Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 18 Nov 1967, p. 16

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i 16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, November 18, 1967 |20--Reol Estate for Sole |20--Real Estate for Sale |26--Apartments for Rent |26--Apartments for Rent |27---Rooms for Rent |30--Automobiles for Sole | |34--Automobile Repeir "AUTOMATIC. TRANSMISSION CENTRE 1038 Simcoe St. N., 728-7339 Transmissions are Our Only Business --- Repairs, Adjust- ments, Exchanges. All work Guaranteed FRED STONE _ Brooklin -- 86 Queen St. & Automotive Machine Shop REBUILT ENGINES OVERHAUL AND ENGINE PARTS SELL | unwanted articles. Phone 723-3492 for Action 35--Lost and Found LOST. Darn brown wallet containing citizenship papers ae other important papers, Call 725-034! LOST -- in -Oshawa, Tuesday evening, brown wallet, containing large sum of money and personal papers, Reward, Telephone 723-9876. 36--Legol TOWNSHIP OF WHITBY NOTICE Statement of ao question be sumitted to the electors at the annual elections to be held on December 9th, 1967, to "Are you in favour of moving pictures, theatri- cal performances, con- certs and lectures on the Lord's Day to be regulat- under the authority of the ed by Municipal By-Law Lord's Day (Ontario) Act, 1960-61". TAKE NOTICE that the tore going is a correct statement of the question to be submit- ted to the vote of the electros of the Township of Whitby pursuant to By-law No. 2142 passed on the 16th day of October, 1967. A The day for taking the vote of the electors upon the soid question, the places where the votes are to be taken and the Deputy Returning Officers shall be the some for the election for the Municipal Council and the Returning Officer appointed to hold the said election shall take the vote, AND NOTICE is further giv- en that Friday the Ist doy of December, 1967 at the hour of 2:00 o'clock in the after- noon at the Municipal Build- ing, Brooklin, Ontarie in the Township of Whitby, hos been fixed at the time ond place for the appointment of persons to attend the polling places and at the final sum- ming up of votes by the Clerk. On Monday, the 11th day ot December, 1967 ot the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the after- noon ot the Municipal Build- ing, the Township Clerk shall attend and sum up the votes for and against the said question. DATED at the Township of Whitby this 9th day of Nov ember, 1967. Wm. H. WALLACE, AMCT., Township of Whitby NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of ROSE CHIOVITTI, also known as Rose Giovanetti, de- ceased All persons hoving claims against the estate of Rose Chiovitti, also known as Rose Giovanetti, late of the town- ship of Whitby, in the Coun- ty of Ontario, Widow, de- ceased, who died on or about the 25th day of July, 1967, ore hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or be- fore the 30th day of Novem- ber, 1967, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date, the un- dersigned will distribute the estate having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Toronto, this First doy of November, 1967 ROCCO GIOVANETTL and JOSEPH GIOVANETTI, hy FRANK D. NASSO, 62 Richmond Street, W. Toronto, Ontario. Their solicitor herein NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of Arthur Leonard Price, Deceased. Clerk, All claims against the estate = RANCH BUNGALOW, three large ate, ~~ |WHITB8Y -- Furnished room in modern| GM) $5,000. DOWN rooms, recreation room, combined liv Immediate Occupancy home for two ladies (twin beds), kitchen 1965 EPIC (G.M. o--! sta! | |20-----Reol Estate for Sole d ing. room and dining room, decorated] |priviteges. Close to bus stop, free park: 20--Real Estate tor Sole BUYS 5 BEDROOM HOME |and Innascaped. 6 pet cent NMA. mort-| Move to |Ing. 66b-s PRIVATE | gage or can be refinanced. No agents.) : C M suRnuhes "BEDROOMS with kitchen F OLIVE HOWE fl vohieegnine bacecl | Mala Glen asa anana /|and laundry facilities, sitting room with hes tage ini OCR owing stream Tae . | . television. Near bus stop, General) er SK- el eeree LG PAUL RISTOW . |20a--Summer Properties | 230 Nipigon St. (Motors hospital, downtown. Hydro in-| ing $975. E mis ca >. Field stone front, double gor- | _' For Sale or Rent } Courts uded, Giris only! 728-3719. 723-7843 ae ian : ) A To age, 400 sq. ft. family room io pune, 835 Oxford St @ Best rent! value in the hee "FURNISHED. tooseketing, Toor 515 Nee ' with -- fieldstoine fireplace, RET RE ENT : heort of town. cluding sink. Apely 313 French Street or | agi easy es Been | "Your Realtor" a pesioony have wall-to- | M | Building for comfortable fiv- © Impressive lobbies. telephone 722-7468 | 1962 Acadian Coach 668-5853 | wal! broadioom, attractive | ing, within walking distonce ONE SINGLE furnished room, y Tedies | 728-9474 kitchen with dish washer o HOMES of South GM plant @ Controlled entrance door. only. Telephone 668-2466, 4 'cylinder, 90 H.P. extra NEW OR OLD r corlon floors, balcony off dint 3 f i LARGE ROOM, three minutes to | down-| snow tie ond ties, eel A heme of your own is the ing room overlaaking a wood- @ Controlled entrance doors @ Modern spacious suites, |town.. Apply 165 Albert Street, pan. 