Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 Nov 1967, p. 8

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, | Wednesday, November 15, 1967 | JAYCEES PLAN PENNY PROJECT AJAX (Staff) -- Ajax Jay- cees received permission from council to hold their mile of pennies campaign from Nov. 23 to 25 to aid the Ajax com- munity centre. In a delegation to council the Jaycees said a large map | would he erected at the shop- | ping plaza pointing out the route from the town hall to the community centre. The route would be filled in as people donated their pennies Will Install | Walkway AJAX (Staff) -- Couneil agreed Monday evening to in- stall a 2.590-fanot gravel walk- wav along Harwood Avenue from Rayly Street to the arena footwalk Public Works Committee chairman Owen Ashley said the gravel walk would keep pedes- trians out of the mud this win ter, and would provide an excel Jent base for a concrete side walk next year The walkway will be six feet wide on the west side of Har- wood Avenue, and will be ex- tended to the Ajax-Pickering Hospital next vear. REZONING FEE Council approved a resolution initiating a fee of $25 for all re roning applications in the town The fee will be refunded if the application ts passed from the planning board to council as @ recommendation, and was in itiated to ensure that all applic- ations are serious. FIREMEN'S GRANT Council approved the balance of the annual grant to the Ajax Volunteer Firemen's§ Associa tion in the amount of $5,500 Mon day night Council also gave permission te the association to canvass the town for muscular dystrophy funds on Nov. 25 and 26. The door-to-door blitz will be ac companied by the fire truck. SAFETY COUNCIL Ajax Safety Council received {fe annval grant of $200 from town council Monday. The funds will be used to pur- chase plaques for outstanding contribution te safety in the town. Authority Files Report AJAX (Staff) -- The Metro Toronto Region Conservation Authority, in a letter to the/ Ajax Town Council, Monday night reported on its activities during the past 10 years. The report said it had acquir- ed 18,000 acres of conservation Jand and their projects were now receiving in excess of 1, 000.000 visitors yearly The report said in the past vear 40.000 students had enrol- led in. the authority's education program &T. JOHN AMBULANCE Ontario and Durham Counties branches of the St. John Am hulance Association will hold ® meeting at the Ajax fire hall at & p.m. Nov, 15 Dr. D. I. Gove of Ajax: will lecture on fractures at the meet ing CARISTMAS TREES The Roys: Athletic Association @ the Ajax High School receiv ed permission from council to hoid an advance sale of tick- ets for Christmas trees at the Ajax plaza, Dec. 16 The trees to nid the associa tion will be available at the Ajax High school grounds GUIDES ATTEND Twenty = five members of th Ind Alax Guides attended the meeting of Ajax council Monday might as a step towards their Citizenship Badge f st was welcomed by y Polak, and chair men of council committers re- poried the actions of their com mitteers to the guides Need Service Speaker Says "A great spirit of should emanate from this. coun- iry.".Neal-C.--Wiison-of- Wash ington D.C., said ai a- Rotary Club of Oshawa luncheon meet ing this week Money, prestige end power tan built some things," he said "buf there are some things they cannot' buy. We in the west boast that we are the biggest service sion in Egypt, he helped to set Pay on NIGuT 723-3443 | CONTEST WINNERS WEEK No.1 Mrs. Gordon Mattice 290 Avondale Avenue Ottawa 3, Ontario WEEK No. 2 Mrs. Suzanne Jankiewicz R.R. #3, Site 5, Sudbury, Ontario WEEK No. 3 Mrs. J. Leslie 8 Checkendon Drive Rexdale, Ontario WEEK No. 4 Mrs. Sylvia Power Lakeside P.O. Bay Rd., Halifax, N.S. Winners Every Week at | OMINION THIS Citeunial Holey 14c OFF PACK Heinz --. Pure "DOMINION'S OWN BRAND" HILLTOP SHORTBREAD DAINTIES ',..: 49° "Dominion's Own Brand" Country Girl--Now Larger More Fruit APPLE or RAISIN PIES 3 "Dominion's Own Brand" Richmetto Cracked Wheat or WHOLE WHEAT BREAD 2.:... 