Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 3 Nov 1967, p. 11

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morrsaisgarrere een rar reece a Im HMM ' remy meen ' . . ' 1 n _ a socom ots . RIDING NAME CHANGE BILL INVOLVED IN PARLIAMENT CEREMONY OTTAWA (Special) -- The ered by the Senate Thursday one of a number of bills which of 1892 and 1903 the area was riding but had been held from over to the other side," Senator represents Pickering in the the early pioneers for their private bill sponsored by On- tario MP Michael Starr to change the name of the riding of Oshawa to Oshawa-Whitby, will be given Royal assent at a special ceremony in the Senate . chamber on Monday. The bill received approval in the Commons two weeks ago where it was given three read- ings and was passed. To mark the 100th anniver- sary of the first sitting in the first session of the first Parlia- ment of Canada, a ceremonial Royal assent will be held on Monday afternoon. The Starr bill with its change of name in will receive this Royal assent to mark the centennial of the Ca- nadian Parliament. HISTORY In moving adoption of the Starr bill in the Senate Thurs- day, Senate House Leader+John J. Connolly gave a history of the riding. He said that origin- designated as Ontario South. From 1924 to the present time it was known as simply "On- tario". He said that the present member for the riding, Mr. Starr, had won the riding in six general elections and once in a byelection. Senator Connolly recalled that 1930 to 1945 by a Liberal, W. H. Moore and that William Sin- clair, another Liberal, had sat for it. The CCF had won a by- election there in 1948. /I would not wish to describe it as a swinging seat but the pendulum did vary from time to time, but rather slowly, and perhaps paused at one side for Connolly said. He said the move to desig- nate it as Oshawa - Whitby was a good one because both were incorporated municipalities in the riding and Whitby was the county seat, and the centre of the judicial and municipal ac- tivity in the area.* TRIBUTE TO STARR Upper House, said the bill was a tribute to Mr. Starr because it had passed through the Com- mons in record time, unlike the fate of most private bills. The name change would honor a_ thriving and _pic- turesque Town of Whitby which he said was one of a number of Yorkshire town names which original homes. "I should add too that Whitby is one part of the Hon. Mr. Starr's riding which very con- sistently approves of the repre- sentation he gives to the cone stituency in the House of Com; mons, which may or may no' be a reason for his introducing this bill in the other place," without debate and was consid- a little while and then moved Senator Allister Grosart who commemorate"the nostalgia of eT i asaninnn ™ _ the redistributed riding, will be ally in the redistribution acts Senator Grosart commented. HARLAN tT RATE vung nt mn a ner it had not always been a Tory 'evniaet tiie tatty tet MEN'S HOSTEL STILL TM r saponin IN EARLY STAGES OF DEVELOPMENT One-Year Jail Term On Narcotics Charge ne "| Ajax Resident Sentenced | The Times City Magistrate's Court |OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1967 | guilty slacks, socks and shirts i § to shoplifting | ™ | unteers and _ is akes it a bit slower than' if we had a lot of money to spend. We Bese a Ae é $s think it will be before the floor bathroom, But a lot of end of the month."' At pres- work remains to be done, ent, four extra helpers are including. a good deal of had hoped to be in good in from London, Ont., and plumbing, the replacing of shape to open by the middle today they have been laying wiring and a fire escape to of the month, but I don'ty) wall tiling in the second the third floor. though it is far from. com- plete. Says interim director Norman Drake: "The reno- vation is taking longer than we thought. Of course, all our workers are unpaid vol- JIM BUTLER, kitchen superintendent, cleans up the kitchen in the new men's hostel, Oshawa. Already the hostel has had up to eight guests even "om Oshaw definite and one year in- from Oshawa stores, June 2. jguilty in Oshawa Magistrate's|ter of "serious public concern lfor the first time Monday, when|Road, opposite Tennyson Ave-| Magistrate Donald Dodds saidjsuggests an increasing degree 2 the Apple Hill route to serve|will still be able to take pas- A white envelope, containing!criminal--structure." have been as far as half aja half-mile walk for |-- i & 7 : Ae : Magistrate Dodds said he did | e | us