--Viewpeint sport 11:25 PLM, 6--News, Weather, Sports 11:30 PLM, 7--Movie 2-8--Johnny Carson 1:38 PLM, 3--Merv. Griffin 11:40 P.M, I-Movie 9--Perrys' Probe 11:45 PLM, 12--Movie 6--Gideons Way 4--Movie 11:55 P.M, 4--Movie 12:10 A.M, 9-Movie PRIBAY 6 A.M, Ti--Schnitzel House +--Captain eh "ead a: A, 9:08 AM, 12-11--Ed Allen Time 9--Romper Room 8--Pastor's Study 6--Meta 4--Contact 3--Good Morning 2--Pat Boone 9:38 A.M. 11--Ontarlo Schools 9--Meta 3-6-12--Ontarlo Schools 4--Cartoon Corner | 10:00 A.M, | 11-Movie }%--Uncle Bobby $-2--Snap Judgment 7--Milton te Monster 4--Candid Camera 10:38 A.M, 6-2--Cencentration 7-+-Casper 4--Beverly Hillbillies 3-6-12--Friendly Giant | 11:00 ALM, | 12--Romper Room 9--Tugboat Annie 2-8--Personaility 7--Fantastic Four The raed Griffin Show | 4--Andy Griffith a paid Dressup _ CROSSWORD DOWN . Consisting of flowers . Pet name 3. Native metal . Traipse . Philippine voleano: poss. . Saga . Frolics tions race 28. Showed considera- tion for . Poplar . Ancient TELEVISION LOG | 1:38 AM NW KarHane Confidential |9--Mr. and Mrs. | &-2--Hollywood Squares | 7--Spider man | 4--Dick Van Dyke | 12 NOON | 3-12--News, Weather, | ports Hi--Little People ¢--Luncheon Date S| 4--News and Weather 12-6-4-3--Search for Tomorrow 12:45 P.M, M esatary? jy aad Viel PM, | Mae Douglas $--Mevi pia thy For Dollars, Virginie Graham 7--Beatles 4---Meet the Millers 4--Luncheon Date Movie iy M, 7--George of the Jungle Weta The Wort Turns t--Let"s Make A Deal 2:06 P.M, 7--Movie 4-6--Love's_@ Many Splen- dored Thing 8-2--Days ef Our Lives 2:30 PLM, 12---Calendar ar 68 Mason --Peeple in Confiiet 4--Art Linkletter 4--Coronation Street 24--Dectors 300 P.M. %--Magistrate's Court General Hospital 4--Te Tell The Truth 3-6-12--Take 30 2-4--Anether Werld 3:38 P.M, A ab ad 9---It's Your Meve 7--Commander Tom tat bry oy < As ag 24---You Don't 40 P. Ht \}--Super Heroes Ste 3 62 Bomie Prudden ike Deugl 4:0 P. on 11--Gilligan's Island 9--Mevie - atye 't to Beaver 4-Truth é@r Conse s mation . Stylish LUNITIE IR] agagu Die (ct IETS Sout 7 uber 's awe 32. Fruit of the oak 34. Pleads 37, Beast of burden 38, For shame 23. Shore recess Ye Y 24, Timid 25, Killed Y 27. Thailand weight U 3 28. Conti- nent: abbr. 30. Swiss river 31. Reckless persons 33. Timber 35. Bottle laa is Yi 'A grass 40. Warning whistle 41. Colleen HUBERT TRA DISGRACE! HELLO, AJAX N SUSPENDER COMPANY ? GIVE ME THE clarer to play the hand as though all cards were exposed. The result was that he made the contract despite West's mas- sive trump holding East won the spade lead with the ace and returned a spade to the king. After ruffing a spade in dummy, declarer cash- ed the K-Q of clubs and A-K of diamonds, following which he entered his hand with the ten of diamonds. By this time West was gown to the K-Q-J-5-3 of trumps' and when declarer now led the ace of clubs, West found it impos- sible to win more than two trump tricks. He ruffed with the jack and returned a low trump, but de- clarer won the return in dummy THEYRE DOING \ EVERYTHING THEY CAN To IMPROVE YOUR HEALTH Sour Smelling Caused By Ba Dear Dr. Molner: My daugh- ter, 9, has had a problem of "sour" smelling hair since she was six or seven. I wash her hair at least twice a week, yet the day after a shampoo the hair gets this odor. I've even any other reason? I am at my wits' end.--Mrs, J. R. The sour smell is due to bacterial breakdown of oils on the scalp, Try tincture of green soap as a shampoo, which may solve the problem because alcohol in this soap is both anti- septic (thus destroying bacte- ria) and effective in removing oils from the hair shafts. If that doesn't do the trick, consult a dermatologist to make sure she does not have a scalp infection. Dear Doctor: There seems to be a new idea--using green soap for a shampoo once a week or so. Isn't this too drastic? One person using it complains, "My hair is so soft I can't doa thing) with it." Also, my daughter gets more and more dandruff in spite of using products supposed to cure it. In my day, we were told to use pure castile soap and a lemon juice rinse.