Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 3 Nov 1967, p. 13

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Ct ERE: | r | Centre .» for day sone, ™ = on Until 9 P.M. WEDDING ALBUM © A record for your Wedding Album is provided by the Oshawa Times 'Women's Page. Forms are available at The Oshawa Times office. Publication of this wedding record depends upon the 'submission of the completed form 'to the Women's Editor at least three days before the ceremony. The record of the bride-elect's showers and her out-of-town guest should be submitted at least five days before the wedding, ! Roberts - Saywell Northminster United Churchjlace ending in a chapel train, was the setting for the marriage|Her headdress, three Tose of Miss Dorothy Jill Saywell petals, held a_bouffant veil of s silk illusion and she carried a and Christopher John Ivor houfluet of colonial white daisy Roberts last Saturday after- chrysanthemums and pink rose noon. The bride is the daughter buds with baby breath. of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Taylor| The bride's sister, Miss Joan Saywell, Oshawa, and the bride-|Saywell, was the maid of honor groom is the son of Dr. andjand the bridesmaids were Miss Mrs. Denys T? Roberts of Kings-|Helen Speirs and Miss Nancy ton Cobbledick. Ray Piper of Kings- The Reverend J., Wesley Her-|ton was the best man and Ian bert, assisted by the bride's| Young of Scarborough and Gary uncle, Stephen Saywell, offici-/Sharman of Kingston ushered. ated at the ceremony. A reception was held at Mrs. David Weldon sang, ac-\Northminster United Church. companied liams ithe bride wore a brown and Given in marriage by herlorange plaid dress with a rust father, the bride wore a gown|coat, matching feathered hat of Lagoda silk with a scoop|and brown suede accessories. neckline and lily point sleeves.| Mr. and Mrs. Christopher The sheath gown was covered|Roberts will reside on Mc- with a coat-effect of Chantilly|Gregor Street, Oshawa. Keating - Bennett A double ring ceremony injseed pearls held a_ four-tier, Harmony United Church last)/Shoulder-length nylon __ illusion Saturday afternoon united Bar.| Veil and she carried a medley bara Ann Bennett and Fred-peart roses with white chrysan- erick Francis May Keating in| themums. marriage. The bride is the) Miss Cheryl Embery of Osh- daughter of Mrs. Nabb and Mr. Clayton Bennett,!the the bridegroom is the son bride's sister, Miss Lori of Bennett of Bowmanville, was Mr.-and- Mrs; Raymond James the flower girl. Frank Keating,| the bridegroom's brother, was SanEen | Keating, Frankford, Ontario. The Reverend E. F. Lacey|the ring bearer and officiated at the ceremony and|brother, James Henry Keating, Mrs. William Taylor played the'acted as best man. Douglas wedding music. Keating and: Wayne Given in marriage by her ushered. father, the bride wore a full-' Following a reception held length gown of nylon organza at the bride's home, the couple over taffeta, along empire-lines. |left for Niagara The bodice of lace featured ajtravelling, the bride chose a scalloped neckline outlined with|two-piece ensemble of blue and seed pearls and __lily-point|silver brocade with black suede sleeves. Lace and seed pearlsiaccessories and a corsage of enhanced the front of the A-line|sweetheart roses and white car- skirt and a chapel train of taf-|nations. feta and lace fell from the; Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Keat- waist line. Her headdress, ajing will reside in Frankford, crown of scalloped mohair and|Ontario. Vetzal - Davis Margaret, Patricia Davis and jlined with seed pearls, held a Edward jilliam Vetzal ex-'shoulder-length veil of silk tulle changed niptial vows in St.|with a hand-rolled edge, and George's" Ukrainian Catholic|she carried a bouquet of yellow Church last Saturday after-|Elizabethan roses, stephanotis noon. The bride is the daugh-|and gardenias. