Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 Nov 1967, p. 10

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bead OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, November 17, 1967 on C d d C t | B tion chairman, said Mr. Barta . ] trains that often exceed 100 cars ' _|Gorroded Control Box = |*=,ininsacteae, "| Locomotive Robot Controls. say seas ANNUAL DEBATE STAR ) '" ra 4 a one ones, : for Calgary and the main test pulle e s * A Red China's H Si Caused Electrocution =--iss,"s mit 'See| Being Tested By CPR firizinctitieramns 2 e ind Ss opes 1m [said Thursday night Pape ie pd gut lr Leighton laadclad | MONTREAL (CP) -- Robot 1,,between the regular crew in a peraern Pg agg he eard the screams of the five the CPR--the mountain grades ualiere 'lway .|toke, formerly known as railway Car|head-end locomotive and re planned on giant grain trains . 'electrical control box caused the|and shoved him to the surface. s ' ' s electrocution of Bruce Leighton.) "I grabbed him and man did I B d Ch C-4465, heads west for tests . i in Pea f Admittance To UN 115, as he swam in a high school|get a shock, right up to the Tl e ooses today, bringing elements of ae COB loromprives ifi from Winnipeg to Fort William. TORONTO 1:49 A.M. sTOCKS the middle of Canadian Pacific! 445 1, transformed at the Distributes by CP 'pool. shoulder of my left arm. But I space-age science to the fine old) 5 '©, ; F Yorente Steck 4 Police said the box, which|hung on and pulled him out." To Stay Here art of railroading. Railway srelgnt teins. CPR's Angus shops here, is Qustetlens Tn canis unica nearkes y j Robot 1 still looks like an or-|, A test program began Thurs-|equipped to receive radio mes- 206d lot, xd--Ex-dividend, r |KNOCKED OUT BY SHOCK day on the 121-mile run from|<ages from the command loco- from previeus board-lot closing sel By ROD CURRIE | The interest now centres onjwould substantially change the 4 : = He -ontrolled underwater lights at AUNITED NATIONS (CP)--As|the Arab states, with many ob-|balance, since Communis . Sig e x ; ; the st- Humbers -ol- ~- | yay fe t has : ne, west-end Humberside col-| "another boy, John Umney-| TORONTO (CP ) Greekdinary failway Sr noe Montreal to Smiths Falls, Ont.,|motive and process them the annual ritual of the China'servers "predicting they will/China was defeated last year by levi 1 oS haaly : és jlegiate pool, was so badly| Gray: knockéd out by the shock,|Chef Vassily Pappas, 24, will be|become a radio the only link|With two mid-train locomotives|through it. computer-like "logic MINES dehate approaches, there is|switchj to a position of supportja vote of 57 to 46, with 17 ab-|., ebay ' ge z speculation here that although|for Communist China as a re-|stentions a ae ae was Te-/remembered coming up from aldeported Friday for the f(a on eee being controlled from the front|.,hinets" to- operate locomo- aia there might be some interesting|buke to the United States for al-| Two roles in the tradition of : dive. "When I came to, I was/time, but his bride of a few). : jas locomotive via Robot 1. Further|tiyes automatically. Steck Sales High Lew a.m. ch' switches in ng patterns thejlegedly supporting Israel in the the annual China performances| At least six of the 33 boys in/lying on a blanket at the side of/days will stay in Canada. ried Fay in a civil cure tests will continue for a year. Acad Uren 1000 dh th say world organivation will oncelArab-Israeli war in June. The|have already been acted out the pool area were injured.