Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Nov 1967, p. 20

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22 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, November 2, 1967 |26--Apartments for Rent |30--Automobiles for Sele |36--Lege! |ONE lerge bedroom basement apart- '#4 FORD country squire wagon, ment, frig, stove, washer, dryer, $80 per shape, winterized with snow fires; Al "65 NOTICE 26--Apertments for Rent 26--Apertments for Rent [month, working 'couple preferred. 668-| four-wheel drive Jeep 'with plough' Make | Sacco va ememanorad | ays 778 ONE-BEDROOM apartment in modern | '56 BUICK Special, two-door hardtop Move to REGENT ARMS rien 70 or Ta St. N. area. automatic V-8, radio, new spare, belts, TO CREDITORS§ T by, Eatin ORE Ha [pain Best. on piboeliy lights, new) | ¢ nt e ib Mala Glen fhe Dedtonen. Sparinents; \27--Rooms for Rent a Quiet gone! adults only --_------|'s7 BUICK CENTURY four door hare. AND OTHERS. | otter p.m. top, V-8, automatic, power steering an A RA TIVELY |brakes, radio, good tires, low mileage, OurTs I » 723-6944 FURNISHED ROOM jSxcelient condition. Telephone 7220003. | IN THE ESTATE OF ROBERT 835 Oxford St. or 723-6455 1958 THUNDERBIRD, 95 per cent fe} at han late ra City am jstored throughout, mechanically A of Oshawa, ih the County Building for comfortgble liv- , three-room apart.| Available in private hame .|Best offer. Telephone 725-0678. 16 Athol of Ontario, Labourer, Deceas- i thin walking distence , upstairs, stove, refrigerator, heat, Call before 5 and 7 p.m. {Street East. BOR RS 4 f South "GM eres Tease varie: Private entrance. | 82 PARK ROAD N 1948 DODGE, excellent condition, avs-| © ° elephone 723-6937 R tom radio, white wall fires. $300. 98 - --------_---- | Riverside Drive North, Oshawa, after 6. All persons having claims trolled entrance doors LOOK! | One sold! | Two. left. Only $1,000 = z > ernie a |down but act fast! For full sAfeirintion 728-8671 |i BEAUMONT, two-door hardtop, V-8,| against the estate of the @ Modern spacious suites | call Dost Awan, 728-5103, W. ©. Martin TT parca lana nag |standard transmission, reverberator ta da d @ Large balconies | Realtor. 3 *'"I° LARGE furnished bedroom, laundry and rear defroster. Telephone 668-3614. above-named deceased, late oe HIch iite In ely suite cet of ESCO ORE -- |kitchen privileges, parking- space. Apply ng serge) ga of the City of Oshawa, Coun- @ Lots of closet space NEW THREES rosm basement | apartment | jars Stara, omnes IDedge Custom 'Raval: $i ty of Ontario, who died on @ Free parking feanwenjences, attached \gerage, al! Prl-Iwice BED sitting room, _warm ana|a75 Telephone 839-5423. or about the 29th day of aia bright, ped for light ramet a4 @ Hydro included |AVAI ECEMBER 1, two bed-/$10 week. Complete privacy, free park- iss CORVETTE a7, norepower, July, 1967 are hereby noti @ Extra powder room in 2 |room ground fioor apartment, water and|ing, near downtown and main street fore Eh. FER, fied to send to the under- Bnd Sharon suites |heat supp! led clése to downtown and |Whitby. 668-6207. ee venier gatas a signed on or before the 16th |comed seo" monthiy verse aes, Sle Wel ROOMS FOR RENT weekly and nightly)! 1966 Heresy os Gor 3 day of November, 1967 their es 6 é - _|rates, $12 weekly, maid service, res- ' fief, ic 6 Cail Todey ONE BEDROOM aparimeent, electric|taurant on premises. Queen's Hotel, 67 Tas onniee SE aa olakome| hoes ghee sal Particulars Mrs. Werner |heat, stove, refrigerator and drapes. |S 1 0: ech ad of their claims. Immediately 725-0657 [sree anaes Srety eI: Sime NGReR ave W7E.|igug PARISIENNE --Toordoor spor} offer the said date, the es- sou eooe ane pain |tetrigerator. Siete bath, | Apety maz |sedan, 11,000 miles, power steering and} tate will be distributed hav- apartment, 3-plece ba Bree Street or telephone after br st 4 lo. 576- i i Weekdoeys 12-9 P.M. |$90 per month, heat end water included. 4yP.m. whe oc eo eee ing regard only to the claims & Si 12-6 P.M Available November 1. Telephone 576-| 2 --______________ of which notice has been re- Sot plage ey) {3078 WHITBY -- one single and one soudle riggs CORVAIR Monza, good condition.| ceived or After Hours 625-1759 lee -- room for rent. Very central, parking pect oper Telephone 728-1854, 3 three room upstairs apart- facilities. Telephone 668-2 and ment, stove and refrigerator provided. rye " MORRIS Oxford "excellent condition. 