Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Nov 1967, p. 16

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16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, Nevember 6, 1967 BIRTHS Sports Emporium Closing | OSHAWA {30---Automobiles for Sele 1962 RAMBLER 27--Rooms for Rent ATTRACTIVELY ba good |to announce + Willlam Ernes stat' on SUTTON -- Bill and Giedy: = a a he Oshs mi 'eur 'i : Nostalgic Moment At Expo HARLOCK, Joseph + Oshawa Genera Hospital, on Saturday, Nov sabe RNISHED ROOM motal, on Saturday, November ¢ -- | Wrofhere son and father ail well gy tine Available in private. hom thanks 'to Dr. Ross, Dr. Kimberiey and oa ge IN gt ate \¢ourth floor steff. By AL MeNEIL staff worked overnight Sept. all befo 1 . ROBBINS--Ron and Carole (nee Fa MONTRE (CP) 11 to rip out the asphalt and 82 PARK ROAD N bine quhar) are especially proud to announce . eplace it with crushed rock | 2 } . wy } f i961 $ olin the sate @ a! "When you think of the three r the World Horse -special | 728-8671 @ average, | daughter years of planning and hard which opened Sept '7 but ati | es police hs Thursda i ak 4 a. has i nept. we | : : take ad feurin fieoe eat work it took to get this place quired the grounds for re-: ly, . going Yr --it's ines ee a rare ee wreritie 1 194 MERCURY -- Ross and fou jor sta zoing and look at it now--it's pearsal yurposes almost a i 7 power equipped like watching your child get- *\ ook earlier ~ * 2 ecg pgp Bacto ioe s dah adie and leaving The horse show closed Oct. | power Good condition. "Midway DEATHS On 1 icaeen took 1 and on the same night the | f i ro eee s thay pene crews moved in to erect the | LL PESEAR ret ing v Peon 'ain-soake: SNE ROOM. Gentian setarrea pe . i : bucking rings and chutes, the | veniences, Parking. Telephone pod itp ly 'wnite onan 'Signey Division street, | cllurned-up surface of his Au- 491 yards of sandy loam and discs.- Excellent cond't ember §, 1967, Sidney, toStade--the sports emporium 91 'tons of freshwater sand 'sh FORD country hts he had nurtured since his ar- 'sor the surface necessary to i Lisldaaderdeagg i ore 1964, 10 accommodate the rodeo | es sndihniges theatre : al ucer ampnl- Not counting the horse spec- | ONE LARGE die re NP ped and i958 THUNDERBIRD, emetery theatre ps E LIBGe aa Tee S tacular. and the rodeo, for | e ee: 'stored -- througho 23 -seat outd stadium thich attendance figures are | entiemen 28 ob lige arth 5% vs ath z which atlendance igures are . Be: ph ur During the sixth-month fair not yet available, the Auto- | | single) for ladies or gent Tats East or . the Autostade played host to stk ; ro) stade had 652.344 persons pass top sports events as well aS through its turnstiles, TIMES PATTERNS |Crumbling Ghost Town Challenges Boy Scouts LEWISTON, Mont. About 500 boys have been given \their own chunk of the old West --a crumbling ghost town in {Montana's North Moccasin Mountains, ! Lewiston resident Glenn Mor- ton, who for years had been fbuying portions of an aban- |doned town site in hopes of preserving it, first offered half of the original community iKendall, north of Lewistown, the state of Montana. When Montana officials declined his But the fever that drew 'offer, Morton found an enthu- siastic recipient in the North- and the Central Montana Council of the caused Boy Scouts of America. town, lscout executive. "I | | at heart' Mor historical significance. streets into trails with the to said. disillusionment them: to life, Wielding most of the tools depths of a concrete bank jthe city's pioneer the youths gold shipment when of was a booming community," vacate are still there. The old The town is about to return to feelings are still hidden in the (AP) --|said Beryl Morris, Great Falls think prospect of owning a ghost town has revealed some of the 'boy among us adults." ris said plans for the area will be aimed at preserving its "The boys will turn each of the old the same names they had when Kendall he Right now Kendall is asleep. 