Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Nov 1967, p. 31

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IST WATCHER! yy ANNE ADAMS RACT TWO INCHES our waist -- the happy f angle seaming! Sew ) of a dress in shantung, -otton for your summer- vels. od Pattern 4710: Misses' ), 12, 14, 16, 18. Size 14 Y% yds, 39-in. Y CENTS (50c.) in coins imps, please) for each Ontario residents add es tax. Print plainly NAME, ADDRESS, NUMBER. order to ANNE ADAMS, The Oshawa Times, Dept., 60 Front Street Toronto 1, Ontario. 'S NEW. FASHIONS -- best of the new styles sizes in our new Fall- Pattern Catalog. Get ttern free -- just clip in Catalog. Hurry, send ht now. ) Records, rtners d Statistics Co. as say- entire process, screen- lection and comparative s, took 20 minutes of er time, saving approxi- five man-months of real ard Statistics, a subsidi- Standard and Poor's has its own subsidiary, tat, which provides the of some 2,400 compa- tape. These tapes can ed to companies looking uisitions or for compari ith its own performance :NTRIES + Downs Farm and Grovetree entry IR WAGERING) RACE -- Purse $1,800. Clainy ), Three-year-olds. 7 Furs Div@ y., Swatuk X105 rrow, Swatuk X107 Jay, Kelly X109 ive, Bradfield X107 Grubb X107 jen, Gordon 116 RACE -- Purse $2,500. Claim ). Two-year-olds. One Mile cifist, Platts X109 ud, Grubb X112 e, Grubb X114 ruce, Leblanc 115 slant, RR WAGERING) TH RACE -- Purse $2,600. Ak 3-_and 4-year-olds, One Mile 1, Potts A-117 ncis, Platts B-X106 A-X106 CX Kelly X14 ymez 115 Turcotte 109 of India, Grubb B-X108 ar, Dittfach 106 turrock and R Henderson entry er Farms ~entry nt Hardinge entry 1 RACE -- Purse $1,800. Claim- )). Three-year-olds = (Divn of urs tol, Gomez 122 Steve 114 Swatuk X10 ittfach 115 al, No Boy 114 quis, McCauley 110 ik, Leblanc 119 sem, Platts X104 ibs AAC lbs AAC tbs AAC ME 1 PM C.,, Hawke 13.60 5.60 6.20 larmony, Waples 3.30 2.90 Nay Sultan, Ellicott . 5.40 Started: G.M. See, Jacqueline Honor and Pine Hill Lila. RACE -- Mile Pace, Purse ditioned. . » Coke 10.30 4.00 2.90 ve, Feagan 2.80 2.60 n, Ellicott 5.10 jarted: What's Up Front, Adios Doug Smith, Piper Boy and . Frisco, TH RACE -- Mile Trot. Purse nditioned. J, Curran 8.00 3.60 2.90 Report, Waples 330 2.70 Mac, Hie 0 5.8 farted: Success Jen, Royal Mc- rim, Hoot's Son and Palacona. H RACE -- Mile Pace. Purse aiming. at, Davies 10.20 4.70 3.60 W. G'tan, Waples 4.40 3.30 Direct C., Curran 4. 30 farted: Echo O. Valley, Johnny artha Star, Silver Ronnie and | RACE -- Mile Pace. Purse ditioned Z., Feagan 3.80 2.50 2.70 Direct, Davies 2.90 2.90 Hal, Hill i arted: The McNab, F, W. Dud- Direct, Senator Mir and Allan } , 16-Year-Old Remanded For Presentence Report A 16-year-old youth was con-jto a charge of impaired driv-|Simcoe St. N., who was fined|Miss A. V. Drummond and J. BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE -.. ~ victed in Oshawa Magistrate's|ing, laid following a Nov. 3 court Monday on charges ofjaccident at Bond and Simcoe|Bruce Edward Hubert, 19, Sud-\den and A. Vaillancourt, and theft from|Streets, and was fined $250 and|bury, $50 and costs or 10 days, break, enter, the Vincent Massey Publicicosts or 30 days. School and causing a distur-| ,e9 F ' bance in Mackenzie Park. i E Gregory Paul Burnham, 126) to the charge of being impair- Town Line Rd. N., was arrest-\ed on Park Road South on Nov. ed and charged with the break-|4, and was fined $250 and costs in on Aug. 8 by Det. Sgt. John or 30 days. A three - month lic MacDermaid of the city police.