Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 4 Nov 1967, p. 5

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a D CHURCH Mrs. Victor Harrison, of Gren-|onto to see the television pio- WHITBY / AJAX PERSONALS |. | THE OSHAWA TIMES, New Program | Saturday, November 4, 1967 5 GAMES SAVED EDINBURGH (Reuters) -- Sask... {s visit he gram, '"'Flashback," Nov, 13. = og fl, Sn ra he Ai ee a a ehmar orn ar | Or cn- |home Mrs. Craig at 668-5073. I Co rt day gave the go-ahead. for a . i Vai tg n + \daughter Mr. and Mrs. C. G é : se : n u. Ol ise £2,210,000 ($6,630,000) national by: | 4 bps , few be- |Holthouse, 300 St. Lawrence St St.. Mark's United Church : E : sports centre--and saved the j n fewer practice, | CGIT held a Hallowe'en tea and| WHITBY (Staff) -- Whitby city's right to stage the 1970 ' is neither a Cath- A group of workers 25 years|;omehake sale at the church| YMCA Junior executive coun-;\Commonwealth Games. A bitter peace ey ago at Ajax formed the De- hall with all girls giving assist-;cil has announced a new Satur- Controversy has been raging be- 4 n and yet belittles \fence Industries Limited and ance. Pouring tea were; Mrs.iday night teen program in the 'Ween the corporation, which j ' |met several times each year. William Irwin, Miss Barbara! wanted to build a smaller | denominations is "he Lord founded ot many and on stand. Yet today |Robert Leslie and Louise John- Breckenridge, Miss Margaret son were the originators. Last/Smith and Miss Patricia Price. jyear the group donated a park }bench and a hospital bed. Last An open meeting was held at ; old court house. Using the old court room of the former county court house in Whitby, and to he known as £650,000 stadium, and the gov- ernment. The city was .warned it. would lose the games and a government grant of £750,000 if stand? Our belief | Pai ' . is ; fis divided with so Sunday the group met for the oe eee ig the "Court Session," it will be at bigger stadium was not i | - | : 7 3 y. 'op-i hithy and DUilt. ations that we do jlast time at the home of Mr. fiviled quest was Rav. Wik an for Whitby and?" Me ch to follow. a basis in which | and soul come ne to praise the ne. When people like this it is rch or union of d be neither one nor another but ith. | feel the grow- unity within the whole; yet be- brother-in-law and sister Mr.|the missions. Special music was is being organized LTD. sions within the + jand Mrs, H, D. Hill, 714 Dundas by, Barry Jones and his sax-| 'his is open to anv student MONUMENTS nity Is a difficult | |St. W. aphone. Mrs. Harvey Gabanajin their teens every Saturdas = acted as pianist. A brief bus-!night, é j 668-3552 today take the uch for granted > interest in the f the Church. Yet i rch there ts the dy, Mrs. E. W. Waring, Mrs. pible quiz, Lunch was served,|# Social is scheduled, the Branch ' the Lord reach- Andrew Miller, Mrs. Dave John- Color Party. On Noy. 25, there : tthe ston, Mrs. D. Scott, Mrs. Gor Harold Hayes, 112 Emperor will be a social sponsored by UNI TED CHURCH mfort and guide yeryone of us thials and trib- jand Mrs, Loyal Pogue with 17 =e ae ; | members tn attendance: AKG: liam Tyler of the Overseas Mis- jcial time was enjoyed with re- 'freshments being served. | Patrick Cherry, Sr., 27 Wind sor St., Ajax, was taken to "am, é | Ajax-Pickering General Hospital ¢? places, accompanied by and is in the intensive care. returned from a five - month Mrs. Rene Ellis, sex, England is visiting for ? \few weeks at the home of her ald Tolley a Bernard Sawler and Mrs. Ron- offered