THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, November 15, 1967 97 ps Stressed =] OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS [> \husbands attending from a dis- Scoutg and Cubs paraded to the|ter, Rev. P. Romeril, conduct- | tance were: Mr. and Mrs, Rich- |park where the Hgnor roll wasjed the dedication. Flowers were f iC t i TY [ E lard Bowles, Scarborough; Mr.jread4 by Wardepy/Merrill Van-|placed by Mr. and Mrs. Gil- ; : Pita lodging Atma ee (57); piste Smith 672 (238); Ethel To Ton: O N IN S jand Mrs, Arthur Palk, White-/Camp. The wrgfth was laid by|bert Marlow, Brooklin, and Mr.| Mrs. wi William G h hag Rog jer 00. e Les Reed 794 (270), Bob Carter 778 (257),|( Joan Mahatty 62 uy Ev. Re |vale: Mr. and Mrs. G. Marlow,|Mrs. Malcolm mmerson. land Mrs. Neil Malcolm in mem- late adele Spar ag Japan at the| nak. . . The Audley UCW will Andy Vanderende 716 (277), Jee 1 2 (219 |Brooklin; Mr. and Mis. Percy | REDEDIC Avion ory of loved ones. jmeeting of the Audley United /hold its. Christmas meeting son 70 G TzArO 246),|Dot Burch 623 (232); Millie Stanton = Mrs.| a 4 |Church Women. More than 500|Dec. 7. . Residents of the emished. One requirement Pilly Deve Walker Bk Gra) ae aes ie one an Lois vufty. Past Presidents Presented Gren tain, Pact Paces: +4 BLACKSTOCK (TC) -- De-|SPECIAL EVENTS jadults and children attended a|/Audley area are being asked to as obedience to their hus- Vanstaveren 684 (292). | bie p tinales: Grace Muirhead | . S a Ms Ray Gllbank, Lindsey, spite inclement weather the) KEDRON (TC) -- Dates for|smorgasbord at Blacks t ock|donate clothing for a.bale this inds. Marriages were ar- PA Roasts hy Hans Zine a au ey Say 8 bk eae With Gold Maple Leaf Pins ee ee ited G@irch was filled tojspecial events during the}... Mr, and Mrs. James|Sunday. The Audley Com- nged for social and finan- Rosebush au Clarence Moore 262, Billi Mayo 233, Shirley. wlan -- Fh intl REMEMBRANCE SERVICE apacity: Sunday afternoon for|Christmas season were chosen|Greer, Blackstock, have moved) munity Club will take a con- Robinson 261, Ron Pye 257, Bill Hender-|Kelth 227, Jean Taylor 221 "end Jen. All the past presidents were|than 100 members, former, BLACKSTOCK:{TC) '+ he rededication )service. Rev.jby the Sunday School staff at alto Weston. Their mpariment has|ducted tour of the Hydro Nu- al benefit and personal ; Mountford 216. eference was largely irrele- son 252, Keith Laundry 252, Ted Eagle- son 251 and Don Duncan 250. Team Standings -- assisted by ips |M., J. Buttars, president of the jsocial evening. The White Gift|been take#t by Mrs. J. A conducted the Re-/Bay John-\clear Power Station Nov. 25, of Quinte _ Zonference, de-|service will be held Dec. 10, the! sten: The 25th presented with gold Maple Leafimembers and their husbands at-jR. C. Rose, Brownie . . Rev. W. C. Smith, Osh- Te St : a dels, eine "gy pins by Kathleen Dorrell at the tended. A welcome was extend-|P. Romeril, lals 9, Jets, Birdies, Whitby Police Emmees, Cen int. Assoc. No. 1 3, The Golfers 3, Bathurst |/2! Mini-Skirts 8, ; | : ae : The Elegant Canadians, by Containers. 