|ence suspension by the depart- Burnham's counsel argued|ment of transport will follow that the youth had not made/for both drivers. a full confession honestly but : had made it up because he FINED $100 "was afraid." - A fine of $100 and costs or Magistrate Donald Dodds dis-|20 days was levied against Rob- agreed, "I believe this state-jert Fade, 321 Elgin St. _W., ment is substantially correct.;when he admitted the theft of I do not believe if to be a'fiz-ja buckskin jacket from the ree of his (Burnham's) imag-|Honda Shop on nagion."" West. The youth was also convicted ' aa iinnictrten on the causing a disturbance TAKES SENTENCE "i charge when an officer testi-. 1 ll do the five days" was fied that Burnham had been| Harold Coppins only comment in Mackenzie Park on Sept.|@5 he was fined $25 and costs 10 and had been yelling ob." five days on a conviction scene language and threaten-|{0F Public intoxication. Coppins, ing another youth with a spring--»> TeSides at 194 King St. W less switchblade knife. Burn- INTOXICATION Hey oocsgap argued the youth' Roman Babianz, 324 Highland ad been engaged in "horse- ave. pleaded guilty to a charge play" and carried the knife be-|o¢ public intoxication and was cause "he had been threatened fineq $25 and costs or five by the members of a certain motorcycle club." The youth was remanded out) MINOR FINED of custody two .weeks for a Paul Pigeau, 19, of 225 Ol presentence report. jive Ave., pleaded guilty to a !charge of minor consumption of DISCOVER PERILS : alcohol and was fined $50 and Two Whitby drivers discov-|costs or 10 days ered the perils of driving while es impaired by alcohol on Osh-| TRIO FINED, awa 'streets. Also pleading guilty to charg Daniel March, 38, of 1010jes of public intoxication were Dundas St. E., pleaded guilty|Levi Ralph Burgess, of 84 Charm, Bustle, Glamor | Describe West Berlin By HUBERT J. ERB ;show business performers--Sir BERLIN (AP)--Despite the Laurance Olivier playing Oth- privations of its Communist-iso-|ello, Mia Farrow Sinatra, smok- lated position, the Berlin Walljing cigars between movie takes, and its on-again-off-again role|and a stream of U.S. jazz as a cold war focal point, West/names, from Ella Fitzgerald to Berlin has charm, bustle and /Duke Ellington. King Street days what the Germans call tlanz--! Beat bands, too, get a big glamor play with the local long-haired The chic, swank and broad/kids. When Britain's Rolling Kurfuerstendamm is a prome-|Stones appeared, the youngsters nade perhaps second to none in|got carried away and tore apart Europe for its sidewalk cafes,/a 20,000-seat outdoor stadium. restaurants, elegant shops and) But, despite all that is of- strutting, long - legged, mini- fered, perhaps the favorite ac- skirted girls. tivities of the city's average The mini-skirt and pants suits|burghers out on the town re- are currently in with the city's;main eating--a traditional dish bienen, or bees as the girls are|is & thick pea soup; drinking a called, and they are sure to fol-| Berline Weisse," a big white low the fashion whichever way|beer with a shot of raspberry it goes. Twice a year, West Ger-|SYTUP; window shopping for ev- 's fashion houses preview|erything from knickknacks to many new lines here and it helps|tablecloths worth $1,000, and make West Berlin's woman|tooling up and down the Ku- The showings|damm in hot cars or not so hot have aroused 'the interest of|Cars-with hot-rod drivers. even the Russians