1,400 'prospectors and their families, that the vault settlers used|which was emptied of its last paydirt Apply 155 Brock Street stand 8 ting as the setting for sever- je and "kitchen i essai nee cane or oa The soccer final between | to search for gold, Two girls °° 31--Compact ton re = | va as pereenc ie tie ecb oreies in Yngland and Dortmund of | will attack the dormant town, began to run scarce just after Ciose to hospi ee la eli entertainment! West Germany drew 20,633 to lcleaning streets, resetting foun- the turn of the century. ne ~ * x Volvo and Peugot Category , Watch the British victory. | ldations, oiling doors and splash-- The air is still clean, and FURNISHED ROOM, Dauphinee was manager o' ieee ' | gh gold dust eges. Near bus stop. %* Mercedes Benz s : 4 Other games in the eight- ing a new coat of paint over there is still enough go: us session, Telephone 576-25 Geabial Repair end Vancouser s Pacific North- ¢oguntry round-robin affair loracked lumber. left in the soil for. interesting, if are ol. Reg 3 : FURNISHED bed Aste Electiic west Exhibition Empire Sta- prought the total attendance "The boys aten't the only not profitable, days with a gold private path end i dium until coming here and jo 44 684 ones e3 ited | about _the town," 'Ipan Jake and Bill's s Gorage will resume his duties with Pp ypToo TOP | : - LARGE + the PNE sometime before the The two-nig ht rack and | furnished, first of the yea eld n had a total of 14.660 | NEV clude Fito & Mem ' During Expo, international gy Sebe xpi . fosd wasn QUICK TO MAKE Pacific (off rk Rol jouth). s . te Ss 2 soccer. all-Indian 'North D ; . 3 auphinee says the soccer hl -o LADIES CANDY LEAGUE MAGILL'S MIXED Amer lacrosse champio and track competitions both Ww) By ALICE BROOKS High Triples: Jean King 618, Betty High Triples -- B, Poole 77% L. Madi ships and the initial Europe ywoye financial successes. The hip up an alluring shift of Coe 604, Joyce Cox sibs Sink ¥ Ms oe igs. Sibiock Fe § mericas track and 1 EN eae arn te cotton ory i "0i- Marg Farquhar 558, Grace San 5 ¥ er 7, vs. Americas track and ficld three-day lacrosse tournament wb On aE woo! With embroi = rd 550, Pat remner $45, Peggy Pa- Saunders 619 and J. Owens 601. unity C competition vied for honors qyey oniv a total of 6,000 peo dery on either of these. * Rose Peleshok 339 and Doro- High Singles F. Bastarache fon c a - etih Mingling: Heatien ; rew only & I peo- émbr * flowers shoice i thy re 531 Little 248, 214, 301, B. Southwell 202, 285, OVERSIZED furn's _ MAHONEY, George Denn with Ringling Brothers circus ple **but was planned as a Ca He 'eae flowers ba ohne SEW IN A DAY 'HI jen 8 Jean King 237, 218: B. Poole 243, 267, 269, S. Siblock 262, L be A e Canadian Armed Forces jadian show for Canadians." of day, evening length shift. Berry Pascoe 229; Elaine Avison 221; Madigan 209, 248, 232), A. Slblock 246, too Maurice Cheyalier's ee eas ahaa Pattern 7487: transfer, printed By ANNE ADAMS Pat Bremner 211, Rose Peleshok 209;*C. Owens 227, 236, D. Bedding 235 and S. lash WHR tik ide The military tattoo Was »attern sizes 10. 12. 14. 16, 18 nad Pray tries Joyce. 207, 200; Gladys Wiles 204, Owens 206, 225. Colors show, the Gen without. a doubt the most o State si Roar + 40, 10, How ad you'll be to jump 2 Lintner 203, Dorothy Moore | Lemons D. Broadbent 99, 66, A. ans. " Jo. Garmerie Francaise, the successful' of the spectacu- ~ an ate ze i in this alented 'shift that's a ey Grace Sandie i Bik Woodman #81 > rig ee Rokeh $9, i943 VOLKSWAGEN, tuquose n for! World Horse Spectacular and jars TY CENTS (Coins) for both a juinper and dress. With! grops I9,%6s, Humbugs 20,359, Jelly Beans M, Smith 74, 63. ° a second car, $500, Telephone 725-4585 Bios the Great Western Rodeo, 'The 1 ; ee each pattern (no stamps, 'its blouse, it's ideal 20, Life Savers 20,010, Lollipops 20, gecone In 15 days they Grew an ak i re i. i } Pa: . : p p.m. rodeo closed out the Autostade --stimated 213.000 and. luckily please) ot Alice Brooks, care' Printed Pattern 4994: Half 36; Maple Buds-20,861.and.Peppermints.- 6ia.-oR ER OF" FORESTENS i 32--Trucks f fon. Sale aaiy: Wiebke activities Oct. 15 ae HAA Good Pe LER Ee of- The Oshawa Times, Needle-| Sizes. 