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Lloyd Davis and the bride--market was Mrs. William Vetzal, all of|Miss Carolyn Davis and Mrs. Oshawa. | Michael The Reverend J. C. Pereyma|Ridges were the other bridal officiated at the ceremony andjattendants. Ronald William Mrs. Garry Booth sang, self-'Boissoin acted as best man accompanied. and two brothers o£ the bride- Given in marriage by herjgroom, John and Robert Vetzal, father, the bride wore' a full-|ushered. length princess-styled gown of A reception was held at the white silk faille fashioned with |Carousel Inn and later the a portrait neckline and elbow-| couple left for the Laurentians, length sleeves. A panel of sculp-|with the bride donning a tea the neckline and front of the|patent accessories and a white gown. A full-length, detachable! gardenia corsage. train edged with matching lace) Mr. and Mrs. fell from the shoulders. headdress, silk rosettes Fudge - Scoville Edward W out-'Street, Oshawa. by Rhyddid Wil-|For a honeymoon to points west / |cascade of pink chiffon sweet- Robert Mc-|qwa was the maid of honor and} Fraser Falls. For Mrs. Douglas Burke of New- the matron of groom is the son of Mr. andjhonor, a sister of the bride, Kuechler of Oak THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, November 3, 1967 1z _ | THE STARS SAY |FOR SATURDAY Saturday could prove to be a big day in your life. You might, jquite unexpectedly, find the so- |lution to long pending problems, and you will find it a highly au- sipicious period for launching new _ enterprises, especially' jthose of long-range value. Cap- italize on your best ideas now. FOR THE BIRTHDAY If Saturday is your birthday, jthe year ahead should bring great happiness in your person- al life. Domestic, social and sentimental interests should prove highly stimulating, with emphasis on romance during the balance of this month, in January, May, late June and late July; on travel and social activities between now and mid-January, next July and Au- gust. In the latter connection, you will find many opportunities for making some valuable new contacts, Where job matters arp con cerned, excellent headway can be made through a comprehen sive and well-planned. program --if you launch it immediately #..¥ MR. AND MRS, CHRISTOPHER ROBERTS | MR. AND MRS. GARY COPELAND Ireland Studio Copeland - Puckett George's Memorial Church/|a tiered veil of silk illusion (Anglican), last Friday olepeserl white Fiji chrysanthemums united Carolyn Gayle Puckett) stephanotis and white orchids. and Gary Richard Copeland in; marriage. Puckett of Oshawa, and jand Mrs, Richard Copeland fring bearer was Mark Ulrich Toronto and Adrian. Wood of Toronto The Reverend R. G. Brooks acted as best man. Ushering Her|Vetzal will reside on Wentworth|fficiated at the ceremony. The|were Thomas Thompson of Bur- Junior Choir Boys of St./lington, Paul Castle of St George's Church sang, accom- Catharines and Ernest Moulton panied by Alan Reesor. of Cooksville. The bride, who was given in' Following a reception held in marriage by her father, wore athe parish hall the couple: Jeft Last Saturday morning in Saint [gown of Italian Duchess peau de for a honeymoon in the Carib- Gregory the Great Roman Cath- : jeoue and Chantilly _lace. Th e|bean. For travelling, the bride olic Church, the Reverend John Mele, ' jempire bodice, semi-A-line skirt/chose a camel beige wool suit i$ ir and Victorian sleeves were|with a white fox collar and cuffs Markle united Elizabeth Anne Scoville and Robert Fudge in marriage. The bride is the daughter of Mrs, William Durkee of Osh- awa and Stanley Scoville of Toronto, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Dan- iel B. Fudge of Oshawa Thomas Driscoll played the wedding music. The bride"who was given in marriage by her father, wore a street length gown of satin and alencon lace with a round neck- line, lily-point sleeves. The back of the gown was gathered into folds of lace with a large satin how. Her headdress, a crown | adorned with florets and seed ;: Allan ls i ag