3, Ramblers 2, Lambert. Oil eit Pirates, Busy Bees, Hippies 7, annual husbands' banquet of ed by Dolly Lee, president ofimemberance Service 'in the livered the ad ress. Rey. R. ( (peoess for children, eight) Pack, Kedron, spent the week- awa, was in charge of the Sun- ella Creighton, McClelland bie Shop, Oltenbrives ar Joe's barter |Eltieens. 4 Blue Dells 2 and 'canay the Blackstock ONO Club at)the club township hall. Following the|Rose, rector "of the Anglicaniyears and under, Dec, 16 andjend at Camp Ademac under day service at Audley United d Stewart, $7.50. than 1, Sportsman's Corner 1, J. Bowe ericanes 1 the recreation centre. More! Former members and theirlservice the Guides, Brownies, Ic hurch, assisted and the minis- the senior concert Dec. 16 | of Mrs. Frank!Church. Mullan ty ae 1, Jim's Stage isce Bsgnawnasy ---- a _ -- ene _ - - oe i pace eeeeanaay ' ' vabintecaents 1, Whitby Police Assoc. No. 2 1, Wilson's B. Rentals 0 If there was social elegance century ago, there are parts Canada where as recently 30 years ago the dominant emes were homesteading d backbreaking pioneer life. B. J. Banfill was a nurse in 'airie settlements during the pression years when train- id after. trainload of people ym the Ukraine, Scandina- 3 and other European re- ys were arriving to settle > West. in Pioneer Nurse, Miss Ban- | offers a personal account the incredible courage it %k to make a life in a new untry. Pioneer Nurse, by B. J, nfill, Ryerson Press, $53.98, \ revitalized interest in Ca- diana and the production d sale of distinctive Cana- in handicrafts have made a itennial publication of the derated Women's Institutes Canada a timely project. \ Heritage of Canadian ndicrafts gives the detailed ry of the origin and devel- nent of handicrafts in all vinces. 'he history of Canadian fts begins with the Indian 1 Eskimo and~ intertwines h the lives of early immi- ints who déveloped such tage arts as spinning, rug | pottery making, knitting 1 woodworking. 'arious ethnic mped these crafts with ir own special! styles ne, such as the Scots in the antic provinces and the rainians in the West, ught unique crafts--tartan aving and Easter egg iting. ome crafis, such as wood- king and the making of shed stone jewelry, have nd a market in the tourist ustry. Others have sur- ed as useful, pleasant pas- es, no longer a necessity in the days when women nt hours knitting under- ir and thick sweaters to ) their men ward off bitter ds. he illustrated book is ed- by H. Gordon Green, an ior from Ormstown, Que napters on crafts in each yince are based on re- 'ch material gathered by members. The federation, } a membership of about 1) women in rural areas, nterested in the preserva- and growth of Canadian licrafts, Heritage of Canadian dicrafts, edited hy H. Gor- Green, McClelland and art, $7. ENTRIES gs (9) $ Treat, Brownell XX109 ocky, Grubb X114 Whippet, Dittfach 119 groups | Mark, Platts X109 , LeBlanc 113 0 It, Brownell X11} Game, Grubb X111 Dancer, McCauley 109 |. Sunshine, Platts X111 TH RACE -- Purse $2,300. Claim 500). Two-year-olds. 7? Furlonas . Good, Kelly X103 Hill, No Boy 108 on, Dittfach 1117 | Princess, Brownell X103 Comet, Bell 11 ittle Divil, Brownell XX101 Bruce, Armstrong 111 Ground, Turcotte 111 | Queen, Armstrong 108 =NTH RACE--Purse $3,000. Allow- Two-year-olds. One Mile (7). ir, Kelly X105 loneer, Grubb X112 Relic, No Boy 107 , Dittfach 117 lonist, Gomez 115 ccountant, Brownell X108 