2S-4700 GOVERNOR MANSIONS ADULT PRESTIGE RESIDENCE One 2-bedroom suite. Immediate Occupancy For appointment to this luxury apartment. please col! MRS. FORREST (resident manager) 723-1712 view Central location. Adults preferred. Avail. ONE ROOM. Gentleman preferred. Con- Parking. Telephone sé-sias, emer' 'S- DATED AT OSHAWA, fable now. Telephone 668-3899, & Yo gjveniences 37 LINCOLN, ftwodoor | hardtop, all October 26th, 1967 ees ------ - tras. th cfrce model air {THREE LARGE bedroom apariment|ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED bedroom, Pawn, 0)" NS SD Ate Jensen, Mrs. E. Gardner, Jon one floor in new duplex. §96 Talbo table for refined gentleman, adult! sive 4 Executrix, vate home, central Court, ng. Telephone 6824. a |VACANT NOW. Nice clean three Syrores a LARGE room with two beds ane th one gingle bed. All furnished japartment, refrigerator, stove, drapes,;one W one 9 ne offer Parking. Near South General Motors and| Parking. gentlemen only. Telephone 72% r Tw rT shopping centre. Suit couple. Telephone |43!9 before hae Ror heen Bt 728. west side of shopping Centre, me Ave. park- 7 PONTIAC nder stence ely wirte: Pert ater | 728-0480, LARGE HOUSEKEEPING room with S228 | PARTLY FURNISHED oF BRE ee ee ee icon ease ee room apartments, private entrance, pr vate bath. One child welcomed $85 2 month, All private. Available now 725. 0809. "dle, week. Located at Sees and ph 4439 rs. hew Te FURN' with refrigerator, boards and sink fee MERCURY ~ @ share bathroom wih ite [2 BEDROOM apartment Whitby. Elder- YOU could be the LUCKY TENANT to win 250 DOLLARS oportment number January 2, with your to be drawn on 1968. Bedsitting room $80 -- Two bedrooms $119 and $129. Incl.: stove, fridge, water, hydro and electric heoting.- To be seen by appointments only, CALL 723-5325. Details of draw given with application only. Choose i an | apartments. SECOND | FLOOR apartment, ¢ apartment with rooms. Suitable for a couple, two ch {good condition. For sale cheap. dren allowed. Ressonable." Untursissea: | 8. f King Street East, close to downtown. 2 Room and Board ak clcM aealladl Telephone 728-0091. ¢ hardtop, six cyl- ow tires and com- % dest cash by her Solicitors, Greer, Kelly & Jermyn, 114 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario "body, | 37--Auction Sales r pesrest offer. BY VIRTUE ly persons only. Telephone 668-8995 bape hiags isla ellis isi ah ol oe E WiBOH WITH CanIS TG ie as ie seer ; Sih xecution issued out jihad ANA i hl gaa WB dln oi © 3 Mdwey| Of the 8th Division Court \oidhes te ante home we in the County of Ontario, more information | co! ee or | -- -- svelr, fh yi Two AND A Ha Ffeom apa -- Both nod ! have seized: 10 horse- rnis y ; hitby. |668-5526 or "asa. y ____.__| power Scott outboard, Muntz lea -- wagon, auto Stereo Pak, tackle box, in- |BASEMENT apartment, 1 wv aa | 4 RAI: ginki wuchourna host Fe Sy Poet an:| Sulated vests, Styrene fire nished, fireplace, seperate Sult | GuieT, clean, furnlehed 7 sv Dest offer. Tele- extinguisher, hunting pants, vorking couple. Would care for on e | work 9 coup) ould ca @ Child | Nousekeeping 'privileges. Clese to hesp 7 propane nozel and can, as- days. 728-7288 and north Genera! Motors. Telephone entlan, 6 cylinder, FURNISHED BASEMENT , aparimen?. 725-5004, a res, condition, pigs Elia igs ed jack- Close to south General Motors. Tele SETARLY BURMIGHED eae | ee ABIORERCES, Fee vy duty skill saw, Pe TT ee ee ae ce oe com {or 1955 CHEVROLET, radio, good unitrol_steeririg wheel (boot), {WHITBY -- Three-room, self-contalned 4 e esr alas Telephone 725-2275 or apply One ton roller all of which Japattment, refrigerator and. stove, very dbs ihn Moh al, SORE NRE property will be sold by pub- |central, parking facilities, $75. monthly. egg %% PONTIAC Parisienne, two-door hard- | [Ses lady or gentleman. Telephone 668- Two olde ig i et re ligan se ge dioag [ON V8 automatic. Power equipped, lic auction at: Patron 435 or edlo, vinyl top, white walls, wheel |SELF--CONTAINED 3 room apartmen', au k on °F 'discs. Excellent condition, Call 728-1234, STIRTEVANT'S bath, private entrance, refr private 9° | table for two business EXPERIENCED HOME w Jerator, stove. $ room and a Bathroom on Telephone 723-9241. "@® CHEVROLET, runs well, radio. $100. Apply 19 Prince St. AUCTION HALL | it Telep 91 bo oard female pensioner, a aaa: fk ads obs Ground floor $35 weekly, washing includ-|'64 CHEVROLET SS convertible, V4, 33 HALL STREET FURNISHED ONE bedroom ar apariment, ed. Te ephone 985-. standard, white with black top, options. very spacious, private bath and entran THREE jee Good tondition $1,700 after 6 p.m. 725-| » On The 2nd 'Day of ping plaza and bus, suitable fot actatien. Anoty. 