124,149, 16%, 1814, Congratulations to the Allsorts on win-| High Triples -- Wes Stata 774 (290, SERRATE s de + PRAISES PARKS BOARD fnraushos ihe Chondaianinide craft Dept., 60 Front Street 9014, 221 2414 Size 1614 /ning the first section with & pinfall" of 296); Don Lounde 650 (250,212), Claude trailor. hroughout e Gend rie | Wwe er ey 2 Ae tole : 20 Slas 3 HALE ALF TON tlie fice "You look back on a thi i ' Can ante: Cra aie West, Toronto 1, Ontario: On-ijumper 2% yds. 45-in.: blouse ~ a8 pay aford: Oe! yet ra a, Hated : -- vy like this and you wonder how ee cae ; tario residents add 3c. sales 14 yds and A FURNISHED BEDROOM. Central Adult SIMPLE THINGS TALK: You ever Gok tiROUGH IE OR HOW Ct ee eee OMe Ha. Bent platy PATTER TY CENTS. (ige,) MOTOR CITY STORE LEAGUE High "Loma Bacon 239, home, Sh ers welcome. Telephone se!l things you don't need dee ak Bhd N's ' i still, drew 246,000. That was NUMBER, NAME, ADDRI ; AEDs: AOE High Doubles -- June Grice 534 (283, George Palmer and George Morgan 231, 'ibe si re ihe wees & srvet cbt Tig Niiades. id, over a longer period than the First : time! "jumbo 1968 fo ppc Ha Migs aR cach | dl Mong ale sf neta of fy stots and Ariis Smith 228, Bill Elliot? WIDOWER pensioner ap here vear-olc auphinee sai¢ Canadian show d m 68ifor each pattern, Ontario resi-:®urrows 480 (261, 229), Betty Campbell 55, "ip ernice Palmer 216, Ann P. eld ee ees '31 33--Automobiles Wanted After the rodeo clwsed there Chevaliers ehoor had dhtea Needlecraft Catalog -- hun-jdents add 3c. sales tax .Print Annette (262), Mary, Frabel 458 (210) 240) | and. Don |Samis 215 fend Ted Varga 210. Telephone 723-6508, a terrific letdown and I yainouts--the first two shows dreds of designs, 6 free pat-iplainly SIZE, NAME, AD- pel AB 21 RORY Or eae Dh la, Meee 1, expe in coe CARS WANTED more tired than I had '*ainoule-- the first two shows 'terns (includes designer sweat-|DRESS, STYLE NUMBER. __ |26, 2, Nelge Thompson 42) (6 222)" 8/0 0'7 and Rums 7 : 28--Room and Board Buying A New Car ? while things were going full 96.900. We were running up nee os inside. Knit,' Send order to ANNE ADAMS, "High Singles -- F. Williamson 250, --- -- ) ' net? saat vada & UP crochet, embroider, 50c. sar " awe K 245, V. Szik 231, D. Saychuk WHITBY. ¢ location. Room Sell your used cor to "Ted" blast : to 16.000 and 17,000 persons | Book No. 1 -- Del 0c. ___jeare of The Oshawa Times, | nope i. oe. Freeman 0, I DUPLATE LEAGUE board for y gentleman. ng, TV = ha far Bal pete Ras Dauphinee had nothing but --pjently for the hor ERT BASE '5 otal eluxe Quilts--| Pattern Dept. 60 Front Street! Campbell 219, A. Hill 219, J. McKenzie, Migh Triples J. Russell (279, Kinches packed. 'Telephone 666472 TOR Samet ste tae, se sind words: Yor the Montreal Gee ent ahe von oe vectacu- 16 complete patterns. Send 60c.| West. Toronto 1. Ontario. On- 26 ond M, NeNeil 213 268), Mrs, M. Lambert 734 (308, 233), A ROOM AND BOARD for gentiemen, good Cor Dealer and "Save varie bnard conich Ga lar until the transit. strike hit. Book No. 2 -- Museum Quilts tario. 3 4 Team Standing Pecple's Angus- Lyson 78, 227), S. Badour 693 (259, mesis, lunches packed, close to bus TED CAMPIN MOTORS Stark, Percival Kenneth PETES bon wil was re In my estimation the atte for 12-aul ' ae ; $ is ae Graydon 14, Nu-V 12, Kintoch's 12,/235), R. Duncanson 683 (264), M. Spoei- parking. 4845 193-4494 Res. 725 M t sponsible for maintenance of grandstand spectacular that | patterns for 12 quilts, 60c. FALL'S NEW FASHIONS -- Ballinger's Meats 11; Jordan's 10, Mod- sn eae Tea eee 671 a We 25 gran t z F: a ", wig t Mile: ( , Es wil ty ROOM AND BOARD for gent can ane THES the Autostade surface sidludae Minera cand: Mantes Book No. 3 -- Quilts for To- see the best of the new styles orn) Upholetery, 0 JULY a vate, 6. © |Chesebrough 650, died lo Eocuaties aiays, lunches packed, close to bus, Tele [ITO "hahaa tor teeing "These people moved rig dike Chevatienes show AGnenre day's Living. New, exciting|for all sizes in our new Fall-| V. Heals had a fine 24, "pe Suan Sigieg Ts Ganbey 272, Ltr soon a SOLD eee id. Telephone 7284849 in after one event was over 1, be on its wav out for exhi- collection -- 15 complete pat-|Winter Pattern Catalog. Get oat ar oa ee erie oleae ree Me iars toon tinct ee tae. and resurfaced the whole field jitions. People want to ec the terns. 60¢ _., one pattern free -- just clip MOTOR CITY MEN'S MAJOR E Culligan 246, N. Pohribni 255, 8B. phone 725-5 and always in time for the x Biel yi Book of Prize Afghans -- Knit. coupon in Catalog. Hurry. send _ standings Platformates t der 239, R. Elkinton 238 and T. Rossi Sh ANE tte a cE RS a PRES ey EO parts for sale : horses gallop and the motor- | erochet 12 2 : oe g. ..Send _ Standing latformates 4, T ROOM OR ROOM AND BOARD, gertie- 4? Bloor Stree? East next show maying in velas and iaepk e neund rochet 12 afghans. 