Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Nov 1967, p. 6

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r 6 THE OSHAWA TIMES Thursdoy, November 9, 1967 * : . is not a eriminal offence jsenting adults, I don't believe] Klippert was convicted by a|CHURCH MOVED |Lady of Seven Sorrows here, 38--Coming Events _ --_--_--$--<--$--$--$---- ren evliew The Canadian government|the apart govern morals Of/Northwest territories court on| MABOU, N.S. (CP)--The old|The new shrine wilt be opened COLONY TOUR: : cat . should consider changes cel a egy EN Tuesday] Ur charges of gross indecency|Pioneer Church at West Mabou next May. ! -- PACKAGE -- ( 'oroner Orders In uest | recently in English law after|qismissed an appeal by Everett|involving homosexual acts in/has been moved about six miles : aes IDA TOURS oug t ithe British parliament received|George Klippert, a 40-year-old|four separate private acts 'with|to a new shrine being es- STARTED REFUGES FLOR od recommendations of a -commis-|mechanic, against a sentence of|consenting adults involving no|tablished here in honor of early; President Theodore Roosevelt, $246 American ° ie TORONTO (CP) -- Two offi-/sion on homosexuality. lan indefinite period in preven-|suggestion of violence. He ad-|settlers, The church will be re- an ardent conservationist, set E Hos ital Fire Deaths cials of the Canadian Civil Lib-) Julian Porter, president of the|tive detention as a dangerous|mitted to being a homosexualidecorated and restored by|aside the first 51 wildlife re. 14 doy GUIDED Tour, n erties Association Tuesda y| association, said that '"'with con-|sexual offender. for 24 years. \brothers of the order of Our! fuges in the United States. il. cesmncdatonk, called for a review of laws gov- @ 14 meals included KINGSTOW, Ont. (CP)--Anlvolved a piece of electricaljblamed the harshness of the\erning homosexuality after a inquest h been ordered into|equipment in the hospital's'fumes and smoke on burning x- Supreme Court of Canada deci- @ Side tours included one of tyh deaths that occurred) basement storage area. ray film sion upheld the sentencing for LeNOV. 24-- Tuesdayf during a fire at the). Orderly Albert Short, operat-|an indefinite period of a man in : : " 5/ Ft ES S nA fe "eam. 5 Hotel ifieu Hospital when 125) F oe bBo e Gibson ing, technician Monique French! 1965 WWVA SHOW patients were forced to evacu ate the burning building and Capt. Kenneth Cowdy of the! Sidney Linden, hieraiaggah ire fy si Kingston fire department, were|rector of the association, said in Coroner Stewart Patterson or ee a a Area wut | admitted to Kingston General|an interview that he supports dered the inquest into the death pW street wing built. be-| Hospital for observation after|the British view that homosexu- of Mrs. Stella Breen, a patient|, ' 4 "collapsing from breathing ality between consenting adults ayaa jtween 1909 and 1929. He said) santero Wheeling, W. Virginia $29.75 American For Further Information C« said the biggest problems were whose death was attributed to firefighters restricted damage smoke Sse Rags COLONY TOUR: smoke poisoning, to the basement During the blaze, Dr. John| Body Found OSHAWA of Kingston died during the fire|, Mt Brown credited 80 mem:|(eiin Cierra ter lood -- g th "ea 3. , u - ot head iniuries suffered whe bers of the nursing, medical and Sununu who wake have In