'ei sd Jvraemapuaie Frage § ; | ed scene with stream oll yeor Two nice retirement homes @ Modern specious suites Larne Malton $15 WEEKLY includes completely fur-| lent condition. $700. Apply bes Foe { REALLY BIG | round, one four piece bath- just recently available, Both @ Large balconies . ; [nished kitchen and bedsitting room. Rit-| Oshawa Beauty Supply bile tne grote ete Five bedroom home with fam |: room, one three piece with are in village of Norwood. @ Hi-fi music in every suite @ Hi-fi music in every suite, Aes peceatnon Tacohene: 7% 4355,| Wholesale, 15 King St. E. ran Gone ag 116 Bathrooms, | ily. size. kitchen and nicely | ceramic tiled wall in shower Reasonably priced @ Lots of closet space © Lets of closet space. [FURNISHED KITCHEN and bedroom. Qchqwo. se 2 som. fully | finished rec. room Located | Possession by December 10th. c Gies Romany I @ Free parking Suitable for one or two gentlemen, Apply ; eee separate dining roor ¥ | on a 75 foot lot right in the Asking price: $34,900 'ontact Gerry Ramsey at the @ Hydro included @ Free parking S61 Ritson Road South. Telephone 723: '64 RAMBLER deluxe station wagon, V-8, decorated, oil heating, ther | City. Excellent value at $21,- | : Marmora office (613) 472- | ia Extra powdar toon in 2 42 automatic), only $11 weekly, Wellman's : xtr | -- -7351, me Te 2 NT so 01 000 | Contact Bill Millar 725-2557 3432 of write | and 3 Gadrom suites This. 1s: your enonce leith -coeiee tnd washing. facies, Pri a, station wagon, auto- ing ake the first step ae | | 725-1186 with ind washing = J y better living by calling Aud- | WYERY COMFORTABLE | BOWES AND COCKS Call Todoy Pee ieih eins vale erence. Telehote_ T9200. __ Thies' aki Sica ar Wat ler To rey, oe et 668-5853 or 3 bedroom bungalow in Ross- | W. Bi Bs LAMSON LIMITED Mrs. Werner Call MRS. WERNER lta Indies. oniy. Preferred 'working. Close --, ae ae Ss : 668-4 ' New bath- is Marmora, Ontario to shopping centre. 65 Fernhill Bivd. or ALL USED PA fires, wheels, radi- V% ACRES | eC ny redath Y Utehen Real Estate i | 725-0657 725-0657 felephone 728-8780. ieee seta leg trailers, springs, 509 WY " with built-in stove make this : FOR SALE -- Rice Lake -- Three-bed-| , 12-9 PM ROOM IN the vicinity of Oshawa Shop. --o Idea! lot for .thet rambling | | Weekdays 12-9 P.M. Weekdays ping Centre, lady preferred. Telephone 1954 FORD, standard, A-1 condition, five dea! lot for ;tho , | she ideal home for the youne WHO SAID MONEY fourm' Wexeiiaat catiege. tirieies., fice Sat ban, Tak EM Cok & Sun. 12:4 BM 728 3690 new tires, radio. Telephone 623-5718 any- 4) n ace Sit NveENiences. 10, L] \e ~ . i country home | pete wal | family or retiring couple CAN'T BUY Pai afer Foon, or After Hours 625-1759 or ofter hours 625-1759 FURNISHED single room, light house. an eeeet dreaming of. If the desirer | The price is right too at only HAPPINESS? | Gs a Keeping. (ft desired n quiet, clean WRECKING 1959 Pont isi 5 jocetion. has been holding you $15.00 f 121--Farms for Sale $$ $$$ ~raemaernre mori wane, Cinks fe Darveven. Collegiate. Ap: |vertiele. V8 sulorniic ° Way. Chey: up, call now. Marie Wilson at Only $27,500 will buy it for Sa abe Gs Ga ae GOVERNOR TI y arewell Avent plat | two-door, , ; 728-3937 ' ; ys 7 NOW REN NG ONE BEDROOM apartment to. share, liye 668-5853 or 728-39: AN EARLY CHRISTMAS '} you inctuding all equipment, two creeks, all ANSIONS $8 per week. w afi privileges. 6) CHEVROLET A eed wagon, like The | be your opinion | This lovely 6 room split level, | facilities in house. Bethany area M M television, tree parking. Call 723-6508 new, tires, body, etc., automatic, radio, HAPPY HOME OFFERED BON We ee Bat ; John Sandy, 725-8010. W. 0. Martin Real More end more of Oshowe's 4 pear apc St2 per week, Lic. 13829X. Wellman's, IER when you discover this. spot walkout on a ravine lot in [igr, 728-510: i BED-SITTING ground floor, pri | 794.7351 BY OWNER 5 room brick bungalow beautiful Beau Volley hos an 4g acRE FARM immaculate home ADULT PRESTIGE nicest people ore orn vale home and, Gen. aay PONTIAC" Parlsleaneriwe Tosi c J erat Metors err , : Cute, cozy, clean, and Y he vours for only $4,000 | attached garage, fireplace (bank barn. Good flat land. Firm price RESIDENCE reasonable rents at the nels. Telanhens hardtop, V-8 motor, automatic. transmis- ble 3 bed b 4 j 4 uae " " an BS e pro OP. + automatic ; tortable 3 bedroom brick an lt is ideally located dnd =| and broadloom in living room z lown payment no problem. Nr Two Nt sion. New snow tires. Completely win- ; A Aor s k CELY turnished rooms, bed-sit stone bungalow, conveniently owner will hold a mort- | separate dining" room and ase wait tine ce) Ole anna le, . « A [RRO REARS Sess ami tras |eried. sets located neor schools, nicely | Gage for the balance of the large kitchen, rec room 12° 723-5467 or 655-4479 tor _ partic mmediate Occupancy Oo R P |East Telephone 945 cit ee ene four-door, 500d eon a landscaped lot, paved drive, | feolictic full price of $14 0" x 31' with fireplace and |vlar#. W. L. Dougan Realtors, For: appointment te view |CAPABLE lady pensioner for "widow's ae o phot Price includes wall to-woll 500 built-in bor and book cases. |99_ Lots for Sale uxury apartment. § M A pea ag ay. ecileealitacs 1956 Monarch two-door hardtop, carpeting in living room, hol i May be seen by appointment pas ee please coll rv gear good shape, body rough.! and stairway, refrigerator DEVELOPER'S DELIGHT only, arrange for one now Ses ors S S R ERR FLY. Mu aed See 5 ar tat | manila S100 ot Gest CAFay, TeSenone 728 deep freeze, large recreatior The wise investor will see the oll Horry Taras, 728-9817 ike CRE LOTS MRS. FORREST L T lmain floor, twin beds, On bus line, Park --VKURMALL ; : this. You'll i ey te ots to choose m es ing 725.3206, 728-071 a} station wagon, original| room. 