who have| When the sun goes down, made wholesale purchases. |West Berlin's masses of neons Thn there is night life. The|light up, glittering where right trend js away from big produc- after the Second World War tion number night clubs such as|there was only a devastated in Paris or New York, with em-|black. Waiters get ready for the phasis more on more intimate spots, with inno-|come out and play. style-conscious. | Johnston, 25, of 406|St. W., {Dundas St. W., pleaded guilty|days. smaller andjonslaught, and the fun peoplejety for Prevention of Cruelty to/heckleg Mr. BRIDGE SCORES BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT The winners and high scores in the games played by the Osh- awa, Oshawa Golf and General Motors Duplicate Bridge bs were: OSHAWA CLUB North and South - Mrs. E. M. Culp and R. White, 152; Mrs. K.. Mar- 145; Patterson, 149; $25 and costs or five days, and Lionel Sprague, 60, 24 King $50 and costs or 15{141. | East and West - Mrs. C. Dav-|pit lies and J.- Wild, 134; Mrs. FOUND GUILTY Medland and J. Offenback, 131; Leach had pleaded not guilty.| | ton, 97 Central Park Blvd. N.,|; i ies thy ' '\ing partnership information call by the crown, and he was re 798-4136. | manded to Noy. 13 on charges| of threatening, and assaulting a police officer. Brunton plead-| North and South - Mrs. FE. F. jed guilty to charges of public/ Armstrong and Mrs. E. Mun-) jintoxication and committing |day, 70:. Mrs. KE. Henry, 69; | mischief by damaging and the|Mr. and Mrs. T. McDowell, Mr. jevidence on these convictions and Mrs. B. Field, 58. GOLF CLUB = be heard on Nov. 13. East and West - Mr. and| ~~ |Mrs. G, Read, 70; Mrs. ¢.| + Fee 4 |Doughty and Mrs. G. Lapp, Mining Finances 61; Mrs. L. Famme and Mrs. M. Freeborn, 60; Mr. and Mrs . Concern Hearing " ©». ». a S Sai GENERAL MOTORS TORONTO A P) -- Shortage North and South - A. Vaillan- of capital financing affecting) ooyrt and -A. Little, 141* § junior mining companies ap- Sheridan and R. White, "140: pears to be an area of major Mrs. R. Morris and Mrs. Wads- concern following hearings by a worth, 125: Mr. and Mrs. W. special committee into invest- Baker, 107. jment practices affecting the) 5. | ' : |mining industry, the committee oun for as _-- ara chairman said Monday. Cillp and Ko Mantes. 128; Mik. D. S. Beatty, Ontario Securi-\¢. Davies and E. Coles, 116.5: ties Commission commissioner, yrs. A. Dowdle and Mrs. C \said other areas of concern in-|4, Bovay, 116 'clude the need to improve the) --_-------- unlisted market for speculative} A |minint shares and the effects of| Ethnic*Group : ihigh-pressure stock salesman-} ° ship on the inexperienced inves- s i Representation One feature to emerge from " me ' \the first two hearings at Port Gans ae. fe cus cee a and stacy gatiaresiny nas that French-Canadians deserve ort an ee the same representation in pro- satisfaction with the unlisted portion to their numbers as any ao for junior mining securi- other ethnic group. > "a a; The member of the Ontario The committee has appealed . for written or oral submissions a. od coe from the mining and investment ih be ns chive. tad industry and the public suri "tl sensed Sauve, feder- { : al forestry minister. The terms of reference call' a4. cauye made a plea before SM Ea telly Hho penn ithe Toronto and District Liberal) 1S peta te : Association for an_ effective, i scrow of]! 