ife THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, November 8, 1967 . . . . Det. Wright sald, Milligan asked) Eight employees at twojpressed concern about his wife xii uveniles _| Police Tried To Railroad Him {im tow to co avout geting tne electrical oles ster ahiligan|aking a radio or air-arye 1im how to go abi he had ex- with -her to the tub. Cre had worked said iservices of a srostitite, _ " 4 = Concept That Strikes Bad Dominate Accused Testifies At Trial |»... tn 333 ; TORONTO (CP) -- A Toronto;death, Milligan had taken out ajwith Milligan that Milligan said STARTING TOMORROW! detective testified Tuesday that $15,000 double indemnity insur-!pe would drop | his wife off their errance Milligan, charged with Qe Minton he' funeral eemetmneUatcony she. were aes ge | Led To Bad Laws, OFL Told Conference -- eopheg 2 peony the day of the funeral iunfaithl se TEAS MOST ALAS PCT ns TODAY' RA FALI Ont. (CP) 1Ce ress, told 1.000 deleg to,contempt of court in breaking +. e at . ia Aha ii annual fe ei ition the Ti aS se said a were the main topic Tuesday at eave murder charg Ne 1 'd A ; se vo ' ts son o tales mi att annual feder: Ico injunction, said al : _ gan. 22. is charge t that the concept thatOntario federation does is sub-\tte opening of a two-day confer , wh 7 : Es _ : ser rootin.. tootin . shootin ; aH i VIN MILTON BERIE- JOEY BISHOP TORONTO. 10:40 A.M, STOCKS str vad has eed Hae ded cs ae t briefs. protesting injune-¢ce of prison chaplains and the capital murder of his 19- but sincere picture ! permuted by CP a hthe x jad ha ed to un- mit yriets prote a nyu correction warkers sponsored Y€ar-0 ld wife. J ane, whose ° agra sek Excnange--Nov ho _ , legisiatio and WU i pia od there Wa , 2 \ ations in cents unless mar' ties of trade -ur vith 4 hh " nt pone He : ite late : o , by the Anglican and United bruised body was found in sever- ty PARAMOUNT PICTURES AOR DENVER ee oy Y Yge 100d lot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr es eu ! t 4 not enough interest\in civil Churches of Canada . inches of bathtub water June and | b) M ADI ( rights, xw--Ex-warrants, Net chang lacDonald told old abor.|\bedience among federation 7 4 plugved-in plastic radio Jame eo A 5 from previous boerd-ot closing Federation of Labor Tue rs, president of members \ Rev. fom James, province ial | was found beside her body in MINES \ I } li eterborough Labor Coun- A resolution was passed call- ¢1a stra 4 ah pe ae ee ansehen the tub who served two months for,ing for the removal of injunc- é nstitution Old Gelegates! netective Donald H Wright ches should open their \told tions and for the outlawing of Chur the preliminary hearing M MacDonald, treasurer r of the val WATER BREN. 10:4 Sales High Low a.m. ¢ ken chairs afterwards n€ aes prs supine ' me : railroad me. Let's say I mur Walerxole i picketing be rhe AUrc mus accept dered her, which I didn't. How ns of the Criminal Code ri j loors to teen-z I 7 1000 1) 1) outside strike-breakers in labor door A een-age sroups evenithat four days after. his wife's BIAKe EDWaRDS 2000 20% 2 20% - i though older churchgoers may } " oe PROT 1 1 ee S aw 0 orce then have to clean up and mend bro. death, Milligan had told him: "I 7000 Ye 8 The resolution also asked that "* : ns . BY "know you guys are trying to Bg ee aes ae 70 68 (6B See list below. 9 99 «(99 ; i 2200 f the ther I re. % their 1 Bie 84 8l4- Ci arette Salety "Filters brought up t to date to ' meet e/them as they are vith their de- are you going to prove it?" 1000 an 2 s 4 needs of the 20th Century Love pra immoralities ang Det. Wright also said Milligan sae iny ee ogee ee vandalism. It has to' risk and had talked: about being' a rich} ed PES 1 : POSE 7 NS] T . a tk white hits $5 . 