Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Nov 1967, p. 17

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Town ycouts | Morris, Great. Falls cutive. "I think the f owning a ghost town led some of the "boy among us adults. aid plans for the area med at preserving its significance. "The turn each of the old o trails with the same ay had when Kendall ming community," he ow Kendall is asleep. ever that drew 1,400 's and their families, disillusionment that hem: to vacate the still there. The old re still hidden in the a concrete bank vault s emptied of its last yment when paydirt run scarce just after f the century. is still clean, and till enough gold dust soil for interesting, if able, day's with a gold AGILL'S MIXED es -- B. Poole 779, L. Madi Bastarache 674, B. South- Owens 643, S. Siblock 632, R and J. Owens 601. -- E, Bastarache 306, C 301, B. Southwell 202, , 269, S, Siblock 26; 248, 232), A. |, 236, D. Bedding 235 and S. 25, D. Broadbent 99%, 66, A. P. Bishop 90, D. Roach 89, 73, 89, J. Trudelle 77, 75 and , 63 ORDER OF FORESTERS les -- Wes Stata 774 (290, bunds 650. (250, 212), Claude. r (206, 255), Molly Hartshorn ), Beryl Miller 614 (218, 204) h 612 (234 les Lorna Bacon rer and George M ald 226, Joan Dart 226, { Arlis Smith 223, Bill Elli Palmer 216, Ann Paimer nis 215 and Ted Varga 210. ding -- Quits 15, 67's 14, spa's 11, Expo's 10, Cokes %, nd Rums 7. UPLATE LEAGUE les J. Russell 7: |. Lambert 734 ( 78, 227), S. Badov icanson 683 (264), , Wellerton 671 1 We 94), E. Curwin 657 and G 650. p@ -- J. Conboy 272; L. Lam . LaRiviere 258, B. ibson . G ers 245, E. Basteractie 246, 246, N, Pohribni 255, B. R. Elkinton 238 and T. Rossi Surprises razy Cats ER CITY LEAGUE es: John Hubbard 710, Larry 97, Wayne Johnson 669, Barb Im. Meikle 646, Stu Reeson in Hubbard 602. les: Larry Henderson 297, een 278, John Hubbard 276, Johnson 270, Ed Flagg 267, 2, Marg ding: Aces 40, Bank of Aten- ystals 34, Wafers 28, Wheel- Grits and Grinds 10. 1ERIFFS LEAGUE les: Bev. Hicks 709 233), (272. 31), Sandra | Stalrs 604, (221, 203) and n 602 (229, 200) les: Janice Hughes 264, Ev Carol Judd 234 and Sandy nding: Beetles 23, Fleas 23 srmites 17, Salamanders 14 n rs for eur first section are although Fleas tied them in take it In total pins, "nice Marie Ferguson had a@ fine week, 303. CEWAY e- and four-year-olds. 1 Mile latts 3.50 2.70 Yr 2.40 ue, Swatuk 3.20 3,10 d, LeBlanc 5.40 in Order: Countenalre, Dark Winning Shot Jr. R, 4 AND 5, PAID $11.70. ACH ---- Purse $2,400. Allow- year-old filles. 7 Furlongs. ic, Grubb 1 3 3.70 3.20 3 5.10 in Order: A-Clem's Romance, Care, Greek Victress, Coeur Piper's Hill, Farms Entry. 1 RACE--Purse $10,000 Add Stakes". Three-yearocids + Grubb $20 2.2 2.18 Walsh 4.00 2.90 Near, Fitz'ns 2.60 | in Order: A-Veiam, Yahoo ¢ Point and No Reasoning. itfield and Hilicrest Stable RACE--Purse $3,000, Allove- e- and four-year-olds. | Mile. Gd., Difach 3.70 2.80 2.50 rey, Walsh. ® go, Griffo 4.99 in Order: Margebella, A-B: and Empress ¢f India. erson, LC Merrisroe and $ son Entry. /R, 6 AND §, PAID $43.30, 15,754. Handle $974,704. { RESULTS RACE -- Mile Pace. Purse eagan 4.10 3.40 2.60 , daples 13.20 5.60 ; 4,40 ted: Top Notch Pick, J.M.J.s ady, Easy Annie and James RACE ~ Mile Pace. Purse ing. uckl@ 13.30 4610 3.20 Bob, Curran 6.10 3,10 'Ss, Woods 2.50 ted: Dandy Sandy, Wee La 'an Portage, and Tommy At- tACE Mile Trot. "Brant- ', Purse $3,340. 