St. John the Evangelist CwWL iness session was presided over ; traveling bridge and euchre hos-'h. Mrs. Barclay Batemen, who tesses for the month of October announced the work méeting for were: bridge; Mrs. S. A. M00-'nov 9) who also led in a don .Ellenson, Mrs. George Stef- St., Ajax sionary Fellowship, who has just! is in the Sunnybrook {he ways and means fler, Mrs. William Gray, Mrs. Hospital, where he is undergo-|'ee group, also Noy. Stripped of most of the ju diciary trappings, the large trip to the mission field, Rey,,Court room has been set-up as Tyler. showed pictures of Viet-.2 theatre and will be used for Thailand and several oth-|this Saturday evening program his Of coffee house, and teen age commentaries, Mrs, Cyril Gard-| aCtivities, dancing, music listen iner and her group were in ing, folk singing Ilford Es- charge. Rev. Deloss Scott, Mrs, ment. nd entertain The 'archives' games room prayers for, will be opened and table tennis be held with proceeds for the branch centennial fund. Noy. 18 commit he Ajax Legion Pipe Band is holding a (AMIR cree \ages/ Requirements STAFFORD BROS, 318 DUNDAS EAST ST. MARK'S entre & Colborne Sts. M. § BD W. McAuley, Mrs. S. Hood, ing surgery, : ; M eople who as Mrs. R. T. Hughes and Mrs : St. Andrew's ball at the new' he Onureh Fe ae Marray Silver. Euchre: Mrs, J, . Guest speaker at the Ajax Ajax community. centre, pre 1:00 ? This is a good Smyth, Mrs. S. King, Mrs. C Royal Canadian Legion, Branch ceeded by a dinner at 6:30 p.m AN en we must ask Bibeau, Mrs. H. Campbell, Mus. 322, dinner meeting was Zone!Dec., 16, is the date for a Christ is unity and what A. Vallee, Mrs.. A Andersonsommander John May, Port)mas party for children. The Ch SCHOOL to us as Christ- and Mrs. W. Vanden Broek. Perry, who spoke on the new Ajax Branch will participate with 9.30 ar Intermediates, ie race ruling for all Ontario Royal Can- other service clubs for a Christ "7 mri Mrs. J. H. Ashby, 1103 Wal-adian Legion branches. The mas party for retarded child om sel ndergarten, Bes phe igs a e z si j nut St., has returned home from other guest was Zone Sergeantiren. Dec. 8 at the Aiax Le : t dv aciled) i x eae three - th it with Dr. at Arms James Norton, It was ] y ry will 9 INVITED TO s with a mutual ARTIST JACK POLLACK ist Norval Morriseau, which the' Regal Room of the Toronto. With him in the group. Norval Morriseau ex- oe ee cca kane aca ae ania that ait ear xeon ae Beever ae mag will HIP WITH US auc en the draws attention to some of | was shown last night at a pa or ager Building, nage ane add aie ag x pein a Expo and ete ily of Sheboygan, Wis. tive will remain in office until) -------- Sa : sible many : ' ne gig called 'An evening wit picture are Mayor Desmon painting shown represents | ° ' June, 1968. Four members were eg he Son of God, the finer points of a paint talk organized by Whitby Pollack'. Mr. Pollack, art- Newman, Whitby and Mrs. his son. Almonds United Church Wo vecclected: Harry Pickering Bs : Church leaders ing by Ojibway Indian art- Arts Incorporated, held in ist, teacher and lecturer, , L. D. Hart, secretary of the (Oshawa Times Photo) |men afternoon group, sponsor-'second vice - president, jed an "Old Time Musical Even- jing'? at the church hall. Kin- Mrs. L. Nesbitt, secretary, Sam Blow- ALL SAINTS' ANGLICAN ified Church y a' Prete os BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE Art Li Ms Si il iti loven Rebekah Lodge, Brooklin, Le Bod hag ese mt Whitby ts, Yet we -as ' Iving Imllaritles {was in charge of the program sullivan, Nov. 11 a dance will rete waed : ] i | and, resend the Tone Fo Sunday, November 5th nae G There Jax Ou ea. S ul yy; | Pointed Out B Pollack members of the group used FREE 24-HOUR eoeimination but | 2 j ee ce ae eae 11:00 a.m.