60c Me. right now Knights | 2, Jaywalkers 2 Team Stafiding . Dodgers Hooks abstainer ' home, _ tele- Hg The circus was ad poir caer sie aor eth sh ghd os te aga Pe and Crooks Smashers 15, Balis and om Hse Ircus was é@ Ssappoir out there High i Vasko 837 (317), Chains 1 r 14 Abs "4 ng. | Ide door. 34--Automobile Repair ent Gennes ot Ane oe vut A ere : N 818 is). jim Cassel sire Rltiginn nS one M4 "6 Ww en Anglica tremely cold and wet weather jad a at eh * grr re ta Tet Sh A ae Rockets: 11 : le a i t ] ' ) 29--Wanted to Rent | FRED STONE aise ste iti inte Womlacts way ae mad a tof beats rvoved (LOQEXDO, Designed 10 Help, ji /,teie a'a., Sanne: Genta' te the <G on Soe A e I ieaning fc er , n m9 ( PAINTER requires two er three-bed- Brooklin -- 86 Queen St Hospital building fund , ee oe rhe left full of ace spectator who is at near- Rep Hickey Ta tas), att 'Gwilliam High arises: Sy eee La foom house er bungeiow. VW le eR oles r 4 2 = to 7h t ch 5 er roo NOUNe Neneral resairs Absfeiner| Automotive Machine holes and the origin al- turf ect 50 to 75 feet from the in- FEA sues ug Frank Eccles Henderson 697, Wayne Johnson 669, Barb a Telephone. 78- STAFFORD | was chewed to a quagmire be- -- ¢jeiq in a stadium like this." [74 a Ren SY in 710, {263),, Stan St. 'Geen 647, Jim. Meikle 646, Stu Reeson REBUILT ENGINES BROTHERS LTD cause of the three rings being ecame omy TODLOMT sist cort tose ser", 88 Bee ™ 66g and dean, Hupbard 4 ; : ' ; cto u es 1 297, OVERHAUL AND Authoriied Oedlers imbedded in the field and the SUITABLE FOR TRACK Group 2 Standing -- Stoppers 4, Marks- 249, "Barb, oe eee, 2 child Telephone. 57 ENGINE PARTS iced nt aloes he elephants plowing around out Asked about the possibility men 4, Prowlers 4, Comebackers 3, "ces | 230, Wayne Johnson 270, Ed Flagg 247 two teenegs ren. 'elep! ene | { i S Liban e SS van 3 < , Goofballs 0, Clunkers 0, and Tailend. ' uf . 3 G cane PENORERTS | there. of Montreal Alouettes of the By DAVE MacDONALD modation approved by the i TOA {Jacl ai 2 tera sy 252, Marg « " " ; TH . unturnish < The parks people moved in Eastern F 3! service. ns mn rea 242, 228, John Slappendel 238, Jean THREE bed, untor shed apartme: AUTOMATIC 318 Dun nds St E. 668-3552 rrihend BP 7 Aca ; a ' ootball Conference | MONTREAL (CP) -- The 0. At lobbed 'lawl | (286), Bob Lavergne 767 (281), Bruce ene | bard 236 and' Paul Meagher 233. Pong -- N Bde ona esday and by Thurs making their home at the Au- | one word that was like a red n pape ooke lawless jalend 76) (329), Al Ja \ mieson 729 (267),| Team Standing: Aces 40, Bank of Men- picsp le yy TRANSMISSION saideas day they had completely re- tostade next season, Dauphi- | rao to a Balt tor come iG but it did not work out. that Ay reread aa ioe ah treal. 37, Cryaele 3%, Wafers 28, Wheel- DOUBLE o- single o CENTRE ROdged the BOuES SUrACe, nee said he doesn't expect a" visitors was Logexpo mre Way. Wrobel 675 (264), Ernie Millard 475, Doug |°"> '* @né Srits and Grinds 10. phone 723-6211. 1038 Simcoe St. N., 728-7339 The international soccer decision before the first of the ses auc -"Fast-buck artists swarmed jFvller é70 (278) and Hal Clarke 697 (266), THREE-ROOM, unfumished apartment) Transmissions are Our Only IN MEMORIAM tournament was scheduled to year This free lodging referral in to become overnight hote- Hist Thee Oe. tie poy tale for rte oe gs ee "Tewprone| Business -- Repairs, Adjust- start on Friday andthe Eng- 'Personally I hoped the sta- , S&rVice, operated by Expo 67 liers, and a tash of temporary | $7. JOHN THE EVANGELIST MIXED (25), Marie Pope 676 (275, 233), Marie TSaeee ater 6 pitts, 7259985. | ments, Exchanges. All Work lish side had threatened to go. dium would be taken over by | ¢® help its out-of-town visitors, motels, converted buildings |, Mens $0 Scores: B., Schroer 706 (373), |Ferouson 640 (308). Iris O'Conner, é34 BANK MANAGER requires Sbedreom| Gucranteed. A LASTING TRIBUTE home when they first saw the the city to be used by the jun. | WAS the target of more com- and temporary campsites fs "or, 200), 'Ma Kolsieren, 645" (239,| Mille Barks 617. (284, 204) Ruth Cane house, reesonebie pe Rg Dec. 1, ex- Gevwibe COVERAGA. 6) iw prong ten cer brine Ack end 'dia ity aga ior and high schools for foot- plaints than any other single mushroomed. 