Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Nov 1967, p. 3

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der s ies ome cloudy oat ing followed by intey. t snow tonight a y. Temperatures a iit 4 SEEKS NON-CONFIDENCE VOTE Stanfield Denounces Liberal Economic Policy By ALEX FARRELL OTTAWA (CP) -- The new Opposition leader, Robert Stan- field, seized his first opportunity PARLIAMENT Commons express its regret "that the mismanagement of this government has endan- gered the rate of economic THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, November 21, 1967 3 TRADE EXPERTS' PREDICTION Devaluation Seen Hurting Many Canadian Exports normal. Light winds, fo move non-confidence in the AT-A-GLANCE Geiwih; the croeberta a cate Bye hip ake Nagel pee pores with gre little changed, yet Even more important may be ast Temperatures government Monday, declaring) By THE CANADIAN PRESS factory levels of employment, ¢ bas tp es ay a e ae baer gress nar leeaioa! oo fgpeone" "a ht ope " that it has been careless about ports anufac-| exporters. |tured goods, bought to 'in- ght, high Wednesday scccccoes 30 ly and Protect With lernitine SIDING @ Inflation and is no longer taken Plgaapad by the Canadian peo- ple. The vote, which could topple the minority Liberal govern- ment, will be taken tonight. Mr. Stanfield's maiden speech in the House of Commons was a calmly delivered, 65-minute denunciation of Prime Minister Pearson's regime for complacen- cy and mismanagement on the economic front. Finance Minister Sharp called him a "singularly timid maiden" who offered no alter- natives to the "hard decisions" the government has to face for the good of the economy. Mr. Sharp announced earlier this month that tax increases will be made soon, but he gave no details. DOES IMPOSSIBLE MONDAY, Nov. 20, 1967 Opposition Leader Stanfield and NDP Leader Douglas moved non-confidence motions in the government. Mr. Stanfield, in his first major Commons speech, said the Liberal government has lost the confidence of Cana- dians because of economic mismanagement. Prime Minister Pearson re- buked Premier Johnson of Quebec for his statement the CBC should not promote national unity. Finance Minister Sharp said he had no evidence to support an NDP charge that a bank was overcharging for Ameri- can currency following deval- uation of the pound. Prime Minister Pearson left for a week-long visit to Lon- don. and the ability of individual Ca- nadians to meet their own com- mitments."' The issue, said the former Nova Scotia: premier, is "the credibility of this government." People did not believe it could provide the leadership the coun- try needs and develop the poli- cies ry for tained growth and expansion. New Democratic Leader Douglas moved an amendment calling upon the government to make it "crystal-clear" that na- tional medical care insurance will begin July 1, 1968, the date on which the federal govern- ment has said it is ready to go ahead, Mr. Douglas' amendment would also urge the government to deal with the economic situa- tion by establishing a Canada investment board to set priori- CINCINNATI, Ohio--This . a - Me Bae JET PASSENGER PLANE senger plane which crashed 8 reports were that as many mi - manufactured} At the Same time, if devalua-|12: tion is need more of the raw materials purchases from Canada. stuffs, trade ex-|goods made up only five to 10|port demand. cessful and stimulates|but this was the fastest- grow-|semi-manufacturers | $British exports, industries willjin that make up about half of alljcent more expensive on entry, British industries that could not What results is a mixed bag|previously compete with of prospects that could leave|ports may capture markets at|products have been in the dol- Canada's over-all trade picture|home. Sales of fully manufacturediished for both domestic and ex- If devaluation cent of last year's $1,-|gives competitors in Britain a 2,573,752 exports to Britain,|price margin, many Canadian could be shut