e, Grubb X105 (EXACTOR WAGERING) TH RACE -- Purse $2,000, Claim- 00). Three-year-olds and up, foal- ores One and one-sixteenth a No Boy 117 r Lady, Dittfach A-116 un, Turcotte A-119 Inez, Dittfach 114 No Boy 112 Star, Platts X14 ck, Grubb X11? Leo, Kelly X114 Miss, Walsh 112 crest Farm, P J fnright and Post. TIME 1 PIM. Y RESULTS ke Zirnis 10.70 5.20 le ick, Waddell At i fan ape ae, 2 arti: Mooreland's Dusty, John- edad Adios, Gords Girl and a Race -- Mile pace purse $800 in, Ellicott 4.80 3.00 3.30 Mac Hal, Varcoe 4.00 2.70 Anderson, Waddell 3.00 farted: Andy Ellis, E. Frisco, Dr. Singleland, Doug Smith and ly 5 and *@° $25.10 \TH RACE™-- Mile pace id é ale ob, ~Gemmill 6.50 3.90 2.70 Mon, Waples 3.80 a0 -_Missey, Curran 13 3-5 farted: Jimmy's Lady, Tommy D., Top Neh Pick, Harry Dil- Mark Boon H RACE -- Mile nditioned eerietad hn Frost, Curran 9.20 4.90 4.60 ee Judy, Boyce 4.10 3.50 ist, Waples 6.60 9 2-5 Started: Espionage, -Rhilbrick Prince Sherman, Frosty Magic Folley RACE -- Mile pace purse 'iming Direct C., Crn 12.30 §.80 3.50 rey, Geisel 8.90 9.10 W. Grattan, Waples 2.80 » 3-5 farted: Kawartha Star, Johnnie asure Mir, Mr. Dee Dee and Valley @ 2,458, Handle $162,801. Food Market 0, B. and and A. and T. Motors 0. MEN'S THURSDAY LEAGUE High Triples -- Doc Dafoe 768 (297), Tom Mcivor 767 (326), Ron Roberts 759 (284), Ed. Samanski 750 (259), Des Den- yer 732 (307), John Breuchle 729 (282), Gord Deeth 726 (272), Ed Brush 722 (283), Doug Rowden 714 (266), Marty Jordan 713 (241) and Keith MacDonaid 709 (251). High Singles -- Bob Curtis 298, Bob McNair 295, Fred Hatch 286, Larry Hall 270, Bob McAllister 264, Paul Frank 264, Bill Gordon 263, Bob Correll 262 and Ron Green 255. Team Standings -- Deboy's 3, Dia- mond Insulations 3, Post Office 3, Whitby Firemen 2, Ken Smith Const. 2, Andrew Antenna 2, The AA's 2, Legion Old Sweats 2, The Guys 1, Kaiser Aluminum 1, Red Wings 1, County Bow! 1, Whitby Hardware 1, K of C 0, DuPont 0 and Mercantile Dept. Store 0. WIRE AND HARNESS High Triples Bob Lavergne Bob Clark 722, Enid Robinson 712, Partridge 660, George Robinson 644, Burrill 627, Elmo Lynburger 625, Lynburner 614, Slim Bell 609 and Peebles 607. High Singles -- Flo Johnston 266, Ray Pleau 240, Alice Neville 236, Jack Mc Lean 234, Pauline Bell 232, Audrey Clark 225, Bev Barclay 225, Leo Gorman 22} Lionel LaChance 217 Bob Gied. hill 212. Team Standing: Hi Los 46, Lucky; Strikes 43, Twiggies 37, Head Ping 35,| Gay Six 32, Pin Pickers 28, Flyers 23,| Hi Balls 23, Jesters 21 and Alley Cats 21. | HI Los won the first section. NEIGHBORHOOD LADIES | High Triples -- Dorothy Bentley 485 (240, 239, 206), Darlene Wilson 684 (244, 22), 219), Edna Hall 681 (235, 232, 214) Jay Shewring 632 (218, 216), Ev Campbell 605 (227) and Norma Scott 605 (229, 222) "High Singles -- Flo Litster 229, Gloria Collins 215, 209, Laura Collins 215, Effie Baldwin 211, Georgie Barker 210, Nell Mitruk 209, Lois Burden 209, 206, Betty Pearse 206; Mary Pirle-206, Shirley Win. stanley 205 and Molly DePratto 203 Point? Taken -- Burrus. 