215, m7), B. Kennelly 626 (228, 207), J. eve Al a, Sendra Labanovitch 606 stand nbuevahaia mabe Chat you ger with Clawitied Ade. Phone | - we suacest ae FAST RESURFACING ball and track meets. In order | 2¢Partment of the fair. Expo officials reached for (Sy 277 (2% 20), 8, Goverce Bet ee ae 30---Automobiles Fer Sale 724342 now for an ad-write "MOUNT LAWN However by Thursday they for the Als to come in they'd But despite the prophets of the smelling salts the day a (217) and P. Wood 569 (205, 200) High Singles: Janice Hughes 264, Ey 35. Lost d F d MEMOR AL PARK were complimenting us, and have to lift the running track, doom who said Logexpo would Montreal newspaper hit the (288, 264 ns uae 98 ie 2, Bes 2 ae ee : Lost ene Foun ONZE ORIALS | they were ready to play The field is only 70 vards wide | C2US@ Sharply-reduced attend- streets with a front-page ban- |T. Fraser. 562 (210), N. Bell 583, M.|_ Team Standing: Beetles 23, Fleas 23, Only $190 Down LOST. Darn brown wallet cen ¢ e Another complete turfing and you need 65 yards for Ca- | 2MCe: the fair'went on to'sur- ner headline which said up to |{llerd Sit (75), 'canna Si? Sto), Hoy pains He Bisoern hs cer ok vues, Len ioe job was required after Mau- nadian football mount the bad publicity and 500,000 persons might have (schatzmann 530 and A. Sandrelll 529. | The winners for eur first ia ae AB pantie t0 fe = rice Chevalier's show moved Dauphinee said another fac: °°! 4 record been swindled of their depos- + Team Standings: --Sharpshooter# 26, ;the Beetles, although Flea them with up ¢ 8 me : : 7eXy pir ' ; aes A Neonkees 26, Str 24, Tutles 23, 5 i " vith Olt in preparation for the la- tor against making the auto- Logexpo inspired a lack of its by unscrupulous types with. 32"%¢° Fete Ala lady ry a ial Pegg nel te etic Fompeas Re ne. ry : crosse and track events stade a major football sta- confidence in Expo's manage- in Logexpo mits 13, Lizards 4, and Beatles 2 game this week, 303. a : | t the hin Gina ie ped : oie : a The next maintenance char dium is the prevailing south- aati ne ae bar dispelled Setting a pattern that was geover took 24 hours. It wind. off the St. Law- | @ -- ae the blame followed throughout the fair, - changed he turf to. 14dnch rence River. It blows through | was Sih0 placed on the Quebec whenever there were allega- GREENWOOD RACEWAY blacktop asphalt to accommo- the canyons of the stadium in i hediaaee _ tions of dishonesty at Expo, date the motorcycles and gusts and the entrances to the ieeea Rain ety tah hits ie eeypenens roa oe in SATURDAY, NOV. 4 {ances. Three. and four-yearoids, 1 Mile jeeps of the Gendarmerie re-cast concrete bl s f 1€a aga ga were the police to investigate Logex- 4-James Bay, Platts 3.50 2.40 rranvi ihe nana ast concrete blocks of | of overcharging, sub-standard po. Their finding \ | FIRST RACE -- Purse $2,000. Claim. |5-Chincoteague, Swatuk 3m i rancaise. At the conclusion 'ts would have to be closed | joasings. misleading adverti hey a te noes that ing. Three-year-olds and up. One and 3Msnteo 2nd, LeBlanc 5.40 ---- omir n Events of the French police show the off to prevent this lodgings, Sieading at 1S- nere Was no fraud being pet- one-sixteenth Miles. Also Ran in Order: Count Ire, Dark | Boe 38--Co i ning aS ing, difficulty in getting re- petrated within the depart- SDream Plan, Kelly 640 3.79 2.80| Secret and Winning Shot : PESIDENITS OF funds of deposits and even ment. ppanies teed Neng os il 1 S| BRAC See PAID $11.7. ESit OBITUARIES Chi H non-existent lodgings. Ata press conference, Also Ran. in Order: Danish Dancer, SIXTH RACH -- Purse $2,400. Allow- LSDALE nese ave Expo's senior officials were Pierre Dupuy, Expo's com- Ny),WYonder, Sliver Gus end Sarosu.) Ances, Twe yar ete Eb 910 keno HIL OVA 8 2 S har : gc criticized ,sometinies for get- missioner-general, triumphant E : 7-Dance Me Loose, MeComb JOSEPH ARTHUR HARLOC K Lid., and for the past year b c] . ting emotional about attacks ly waved the police report and _,. SESONO RACE--Purse $2,300. Ciaim- | 3-Miss Orillia, Gibson : - ving a short sickness the the Oshawa Clinic. wn ] 1es Si TOBeKOG or HIRHEI Hiniehe 41 police report and ing" two-year-olds. 7 Furlongs. Also Ren in, Orders. A-Clem's Reman M¢ \i R anid | NOK eo at thel He da aurvivad be bin wile sogexpo or smugly brush- shouted condemnation of the 6 All Image, Grubb 4.10 2.90 2.60,Sallor Take Care, Greek Victress, Coeur Aabinie Se rear nonstial, Ut Ie lie Pema VM Hae These ing off complaints a8 repre- newspaper pte yale fe ee Oshawa G H a Ie rmer Violet Mat Tickle: HONG KONG (AP)--Militant senting only minority opini ater ' pring Comet, Bel 40 A--Statford Farms Entry. adie A : 5 sepi) Arthur ook. of a daughter, Margaret