Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 18 Nov 1967, p. 14

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° TOD WEEE aS 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, D WREC GOLD 16 OUT, 18, 1967 : LD HAVEBEEN \ Buz. OUR Soturday, November 6 NISH GALLEON: / JOB'S TD FIND LOADED WITH THAT CUBAN UNDERWATER Sj NOTHING BUT AN OLD OIL DRUM... AN OLD WRECK... HERE'S A SOUVENIR, CHRIS...A CANNON BALL, P ems i 7) A win . 3 | 5 > § r. ei ld INSTALLATION, os * = 3 By B, JAY BECKER 2 a | (Top Record-Holder in Masters' { Individual Championship Play) S s South dealer. . fae) i Both sides vulnerable. i NORTH = 4963 ° @1074 4Q1072 1) B00 TW way aay oi 852 a HOO HOO ee oe -- ~~ Gr THis Time... 4 by 052 6 'ed : A euas CET THAT CANNON WORKIN, BILLY... THEYRE FTARTIN' TO FIRE. Oe e-oalaed orier H see COT oe AGAIN/ MIGHT BET cOULD pyt?| | %°° oossé : H oto MY LOOP ON THAT CANNON $3106 aar'* w 3 ot fd BARREL -ssee0- C) oaks abe Accountants =} i a 5 BOB CLANCY'S Accounting _ Servic = - =] @AKI Complete. bookkeeping service, 178 Sin Ss | J Sax coe Street N., 725-0397, Res, 723-7605. _ S ss Ae GORDON R. DAY, Certified Gener a e he bang ire, ee ore £ =< South West North East JOSEPH GUTMANN, Chartered Account -- 33 age rg Pass ant, gril Trusses, 17 Bond: Stree a ass cc NE alo a feel ER re ue Opening lead-- king of hearts. NALS Cnirabte chesecea restos This hand was played in a bankruptcy, 57' Simcoe Street Nort four-table team match, At each Re (ale the ina "contract wat HOPKIN REAR four spades and West cashed" Building, 187 King Street East, Oshawa ihe A-K of hearts and continued Onin, 7287. 1 tom CN THESE BA ; LANTERNS WILL GIVEUS 4 ¥ LIGHT, MOTHER, .. BUT MY " BIG BLACKOUT, . TH' GREAT GRAN'-CHILLUN O'GEN'RAL CORNPONE, JUBILATION JANE. AN' UUBILATION JAMES -- 1S COMIN' FO' TH' SADIE HAWKINS DAY RACE!! tains Li'L BUMS // WE AIMS TO MAKE A GOOD IMPRESHUN ON TH' CORNPONE TWINS £7 OWN VERSION OF THE with the jack apis imsiae i At the first. table, declarer Blueprinting NOW, HOW ' ruffed and cashed the A-K of eo 1-4 ' ) LONG (5 IT ' spades. When East showed out, POWERIS. s Ley ~ GOING TOTAKE YS ' South could not afford to con- LS ye Fa THE MURKLEYS tinue with a spade because West BELL DRAFTING and Reproduction Ltd., 52¥2 Simcoe Street North. 723-4661 Biveprinting and photostatic copies Building Trades 1 ae Sagi TO FIND OUT would win with the queen and de be : s _ aes pal a : } lead another heart to establish NEED MORE ROOM ? ? YOU'RE A y ' his last trump as the setting 4 x trick HOME SCIENTIST, WILLARD. So South abandoned further IMPROVEMENTS LI'L ABNER SECRET AGENT X9 THE SMARTEST OF MY SONS -- trump leads and played the A- CANT YOU DO K-J of diamonds, planning to Additions -- Alterations overtake the jack in dummy Recreations Rooms and discard a club on the fourth Call : diamond. But West ruffed the ai! Us JAMES ALLEN & SONS jack and South went down one. At table two, after ruffing 725-6126 the jack of hearts, declarer ; : "Quality is what we build in' ---# 1967 DEMONSTRATOR O CASH IN ON TH TH TO CASH IN ON THE E aoa = ig of spades, -_ Ly caer scak, ted tn tek ROOFING lof spades. West took his queen New or Old land since a heart