4 | 275) November, 1967, 0 elephone 7: n. , ' MuN-F LOGE ---- Res telephone 728-3383, ad DODGE, six cylinder, automatic trans- at 8 p.m. y 50 cast in th $100 nth FURNISHED two rooms end kitchen,|™/ssion, rel pewntabe : celles il dene. Tbe) ree al Refrigerator anc. stove. Two girls or| | good condition, Telephone 576-3571. ce Dated the Ist day of Novem- waste thet --|young couple ae oe Close to hospital |1961 TRIUMPH Herald coupe. An ex- ber, 1967. GEORGIAN MANSIONS, adult pts $., 124 and downtown. 728-3; | Seenonely clean car Park Road North, 1 2-, _3-bedroom TTT Sousekeepina dition. To see it Harry 0. Perry, 728-2911 FURNISHED caseMENT housekeeping iveeshenn 576-2278. close to north GM. Apply 313 in excellent co Is Yo appreciate It. Bailiff, $. CZIRANKA three lerge French St. or telephone 723-7468. |62 OLDSMOBILE, two door Silda In n. el | 38--Coming Events HOME 'away. trom home for Gentieman | 245 * FORD country squire stationwagon. One owner since new. Will sacrifice BINGO ARTHUR STREET, 331 -- One - bed.|in brand new house, colored television | bl |room upstairs apartment with private|@nd lucnes packed. Telephone 728-2696. |i ae Telephone ae. & TV jbath and entrance. Adults only. Tele-|WHITBY. Central location. Room and sede, six; sutomatic, fully able [phone ae 6pm 7a se boare Yor yeuns gentlemen, Parking, $7 |eSugped, radio, re Tush mechenicly FOUR-ROOM (one-bedroom; furnished |lunches packed. Telephone 668-4928. |side Street atter 5. [aoe working" adiiat {08r-,,Sultable for |ROOM AND BOARD for gi 00d | 767 KARMANN GHIA, mechanically guiet working adults or retired couple. |meais, lunches packed, close to. Bis, |, $325, Tel "ae Oo Osha wa Renta Phone TELaSe ns Pecemiber 1. Tele Iparking, 728-4845. , 'elephone 40, Orono. -- - ROOM AND BOARD for gentieman, six|3] Co; central loca: |Gays, lunches packed, close to bust ale; [oe mpact Cars for Sale Agency Superb apartment accomme- dation in all parts of Oshawa. FOUR - ROOM apartment, {t,he heat and hydro included. Telephone ica BEDROOM apariment in modern,| quiet | $115 phone 723-0566. |APARTMENT TO SHARE with young merried couple, meals optional. Apply |340 Marland, Apartment 106, Oshawa. * Volvo and Peugot * Mercedes Benz General Repair and fiveplex on Lansdowne Drive. plus electricity. Avaliable Novem- JAYCEES NOVEMBER SPECIAL TWO JACKPOTS Adults ly. Tel ROOM AND BOARD available for gen VALIANT FREE ROOM aplurshed--par Itleman, Lunches packed. Parking' avall- Auto-Electric Service DEVELOPMENTS LTD. -|ment, private. three-piece tame SRGLE ROG ee HS __| Jake and Bill's Garage "CALL" ee: refrigerator and stove. ay ior] SINGLE 'oy a cheky ree 449 Ritson Rd. South arking. $75 thly. Adul man, ppl @ Str ele- . 725.9934 728-4283 mio pene I ew 728-0921 TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT stove, refrigerator, drapes supplied i 728-4283 or apply 340 Marland, Apt. 111 |W DOWNTOWN, 30 Colborne Street East-- |two + bedroom apartment, faundry Stove, |Apartment 1 HiTaY -- Cor refrigerator, |29---- Wanted to Rent | facilities. Apply PAINTER requires two or tree-bed- {room house. or bungalow. Wil! do all ?. Four painting and general repairs. Abstainer and references. Telephone 728-3048, OSHAWA, Whitby, Pickering area, a four-bedroom home by executive new to area. Large lot preferred. Call Dave! Johnson. Telephone 668-8826. - ZOLTAN and NICK'S Your Authorized Datsun and Fiat Dealer Specializing in Volkswagen Repair and Service | 160 Simcoe South | 728-0051 30--Automobiles For Sale |iss-vocxswacen betoxe acl I see free es, at From $70 Ap $45 fo r. Nod it, SHELDIAN MANSIONS {£44 Sih ene BBE. Wellman's. 7267381." ' egg | 668-5462 $ ts ee ae |, Only$l10Down 32 --trucks for Sale | rooms @. Hi-fi @ intercom, |Ueged, ; the car of your choice, |HALE TON traller, good condition: Reas-| elevotors @ free hydro ond parking CALL 728-2502 me ~ FURNISHED and UNFURNISHED rat RG: oe | space. with up to 48 months to re- onabie. Telephone 1668-5984, "ee! mileage. poy at 11964 HALF-TON pick-up, $950 or best offer. Telephone 725-3662. | Morley Stalker '33--Automobiles Wanted MOTORS Kina Wes 3 eS CARS WANTED | Bu saying A New Car ? 