and a son, Communist China has its boa Hae 3 ority opinion. Later on in the fait Ss run, Also Ran in "order: Henry's Queen hove a ' : ' sin Street } He was Jack Ap a CRA OEY eG S own But observers considered tobert Shaw. Expo's: deputy Hoel it sii and urkish. Princess. RE ities AC Re-Pures, $10,000 Adi MOTOR MITE P erty Also surviving are his father uippies, but with a di ference that an important contribution disclosed that two- employees paiLy DOUBLE, 5 AND 6, PAID $14.30. ee: Cero RR b - caahictuelten. ainters he Percy fai: ; Many of the jae da towards the. bad situation was had been removed from Log Sik CAGE a fae lathe, Cheaty Grubb 2.20 2.2 2.10 RADE UP nae S é hinese arrivals from Re : age : Ie 5 "Purse $18 laim-|2 -Ette Rule, Walsh 4.00 2.90 Diva acid 4 'Cteee ANNUAI of the late bert (Dorothy) of Dundalk, Ont./China repo pace: teat rik the failure of eggs 8 soy pase rate of conflicts in ing, Three-year-olds and up. 7 Furlongs. 3 aye and Near, Fitz'ne 20 Q ere po ERMS Harlock. A and Mrs. Benny Angi (Eileen) revolutionary zeal after more Song lenslaien Phe ok yer Letters poured into newspa- ia-Grother. Leo, Kelly er $00 34 Wahoo, Pine Point and tie: Remsen eee wal 728-7376 BAZAAR e was em- of Oshawa and three brothers. than a year of drifting around' the shyste rators : pers and complaints were ° sie Regu EO Ars PPO Ai AM eee stable iain he taller tint Aidit 2\ General Motors dur- Douglas of Oshawa, Delbert of 4) 1e CO rv. They can be seen Ne Cayere REE ade in Sihier wa snag gs slic yal Inelan Dear ey and Bar eat ees RAMBLER Second World War. He Hampton and Daniel of Ponty- jn various parts' of the country _Logexpo was set up by sniie Gi MEOAE ans an bd ih AG C Dangerfield end T Ziegler Entry. EIGHTH RACB--Purse $3,000, Allow: / MAGE ; Wednesda member of Kingsview poo "with SOUNE Dove Hive ¢4 Ae) Dee 00.10 Provide a reserva: | y associations of trave : | ances, Three- and four-year-olds. 1 Mile. ALE SEF 1E> y yar 1 Haas 'cine: wal ! ng boys hugging) tion service for visitors need- 22¢0'S. about Logexpo-recom- | FOURTH RACE--Purse $2,100. Clalm- 6Caesar B. Gd., D'fach 3.70 2.80 2.50 ~ c wen 1u e memorial service wi b€ scantily dressed girls at railway. ; sa i ; 8 mended lodgings ng. Three-year-olds and up. 7 Furlongs.|5-Cosmic_ Grey, Walsh 6. & in hivanber ae arlock. was predeceas held at the Armstrong Funeralistations, in parks and other (98 accommodation during the The finek seri clis complaint ret Force, ely 12.30 540 330) ABlack Ringo, Gritto = re pe es frre pig RS . 'e ' Lu pars iy'. st ser : mplain y le 3.80 so Ran in jer: Ma Ht c ae 9. 1938,. b s wife Hon e at 2 p.m., Nov. 7, fol- public places . fair's run. was of refusal to arith de 3-Robln Whippet, Dittfach 2.70/The Count and Empress Find ' the-former Eliza M nning, lowed by interment in Hampton' 'The arrivals say Communist The Quebec legislative as- { 1 th hae cava Orders Pledall, Kure, |A--R Henderson, LC Merrisros I ont he married Ma 1916. Cemetery. Rey Charles Catto. ay te : St sembly passed a law setting POSits and the Quebec govern- Aiverte Sunshine, ane. Swerve, M Paulson Entry. D } v t 'orbid peory F - t i a I i vhe a authorities forbid peopletto take +: eck ment did not pass a law that EXACTOR, 6 AND 5, PAID $43.30, Mel TB 66 Aa ef 5 frerne 2 Aang. Street ethodist Church mintster-or- Zion nite TWreh nich oft hinnie ee 4 H RACE -- Purse $3,000. Allow- Attendance 15,754. Handle $974,704. A } M i hurct t tZ United-Churehspict e-hippiedike- Red WP ie rovincial Lodging would have forced return of |' ® ¥ ' . ah, asta Sane cach : : : S PETTITTE will conduct the service Guards Service for Expo §7 which had denbsits ' ower ste and ve ' g@ and Deo es d three functions ; r wa daug : One Chinese edman who pay Durin I eaee Cle (Mar GEORGE D, MAHONEY stayed in China for more than --To« inspect all lodgings of- eee poe of the na 1 1 ; ' oF te Annual son. Earl Jo The death occurred suddenly.'two months said Ail Chinese pti to visitors in the Mont- pints thay snail hors Phe of Oshawa. Nov. 4, at the Oshawa General hippie-lands are strictly off li real area cave , : : t é ar t m- . : particule e rar' ; Turkey Supper e three sis. Hospital, of George D. Mahoney. jts to foreign visitors --To set maximum rates Pat eWeek ihe CLLAals ge SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4 FOURTH RACE -- 'Mlle Pace. Purse ae arg ara ter iétta (Kath: 89 Hillcroft Street.. He