5 ; dor consideration, escrow of) tore for French - Canadians in pooling practices ang other mat-|". ; ; ial aa ters relating to minjng, finance,|C2"ada's social, economic a development and-exploration. |government decisions. ' , Mr. Ben said: "Only one-| The committee's two conclud- third of the people in Canada ing sessions will be held at Tim- are French, If one-third equals mins Nov. 14 and iy in Tol two-thirds then that's a new ronto Nov. 29, 30, and Dec. 1.__|ying of math I don't know \about."' TRAFFIC IMPEDED | He denied published reports NEW DELHI (AP)--A gov-|that he had said he would quit 'ernment committee has conclud-|the Liberal party if it supported ed that highway traffic in India| Mr. Sauve's plea. But he said is seriously impeded by the/he objected to Mr. Sauve speak- number of roadside checkling only of English- and points. It estimated the trans-|French-Canadians and_neglect- port industry alone loses 50,000 ing other Canadians. Mr. Ben! truck hours a day by being re-/himself is of Slovakian descent. | quired to stop at check points) He also denied published re- set up by police, sales tax col-jports that he and Ralph Cowan,| lectors, prohibition squads, anti-/Member of Parliament for smuggling details and the Soci-/York-Humber, had booed or Sauve at the Satur- Animals. day meeting vations. PATRONS CAN WADE IN . There is a place where tele- phoning from table to table and| sending messages through pneu-| matic tubes can lead to same! pretty interesting contacts. Another night spot has a wad-| Your Guid MARKET-PLACE e To Quality Work & Better Values ing pool where it stages gogo) Check this feature every W girl dances. Sometimes male onlookers join in Although it swings, West Ber- lin cannot be called a sin city. The city is naughty enough, but as one visiting travel expert once put it: "You can get any- BUILDING CONTRACTOR for home, garden, auto and entertainment services available to you and your family, represent- ing; as it does, the area's most qualified businesses in their field, FOR HOME AND GARDEN ""y AUTOMOTIVE dnesday, It's a guide to eni "Shopping" PLUMBING SUPPLIES SEAWAY MOTORS thing you want in West Berlin but unlike some other European cities, it is not overdone." The more obvious signs of the naughty life are strip joints and shadowy ladies of the night who legally ply their trade even on the Kurfuerstendamm, or as the PLANNING TO BUILD... then check with us, Complete Residential, Industrial and Come mercial Building Contractors, JERRY BOSANCICH 59 Wayne St. Oshawa 723-6825 1968 Ltd 668-5893 1120 Dundes E., Whitby THE HOME OF LINCOLN ,.. SAVE 20% OR MORE e@ Everything fol the plumbing ine MERCURY , METEOR Call or visit us @ 668-6601 uc eee Open Evenings till 9 P.M, PLUMBING DISCOUNT 149 Brock St. N. Whitby mine W.| River here. 4 The tramway, last link in aj|ployed A fine of $25 and costs ot Mrs, G. A. Rundle and E. Coles,|truck line from Clinton Creek,|similar the|and British Columbia. will|persons will make Clinton Creek A modern The club will hold its ladies'|across the river to the landing/under construction, pairs and men's pairs compe-|Platform, It was built to avoid:/The tramway across the REMANDED titions. with Mrs. K. Marden|delays at freeze-up and break-| Yukon is one of two serving the/away from their work, and as|of the singers who will be under Bail of $1,000 cash or prop- and Mrs. S. P. Kandel, §. A.jup while ferry service cannotloperation. Ore from the piticlose to the meagre winter sun-\his baton in Lucia. erty was set for Robert Brun-|C°es and E. Coles the defend-| Operate on