Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Nov 1967, p. 13

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wember 6, 1967 pun and knitted and and made something yu've really done some. gy. EF can't derstand people who &it around y they have nothing to if you don't want to 0 use an antique you d a way to use it as a ion if you have the e of your convictions, mith says. many people are lo trust their own judg. afraid to be incorrect, get an interior decora- 1 let him express his lity at their expense, sthing evokes an emo- response for .you it's r you." snipes I reo? Except u-can see. cause of its . Yes 360! rat Electro- and other' nal, colon- 19.00 IME ast today. ives 23-3043 iii if mere FARM FORUM COUNTY LINES Four County Municipalities Elections Slated This Week Only four municipalities in the decrease in savings was du | 'Classes TV | 'Durham Competitors | Opposed By R. J. ANDERSON Do Well In 4-H Test evencr.e: (CP)--A' univer By THE CANADIAN PRESS commercial and educational With ballyhoo, blitz, balloons southern half of Ontario Coun- , incree lai | tele progré ng, €X-'; gerence, 132 Cané mainly to increased claims | s elevision rogramming X- and belligerence, 132 Canadian ty wi acti i ' By F = s ( iS attendi ttawa lage the satule at also pre. . vida by . ; ty will have elections i ncom-) \rember equity totalled $94.' pod ORD I ghee *ATI cocoa ng oe Oltawa lage that the cattle will eat also pressed opposition Friday night communities appear well on the ing weeks. All the other coun- ~ 3 Jshawa Times Sta milk recording conference re- should be made available. The tg the use of TV in the class- way to reaching pene ¢ €47 { A v aching a goal of $47,- Tex t Durhe , cently recommended a national amount of grain can be in-'+o9m 000. 000 in this Secu Grited Any ; 'voi Sigert ws vam : arth milk recording plan open to all creased by a pound per animal 4s a 'magnifying glass" peal campaign. The a walan Made a Ane showing in the 37th milk producers. The consensus every second day for yearlings through which a student could expe ie to Taise $4,000,000 'cee lakeshore elections will be held C ] Fi h in. Pickering Township and for, VONgOleSe F1g t -- Pano lub ompetl-'of dairy Yarmers and specialists|after they have become ac-|see a difficult experiment or aS than Jast wea 1, SE é was that a milk recording pro- custo aed to grain feed. As ag teaching supplement, teleyi \ > F ; total of u Campaigns the new Town of Whitby. In ad A 2 . . departnient of agriculture and h ith a astric' Anite ' F : dition votes will be held in Ux- M j f P { "i . gram with few restrictions is precaution, animals should be) cjon could be useful, but it is not : : | viercenaries food, at the University of necessary i majority of checked three times daily forthe answer to. all present-day @¢YSS the country raised an es : mated $43,000,000 in 1966. A bridge and Reach Townships . , bears nda Guelph. The projects included Canad milk 1 are t . ickness s The Reach Township nomina- eciie : Canada's milk producers are to any signs of sickness or slug-'teaching problems, said Di é rs) -- Con- dair ef | ; A ns @ 5 . roee.Cane pains ay x, tion meeting will be Nov. 25 KINSHASA (Reuters) i -- calf, beef calf, swine.'{ake part gishness. Treatment, if neces- ponald G. Ivey, principal of C'SsCanada survey by The Ca- cils are serving the first year 153 at the end of August. 