tle So Cold ly Periods . Warmer today turn- der again Thursday. yutherly 15 to 25 today y northwesterly 15 to 25 cast Temperatures night, high age OKING FOR A * FORTABLE QUIET VOUS DOWNTOWNP N GO TO THE y-Ho Room i Lancaster KING ST. WEST HEINTZMAN RENTAL PLAN ovel plan for 'parents 0 test their children's ility before purchas- _Heintzman will rent tractive, new small months--if you de- irchase it, the six it and cartage will be the purchase price. re on Heintzman's t Terms. (COE ST. N. 18-2921 E. Conway Olive Ave, shawa fos eenea it. East 33 Heard ] THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, November 8, 1967 3 et i Fm First Arguments '|On Proposed. Abortion Bill." °~. five and organization president E ineile when it can be shown the preg- | OTTAWA (CP) -- The Com */mons health committee, study- y {ing proposed bills te broadén Mrs abortion laws, heard its first ar- -- of the Ottawa committee, mother of six who is chairmanjnant mother's life is in danger and) if she does not undergo an abor- Olive Heron, a _motKer of 'tion guments' Tuesday why they | Should be clarified and tight- lened, The committee spent two hours in sometimes heated ar- gument with the witnesses. Philip Cooper, a federal gov ernment information officer and member of the Ottawa Commit- e for the Defence of Unborn ildren, an affiliate of the To- romto-based emergency organi- Want Coinperent zation, summed up its position destruction of human life."' group's view is that at conception." Dr. Lewis Brand (PC-Saska "life begin aborted fetuses crying for sever - jal minutes before dying, and of : delivered in in 1966 an hour and 20 minutes after its mother a healthy baby Magnolia, Miss., was pronounced dead Mr. Cooper, "Abortion is the unwarranted Another point underlying the toon) said the organization had resented to the committee | 'highly-inflammable articles" | that were not factual. Along with Grace MacInnis | (NDP-Vancouver Kingsway), he denied the truth of reports of his wife Mary, a ¥ The Best Fuel Oil For Less WESTERN OSHAWA OIL LTD. 725-1212 VOLUNTEERS PREPARE CHRISTMAS SEAL ENVELOPES FOR TB ASSOCIATION DRIVE -- Directors and 200 volun- Church, The seals will be teers for the Ontario Coun- sent out to Ontario Coun- ty Tuberculosis and Health ty and Oshawa residents Association worked all day this week to provide re- testing and -health educa- tion programs. In one Canadian province over 200 high school students were ment. Over 1,400 new cases be are discovered annually in Ontario alone. The Ontario County Association, in addi- available to all dents for free check-ups. resi (Oshawa Times Photo) Service ? Call 725-3581 APPOINTMENT : pe e of nold We have ur own staff of exper- Ir e to * D> on of ; iT mat i. jenced, fully qualified heat 19 Menager of Tr arvices technicians on call 24 . hours Mr. Irvine joins Central O: every day . . . Radio dispatched orio Trust after 15 years 1 experience with a Charter- for quick service. All their work ed Bank and as well as sup- ls guaranted. ervising the Eastote Trust 43 KING STREET WEST, OSHAWA : 725-3581 Agency Loan Plan, f the Lhe Rie, | will the he Tuesday preparing Christ- search and treatment facil- infected with tuberculosis tion to its usual activities, | ---- -------- mas Seal envelo pes ities for TB along with last year and over 30 re- is planning to open a '"'drop- ee _at Northminster -- United... _X: "ray _ ¢linics, __ tuberculin quired. sanatorium _treat- in" ~chest clinic. which will UNDER THREE-PRONGED 2 bh { A ATTACK 'Ruto-Pact . CBC M Forces Move ; AY WI: anagement Debate Forces Move ~\ | cc OTTAWA (CP) -- Indust ny g Minister Drury said 'inetay rid a od a » ages or ourt ay is unaware of plans by the Per- UY, of fect Circle Company to close a f s a f) OTTAWA (CP) -- Opposition| {South), a former broadcaster, pee te von lee a JOrOnte B.") \ } . S speakers Tuesday continued al yho said Miss LaMarsh hadlire certo cay msht. He told ay ea 4 ire prone ata continued "a! PARLIAMENT ae repeated what "thousanas|tte, Commons he would "look _-- ° ig e ent } | concer: Janadians y : the BC sae egg Ht AT-A-GLANCE been pacing Micon ag iis Pisa Democratic Leader 4 ! & Bs 4 la udy LaMarsh as debate on the By THE CANADIAN PRESS OTE ; 7 ey ouglas said he understood = f= Psa \ broadcasting bill went through vonanax, Nov. eee bao es the S0me 500 men--more than half f its fourth day. 7, 1967 Prolonged discussion' of the The Supreme Court unani- tie bee M i ven with over 10 years sery- il to eovablled a ew Canaiian| Mously rejected Briiah Ce ie vor detailed sind Me ei ie ott an 8 Radio Commission to replace| lumbia's claim to offshore mi- bah ee ie consequence of the Canada-U.S. the present Board of Broadcast| Neral rights, ruling they are Moved i M we Mocut hea gubnigylcamit Governors and set out the res-| the sole property of the feder- (PO<LambtonsKent) ehh eon! He said the company is mov- ponsibilities of both private! al government. latent Scud kill the bill teh 10 ing its Don Mills equipment to broadcasters and the CBC. has. Prime Minister Pearson The Liberata can ee : St. Thomas, Ont. delayed debate on a bill to limit| told the Commons that discus- jou nemocrat surpoe i | ee capital punishment. sion of the mineral rights with leatiae the mend aet which te Veteran NDP member Stan-| Provinces can begin now that |passed, would send the bill to ley Knowles (Winnipeg North-| the legal situation is clear. committee without second read: Centre) said the debate on sec-| Another Supreme Court de- ing--approval in principle. ond reading would probably] cision provided in effect that An NDP motion to set aside| have ended Friday if it had not] €Very practising homosexual the regular Commons business/ been "muddied," by Miss La-| {8 liable to be held in prison Tuesday in favor of an emergen- Marsh's statement about "'rot-| for life. ; ley aeite on railway layoffs ten management" in some parts} An NDP bid for an emergen- |) i104 strong Conservative and of the CBC. cy Commons debate on rail- |cocial Credit support, but was| Bryce Mackasey (L--Verdun)| Way layoffs was ruled out of ruled out of order by Speaker | 'chided the opposition for criti-| order. Lucien Lamoureux. ~ cizing the secretary of state] Fisheries Minister Robl- |" prime Minister Pearson' told 'while at the same time levelling] chaud said' his department is the House that political discus-| their own criticism at the! considering tighter limits on ral rig' *publicly-owned network. the 1968 east coast sealing ; He found an ally in L. R. 4% SAVINGS | 3-LB. BAG CHOICE WIENERS $1 | at SPROULE' GRADE "A" FOR ROASTING OR FRYING . . . 