continuation |could be ruffed in dummy, Home Improvements lshifted to the jack of clubs. /South won, drew trumps, and C. RUSS HARRISON ltook the rest of the tricks to 725-3219 make his contract aE rear At table three, South also FERRO eee werk tes square fect ruffed the heart and played the a7 Bond St. East, 720500), A-J of spades. But West count- FIFTEEN YEARS' experience in hom ered by refusing to win the repair and renovating. Free estimates. SAVINGS ! YOUR PRESENT CAR MIGHT NOT LAST THROUGH WINTER! SEE US TODAY ! CLIFF MILLS MOTORS 266 KING W. 123-4634 no obligations. Cunningham. 728-7287 ltrick. Declarer could do nothing lta overcome this fine play. He BRICK AND BLOCK work and general repairs. M. Lafontaine Construction 725 3756. ARE YOU SURE YOURE A TE CROSSWORD lied the A-K-J of diamonds, but eee a MAGICIAN, FLAWLESS # |West ruffed the jack and the Channel 2--Butfalo | 6-Look Up and Live | er gry a DOWN 15. Rear defense later took a club trick CLASSIFIED RATESS Channel $---Rerrte | 4--Uncle Jerry's Club | 11~Teach-In Fat 1. Quiet 18. Four for a one-trick set. WORD 'ADS Channel 4--Buttale ath al 7--Movie 5. African 2. Incite gills At the last table, South also Cash --- 1 insertion of 24 words, 1.20 F Ekenhal 4. Toraate | fe | eanny Carden ' river 3. Greek 19, Helps ruffed the jack of hearts, but he additional words, ge 'each; 2 caniecy =) Channel 7--Buttalo | 11--Continental Miniature | 2--Merv. @riffin Ps Nativity letter 21, Pause came up with the only sure way tiono! words 131¢ each; 6 consecu- ea Channel 8--Rochester | 9--Meta | 1s PM. . Levels 4. Thorium: 22. Warmth to guard against a 4-1 trump tive insertions of 24 words, 5.76; addi- ss "| | channel 9--Toronto | So ciiibtooner (Creare |: t-Movie 12. Seaweed sym. 24, Lease division, He led the jack of tional words 24¢ each = | Channel 11--Hamilton 'Vivre En Ce Pays, | > Human Jungle 13. Gentle 6. Stipula- 25. Top of spades without bothering to Charge---10 per cent additional charge Channel 12--Peterborough | }-1BA 1:40 PM, wind tions a wave cash a high trump first. if not paid within 8 doys | | 2 She eRe vouy Reh ont dln sid eared Saw 26. Dawn West ducked -- it wouldn't Method of counting -- Less then 24 at ; +4 ie . 28. Western 3 wards count as 24 words; each word SATVRDAY &VANING MW: 12.00 MIDNIGH . q ' ny : (iste 7--Movie ys 15. Borders 8. Austral, state Nesterday's Avawer |"2VC helped him to take the initial, figure or abbreviotion counts rs 4p 5:00 tact #---Wish You were Here 12.30 A.M, 16. Rough N.Z. 20. jack -- and South, 'still intent one word; phone number counts two it the Sins & 2 ee hassel '. : . 4 Host the Chamne ' Bocial Security | 11--Spectrum lava soldiers of 35. Long-earea [UPON protecting against a bad einen Beis 41--AFL Highlights a Haiahee 17. Half _®. Large necks rodent trump break, continued with the AG eras | 5:0 PLM, | Recontre MONDAY anem / bundles 31, Vaulted 37. Yutang" ten. West had to take the queen $5.50 per insertion with 28 cents addi | Ti--Litilest Hobo | 2-Youth Searches a:00 A. 18. Metal / 11, Chairs roofs 38. Primary --otherwise his side would have tional charge if not paid within 8 days | --Wagon i } 1 j 19 ; : | S_Wegon rain 1s Ensen | "Schnitzel