'id, Sil'pht 2.30 2.10 2.10 Boy, Walker 2.10 2.20 ddell, Palmer 2.20 ted: Hi Gler and Kawartha )R, 2 AND 4, PAID $3.40. 1 RACE -- Mile Pace, Purse ditioned 'ing, Curran' 11.80 5.40 3.80 Grattan, W'wood 4.70 3.50 y, Davies 5.10 ted: Nooreiands Dan, Gentry Dilly Jack RACE -- Mile Pace. Purse » McK'ly 11.50 5.00 3.40 Furness 7.20 4.2 A. Lieweilyn 4.50 rted: Lynden Dodger, Jw R d Galen's Boy RACE -- Mile Pace. Purse fitioned Man, Wiwd 14.60 6.20 3.40 Arthur 0 2.60 la, Varcoe 3.00 ted: Armbro Hero, Note Kk, Brenda Hat and Mighty 4,723, Handle $228,208, 9.10 460 3.78. t ii ) BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, November 6, 1967 77 eae Arms tied behind her and helicopter to a South Viet- wearing a pair of black namese Army intelligence bloomers, a Viet Cong girl center. She told interroga- sits with two other prison- tors she was part of a ers as they are taken by 'liaison cadre' who carry Youth Ignores Probation probation|and costs or 20 days for minor and placed him on cohol. Shaba when the youth was convicted|consumption of 2 a and theft from a doctor's office. liquor offences, However, evidence in magis- trate's court Friday . indicated| BAIL SET that Gilmour left town. and never did go toesee his proba-|was set by the Crown when it tion officer. with assault harm. will be served in reformatory. TWENTY DAYS Twenty days in the county jail was the sentence imposed on Kenneth E causing charge of driving with his suspension. Mac- ious driving tence under Ph had and costs or five days on a erson had a s tecord from the 1950's. strate Dodds said to her, "A JMPAIRED pace A fine of $250 and costs or|, woman of your years". 30 days was imposed on Arthur} Sinclair, 57, of 709 Grierson |\VAGRANCY Ave., when he pleaded guilty to} FEMALE CONG PRISONER South Vietnam. scene of the accident by his in-|governmental decisions and are toxicated ' Dodds stated that 'there may/|sioned, |be some doubt" in the charge|than ever before. lagainst Edward M. Tennant of| Constitutional reform was Gleneverest Rd., Toronto. ; MINORS entence 0 © ormator Two other cases of minor con- jsumption of alcohol came be- fore the court. Arthur Gavas, 19, Magistrate Donald Dodds|warned Magistrate Dodds as he|of 357 gave Richard W. Gilmour, 16,|fined Wayne Shabatura, 20, of | pleaded guilty and was fined of Oshawa, a break in August!/31% Bruce St., the sum of $100/s59 and costs or 10 days. The|French-Canadians ame fine | Fred G. Laughlin, 19, of RR 1,jnow make up only 13.3 per cent on. a charge of break, enter,|tura had a previous record for Bowmanville when he pleadedjof senior civil servants and only |guilty to the charge of minor| consumption of alcohol. Bail of $500 cash or property |INTOXICATED jwas revealed that the common /guilty to charges of public in-| This time Gilmour was sen-\law wife of Dewey Walsh ofjtoxication. Paying fines of $25 tenced to six months définite|Nassau Street is no longer injand costs or five days were and six months indefinite on the/danger in Toronto General Hos-|Nora E same conviction. The sentences pital. Welsh has been charged|rRd.. Toronto, a mother of six, bodily| William Weatherby, 42, of no| \fixed Constable Mike Biss of the|Grieve, 32, of no fixed address. | icity police found Mary Casey, |Kathleen DeMitre, 260 Linden ard MacPher-|43 Nassau St., lying face down|St., Apt. 3, pleaded guilty to a son, 32, of 176 Taunton Rd. E.,|against a garbage can at the|charge of