'Don pe Av acae More advantage in purchasing this SCHOFIELD-AKER Ltd $1.000 DOWN PAY MENT esident manager) Pinna atl owner, driven 33,000 mites in Oshawa love it. Call Audrey r i Gere parcel with 2 dwellings REALTOR with easy terms. on Y M FURNISHED BACHELOR apartment, rea. Best offer over $150. 725-1967, 725-| at 668-5853 or 668-4088 now. Located within the City fall eo gtelidiles 723-1712 N emer ony. sts weekly: Telepnone 193- y" ee | ; is { ig --------_--_--_------- | asta '59 OLDSMOBILE convertible. License | P ts. thls Ww oppea! t within commuting distance |7460 : FOR ys bo abe poor E those with foresight. The com Country Livin Joseph Bosco, Realtor YOU N Ni [MARY STREET, North end - furnished ee Pee ae on: tere, | € sgh ly N seal . bined properties are being of i g 798.7377 |bedroom in quiet residential home, two trade or cash. Peleshok Motors, Ajax, on hwy 6. 2, older home rit te fig . : 3 bathrooms, parking, superior accommo: 947-6300 or 668-652) Sih a lnk or pateniel. A e ed erm © suit the Rossland Rd. W. TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Large lot could be the a gations for gentlemen Telephone 725: " sue Wi modest iny r ch Pie wate se to schools 145 mornings' or after 5 little work and core is all that ps RR rtd by al ledge Ogee tea ie 4 ts. License 280724. is needed to. moke this bung Scacious thee bedioom one : LUCKY TENANT | S ROOM FOR RENT at 132 Church Street Condition. Cash, trade or terms. Peleshok alow a cozy place in which to PAUL RISTOW brick bungalow with attached to win 250 DOLLARS | PHONE 728- 9724 Telephone 725-388 = Mertors, Ajax, 942-6300 or 668-6521. live. Only $13,000. Coll Els arage, oversize kitchen with |23----Reel Estate Wanted ' BED-SITTING room for rent, with light "64 EPIC, blue. Good economy ear, Li- ive y 3 5.5853 TP 2 9 vith your opartment number housekeeping. Private bathroom, close to cense J7731), A cash saver and depend. peth Hilts at 66 or Bee Ri uilt-in stove and oven, large to be drawn ont Jonuary' 2, hospital, Lady preferred elephone able transportation. Trade, terms and| 468-5017 for additional in "Your Realtor' family room on main level, REAL ESTATE WANTED 1968 Y Osh 4c B 728-713 cash. Peleshok Motors, Alax, 942-6300 or fermation ft Ee iat POP PEST broadloom in living room, Bedsitting room $80 -- Two shawas Best TWO furnished bedrooms, private home, 968-652! eS Res SESSION! 792 : extra 3 pc. both off master bedrooms -$149---and----$129 R Val | ules Sect ered Shiai nes area op "5 CHEVELLE, ivio door hardion, V4, IMMEDIATE POSSESS 28-9474 bedroom. Double paved drive ncl.: stove, fridge, water, enta atue flonal, Afler 4 p.m; 728-61 money--on- this~one;Trade;terms-cash | 3. bedroom = semi-detached After 5 piv all woy, large lot 100 ft. by a : Secs hydro and electric heating THREE-ROOM apartment for rent. in caleince Motors, Ajax, 942-6300 or 668-| oft st the ott home in excellent condition Mp ciate 123-8327 150 ft. Very close to Sep- aE ; ss ; Sa 4 aM . To be seen by appointments TOWER on Tea eesti SCenireh" Wer PONTIAC, automatic, radio. License| | SEAT TERS - NPT ENE your home as the down pay a "1s? ce, es : : 1¥% bathrooms, water softer i ery 325-3606 arate and Public _ Schools Tene Th" cae 1E wack ' CALL 723-5325 comed. Telephone 728-2958. 247563, In new condition, an excellent | er, storms and screens, fenced 9 ¢ Priced ot just $24,500. Call iia Details of draw given with 7 7 buy. Trade, terms or sh. Peleshok $14,900 | \ 1 qualifies tor - trade ee a een | FURNISHED, bed-sitting room in pri He, recor yard. Asking Irwin Cruikshanks now ot | Juni pat a application only | vate, adult -home. King West - Park area, Motors, Alax, 942-6300 or 668-6521. Call 668-5853 - ------- 728-5205 | Bipmeniae x 2 ee eeomeas| e Suitable for young working girl. Tele '64 FORD Econoline. License 845%) ; | JOSEPH BOS co Realtor is ' a ssislalaail Phone 728-0055 A-1 condition. Exceptionally sharp. Tri BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY J. B | -- Schofield-Aker Ltd 28.7377 La Contessa 2 a ik ow erie ee | , lon I " 3 t over- urnished room exchange fot of two ' SP tet Pech Elegant Beauty Salo hal Realtors -- | Aartinent looking North Oshawo Park school-age children. No housework. 728-43 STUDEBAKER, aufomatic, located in. Whitby. For fur- | C | | R j0764 after 6:30 p.m jo, license. 