5 Bralorne 2600 189 177 189.4 nf ony earn. on ae RORY aye geo - cet vice pyar r Aree sag wage ai man as they drove to the city) Broul Reet Is 7 4 1 we CP)--Marvin the res showing sarlier, Murry ate f 1 eGrath, executive sec- morgue the day of his wife's * ot on yl I vat MP for that ealth de Toronto Newspaper Guild, pro- retary the Canadian Correc-| -------- me CARROLL O'CONNOR SLADE NAS a ee iy" i A Soe FR tadge Peas "iga-|ment s 612 on edu posed mass demonstrations and {ions iation, told delegates TIMOTHY CAREY' JOAN BLONDEL is & ee ¢ Dyno 600 220 215 220 be tion about t gers of smok-|an emergency session of the|the Criminal Code needs to be CHEN ere mci «HEAT TER RYO TST x Confer, 10095988 the ing whil iculture de part legislature to bring about action ed of offences that 'are ems es Cantri 1500 14 4 14 ment g $465,609 to on housing nes--a move which could ELA CALM ae ia ROGER WR -- - ; Chane 100 16 18 ans assis of the Cana- Discuss the jeratior > the overcrowding of cor- Phone one FEATURE AT ! ' Soy pare sae eta Sela Sats d ) s ent o isiz ctional facilitie or 728-0 te sien > ig ;\ 3 Coniagas 4000 7) «69; 6 - r ; Jo \ ehouse. education d [The correctiona ervices EPI'S 9:25 4 bah tt ued as 7 "e ' s field ) STANDAR D NEEDED re of the Textile Workers are flooded by those who have e\ ; C Merisn 450 460450455 ew processes and Ir Howe sai é Sil of America, said it is no need for these serv Con Negus 2100 65 64 65 : hould t t the } ; eee a 85 ? ich will make for a should be set up e health fp, r the federa vern- ne 7 e - ¢ Rembler Wooo a5 85 85 depar tt Si ffer 75 per cent of the _ ae a Cop Man 1500-4 292 2914 : mi ' een en . . s nope . j 12% 124 4 s en a for hous the a % Cralgmt ieee Phare ters GR! Crowpat 2000 «8 8 8 2 his € meet the ré D'Eldona 8600-70 6870 egg one ABP sane it | ae Bea Barry athe June, 1966 i ( ) so passed M IGA h h h Endake zi0 $12. 1219 member for New Westminster, Heath commitiee, 'Dr. ce solution opposing U f. shows how muc | ie Seas as been cz ng fag bar awfe deput ealth miinis- States milita pol i e e ° Fe Gldry 10600 123 118 120 on cigarette advertising or ai tc Sz nam y W th * ms Goldrim 8500 75 74 75 east equal time for anti-ciga We concerned about, In executive elections at the req cares ! 1 Ea dh Cox t pd ae os 4 rette medical groups the ir t of cigarette smoking convention, David Archer was Granisie 200 920 920 920 vopulation returned as president of the fed- d to do eration and Douglas Hamilton 1 the was re-elected to the office of secretary-treasure CUPE Offers Help To Boy TORONTO (CP) -- The Cana-} dian Union of Publix Employees | IVAN TORS COLOR ay DeLUxe =f COLOR by Deluxe is ee meschaea tu wwrepanrsts | UNITED ARTISTS y's parents. The fire had been bd by inflammable phos phorous The boy, who lost two fingers Tune 13 when a home-made b exploded. was charged j breaking and entering a inday manaectiow/ Sa pin 34 g apartment} < 1e fire was estimated at| Now Appearing : Opemske 100 s10% 10% 0% FART Param 28000 15 (14 N4la T Patino 3765 $16 15% 15% ' Peto. 2000 720 720 720 ie Pax int go00 12 12 «(12 Don Roact . president of Local Pee Exp 19800 167 166 167 767 of CUPE said the union has} Peerless 4000 74 Ta 7% offered to donate free labor 1o| ae roe en ah ae repair the damage, has asked} Pow Ro} 32. 32 Prest 2111 $204 20 20% shir =A 9 the superintendent of the Deve | politan Toronto Juvenile Deten- Pyremid rd 325 25 25 ti me to be lenient and | @ Matigm! 3100 140 137 139 ffer yt chemis Quemont 45 715 710 ms OsHAWA'S OWN nT PEL ee, Be id «+. the Rio Algom 3 3S OLD CHEESE t= 9 scare op tos Ye Six Sari See Seon, e % $1 Stand 1200 "80 80 Drive-In Ps ie sags Pee. Ye 1BV4 18Y4 QUINTET fe Bee, oa ALL COLOR PRD EAM MEER, RATNER. a DOUBLE TAPE DAY YELLOW or AO Torment 'S00 sis Sia sh James Coburn. | Wit CERES A $ 2 Rel Tribsg Yo40 106 106 106 ee DANCING NIGHTLY at the p me W'S SO EASY! This week you simply got Donte the , Me OR Trincne to tt } ; : ie "WATERHOLE . TAN ABLUM >." ® a indaeesienrreiamg Btn Vet, ad Bo KORGIA! YORK SMOOTH or ee Soe Te aivke yee adiiviomsl topes by an tor "REG. or WINTER FRESH West Mine 2600 290 268 290 NO 3" |=" CRUNCHIE -- 16 2. Jar ttn 'from tne TOA: Gi Calbiogee + ec. tor, Eaten Mee 4 Ghamt Wht Str 89400 504550 : MOTOR HOTEI E i chandne Certificates oad with Christmas fost approeching s EAM Sarg OR Windta! 