out. Prospects for metals, lumber, paper and pulp are more fa- im-|Vorable, Exporters using these g category of all. With these items now 14 per |drums, with inventories low, NDP Accuses Monday that at least one char- Of Discount Gougeing OTTAWA (CP) -- An NDP|"Bloody member said in the Commons|added as he sat down. tered bank has charged a 914-|mr. Banks and this may change in 1968 if they can sell vigorously abroad. Exports of foodstuffs are |more difficult to predict. The jlong-term outlook for wheat and flour is gloomy although there may hot be any immediate ef- fect. i ay Consumer preferences must irresponsible," heloyerride price increases if such specialty items as Canadian cheese and fish are to hold their place in British shops. This The exchange occurred after Sharp had reported briefly % 5 P ties for both public and private z on' approach to the Great- as 40 persons may have /per-cent discount in converting) on the British move. {holds true for other foods. « by Keiser! PT ga aco ag Dg has TUESDAY, Nov. 21 investment, by returning the is the wreckage of the tall | .. Cincinnall Airport Mon- been killed. Canadian to American dollars) ---- nsulation @ No main. impossible to get inflation high The Commons meets at /dollar to a floating exchange| section of a TWA jet pas- day night. First unofficial (AP Wirephoto) |since the devaluation of the} » All work guaranteed interest rates and high unem-| 2:30 p.m. to resume the sup- |rate and controlling capital sc aS Cree ee LE, imates, ployment all at once, "but, of ply debate. The Senate meets at 8 p.m. movements in and out of the country, and by taxing financial Finance Minister Sharp im-| mediately ordered inquiries and/ Burning Rectal Itch e course, this government has : Hela 5 c rl os sim inn ena we' BNA Act Interpretation reported" within afew. minutes . : d # R 4 ! T H "So" we have both inflation|to work on one problem without ON LONDON VISIZ UE SUG ne be eymence 20 Relieved In Minutes n East -- 728.018] and unemployment, and the making the other worse." , government seems unable now | The prime minister will be support the statement. Colin Cameron (NDP -- Na- naimo - Cowichan - The Islands) This Special Hemorrhoid Remedy said it appeared the banks were| jp i engaged in a racket during the OTTAWA (CP) -- A startled Paul Daniels of the Chema-/gave the Prairie provinces the|uncertainty caused by Satur-! justice department' lawyer was|hawin Indian reserve near Thejright to their own natural re- day's devaluation of the British told Monday that his interpreta-/Pas in Manitoba was heard by|sources, also confirmed ound. : traditional hunting and fishing! Canada's dollar is pegged by rights of the Indians there. international agreement at 92%, Mr. Christie said the amend- cents in relation to the U.S. dol-| ment only required Manitoba lar and must be traded within Contains a Unique Healing Substance That Relieves Pain As It Shrinks Hemorrhoids " e of the most common afflic- tions is a condition known as "Itching Piles". It is most em- barrassing for the sufferer dur- ing the day and especially ment" was reported. This im- pro was maintained over a period of months! Among these sufferers were a wide vari- ety of hemorrhoid conditions-- bed Monday night for a week in| tu ent - 1Ca e ta S London, where he will receive! op ak | versity of London, and haveltion of a 1929 amendment to the /five justices earlier this year. OW ecruiting orts |talks with Prime Minister Wil-British Nortir America Act FOR ALL TO HEAR son, the freedom of the city, get an | |made it appear as "a hoax on Chief Justice Cartwright said} | 4 +] e Mr. Stanfield moved that the ' out of the country during to- S H O I d night's votes. He left by plane| een oax n A 1ans |honorary degree from the Uni- the Indians." heard| Mr. Pearson did not enter the ABs 2 ° 6 he appeal was being & . 