|the pool." "T married him to keep him|nd_again in a church wedding) 4)) railway buffs know that PORTUGAL WINS ere ie again decide to keep Communis{|U.S. has always spearheaded) ai,ania considered to be Pe. 0m Barta, the class instructor,' Barrie Ritch, 15, said he felt|here,"" said Fay, a 20-year-old|0" Saturday. heavy-tonnage trains have long Agena Mp 00 12 «12 «-42:=- China out of the UN the campaign to exclude the Pe- tone cpokecman in the UN,|Pad to be rescued when he tried as though a hot magnet wasjlanded immigrant, "but I'll| The couple's lawyer appealed|been operated with one engine-| LISBON (AP) -- Portuguese int wen hay Canada, which made a major|king government has again 'put in a rewoladonineee Leighton. The pool was! pulling him under. He screamed|never go back to Greece." to Immigration Minister Jean|man controlling up to five diesel/champion Benfica defeated St. iim 64 ant intervention in the debate last} Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Lib-| jjitc for the seating of Peking built about 20 years ago and was rescued, Mr. Pappas was deported last/Marchand but an 'official said}/taggmotives coupled together at|Etienne of France 2-0 Thursday Arcadia 2500° 3737, year in an effort to promotejya--and possibly also Kuwait, | hq the expulsion of the Nation.|, The boy, knocked unconscious, None of the injured was kept|year when he overstayed a vis-|today there was no change in/the front. The new system, how-|night in a second round game of. Dae on "ee eae some new approach to the issue,|Lebanon and Morocco--have}.i;+ Chinese who now hold the DY. the electric shock, lay at thelin hospital, although Williamlitor's permit, but entered Can-|the decision to deport Mr. Pap-lever, permits more effective|the European Cup of Champions: Belletere 1000 24% 23% 24's + has expresseq_ disappointment/been mentioned as countries seat. And the U.S., with 18 oth- 20ttom of the pool until pulled'Ross, Toronto board of educa-lada illegally this fall. He mar-pas. distribution of power throughout'soccer tournament ish palin) Be oe 1" 750 150 Pu at the response to these at-/likely to use this opportunity to!" ~ } t ar ft resolution as -- Bralorne 200 180 180 180 tempts and is not expected toltake a swipe at the U.S {EES DAR DUS Ane Utes Seve ae ° roul Reet 2500 39 39 39 + pursue them this time [But on the other side of the|Teaffirming their-stand that the Le Pe ww hina question 18 a major fan Neely $ 212 25 + } wi i fr i i i Canada also switched from its|coin, Indonesia and Ghana, both | sue" and thus requires & two- traditional "no" vote on thejof whom have thrown out pro-j,,. : : : sale. thirds vote for adoption instead question of seating the Peking)\Communist regimes, might ab Pabarhnd ; | ; fs of a simple majority. government and instead ab-|stain this year instead of voting Stained, as she is expected to do|for Peking as in 1966 POSITION EXPLAINED again this year. None of these shiffs alone! External Affairs Minister Be ees cerresncrraere PELE ere Pm pe ee ~~ Paul Martin, in outlining Can- ee aS ease es Cdn Niste (S00 474 47'& 47% +1 Candore 3000 13 «13 3. Cassiar 100 $174 17!4 17% Chestrvile 1500 26 254 26 Chib M soe 55 $5 85 Chime $400 125 122:«125-- + Conigo 8600 SO 47 SO +3 Con-Kay 1000 9" 9% Pay | € Beliek S500 15° 15 (15 ada's position last year, said & Mie it Ais" as as Con Negus 9266 74 73° 73 bed ' " Medical Experts Marvel ®: *."s.:..!.ssor cota oe YY Cop Man 2000 26 2%. 26 At Spinal Cord Miracle © 2s=:| THIS OFFER EXPIRES MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20 . ey ioe ++ +41 ss a D'Aragon 1500 17% 17 Wa % world's population" it governs SEW YORK (CP) -- A Toron- jaccomplishment totally unheard "Must be represented here." , . . Breldenc™" i500 46 boa S doctor's repor 1ad /of in medical history. But the stipulation that this POST ORR ES Cle ' ( Denison Hh GR Sa rejoined the ends of a patient's! 'No one has successfully done|must be done by expelling Na- : onag SE Homes 2 Bewry ar a pit (a severed spinal cord successfull; , even in monkeys or dogs/tionalist China was unaccepta- 5 Dunral 10000 3 30 + has been greeted with guarded/and I frankly don't see how a. ble to Canada. Thus she could ghaake ee ae optimism by American experts.