public intoxication when he pleaded guilty. to alintersection of King and Nassau|and was placed on a six month li- eets, While fining the woman!suspension with probation. public intoxication charge, Mag- $50 FINE Having liquor in a place other disgraceful form of conduct for|than a residence resulted in a |fine of $50 and costs or 10 days jfor William J. Black, 28, of 681 ity Lionel C. Sprague, no fixed|Montreal a charge of impaired driving.jaddress, pleaded not guilty to alpleaded guilty to the charge. | |Party Men Rap Sauve TORONTO (CP) -- Maurice Sauve, federa] minister of for-| sstry and rural development,| was heckled here Saturday by upporters of his own Liberal party when he spoke on Que-| yec's problems in Confedera-) ion, Two of the chief hecklers at a luncheon speech to the Toronto and District Liberal Association were Ralph Cowan, federal member for York-Humber, and) George Ben, provincial member for Humber. Mr. Sauve warned English- Canadians not to be lulled into false security by centennial celebrations in Quebec and Que- jbec Liberal support for Confed- eration, adding: "Do you share our ideal of an jequal partnership of power and jinfluence?"' | 'No,'"? shouted Mr. Cowan. |Mr. Sauve adjusts Hansard "to \suit himself and then denies he jsaid it." Cc binnan Gatween 1owal "You go ahead and print Viet Cong and main force |tiat." sald Mr. Sauve & * |Cowan is not a Liberal." battalions. She was cap- ta Lib tured -near Ben Lue in __jhave an effective share Canada's--social,economic-and,-pie friend. - Magistrate|"'more disenchanted, dis illu- frustrated and bitter' only part of the answer. Fundamentally, the problem was "whether, through the whole of Canadian society, there is sufficient willingness by Eng- lish-speaking Canadians to share what have been their pre- rogatives of power with " Phillip Murray Ave., was levied against} He said French-Canadians one Canadian industry of 100 leading companies is headed by & Four other persons pleaded | DRANK PLENTY In 1966 the world consumed a} record 11,500,000,000 gallons el beer with Czechoslovaks drink-| ing 413,000,000 gallons. Baker, of 63 Bowmore BA DEGREE When Mr. Sauve proposed a} John Andrew Mowat re- federal capital district that) ceived his Bachelor of Arts would he "officially and realisti-| degree in history at the fall cally" bilingual, Mr. Ben de-| convocation of McMaster manded in a loud voice if Eng-} University. Mr. Mowat was lish Canadians would be allowed! married in September, and to remain in the country | works with Dept. of _Man- 7. wnncteh Git power .and_ Immigration. SAYS PRACTICE UNFAIR His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Cowan told reporters as| A. Mowat, live on Bond he stamped out of the room that, st. Fast OURTESY WINS ROLE : ' ture debut in The Odd Couple, Mr. Sauve said French-Cana-' currently filming on locations in |dians are convinced they do not! New York. after his selection as} IN'the city's most Te-Pee | Drive-In ALL COLOR PROGRAM James Coburn in "WATERHOLE NO. 3" ADDED ATTRACTION Craig Stephens os "GUNN" Box Office Opens 6:30 Show Starts At 7:15 PM Fears U.S. Proposals Could Curb World Trade TORONTO (CP)--Prime Min-;mally dressed convention del ter Pearson said Saturday gates and whisked up to tt 'fght: that pyoposals in the U.S. convention floor. 'ongress to restrict imports} He made only one referenc: 'ould strike a serious and possi-jin his speech to Vietnam, sta! ly fatal blow to efforts to ex-'ing that the fighting there, pand world trade. 