5 ; TORONTO (CP) -- An official} At least two chemical engi-| ; A The comment was made byl, 2 atleast Ne jnot to pass laws affecting an- aggravating at night. even cases of long standing. of Dow Chemical of Canada/neering students who claimed to ay Ble debate Phe tne chief Justice J. R. Cartwright] ain 60 that all nine ine tamper tcient hunting rights of Indians, revel percentage polnt_of that If you want satisfactory relief | This was accomplished by a Ltd. was barricaded in a Uni-|be among 18 scheduled- for in-|@4¥.4S main intervention in|. the Supreme Court of Canada . Port did not require Canada to do ' --here's good news. A renowned ing substance (Bio- Mr. Sharp said that if in fact) banks are charging 914 cents for the Commons was a rebuke tol was asked to decide whether the len Bap Shas: "|v 'tet bec for saying that the CBC hie elie Yoncention @P-| Daniels was convicted by a\PROVINCIAL REFERENCE _ |conversion, it would be the duty should not promote national) | ovinces magistrate in December, 1964, He hgh the reference to rolls oni 4 ti in to main- unity. | Bea a : F _lof possession of two migratory|/aws "in force in the province|tain the pegged rate. Premier Johnson said Satur-|ment oe Ibirds out of season an was|from time to time" referred| But he suggested that the ex- day that the Quebec govern-| p yy, Christie, head of the|fined $10, only to provincial laws. lchange rate at that moment versity of Toronto building for|terviews with Mr. White were more than two hours Monday by|turned back forcibly. Three of students and professors whojfour others made it into the claim the firm is the chief man-|building. ufacturer of napalm used by the) After several attempts by the United States in Vietnam. j|demonstrators to force entry, More than 150 persons who|three were allowed into the tant constitutional point in-|the same. j new healing Dyne)--developed by a world- renowned research institution. This substance is now obtain- able in ointment or suppository form known as Preparation H. Ask for Preparation H Sup- positories (convenient to carry research laboratory has found a unique healing substance with the ability to promptly relieve the burning itch and pain. It actually shrinks hemorrhoids. This substance has been shown to produce a most effective rate Premier Daniel Johnson of Que- want Dow to stop recruiting em-|puilding to discuss the issue|Ment will try to obtain controlljystice department's criminal] County Court Judge J. W. secant decal that_In ae cad catign bucks CAM™-| of healing. Its gorm-Killing pro- | {f sway frurs home) or Propare- Ployees from the university|with Mr. White. of the CBC French-language/iaw section, was telling the|Thompson ordered a new trial,Giore «chan have the rent" : perties also help prevent | tion H Ointment with special campus blocked doors to the} One of them, David Hemblen,"°tWork oF establish its own,/court why he believes the con-|but his decision was wiped out! hunt and fish, It didn't say what/RESENTS ATTITUDE | infection. applicator. Available at all drog ts building where William White/, doctoral student who lectures and en ue ae gover: vention must be obeyed by the|by the Manitoba court of ap-|in¢ orovitieas Were te Ao y "I resent that frivolous atti-| In one hemorrhoid case after | counters. Satisfaction er your i iewi " espe 's attempt to ma ians w ief justi ' es do. 'ate. _--< wes interviewing sHmenis for, English at the university, an- EC deca ihe caine of national 7 gy gk Re aia justice|peal In previous decisions, the|tude on the part of the minis-| smother "very striking improve- money refunded. this) court has ruled that Indians in\ter," Ontario and the Northwest Ter- \ritories must obey the Migra- \tory Birds Convention. Mr. Justice Douglas Abbott, Daniels then appealed Moments later Mr. Justice|decision to the Supreme Court be ype said Mr. Cameron.