1967 of two « year terms, Along the). = = and the election, if required js Zolese troops fought foreign crops borates tractors, 4 resolution, calling for amal-sary, should be immediate New Colleze. University of To- 24dian Press shows many cities . ; engineering a elect ics rr i f the srovinee ze reach or surpass their scheduled for Dec. 6. In Ux--mercenaries today on two "pahan Comity pom ix gamation of the province's' Vitamin A should be supplied ronto tives. aot ed oases amet he bridge Township the nomination fronts, Congolese Foreign Minis- ' Dairy Herd Improvement Asso- egnecially to cattle of unknown He told a dinner meeting of J&clve teams to the competition with a ciation test program and the +! Of i meeting will be Nov. 22 and the ter Justin Marie Bomboko said. total of 224 teams from many ' l origin. Several ways of supply- the cente nnial cience teacher Jitawa exceeded its target for is ' . Jominion's Record of Perform- kn i ail snnterene , he 16th ec . veg election Dec. 4 if a vote ba mee F f ape hives I s ing the vitamin are recom- conference reports on stud-/the 16th consecutive year, col needed. Army units Friday night were sections of the province ance, was accepted in principle' mended. It can be injected -- ies of the use of TV in the U.S.lJecting a total of $1 ' shting mercenary groups who In the potato competition, the without a single obje ion The municipalities where votes a million units of injectable and U.K h.ave always _concen $30,952 beyond the object 1B nvaded from Portuguese An-|Durham team composed of: wm, ; eranne } To ; ae - ie hat ~ were held last year are: Brock, rola on a bridge near Mutshat--Mary Seward. RR 3, Millbrook |, aed th ae Best if paid vain ' Been Poggio li ; cai a ae city released 500 helium Hae -- Whitby and Da sha. on the main road through and Jim Walker, RR 1, Camp- noe oe ke ih ae nh Aateageei phe ng ae balloons and challenged any g s ee, age" " a ' s s 'r rs "é rs Was WuasSuredr Sas ne ington Townships, the village southern Katanga province, bellcroft, won first prize and ave Y MES Per Sane ce gids sn community found one to an programs be brought together in fed for ten days one natinal standard test of Pickering, the Town of Ux- Bomboko said e ope 3 ko said. bridge and Oshawa, | He added that in the northeast Phy Presented by the Ontario In each of the rural munici- : e ; pagina ;.|Soil and Crop Improvement palities where nominations are Congo, soldiers were fighting in|. .q¢jation. Ten teams partici required, a reeve, deputy reeve the streets of Bukavu against/pated in this event comparative performance of the Scours in transported. feeders different groups of students in The conference moved to give is often due to stress and fright; !examinations the Dairy Farmers of Canada this type will stop with rest{_apd uy While television teaching can power to appoint a committee quiet. If scouring does occur, a probably do as well or better TARGET PASSED the 4-H Potato Challenge Tro- appeal competition. Four com- munities in New York and Pennsylvania responded. and council will be chosen pa | sloi The rhe j apg to bring forward a plan from mixture of six percent bonejthan a live teacher for the mea ' d mercenaries led by Belgian A A ag a 4-H tio! the "pronoKed programy beforeimiaal or calc pHOMphite andisivanle® cart of education : Regina. which reminded its MEDICAL SERVICES Maj. Jean Scurammes, er by Eri Bowin he I te i end of 1967 40 percent salt has been recom-'cannot do nearly as well as a football fans of the hoped att ORONO -- Members of the trenched in the town near the yin.) Pa Saat Hobinson Rit mended by some nutritfonists.good teacher for the unmea-\With the word SHARE painted Durham County Co-operative panda border since August. port Hope. took third 1 ' STUDIES OVER THE past A broad spectrum antibiotic fed surable part across each end ONE at Saskat i 5 : d place in s eae end ONE: at Sask Medical Services were told at 7; five years in a number of loca cording to recommended Dr. Ivey, a pr <. Chew ef? Roughrider games § es cf a . competition with eight other'! é F m Ca Bm ° " ; a good sign for the THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mendey, Nevember 6, 1967 13 132 Communities On Way Reach United Appeal Goal $15,000 pushed the Hull. Que., United Appeal total to $162,102 , by the Nov. 2 deadline. In Vancouver, the city's "hap- pening' brought happiness to| campaign officials and $2.