7a3 yvur_used car to "'Ted" New hACYOR Seas / ied » CAMP MOTORS arn " 4454 Yes 725-5574 - wat VOTE sare ant ews sé im Ae Sige Se touting, Y. 3A ists Same z VV A putyaaiola Rags aN TORE 4 " WGTORS 1 1p hye AAA wise 4th PONTIAC font , ties 1A "SPORT } Wine Mh ranean F; 127, A spned_v0 | Crnrarnieed - TV ential Clema ' Ler, prrwer steering, [CIV OWIDE COVEOABE 0) vw send wheal yu ae with # Tiel Ae Prove nee: tyrellent con BOTH MUST GO | Special $50. as door prizes IN MEMORIAM BROWN -- In loving memory of @ dear son and brother, Donald Frederick BIRTHS JAWORSKI -- Ray and Joyce (nee Gamble) are happy to announce the on of @ son, on "Wednesday, November Brown, who passed away November 2, 1967, at the Oshawa Genera! Hospital. K 1961 ty brother for Stephen. ny thanks! just a thought of sweet remembrance, Dr. R. Irwin and Or. Miller and the | 'ust a memory sad and true, fourth floor staff, Just the love and sweet devotion, | Qf one who thinks of you. | "Sadly missed by mother and sister DEATHS be FREEMAN -- In loving memory of my dear wife, Alice Maud, who passed away November 2, 1963. : My lips cannot tell how | miss her, My heart cannot tell what to say; God alone knows how | miss her, In a home that is lonesome today. --George. ALLEN, Rev. Derek A. in hospital in Ottawa ovata 1, 1967, Rev. Derek A. P. Allen, minister of St. Timothy's Preshyterian Church, Ottawa, former minister of St. Paul's Presby- ferian Church, Oshawa, beloved husband of Alice Andrews, 1867 Featherstone Dr., Falla in his 40th year. Father of Alison at home. Brother of Sam In England and Tom in Ireland. Resting at Hulse and Playfair Ltd., 312 McLeod Street, Ottawa until 10 p.m. Fri- day, thence to St. Timothy's Presbyter- Ve Church to rest until service time at Interment Beechwood LAW -- In loving memory of a hus- band and father, Charles A. Law, who pass6éd away November 2, 1954. Love's last gift, remembrance. --Ever remembered by wife Eva and family. MOSS -- In loving memory of a dear 11 a.m. Saturday. ther and grandmother, Annie May Cemetery, Ottawa. Friends desiring to| 0 send a memorial tribute may donate to rey who passed away November 2, the St. Timothy's Presbyterian Churc! . In our hearts your leatig tf lingers, She Fund, 2400 Alta Vista Drive, Sweetly tender, fond and true, There is not a day, dear mother, That we do not think of you. BAKER, Frank E. Entered into rest in the Oshawa General Hospital on 1967, Frank E. pigl beloved husband of Nora Teskey and father of Mrs. Wil- 's Marilyn and Audrey, sons-in- and Robert. --Lovingly remembered by son Albert, |ing (3000). law Ralph and Jack, grandsons Edward | Park Heights, Kelly X117 | GREENWOOD ENTRIES FRIDAY, NOV. 3 feral Emperor, oe 108 Cloudy and Fast Swaps, No Boy 1 i FIRST RACE -- Purse $1,800, Claim- |kilorannan, Gibson X Jing (3000). Three-year-olds and UP 7) ce venTH RACE--Purse $2,200. Claim Subecawey: Gibson X105 ing (6500). Three-year-Olds, 7 Furlongs i hn. reen XX105 (5). . [Ganaio stutter 7 Leelover, Kelly X106 : sis ney Galore, McComb 115 Trayhl Dancer, reeny. Patailto, Swatuk X110 King Alpha, Platts as A Merry Arctic, Michaud XXX103 read eee tttenh 0; |Fort Rouge, Hale 112 r \Atter Dusk, Gibson X14 ; (EXACTOR WAGERING) reeze, No Boy 11 \Parakee, No Boy 6 EIGHTH RACE--Purse ee oe |Day's Best, Walsh 112 ing (3000). Three- and baie b |Guidecca, No Boy 110 One and one-sixteenth Milles | Also Eligible: Norcat, Platts, X110; Your Lizanno, Armstrong Re |Prilynn, Green, X107; Tiempo Muerto,|Those Who Wait, Cosentino Walsh, 113; Future Time, No Boy, 112; | Ferhad, Dittfach 109 Phil's Delight, No Boy, 1177 babsaleuid | ttt Karime, Potts 112 ; Swatuk, X103. |Miss Marianne H., Walsh 112 | Alton Lad, Platts x104 SECOND RACE--Purse $1,900. Claim-|Boot Hill, Kelly X102 ing (3500). Two-year-olds, foaled In Can- poner Inouye 112 ada. 7 Furlongs (8). Lord Post, McCauley ae Grey Empress, Cosentino 116 Altona Miss, Brownell X Sunday Top, Turcotte 117 |Eo lian Harp, McCauley 107 Royal .Brandy, Grubb X117 X--5 Ibs AAC | XX--7 Ibs AAC Joss, McLeod XX110 |Dialogue, No Boy 117 XXX--10 Ibs AAC ei: Son of Bruce, Dittfach 118 POST TIME 1 |Begecterton Grube Xi1t GREENWOOD | RACE RESULTS THIRD RACE -- Purse $1,800. Claim-| Three-year-olds and up (Divn | of Ist). 