464327, Looks like new, bu ther information call Audrey | SELL YOUR A Distinguished Address se agit room, at sauna F = yer seeing is believing, Cash, terms or trade. L ASLEEP | room, swimming po Peleshok Motors, Alax, 942-6300 or 668- Moore et 668-5853 or 668 & CO UNBELIEVEABLE M ' 8-- oom an oar cet Reh hax OS 4088 . | HOME NOW! 140 Nonquon Road 723-3037 ROOM AND BOARD for gentleman, six 47 CAMARO four speed, Va red. Lie Call 576-0330 Z : RODMAN "DARD tor OesTernMn: 67 CAMARD our tate VA. red. Le: HUGE LOT-- 0 a i Call 725- 148] FURNISHED and ---- |phone 723-0566 terms or cash. Peleshok Motors, Alex, 131' x 138 725-3557 $4,65 : | H. Keith Ltd $$$ UNFURNISHED 57 COLBORNE EAST, room and board, 742-6300 or 668-6521 This hi th eaillant. 1 | . . gentieman to share, single beds. Close 67 CAMARO, two door herdtop. Va a ee | REALTOR 'TWO BEDROOM 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apart. |'2_Nerth_General Motors. automatic. License J72319. All extras. res ,extroa for w" ' " me - eanpeinesansaneten _ . sh, maar bakecom 28" x 1, BUILDER'S LOSS Suite APARTMENT ments. Controlled entrance. ROOM AND BOARD for lady near hos: [Rew Col MATONY Kin itaoD or 46d recreation room, family room Two new bungalows featuring ommierciol building on: Moin | $ $ CASH $ $ stove, refrigerator, drapes Twin elevators, swimming Telephone 725-6195 : $521. Rr ene Gia PMNS with open notural fireplace attached garages located in a4 ia he iuite wealg 4 supplied pool, fenced playground. ROOM OR ROOM and board In country "#6 PONTIAC, two door hardtop. Auto- r oom the North East area with one pe suite newly E 4 or home,- laundry done. Brooklin 455-3058, | Matic, power, bucket seats. Ermine white. large combination living r ra decorated, full occupied, old-. | or your home, Coll 728-4283 or apply 723-2347 Bh Lah License J72933. Trade, terms or. cash. and dining room. With a 30 mortgage at 7% Builder Sad yeti | ovcheet MALE BOARDER, lunches packed, pri- Peleshok Motors, Alax, 942-6300. or 668- day posession' date, you 'cat says to bring offers IM er buriding, Ample parking WILLARD JOHNSTON 340 Marland, Apt. Wd Eck eek TA UNION | vate TV in room, parking. Close to bug. | 6521 be. settled in. this home for MEDIATE POSSESSION 728-1066 : Rae ie pia or WHITBY Li san aes ---|'66 OLDSMOBILE, tan sedan. All power. the Christmas Season Coll oll Harold Segal et 725- : SHELDIAN MANSIONS ROOM AND. BOARD 'for gentlemen. /Company cer. License J7asa. Rvary- J o. ve 2, bao 7 iS seven-day week. Telephone 923-7245 or thin u want in a vehicle. Terms, Marie Wilson ot 668-5853 3557 or 725-177 SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD © Sublet 2 and 2 bad Large modern apartment 2- [tt "fais street trade, cash. Peleshok Motors, Alex, 942 Ll ison 6 > ici dh - Sublet large 2 an ed- re pasted Peat er 728-3937 -- en é <a x bedrooms, electric heat, ---------- 16300, or 668 ee | "ESTATE SALE" SN Site ent Ae ost es) ee i pie stove, refrigerator, laundry | 29--Wanted to Rent a ONO auiomatie, |Your g | > ' OT "apabaed . Lay ' sre = : -- 'door sedan, excellent condition. Asking : a LOT | TWO STOREY ONE OPEN om ey male Setcals Real Estate Ltd elevators @ free hydro and facilities. To inspect call: WAREHOUSE SPACE wanted, "epproxi- $850 or best offer. Telephone 728-6020 &8' x 176) on -Tounton Road | BRICK HOME | elepho 28-4678 parking 668 6737 | mately, 300 square feet, no heat or plumb- | evenings. + Full PB R50. Fr | R bg ing required but must be dry and have saat sesh neorienesnsesroen tne srs es aa ee 1 |: Geuaden ot tae | MORTGAGE |24--Stores, Offices, Storage CALL 728-2502 ol pccben: tor Iractor: trallers: Telephone! 798-)108) BAMBERE Sellen. Sma San 668-5853 rooms, and featuring double $2.500 DOWN |wHITBY CENTRAL -- two room office) SUB-LET ie rs 7 i Sion Ole ort light blue Interior. Tele- iuala ive 1 - jsuite, main street of Whitby. $65 month- or a le THEE cera pete eo y. "Ail aervices paid. Lease avaiiapie.| ONE BEDROOM 2 BEDROOM iles c furnace and located close to eee H. Keith Ltd, Realtor, 576-0330 31--Compect Cars for Sale Income Potentio! would be all services. Must be sold to 3 bedroom bungalow, living- WAREHOUSE Coen Arcick eee { APARTMENT $$$ __---- 4 J c| . f it, 800 r feet artmen' ove. retr ra- terrific in this 10 room spo- settle estate. Call Horold pall sl poe' on: i Teeetare oF er ren square fee Pp A oe sn efrige GOVERNOR MANSIONS | 'WELLMAN | ok - Volvo and Peugot -- | 1 Bees ah PORLRERD ap JOS lyr w . y palatal alt or, drapes supplied. ee eee | ae | sisaav. oat one |25--Hapes for Rent 'eater 380 PM RAMBLER i: | * Mercedes Bena i fet, centrally lecated in| | = a a 728-4283 or apply : DEMONSTRATION SALE General Repair and eth Men he aa a4 | 728-1678 ine cuit bungalow for rent. Apply 340 Marland Apt. d ] ' 4 1968 AMERICAN $2,244 Auto-Electric Service Whitby. Ideal for rooming | » Modern. Grill, 345 Ritson Road South ? Beatah i sen house. Shown by appointment | $2? 900. H. MILLEN |FOUR ROOM house, vicinity of North = = Ane 1968 JAVELIN .... $2,743 Jake and Bill's Garage enly. Call Audrey Moore st ] | ' Oshawa. Telephone 725-5174 Re enc Towers intercom, PM. music, 1968 REBEL $2,561 | 449 Ritson Rd. South 668-5853 or 668-4088 with | Real Fstate Ltd, Realtor FIVE ROOM brick home, $150 monthly, g y free hydro, $125 monthly. Imi | Oshawa 728-0921 EVENINGS AND years 'old. Children welcome. Tele PREMIER | 576-0267 evenings. 