Pool Of B 00 > : from (¢ dministrative staffs with lead- 7 struck by a car Saturday ng pelenie. through corridors,|i"& shotgun pellets removed) toRONTO (CP) -- Homicide Dr. Patterson said the girl's|\qown stairs or to aerial ladders |{o™m his body. Mr. Hazlett com-|detectives are trying to identify brain activity had stopped be The evacuated patients, in pleted the operation at Kingston the hody of a. man found Tues- SECOND EXCITING WEEK! DEATHS fore the fire broke out and she aie General day lying in a pool of blood in C A was being given oxyfen to sus ek ee finest An inspector from the fire an aliey behind a Toronto hotel. SEE CASHWAY FIRST AROMA | ED R FS hear dr Py - ? . *, ; ; { . ' Ls ntere into res! in eo ami tain her respiratory system faatitineag ih the city and are. eats office will investigate! The man, age gins ace FOR YOUR FINEST LOSET LINING! = dence, 384 Ritson Road South, ¢ _Mrs. Breen, who was in trac-lincluding Kingston General Hos-|" le . been "ephatre on sls ey "a VALUES! ! C dames, Bryce; 'beloved husbend tion, was i to a smoke- pital, one mile away, and to Ca-! ' ae nie vealed ne died from hea . Famous at in his 87th year. Resting at the roof room for treatment . of Forces ry hospi |CUTTINGS ARE ROOTED ries. si e Obs ' 5 trong Funeral Home, Oshawa y aisoke poisoning, from which nen pore nee a 44 miel| TRURO. N.S. (CP) --'Cran-, Police found papers which - "Chickamauga Brand! orton neral' service In the Chapel Fride g;: 1 Fifty firefighters helped carry picagys : f Leslie Gillies 40-FT CARTON vember 10 at 11 a.m. Interment ( she later died patients from the smoke-filled, berry plant cuttings are being|gave the name of aS x s BIG be Tl Union Cemetery. Eric Brown, administrator of five.storey wing and took some|rooted at the Nova Scotia Agri-jof Glace Bay, N-S., but they : COVERS ABOUT 32 SQUARE FEE ENGLISH, Clifford the hospital, said: "One adult qown hook-ladders placed on|Cultural College's greenhouse) have been unable to contact rel At his residence, 41 Fourth Stree patient died following evacua-| window sills here this winter as the first step/atives for proper identification. . manville, on Tuesday,' November tion, and one child during the) towards setting up a cranberry, Police said the assault could : Sys Tr Minis Crane dese fire, but to the best of our infor- PREVENT SPREADING * 'nursery. The one-half acre nurs- have originated from a dispute a Marl Aad Lon, Whitby, Lore mation, not as a result of the Firewalls kept the smoke ery is to be established on ain the hotel or it could have by ee ' : mee, Beria (Mrs. Carmen, Shirk fire." from travelling to other wings|cranberry bog located at Ayles- been a robbery. The victim had st " ALUMINUM SIDING at the Morri¢ Funeral Chapel, 'B Firemen said the -blaze in-'of the hospital. Some firemen'ford, N.S $1 in his pocket when found. A ; yy $ ville, Service in the chapel on -- ------------------------ - - eT =e f Reynolds". Horizontal a lig p.m. Interment Bown Sparkling White! HALL, James r At Toronto Western Hospital, or SALE SPECIA day, November 7, 1967, James | L 147 Liberty Street North, Bowm > 1 H in his 75th year. Beloved husb i Eleanor. Rose Taylor, dear fat bd Ronald, Chatham. Resting at the PPP ee EE cutt - Elliott Funeral Home. | service 1 o'clock, Friday afternoo Combination Storm & Screen PANE! NOW mation ¥ j JACKSON, Florence r ! ' At