--E. M. I may not keep up on all the fashions in how to wash heads but I assure you that the use of tincture of green soap is 'not new. I've used it myself for years. It is true that it leaves the hair soft and a bjt unruly, because it removes oil from the hair shafts, but a bit of one of the hair-tamers makes it stay in place. Many a mild case of dandruff yields to one of -the anti-dan- druff shampoos (or to tincture) of green soap) but because dif- ferent bacteria may be at work in different cases, if a fair trial tried other shampoos, Is there|s probably, Hair cteria By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD doesn't succeed, my scxetetion is to see a dermatologist. MANY CAUSES For, after all, dandruff is a flaking of dried particles of skin which appear because of some skin disorder or a dry scalp. jSome mildly antiseptic shampoo! often will stop the trouble, but remember that dandruff isn't just one specific disorder. It can result from a number of disor- ders, which is why I suggest a specialist's guidance*if a rea- sonable trial with shampoos jdoesn't bring results Dear Dr. Molner: Would you \please write a column for teena- gers on acne or pimples. I am 13 and my face is beginning to break out. Do weight and diet play a part? I am overweight but don't eat chips or soft drinks like a lot of my friends Diet sometimes has some bearing on acne, but not al- jways. Simple but correct skin care is usually more important |--but not everybody seems to know what "correct skin care" means, Dear Dr. Molner: Is there any significance in the presence of blood in a nocturnal seminal emission? I am 60 and this has occurred twice in six months.-- rae 8 Ordinarily not, but it warrants a medical checkup of the pros- tate and urinary tract to make certain that no disease is present, In short, it can happen, but it's best to play safe and have an examination. Dear Dr. Molner: Would like to know the name of the pills you call stool softeners. Mrs. L. tC. There must be a score f them under various names. Not with the six, led the ten of hearts and ducked it to the queen, whereupon West had to return a heart from the K-5 into South's A-9. Therapeutic Abortions OTTAWA (CP) -- A promi- nent Canadian medical gyneti- cist told the Commons health committee Tuesday he favors therapeutic abortion where there is a one-in-four chance the baby will be born with serious defects. - Dr. F, Clarke Fraser, director of medical gynetics at the Mont- ~jreal Children's Hospital and a professor of genetics at McGill University, showed the commit- tee slides of children born with deformities and various condi- tions caused by genetic factors, Asked by Joseph O'Keefe (L- St. John's East) whether it is not "more shocking to abort the healthy ones'? than to allow malformed babies to be born, the doctor said no. If a "high probability" existed that the baby would be defective--he qualified this to a one-in-four chance--he would support termination of the preg- nancy. Such abortion should be voluntary and he would support changes in present laws to allow mothers to make such decisions. After genetic defects were de- tected in one or both the par- ents--usually after the first birth--it now was. usually possi- ble to "cite precise probabili- ties" of the chance of a defec- tive baby The committee is studying three private bills proposing broader grounds for therapeutic abortions. QUEENIE "I want my kids to have a better life than I've had . but quite frankly, they're going to have to go some..." all are in pill form. Your drug- gist can give you the trade names, but it would be better to ask your doctor to recommend the kind that would be best for your particular needs,

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