was in that could. be charged. wast , arate erg FIRST RACE Mite Trot. Purse S-McHuff, Feagan 410 3.40 2.60 ie Aare rear ec een) of Whitby Township, Mrs. bis 72nd year. --To pass approved lodgings seniley ciaiied ti Le en $800, Conditioned, > adaples 1320 540 Sat. Nov. 18 Gaede abu aE 2 | € i are ntos Dy » DPA . yogex t , : iS ra ent. 4- Geisel Jr. 4.40 3.20 2.20 3-Lincon's Champ, Foley 2a =) 6 L. Johnston (Edith) of Ashburn) Born Jan. 6, 1896, at Cargill, into n Anderson Funeral Home on to Logexpo so they could 5. was prompted by. com- *Réed's Iker 3.70 260 Also Started: Top Notch Pick, Juss he 30 ¢ and Mrs. Mark Holliday (Edna) Ont., the deceased was a son for Requiem Mass in St. Greg-| be listed and offered. - plaints from U.S. citizens that }-Laurium, 2.40 Jimmy's Lady, Easy Annie and James $ eae ; of Oakwood and seven grand- of the late Thomas and Marg-/Ory s Church at 1] a.m., Nov. Penalties were provided for the motel dined catcleaat s e scapes a Arobro fl shade R, Gentry. rg Trae 3 es ss ibs aret Mahoney. He received his|7. Interment will be in St. Greg: Jodging operators who failed yertising. -- iy NB ad: Candy : ; : FIFTH RACE -- Mile Pace. Purse fl A | } i ory's Cemetery. Prayers will be) to post ly ic iad! i eition, private. Make an o DLIAAR weal deceased by a sis- education at Cargill and had n y. Pre be to post prominently notices ater. the U.S. 'post office SECOND RACE -- Mile Pace 3 VE oe RUMMAGE SALE ertha Down and a been a resident of Oshawa for peat at ie funeral home a! displaying their rates tc Mine Setion iat oy . PMNs Boe uaa cies 7 NTIAC c rs ».m. today s 5 " 2-R 7 Bi PO : Simcoe Ha 50 years. An employee of Gen-)/:90 J da Logexpo undertook to put two other Montreal-area mo el . rs Also. Starieas Bendy Sandy, Wee L eryice will be eral Mtors for 43 years. he was : visitors in touch with accom-. tels SHi Adieu, Waddell Salle, Grattan Portege, and Tommy At: Noy. 7, at the employed in the parts and ser FUNERAL OF eke va ee Also. Started: Kendal Brook, Solo torney D ; : \iderson Funeral|vice department when he retired | MRS. RACHEL GRAY | peice ek, SUR RACR -- anlle Trot "ncant Home. Interment will be in Osh-jin 1963. es funeral service for Mrs. is [DAILY DOUBLE, 4 AND 1, PAID $21.70. ford Stakes'. Purse $3,340 cbs tas wa TDS tao. * ' was @ . tachel Gray, who died Nov. 2, mbro H"ld, Sil'pht 2.30 2.10 2. awa Union Cemetery. Rev. L.. Mr. Mahoney y as a member R oe L Gray, ¥ 10 lied No : u. arrero anco THIRD RACE -- IMile Pace, Purse)4Harvioad Boy, Walker - 0 a0 vert ; W. Herbert. minister of Kings- of St. Gregory's" Roman Cath-'at Branson Hospital; Willowdale. 3-Bambi Riddell, Palmer 2.20 7 v nite , 1 : e was lso a mem-|Was held at 2 p.m., Noy. 4, at 5- 4.00 3,30 2,50! Also Started: Hi Gier an wart! RAW -- ~ €LASsiC, Kcevlinder United Church, will con-olic Church. He was a hen : ibis ONS Toiece Cletid; Menton Peele: id Kawartha agra edeahes at Mink duct the service ber of the retirees' club of Lo-|the Gerrow Funeral Chapel. I nco 7-Scotch Laird, Cassidy 4.10 EXACTOR, 2 AND 4, PA ss 50. oy cal 222, UAW and served over-| The service was conducted by , Also Started: Rich Liner, Snowball ' y PAID $3.40. . ? Y , v Ac- 65 BEAUMONT | "Ve eutomatic, VEL KNAPP seas with the Canadian Army Rev. Dr. G. J. Minielly, minister. MADRID (AP)--Current fa-|country's future. made it illegal ee ee Si SNENTH RACE -- Mile Pace, Purse v u 7 = : . 24d 5 di reverberetor, 34,000 origing The occurred sudden- during the First World Wai of Centennial United Church, In- vorite to become first premier|for a member of the council of 2Johnny Bing. Curran' 11.80 5.40 3.80 P Seon er. Nov. 4. at the Toronto East) He is survived by his wife, terment was in Oshawa Union of Spain T successor to Gen, the realm also to-be vice-presi LAigermac "Gratian., W'wood." 4.70 3.30 pa i General Hospital of Orvel the former Maud Brown, whom Cemeter) Francisco Franco is the coun-,dent. Gen Munoz Grandes was B N o Rie sarees Nesersiehs Dan, G ae icpheetinnntscinati ' ce, * ; é H ily " bul 4 Favicon wagon, geod OMISSION. 5c Knapp, RR 1, Hampton. He was heemarried in Toronto. Dec. 14 pallbearers were . try's new vice-president, Luis a member of the council ro Blanco No. | spot in the line. yates and Dilly Jack oy ie. cy gl standard, $375. hi KAB hata in his 43rd year 1928 M. Stougton, M Mac- Carrero Blanco, 64 There are those holding out And they cite these reasons EIGHTH RACE -- Mile P Pp. ES oe RUMMAGE SALE 4 of Louis and the late. Predegeased by two sisters Pherson. 