it: i jseed pearls, and a ijdress, floral Jace crystals andireturn Chantilly lace encrusted with and brown cathedral sories. length train of matching lace) Mr, and Mrs. Gary Copeland fell from the waist. Her head-j|will reside in Toronto upon their and beige acces- Enthusiasm And Energy | Carry Many People To Success By ROBERTA ROESCH travelled for the U.S.0. during Most women find new oppor-| World War TI. Still later, she tunities to move ahead in their studied conducting with the late jobs by leaving their arm/Dimitri Mitropoulos in Minnea- chairs behind. "|polis and New York. However, orchestral and cho-| When marriage and mother- rual conductor, Clara Burling}hood entered her life, she pearls held a_ shoulder-length a | veil of nylon net and she car- ss ried a prayer book encrusted with yellow sweetheart roses, { stephanotis, ivy garlands and %% 3 so that, 4 Roesch, has moved up by sit- turned her non-stop energy into ting in a bolted-down chair with making a home while she pur- a leather strap across her lap|sued a dual career as a voice literally and figura-\coach and teacler in New A candlelight ceremony in St.|pearl trimmed lace petals held She carried a cascade bouquet Mrs. Perry Easton of Toronto i was the matron of honor and The bride is the daughter Of|the other bridal attendants in- Mr. and Mrs. George HenrY/ciyded Miss Susan Tozer, Miss ao : the!Sally Gutsole and Mrs. William tured Guipure lace enhanced |blue suit, matching hat, black|Dridegroom is the son of Mr-.!Stevenson, all of Oshawa. The een 2 and follow through consistently Advancement, with correspond- ing monetary reward, can be expedited by extending your sphere of activity and showing a willingness to assume additional responsibilities--especially b e- tween now and March 31. Next good periods along material Jines The entire months of July, September and October of next year. Do avoid extrava- gance and (or) speculation this month; also during January and early April, however, Caution during the January period will be-extremely important A child-bern-on-this -day-witl be extraordinarily ambitious and independent, but may have to curb tendencies toward ex treme irritability wheniopposed | MR. AND MRS. FREDERICK KEATING Ireland Studio HOUSEHOLD HINT Shredded coconut can be ' freshened. by placing ina sieve and steaming over boil ing water New Management BEAUTY SHOP 73 King St. East 725-7221 Mra, M™G6din -- Prop. ) in formerly of Ronnie's » a ond she takes this) to invite oll her old) sers and friends to visit her, > ' | MR. AND MRS. ROBERT BRIGH1 Denis Studio tough luck, son! tively, she won't go overboard) York, and founder and conduc-| q jin her enthusiasm for her work/tor of the original Long Island = as conductor of the Long Island) Little Orchestra Society. | Singers Society. | In the midst of all these} ' SHE'S A FAVORITE jinvolvements which made her) : '| Clara--a favorite sister-in-law) Wish many times for. a 40-hour; who is making me proud,4ay, @ car accident 'put Clara] enough of her to be a nepotist|O" crutches and took her away). streamers with feathered car- nations. Mrs. Klaus Maver, of Osh awa, was the matron of honor Daniel Fudge, Jr., acted as best man and ushering were Klaus Mayer, Timothy Fudge 'ast . oe and Brian Chase, all of Osh-, awa. | A reception was held at 369) Rossland Road West and later} the couple left for the New England States. For travelling, the bride chose a lime green | _ knit dress with matching jack-| et, a turban of green, gold and MRS. ROBERT FUDGE turquoise satin, black accesso-| ries and a green cymbidian| orchid. | Mr. and Mrs. Robert A.! Fudge will veside on Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, | Bright - Ventress | Robert Franklin Bright of Oshawa, took as his bride, shir ley Christine Ventress, of Whitby in a ceremony in Saint Mark's United Church, Whitby, last Saturday afternoon. length gown of organza over taffeta. The empire bodice fea- tured tea cup sleeves of