3, Vickers 1; Campbelis 4, Collins 0; Shewrings 4, Wit 755, May Carl Beth will and tericks 0; Pearse 3, Wilsons 1 Team Standing -- Campbells 8, Shew rings 6 Burrus 5, Pearse 5, Wittericks 3, Wilsons 2, Collins 2 and Vickers 1 ORANGE LEAGUE High Singles -- Lorraine Ramsay 220, 205, Dianne Fuller 275, Barney Robbins 267, Don Marshall 259, Elmer Marghall 243, Bea Allen 232, Reg. Reich 229, Marg Shangraw 228, W. Talbot 225, Earl Kehoe 219 and Herb Gill 2 - Jack Goodman 810 (304, Bob Ellis 688 (215, 316), Ed Samkovas 674 (212, 265), Jim Mes saros 665 (291), Faith Young 66) (218 258), Sam Plume 649 (286, 218), Dianne Reich 644 (280), Jim Marshall 638 (207 243), Joan Ellis 627 (201, 238), and Pat Donald 627 (202, 230) MOTOR CITY JUNIOR LEAGUE Bantams -- Glen Kirkham 469 (224, 245), Terry Bell 399 (210, 189), Tom England 361 (196, 165), Rosemary Perry 356, Albert Harris 342 (213), John Loge- man 338 (163, 175), Patricia Snowden 323 (198), Rhonda Armstrong 310 (171), Wim Mitchell 307 (175), Ron Shortt 303 and Douglas Dalton 300 Juniors -- Steve McBride 411 (269), Bruce Hubbard 405 (279), Doug Lavis 401 (196, 205), Jim Bracey 372 (187, 185), Debra Sholdra 361 (210, 151), David Smith 361 (197, 164), Debbie Campbell 357 (207), Pauline Mayhew 354 (182, 172), Janet Sutherland 341 (175, 166), Gail Batt 340 (200), Mike Pilon 336 (184, 152) and Robert Harding 335 (188). First Section winners -- Captain Bev. Kirkham. Seniors -- Marcel Rene 675 (289, 213), David Schneider 668 (235, 251), Wayne Fowler 663 (223, 244), Nigel Allen -655 (231, 230), Rick Hyderman 637 oa Wayne Hubbard 63) (235, 209), Hodgson 624 (226, 212), Armond And $20 (236) and Brian Hircock 600 (233) First section winners, Idiots, 18 points, with Captain Wayne Fowler, UAWA LEAGUE Points: Group 1 -- Tumey's 4, Home App. 0; Durnos 4, Roger's 0; may Life 3, Fleming's 1; Goch's 3, Clint's Group 2 -- Al's BI-Rite's 4, Kine 0; Kemp's 3, Houdaille 1; Med. Pharmacy 3, Tony's 1; Motor Aad 3, Cadillac, 17 The "Y's 3, Berg's 1. Standing: Group ' --_ Sun Life 23, Fleming's 21, Tumey's 20, Goch's' 19, Durno's 18, Clint's 12, end Home App. 11. Group 2 -- Cadillac 20, Houdaille 19 Kemp's 19, Al's Bi-Rile 18, The 27's 16, Motor City 14, Tony's 13, Berg's 12 Roger's 14, : F Cran- E. Jordon 836, H. McRoberts » DO. Brown 767, M. Coburn 764, L Sabins 763, D, Hodgson 761, C. Heath 756, R, Murray 738 and D. Davis 725. WESTMOUNT CENTENNIAL CHURCH High Triples Ken Cobb 713, Joyce Lamb 626, Maurice Woodcock . 730, Annabelie Cobb 77, Doug Smith 778, Mabel Smith 725, Morris Love 656, Mar llyn Martin 638, Cecil Lamb 660, Deb Tilk 610 High Singles -~ Jim Laurie 211, Bennett 207, Betty Somerville 214, Marg Veenhof 202, 203, Bill Taylor 239, Hank Veenhof 201, Randy Love 205, 205, Lorne Martin 212, Howard Kelloch 216 and Roy Woodcock 257. Team Standing -- The first section has been won by team No. 1, The Guppies. Harry DOWNTOWN High Triples: B. INDUSTRIAL Zakarow 775, _D. Bishop 752, D. Smith 755, R. Poole 756, Al Perry 759, L. Schram 738, B. Hosking 738, P, Hansen 733, W. Stata 742, A Greene 736 and K. St. Omge 290. High Singles: W. Stata 328, D. Bishop 326, L. Schram 325, A. Perry 316, Poole 314, P. Hansen 299, D. Smith #7, D. Kornbloom 273, A. Greene 284 and C. Daniels 279. Team Standings: Scotts Chicken Villa 24321 - 36, MoLaughlin Fuel 23598 - 31, New Team 23568 - 31, Motor City 23627 28, White Stars 21933 - 27, Oshawa Auto Trim 23299 - 25, Mister T. V. Towers 23120 - 24, Jim's BA 21726 - 17, Hambly Beverages 