|procedure of this type is possi-|/not vote for the resolution and ENat Uren 700 65 65 65 +3 One said if Dr. Gordon Mur-|ble,"' he said after mentioning/instead abstained dann 4000 " " " t rav has done what he said he|he wished he had more detailed, Canada also was involved in Gortdrm 1800 330 325 330 +10 has done he i receive the |information initiating a proposal to establish p Artin Hee " BI a +1 Nobel Prize. Another went far-| He said if reports of Dr. Mur-|a committee to study the situa- thee Granisie 400 890 ORS BAS 419 ther, saving that if the claim is|T@ay's accomplishment are true tion on Chinese representation = Guich 1100 tru" Dr. Murray should not only |"I think we should not only give|and make recommendations to = me bpd receive the prize but be beati-/Dr. Murray the Nobel Prize but|the next General Assembly. baa High-BI 100 fied beatify him." However, the resolution, as it fi- i La The doctoris were asked ee ee TAY emerged, was so watered Hydra Ex 140 Wednesday night co comment} B jdown that it represented "very i, ee ae an on press\rgyoris ch had too! om. Ows jlittle forward movement over a 2s Jelex 46500 22 oD similar proposal which Canada Faia Joliet 500 30% 30% 304-- 4 Jonsmith 1000 25 25 (95 = Kam Kotla 600 310 310 310 Kerr Add 2885 $16 15% 16 + 3 K Anacon. 2300 40 0 80 Kid Coper 4500 83 «6042 few details for their satisfac- j | initiated--_at--thefifth--assembly ion. | ' t | Doors Out session in 1950," Martin said. Dr. James D. Campbell, resi- : F Babin | Martin said that both the gov- lent professor of neurosurgery; CARDIFF, Wales (CP) -- eae ks iN 5 5 1 at the New York Schoo! of Med-|bomb today blew out the doors/®'™ments of Peking and Nation- bee et A rage i ; art list China should be seated as Dufault 900 $11 10% 1) + Icine, who has been investigat-|of Cardiff's Temple of Peace 8 Se ae eye any Le Luz $00 $16 16 16 --) ing nerve damage for more|where talks were to be held members rep esenting the terri- Nat Nah ud ON 1g ee than a decade, said: "I hope it|today on Prince Charles's inves-|OUlCS Over hich they have "'ef- Martin 2000 19 «(19 is true, because it would giveltiture as Prince of Wales, Police |{ctive jurisdiction." Also, Com- Sey pea at some hope to every paraplegic!said no one was injured. a ee should take the Mery 2000 Nab 6 ae 4 in the world." | The so-called temple is a/Permanent Security Council Meta #500 20% 19 «19 +1 He said joining of the severed|meeting hall in the centre of Pins now. held by Nationalist : * : Moku wa '800 410. 8 HO tI ends of the spinal cord would be| Cardiff's civic centre. Lord)~ ae es i Newconx 40 $60 S58. S58 -- "one of the greatest steps ever|Snowdon, Charles' uncle, was|. This scheme was immediately N inperet 400 318 310 gts in surgery." |due to meet there with govern-/dubbed Canada's "two Chinas Newner 00 1 oN +1 "T respect Dr. Murray's abili-| ment officials to plan the 1969| pou a term that annoyed i pial ee ee. ae ties to no end. If the reports are|investiture celebrations for the|the Canadians. Norbaske 2700 4645 a8 -- 3 true Dr. Murray deserves the|19-year-old heir to the British} Both governments, Martin re ae 4 Nobel Prize." \throne. said, "Firmly adhere to the con-! Normetal 100 380 380 980 Dr. Robert J. White, director; Police said no source for the|cept of one China and it is Nore eg RA ae v of neurosurgery at Metropolitan|bomb was yet known. Welsh na-jnot for the United Nations to N Coldstm 1700 134 129 132 General Hospital in Cleveland, |tionalists, however, have let it}propound concepts which are ebb op we bi se +18 said: "If indeed the cord had|be known that they intend to sa-jat variance with the hopes and ' Orehan 500 285 285 5 - been completely severed in two|botage the celebrations to back|aspirations of the people of a wre Param 10300 12, 11% Nhe ¥ as C peop Pati 455 $15%e 15% 15Ye and then rejoined it would be an'their campaign for home rule. |member state." eas . 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