lace. Matching French lace adorned the front of the gown and a cathedral-length train held by a for a day--started conducting ajfrom the podiu Le she had choir at the age of 14. She con-|!earned to love pig ; : tinued conducting through col-|. ~ on yall vo Migs : lége. She won a fellowship ate " eae even ey er phage ebayer i see Ee oad the hoeoilat authorities 14 --_ bi Ngai Gent tc that she wouldn't disrupt the school. {hospital's routine by having She formed an orchestra cee wan on ye yor a ; 2 range for two "years until her tress, Sandra Ventress and husband's genius made it possi- Helen Wallace were the brides- ble for Clara to pick up her maids. Robert Liston of Osh-|) ton this fall. awa acted as oe man Hug ten "When the opportunity to con- bridegroom's rother, ellduct the Long Island Singers Bright, Allan Parrott and Peter Shuiaty came nly way? Clava Ventress ushered. jsaid, "Gilbert came up with the A reception was held at the idea of placing me in our old The bride is the daughter of|Tom Jones bow flowed from|Thunderbird Golf and Country Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Ventress|the shoulders. Her headdress, a}Club, Ashburn, As the couple of Whitby, and the bridegroom|silk organza and satin rose with|left for their honeymoon the is the son of Mr. and Mrs.|forget-me-not stamens and bride was wearing a_ white Bruce Arthur Bright of Oshawa. |leaves, held a four-liered silk dress trimmed in fur, with The Reverend John Smithiillusion veil, She carried a bou-|White accessories and a white officiated at the ceremony and quet of red roses and white car-|Chrysanthemum and red rose G. Harle played the wed-jnations. corsage. ding music. Miss Carol Collinson o'} Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bright Given in marriage by her|Whitby was the maid of honor jwill reside on Marland Avenue. father, the bride wore a full-|The bridé's-sister, Kathy Ven-'Oshawa, oaken armchair and bolting it to a small platform. "Once we found that that would work out, he added a leather strap thal crosses the chair in front of me and keep me from going forward too far in the exciting new adventure of giving music to people after all these months of wondering how I could do it again. When there's a Cascade 40 in the house there's no excuse to wriggle out of the evening-bath. There's always loads and loads of hot water on tap for the whole family. If hot ~ Yo water is a problem in your house, it needn't be. w "SA Cascade 40 electric water heater will give you a/l you're ever likely to need--economically, Just ask your hydro. live better electrically OSHAWA PUBLIC | UTILITIES COMMISSION | 100 SIMCOE ST, S. -- PHONE 723-4623 DUNN'$ Saturday is the Last Day of our Anniversary Sale! Hurry Down for Unmatched Values and Low, Low Prices! ALL-WOOL MEN'S SLACKS Perma-Creased. Tailored from the finest English and domestic Anniversary Sale 0:88 MENS PANTS all-wool yarns, dyed worsteds and flannels. In grey, blue arey, brown, charcoal and black. Sizes 28 to 46. Volues to 19.95, oop e s and trin es 28 s o 44. Our Lowest Price Ever ...... BOYS'. FALL SUITS Latest styles and shades. Sizes 8-18.. From .... 4.88 MEN'S ASSORTED CURLING SWEATERS Q.88 CAR COATS Nabe F.00 MEN'S TOPCOATS 0.00 MEN'S. CAR COATS p-20| SPORT JACKETS Including Ernie Richard- son pullovers and cardi- gans. Regular to 32.50... ASSORTED COLORS AND PAT- TERNS ALL WOOLS. Regulars and Tolls. Reg, to $9.50, SPRCIAW sos esse cas ae With storm cuffs. Perfect for the outdoorsman and casual wear, Reg. to 18.95, SALE PRICE Sizes 8 to 16 years. In grey, blue, black and brown. Reg. 14,95 ZIP-IN LINED In blue, bi NOW brown. MEN'S CAR COATS 9.35 DUNN 2 LOCATIONS OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Open Thursdays end With zip-in pile linina. In beige and brown. Sizes 34 to 46, ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL ... 36 KING ST. EAST Open Fridays till 9 Fridays till 9

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