22020 - 15 and Happy Gang 21516 - 11. Three more nights left in this section. MOTOR CITY SUNDAY SOCIAL High Triples: Dovg Smith 742, Ron/| Butler 738, Lovie Kelemen 708, Steve! Roznik 722, Dave Walker 674, Gord John-| Son 655,. Vi Brown 651, Muriel Roznik 643, Paul Bligdon 643 and Ron Pye 637. High Singles: Ted Smith 259: Reg Hill 242, 213; Rex Gillette 239; Evelyn Smith 230, Earl Pye 228,- 203; Leo Gorman 226; Bob Ouellette 225, Doris Richard 225; Eileen Smith 217 and Marilyn Loge- man i Team Standings: Sky Divers 4, Hot shots 4, Jets 3, Hippies 3, Mods 2, Love ins 2, Mini Skirt 1, Tennors 1, Allycats. © and Misfits 0. Keep up the high scores. DUPLATE LEAGUE High Triples: J. Bent 812, W. Anthony 757, (307, 258); (302, 293); H. -Badour Mey 651, W. Evans 641 and D. Flowers High Singles: R. Pelion 345, G. Chese- brough 279, H. Curwin 265, E. Bastar- ache 250, R. Chute 250, J. Monahan 245, C. Lariviere 240, G. Stacey 257, N. Moony 262 and M. Lambert 235. Team Standings: Hooks and Crooks 20, Smashers 18, Dodgers 18, Surprises 17, Bools and Chains 16, Crazy Cats 15, Losers 14, Abstainers 15, Hippies 13 and Rockets 14. OLD COUNTRY CLUB High Triples: Bob Shelley 323, 232, 241 (796); Keith Alderton 274, 269, 209 (752); Ernie Mcliwraith 267, 256 (710); Frank Linley 264, 201, 234 (699); Bren- da Baron 217, 215, 242 (674); Alf Liles 221, 213 (666); Art Williams 268, 218 (661); Roy Mills 286 (659); Ron Brown wih sale (632) and Stan Redfern 224, 228 High neice: Parsons 248, Tony Frank Joe Finch 267, Eric Lloyd 246, Helps 245, Arthur Watts 232, Phil Ad: dington 232, Irene Hulme 227, Caroline Shelley 224, Al Baron 222 and Ivy Cov- erly 220. Team 'Standings: paver' 55, Hot Shots of Bobcats 44, ,» Help 41, In 37, Racers 2, Hi Spotter# 30, Sines 28, Corner Pins 25, Goons 25 and Kiltles 13, inners of first section - Points - Limeys 55, Pinfall - Help 32,780. WEDNESDAY ARTERNOON LADIES, High Triples; Marilyn Beckell Every A&P private brand product in our store is guaranteed to be better than or the equal of famous national brands. Pick one! Try it! Agree or it doesn't cost you a penny. WHY DO WE HAVE PRIVATE BRANDS? Yukon Club Beverages, Super-Right Meats and others. They help us to live up to our pledge . . . to provide the best food to the most people for the least amount of money. Are A&P private brands a good reason for shopping A&P? They're one of many! A sane Parker Reg. each 49¢ -- SAVE 47¢@ APPLE PIE full # : 00 8-inch 24-01 Jans Parker Orange, Lemon or Banana Reg. each 596 --- SAVE 100 CiilFFON Chie wh Reg. Price loaf 25¢ -- SAVE 100 © crow Be Reg. Price pkg 27¢6 -- SAVE 66 sie ) Jane Parker BREAD Jane Parker . DINNER ROLLS 60% WHOLE WHEAT EI. POTATOES CANADA NO. 1 GRADE 50-LB BAG ie Florida, Fresh New Crop, Sweet & Tender, Fancy Grade, Large Size 60's CORN NONE PRICED 6 cobs Qe HIGHER AT A&P! California Vine Ripe /2 |b. 49 c TOMATOES ola Red, Delicious, Ontario Grown, Crisp and Full Flavour, Faney Grade APPLES NONE PRICED 3b cello bag 49: HIGHER AT A&P! Red, Emerald, and Cut Leaf Varieties -- Gold Mesh Pot Cover Free PHILODENDRON ON BARK 24" sar «ch 5.25 Fa | We're proud of our private brand products. They're our finest values, Brands like A&P, Ann Page, Jane Parker, Iona, Sail Detergents, A&P Coffees, i brands are g not