definite on a conviction of pos-/not believe the charged was "a | session of narcotics and four|stranger" to the use of mari- | possessions of stolen goods, juana. Route Altere® {Court two weeks ago and waslin Oshawa during the past few jremanded in custody until to-)}weeks lthe Oshawa Public Utilities/nue, and the other on the south-|the pre-sentence report showed of criminal organization," said Commission. starts a newleast corner of Olive Avenue|Massicotte came from a "good" Magistrate Dodds. the area east of Harmony Road|sengers-dewntown via the new | Marijuana, was found behind| "The overriding consideration jin the Olive Avenue and Grand-|route without extra charge. {the front seat of Massicotte'sjin this case," he said, "is the | anyone) ® s |mile away from the nearest bus|living in the area east of Har-| e a | or it ta stop. mony Road, Mr. Annand said! An appeal for the service|it was impractical to keep the| An Ajax man has been sen-|pleaded Paul 0. Massicotte, 22, of 167, The charge of possession of Hundreds of homes will getjbus stops are to be sited, one|"ay for a pre-sentence report.) "The prevailing methods of schedule and Harmony Road. South-}family and his parenis-- are;--He said users are "'responsi+ lview vicinity. Answering criticism that the automobile Massicotte also'protection of the public." went to the commission on/|"old'" route as well. | tenced to reformatory for one Suits, }Admiral Rd. in Ajax, pleaded/narcotics, he said, was a mat- |direct access to a bus routejon the east side of Harmony|he sentences are concurrent. |distribution (of the narcotics) It involves the extension of|bound buses on Wilson Road| 'sincere and diligent people." |ble for supporting a growing Up to now, these residents|new route would merely mean} ' ' Sept. 14 in the form of a peti-| 'We tried to do this, but the} e ecte ontro ers tion from_more than 100 homes,|time taken to go round this! porate 'MILLION MARK DRAWS NEAR Bri@® Annand, the com-|route as it now stands doesn't ed by =| |mission's general _Mmanager, leave sufficient time to make! An accusation of vote catch-|votes," snapped back Con. 9 and « who was already reviewing the|the trip out to Grandview orjing was levelled by Con. Rob-|Nicol. "Let's face it." IN AUDITORIUM ATTENDANCE"... a feat Seat re men, tures pant the review se that|plan the route so that it didn't/Shaw at yesterday's board of|and appealed to the Mayor, : e present route, along Tenny- venience Aas i - i : nnual The 1,000,000th person to 1964, to 990,407. Almost 21,000 ls, Farewell and Olive Aves ye iid thi wa tak to auslecuniad iene ae. pre nat nag ag yor be that attend Oshawa Civic Audi- People attended ene nh the |nues, could not be retained in\to its 20-minute sehedule for|jumping by firemen and am-|want, an apology?" torium since its opening three auditorium during October. _ tits entirety because of the/the route or else the city's serv-|bulance drivers was again de-| io tat a t i A breakdown of the figure joxtra time involved. So this sec-jices would have to be re-\bated It was, only fair and just, duly years ago, is expected to pass shows 7,200 were Junior "A |tion has been deleted from the|planned. The outs other alkees| : jsaid Con. Shaw that the city through the doors Nov. 12. crowds; 6,081, public skating; |new schedule, which will run|native was to put on another| However, he apologized soon|should pay for officers involved An Oshawa - Niagara Falls 1,500 centennial church serv- |at the s dimes ae MHe-cld; (bua. Hut tila E ld not justify oer aros: and the two con-lin these incidents to be repre- 'oyal Ontario Junior "A" hockey ices, and the balance was es I ae an oe Made ane fee $15 AiR ut a sors trollers, sitting next to each|sented in court, as it had in the game will be held at the made up of people attending le ehectad "We he ew site Chaleon desis, a "year exiraother, parted best of friends. |past, and Mayor Marks said he auditorium that night and one minor hockey, junior "B" |2 ~~~ 0) "le New Toule, Twocost ml _| A 'recomniendation from thejfelt there was a precedent be- the of the visitors will be the hockey, banquets and a vari- | social services and general pur-|cause the city had paid fines of Be! winner of a prize. ety show, "Britons on Tour."' bal pose committee was rejected,|ambulance drivers. "Prizes will be given away Hundreds of prizes will be ontro Oar econsl QTS |attrousn. it was supported by| "I feel we have got to en- th every five minutes to mark given away Nov. 12 to attract | }Mayor