1). Bullied. R. Crook This doesn't necessarily mean hopes for Fernando Maria Cast-| --During the war years when Mile Pace. Purse ae a "is, utomatic pot aso en napp, the deceased was and a brother, Mr. Mahoney is and T. D. Thomas he is Gen. Franvo's favorite. |iella y Maiz, the foreign minis- Gen. Munoz Grandes was vice- {Uys 59am, McK'ly 11.50 $.00 3.40 61404. Tuesday, Nov. 7 Feb. 14, 1925, in Darling-|survived by seven sisters, Mis A resident of Diyision $t., Osh- But there's no one else_around ter, as Franco's successor. He/President, the Cabinet never) 4Gatiant Mir Liewellyn sg ae 1962 CHEVROLET impele convertible 10:30 P.M wnship and was married ses Loretta and Ruby Mahoney, awa. until recent months, Mrs./who. appears to baye a~better,is astute, personable and with-|met without Gen, Franco .at- PB phot el Lynden Dodger, Js R oe Or rate waren, MG P Tage | Noy 1943. at Creemore, Ont. Mrs, Oswald Sisler (Mildred)\Gray was predeceased by her chance than this admiral out apparent enemies. Other tending. Admiral Carrero +.8nd Galen's. Boy ent condition. T ne Nestiet | l a > thy ait ae ; : ; F . rf Nee ot ephone | ST JOHN'S HALL A resident of Hampton for 17 and Mrs. Bernetta Mathyk all husband. Harry Gray. She is) Capt.Gen. Agustin Munoz possibilities talked about are Blanco has been vice-president:. Sh Conained Mile Pace. Purse 59 KARMANN Ghie, $150. Apply 318 Al- Bloor and Simcoe years, he had previously lived of Hamilton; Mrs. Thomas Me- survived by a daughter Mrs. L. Grandes, looking tired at. 71, Manual Fraga Iibarne. minis: only since Sept. 21, but the Scion "Grattan, Wiwd 14.60 6.20 bert Street, NEW ARTICLES at-Lisle, Ont Gann (Frances and Margaret Heading (Betty) of Richmond was relieved of the job of vice: ter of information and tourism i ye ace Arthur 3 a PuLL Tine eimmman e rer An adherent of. Zion United Green both of Detroit and Don- Hill and two sons. Gordon of president some weeks' back. and Gregorio Lopez Bravo de other day it was reported the Also nets Renitrk Hero, Nole- 0 eae the cick Disk ma icuurch, Mr. Knapp was. em- alda Neweastle and Harold of Wal- Spain's new organic Jaw. pre- Castro, minister of industry cabinet met with him and with- [Sten Pick, Brenda Hat and Mighty iployed by the Robert Dixon Co.,| Mr. Ma@ioney is 'at the Mc-ilaceburg. lsumably the blueprint of the! But most give Admiral Carre-'out Gen. Franco. 'Attendance 4,723, Handle $278,208, , sere Raerva THE OSHAWA TIM Arms tied behind her an wearing a pair of blac! bloomers, a Viet Cong git sits with two other prison ers as they are taken b BEFORE THE Mi Youth Igno: Sentenced 1 Magistrate Donald Doc gave Richard W. Gilmour, of Oshawa, a break in Aug and placed him on_probati when the youth was convict on.a charge of break, ent and theft from a doctor's offic However, evidence in mag trate's court Friday . indicat that Gilmour left town. a never did go toesee his prob tion officer. This time Gilmour was. se tenced to six months défin and six months indefinite on t same conviction. The sentenc will be served in reformators TWENTY DAYS Twenty days in the coun jail was the sentence impos on Kenneth Edward MacPhe son, 32, of 176 Taunton Rd. I when he pleaded guilty. to charge of driving with his tence under suspension. Ma Pherson had a serious drivi tecord from the 1950's, IMPAIRED A fine of $250 and costs | 30 days was imposed on Arth Sinclair, 57, of 709 Griers Ave., when he pleaded guilty a charge of impaired drivin "This kind of driving is truly menace to all people," sa Magistrate Dodds as the e\ dence indicated that Sinclair car had struck a telephone po and a guard rail fence on Ser 16. 5200 FINE "T need my licence to suppo my three young. children pleaded Larry John Wilson, 2 of Orillia when he was convic ed ofghaving care and control | a m6tor vehicle while impaire He was fined $200 and costs | 30 days and an automatic thre month ° government suspensic will follow WARNING "If I see your face in 'th court again you it 80 to a METRO GOLDWYN MAYER ae I RTI WW SUPER PANAVIS! Reserve Seat Tickets N: Box Office Open Daily 12-9 p.n Oshawa Premiere Wed., Nov. 8 -- 8:15 p.m. - be 7 oterenceuresm una Mis Som alee The Battle-Cry That Ripped The --. West Apart! TODAY TIMES; -- 1:50 3:40 -- 5:30 7:30 -- 9:30

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