--Confirmation i re the common their musical performance Service Contractors --The Bishop of Toronte lat we are broth- { we all strive | understanding ove toward one e our one Uni- our Lord would Amen. 0. A. Hoopfar, ve, e Charge Involves Narcotics 1 9,-4.2" living had three things in com- F 1 mon, artist Jack Pollack told AJAX -- Pleading guilty to a} Evidence showed three or four/phane bag to keep the envel-/, meeting of Whitby Arts In- charge of trafficking in narco-|bankstyle envelopes were in ajopes containing the marijuana corporated last night - intellect, tics, Robert W. Murray, 20, of|cellophane bag, which indicat-|protected from the weather. emotion and technique. Ajax, was remanded in custody|ed the accused knew what he| There were 10 three - ounce ie Changes idcact he Ald for two weeks for a pre-sent-)was doing. : envelopes it was reported which, compared with the changes in ence report when he appeared) Royal Canadian Mounted Po-|when analyzed, showed only half callgion @AR educadon aad had before Magistrate H. M. Jer-jlice officers testified, "The en-an ounce of marijuana. This Deca ew diida: "ALG. Hid | "Art will never really appeal They sang old'-time favorites jto the masses, only the seek- and centennial songs. Mrs lers,"" said Mr. Pollack, "and| Lynde. Davie, Toronto played [I must number myself among|Vilin selections. Refreshments the masses. were served. "My family knows nothing) Miss Inez Helin, RN, is spend- about art and that is why I ing a vacation. in Bermuda feel I must interest as many visiting friends. Miss Helin nurs- people as possible in art.' ed in Bermuda for several years SAWDON'S FUELS FURNACE OIL -- STOVE OIL AND COAL 244 Brock St. S., Whitby 668-3524 (Church School and Nursery Classes) FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH RRANCE myn of Thursday. lvelopes,.were, put in a core nsant. posers ye wry ~~ tried to interpret' these new| It was very important, he went before establishing residence in 41S WA SRE 4 ae bats hal an Palo ligie dg Ha er gf ag that wee whl et on, that every community should | Whitby. REV, DeLOSS M. SCOTT, Minister Ld : , had gone in various modern di-jhave an art gallery. . a seer enna to remind Mr. Pi k 7 M F d was told. wey ; ; St. Andrew's Presbyterian rections people did not under-| 3 : 2 AY SERVICES = Telus ickering Man rine An "undercover officer wen! stan, et ea, oe ee ee ee WEY SUNDAY. 3 Rana Sind Ipaid $30 gy a ccorighd ae The meeting, called 'An even-|ford, was a "'talk back'" session|the Sse of Miss Marguerite BAPTIST 9:15 A.M.--"FAITH TIDINGS" RADIO BROADCAST LP hl s | i Ur-ling with Pollack' proved one of\in which the audi ark ths a mac fin. : KiB 13 in Your Dia! nar ke rord 4 Abilit Im aired Char e gore y j\the most dynamic and profit-|vited to chromato atationlicoe: Bsbaok Apes Teast ite. SH kee. palay diego see Aan Savy tls Saat eee aster, but never ' | When aaked ", ne al able held by the lk said)brought along by Mr. Pollack.|Rain, Mrs. Gordon Scott, Mrs.| ic Wee ia Aron GUEST SPEAKER t-live equality. crown attorney if the accused/Mrs. Dorothy Craw ord, who; "What do you think?" he|Gordon Ellenson, Mrs. George hada Gitte nM gabled REV. RONALD. VIESELMEYER ristics a the AJAX -- Pleading guilty to)Robert Cammeron, 21, of Scar-|was ithe operator and where looks' after publicity., asked them, 'and went on to| Cook, Mrs. Kevin Bell, Mrs. E.