1968 AMBASSADOR epee Pinko TENN ned NLH.A = - =-- phone 1-533-075%, weekends or 722-4035 SEGROOW eee -----| 2-door hardtop with air i WEEK-ENDS CALL: 7 LOANE STORE & APARTMENTS neoiuays 'ac BROOM 'apsrimenis, available) oer ditioning only .. $2,899 | ZOLTAN AND NICK'S Elepeth Hilts 668-5017 Located at 214 Bloor Street NGALOW, r i Bedroom Apts oa S aae| . : | Y Authreized Di Senandar: Binancina: Aveiloble BUNGALOW, modern three - bedroom Free hyd rki d mage deposit. Sibby's Reel Estate Full factory warranty all cars | our Authroize latsun Audrey Moore 668-4088 puccal eeu East at Ritson. Zoned C-2. brick oil heat. Close to south Genera vero, "ParKing, drapes, ithe a uy y | and Fiot Deoler Marie Wilson 728-3937 2 BUNGALOWS | Brick building presently used: |Mstors and transportation. Immediate' stove, fridge have under 1000 miles. | sedis 725.2550 é 3 > | possession. $130 monthly. 723-654) Specializing in Volkeswagen Erika __Erike Noss 2 ) peinchid anenes lame kik 1 oe four apartments. Good po : : 725- 2227 $100. DOWN Repair and Service Se crhoaat tons, formice | 'rlel, Drivawey.and Gamage [Scissor magenta reas som _& Siva oh oe SoS 160. Simeoe South ACs dashes , : large lot. Asking only $22 two washrooms, double garage. Respon -------|_ - Nova Scotia ---- Scotia Plan IMCOP SOU . ipboords, storms ond screens ae ee Ae vee iaggh Ph ag cla ger led ee op REGENT ARMS _ /simcom wortH Upstairs al 728-0051 nis loeneclate oO ts i japartment, $75 teeny rhealy included,| financing, the lowest cost ee | ¥ Appleby evenings 723-3398 1$135. MONTHLY, two-family dwelling, priv driveway and entrance, bus at financing offered by any new 1964 FORD ANG ACADIA DRIVE Bolahood§ Brothers Limited ae Parco: garage. 0 a id ve Two bedroom epartments, |door, Avai lable now. w. Telephone 723-2038. car dealer in Oshawa, good condition, new bi noe Riverside Drive N. to end of 728-5123 Coe eta tte ott Telap neat) Quiet building, adults only. [NEW twobedreom apartments, quiet eats. AOSD REALTY \ sind bak abt fellow road 725-0238 ofter 6 p.m. |building. Adults enly. Telephone 728-2256. WELLMAN 1963 VAUXHALL, | perfect candition oi ieee Wat Way | ee ee | BUYING or "SELLING -- |pouncaeia-- ease wi ~waicaom UPA E AVARTMANT i Wivivis. $8 [Good tires, ecenomicel transportation, | Contact Downtown area. Oi| heat and hot water 723-6944 pply Pickering 775-1680 668-6843 -- 728-4241 BB | HAROLD SEGAL Telephone 725-2945 or 723-6455 Farms, $45 tien Piet | we '3 ze | g 3. sl a RR 41, Local 287 $10 DOWN buys 1965 Viva with redo, | OSHAWA -- Large three-bedroom house Ese chic flop 290 500 Business 725-3557 ee stove and Preh \serater Avaliable $125 PER MONTH, Three-bedreem lower \erioon enuR | ioe fe besroomn) 728-7351 ae Sn WH aula FULL PRICE $20,500 C U an 0 4 Residence 725-1772 December 2. $145. Good neighborhood. Plex, Simcoe Street North, clese te shed apartment, sultable for quiet # ck St. Ni Whitby, ry Z oe Mc 1 Telephone 576-3940 everything. Telephone 725-8088 or 725. Pans sateen. Bond - King rea 1963 VOLK tl early new room brick : Mu an . - 8493 j almost like new. Leatherette upholstery, REALTORS s Tl sem = bungalow in north west LTOR FIVE-ROOM house, close to school New- FURNISHED twor iment near|LARGE two - bedroom apartment In| Onl $10 Down rebuilt engine. Priced" very reasonably. aa : 323 King Street West & Co. y decorated, In Whitby. Télephone 725 lo-room. apartment nearleore Whitby, Free h r | Telephone 728-2497 by featuring 'arce . ae pi '> hospital, $60 monthly Includes heat and y. Free hydre, free parking.| salle vas kediben 4 oc. fled 725-3557 » ae herieien Nick Milica 8645 after 6 p.m hydro, private entrance, women pre-|C&ll West Hill, 284-6813, : en the cor of your choice, 1964 MODEL 1500 Volkswagen station built in Tappan ranae ond ee: +------ 900, 6% per cent interest, plaster, ma.|THREE-ROOM, unfurnished house, bath. ferred. Telephone 728-207). _|THREE (LARGE) BEDROOM modern] i+}, up to 48 months to re wanna jmighdl ' ob same hogany cupboards, 'full. bathroom up.|foom. Located on a large THREE - ROOM unfurnished epari.|#Pertment, heated, upstairs, unfurnished, Owner moving. Telephone 942-0; double kitchen sink e FOR SALE stairs, two-piece downstairs, oil heat,\Newly decorated, central. for ment. Private bathroom. Near south!" new duplex, close te Oshawa Shop-) pay at: 1961 VOLKSWAGEN, del back vard with school close ower half brick, top aluminum siding reed Reasonable rent. Telephone 728- General Motors. Available now, Tele-|Ping Centre. Apply 574 Cartier Avenue good condition, $325. odge z by. Good financing with o & incm,. cow brick, 2 worey. (om tt Dean phone 725-5769. IORGIAN MANSIONS, adult apts., 124 M | S Ik top, V-8 automatic, $150. Port erry 614% mortqoge = : e = nee ak ak : COW DOWN PAYMENT, $130. per MODERN THREE bedroom pbungalgg, DOWNTOWN, 30 Colborne Street East,|Park Road North, Letean Or ey ta er | 985-7558. siden de a chek nehcshecgu des month will buy this large brick seven-|2%! Conant Street, Oshawa, to leag®, two-bedroom apartment. Refrigerator |#Partments. Harry 0. Perry, 187 911, R 1961 TRIUMPH Herald. Lovely 1 LOW DOWN PAYMENT Electric heot, 4 room. down room home in central location. Call wil- Convenient. to schools and buses. $135 and stove. New hardwood floor, free|ONE nents, $65 to MOTO S with no rust. Excellent Caan with & ) VN YMEN ' ao . ; monthly. References 728-9238 s " Alf ' ' . pee ye ard Johnston, 728-1066. Schofield-Aker laundry facilities. Apply Apartment | $75 monthly, id refrigerator in- 137 K West low mileage. Best offer. To see phone with 2 piece w roor ou ti ry ra * seth lshde 9 piece wa 1 Lie ae _______|NEW MODERN three-bedroom "home, ONE- AND TWO-BEDROOM --apari-|cluded, hen! and water supplied, | Free ing Yves ld Ea AEST rooms upstairs with 4 piece |$1,000. DOWN. Immediate possession. Cieclric eat, bromdioom. near south ments available. Good location, modern) parking. Children welcomed. Whitby, 73.6392 --_ 723-831] ('62 VAUXHALL Victor, 4door sedan. 3 ' 660° North-east district. Six rooms, bri gener Prere 9n avie venue, 725- well maintained building. Stove, retrig. | 668-5462 ane pelt saci: ee Economical transportation. Good me- bathroom, Lot 66 x J+ |Full' price, $13,300, Must sacrifice. Cali 99%! Of 723-7711 between 9 and 5 erator, laundry facilities supplied. Tele-|ONE-REDROOM basement apartment, chanical condition. $450, Call Pickering F immediate possession Jerry. Coady, J. Wilkinson Restor 'S76 phone 728-5282 or 723-0525. private bath and entrance, $95. monthly. 942-6107. stoirs renting fer pe eh Pia a 2 }--Aportments for Rent |one BEDROOM epartment, atove, re: (Available December 1. Apply 205 way:| NICOLS MOTORS Ltd. i950 VAU: Good Sood convo 5 nny month. Full price only $13 2 OOHRS, NACI ANE. SY) en an oe, oe grigerator, newly decor Adults |@rly Street or telephone 723.9004. Veur head t jor best offer, Telephone 723-3759. 500 iles north east of Oshawa, [cally 'heated rancher with attaches | ga.| lonly. Between 5-7 p.m, 649 Lansdowne |TWO-ROOM. and four-room apartments, she nesta acl eh dal & age, in north end of city. Call Willard Ch Drive lols of cupboard fi d f '32-- Vathin: Aimitrons 72301864 3 springs, bush and pond Sopnston, 728-1066 Schotield-Aker Lte oose THREE ROOM acavinentcanivat down |725-3008 upon oar ie rig and stove Avcericdn = Rabel 32- -Trucks for Sele ae Fie 8.4539 450. per acre $1,000 DOWN. Compact two - bedroom , near four corners, Telephone | SUBLET, cee west Sense 7th floor, ' Vee. CHEV ED ERT ie lee ind ' Q '9 Diente phone John Penicka (home, new aluminum siding, deep fenced two bedroom apartment handy to shop-| Ambassador -- Javelin tne jonas atter sg Dereen Astor 728.9759 sce eR eae st, low taxes. Call Bob. Johnston, 725 an SCUR AeA aa ae az|ping centre, churches and. sil schools {pare 778-4549 after S p.m. een Neer, Ey Were 9365: Johnston Realty semua trance, heat water supplied. 82 Sirn.|Possession either January 15 or 31. Rent WHITBY ---- 668-3331 FOR SALE or trade, 1967 1-ton | Chevy, BPR 03h nD LEAS bk ras PRIVATE. Bargain price. Four-bedroom: coe -St---N- Nah TES eben Pot racks eater 1a dame % tri-level, dining room, two bathrooms , ee --_- | |MMEDIAT! = SEH EARL Se RMAC 5 p F cortace |) «H. GOLDSTEIN igiteantiter ie ees apartment caer veny as nae, nam cif RMMRTE FOERNON 5 Crm sa oie a | " jf * = E v 9) GL "s j Many extras. Price $26,500. 668-4449. ate entrance, parking facilities, hydro (Stove, drapes. Parking. South General es BROWN 153 MERCURY ae ~ Good condition. educed to $9800 wih | REAL ESTATE (Broker) Two BEDROOM brick bungalow ex . included. $65 monthly. Simeoe Street|Motors - Shopping Centre area. Suit elephot $2,000 down. Easy payments | ellent condition, well hedged, shrubs. | wit South. Telephone 725-2915. Couple. 728-0480. . *MOTORS LIMITED 196) biue. Excellent Must be eld rocms 728-5161 oo ae | THREE ROOM aparimant afrigersir| ARGS ONE, and, ive, betreom FE Noe OR" roy (Sect petita eS, at Heavy duty tude. 2 clece e - #: ees |and stove, private bath, private entrance.| ens. isey ae Sencer Rech, TRADE UP OR DOWN. Top $300 or 668-4821, Xi nee a 5 nha WELVE-NINE. Full asking price fo a e Available December 1. Telephone 723- Price id for Good Cl | bath. Lovely lot 10 50 $14,900 FULL PRICE for this immacu-iclean duplexed home, each apartment 2842 ment 1. pe if Oe ae a a eer All furnishings including 2 (late la storey brick home just 12 years |having two bedrooms. Terms. Call SURLET = area the T bearceen apart: |POR. MENT. Immediate Cars, liens poid, TERMS. 