7 Furlongs (18). |Now | Wonder, Platts X107 [Doniands, Grubb x107 Yam Martin (Pauline) of Cooksville, Beverly "and William of Oshawa ami rother Mrs. Douglas Forrester (Dor- othy), Oshawa and Clifford A., of Tren- fon; In his S4th year. Resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa with [funeral service In the chapel on Friday, |November 3 at 2 p.m. Interment Mount Lawn Cemetery. Donations to the Cana- dian Cancer Society would be appre ciated. GRAY, Rachael Suddenly at rca Hospital, A LASTING TRIBUTE For permanence and dignity we suggest: MOUNT LAWN MEMORIAL PARK BRONZE MEMORIALS For courteous advice please | visit the Park Office. witiac 723-2633 1967, Ne Passez Pas, Bradfield X110 Pretty Wise, Hale 116 | Tomboy Pete, Cosentino 112 WEDNESDAY, NOV. 1 FIRST RACE -- Purse $1,800. Claim- |Suit Cleaner, Platts X110 ing. Three-year-olds, foaled in Canada. Cole Date; McCauley 122 7 Furlongs. Fabulin, Eastman 112 |1-Famous Tour, Swatuk 9.20 5.20 qh |Football, Swatuk X105 \4Golden Jive, Bradfield 9. 7.7 |Billy Baton, McCauley 112 7-Sacred Arrow, Stautter HH River Party, Dittfach 115 so Ran in Order: Thunder Jay, Dal- Also Eligible: Forever Pilot, Platts, | ion's Pamneias Whistler's Wife, Easy Shot X110; Chopstick, Turcotte, 112; Fardale,/andg Crimson North. |Kelly, X104; Mr. Expediter, Stauffer, 115; Brillie, Nedeauv, 115; Fieldglass, | SECOND RACE--Purse basa Claim- |Cosentino, 112. ii dale, on Thursd. Rachael Beckett, Seloved view of ety Gray and loving mother of ing (Betty) of Richmond Hill [Newcastle and Harold of |Mrg. Gray is resting at the Gerrow Fu. neral Chapel, 390 King St. W. For further Information, please call 728-6226. MARTYN, Edith Lillian At Oshawa General Hospital on 1eS- day, November 1, 1967, Ediffi Weiiien Morris, beloved wife of Sydney T. Mar- tyn (43 Park Rd. S.), daughter of Sidney L. "Gordon of DRINKLE -- We would like to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to) cur friends, neighbors and relatives for their many acts of kindness, beautiful floral tributes and messages of sym- pathy in. our recent bereavement in the loss of our mother. Special thanks to Armstrong Funeral Home and Major J. Morris and loving sister of Mrs. H.|Wood of the Salvation Army for their Powell (Alma), Mrs. E. Foran (Mar-/Consoling words. jorie), Bowmanville. Resting at Aic- Intosh-Anderson Funeral Home, 152 King St. E. Service In the chapel on Friday, November 3, at 2 p.m. Interment Hamp- ton Cemetery. STAFFORD BROTHERS LTD. Authorized Dealers | ROCK OF AGES | FAMILY MONUMENTS 318 Dundas St. E., 668-3552 Whitby, Ont. --The family of the late Ethel Drinkle JOHNSTON -- My sincere thanks for the lovely cards, gifts, and flowers, Rever- end Arscott, and Dad, Mrs. Tur- ney, Courtice Brownie Pack, Johnston Reunion, Courtice UCW, friends, neigh- bous and relatives, Or. H. B. Rundle, jOr, Raskin, Dr. Grant and nurses from |both Oshawa and Bowmanville hospitals. --Mrs. Alberta Johnston, WILKINS -- | would like to say thank | you to all my friends and relatives who | sent me cards, flowers and fruit and al ye called on me while | was @ patien In hospital. A special Wied you to me nurses and orderlies on 38--Coming Events HOLY CROSS BINGO THIS WEEK FRIDAY at 8:00 P.M. OBITUARIES FRANK E. BAKER The death occurred, Nov. 1, at the Oshawa General Hospital, of Frank E. Baker, 84 Hillcroft St. The deceased, who had been sick for the past year, was in his 54th year. A son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Baker, the deceas- ed was born Jan. 21, 1914, in Oshawa and had spent most of his life here with the exception jof 10 years in Trenton. Maintenance superintendent of the Oshawa Times for 22 years, Mr. Baker was a former mem- ber of the Northshore Radio Club and was active as an amateur radio operator. He was member of Northminster to be drawn this week. ADMISSION FREE 20 Reg. Games -- Total $300. SNOWBALL $120 in 56 Nos. Plus $10 each horizontal line. Reg. Jacpot $50. full card $10 Each Horizontal Line Plus Horizontal lines Share the Wealth -- Bird Game 7:45 Reg. err 8:00 GOOD PARKING NO CHILDREN PLEASE Lodge, No. 139, AF and AM. Mr, Baker is.survived by his wife, the former Nora Teskey, whom he married in April, 1939, at Wellington, Ont.; two daugh- ters, Mrs. William Martin (Paul- ine) of Cooksville, Ont. and Miss Beverley Baker at home $50 | IN 50 NOS. OR Less | $200 | | IN 51 NOS. OR MORE | $10 PER LINE BOTH GAMES | $175 jackpot game $20 per line plus $75 first full card, alse IN 50 NOS..OR LESS | 20 regular games pay double in 17 Nos. or less | Five $30 Games | Early Bird Game 7:45 ADMISSION $1.00 $100 in DOOR PRIZES | Thurs., Nov. 2nd ot the and a son, William of Oshawa. Also surviving are a sister, Mrs. Douglas Forrester (Doro- thy of Oshawa; a brother, Clif- ford A. Baker of Trenton and THE RESIDENTS OF HILLSDALE three grandchildren, Susan, MANOR Nancy and Linda Martin of Cooksville. The memorial service will be held at the Armstrong Funeral Home at 2 p.m., Nov. 3, follow- ed by interment in