He fasteners | 13. Israeli 34. Denomina- color won no more tricks--but there IN' MEMORIAMS | | Italian Arum iid mares 19. tion 40. Pronoun was now no card he could play $2°50 for the first 25 words end 6c ticker tare #--Bowling 8:20 AM. 20. Twine : to defeat the contract, So South ech thereafter plus 13c¢ per line of TS: par Heroes ie 7--Super Comics 9--University of the Air 22, Goose Uy, 1 2 13 14 Y Ss lo 7 "To UW 0 AG ie ae Shand '. his Verse; 25¢ additional charge if not paid Thi 9 | 4--Reach for the Top | made four s 8 within 8 days 4--News, Weather, Fate L AU | 4:55 AM, ery /, "A /) : : ' Sports ' weathers | ?--Dialing fer Dollars, 9 r super-duper safety play. CARDS OF THANKS pes Lost in Space | 4 an VATE Virginia @raham f 23. Borne GY ig , ciaeedsser Pa asc AC aR TSR * $2.50 for the first 35 words ond 7 ppesth Valley -oava. «| eeaneneal sthtey ai 25, Throw 4 each thereafter with 25c additional } oe wk | o-This is, the. Life Hjseraiien Tie 27. Cause 1% Ye Wye: ' charge if not paid within 8 days N--Zorra 15 PM joRomper Reem sgl yd 7 wy 4 be Is1posure COMING EVENTS as Flintstones 12--God is the Answe: --Crossfire %® $2.38 per inch (disploy); 2.00 for the §12-Sounds 6h Les Look" at Con. | S--Mela groove he Y, WY first 20 words and 6¢ each thereafter . ws gress conta 2--1 Dream of Jeannis 12: PM, 3--Good Morning $1. Impression |'7 Y 8 Y 9 ew or § er or) 510k Pa, J--Fantastic Four * | 2-Pat Boone 32. Sun god '" Y) AUCTION SALES Re N-Let's Sing' Out +A City's Story, |e cortst tt phim: 33. Hesitation /20 at 722 NEW YORK (AP) -- Visipo- Ban PER INCH. PeR (NSERTIVN 9--Jackia Gleason eee ine ation | §--Cartoon Playhouse sound G7, sure, it has been learned by 2--Mov 3-6-11--Onti , DEADLINES Accidental Family rae ee Ll cade 34. Chimney 23 24 GZ computer, is one of th t \ 4--Buffalo Round Table, 1:00 P.M. Love of Lite GY puter, 15 On e sures WORD ADS : 3-6-12--Baverly Hill Ungic Lancelot | 10:00 AM. dirt "LA routes to corporate success, & 4 p.m. DAY PREVIOUS Y WHAT HAPPENED j " Pe lin' Pre eke and en 1 ee $5. Exclamae {25 /26 Ga 28 [29 clearly marked route up the LOsT AND FOUND { ' 1] GET HIM TO THE Mov ¥ 9--Uncle Bobby tion (, t 9 am. DAY OF PUBLICATION TO DELMONICO? < TRESSING REGAL! ee Aovie dCandia 'Caran 36. Er) 77 Wy corporate mountain. : ii =o EL Ere hika | 2-8-Snap Judgement Deeply Y YY The word is a combination of IN MEMORIAMS ond ; &--Maya 3--Herald of Truth 10:8 AM. on ee rT 4 yy 4 visibility and exposure, with vis- CAR Oe AR EVIOUS T UNT tacks, Gleason 1 PM #-2--Cencentration 38. Storm re Ya ibility 'being the ability of the eo shes JNTIL WE GET} | ~ = : if 3-6-12--High Chaparral lhe-Catvary Care | 7--Dateline Hollywood 39. Twinkling be ML) cect na th CLASSIFIED. DISPLAY n A MAN INTO THE | / ' ak as 1 ig Gardening erly. Hillbillies 40. Belonging [3° ST V7A36 aspirant to see the top of the T cclumn---4 p.m. day previous; 2 col 3 DRESSING ROOM! / | Movie 4 | 1:38 P.M riendly . Giant te Vp corporate Olympus, and expo- unfns or larger--10 a.m. day previous 2 es sa SAN 1--This Space Age 11:00 AM. Leander'a 39 Y 40 sure the position of being seen CANCELLATIONS AND oO 1--Billy Graham ce Bow) | 2 Rona Room beloved ai (/) by the men