2 to 3 LBS. CHICKENS 30! CHICKEN » « BASKET WHOLE CUT UP S 9: Fresh MEATY SPARE sail 0 59° NOT FROZEN ACCOUNTS now that the Supreme Court of} Canada had clarified the legal position. season. Sherman (PC--Winnipe g| ; A- Conservative motion was n troduced to scrap the gov- ernment's broadcasting legis- |" The court ruled unanimously | PERSONAL Expressway lation. |Tuesday that offshore mineral | 4% CHEQUING MACARONI & CHEESE LOAF Demonstrators threw eggs, jrights are under federal juris-| ACCOUNTS. . rocks, paint and bottles at the For Windsor Soviet embassy during a re- | ception marking the 50th anni- | WINDSOR, Ont. (CP)--A mul-| versary of the Bolshevik revo- ti-million dollar. four-lane ex-| lution. CHICKEN ROLL DUTCH LOAF PICKLE & PIMENTO AR Created < Individual (eGiks PERSONAL LOANS pressway system for Windsor! wrennEspAY, Nov. 8 CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST was announced here Tuesday = igh pe gee : Gein, Pockeuil: GOON 6.6 ok aks oes The s ts at 2:30 R t! . ges, night MR ag ng debate pat \aGES/ pa & SAVINGS CORPORATION ep RESSWOOD'S COOKED MEATS e Red Barnd Bach -- Canada's Finest Grade to assure Quality Flavor and FREEZER FEATURES @ NATURAL Tenderness RED BRAND RED BRAND SIDE of BEEF HINDOQUARTERS 61° ». 71¢ ». Expertly Cut ond Carefully Wrapped FREE. fer, Your | Freezer WHOLE LOIN of PORK ¢*'" S"S"tom gy. Mayor John Wheelton, follow ing a closed session of city! council, announced the city and the provincial government had broadcasting bill. The Senate meets at 3 p.m. 19 Simcoe St. N., Oshawe 723-5221 23 King St. W., Bowmanville 623-2527 FAMILY MONUME Compare 2 for 59e GENERAL ELECTRIC Compore 75e... , GILLETTE Super Stainless ~¥ agreed on a cost-sharing basis for the proposed $67,547,000 de! Safety Problems STAFFORD BROS. onen LAMP BULBS STEEL BLADES velopment. ' A NiGHTS poe The expressway would follow Call J. Feltis MONUMENTS ae 40 - 60-100 Watt sen : the existing routes of FE. C. Row * SATURDAYS ~? 39° 5 5 Avenue and Concession 3, a 10- 728 6414 668-3552 FOUNTAINHEAD FOR OF S mile stretch crossing the south- GH ATEMON Doane 318 DUNDAS EAST ern end of the city. a SE ee Nee GRANULATED SUNBRITE SUGAR 5-LB, 3 9 BAG BAKERY FEATURE -- Super Save 29c Dozen 2 Doz. 49° DO-NUTS Weston's -- Reg. 35 Brown 12 x. 31° TWIN ROLLS 1-Ib, Prints 5 FOR FOOD MARKET, MARGARINE Save On Clark's 48-Oz. Tomato Juice 2: 77° Save On Aylmer 10-Oz. Tins Tomato Soup 4... 49° SOCKEYE SALMON 49° FIRST GRADE BUTTER 1-LB. 6 5 e PRINT TALL TINS CARNATION MILK 2 or So® HEINZ INFANT STRAINED FOODS 8 JARS 89° he -- IT'S BAKING TIME -- CUT MIXED FRUIT, 8 0z....... 35¢ CUT MIXED PEEL, 8 0z....... RED GLACE CHERRIES, 4 oz. ... 3fe 94 SIMCOE ST. NORTH Lean--Fresh PORK Butt Chops Tenderloin End 3-Ib. Avg. Pork Loin Lean Rolled--Beef c Pot Roast lb BLADE ROAST Tender Beef Shoulder ROAST 37° x GRADE 'A' 27° SMALL EGGS e FREEZER SPECIAL @ FRONT 09: 69: e STORE HOURS: 4 ; Tender--Juicy Lean Gold Ribbon FOOD SLICED CARROTS ;,, HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS WAX BEANS '40. 9g° DOG NEVER FROZEN -- FRESH KILLED --- OVEN READY P.E.I. NO. 1 TABLE ce - aba le --. C| Potatoes PEACHES ro. 29 an lb HEAVY DUTY DETERGENT Country Fresh -- Grade "A" EGGS MEDIUM Open Tonight -- Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday Night 'til 10 o'clock PRIME RIB c BEEF 47° . . th ond Tee Rib ak 8 QUARTER Prime Rib ie § Ib Cut and Wrapped FREE e 5 9 ° e *Teyivo DELIVERED FRESH DAILY Save On Fresh Milk at Sproule's 3-0. Jug Skim Gl* | 67° | 58 PLUS DEPOSIT pozen '3 15-02, Tins $1 11° 99° 3-0F. Jug 2% | 3-Qt. Jug Homo | 14-02, | 5 lb. Boa @ AMPLE OFF STREET PARKING @