Sunset Lodge on Tuesday, We've got them! The snow tire that's all bite and no bark. eral Home. Funeral service 2:30 Friday afternoon. Interment B i i } ville Cemetery. (Donations. to the First Quality Ungrooved 1) ay ville Cemetery. (Donations, { KERSLAKE, George H. ; Suddenly at the home of his ? Vera, on Wednesday, November & \ George Kersiake of RR 1, Hamr his 56th year. Dear brother o = e D. L. Featherstone-Haugh (Nora) ach 4' 7' fax, Mrs, C. W. Downey (Vera) manville Resting at the Ne 1" THICK) xX P| AVA Elliott Funeral Home. Funeral 2 p.m., Saturday. Interment R.C | | ae ' ber 7, 1967, Florence Jackson' ¢ ll th : manville in her 84th year. Dear AND : of Christine and Leslie, Sugan ar i *, | , igigign 2'8"'x6'8 Resting at the Northcutt + Ellin 2°10"'x6'10" ig SIZES! "ila 10? ? & en in , ; KREMBIL, Lois Isabel (McLe win 1%" DOORS $22.85 §4 x8' $2.64 care ANE fee dea ne, to i A tery, Hampton 2'6"'x6'6" Ea. In Crates! Smaller Lots Add 2 heet! dell, in her 42nd year, Beloved . Cc Oc Sheet! : 'ae ov ' 1 1 1 wT ee keke ETE aia: diah Lakes Melionhy-- dente i ' Sizes As Above! Hurry! Hurry! f 1 "ad eames © "VEE-GROOVED" 1 -- PREFINISHED ee dag = | man Funeral Home, Wolsley, $a LET US QUOTE | I service on Thursday, November ALUMINUM © on vour sizes 40 4 MAHOGANY WOODGRAINS . interment" Wolsley, Cemetery, ows Comb, Storm and Screen . i | : i PRICE, Arthur Leonard ! i itv! i ntered Into rest_In the Oshaw WIND Made To Your Order! UP First Quality! B Rustic Cedar! Knotty Pine! Eniered into rest_in the shaw | ' P| . ' 1967, Arthur Leonard Price, belo\ of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry A a 7 ? 44 | 9 and brother of Mrs. L. Trehern P| ee ® t) Mrs. J. Gilson (Martha), Mrs. ; | vent (Minnie), Harry and George, i b 9 | y Oshawa; In his 62nd year. Res xX | X the Armstrong Funeral Home i ee a 1 8 neral service In the chapel, Frid: : wl vember 10 at 2 p.m. Interment i Ea. In Crates B Each In Any Quantity! Lawn Cemetery BH _Smaller Lots Add 20 Sheet! Others $2.88 to $6.25 Each! Reld, Samuel 0. At Hillsdale Manor on Thursday 9, 1967, Samuel O. Reid, belove "ABITIBI" PREFINISHED band of the late Elizabeth Stilla Vee-Groove 39 his 89th year. Predeceased by a ter Leona and a son Louis, survi s ] b] ki tl] seven grandchildren, Mrs. Barbar X Pioneer: an, Cobourg, Mrs. Dorothy Poc a Each ronto, Mrs. Dolores Topham, 2 more Marilyn Wilson, Milford, Jame 2x12" Or 16"x16 " $6 22 EA H! i] Hickory' 25 er Terry Reid, all of Oshawa. Res a 1 No Mcintosh-Anderson Funeral Hon Strictly While They Last! Hurry ® Smaller Lots Add 20c¢ Panel! King St. E. Service in the chap >, day, November 10, at 2:30 p.m. ment Union Cemetery. SCHRANE, Ella Galbraith At the Ajax Pickering General H on Wednesday, November 8, 196 Galbraith, age 59 years, beloyed George Hubert Schrane, 54 Cl Road, Ajax. Dear mother of (Mrs. J. Edwards), Pickering, Nv ee _. Complete With Strainer! 4 Co Famous "'Redtop" Economy Spruce & Pine LORS! Thermafibre 2 4 8's = INSULATION BATTS | " X "F~ 7 Bee eat Lou (Mrs, R. Biggs), and Rob Schrane, of Ajax. Dear sister of ? (Mrs, P. Daniel), Toronto, Qletha 99 (90 Sq. Fr. C 1 Ps J. Bright), Cathcart, Malcolm Ga /16" y; ' London, Ont. Survived by five Carton) P a 6" Vinyl Asbestos children. Resting at the Willlam with Vytacord. anaes newes 6 48 ... rin Funeral Home, No. 2 Highway nies: $40) 95 BFLOOR TILES Si asaya each naercoare nye tervice in he: Chanel oh te Full Size . Ss dal November 11 at 10 a.m Smaller Lots Add 20¢ Carton! ANY QUANTITY! 