above. CORRECTIONS SS ALcATIO = c ; A nn ' : om U or s-Leeienea Tire cette stendar | Be spersonalt Cee Y ee a ca acs oe the eke Any. avartoament cancelled balers be 4--My Three Sons | Te ei 2--Heneymoon Race 42, Paradi 4 4 cliffs and crags of the rocky publication will be charged one day's fae 34-12---Hockey ie See Oar climb upward, those with visipo- insertion pea | 24--Get Smart M-Let's_ Sing Out Sar ka -- sure mount the corporate moun- BOX NUMBER RENTALS $1.00 9:00 PM. ro Footba | _M. YOUR H ; ; While every endeavour will be made to > écHocen's Heros 3-6-12--Pro. Football | 11--Marriage Confidential g tain steadily, stopping on pla- Busi reviies to box numbers te the 14--Movie 2: PM eae ae teaus to study and learn for a advertisers as soon as possible, we ac | 11--Moment of Truth " me couple of years--s: cept no liability in respect of loss or 9:90 PM, tare an aes ae | 2--Helly weed Squaren A 'A tha I fiv ' eldom more damage alleged to arise through either y The. Saint 1 odheal ike Breas | +l Ven OvKe n five, failure or deloy in forwarding such re reo eee 2:00 PM | 12 NOON 1 aln reas The word was coined by Dr, plies however caused whether by negli Petticoat Junction | vocal | site weer Eugene FE. Jennings of Michigan gence or otherwise. The Times_will net 10:00 PAM. | 2---Polka Varieties Sports State University, who studi be responsible for replies uncalled fos %--Garrison's Gorlilas | 2: PM us e e electron pmpi te " the nent Ue ously 4--Mannix | 11--Littlest Hobo. t rm electronic computer e routes +6-19-1n Parson" | 7ABC" News Special a used by successful executives in REGULATIONS pti 4:00 PLM, | 6--Lunchi * = some of the larges THE OSHAWA TIMES WILL NOT BE ie. Huy eOMetey akaalan | Werte By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD ravi argest and fastest RESPONSILE FOR ERRORS IN ADVER- w | 1]--Mvovie 2--Quarterback Club te Dear Dr. Molner: e : , growing firms in the United TISEMENTS SUBMITTED OTHERWISE rn J--Moevie 12.10 PLM, ar Dr. ner; What can I{circulation in the ext i States. THAN IN WRITING NOT FOR MORE > | 10:48 PLM 3--Super Heroes do for chilblains? I have had lndirciaet He found THAN ONE INSERTION OF ANY AD | : Ss? ve hing is nig ; ° o 3-6-12--Outdoorsman | SUNDAY EVENING vache * them for several adjand blanching is the result. It}, @e 'oun that the ability of VERTISEMENT NOR BEYOND THE = 11:00 PAM f | 11--Phota Finish doct several years and nojisn't a very common condition the upcoming executive to see PRICE CHARGE FOR A_ SINGLE IN- 2-6-12-4-9-11--News, ay mee | #--Eye Guess a 2 seems able to help me./but is found from time to time. and copy those who can influ- SERTION IN WHICH ERROR OCCURS. > Weather, Sports i ae lent Time | 346-12--Search for Te [ine Some such individuals are sensi-|°nce his career, and to keep The Oshawa Times reserves the right to i fine i. coaster pa re A chilblain is the result of ex-|tive even to a cool breeze o himself in view of those wha classify advertising : according to its ty | ery Griffin ; mn al f. classifications RG | S-Mary__ Jane: goes 4--Pro Football | ia Ba posure to cold, damp weather,|summer evening, and have to|™ight promote him, are all im- proper. clossificati =) ee pec = | 2--Pro Football selecouineetiont The tissues have been damaged.