better than national brands »e SOME ARE ONLY JUST AS GOOD SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY STEAKS AND _ ROASTS ORIGENA BRAND --- 20-0Z PIZZA Pie PEPPERONI 39: SWEET PICKLED VAC PAC OTTAGE ROLLS A@P Fancy Quality TOMATO JUICE 2 voto: 3 Se ANN PAGE Ab' CHERRIES 3.0.10 | Peanut Butter SJ AP CORN QrvmndSe | 99: a> DESSERT PEARS 253 m4 SKIM MILK POWDER ', casan 1 | AsP INSTANT MILK. KETCHUP 3-Ib box 9 ? ¢ 15-fl-oz bt! 29: A&P Fancy Quality Red : SAVE 20¢ wf -- SOCKEYE SALMON 59% AaP TEA BAGS 049. SAIL LIQUID. s20-:ssseui 5 5c x AaP BRAND ° Instant Coffee nw? | 19 (PREPRICED} Reg. Price box $1.19--- A&P's Own Brand GILT EDGE FLOUR +89 JAM STRAWBERRY = 2A Qe ) Reg. Price pkg 78e -- SAVE 4e CHEESE SLICES = 9 SOMETHING NEWI Van Kirk Varieties) Reg. Price pkg. 39¢ -- SAVE 17¢ CHOCOLATE CANDIES --- 3 6% or phos 1-90 Jubilee (Twin Pack \ acd Frozen Foods! A&P Brand (Frozen) Reg. Price bag B8e -- SAVE fo POTATOES ceisccecur 2: poly bos Ah. Se Reg. Price bag Me -- SAVE Ge 2-\b poly bag 49. Reg. pkg 4fe --= SAVE ife 15-02 pkg 3 9. 7 ve REAL THING FROM FLORIDA | ss A&P BRAND -- FROZEN ORANGE JUICE 12-FL-OZ TINS 1.00 L Pa Faney Quality AzP PEAS A&P Faney Quality Sliced STRAWBERRIES 6-FL-OZ TINS 5-89. -- CANADA'S FINEST RED BRAND STEER BEEF PORTERHOUSE, WING or __i) SIRLOIN STEAK ROUND STEAK FULL SLICE or MINCED - PORTERHOUSE or WING th ROAST, BONELESS RUMP or POINT SIRLOIN ROAST ROUND STEAK ROAST ' . Ie $1,09 yon ALLGOOD -- SMOKED --- SLICED -- RIN@LESS SIDE xc $ BACON ' 9: eed seatood. Buys! PORTERHOUSE ROAST (3- Way Cut) OR TOP ROUND STEAK OR ROAST . Pa SIZE SAVE 200 19 _-- lol MARY MILES COUNTRY STYLE -- PURE PORK SAUSAGE SHOULDER OR BUTT, LEAN PORK CHOPS MEATY PORK HOCKS MAPLE LEAF, VAC PAC COOKED HAM Detergent PALMOLIVE tauir giant 24-107 bl 8 Yc With Pork CLARK BEANS Soft Rite (White or Coloured) Reg. pkg 57¢ --- SAVE 86 TOILET TISSUE Hostess Reg. Pric POTATO CHIPS KETCHUP senz Reg. Price bt! 420 -- SAVE 36 CEREALS tics" Feature prict 2 pas 7 Se (Wheaties 12-or., Cheerios 1 Lueky Charms 8-ox. or C ALL PRICES IN THIS ae. a tenement Reg. Price pkg 57¢ -- SAVE 180 SMELTS (FRIED IN BATTER) _--_'16-ozpkg 3 °F A&P Brand or Seal Seald Ocean Reg. pkg 430 -- SAVE 40 PERCH FILLETS so: 210 39 Wheatley Brand (Frozen) Lake Reg. pkg 59¢- ----SAVE 100 PERCH FILLETS ==: Sea Brand Frozen 2-Ib pkg 259 SHRIMP (GREEN, HEADLESS} D DS IMPORTED (FROZEN) -- Shank & Neck Removed A&P Brand Cleaned (Frozen) LAMB SHOULDERS «39: SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY (FROZEN) 3% CHICKEN LIVERS SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY (FROZEN) A 49. "2% corks S De CHICKEN GIBLETS «29: BURNS WIENERS = vac pac » 53: Reg. Price bt! 99¢e -- SAVE 100 Regular or Hard-To-Hold (20% More) SAVE 490 - Silverbrook No, 1 Grade Vo5 HAIR SPRAY 18-fl-oz aerosol tin 2, Q SAVE 4le FEATURE PRICEl 2 19-fl-oz tins 4 9 Jergen's -- Buy Either Size HAND CREAM large 5.4-0z jar 78c 3-oztube 68« wusitOOM SOUP Horii Me AP BUTTER 69: White Granulated SUGAR 39° «TT: AD GUARANTEED THROUGH SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18th, 1967 pkg of 4 rolls 49- 6 pkg 69¢ -- SAVE 100 12-0z pkg 59. Pr eee Goscing ith CANADA ORS AYAVA FOR 40 YEARS 1867 20-fl-oz bil 3 9% Og-0z,, Trix S/2-02y oco Puffs 8l/9-oz.) oceans es