| About 45 minutes later, Robin Ross, the university's vice-pres- ident and registrar, made the first of several attempts to per- nounced later that Mr. White unity borders on fascism. | had decided not to return for a) 44, pearson told the Com-|Wishart Spence said Mr. Chris-|of Canada. second day of interviews be-).one it is surprising that there|tie was making the federal gov-| William R. Martin of The Pas, cause of the protest. should be "any objection fromjernment look like "'an Indian|Man., appearing for Daniels, said the 1929 amendment to the rust c le the demonstrators to| However, he asked students to| anybody that the declared pur-|giver." : : , $40,000,008 ae main at their posts because|<yit of national unity is the pri-| The same appeal, involvingIBNA Act, under which Canada wna grrtind he poe Pa cond a a He said the university has a ae ev ro pg ing that!mary duty and objective of, all hunting rights of Indians were Aer duty to see that students have ow recruiting on cam-/Canadians, and of all Canadian pa greatly affected by.the conven- 9 an opportunity to seek any em- are would or. a agencies," including ap ti aratists CAS renc tion. ay a few birds were in- iwa ployment they want and said pok for the pany| Mr. Stanfield said he was volved. the purpose of the placementjin Sarnia said earlier that the|forced to conclude after reading "Only all the game birds service is being studied by ajCanadian firm does not make/Finance Minister Sharp's budg- committee, including the presi-|napalm or any of the napalm in-|e¢ speeches of the last two dent of the students' council. gredients. He said the work is|years that 'the government has Mr. Ross asked the students|done at a U.S. Dow plant in|heen far too complacent about to allow Mr. White to: pass but/Torrance, Calif. __|the dangers of inflation." was met by shouts of: The demonstrators pega The federal government anaes ar ce eriggeet ges od 'ong Seve = should have started trying long/French - Canadians in Quebec|Nothing belongs to us, We are] pedi -- ptt wl le peo iad it bi iad oe ago to bring about "a process Of| are jiving like paying tenants in paying tenants in our own coun- hair taal & agit Mr 'Dow representatives are con- passin ee ee a province owned by English-'try." , AE ied es tan 4 hite tapriad te ph fice car|ducting interviews at the uni- ramen. bukiness and gg since ygrnapc of ie Ras-|_ Although 82 per cent of the &s the demonstrators shouted: |versity as part of the company's labor, he said. Lamblenent. er Titian. Quebec population fs French ca, "Dow shalt not kill." annual recruiting program. "Tf this government had theidance Nationale told a private|nadian, they own only 12 per| confidence of oye there discussion group: a of the economy, Bourgault)} _ afs would be no need to give consi-| «won you; the Meeich, cone anle: Rene Tremblay Testifies 'Decision Already Made' Decision Already Made deration to any tax increases at}iy Montreal and see all those| For 400 years, the French in| a ne tall skyscrapers and big cars,|Canada had never known inde-| OTTAWA (CP) -- Rene Trem-| The Crown claims Mr. La- blay, former immigration min-)montagne also was lawyer for you may wonder why we injpendence or self - determina-| Quebec are making such a fuss.!tion. 4 the atom chrysanthemum, Re- ister, testified Monday he had|the United States government at : neg, already decided to refuse bail|that time in legal steps in Mont-|Searchers at the United King and to deport Joseph Bonnanojreal to ex tradite narcotics|\dom Atomic Energy Authority when he asked Raymond Denis|smuggler Lucien Rivard for|exposed several thousand plants to hear representations from ae in re : din Canals to radiation and found one 's lawyer. rown orney ; A cas eair. Tremblay, Liberal MP|has told the jury he seeks to|Particular tio ~~ gles for Matapedia-Matane, said he|prove that Denis tried to dis-/ger and brighter colored. took the precaution of informing|suade Mr. Lamontagne from op-|culturists hope the flower can Denis of his decision and in-|posing bail for Rivard. be marketed. structed Denis to make no com-| A considerable part of the mitment to the lawyer. questioning of Mr. Tremblay Mr. Tremblay was testifying|Friday and Monday centred on .for