|] ):009 A.M.--Communion of the "OPEN AIR CAMPAIGNERS" im and his na- driving while his ability was|porough, who last April WAS liter ek ne ee. Fal About 60 people attended fs explain the ideas behind paint-|Johnson and Mrs. John McKay. pice 7:00 P.M---GOSPEL FELLOWSHIP HOUR ecome, impaired, Alfred Zarach, 46, of} > being|.. 5 ; e believe the tajk, held in the Centennial ings they did not like. Mrs. Donald Butts, president of! Reception of New Members GUEST SPEAKER: citizens a on Shoal Point Road, Pickering ?a°e? ~v erin bala paket hag was purchased in the/huilding, including Mayor Des-| «]¢ was one of the best meet-|the group, was in charge of the} 7:00 P.M.--Gospel Service PASTOR EARL AMBROSE, Toronto ation. He -also Beach, was fined $100 and tpate|ooyicts ba png sha on/Yorkville area. He brought it)mond Newman. ings we have held," said Mrs,/evening. Lunch was served by | 9.45 4.M.--Bible Schoo! Classes COMING! COMING! COMING! Germany has or 15 days in jail when he ap-ja found in charge. e ' 2 dispose of it in smal-| yy Pollack, who has two art|Crawford. "Mr, Pollack made|the hostess, assisted by Mrs sab CENTENNIAL CRUSADE ur most strong: peared in court here Thurs-| The court was told the ac- fons . - ud spa what he was' ajeries_in Toronto, !s welllit really live and interesting, Archie Craig, Mrs, Lloyd Da- Wed. 7:30 P.M. s and most ad- day before Magistrate H. M.|cused, who was not a member hough tt by th ge ig and|nown as a teacher and lec- not just a dry old lecture." foe and Mrs. Dave MacRoberts. Bible Study & Prayer Monday, November 13 thru Sunday, 19th sartners. Jermyn. His driver's licence|of the club, was at a rally of the N 8 liv. th ini ag ike this.| over. ----_--_______--__----_|Members and friends were re- Excéllent nursery facilities. HARRY G. TROVER, Grond Rapids oseph Goebele was suspended for three Satan's Choice Motorcycle Club), hae ly, they buy it by the SETS BOXING PRECEDENT minded of the bus trip to Tor-# ake his hand if months. jand was about to leave when i edie , SCR DENY | oe und. FINED $25 |police raided the gathering. | ea Guitar Playing Feeog ba Nev, As) ' NE " ree judges and a non-judging oe tne. Maxine Armstrong, 17, of Tor-- WALKED OUT | Basketball Set | | referee--unique in boxing an- [ MOUSINE SERVICE ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION nahin delat onto, was fined $25 and costs} Two youths, who were sent| a Co Off d |nals--will officiate at the 15- ' ; ig wet ie or five days in jai lfor unlaw-|to the House of Concord eer For Boys Girls urse ere Jround world light - heavyweight Branch 112 Whitby Thank you : ful possession of a driver's lic-|appearing in Pickering Court, f ! , Be ee ee T0 and FROM Toronto . A. EMARD, ence, $25 and costs or five days) walked out of the institution Oct.! wayrrpy (Staff) -- YMCA WHITBY (Staff) -- Persons|Dick Tiger and challenger Nov, 4th -- Poppy Day ~astle, Ontario, for unlawful possession of a ve-/31 and stole a car from the/packethall registration will be -- learning how he Roger Rouse of Montana here . . y . s hicle' permit and $20 and costs\driveway of Bradley Derrick, |}, Wine i spat | Play. e sullar can register|/Noy. 17, Executive secretary | t t | A p t ' or four days on a charge of|327 Finch Ave., Pickering Town- coh econ Nall peated Street now for thé YMCA'S course in| James Deskin of the Nevada n erna ona ir or Noy. 5th -- Annual Veterans Church Parade making. a--faise--statement--Oniship, From 7 until 8 p.m. registra-/°'0UP Sultar instruction. Boxing Commission said Friday To St: Andrew's Presbyterian Church 10:30 A.M. an additional charge of driving) Thomas Russell Reynolds, 16,|tion will be for boys in grades| Two instructors will teach the it was felt the judging trio at mons while disqualified, the accused of Toronto, pleaded guilty and!7, g and 9. From 8 p.m. until basic method of guitar playing.