-| 500,000 toward the $3,380,000 goal. The Happening, which dt* tracted about 20,000 persons in front of the courthouse, kicked off the five-week drive GREAT BHYIN HOMELITE CHAIN SAWS! In Calgary and Edmonton they still are trying to decide which tity reached its obj rst. Edmonton, which collected 5 22--1.2 per cent more than its objective of $1,493,840 claims it is the first major city to achieve its goal 4 The Calgary United Fund ex- eeded its target with collec- tions $1,395.475. Iis goal was $1,355,000 Now Many Wear FALSE TEETH Here's your chance to : get a superior quality wits More Comfort -- Homelite Chain Saw at lowest price ever! Never has there been a better opportunity to get a top qua! Homelite Chain Saw at a price! This Homelite C-51 the quality and features of mu higher priced saws. No other health. See yo Get FASTEETH at their annual meeting the organi- This was rie clubs tion® in Western Ontario have rates can also be used told his audience--1,500 sci- topped its objective for the 10th zation operated with lower pre- evolution oF a pare pnd Mate Shea. RR 1. Janetville Shown fall application of nitro- -- ence teachers from Canada and The: in a Tow eran SIE $550,682. n n rate : y ' kavu," Bomboko said in a state- "aly site % vé gen f ( info) g ere saci ca i hy te tates whose tl e target was $549,818 oleate Sed Rng a ison ment to the Congolese press and Donald Herringa, RR 1° oes alas telte ning satel rs CHURCH ELEVATED ae ite sles hi Ne arbi A last-minute. blitz to raise co-opera Ive with = comparad . eget ' lid not Hive any de- Fraserville, from the North Dur applic yn, according to an offi LILLE, France (AP)--The day conference ends oday tha las -minu itz to raise benefits. They were told, how-agency. He did not g * She ham 4-H Corn Club placed 39th lal of the Western Ontario of) oe Notre Dame here Public opinion argued that a ene Na er ever, that some adjustments|tails of the fighting on the. : yn Agricultural School, Ridgetown, Cathedral of Notre ame here iversity educati th a de- would have to be made in the bridge over the River Lubidi in the field crop competition Yield differences of from six WaS started in 1854 and is fin-/ | y 'the good Le Chalet Dini hehe ar Pvteirongivnitbes iy abies Sixty-two clubs took part. The Pie MU TETORCES. OF STOW SX hed excent fof tain pottaisince' Oe he goo e alet Dining near future as it is operating near Mutshatsha Durllam 4-H Barley Club also [9 42 bushels less corn per acre '*" i dan neo-Gothie towers 'blue Wee This is not necessarily ' tie } ' Pana mt urce Nahe peor 45 : M7 sea) found when. Aifeage ac and two neo-Gothic towers he & a * 3 close..to_the line, Congolese__army sou Srecced participated. with Elizabeth Kel. Were found when, nitrogen Was inted-a-century ago. Architect ie Ce : Lawrence C, Staples, Mrs. Al--ported mercenaries attacke ge; -RR--t,---Port--Hope--and applied in the las compared ; What worsesine.-is_that-the Announce the ion. The spring Janus Deryng now wants to vas put'on as a complete it with a-campanile in : , cluding elevator instead of the ice Chater and Bev. S. Grayjthe southwest Katangese town emphasis too often is on the de- were re - elected as directors./of Kasaji Friday after two uni- It was noted that Mr. and Mrs.!dentified planes landed men and to, spl avid Shackleton; RR,1, Bow manville, placing 49th Terry Malcolm, RR 2, Janet gree and not on the education.' or after-plant as Farlier, Dr mt. Nicholls off Le Chalet Banquet Room tool you can buy does so mu yet costs so little. You can firewood, clear woodlots lumber, prune and trim. fr trees. Comie in and see the Homelite C-51 now. It's worth money to you. Room and Tavern Opening é towers at a 300-car parking 1 { Robert Moffat had served aS'arms in the area wills and: Nall Allth RR 1 "i oe is a aig nine oH York Universi Toronto said WILDE RENTAL secretaries for the past 20 years.