18x20x7""! ! each Cire nerve MMOL SAVE DAILY 8 AM. to 6 PM: SAT. to 5 PM. FRIDAYS to 9 PM! AT gS Authorized Deolers : SS |) Per 12-Ft. Length! Save Now! each F ' ROCK OF AGES HARDBOARD4 Bix ve $1.18 nw 4" $ 59 CHOOSE FROM 4 coLons 918 i 8 EAVESTROUG ion a $1 .08 each COPPER per AT OUR VERY Low Pricey i RE length Other Colors 63, 34" CABINET yp"! MAHOGANY $10.80 ... tid im PLYWOOD pinch §=--_- $1376 ™ FE M/E -- Arborite Prk ra oath a or Formica ie RANGE HOODS §S2%'rivinwe § 917°75 - CAUUA post FORMED ) a ee Boye ; ' Counter Tops 14-2 ELECTRIC WIRE 1,000" ros: Zs. Good Dry Oe ais 6Ft, $20,956 g" (60 Sa. Fe. earren Carton) 20 or more if Tubel winter tire! rth ia pa Now from Goodyear comes a new kind of mow tire. Vytocord Subsrbonites ars spectally designed for safety spikes... It's all bite and no bark! The bite comes from a revolutionary §-Chain tread GOODFYEAR design that grabs hold in mud and snow to get you going 4 and keep you going. a 6 y pl es Aad Nine ew Suburbanites are quiet! No morning "thump" when you drive away. They're built with Vytacord, ae Vora 10° Goodyear's polyester tire cord that won't flat spot, no each matter how cold it gets. : iD voice the trpetion en Siary toe @ Meximum contro! for curves and hills And You can look forward to extra mileage too from longer fsyn tread compound, GOODYEAR'S FAMOUS NO-LIMIT GUARANTEE ts all Goodyear Suburba tires--new and retread, or Ge le tn $88 00} wo.rspruce Bioc ay Be . an ine i. i INTERIOR LATEX PAINT ** *3 sn, [yar Prwoo0 SHEATHING . 134" Drilled For | Heavy Duty momma 5/16" ..... $2178 No. 1 Interior Hardware! Overhead Typef2x 4's #1 Spruce $114,00 93/8" ...... $3.16 SHINGLES Hinges Installed! § . y 1 e ees. | Mahogany |"riwocsns" | GARAGE) 2* Ss =! Soruce S11680 [1/2) «----- SAAB coy ay peking DOORS 2x 10's #1 Spruce $123.50 F G15, FIRPLY 8' x 6'6" All Lengths to 16 ft. 1/ eta i. .$4.16 2-Panel Ploi " 1-6 x 6-6 $4.71 ]2.056.6" $7.75 BB SLACK ASPHALT A's). $1.67 1/2" ++. 8114 | $9.75 » JU] BUILDING BOARD 4'xo'_ $1.9893/4" $9.74 aluminum each 2-2 x 6-6 $5,541 3.0.6. : GYPSUM Rocklath ... $42,70M 9 5ex4x8 T & G FOIL ne 6. ee eae " fe Bor *4 8 ** | PRODUCTS Wallboard . $5B40MB Fy "$7.24 INSULATION The "PRINCE Louvered & 4-Panelf 9' x 354°75 Let Us Quote On Your Complete House, Barn Or Cottage Job! ! $ 99 Also Available ! ! 7'0" Compare Our Prices And Really Save ! ! roll! by horizontal 18 BROOKLIN 3000 changer CASHWAY Hwy. 401 to Exit 66, south on Harwood HEAR IT IN" _ At Highway Nos. 7 and 12 CENTR ES North of Whitby to Station Road and West to 161 Dowty Road. ; * | TO SERVE YOU !! PHONE BROOKLIN 655-3313 PHONE AJAX 942-1221 Goodyear Service Store Midtown Texaco Service 162 KING E. PHONE 725-5512 117 SIMCOE ST. N. OSHAWA Tumey Shell Service Simon's Shell Service 962 SIMCOE ST. N. OSHAWA 97 KING ST. E. OSHAWA A. A: Preston Lawless Shell Service 925 SIMCOE ST. N. OSHAWA 227 SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA Price's Sunoco Station Fleming Auto Service Lid. 531 RITSON ROAD S. OSHAWA 401 DUNLOP ST. E., . WHITBY McDonald Ford Sales Koke's Shell Service Cor. KING ond STEVENSON RD. OSHAWA 403 BROCK ST. S. WHITBY INSTANT CREDIT: NO CASH NEEDED - CONVENIENT TERMS

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