41° ! MAXWELL HOUSE INSTANT COFFEE White - Pink - Yellow - Aqua -- Moderne 1 Ply BATHROOM TISSUE "Dominion's Own Brand' -- CHOICE DOMINO TOMATOES "Dominion's Own Brand" -- All Purpose DOMINION FLOUR TOMATO KETCHUP CANADA'S FRESHEST FRUITS AND VEGETABLES SAVE: WEEK REDEEM THESE COUPONS FROM YOUR 4-07. DOUBLE SIZE TANG (Makes a full 48 fi, ex) CA CANADA NO. | P.E.I. POTATOES 25 LB. BAG i ONTARIO FIRM GREEN BBAGE LB. 5 . POTTED MUMS rr 1.49 Last Week to Redeem Coupons For: 106 OFF pomino cHeese spacao I &¢ OFF FACELLE ROYALE FACIAL TISSUE WIN > AIR TRIPS oBARBADOS or LONDON BOAC WEEKLY ENTRY FORMS IN RR YOUR FAMILY SAVINGS BOOK! 4c OFF PACK---M CORN OIL 10 DELICIOUS FLAVOURS--Monerch CAKE MIXES LIPTON'S CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP MIX tn 49° SWEET RELISH---SWEET MIXED BREAD & BUTTER YORK PICKLES ALL VARIETIES--LANCIA MACARONI of Seve Se SPAGHETTI Vé-0n. $] Jars 22% 89 | 32-02. bottle 89° ALOLA Seve 23« hak SAVE Be ROYALE DINNER NAPKINS ,/":, 39° ROYALE--White--Pink--Yellow--Lilee SAVE Se TOILET TISSUE 3 ji" § SAVE I4e DETERGENT BEEF---CHICKEN--LIVER CHAMPION ;o00 6 '5... 79° FOOD Tine "DOMINION'S OWN BRAND" BAYSIDE SAVE 1860 Sockeye Salmon "s;:" 49° Cont. HOME the largest and most powerfu! You can do much in the community, in homes and bus nesses; bit it would be hetter to hoast of the true character and apirit of dedicated selfless serv- ice.' he said COLGATE Pastor Wilson, who is presi dent of the North American § Ife division of the Seventh-day Ad- PASTE ventist Church, told of how, as president of the church's mis- JOHNSON ) ian ination io ont BABY SHAMPOO '::. 1.29 -- ; NEW -- GET SET NEED FUEL OIL? : allies HAIR SPRAY 9 vcs 79° NEEDS" FACELLE ROYALE, WINDOW BOX SUPER SIZE TUBE PKGS. OF 333's 69: 1.33 Orr EVERYTHING GUARANTEED ova WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES VALUES EFFECTIVE TO CLOSING NOV, 18 * MIDTOWN PLAZA -- OPEN WED., THURS., FRI. TO 9:30 P.M. KMART PLAZA NIGHT TO 10 P.M. WHITBY PLAZA -- OPEN EVERY NIGHT TO 9 P.M, DOWNTOWN OSHAWA AND BOWMANVILLE OPEN THURS. and FRI. TO 9 P.M, -- OPEN EVERY ALL ADVERTISED ITEMS IN TORONTO DAILY PAPERS AVAILABLE IN ALL STORES, John Jamesis studying History, Economics, English Literature...and People! John studies all kinds of people... shopping people! People who want something more than just items to put in their shopping buggy. People who like a little extra attention when they shop. And people who shop happily on their own. People in a hurry. People who have time to stop and chat. Newcomers who don't know "where to find it". Old friends who already know where it is. John's getting to know them all ... and their needs. "People" are a big subject to study. Especially when added to your regular school curriculum, But, Dominion's "part-timers" like John have what it takes to make a success of both. These are the "part-timers" that Dominion chooses to be "'full-timers" ... "part-timers" who know you and your needs. Say hello to our "part-timers" in your favourite Dominion this week. Hope you don't mind being part of their study. And all this time you thought they just stocked shelves and carried out groceries! ae SAVE 13¢ 1.00 SAVE 9c 24.07. 24-07. PIES SAVE 00c sor ae 1,09 SAVE 13¢ 3 i= 79° SAVE 2c 28.02. TIN VA! ld 7-LB. BAG 77° SAVE 8c 4 wr 1.00 BAKERY Feat™ avervrnine BAKED RIGUT IN THE STORE 11.07. BOTTLES res (7 "Theat Old Feshiened Goodness" BABKA CAKE ..., 43° CRUNCHY -- FRESH Sugar Cookies DELICIOUS LEMON Meringue Pie A FAMILY FAVORITE Cliocolate Rolls ,.., 49° HONEY Orange Mutfins 6 ,,, 30° FRESH AND HOT Frem the Oven HOT BREAD __.,,., 25° wt 39° Bach 59° NIGHT OPENING "BONUS BUYS" Available 7 p.m. te Closing "WEDNESDAY" "Dominion's Own" Domine Fresh Seve 160 Orange Juice ">" 29° "THURSDAY" "DOMINION'S OWN" Braeside SAVE Be FIRST crane BUTTER =, 66° |. "FRIDAY" GRANULATED SAVE be White Sugar 3." 