|wear a sweater when the rest of|POrtant. AUT acu aston eit = 4--Movie ae fee via 1:00 PM. en they are exposed to cold,/us wouldi't. for more space than that which the -F=News, Weathers ees ELD. Lagecahouie then afterward, when the flesh J mention the condition justin QUEENIE actual ertor occupies The publishers | ports 8--Pro Football ll--Mike Douglas warms up, you have redness, case someone migh rene endeavor to reproduce oll advertising | 1: 9--Movie bey, iad Ncpalg might be mistak- matter correctly, but-assumeés-no-tiabil | S--Movie aoa ee TL it bDialite ter bellers swelling, cig often a burn- ing it for chilblains. ity of advertisement if any inaccuracies oe 3--Movie 1--Lo n Space Virginie Graham ing sensation. Avoiding chill i in any form are contained therein. T THOUGHT ae Te | 9-Pulse _- Avoiding chilling is the only a | TOUR | La ote eC. eee [TILL THE NEIGHBORHOOD KIDS HAVE HAD THEIR DAILY vacant PM: 7--Movie aay | age The best answer, and reallyjeffective remedy I know for IT'S EASY TO PLACE A CL >| TO REST TODAY.' | | AND QUIET rence. ; RATION OF COOKIES / eee pees Mee Meet the: Millers the only effective one I know, is'chilblains. TIMES ACTION WANT AD ": sips " I Movie o keep feet, toes, ears war It Call Classified Direct HERE... 12:00 MIDNIGHT j , : s m. all Classifie "~~ | r, ' a 4 7 24 _News Weather, one om facie : ve ere means wool socks, mittens rath-. Dear Dr. Molner: 1 read in 723-3492 12.15 AM. 2-6-12--Walt Disney | 46--Ae the Werle Turne (e" than gloves, earmuff S,| your column that it is not neces- AG RES Rice iter < t Movie am eo sae fit PM: Bee uy . eat Piper If you pag to wait until cataracts in 9--Movie é --High Chaparral | ab -tave 1k RM by chilblain areas|the eyes become "ripe" to oper- INDEX TO 12.90 A.M 9--Lassie | epiendeesd 'thine. from. becoming chilled, you will/ate dor 7 7 ; F ' o gc fe > and remove them. Would a 2--Movie ' seniors PM 24--Days ef Our Lives [be spared the discomfort when | you explain this again?--Mrs. CLASSIFICATIONS | 7--Voyage | 2:0 PM. they warm up. R.C. 1--Women's Column SUNDAY 4--News, Weather 12--Calendar The sa i 'i Mette 79 n W same thing can be true of It use d » ' : Personal ee sik A. | 3:612--Green Acres U--Perry Magon froathite 7 the. te. ra t used to' be believed, years 3--Sportsman's Column o 7--Chrlstopher Fa as 9--People in Conflict us , ype of damagejago, that cataracts should be al- 4--Motorcycles Rraaremn lp eee --Dreai sic being much the same, except lowed to become '"'ripe"--that S--Trailers -- 8:00 AM. | 9-National Geographic | 4--House Party that frostbite implies exposurelis, that the lens of the eve ¢->Maring Equoment M--Living Word | .4-Gentle Ben 1-8--Deetors to severe cold weather. Chilb-|should become thoroughly cloud-| + 8--Articles for Sale T_Milton" th 3-6-12---Flashback ghly cloud-| «goodn an Iie Mersin | Se Walt Oleney 3:00 PM. lains come from less severe butled. (That's what a cataract is-- ime Mr. Shaw--seventy 9--Market Basket Agriculture U.S.A. 8:00 PM. Pee ante prolonged exposure to dampla lens that has become cloudy.) t old for a fogy." ag Aiea 6:30 AM. Te Debbie. Reynolds | 4--Te Tell