QAA THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, November 17, 1967 IN HER BEST PRINT AND BONNET organized by the Oshawa and 'District Labor Council, September 1, in Civie Audi- torium. --Oshawa Times Photo Wearing costumes of Con- federation Days, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hannah of Hampton were among those attending the centennial ball, Prayer, Pilgrimage Project Of Daughters Of Isabella by. MRS. ANTHONY ADAMS | Mrs. John Lyons, 3rd year trus- tee; Mrs. John Page, 2nd year trustee; Mrs. Leo Zylka, Ist On March 19, a Day of Recol- year trustee; in Roland Me- lection was held in St. Ger- Kenna, organist; scribe, Mrs trude's Church convened by) Anthony Adams Scribe | Golden Jubilee Chapter IODE Includes Young, Old In Projects | | By BARBARA VIVASH hours a year are given to this | (Public Relations Secretary) project, During the past 17 years, PP gar, eh A ae ay ra members of the Golden Jubilee| Munday, has presented papers | Chapter, IODE, have taken|on current events, including the | great pride in their record of | monthly commentaries sent by | service and educational work in| McIntyre Hood from Scotland. the community, and their motto | Other programs have included | 'Tonakela' -- an Indian word| the showing of a film depicting | meaning 'others first?' -- will) the life of an Eskimo artist, continue to guide their efforts|and a talk by a new Canadian | in the years to come. In plan-| citizen on the problems which | ning their centennial projects,|jmmigrants to Canada en-| |members looked to the future! counter. | |generation, and donated a set | bg aopntnaed Apap Haar pon a Pi In June, Regent Mrs. D. A. of Tncrapoaedia Canadiana 2 /prown welcomed over 106| Mol aul Baha Pcs }members from IODE Chapters) McLaughlin Public Library, | jn Oshawa, Whi é | ane aes 3 § shawa, itby, Ajax, and and two Schwedler Maple trees Uypridge ia Centennial ain] and a park bench to the Hills | por held at the Hotel Genosha | and Dales Park in north-east : a Oshawa. | The funds for these and other projects carried out this year were raised through rummage sales, a coffee party and auc- tion sale held in members' homes, and the annual dinner dance at which members en- tertain. | In the field of Education, Sec- retary Mrs. J. E. Rundle pre- }sented an award of $200. to an | Oshawa girl presently enrolled in Teacher's College in Toron- to, five awards for proficiency in English and History to stu- dents at the Oshawa Central Collegiate Commencement Ex- ercises, and a framed picture jof Her Majesty Queen Eliza- beth II at the official opening of the Lake Vista Public School. Games and toys were sent to the Indian children at the chap- ter's 'adopted' school at Geor- gina Island for Christmas, and ; a bus was chartered to bring | MRS. D. A. BROWN them to see the Centennial | (Regent) Caravan in the summer. Mrs. | i where they were privileged te have the president of the Pro- vincial Chapter of Ontario, IODE, Mrs. W. R. Morrison, address them, The chapter is particularly proud that a mem- ber, Mrs. J. A. Vivash, was elected Provincial Film con- vener, and named to several standing committees, both on the Provincial and National executives. In addition to the aforemen- tioned work, many donations were made to Provincial and National IODE funds, and dele- gates were sent to the Provin- cial annual meeting. Members of the executive are: Honorary Regent, Mcs. Vice-Regent, Mrs. Michael Starr; Regent, Brown; First Vice-Regent, Mrs. L. er: recording secretary, Mrs. j. D.. Burns; . corresponding secretary, Mrs. S. A. Willson; treasurer, Mrs. R. F. Kelly; educational secretary, Mrs, J. E. Rundle; services secre- tary, Mrs. Paul Bellinger; stan- dard bearer, Mrs. L. Gartside; Echoes secretary, Mrs. T. Heath; public relations «secre- tary, Mrs. J. A. Vivash; World \ffairs secretary, Mrs. E. R. Munday. Conveners: Citizenship, Mrs. R. S. Jones; Golden Age, Mrs. A. L. Bird; hospitality, Mrs. D. M. Campbell; membership, Mrs, D, W. Charlwood; social, Mrs: W. Young. TO SUPPORT CHILDREN HOKONE (AP) -- Japanese police say handsome Toshio lito, 25, made bachelorhood a busi- ness for two years. They charged him with proposing marriage to 29 women and swindling them of $5,000 with stories of a sick mother and a lost wallet. Police said he used jthe money to support bwo chil- dren and a wife, who was una- ware of his occupation. Paul Bellinger, Services secre- | tary, sent a shipment of sewn| and knitted articles made by| \the members to the Provincial | |Packing room in Hamilton for distribution both here in Can- ada and abroad; a hamper of food, toys, and warm clothing | was made up for a needy Osh-| awa family at Christmas; mon- lies. were again forwarded to {the Save the Children Fund for jthe support of a Greek boy jwhom the chapter 'adopted' |ten years ago; and just recent- ily a life-sized Raggedy Ann | doll and some long-playing rec- jords were presented to the | Crippled Children's Centre. | Of special interest to the Golden Jubilee Chapter is the |Golden Age Club, which meets | at Simcoe Hall every Thursday ELACTICIZED evening during the year, with |the exception of the summer |months. For the past.17 years and chapter members have served BULKY-KNIT a light lunch to these senior citizens at their evening get- together, and provided an an- {nual birthday party. It is esti- {mated that approximately 450 Mrs. Clifford Harper. A bus trip to the Martyr's| Shrine in Midland, June 24, was} convened by Mrs Andrew | Mowat and Mrs. Roland Mc- Kenna. | On Oct. 29, a Sisterhood Night was held in St. Gregory's Audt-| torium, convened by Mrs. Gerry | Forestall after the installation | of officers. | Those who held office during | er Centennial year were: Mrs. Stephen Bonfordi, regent; Mrs. | William Eyre, past regent; Mrs. | Gerry Forestall, vice-regent; | Mrs. Allan Robinson, financial | secretary; Mrs. Anthony Met-) ringer, recording secretary; | Mrs. Andrew Mowat, treasur-| er. Mrs. Frank Copeland, chan- | cellor; Miss Teresa Coyne, cus- | todian; Mrs. Jack Lawrence, } ist guide; Mrs. Claire Lasier, | 2nd. guide; Mrs. Julian Bussa-} nich. monitor; Mrs. Bruno every day... Komel, banner-bearet Mrs Peter Brady, inner guard; Mrs. John O'Connor, outer guard; is guaranteed. INSTITUTE REPORTS ROME (AP)--The average Italian male snoozes through a one-hour afternoon siesta and still gets eight hours sleep at night, an Italian statistics insti- tute reports. Its survey showed women total about a quarter "-- Want Competent Cali 725-3581 We have our own staff of exper- ienced, fully qualified heating technicians on call 24 hours for quick service. All their work tua 43 KING STREET WEST, OSHAWA \ 725-3581 Start the season off wearing 9 pair of professionally styl ed curling slacks, that ore designed especially for curl- * ers. Exclusive elasticized wice waistline construction far maximum comfort, your choice of every smart winter color. Sizes --- short, regu- far and tall lengths. Radio dispatched We 64 SIMCOE ST. N. It's FRANKLIN'S for . . OF OSHAWA Downtown Oshawe hour more sleep than men, if