|ringside are in a better position || w= was piaced on 2 months" D7-wax remanded in custody or' pm registration' for Later 'on when" progress tocore a fish, leaving We rel |" ro" forbes inferm@ion Contoct your nearest || NOV. (1 -- Remembrance Day Service bation and was prohibited fromiiwo weeks for a pre-sentence grades 10 and up made, accompaniment for folk/eree free to handle the purely OF SUR i At Ganstanh. Parada Fall'In ot 10:30 AM limax driving for 12 months. |report. Raymond Webster, 17," Noy. 8, from 7 p.m. until piaining of seeiaps rock and roll/physical duties of the ring ac-\| Travel Agency or Burley Bus Lines ' ):30 . y 4 in| fe aaeND P ea Id be learned, tion. | INT TO JAIL was remanded for one week in/p.m.' girl's basketball will be|©uld si ener ge through stop lights custody. organized. All interested are| This is an eight - week course Nov, {1 -- Remembrance Day Banquet for five hours, at speeds up to 60 mph is dan-/agiaTy IMPAIRED |asked to bring their-basketballigiven at Whithy YMCA. Date/ 6:30 P.M, -- Tickets $2.00 the greatest gerous driving," said the magis-|" 4 charge of driving while his\Utlit and be ready for a ses-jand time for this eourse will be ade. trate as he sent Brian Spencer, ability was impaired, against|o" the floor. announced shortly, : ! Brush, me Macdonald 20, of Kingston Road, Scarbor-|pobert Thompson, 48, was dis- Instruction~ and fundamentals Another course given at the | resident, Jd friend and ough, to jail for 21 days. The| missed, Magistrate Jermyn said ill be oe for se ape "y" is one in sketching and They Served Til Death, Why Net We, mber, Donald accused's driving licence waS|there was some evidence ofj cms Wi 0€ Organized and painting. : mer, 0) ischedules will be developed 'ry back from suspended for 12 months. On aldrinking but there was no evi-/SCUeCcules Will be developed. | Elementary school artists ! ve his support. charge of supplying liquor to aldence the accused was under jmay register now for this eight- as Nov. 4 it was minor, Spencer was placed 0n|the influence of alcohol HOLDS SIX PER CENT _|week course to he given in the : e that Smith's six months' suspended sent-| -- a -------- | South Africa constitutes only|afternoon after school classes decisive. There ence. } ' . iy four per cent of the total sur-| Time schedule and other de- ilence in the James Arthur Terrio, 18, a PP toasts dan eat face of Africa and a population|tails of the course may be se- bushy-browed assenger in the vehicle driven itby verre ae The | Which is only 6.5 per cent of the) pared by telephoning _ the i) H y i Bay Company y Spencer, was jailed for five|ners were: North and South-- total, YMCA, 668-6868. T h t Wh b 2 then cheering days on an intoxication charge.