Ernest Marks and Con.jcourage our men to some @x- ND the occasion," says William visitors. ee /Shaw. {tent," he added, "'to get people Kurelo, manager of the audi- Mr. Kurelo says the atten- | . i i @ jto the hospital as quickly as torium. dance for Oshawa Civic Audi- | Irpor en a ecision |tnat 'platoon. chiet 2 er egg possible." The October attendance fig- torium is comparable to other | reimbursed by the city for the| He also suggested an amend. ure brings the total number auditoriums in cities of simi- ' ms : ' : : Q ifine of $40.50 paid by him fol-;ment to the recommendation of visitors since December, lar size. : Con : Robert : Nicol said at/is to run for one year, has to be lowing an accident on Sept, 13,|that drivers should be repre- ' | g p , " . Thursday's board of controljapproved by city council and : ted sourt, subject to | " : ihe denar ane |when he drove a fire depart-|Sented in court, subj ap- meeting he "did not intend to be| the department of transport. oval by the board of trol 4 s . used as a lackey by Ronald i ment vehicle through the red|Proval by the of control, ' Cit Will Have To Sue | Poulter." fe NOT SATISFIED jlights and collided with another} gg ga ye rey he y on | 'TI am not satisfied with this,"| vehicle. \Py J - : , 4 y , | He was referring fo Aldeclared Con. Nicol. "I think! Jt also asked that in the might take one life by trying to ee | statement made by Mr. Poulter we should give him _ three| h df |save another. : F G R 1 ee A ee eee months 6 get out. I was EE el age Per out ite! whe people who Baye | t Mr. Poulter ealed|) ow. 4, P ' < | or Tave epossession Seana : dnciAtbh ie the board nere to speak at the time, but! duties of his position be repre- ee at that he should quit No. 2 hangar| "© have other tenants who/sented in court by counsel. Pla-|tiong* he said, "and I do not . 3 a eae : : ele : bday ROE |would like to come in. I know of|toon chief Smith was not so : : r The city will soon be involved |system for keeping tabs on un-jat Oshawa airport, because at one group which has a' $50 000! a he th see how we, as a council, can in a novel lawsuit -- suing for|paid annual maintenance for|various times he had fallen into| sjarantee from the bank. aspen eras ere was |approve this recommendation ; repossession of graves in United) the graves. arrears of rent amounting to)" 4 if : jno question that he ran a re |and allow our people to breach "T feel I have got the dirtyjlight and was therefore guilty + Fy tery. 3,00 $4,000. hints sie . t . wes pf a Rov Barrand: + "People paving a hee oh Monday anid end of the stick. I say Mr. Poul said the committee. were ro cee handled. MY. -CNSE oy Barrand re-|acres," he said, 'and pay $1.50|, Mr. Poulter on Monday said|ter goes out in three months." | «y¢ one of our children were Wh they come to a_ sto} vealed this at yesterday's board|;.. ' 3 'eo. Thore Ne had asked Con. Nicol to re-| The board decided to recom- i i en ae Ks Pp of control meeting, when a rec-|{0" annual maintenance. There). 1, the board difficulties hel 5 : 'in an ambulance which waited)jjght they must stop, and if it 'i B, h jcould be hundreds of graves but) oe . ding" jmend adoption of the lease to)foy the lights, we would be thelis clear. they go clear." ommendation from the parks was having in attending the/city council, and Mayor Marks first to complain," said Con. Unwillingness 16° eatabllih & : we were not receiving annual s and -property committee CT bald because families; Meetings, as requested. told Con. Nicol he would have alchaw, wauld purchase the city purchase additional) oved away or died off. The board then agreed to re-|chance to speak to it then "Vou can brine. in motions ee bY land for cemetery purposés was "They were deeded to the city consider its decision, if certain} Mr. Barrand said a certified iil hell ineeres? dedlared| <4 ruer Oo againet. this a ea Reese, and we were stuck with main-|CoMditions were fulfilled, al-|cheque for $2,700 had been de- cha Nicol ate s sochinisoutilinn at ohe present | "We should not be in the cem- tenance. and when we were sell-|though Mayor Ernest Marks|posited by Mr. Poulter, repre- ny, - e ; bile your|time," he said. "I would like etery business," declared Con.