| ,asaji is ab 70 es west op, laced 15t} the beef Fall application: of nitrogen in 528% aaron: ipubgeuses new ma vas brought ' Kasaji is about 70 mil Orono, placed 15th in the bee with fees toring church ' It was recommended that the en F hl fa aantit othe form of ammonia. was With fees from motoring church into the schools three years ago egant R © Serve You, A dating SERVICE & SALES 68.999 surplus fr he vear's Of Mutshatsha and 80 miles by calf club competition: while TRCLEKE 1G He Ths Gipet afioent ere Unit acl aad THE REGENCY ROOM... : ah ve nao Surp us Tom the yee. clroad from the Angolan frontier.|Joln Herringa, RR 1, Fraser.) W0Ue 0 © ipoven teihe Da rHnitiniy jiv pheace THE NELSON ROOM .., e p te 100 Guests 1415 DUNDAS ST. E. operations be transferred to the bes 4 nN \ville and Neil Tink, Hampton,)¥8 . supplying nitrogen to th OISEASH REPORTED 'ar icularly in physics Ee quaieay oe : : eee HWY. No. 2 ¥ 5 rye acc rcenar' rere i a 6 -- soil iring warm weather, soil SEASE } yhasis " see-whis erfe e g Recep s g Bariquets, Dances and Servic ° . general reserve account. The mercenaries were report:' yjoced 26th among the 77 clubs Sl. Durit --. ae dosti ha ec iba eh a f ee sete WHITBY. ONT During the Co-p's 1967 year ed to have cut the rail line nealin the dairy calf club competi bacteria convert the ammonia 4 total of 30.323 cases of viral ence" which. glamorized science 9 -- Ca 5 ' of operation earned premium the Angolan frontier. The line | 4:57, to usable nitrogen. It was be- jepatitis was reported in the rather than giving the students 668-4377 TEL: 668-3226 income amounted to $100,958)carried Zambian copper lieved that since the soil bac- United States as of Sept. 30 the bread-and-butter facts verting the am- ie winter, none would be lost rently the change with a net savings for the year|through the Congo to the Atlan- of $8,929 or 8.8 per cent. Thejtic and informed sources in net savings for 1966 amounted|Lusaka said copper exports 0 n to $18.895 or 18.3 per cent. The| were temporarily suspended manville, has recent! om-|However g . "== - pleted a fine record of perform- from ata pete to nitrate (nitro lance production test. As a five gen in a form useful to plants) z year-old, in 305 days on twice-a-|d0es take place during the win- tarts eVv1lVa 0 day milking, Lady produced|tér months and some of the " nitrogen is lost 19,668 Ibs. milk containing. 80S OTS CONSTANCE Paul Lady. 'era are not con a purebred "'olstein cow in the Monia durin herd of Pine Ridge School, Bow ne I Ibs, fat. average test 4.11 per Research ts ontinuing into oe wf cent butterfat. This record has seeking a means of keeping the On Political Standing a Breed Class Average of 170'1 ogen e ammonia form per cent for milk and 190 per in the soil over winter A chemi cent for fat cal is being tested this year -KEN whi gbronteloaerningeN SAMPLES OF POTATOES the WASHINGTON hhh hel The statement of support, chosen from their plots vee place dent Johnson appears to have came few days after the\shown by members of the Dur i ' embarked on the long road oa Faget ened here on thejham 4-H Potato Club at their MANAGEMENT DEC ISIONS | ward reviving his political)pentagon where a few hundred|final meeting of the year.jmade when feeder cattle are} standing and justifying his|\gemonstrators battled with|Selected as the best samples [first put on a feed-lot could Southeast Asian policy for the/troops and other authorities. were those exhibited by Judith\mean the difference between forthcoming re-election cam-| jt referred to the "vital nation-/Wood, Paul Wood and Doris/profit and loss, warns Fred paign. __, |al interest" for the U.S. in Viet-|Beatty. These will be taken for/Schuld, Western Ontario Agri-) The formula: Simplify Viet-jnam. It did qualify its measage|competition at the Royal Winterjcultural School, Ridgetown. The} nam into a matter of self-jpy deploring any act "'unneces-|Fair in Toronto. The judges change in environment -f rom} security--a bold stand against|sarily risking a general war in|were Walter Rutherford