the river. : Co: ing champions. Anyone requir-| The $24,000,000 mine and millivia a mile-long aerial tramway Berliners say, 'der Ku-damm."' All this is on the fringe, how- | ever. The downtown mainstream features a fine zoo, including some animals who survived the wartime bombing, various thea- trés, many cabarets, a leading opera company, and right on the wall, the Philharmonic Hall where the city's noted orchestra plays under the baton of Her- bert vor. Karajan. There is an endless parade of DON'T MISS. THE BIG SALE FRIDAY, NOV. 10 at (0 A.M. Broadloom Sp CABINET MAKERS RUG CLEANING COTTAGE OWNERS... . or Home.Owner, We Specialize in professional installation of KITCHEN CABINETS R. H. CABINET SHOP 1613 Charles -- Whitby Phone 668-6911 CABINETS QUALITY CUSTOM CABINETS FREE ESTIMATES All Work Guaronteed GLANZER CABINETS 345 French St. 576-2980 WATER SUPPLY SEAWAY WATER SUPPLY SERVICE Serving the entire area 24 hres. doily -- 7 doys o week @ Reasonable Rates @ Swimming Pool Service Call Pickering 942-1397 PAINTING & DECORATING EXPERT PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING Hoover Specials Demonstrations - NU-WAY RUG C0. Choose a professionol job for and lower cost. FREE ESTIMATES -- CALL 728-2834 pp ni \ Buying -- Selling -- Renting -- Use The Times Action WANT ADS IN YOUR HOME ++. Or at our plont RUGS BROADLOOM & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING @ Free Estimates @ Oshawa Rug Cleaners Call 725-9961 3 Licensed Mechanics @ General Repairs @ Wheel Alignment and Boloncing @ Motor Tune-ups JAN'S GLRAGE 83 Ritson $, 728-8371 DINING end DANCING MOVING CITY CARTAGE MOVING and STORAGE Local ond Long Distance Agent for United Von Lines (Canada) Limited 725-2621 Anytime PEST CONTROL PRESTO PEST CONTRO. Oshawa owned & overated -- prompt reliable low cost service All work Guaranteed, Bonded ond insured for public sofety. Coll 725-9871 DIAPER SERVICE Twice @ week delivery. DIAPER SERVICE Call today ... starts today! Pick up & Delivery, Oshawa's Finest Dining Room e@ Luncheon Buffet @ Dinners 5:30 to 9:00 e@ Dinner Dance For reservations eal! 723-4693 GEORGIAN Motor Hotel Champlain Rd. Oshewe ENTERTAINMENT -- LADIES WELCOME e@ 17 Tables @ Snack Bar @ Broadioom e FM. Musie Children accompanied by par- ents are welcome. CADILLAC BILLIARDS 360 King W. Oshowe 725-8112 MOVING SPECIAL ATTENTION TO ALL APPLIANCES It pays to hire experienced mov- ers... truck for every need, Coll 725-2831 Doy or_night. Vita Diet Vitamin and Mineral Tablets 1.D.A. TOOTHBRUSHES IDALARM Alarm Clock , across the five days was levied against) 129; H. Barker and R. Niglis,!60 miles away, near Stanley P. Leach, 43, of 19) 197; Mr. and Mrs. C. Barrett, Yukon-Alaska border, Lloyd St., when he was found)195, swing 200 tons of asbestos a dayjhome. guilty of public intoxication ee) Aerial Tramway Moves Asbestos Out Of Yukon DAWSON CITY, Y.T. (CP)--|complex at Clinton began pro A 1,500-foot aerial tramway last/duction almost a year to the hour to a seven-storey process- R. Morris and L. Peel, Mrs.|week carried the vanguard ship-|day after the last of the Klon E. J. Wadsworth and J. Miller,! ment of 25 tons of asbestos from dike's big gold mining opera- Canada's most northerly open tions, Yukon Consolidated Gold Yukon Corporation, closed down. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdoy, November 8, 1967 3] Quebecer, 38 In Rare Role PARIS (CP)--A 38-year-old Quebecer is preparing for a big event--an evening in the spot-| Oto WORLD TRADITION light as the first musician from) a the New World to conduct at the Paris Opera "It is quite an event for Can- |Paris. I received good reviews jthere and that is how I came to jbe selected for the Paris ap- |pearance." jwith a capacity of 300 tons an ing plant, in stark contrast to the wilderness surrounding it past eng -- will sda." said Jacques Beaudry, ne kept from freezing during)who has been living in Paris for} i Some 200 men have been em- the winter with electricity, Hot|three years and conducting in| LONDON travels from '| GOL 3.69 Confidets "The Sanitary Napkin" 53 12's-- Suge HST 7 Sugg. list. fet \Medicated Vaporizer Instant Room Spray Sg it. Q 90's--I.D.A, SPECIAL 2.69 pote 6 2.99 in construction of operations SACCHARIN TABLETS Letter size the any ( nee in" Guehec water coils are part of cement a parts of Europe. foes 4 een: rheae i orn in Sorel, Que., and an About 190 S Im garages, shops ANd arts graduate of the University warehouses at the pit, of Montreal, he is scheduled to A power plant will supply hot/conduct Donizetti's Lucia di water heating for the townsite. |Lammermoor Nov. 12. The townsite gets residents; He has already directed many| CREAM > Cinatlin oheny townsite 1s LONOON FONERY LIMES hilltop to deat) us 140 miles south of the Arc-) "J tic Circle, as possible. worked with them in French performances -- outside! 5 oz. -- Sugg. List 1 for B94 1D.A. SPECIAL 67° NEW MENTHOLATUM | DEEP HEATING LOTION gives fast relief from @ Arthritic, rheumatic pain 3 oz. - Sugg. list 1.39 1.23 Prices Effective Until Saturday, Wovember 11 @ Muscle soreness @ Chest cold discomforts dial SHAMPOO 5 3% o. Sugg list 79¢ 69. V4 Tor. Sugg tst1.19:.1.03 / dial SOAP Complexion size / "Hii 2 tor 396 | New "Money Saving Size" Right Guard Deodorant LEENEX 17: White, Pink, Yellow, There's No Mess, No Fuss With NEW DAWN 1.D.A. SPECIAL The Permanent Hair Color 1B ox. Decorator Can, You Shampoo Sugg. list, 2.59 2.1 9 Suge, list 2.25 ce" ae SAVE 66c ii SEs Pacquin tik' Silk'n Satin BATH OIL aa oad 1.29 & Regular or itr! Crest New Mint Flavour! ' Tooth Paste Giant Size 2 for 1.19 MINT FRESH Tooth Paste swe 1.09 Sugg. list 1.49 Sugg, list 69¢ 1.D.A. Special 1.D.A. BRAND VY Grain, 1000's 1.D.A. SPECIAL 59: WRITING PAD ENVELOPES 1: 2 69, Bathroom Tissue Sugg, list 2 for 33c 3k rolls IATH BRYLCREEM we @ GOLIATH pprrsegene -BRYLCREEM HAIR DRESSING KING SIZE Sugg. list 1.09 ¢ Mix or Match Sugg. list 49¢ ea, SAFE! EFFECTIVE! NYTOL Helps Induce Sound Sleep! PPLATE | Ber pe Repair Kit grea' A rew # n-Gay e023 at "198 Money Back Su For coughs, © lief for bronchitis ui arantee Ladies' Plastic RAIN SPLASHERS J CLOTH All Purpose Towels Close Pkg. of 12 C Fitting ¢ ¢ Sugg. Overshoe * list 63¢ Sugg. list 1.00 pr. das A oven Coste ton Eastview Pharmacy Karn's McCordick's Lane's Whitby 668-4671 Prop. J. E. Cleveland 573 King St. E. 28 King St. East 260 Wilson Rd. South | 302 Stevenson Rd. North USED LUMBER VARIETY STORES 725-3594 723-4621 725-8711 723-1131 and 2 GOTT AGE OWNERS SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE : : : ypes of Use @ TOBA Ss y i CRUIKDING MATERIALS a ee: see ee Law's Jamleson's Mitchell s North Simcoe Pharmacy Mon. te Set. Open 8 a.m, to 10 p.m. daily 1204 Wecker Drive 241 King St. East 9 Simcoe St. North 907 Simcoe St. North ALLIED WRECKING SHORTY'S Cigar Store 725-3525 725-1169 723-3431 723-3418 34° Burk 725-4171 121 Brock St. Whitby 723-3474 boas

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