Mount Lawn Cemetery. Rev. Dr. H. A. Mel- low, minister of Northminster United Church, will conduct the service. In lieu of flowers donations to the Canadian Cancer Society would be appreciated. Cordially invite you to attend their ANNUAL BAZAAR Wednesday, November 8th ' N GEORGE 8. ROBINSO oe 200 EM. The funeral service was held, at the ~ McDermott-Panabaker Sale of Work, Afternoon Tea, |Funeral Chapel , Port Perry, * ; Oct. 31, for George Stanley Home Baking and Door Prizes Robinson, who died suddenly, Jubilee Pavilion 5 LEAVING * a FORIP COPNERS at 7.00 ord 7:15 Pb wed ret ring aber Binge Cretan ueher ih ves namivied MONSTER BINGO Over $500. in Prizes | SAT., OCT. 21st ip : WET INGERS VAI nw fer ar arte Fw pooM my. MOL ue | > ;|MODERN BASEMENT, ro) ' qwitdele for one or Be Paris aul ' Telephone 725.R404 | 35--Lost and Found » ATRPM wen 4 > Tt ° o nen Ti figin Street East an water. Py foal Tes 'a JCHEVPOLET station wagon, auto |FOUND, Vitten, cream rola, abot tires my phone 17.579 . ss s teruer steering and very goad con |to fir months old, Reay Valley Crlarsan Z 4 thing $1,400 or best offer, Tele-|N. aren. Telephone 771-7804 FULLY FURNISHED + [BRAND ew Faobedroom aparinen |phone: MEGIEE, evenings "id hit of i Wt enan Street i Bil q LOST. Dark brown wallet cantaining : ae no the We CHEVROLET, six cylinder, stand.|Citizenship papers and other Important id nen, Shere F ; Excellent condition. Contact Auta |paners. Call 725.0349. PRIVATE ENTRANCE, tourplece bain Ww de Pel vet m 25187, 10 a.m.-lLosT On Sunday, by student, black AUDITORIUM { nished aperiment land electric heating, plenty of conbosn ' bl SOE Flt Aa frame glasses. possibly Bond | Street, | hild care while|picture windows. Telephone 728-1577, SAVE DOLLARS! Several good used |near Bulch's Bar. Telephone 723.9757 ST. NORTH | Telephone | = 7 $s S75 and up. Trades accepted. |LOSY -- Female Beagie, in Gannraska SIMCOE z RT ; [EURRIarED) tety, decorated, thr eyrinsed. RB. Motor Sales, S0P/Forest, north-east of Orono, tattooed 7 Toom basement apartment ate ast Thper ROOM, self-contained apart-ltrance, bath, parking, Suitable for cous jear. answers fo Ledy. Telephone 728-0088 | erent. Privale entrance with retrigera-|$100 monthly, 778-6036 after 6 p.m y | ater 4 pm. ADMISSION | for, stove and iaundry facilities Avall | posi oer gg |LOST -- Wallet and car keys In trick or | ehle December Telephone '773-4806 \couple or two gentiemen, THREE ROOM X treat bag, Hallowe'en night. Would find to cor stove arx er please call 648-3351 or evenings, 7m TWO STOREY hover for rent. All con |frigerator, heal and hydro Include : 10 thly, Vacant now.|phone 725°9732 and (87 phen 7%-970 * Sepa | 125970) , |WAMEDIATE POSSESSION OME BEDROOM apariment in modern|apartment on Oshawa Blvd buliding Central tncation, retrigerator,|monthly. Refrigerator, stove, heat B 1 stove, broadioomn Available December|hydro inctuded. Ca Guide Ree SEL . 1 Telephone 725-8088 or 576-1677 723-528}. or Leon Manitius, 728- ONE BEDROOM In new building, elec-|TWO + BEDROOM, second floor apea ca SELL ! Wie free laundry,. wall to walliment, private bath, semi-private me heating, in living room: Refrigerator |trance, One child accepted. Teieph S 576-1496 or 725-9928 | 723 1as7 ELL ! LUXURY TWO-BEDROOM = apartment,, GENTLEMAN HAS one-bedroom : : $108 $120 broedicom Intercom, alliment fo share. Sauna room, swim Thot's The Job services, no | pply 43 Lamb's|poo! and ail modern' conveniences. : Lane, Bowmanville reve Liberty to. end|phone 576-3839 Of Times @ Third Sires! WALK-OUT BASEMENT aparime GWESEDROOM periment! with slovelbedrooms, picture windaw sep Want Ads and refrigerator, heal and hydro beth, fireplace, garage, big yard ed. Apply 234 Gliddon Avenue tie washer. dryer, refrigerator 723 3492 phone @, Ne children, Vacant. ry + 50 CENTS All Prizes Doubled on Admission Ticket . |Children Under 16 Not Admitted! Oct. 28, at Port Perry. The de- ceased was in his 73rd year. The service was conducted by Rev. A. G. Rice, minister of Port Perry United Church. In- terment was in Mount Lawn SUNNYSIDE BINGO e Cemetery, Oshawa. The pall- TO NIGHT bearers, all nephews of the de- ceased, were Carl, Ford, John, $2 300 Russell, Bernard and Wayne Us Robinson. IN PRIZES | Born July 21, 1895, -at-Tich- borne, Ont., Mr. Robinson was JACKPOT NOS a son of the late John and 52 and 55° Mary Robinson. A resident of Port Perry since 1945, he had 'AT THE |previously lived in North Osh- jawa. RED BARN | While in Oshawa he was em- ployed by the