and)pasture to feedlot could cause) the billion Chinese State Secre-|4sia or a nuclear war in the/Charles Bickell. many problems. | tary Rusk sees menacing the! world." Handling cattle carefully dur- world with nuclear arms in a) THE CENTRAL ONTARIOj|ing this time is important. Pro- decade or two. QUIET ON BOMBING 'Bee Keepers Association held its/tection against stress and_in- It will be hard to beat unless; It withheld any expression of/annual fall meeting at the agri-|clement weather during hauling domestic matters go more to view about the U.S. bombing Of/cyltural service centre atlis the first requirement. Isolat- pot or a particularly strong Re-|North Vietnam, which now hasiprighton when *members from ing the feeders from other cattle publican party candidate such reached a pace unparallelled in/pyrham County to Lennox and/and handling them as little as as New York Governor Nelson|world history, or on the value Of|aqdington County attended.'possible for eight to ten days is Rockefeller is drafted to run'stopping the bombing as PrO-\Speakers included Norman Dy- recommended against Johnson posed by Canada and other ment, a Smithville commercasl, Feeding during the first two The s ecretary Ss w of countries beekeeper and Prof. G F. or three weeks is important. On what Vietnam + all about has; With the seasonal monsoon|Townsend, head of the depart-|their first day in the feedlot./ far from silenced critics of the nearly upon many North Viet-|ment of agriculture, University offer feeders two pounds of American intervention in the;namese targets, U.S. bmbing of Guelph, grain plus a small amount of war. But it was timely, with 46\Will slacken anyway. There is} : _|supplement preferably 'without per cent of the public feeling|debate here whether the presi-| TWO EUNDRED DELE-'urea. All the silage, hay or hay- the U.S. should never have got dent will actually halt it, as de- involved, one opinion poll says. |manded by the North before any peace talks can be held MANY IN CHORUS More pessimistic observers There are a lot of people ofjfeel the chances. for any peace prominence now joined in the talks are farther away now than official chorus, including Vice- ever--that North Vietnam is de- h, if it works, will prevent conversion from _ taking among the more than 100 si SINGLE VISION President Humphrey Other cabinet members nor mally heard only on_ their domestic specialties have sp- termined to take whatever the U.S. can throw at it and hang on because it is convinced there is nothing to be gained by the negotiations Johnson insists he 13" Complete with Frames Lenses and Case ken ut for the Johnson policy > aaa 4 : |wants so badly sy coincidence or otherwise l There is 110° optimism the a group including former presi- . nth will accept peace terms dents Eisenhower and Truman|i, Us. can bear--or that the uae cole 0 the support Of|t; 5 will go along with the con- Johnson policy on Vietnam. ditions of the North. There is They claim to speak for the eyen doubt whether the picture "silent centre." would change much if a Repub- Retired Gen. Omar Bradley, a lican were elected president former chairman of the joint next November --unless the chiefs. of staff, and former state U.S. sharply altered its condi- secretary Dean Acheson are'tions. BIFOCALS Now is the time ? 3,000,000 SATISFIED CUSTOMERS will cost you more Po GRAND OPENING PRECISION GROUND LENSES 65 STYLES, SHAPES AND "COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM OF OUR NEW STORE THURSDAY, | NOV. 9th-9 AM. @ FANTASTIC OPENING SPECIALS @ FREE GIFTS Ancus-GRAYDON OPTICIANS -- OVER 3 000.000 SATISFIED CUSTOMERS HOURS: : ; Mon., Tues., Thurs, 9-5 Fri, Till 9 P.M. Sat. 9-12 17 Bond Street, East 2nd Floor in Mény Principal s of Canada and US | oe ape cae to buy Canada Savings Bon After November 15th they because of accrued interest Buy yours today! } Double your money! © ry

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