'tragic, savage and always in These proposals are of partic- danger of spreading if it is no! ular concern to Canada, whose stopped," provides 'dramatic trade with the United States is Deon a ets eo al greater than that between any) other two countries in the| Douglas Sees courteous cab- | world, Mr. Pearson said in a} speech to the closing dinner at ithe world congress of Junior striae Men (GB) --The penasinete: oF CORnEDe™ fedepal government likely will While the outcome remained }.j4 down a supplementary uncertain, the U.S.government jdcet increasing taxes soon, had assured Canada of its "'con- \64° pemocratic Party leader tinuing support for a liberal T. C. Douglas said Saturday trade policy," despite congres- "\qqressing 200 persons at a |Sional efforts to eliminate or re constituency meeting in this duce tariff concessions €X-\-ommunity 40 miles northeast changed in the recent Kennedy | ¢ Winnipeg, Mr. Douglas anid |Round of international trade ne-| .4.n9rate tax exemptions, ex- | gotiations. corporate profits and | A small group of demonstra- Canada's lack of a capital gains tors, most of whom appeared to tax are in large part responsible \be in their 20s, shouted at Mr. for inflation, "our No. 4 prob- | Pearson when he arrived in the jem |lobby of the Royal York Hotel For decades, middle and low |to attend the dinner. They pro- income groups have borne the ltested against the war in Viet-\tax burden, Mr. Douglas' said nam and accused Canada of But when Ottawa cuts spending, Tax Increases cess complicity in the U.S. prosecu- jt is programs such as medical tion of the war ti insurance it postpones A few demonstrators broke; The government might better through a police cordon and got cut defence spending - which closer to the Prime Minister, pours millions annually into ob- but he was quickly met by for-'solescent military hardware Bronx cab-driver Milton' Mil- "Ralph\jian will make his motion pic- OPENING OF OUR NEW STORE THURSDAY, NOV. 9th-9 A.M. @ FANTASTIC OPENING SPECIALS @ FREE GIFTS address, and Gordon| St., Kingston. He} APPEARING THIS WEEK Brought back by popular demand ofter their six month OTHE CASUALS" AT THE ESTABLISHED HOME Of Country & Western MUSIC IN OSHAWA "This kind of driving is truly a/charge of vagrancy (begging) menace to all people," said|put was convicted and fined $25 Magistrate Dodds as the evi- and costs or four days with time | fence indicated that Sinclair's spent in custody to count. | car had struck a telephone pole z and a guard rail fence on Sept. DISMISSED 16. A charge of failing to remain $200 FINE at the scene of an accident was} "I need my licence to supportidismissed when the defence evi my three young children," dence indicated that the ac-| pleaded Larry John Wilson, 27,|cyused was taken away from the of Orillia when he was convict-|----------__________ ed ofghaving care and control of | a m@lor vehicle while impaired. He was fined $200 and costs or Phone 723-0241 or 728-0192 30 days and an automatic three-| EPI'S month ° government suspension |f will follow WARNING "Tf I see your face in this | court again you'll go to jail," Glamour!.. Speed! _. Spectacle! ' ' | METRO-GOLDWYN. MAYER mses / Sag an ; a. - a = o ee : ; Q 7 wae Massey Hall UY EARLY-GET CHOICE The Price Is Right (TORONTO Adults $2--Kids 90c--Reserves 50¢ Extra 21 pUSTC ONES