|Harvey Winter and Claire Rich,) -- = Owns ip 0 it y 1 rvative. ranks ' |4214; Mrs. Hugh Baker and Mrs. | at the: ortine HAD LIQUOR : |Donald Wilson, 41; Frank Willis Ei apable ee Admitting he had liquor in ajand Mrs. Peter Spratt, 39. Mast) WHITBY 501 BROCK ST. NORTH ectors z sir Hugh Allan public place, Richard' O'Day of and West -- Mrs. Frank Wells) - Ajax was fined $25 and costs or/and Mrs, Wilfréd Butts, 35; Mrs.) 5 a ses, | | seemed ready 10 days in jail. Arthur Conrad and Mrs. Har-| BLOOD DONORS CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST a John's favor, SHOPLIFTING old Smuck, 34; Mrs. Harvey 5 WHITBY 668-3644 : = is praite with SHAG Deer and fle wite,| Winter and Mrs Roy Howe. 33. CLINIC : POSTING OF VOTERS LIST y ar ehithoen irene, of Ajax each pleaded j 'i G rats weet guilty to shoplifting. Hach was} ST. ANDREW'S : DON KING ' List 1967, T ship of Whith Sipe: the fined $100 and costs or 15: days PRESBYTERIAN Monda Nov 6th Voters' List, | , Township 0 Itdy, . ( : in jail. | : : < . : ig tet ge | Corner Byron ot St. John y, , Don has a wide range of knowledge in the sérvice station eae County of Ontario, t ue jumper ie FINED $100 Whitby is ¢ invite_all the motoring public ? uted that he Two Bay Ridges sisters, Mrs.] prey W. J. S 'McClure B.A, Royal Canadian Legion Hall | ees Don takes this opportunity to ee gP ceNes ; i man Smith Emily Duffet and Winnifred]. Mr Jc" REBGHABA B St. South, Whitb 1 | to visit him. ; Notice is hereby given that | have complied with : could frizzle a Dimmer, were fined $100 and] ARCT. RM.J., Organist: yron of, 20Utn, itby : ee 1 uk os tt Ase ns al Ga 'R.C.T., R.M.T., Org sek Lie ok : RETAIL VALUE Section Nine of The Voter's Lists Act, and that | t to resign and when charged with taking hair|} 9:45 A.M.--Church School pe 6:30 : 9:00 PM. | ff € Brobklin, Ontaek cage ea 4 spray from an Ajax store with-] _ Classes ae Bee r $3 19 have posted up at my office at Brooklin, Ontario, - , : yi i 5 _--Remembr Service, | : ' tim, Donald out paying for it. Le aca rer the Sentient e on the 3lst day of October, 1967, the tist of all the CPR and SIX MONTHS of the Royal Canadian Ensign Flag. | [ : i e peerage as eo. sentence of six months def- Picky sgl ti vets 2 re persons entitled to vote. im the municipality at : rota Pye six months indefinite Everybody. Welcome TOWN OF WH ITBY : municipal elections and that such list remains there n reformatory was imposed on , Every day. . . you will receive these gttractive, at useful kitchen tools ... FREE from SPUR... for inspection, a . SELLS TOWN OF WHITBY & 40 000 no limitations . . . you are entitled to one piece i s $ F ,00 DEBENTURE ISSUE FREE with every 7 gallons of SPUR gasoline And | hereby call upon all voters to take immediate 4 N Oo T I Cc E " you purchase. Start now--in no time you will dices t6 hove any ommiecine oF arto Oak { : co. i Town of Whitby debentures dated November 15th, 1967, have the complete set of these high quality Proceedings. Vv ) s s P s : REMEMBRANCE WEEK Pee Tree te tae sh dg eb og and maturing kitchen tools . . . FREE from SPUR!!! rected according to law, the last day for appeal ; ir r r sale, ilton November 4th to 11th Debentures will be in $1,000.00 denominations. FREE GIFTS being the 14th day of November, 1967. ary By virtue of a resolution of the Council of the Town of Whitby Purchase orders may. be obtained from the undersigned, Dated this 31st day of October, 1967. ; ouver passed on the 30th day of October, 1967, | hereby declare the ; : |. WALLACE, Clerk, ; week of November 4th to November 11th REMEMBRANCE F. N. McEWEN, SPUR SAVER COUPONS = Bh HE oa aT sipaes! mt Britain WEEK in the Town of Whitby. pbs - W, ' Triple Chrome Plated ] Township of Whitby 5c treet t, i : : peas 6. G. NEWMAN; | is Snes soe es With Purchase of Every Gallon of Gasoline Heat Resistant Decorated Hondle. Sis 14h, Brekiin Gomi MAYOR an | | = :

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