we wt te Johnson. But that lalified abit. legislative record in ar after his election hed by all that Ken- three years. After n, oe cee by the 4 on Congress. eo adoration of here are some likely sentimental one, a shining young man life so early; the ww that builds up ik-hero, making him gratitude for the ed Kennedy gave to " " historians; aided detachment of time, t to conclude that actual achievements han ordinary. NY GOING UP of Shillong, India, rebuilt after being y an earthquake in it is still rising. 15 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, November 22, 1967 NEW COMMAND Air Force Lt. Col. James A. McDivitt was named commander of the first manned test of the Saturn 5 super rocket in the Apollo moon landing program. Second in command will be Air Force Lt. Col. David R. Scott and a. civilian, Russell L. Schweickart, will be pilot of the lunar module. (AP _Wirephoto) _ 'GO' Manager Challenges Jurisdiction TORONTO (CP) --The Cana- dian transport commission does not have the absolute right to approve fares of the govern- ment of Ontario's transit sys- tem, William Howard, the sys- tem's manager, said Monday, Mr. Howard was commenting in an interview on the Supreme Court of Canada's unanimous decision that. the commission has jurisdiction over tolls charged by the Ontario com- muter train system which oper- ates from the Metropolitan To- ronto area to Hamilton. The court said the GO system must file its fare structure with the federal agency. Mr. Howard said although fare schedules must be filed, the commission does not have approval rights unless the fares are challenged. He said there had been few complaints about the fares which work out to about $1.36 from Toronto-Hamilton, graduat- ed according to the length of the journey. The GO service is operated by the CNR The court said tolls charged by the provincial service come under the Railway Act because it uses CNR tracks. Rh Problem Eradicated TORONTO (CP) --. Problems involved in the birth of the Rh baby have been "practically eradicated" by two Canadian doctors. Doctors Alvin Zipursky and Lyonel G. Israels published findings of their discovery of a method to prevent babies being born with the blood disease in the Nov. 18 edition of the Cana- dian Medical Association Jour- nal. Up to now, children--especial- ly the second and later ones-- conceived from mothers with Rh-negative blood and fathers of Rh-positive blood would fre- quently be either born with a severe mental retardation or die at birth or soon after. Dr. Zipursky, professor and head of the department of pe- diatrics, McMaster University, Hamilton, and Dr. Israels, pro- fessor of medicine, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, began their research shortly after 1960. The doctors show that if Rh- negative mothers are given an injection and immunized with gamma globulin containing anti- bodies which result from the clash of the negative and posi- tive blood factors, then the problem can be prevented. Smoke Causes Lump To Grow By DAVID QUINTNER WINDSOR, Ont. (CP) ~ A cancer-like lump induced to grow on an animal by exposing it to solid matter in cigarette smoke may have "a correlation with human cancer," a Univer- sity of Windsor scientist an- nounced, Dr. Joseph E. J. Habowsky, assistant professor of biology and one of three men here who have developed a "percolator" device for extracting nicotine and tars from cigarette smoke, told a'press conference that a grant was being sought from the Canadian Cancer Founda- tion to continue the investiga- tion. Showing slides and _photo- graphs, Dr. Habowsky said ex- periments conducted by the three men with the simple- celled animal hydra showed that when the creature, about the size of a pinhead, was ex- posed to precipitates obtained by the reolator device, it "rapidly disintegrates and cells break loose." He said the tumor seen to grow on the surface of hydra was "cancer for hydra, but we hs yet say with any certain- if it is the same cancer as af- fi ts humans. But there seems to be a correlation, de i a de * Here: are "week's 'LUCKY PUCK' WINNERS George ind i a a a a STEINBERG just afew of last $5.00 LUCKY PUCK WINNERS Miller, 581 Crerar Avenue Mrs. J. Oshawa Lonergan, 130 Keewatin Street S. Mr. G. Oshawa Roerdink, 95 King Street East Mr. D. Oshawa Ranieri, King East Mrs. S. 979 R Mr. S. 717 Oshawa Makie, onlea Avenue Oshawa Villeneuve, R.R. No. 2, Orono A. Calder, Eastbourne Oshawa . Bay latly Patricia ®inse Reg., Dry & Egg Shampoo orCreme 144 o67¢ Soft & Firm Hair Spray Lady © patricia 100zTn §7C oc" way fg Tin or Deodorant Reg. Bi. 71¢ m, Head re Shou & 'Shampoo Lotion Iders shampoo JJG Crest Res. or Mint Flavour Toothpastd tue" 77¢ OOP Tw COTS a SAVE MUCH MORE TAKE A GOOD LOOK AT THESE PRICES Back Ribs Devon Brand Canadian Sliced Back Bacon Yh lb. eho age Canada Grade 'A' Eviscerated f Davern Tray a 49¢ Fresh _-- 49 ¢ FRESH Ducks Lb, 65 Saulsages Smo Link Ub Beef Liver tb. LEG S Fresh Pork Quarter Loin ye Reig _--e 9c Fresh Sliced 29¢ OF Pork Chops crops'rer Pic. 68° Sausages Lb. Pork Liver *. e) O RK esi Pes Qo | Sean" ery Sliced Bologna Pee. + 49° Pork Hocks *- 2 ge ¢ Maple Leaf 1 th. Vacuum Packed Pkg. 19 Sliced Side Bacon FRESH Maple Leaf Vacuum Packed Sweet rekled Ae Cottage Rolls tb. RIB END 4] | : AVG. TENDERLOIN END Sf GOLDEN CHURN Canada 1st Grade > ~ BUTTER 65 LB, PKG, 16 OZ. Carnation Milk....... TINS FOR Cream HALF GALLON MAVOURS CAMPBELL"S --. Soup 2 10-0Z, TINS 20' Steinberg's Sliced BREAD 24 oz. loaf 21: Mrs. Luke's Jams 039: NS SS NS ED SS Se ee eee EE ES SS NL Steinberg's Granulated SUGAR wT | | | | | | : | | | | | | age | | | | 24 Oz. Raspberry Jor & Strawberry » with Peetin -- Miracle Whip 5 q at JAR KRAFT SALAD DRESSING INSTANT COFFEE 10 OZ. JAR $ 4g APPLES Ontario Grown Fancy Grade 6 Ot. Bskt MACINTOSH 69 Green Beans Florida's Finest Fresh Crisp Tender «ths Local Grown No. 1 Grade Small Lb. ng On 5iah 396 For 49¢ Cooking Onions Canada No. 1 Grade Imported Cucumbers tong Green Slicers 2 For 25¢ Leamington Grown No. 1 Grade Med. Hot House Tomatoes Just arrived from Florida Sweet aye? Tangelo Oranges Large size Available at all stores: Fresh Cepe Cod Ocean Spray Cranberries w. 296 Canada No. 1 Grade California's z. 490 Celery Stalks Large Stalks 2 For 49¢ CHEESE SLICES +] .00 SO re ee Re a ee ee Se Le FIELDS eo tibiae MARGARINE its, C PKGS. So LO A Re MOM'S wear WRAP ea eh ee oe | ,