39° "SATURDAY" JAVEX SAVE be Liquid Bleach °%;* 43° onananenenall AMPLE FREE PARKING SHO ITH CONFIDENCE! | AI meat end meat products sold ot Dominion, 4 whether Fresh, Frozen or Processed are 5 GOVERNMENT INSPECTED: | Dominion's Own Brand Deluxe Golden Birds EVISCERATED GRADE "A" YOUNG TURKEYS 5 to 10 Ib, Average 43 TURKE T "8 MAINLY BEGAUSE 1» OME 03 EAT YS Shantz & Topsy Brand YOUNG TURKEYS Eviscerated Grade "A" 5 to 10 Ib, Average 39! "FRESH YOUNG ONTARIO PORK SALE" TENDERLOIN END PORK LOIN ROAST 39: PORK LOIN CENTRE CUTS or CHOPS © 79: DEVON -- RINDLESS BREAKFAST BACON 1-LB. PKG. 65° PRESSWOOD'S COMPASS BRAND WIENERS PACIFIC PINK SALMON n. 69° DANISH DOVER 1-LB, 4 9: PKG. PLAICE Poly pg 59° It's fun to stop at the DOMINION Snack bar and er beverage ...a The y' gsters especially, enj the shopping 'break' the friendliness . . Nack or tr and pleasant at mosphere! Courteous fast ser vice, too! 4 j i THE OSHAWA TiMas, 'Wadnesday, November 18, 19 DIPLOMAT DIES Sir Archibald Nye, Britis) high commissioner to Can ada from 1952 to 1956, die¢ in London Monday. He wa: vice-chief of the imperio general staff during the Sec ond World War. --CP Wirephot Beacons Approved At Curve Drivers who had been 4rit ing accounted for three out six traffic accidents on ¥2 banks Street by Centre Str in 1966, it was stated at | public works committee me ing Monday. There were also six ott traffic accidents at the sf this year, although none we caused by drivers simila affected. The committee adopted recommendation proposed Mayor Ernest Marks that fla: ing amber beacons be erect on Centre Street over the exi ing advisory speed signs, a that 'cat's eye' markers be f ed on the outside of the cur and a 'Slippery When W notic® érected at the approa to the curve. A report from the depi ment of public works said sin several accidents involved « cessive speed and indications slippery road conditions t construction division was ask to check, and it was fou there was some polishing the asphalt surface, probal fue to acceleration and decel ation at the curve. The problem will be discu ed with the department highways and it may be des able to apply a surface coat sand sheet asphalt to impre traction, but this cannot fone until 1968 as it is too c to carry out the work now. Storm Sewer Policy Sought Clarification of the cit policy -- if one existed -- responsibility for constructi of storm sewers was sous from the public works comm tee this week by D. W. Wils¢ developer for Rossland Ps subdivision. The subdivision is on 1 north-west corner of Wilson a Rossland Roads. Mr. Wilson said he was bei asked to construct a_ sto sewer for control of a natu water course 50 or 100 yea old, running outside the 31 division. He said storm sewers we already provided within t subdivision, and as far as knew no policy existed water courses should be pir into storm sewers, He sugge éd that as the subdivider wot not be using the easement | proposal must be for engine ing purposes The committee deferred ci sideration of Mr. Wilson's st mission until the special me {ng |tonight. Commissioner of works Fr Crome said a policy had be adopted to take water cour: into storm sewering, and | developer had to pay for | storm sewering on land ab fing his development. Pacificists Shift Sailing Plans HONG KONG (Reuters) The ketch Phoenix with eis pacifists aboard sailed for t South Vietnamese port of | Nang today after changing plan to head for Haiphong w medical supplies worth $6,! for North Vietnam. A spokesman said the pa fists--six Americans, one woman, a Briton and a Jaj nese woman _ journalist-- ceived a cable from North Vi namese President Ho Chi Mi saying this was not a Suita! time to visit the North "in vi of the intensified barbarous 'U attacks," The crew planned to ha over medical supplies to t Unified Buddhist Church a the Red Cross in South Vi nam. A. E. JOHNSON, 0.D, OPTOMETRIST 142 King St. East 723-2721

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