The Truth ct Heel pag as well as| With the relatively crude in-| 2 stains 11---Father Meeh uilivan 3-612--Take 30 wind, can be an impor >| str er ( Ane : 13--Articles for Rent «ONLY THIS TUME Fearne Playhouse Show | &8--Anether Werld fee ik uBR portant fac struments and methods years} I would like to know if 1 am 14--Business Opportunities = LIFE SIZE! 7--Linus sath | ' ite, too. It's more|ago, the surgeon could see the|being exposed to radiation, such 16----Agents wanted tad (Let's Go 'i en ete ec than just a matter of tempera-|cloudy ("ripe") Jens more eas-las from radioactiv 'ce espemole tag aie Loo 2--Porky Pig | 2.8--Mothers-In-Law | ture. Dampness and wind in-|i . , none : active sources, 18-----Mole, Help Wanted ta | 1: PLM, P and wind in-jily. Actually, of course, the lens|that would be harmful to | 19--Male or. Female Help Wanted tal 9:00 AM, 9:08 PLM, | 11--Bullwinkle crease the danger at any given|can be removed any time it/health.--V.J.G my | 20--Real Estate For Sole \=€athedral Chimes 7---Movie | 9--It's Your Move temperature.) r nea fertind | 20a--Summer Properties ha 7--Bugs Bunny Leaniathars Bchiher 7--Commander Tem ; : \proves to be necessary. No, ultraviolet light (either | 21--Farms For, Sole "" | (Paper Capers 28h 12. Ganaiee 3.44-12--Edge et Night I think I should point out that} Many people postpone the op-|from the sun or a sun lamp) i 32---Lots for Sale a 9:90 AM, ie oa £-4--You Den't Say there are other conditions,jeration as long as they have/not radiogetive. It's z aD) is 23--Real Estote Wonted bie ea ily 1--Peyton Place spel eri sometimes loosely called chilb-jenough eyesight to let them get|radiation but of tine aie 35 Haass ee a 4--Look Up and Live i thee Cee Lore eee Jains, which are a wholly differ- along fairly well. But someone/light, not gamma 5 as ler 26--Apartments for Rent os }--Hymn Book | serr-way Irs ent matter. In some individuals, |doing very fine work requiring|case of- radioactivity ig Ears Sei aig Ne a y_marilt te AM | 2-8--High Chaparral a a reduction in temperature,|sharp vision is wise to have the} Too much ultraviolet can be 28---Room and Board 3 a halth Fee' Today ca gli PIM. snceeomis ,Prodden | sometimes a very slight one, re-|cataracts removed sooner--as|harmful to the skin bat Ea slay i= 4--Lamp Unto MY Feet 1). Nowe, Weather 4:0 PM. sults in a paleness or blanching/soon as the catarits interfere/mdderate amounts will F 8 See eee Cent tor sale = | S-Spectrum , l=Gilligan's. Island of fingers or other extremities. | with his work harm.' (Always 'reme b ule 32--Trucks for Sole | 10:30 AM Pre aos hici These folks have blood which) Dear Dr. Molner: Every night|protect your eyes with anon to 33--Automoblies, Wanted _Car ayhous L © Beaver ; ree i ' : : ; : s goggles; --Automobile Repai MeGartoon Playnouse [1:28 Pw teas Wt To Beaver lis unusually sensitive to cooling.|I use a sun lamp on my face for|shortwave ultraviolet can o 35--Lowt and Found 4--Grestest Headlines | 3-6-12--Ferest Rengers Cooled, it thickens, thus limiting|10 minutes, as per instructions, harmful to the eyes.) 367 one e 37--Auctions 38--Coming Events < i 99--Notices

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