33--Automo A Wanted boats. Buy 'no ae oid. Situated in the south end on Meadow. Bessie Crysler, 723-2925. W. 0. Martin Been Dathr eee, heat ana hydro in, |Sasement apartment. $85 imonthiv. Heai| Phone 728-7375 or 728-7376 marge Ca = poet vey ew ane s0ve vale Street. Excellent condition through: Realtor, 728-5}02 eied, CalCony. reasonable" Telephena (and hydro included. Adults only. Tele > es AR ANTED -- Call Anne Egiers, Bowes & nut and well worth your inspection. Cal! ar Le cn ee EM oll scams tluclaal PY age c 5 Ww Cocks Limited P.O. Box 535. George Twaites at 723-2008, Schofield-| NORTH "OSHAWA. Clean five-room brick snawa enta 723-5424 after 6 Pp. bata eae Serbo Peace aise gee icone oak see eae Glenarm emaGo:| , MORE CASH | Buying A New Cor? oF mT = a ---- | . rf dinibiciaiia. ____ INCOME HOME. House, eight rooms, j gency hal Fe RAY IE pac ail factiities paid, eval Paid for Good Clean Cars. Sell your used ear to "Ted" BUYING or SELLING two kitchens, eel conveniences, bast easy OSHAWA, Lovely twos bes ; ; 1160 Montrave, 576-1904 : close to shopping and 'bur Trade up or down. Liens paid. Talk "Cash" to the New N 2OPERTY ment, parking s / wn PAY-\brick bungalow, paved drive, .gare uperb apartment accommo- : BD tht ic alle eee SEE D " " E ne Pi are eet (oriG low. ; Se r ve". A Good Man To Know | ment $1,500. Oshawa. G. Newell Realtor. jarce iot. Call John Ravary, 576-3701. W.| dation in all parts of Oshawa, |$!!5. MONTHLY, two-bedroom epart- ms ingen dor Fann DODD MOTOR SALES Cor Dealer and "Sa , $ Toronto, 691-2957, 5 or Pickecing jment, refrigerator, stove, paved pi Heupe.. spe or rents TED CAMPIN MOTORS CLARE McCULLOUGH 942-1621 pf LAU elo EIE bl ES good area; adults only. Please cali|tandiords' Association, 23 Athol Street 314 PARK ROAD SOUTH 4 Toronto Bus. 923-5733, Ans. |$22,900 FULL PRICE for this fine three NORTH OSHAWA. Four-bedroom split | VALIANT |778:4500 Telephone 728-1070. 723- 9421 723-4494 Res. 725-557 Psi 2 : Be . level, double attac! garage, large lot,| i Seas a SE CSTE PRR ee SHAW AUTO WRECKERS CO. Cc ser 364-4 01 R 728 bedroom executive ype home nicely landscaped. Call Dost Awan, 576-| DEVELOPMENTS LTD: $85.00 TWO one bedroom apartmel 27--Rooms for Rent os bought, parts for REC on bee Miorvst 7585, Res 723-7843 north end location. Huge kitchi 3579. W Realt 7 A | to rent self-contained in large apt)" PES SSR | : z Bice - 843. ¢sce in lving room, finished 7 N. 0. Martin Realtor, 728-510 | "CALL Guiaig: silt wanking distehe er sone ---- '47 PLYMOUTH Fury II! 2door hard. bought. 89 Bloor Street East. 725-231 V AL ESTAT with two-piece colored bathroom in base NORTH WEST -- Three- and four-bed ' ee ean town. Frigidaires and stoves supplied lop, new car warranty, 383 motor, fully WantEen, cars and fucks for wrecking. REALTOR Ment. Large well kept lot, altached ga-iroom, new NHA homes. 7 per cent mort-| 7259-9934 -- 728-4283 lea. Disney, Realtor, 723-2333, 82 Sim- ATTRACTIVELY Powered. Scotia Plan financing arranged.(No enarge Yor, tow eM gage 7 --_---- rage. Call George Twaites at 723-2008. gages, carports or garages. Two bath-| oe St. South eliman's Rambler, 728-7351 Te! gag 9 723-6022 FURNISHED ROOM lephone 728-4549 anytime. Robert "6 ACRE FARM with lovely stream |Schofield-Aker Ltd, Realtors rooms, walk-out family rooms. Close to a Sects TWO BEDROOM apariment, in new "42 RAMBLER, 4-door, immaculate con-| Nicols. nm frent of jouse Has excellent pond eo os "7 y schools, bus and shopping. Located on a} AN R "bedroom apartments ; he ES . dition, fully guaranteed. Bank terms, site. Seven roomed home with "oc COZY AND. clean. This brick bungalow Guiet court in one of the befler areas of |furnished and unfurnished, built-in cup. Pulling. central location, electric heat: Available in private home. |$7' Weekly, Wellman's Rambler. 728-7331, | hatheem. Good size barn, runniig wa. ny ese en prchene cnn sone awa. Trades accepted. Call Ernie|boards, heated, 'parking. Two smaii|in@ free laundry, wall to wall broad-| Call between 5S and 7 p.m. |; ais fer. Located in commuting distance to /\ving, Large modern kitchen, sun roomy wilson, 725.9750. W. Frank Real Estate children welcome, Immediate possession.| G7" \ioeleage 'onm Stove and refriger- | RAMSTER Galine door. One local SELL! Oshawa. John F. DeWith Real Est. Lie. " % Beep jot and lowii tg Realtor 623-2675 : eas oe 82 PARK ROAD N Ered eis ip oner, bates del S Realtor, 623-2111 taxes all add up to "bargain" at UNFURNISHED apartment, one bed. : Wellman's Rambler. 728-7351 } as asking 'price $12,500. See it today, IMMEDIATE POSSESSION six room, THREE ROOM self - contained apart % = SUNSET DRIVE -- $17,500 full price for| you ve it! thel Tranter af 726.|split level with attached garage, located ment, stove, refrigerator, private bath, |[0om Available December 1S. 'Telephone 728- 867] a ee re ie Mi ep SELL ! this fine three-bedroom brick bungalow|5917 or Thoma Huzar Realtor 576 /0n a quiet court, good sized lot, profes-|private entrance, business couple pre 2 bans unasoerses -- ~-- he hla FE od lerms, Wellman's Ram-! in the north end. Just around. the corner | 580 anytime sionally landscaped with colored patio.|ferred. Abstainers. Telephone 725-1754 |THREE LARGE rooms, newly re- ONE BSEDROOM apartment to Fy ela daha RAO A aE SELL ! from north A. and and situated close War 8" This e is only six months oid, and| ~|modelied, new furniture. Central loce- fs per week, with kitchen privileges,|'é6 PONTIAC Parisienne, 2-door hardtop, . te all schools. Fireplace in living r m, [PICKERING a Me Wvindsor Drive. fiv@inas excellent N.H.A. mortgage Very | enierata an tone asartiien}, with ition, Whitby. 668-5172 sin, free parking. Call' Jas450n.|V-@ automatic. Power equipped, radio, three large, cheerkyt Dedramns. Well ing and $3,000. 