|ing graves we were required castigated Mr. Poulter for his'senting six months 'advance aay waltiad Gon aya ay mae representations made to gg agen bos gag aout hs put a certain amount into the| rudeness" to the moar eg ink ib warrant shang-|2m worried about the people of|the proper authorities in To ; Lae _ |maintenance fund." Thursday, city clerk Roy Bar- Wattan's US COANE Oshawa." ronto to see if some change Mr. Barrand disclosed that in| 4+ the present time, said Mr. |tand read out a five-clause ae oe mind," satd Mayor} "y are worried about'could be made." } 1954 he had organized-a card|parrand. there were $6,009 /agreement drawn up by city Marks. ee sec = worth of graves which the rag d pores spe Couch to P thalby Wi nee oa ce i: ans . leoul e lication for to a {continuing tenancy of the/?y [us , , é ; Bowmanville Man (°°! mee splication for to * hangar by Mr. Poulter, one of Nicol Residents Plan Petition Pe He said that when he first |MOn'y Te ; 'ai |OTHER CALLS ) In Poor Condition came to city hall he was fans eco va Loan gen rg Con. Ralph Jones said he had| . . TORONTO (Staff)--A spokes- ped" because he pointed out the oar whe ppaniieed repre which | 284 calls from other individuals | ainst ome urc ases . ' Sle *"i system was not actuarily sound,|-- ~:~"! _____|who were. interested in the} man for Toronto General Hos-jand controllers were openly| ' : hangar, after Mr. Barrand had pital today described the condi-jamused when he said deputy B d A s read a letter from a firm mak-| A petition is to be presented|quest that the family's home tion of Alex Linkie, 54, of RR 1,/clerk Cec Lundy had spent al] Oar gainst jing application to rent it. by residents of John and Cen-|not be acquired before Christ- Bowmanville, as "still poor." |!ot of time getting the records! a | "Industry: up there seems t0/tre Streets against the proposed|mas, Con. McCallum, who is Mr. Linkie was injured Mon-|S!vaight and had gone down to Public Talk be expanding," he said, "I/purchase of their homes to|a member of the committee day evening in a two-car crash the cemetery to make sure the understand the original plans|make way for a 5,000 drop- dealing with the drop-in centre, on the Eight Concession of|/$'aves were vacant The controversy concerning dee two eo and oo in centre for Lesa | citizens, said : fain! Fogg ttn' Basa F : | The area affected was.in thelthe 5 aun tithe footings for the secondjapproved by council on Oct.jnot start unti C : ' ONE OF the hostel's bed- housing somesffople, but workers will be painting an cop tge Sept oda gdh gol north, engage prio ies al ese be debated. in pak {hangar are already there, There th the contractor could be direct- -- rooms already occupied at it's pretty. uncomfortable. upper-dormitory. One of- the . lic at a chamber of commerce |S¢e™ to be about three firms) pis was stated at board of ©d to commence on another pelvis and internal injuires in/said. sean | by section the King Street premises. At one point we had eight workers, a carpenter, ar- |the crash. | "qf we go ahead and pur-|meeting, Con. Robert Nicol} ¥anting to_move in. jeontrol meeting yesterday as At the moment, the hostel men. They appreciated it rived as a_ transient and A total of $3,100 damage was|chase another area, it is only|said at the board of control The mayor said applications |city cierk Roy Barrand, and is only accepting eme» very much because they stayed to ply his trade. He jdone to the two cars involved,|adding to the problem as I see|meeting yesterday. had been received but nothing) yayor Ernest Marks said he . 5 : gency cases who have no- came in the wee hours of has been there two weeks |but the driver of the second car,|it," Mr. Barrand added. '"'The| He said it was suggested at|Could be done until possession |;aq received a letter from a li t n ur where else to go. Said Nor- the -morning.'"' Tomorrow now |Joyce Eileen Forder of Black-|revenue from the expenditure is\the chamber meeting on Mon-|¥@S obtained |mother of five children, living man Drake, "We have been the squad of volunteer --Oshawa Times Photos |stock, suffered only lacerations.'not sufficient to pay its way." day night that because there|, A motion by Con. Jones that/on Centre Street objecting to -OWERS ; =e had been a lot of controversy, |e vate ihe, ee in-|the proposal. | Follows Fall Ont. it would be the time to invite shi pale oe ye of con-| Con. Margaret Shaw said she : IST" HOSPITAL BILLS NEEDED GASOLINE jofficials along and ask ques-|Structing another hangar WAS| had also received telephone calls i tions. japproved. F lfrom taxpayers concerned about! A boy, who will be three this 1-2 "I challenged Ald. Bruce| If there is this much interestii.6 housing shortage. |month, fell from a three-storey (chairman of the|We should follow through," he public works