Sat., Nov. 11 | | t DP n Hour Show -- 2:30 - 8:30 Now Appearing In The... AA Y i wy -- "Vintage Room OSHAWA"S OWN ... the DICK VALLEA QUINTET DANCING NIGHTLY at the EORGIAN MOTOR HOTEL THORNTON SOUTH and CHAMPLAIN ESERVED SEATS stamped envelope. Send MONEY ORDER or CHEQUE, $2.50 for each ticket to GRAND OLE OPRY, Massey Hall, 178 Victoria, Toronto. Enclose self-addressed (to you) 723-4695 wands Prax WW SUPER PANAVISION AND METROCOLOR MGM Reserve Seat Tickets Now At Box Office or Phone 725-5833 -- 725-5562 Box Office Open Daily 12-9 p.m. Oshawa Premiere Wed., Nov. 8 -- 8:15 p.m. | The Battle-Cry That Ripped The West Apart! TODAY TIMES; -- 1:50 3:40 -- 5:30 7:30 -- 9:30 7 eee Tell The Town and all it's people. To be exact 80,000 DAILY READERS, all of whom are your potential customers when it comes to sell- ing something that someone wants right now. SHOUT-IT-OUT with a TIMES ACTION AD, let everyone know what you have to sell or what your desires are! You'll find our rates very nominal . . . we'll even run your ads for you on Wednesday if this is what you wish, Try us -- prove to yourself the power of the TIMES ACTION WANT AD. 24 WORDS.,,ONE DAY Civ... be "THE MARKETPLACE ach yj CLASSIFIED 723-3494 __| Miah vidence of how far we have tojother trading nations will have » to reach the objective of to re-examine the concessions ld security and how. difficult|they granted at the Kennedy e road will be towards it, even| Round bargaining in Geneva, ithout the roadblocks of ideol-| Switzerland. gy, chauvinism and prejudice! The Prime Minister flew back attered along the way." jto Ottawa ahead of schedule His subject was trade and he|late Saturday night after spend- his international audiencejing two days out of the capital, ve action is taken! He had planned to stay in Toron- n, Canada and|to until Sunday, 4 A rootin', tootin'. shootin' but sincere picture ! PARAMOUNT PICTURES, Jaiies COBURN WalerHole #3 CAROL CONN WUE GRAMM «sone eta FEATURE AT 2:00 - 3:50 | 5:35 - 7:30 } 9:25 le The Oshawa | Little Theatre Invites You to Attend CASTING MEETINGS r "The Crucible" by Arthur Miller To be Directed by Harry Chapman Tuesday, November 7 at 7:45 P.M. Thursday, November 9 at 7:45 P.M, at the McLaughlin Library Auditorium Anyone Interested In Acting or Assisting te Mount This Produetion Is Most Welcome. ADULT ENTERTAINMENT WiRUET ACE ANNE AIS ee TIMOTHY CAREY JOM BROWDEL :smctanue metfax 2 =a 'ip "Teommocene' 'Bomascore' The Spruce Still Tops Them All. The Best Emertainment In Town Limited Engagement International Favorite of Song Toby Lark With The SPRUCE VILLA WHITBY RESERVATIONS 668-3386 P's Direct From the cuneiu < FRIAR'S TAVERN PARTIES In Toronto ~-- Don't Miss Them AT A THEIR New Entertainment Hours BEST Fridays and Saturdays For Your Dancing and Dining Pleasure Entertainment and Dancing vin Stort RESERVE Now At EARLY 7 P.M, on Friday 668-3386 7:30 P.M. on Saturday 4 Big Shows Nightly--6 Doys A Week ONLY A FEW Sunday Dinners 5-9 P.M. | orn Diners and American Exprese Cards DECEMBER | | GENOSHA HOTEL PRESENTS "The Birds of a Feather" PLUS a Beautiful Exotic Dancer FOR TOTO IOI it ee Bal LICENSED UNDER THE ONTARIO LIQUOR ACT 4th WEEK... Tommy DantonRevue Featuring . «+» a Beautiful Exotic Dancer 3 Shows Nightly -- Don't Miss Them PIS IKI III ISI IIIS AISA IIIA ISIS SAIS SASSI II SISA II wR Oot ke tok CPECTTTTE TET SSS TTS Shee,

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