09) BO ote oahO1es (reasonable down payment. Listed for!cenoer 1. Apply 101 Craydon Road, or TWO:BEDROOM apartment, in north dis- bess ) LARGE furnished rooms, private|Viny! top. whitewalls, wheel discs. | Ex-) sut plan. Excelient value on today Gown. Telephone -162-016/ $23,500. Call Leon Manitius at Guide! Shar <td HOY are PT day Mae [et ble tre (cellent condition. Telephone 728-1234 | That's the job ae |felephone 668-8130. trict. Baby welcome. Telephone after 4lentrance, newly decorated, suitable for a aioe idea s be Trarkel, Call George Twailes af 723-2008 |$84.16 MONTHLY. Three-bedr brick|Realty Limited 723-528) | Schofieid-Aker Ltd, Realtors hone aay 0 yours old' Lol mth 18 .! ' a Sree Aun ALOE Oak in ee _|married couple or two ladies. Apply 214|'61 FORD V-8 with excellent '43 motor, f Ti a BOWL a > {200 Riese" a Tis% OPEN MORTGAGE on this 2¥2 | oer ant stove, refrigerator, laundry UNFURNISHED {|Cadillac Avenue South good tires and radio, $395. Telephone) or times $7,000 DOWN, 3 bedrsom, ? storey home! Bi pb year old brick bungalow located on a afin '$70. month ble imme HED ROOM (> cer --~~ 725-6427. in good repair Large kitchen; fiving|ss>,*2_ Immediate fi deep 300 font lot, loaded with extras, |(Acilities, $70. monthly Availa big Sly Pee ae ad 10 Novia Tele: Lilet tek ROOM gd rol allt d baer rer agar = Want Ads nom, 2 plece beth, full verandah. Cen. arranged a gerage, recreation room, extra room in y.-_ Telephone 240 _McLaughlin, iy. oe 6 iison Plaza, 'bus stop 283 b 5 motor Telephone 1 ed, close 19 schools and] ee! Estate Lta _ _._|Basement, paved driveway, large modern|TWO - BEDROOM, electrically heated, {TWO-BEDROOM basement apariment,\0Pd Schools. Telephone 725.4240. | Hampton 243-2138, aller 7.30 pm. __| price $11,400 Carries for|/¥@ ACRES, (room house, bathroom, fur kitchen. Close tp schools and: transpor-|$128 month includes all facilities Will/laundry facilities and parking included (SINGLE BEDROOM = for gentleman. |1958 CHEVROLET, $350 or best olfer.| 723 3492 66 month B. MeMuilen and Ce. mace, $)7.% J Crawtord 723-1021 |tatinn. Vary good terms. Call Leon Man-laccept two children. Bullied Real Estate, |Lansdowne-Driveh Adults only, 728-2793|Telephone 576-2480 @f 106 Cromwell|Mechanically good. Telephone 728-2974 x Reeiter, 648-4201, Kelth Peters Resity Limited, itive ef Guide Reelty Limited, 723-528), 723-1168, wenings, / Avenue, efter 6 p.m, * of Arthur Leonard Price, lote of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontorio, Retired Labourer, who died on or about the 7th day of Novem- ber, 1967, must be filed with the undersigned on or before the 2nd day of December, 1967, after which date the estote will be distributed ac- cording to law. CREIGHTON, DRYNAN, MURDOCH and VICTOR, 5 Simcoe Street North, Solicitors for Henry Pries, Executor ef the Estate, 36--Legol ~ NOTICE" TO CREDITORS In The Estate of Thomas Maxwell Moore and Verna Moore. All persons having cloims against the Estates of Thomos Maxwell Moore and Verna Moore, his wife, both of the City of Oshawa in the County of Ontario, who died on or about the 30th day of Sept- ember, A.D. 1967, ore hereby notified to send particulars of same to the undersigned at 14% King Street East, Osh- ewa, on or before the 15th day of December, A.D. 1967, after which dote the said Est- ates will be distributed with regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have had notice and the undersigned shall not be lia- ble to any person for claims of which he sholl not then have hod notice RAYMOND MARTIN, Executor c/o JOSEPH P. MANGAN, Q.¢ 14% King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario, The Solicitor herein. 38--Coming Events WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE NGO EVERY MONDAY Admission ticket gives you free chance on door prize. TWO JACKPOTS 54-55 IN 52 NOS. OR LESS $200 In announced Nos $50. Consolation Prize $10. per line in both games $150. JACKPOT $20. A HORIZONTL LINE $50, FCLL CARD $20. in 52 Nos. or less $ SPECIAL GAMES AT $30. $45. in 17 Nos. or less 20 GAMES AT $20 Regular games pay double in Nos. or less EARLY BIRD GAME $100 Door Prizes EXTRA BUSES RED BARN NORTH OSHAWA Children Under 16 Not Admitt KINSMEN BINGO 2 -- $200 JACKPOTS 52 - 50 One Must Go PLUS $10 per line Both Games $25 Consolation $150 Jackpot Game 20 REGULAR GAMES AT $20 Last 5 Games $30 Per Game Early Bird 7:45 Sharp $25 full card Guaranteed $5 a line TUESDAY BINGO St. Gertrude's PARISH HALL 690 KING ST. E. Every Monday at 8:00 P.M. 20 Games -- Jackpot - Snowball and Share the Wealth Free Admission = Ne Children under 16 _ COLONY TOURS -- PACKAGE -- FLORIDA TOURS $246 American 14 day GUIDED Tour, all accommodations. @ 14 meals included @ Side tours included --NOV. 24-- WWVA SHOW Wheeling, W. Virginia $29.75 American For Further Information Call COLONY TOURS OSHAWA 576-0246 PIONEER FAIR held at Centennial United Church Bond W. at Rosehill Nov, 22, 1966 7:30 p.m. Home baking, candy, aprons, linens. Tea room 50¢ RUMMAGE SALE Y.W.C.A, 199 Centre Street Mon, 1 P.M. Good used clothing and household articles THOUSAND ied ade dally. jad Times Action | Cla:

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