committee), he/ declared. e said, "'and said I did not think|, "This amazes me," said Con. the commissioner of works,|Margaret Shaw. "I thought we | tment living room last One man, she. said, felt he)#partmen' : could not get anything like thon Willa ee are same accommodation for the Neier raat ie price he had been offered. {7 Bee J Mackey," 191 Nonquon Fast Answer To Prayers For Pastor _ : ; | ep raent< : 7 -H, Pastor Fred Spring's family Avenue Pentecostal Church 10, Bonnie, 6, and wife, Bette, « fied if I didn't use something Fred Crome, or any other de- couldn't get industry -- inter-)PMs eas Fa |Rd., is in "satisfactory" condi- was in financial trouble after a parishioners. Then he noticed think of the win? we of that nature." partment head should be in the|ested.'" Can't we talk about it?" she/tion today at Oshawa General TION crash. So Mr. he needed gasoline, pulled into So this Sunday, the pastor's public eye until the council has -------- jasked. Hospital, where he is being held holiday. car Gosicce of doesn't worry them. screen down with Spring prayed for help--and a Simcoe Street North gas sta- enc an was nile seribon" wil take the. title; discussed this whole problem A d Ni ht Fhe ollig-calgreminys ga Ponigag hh bo CAA' hes Bee . 723-2722 wet a 0 consider it more mT 7 Ge saedive competi- deep thankfulness,;" said the png Heal My Erayets Shh, Margaret Shaw agreed. wards 1g ied by coungil; and Con. Frank |jieyes Andrew climbed onto the - than coincidence or luck in my tion bill, threw it up on the DaatOr: quietly, Pct ga 4 ie Nae g A "This is our work,' she said. | stg hei gc Pigg window ledge from a Rigid particular position. It was an front of the car and thought no The ordinary man would . . ending hospi os p vas "How many of those _people| t ast ale ter nea te Guake' Whe Tok a chair and "somehow" fell ou' 9NALD answer to my prayer," said more about it--until I got call it luck, or a coincidence, therapy treatment, but tha are members of the chamber, | lemolition to make wa) of the open window. The boy Mr. Spring. Now there will be plenty of money to foot the family's bills, which have piled up through home. Then I found it matched the half of one I had. . "T couldn't feel that it was anything else but an answer to but in my particular case it was more than that. In a day when men are claiming God is dead, I claim that he is very "We're lucky to be alive," said Mr. Spring, "we were on the Chicago Freeway and this AR AGy Rn aatai 'olleci X _japartment building jpulled the anyway? Eastdale Collegiate and Voca-| In reply to the Mayor's re- Fit. "Officials have always had to|tional Institute held an annual} : come and. ask permission from|"Awards Night" at the school! | When his mother reached him the' council before they speak/last night. | UXBRIDGE HOME, SCHOOL jhe was on his knees crying, but PANY aythins a, 1 claim tat he is ¢ © Chicago Freeway and thi e : t night. sae cre. 28 hospital treatment since the prayer. much alive," said Mr. Spring, man hit us from behind at 70 on a professional matter. Students in Grade nine to 11,] John S. Engel, a member of|she said he was "'seemingly 1 7 accident. And it was only the fourth who has been in Oshawa for mph We had been on vacation The board decided to get the|who made outstanding achieve-|the English department staff at/hurt'. He was taken to hospital It all happened quietly on time the pastor had collected two years. Ad ministering round St. Louis, views of Alderman Mackey be-|ments in particular subjects,|Dr. F. J. Donevan Collegiate/by ambulance. The Nemiers, issouri."' the Garden" Wednesday. Mr. Spring, 37, was setting off on a_ pastoral call from his home at 75 Byng Ave., to call on one of his Byng one of the bills since the com- petition was launched by a gas- oline company on Sept. 8. What did daughters, Loriann,: And the pastor will use his experience to further his teach- ings in the church. "T don't feel I would be justi- Final word from the gasoline company: 'We're very pleased about it." fore taking any action lreceived cash or prize awards. | Institute, Oshawa, outlined read-|who had just moved into the After tite meeting, Con. Nicol] Vocational classes also re-|ing difficulties at a recent meet-japartment two days earlier, said the proposed talk wasiceived awards in a ceremony|ing of the Uxbridge Home andjhave been residents of Oshawa scheduled for December. Wednesday at the school. School Association. for two years,

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