the second day at Denis'|the concurrent Bonnano case. PAI NT trial on a charge of attempting) When Mr. Assaly suggested Buy Direct Save up to 50% TONECRAFT King Park See 723-4922 there are," shot back Mr. Jus- tice Emmett Hall. As Second Class Citizens PARIS (Reuters) -- Quebec{ "But inside those skyscra- separatist leader Pierre Bour-jpers, the French - Canadians gault said Monday _ nightlare working as elevator boys. HEAT WITH OIL | DIXON'S | : OIL 313 ALBERT ST. || _24-HOUR SERVICE 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS --/ --th | HOPE TO MARKET IT LONDON (CP) -- British atomic scientists have produced a new flower which they call @ 6'x9's @ 9'x12's @ 9'x15's @ 9'x18's @ 12'x15's @ 12'x18's ANY SIZE, ANY COLOUR = SGARPET FOR ONLY This man has solved more financial problems in the past 3 years than most people do in a lifetime to obstruct justice three years|that July 30, 1964, Bonnano ago, when Denis was Mr. Trem-|"took his leave' from Canada, ' blay's executive assistant. Mr. Tremblay replied: '"'He was He said Denis reported to him|deported. that he met Bonnano's lawyer,) The jury of 12 men was sent Raymond Daoust of Montreal,|from the courtroom during the 'July 15, 1964, to hear a request|afternoon, for the third day for bail for Bonnano, who was|since Denis' trial began a week 'fighting deportation. ago. Crown and defence lawyers This date was a day after|have been presenting legal ar- Denis met Montreal lawyer/guments on admissibility of evi-| Pierre Lamontagne in the immi-|dence gration minister's parliamen-|-- That's why he's managing our new Whitby Office Whatever the reason, whatever the amount, all financial problems get full consideration. And that's where Dick Gregory comes im Because it's often his responsibility to help you plan your repayment plans, and make any size loans as easy as possible. With our new branch, we'll be able to help tary office suite. The Crown al- Jeges Denis relayed a $20,000 offer to Mr. Lamontagne. Mr, Tremblay agreed with de- fence counsel Louis Assaly that he concluded that it had been useful for Denis to meet Mr, La- montagne July 14. Mr. Lamon- tagne had been introduced to him as the immigration depart- ment's lawyer in the Bonnano case. LOOKING FOR A COMFORTABLE QUIET RENDEZVOUS DOWNTOWN? THEN GO TO THE Tally-Ho Room Hotei Lancaster 27 KING ST. WEST It isn't an accident that Dick Gregory is the manager of our new branch office at 103 Brock St. South. After years in the finance field, Dick is pretty much an expert in money. And people. We know fromi 45 years of experience that S tos139! Also... SAVINGS ACCOUNTS @ Hardtwists @ Ozite people come to the Associates for all kinds e , ; : i of reasons. They come for modest $50 loans Whitby residents with their financial ® 7 one to tide them "til next payd 1 blems. As a matter of fact, maybe you're MOTOROLA COLOR | TV |i qo; rasonn 2" Acre te oe oes eric otie: me et eee 23 d ACCOUNTS T.V. advertised 501 gothique-extra debts. The Associates Realty Credit Limited around and see Dick Gregory soon? He'll be r @ Rectangular. Tube pe a 1968 dense pile plush also makes first and second mortgage loans glad to help you. That's what he's there for. @ Uhf- Vhf w available. oa Gaal Gat G of @ Hand Wired Bees cera Shop at home service -- 24 hour Chassis ° answering service, CALL o 1 Yeor Gucronen CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST 576-3790 art <a apenas & SAVINGS CORPORATION Fepleineie cine ASSOCIATES ° r i bd 1 Bd 19 Simcoe St. N., Oshewe T a -- _ 23 King St Wig Bowmenvila FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED NVENIENT TERMS ARRANGED I] fg: oven Mé&D CARPETS 103 BROCK ST. SOUTH, WHITBY PHONE: 668-6891 * FRIDAY . 1. R. l. 0. TELEVISION abit Broadlnam Snecialists 111 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH, OSHAWA PHONE: 725-6531 . 5 LIMITED rounanad, SATURDAYS EASY TERMS ee od -LEOD: BOND & DIVISION PHONE 728-5143 OF senvct

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