1000 31318 ADDED ATTRACTION : ane PEANUT BUTTER . R what better wey to get e heed start om poor Cheishmay 8 Yale Lead 3500 24 20/2 232 ft aa lenmac pi* oth pcawired with IGA Temes or Eaton Cartifecaten ¢ BIG 10 PACK Greig Stephens os THORNTON SOUTH KE SHIRRIFF "BUD™ --. RETTERSCOTER, de se e SCOURDEE Pans OILS, GAS and CHAMPLAIN Pars, i' u u" CARAMELDHOC or VAMELLA a id GUNN IMPORTANT < ses ae as ' A 4500 15 15 «18 23-4 693 PUDDINGS For sey meaty tiny at toe chectomts nty enmmiiete stellen Bont ig 250 $15% 15% 15% . lee e 2 : ie ist low. percep ie: TOMATO or "ile Fo cvmenpin, F pene cosh reqicher, ings A FRESH bg Griaon a0 900. BOE oe Show Sterte At 7:15 hotabs STB.44 pou wil weceere on addek $18.00 im Re fe Raeery Cén Sup © = 258 842% 42V4 42a eu a UG aie's a ee Tepes FREE Dowtbe Tape Dumps ix ist another reason why we wey AE IGA we malty come", TAKE ADVANTAGE OF DOUBLE TAPE DATS TO CLAM GETS FASTER MP irish GRADE "A" > \ TABLERITE r LARGE Doz. MORE 49c FEATURES CROCELATE CHIP te DAVIDS BiscwITs ™ 49¢ Dynamic 200 168 168 168 French Pt 1100 715 705 715 Gt COlisds 210 $12% WM 13M a GET READY FOR THE RIDE OF YOUR LIFE IN THE MOST SPELLBINDING SPECTACLE YOUR EYES AND EARS WILL EVER EXPERIENCE! YOu are behind the whee! of a Grand Prix racing car Sf ie fA WE RESERVE THE RPCHT Te LHMFT QUARTHTIES OR FINEST QUALITY TROPICAL Fear GOLDEN RIPE BANANAS 4.49¢) . TANGELOS18=49 CHEESE Twists == 49¢ | ' EMPEROR GRAPES 2..49¢h RAISIN BREAD 2ismAQ¢ | © DELICIOUS 'Appies 6=49¢ AWAKE DRINK Sis 49¢ | PE pOtaToes 3s 49c! YOu play on the colorful bikini-dotted beaches of the Riviera. FRESH 'ONTARIO PoRK SALE! FRESH LOW ROAST = O'PORK . PORTION =, 9 Tae PACE -- 9 78 11 COOPS QUARTER PORK. LOW » 69% LOIN CENTRE CUT« CHOPS 7% TEAM, MEATY SIDE SPARE RIBS 59 You scale up the side of # sheer ciiff-~car Y. n and alll OU rocket through dark tunnels at blinding speeds YOu trave! with the international mod-set Ki and join the mini-akirts and nip-huggers at YOU skimoverthe cliff tops and roof tops play of fabulous Monaco in ahelicopter EGGS You share the loves and triumphs of the You are inside the world of tashien-- for a full-color showing of the Jateat in Parisian haute couture. drivers and their women from Monaco te Monze, via Mexico City and the U.S.A. 4 b te . TLE SLICER He FRASERVALE FROZEN ame Y's IGA BOLOGNA =: 49. » | FANCY PEAS me 49 - ERCH ed WIGHLINER HADDOCK FROZN enon soe? WINER PERCH FILLETS i. . | FISH & CHIPS | S"49c¢ DEODORANT =4]e OF 3 . DEMPSTER" ve ORANGE, GRAPEFROIT er ' MENNEN SOF.sTROKE | Ants bi y ut , START CRYSTALS 4°: 89¢ J SHAVE CREAM =63¢ ce | MARGARINE JAMES GARNER EVAMARIE SAINT YVES MONTAND TOSHIROMIFUNE | BRIAN BEDFORD JESSICA WALTER ANTONIO SABATO FRANGOISE HARDY Shop for Value at Any of These Convenient Locations ch EB peavey EDWARD LEMS mary WAIRCE JARRE Dyl's IGA Landsdowne IGA X SUPER PANAVISION AND METRO} 0108 Gr 166 Adelaide Ave. E., Oshowe Lansdowne Shopping Centre FINE QUALITY CRYSTAL CLEAR Swallow Reserve Seot Tickets Now of Box Office or Phone 725-5833 --- 725-5542 Bilsky's IGA _ Braemor IGA n. Thru Sot. Evenings ot 8:15 ARTS TODAY 8: 15 120 -- Rd. S., Oshowa Stevenson Rd. N. at = Pot iern SINCE' 1907 Wed. Sot. Sun Motinees of 2 p.m CALL NOW FOR CHOICE Jubilee IGA College Hill Bete col pigeee§ Supplied by THE OSHAWA WHOLESALE UIMTrEn 118 Simcoe St. S., Oshawe Cubert St., Oshawa supply depot for progressive independents Box Office open daily from 12-9 p.m RESERVED SEATS