Gale Lumber Co., 7 730 PM and had also farmed in the Port Perry area for a number. of years. He was a member of the United Church. During the First World War he served overseas with the Canadian Expeditionary Force. Mr. Robinson is survived by his wife, the former Martha EXTRA BUSES NEW SQUARE DANCE CLUB STARTING ' Irene Snider, whom he married WEDNESDAY, NOV. 1, 67 about 45 years ago; three We will give individual atten- daughters, Mrs. Alf. Coulter joes ee wanting to |(Dorothy) of Havelock, Mrs. pes ee a, sdere® Don Anderson (Muriel) and dance figures. Also simple round dance bosics. REGISTRATION AT: 510 BOND WEST, OSHAWA any Wednesday Evening 8:15 - 10:30 or phone instructors, Susie and Bill Robinson, 725-3117 Mrs. Neil Boyd (Norma), both of Oshawa and three sons, Cecil of Oshawa and Roland and Douglas of Port Perry. Also surviving are three sis- ters, Mrs. Levi Hawley (Effie) of Kingston, Mrs. Louis Wilson (Ruby) of Hamilton and Mrs. Alf. Wilson (Erma) of Hamil- | |WAEAAR, Saturday, November m. 488 Simcoe South. Embroidery ind Ifea. Sponsored by Ukrainian Presbyter: ian Ladies' Aid. RUMMAGE SALE, Friday, November |3; 1} pam. St. Mark's Church, Stevenson | Road North and Beurling Avenue. |FULL-TIME SALESMAN. Classified Ads i for you around the clock. Dial " 341 tedey, ton; two brothers, William and Earl of Oshawa; 13 grandchil- dren and two great-grandchil- dren. He was predeceased' by two HARDINI, the magician ind ORVILLE, the clown are now booking adult shows, CARDS OF THANKS| --thesdore (Pete) Wilkins t United Church and of Lebanon|;, . Three-year-olds and up. 2-Garden's Ace, Grubb 3.40 260 4 FOURTH RACE--Purse $1,900. Claim: Frnt Brandy, Gordon bud ane pape yore: foaled in Can-|s5.thirty Grand, Kelly 2nd). 7 Furlongs (8) Also Ran in Order: ae Bye aural Maple, Cairn Man and Miss, DAILY DOUBLE, 1 AND + "palo $16.80, IBuii Purples Walsh 7 'Gold On Gold, Kelly X114 Dalton's Ruler, German XXX107 jAmber Hill, Grubb X114 THIRD RACE --- Purse $1,800. Three- Jock's Pride, Dittfach 117 year-olds. Claiming. Foaled In Canada, |Jaysee F., Platts X112 7 Furlongs | Pagan Prince, Grubb X117 9-Eriline, Platts 7.00 4.00 .3.90 Swanky Franky, Kelly X114 3-Portree Gem, Brownell penal (EXACTOR WAGERING) 8-Strateo, Gibson Also Ran ih Order: Rascoe, Fiying FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2,000. Maiden Ky., Speedy Wheeler, Free Boy, two-year-olds. 7 Furlongs (11). Persian Port, Platts A-XX108 Black Harbour, No Boy 115 | Tripartite, Swatuk X110 |Assizes, Cosentino 120 Nite Nurse, Gibson X112 Dagger Counter, Grubb A-X11§ aie Fleet, Grubb X115 |Burnt Sand, Grubb B-X115 raved Nose In, LeBlanc 115 ceni, Ditttach B-115 \Go Go Mina, Armstrong 112 Hage i yal Farms and H C Polk Jr Norway | House, Winshot and Miss Orleans. | FOURTH RACE--Purse $2,000. Claim- ing, Three-year-olds and up. 1 Mile. 7-Sir Trio, A'strong 6.90 3.10 250 1-Paraguayo, Kelly 2.60 = 4-Lions Head, Grubb Also Ran in Order: Castenango, an Pan, Gambari and Tu Fu. EXACTOR, 7 AND 1, PAID $12.70. FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2,100. Claim- ing, Two-year-olds. 7 Furlongs. |7-Aye Aye, Kelly 60 3.20 2.40 B--Windtlelds Farm Entry. \4- Bronze Bette, Gubbins 3.80 2.70 6Dan McGrew, Grubb 2.70 Advance, Cana- and A-Tuttl le SIXTH RACE -- Purse $2,600, Allow-| inces, Three- and four-year-old, Also Ran in Order: 1 Mile) ine Dancer, Purple Hill M 7), Windy Flash, Gordon 116 Terrible Tan, Dittfach 113 Granizado, Walsh 113 Wellington Square, Armstrong 108 | OBITUARY |REV. DEREK A. P. ALLEN The death occurred, Nov. 1, in hospital at Ottawa of Rev. Derek A. P. Allen, minister of A--Grovetree Stable and Willow Downs Farm Entry. SIXTH RACE -- Purse $2,600. Allow- ances, ee- and four-year-olds, One and one-sixteenth Miles. 1-Marron Glace, Grubb 670 4.10 4 poles Ringo, Dittfach 7.50 osrining ioe, Armstrong 4 an in Order: Ann's Gem, Ayns: je Blue, Morny, Deviver and Emerald ti SEVENTH RACE--Purse $3,000. Allow- St. T h ts tb areata a Eo 9 218 imothy's _Presbyterian|!4-D'cer's Image, Grubb 2.20 5 -Big Blunder, Dittfach | Church, Ottawa. He was in his 4 "Percussionist, Walsh" ei 0 40th year. Abe Ran in Order: Hoper Picker, Cen- |tennial Year and A reat Pacifist. A native of Ireland, Mr.|'""EXxactor, 1A AND 5, PAID $8.30, Allen served at North Battleford Sask., prior to becoming min- ister of St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, Oshawa, in 1958. Dur- ing his eight years in Oshawa the membership of the church more thandoubled and a new sanctuary was built. Mr. Allen is survived by his wife, the former Alice Andrews and two children, Dréw and Alison. Also surviving are two brothers, James in Engl and Tom in Ireland. He will rest at the Hulse and Playfair Funeral Home, 315 McLeod St., Ottawa, for service in St. Timothy's Church at 11 a.m., Saturday. Interment will be in Beechwood Cemetery, Ottawa. EIGHTH RACE--Purse $1,900. Claim- ing. Three-year-olds and up. 7 Furlongs, 2-Lady Kasha, Grubb 10.60 Pe 3.50 4-Piedall, McCauley 1-Quick Load, Swatuk 3.78 Also Ran In Order: Sultan's Treat, Feast or Famine, Alberta Sunshine, Rodeo Pageant and Winning Cue. Attendance 8,573. Handle $609,102. SEALS CALL TWO SAN FRANCISCO (AP)--Call- fornia Seals of the National Hockey League brought up two players Tuesday from their minor league affiliates. Right- winger Alain Caron joins the National Hockey League club from Buffalo in the American League. Centre Mike Laughton was obtained from Vancouver Canucks of the Western Hockey League. OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS 2. RUG LUXURY By ALICE BROOKS , So lush, luxurious to step onto this rug. Crochet of 4 strands string or rug yarn. Nobody would ever guess you crocheted this pretty rug of 2- EASY-SEW BASIC inch loop-stitch squares and joined them. Easy! Pattern : 7378: chart ,directions. By ANNE ADAMS THIRTY - FIVE CENTS (coins) for each pattern (no stamps, please) to Alice Brooks, care of The Oshawa Times, Needlecraft Dept., 60 Front Street West, Toronto 1, Ontario. Ontario residents add 2c sales tax. Print plainly PAT- TERN NUMBER, NAME, AD- It's our QUICK BASIC for little girls--a swingalong skim- mer to sew in 5 different ver- sions. Make one swiftly now, the next with even greater ease for back to school. Printed Pattern 4752: Chil- dren's Sizes 2, 4, 6, 8. Size 6 takes 15g yards 35-inch. DRESS. _ FIFTY CENTS (50c) in coins First time! Jumbo 1968}(no stamps, please) for each Needlecraft Catalog--hundreds|pattern. Ontario residents add of designs, six free patterns (includes designer sweaters) in- structions inside. Knit, crochet, embroider. 50c. Book No. 1 -- Deluxe Quilts-- 16 complete patterns. Send 60c. Book No. 2 -- Museum Quilts -- patterns for 12 quilts. 60c. Book No. 3 -- Quilts for To- day's Living. New, exciting col- gag --- 1 complete patterns, 60c Book of Prize Afghans~-Kaut, 3c sales tax. Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER. Send order to ANNE ADAMS, care -of The Oshawa Times, Pattern Dept., 60 Front Street West, Toronto 1, Ontario. FALL'S NEW FASHIONS -- see the best of the new styles for all sizes in our new Fall- Winter Pattern Cataloz. Get one pattern free--- just clip children shows sisters, Pearl and Helen and 728-1333 two brothers, Durwood and Thomas, coupon in Catalog. Hurry, send crochet 12 afghans. 60c, 50c right now. 2a3 #384 BEFORE TH Failir Supps As Bernard Tiernt t of his driveway Orning on Gardery hitby, he looked to 'WwW nothing, and pu en suddenly a sme & his car. And that erney into ednesday charged w: yield. He denied th t-was found guilty 5 with costs or five Constable M. J. Bre) yen he arrived at | : found there was $ re to the small car (mage to Tierney hich had been knoc et down the road by tet. Mrs. Hildegard Kling of the smaller car, as doing about 4! ong Garden Street, : nly, I saw a car co the driveway. I dir ly chance to make op,"" she said Conceale Brings T] WHITBY rate ae aderstand why a lade ) carry a concealed | tid Magistrate H. M. ere Tuesday, as he s 'eMineth Roy Finch, herrywood, to three r ill on a charge of ca Oncealed weapon. accident Oshay On a charge of cc quor while under ag tas fined $50 and cos ays in jail, and $50 2 r 10 days on a ch @ing in possession ¢ 'hile a minor. The t entences will run co The court ordered th nd the liquor confisca ecused pleaded guilty free charges When they checked 'oncession 6, Whitby " olice found the accuse ehicle in an intoxicate on. When he became ni, one of his shoes qwoved and a wood pla dund in the high weste oot. Six full bottles of ; sund under tife front AIL SENTENCE A sentence of 15 day vas imposed on Patri feld, Oshawa, for a f probation. INED A fine of $25 and « lve days was imposed rt Morris, who pleade ® being intoxicated in lace. 'UT OVER Charged with assault : erous driving in Broc! hip, as well as two f waving liquor in ownship, Remington V esident of the Brechi THURS., F ONLY Special COLE _ POI SAUS Oo THURS., FRI. LOCATEL '

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