Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Nov 1967, p. 19

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THE Brisessurbiles Me: _Thorsdey, November 2, 1967 ----_19| Mr LL Th . COUNTY LINES BosDelended Cartwright High School St a. Woman r ig g 5 udents BSS ettalaba (CP)--Boa__con- : . strictors make fine household], Organize Sadie Hawkins Dance pac samt g ite, Dousehola The students of Cartwrightjand- Mrs. Howard Cryderman coming to the Mstence of the High School held a successfuljand Ralph spent the weekend rc Hee toe at atlanta le Sadie Hawkins Dance last Sat-|with Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Cry- Dy Aa} en. Etobicoke to. impose urday when many elaborate cos-|\derman, Guelph ... James wae eige bag ort entaiecesen tumes were worn. Prizes for the|Cryderman and Mrs. H. R.| During the debate on a pro- best costumes were won by Bob|Foley attended the Harvedt|P0Sed amendment to Ontario's Kyte and Linda Mountjoy who|Home services at Salem when|MUnicipal Act giving municipal- sported caveman costumes, The| John TwistyMrs, Foley's grand- ities power to control the keep- Grade 11 students were in|son, was the speaker... Mr.|!"8 Of reptiles in homes, Ald. charge of decoration. and Mrs. 'S. S. Morton were Donald Kerr said: 'i don't care PLAYLET guests of Mr. and Mrs. William|!! # whole house is full of garter BLACKSTOCK ('TC)--A play-|Munro, Cobourg... Mr. and|S"@kes but boa constrictors are let, 'Who Cares," was pre-|Mrs. Steve Doyle and Earl were something else." sented by Mrs. Roy Taylor,|visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wal-| Miss Froom, conservation di- Mrs. H. Martyn, Mrs. H. Mc-|ter Doyle, Richvale ... Mr.|rector for the Canadian Am- Laughlin, Mrs. R. Larmer, Mrs.|and Mrs. Stephen Jeffery have(Phibian and Reptile Conserva- R. McLaughlin and Mrs. K. Lee|moved to Bowmanville . . . Mr,|tion Society, suggests such re- at the general UCW meeting. It}and Mrs. Fred Stevens were|™arks indicate ignorance to the was decided to make a donation|Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.|'rue nature of a boa constrictor. to the building fund to assist in|Frank Olliffe, Stouffville .. .| 1n @ letter to a Toronto news- the purchase of furniture for the/Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Pickard|Paper she maintains the name vestry. jand Angela were guests of Mr.(°Mly applies to a "relatively land Mrs. Ron Bennett, Port small * South American species HONORED GUESTS Hope... Mrs. Lilliam Wemys,|@veraging between-nine and 11 BLACKSTOCK (TC) -- Mr. Toronto, 'spent some time with|feet in length. | and Mrs. Leonard Chamberlain,/Mr. and Mrs. Roy VanCamp|_!t is a fussy eater not likely to} a recent bride and groom, were|... Mr, and Mrs. Bud Chard|2ad dogs and cats to its diet,| guests of honor at a social eve- and Lisa, Trenton, were guests|She Says. ning in the recreation centre... of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Brownell) Members of the 4-H Homemaker|, . . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rus-|attended the convention of the Club made pickled eggs, Dutch!sell visited Mr. and Mrs. Eric! Associati of Ontario Counties chocolate, pea soup and potato|Freeborn at Lindsay ... Mr.|at Niagara Falls... The CGIT pancakes at their October meet-|and Mrs. C, P. Swallow were|group will meet at 7 p.m. each ing ... Winners at the Women's|Sunday--dinner guests of Mrs.|Wednesday at the church ... Institute euchre were Mrs. How-|Amy Niddrie, Toronto ... Or-|A record number of awards for} ard Bailey, Mrs. Mervyn Gra-|lon Hall, Weston, was the guest|perfect attendance were pre- ham and Walter Lawrence ...\/of Mrs. H. R., Foley .. .|sented at Sunday School. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bailey | Mr. and Mrs. W. Hawkshaw and| celebrated their golden wedding|family, Kitchener, were Sunday APPLE SALE anniversary last Saturday .. .|visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Len} KEDRON (TC) -- The Cubs Mr. and Mrs. Wilftam Bailey;Goodman ... Mr. and Mrs.\and Scouts Mothers' Auxiliary and family, Everett, were| William Davidson and family,|made a profit of $62.50 on its WEST" guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank|Weston, were visitors, with Mr.|recent sale of apples, The offi-| Bailey ... The chicken piejand Mrs. Ron Rogers. cers are: Mrs. Lorne Lepine,| 101 supper at St. John's parish hall! \president; Mrs. William Mc-/| was largely attended... Mrs. CLUB PARTY | Nally, vice-president; Mrs. Wil-| sah Walter Wright spent a week) AUDLEY (TC) -- A success-|liam Snowden, secretary and/| est'" with Miss Eva Brown in Hamil-|ful Hallowe'en Party was held|Mrs...ames Roddick, treasurer. west : . ton... Mrs.-M.: Carley, Tor-|Saturday night by the Com-| trib- onto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Her-|munity Club. Prize winners 88 bert Swain during the week-|were: Dwight Guthrie, Wendy end... Mr. and Mrs. Gary|Izatt, Jackie. Lambie, Don Guth-| Alwa s | Ferguson, Hamilton, werel/rie, Bob Smith, Mrs. William) guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon|Guthrie, Mr. and Mrs. L. Walt- j Strong ... Mr. and Mrs. A.jham, Mrs. G. Izatt and Mrs, B. ere W | ER q Dawson, London, Ont., were|Batty. | e guests of the Bailey families/ 1 d h Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mc-| RETURNS TO BASE rea cas s Nally, Colborne, were visitors) AUDLEY (TC) -- John Czap TOO with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wright/has returned to his base in Mr. and Mrs. Leonard|North Carolina, to complete his e) Chamberlain, Cooksville; Miss|U.S. Marine Corps training, be LJ age 8 Re Marion Bradburn and Mr. and{after visiting his parents here AT Mrs. Lorne Bradburn, Toronto,|. . . Bert, son of Mr. and Mrs.| ES visited Mr. and Mrs. Joseph|A. Kampman is receiving treat-| a 9 Bradburn. ment in a Toronto hospital . : A number of area residents al- | ws % 3 a MAPLE GROVE (re -- The| 'Church ye forte oes ths Giant 16 Ih. Washers Giant 6 cu. ft. Dryers | Brownies and Cubs of the First! ye gl male in sang . retin apa Noe ~ rerigys a -- @ Plenty of. room to tumble the wrinkles out Maple Grove Pack held a suc-|Andy Czap underwnt surgery at Adjusts to any size load -- 2, 4, 6, 6, z ; or 3. cessful Hallowe'en _costume/|St. Joseph's Hospital, Toronto. | Cuts hot water and detergent costs @ 10 minute cool down for permanent press clothes. pe , Fat i On Soetnet| CHOIR STARTS Washes all permanent press fabrics. Three thorough @ Exclusive stop-and-dry feature lets you dry woollens and cen re. uture AL meetings ae Saf by rinses : : Y : will be held at 7 p.m. ae a amet: 2-year parts warranty . . « S-year transmission reptice- other fragile garments safely . . . eliminates shrinkage. PERSONALS this Wednesday night for its ment guarantee. @ Backed by 2-year parts warranty. MAPLE GROVE (TC)--Tam-|Christmas cantata. New choris- | | my Rogers, daughter of Mr. and|ters for both the junior and sen- Mrs. Ron Rogers, is a patient|ior choirs would be welcome| NJAGARA FINANCE in the Sick Child 's Hospital,|. . . The scout group plans to Parain, llnethk eae. re 'hatinine. its gs drives to COMPANY LIMITED | 3 Speed 16 lb, Washer 2 Speed 16 Ib, Washer 2 Speed 16 Ib. | Ib. Washer - { Speed 16 Ib, Washer x ] Mrs. L. C. Snowden and Robert|finance its work. Bundled paper visited Mr. and Mrs. Sam/may be left at the community 286 KING STREET W. AT Castle, Peterborough ... Mr./hall... Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lee vas aniy SFFICE io "MENT PHONE 3-204 His secret gin recipe isnt a secret anymore. eK AWJ-M850 AWJ-M825 AWJ-M620 . AWJ-M605) MOFFAT 3-speed 16 Ib. washer. Pro- MOFFAT 2-specd 16 Ib. washer. 12 MOFFAT 2-speed 16 tb. washer. & MOFFAT single-speed 16 Ib. washer. 3% grammed time cycles, 6 wash and spin time cycles. 4 wash.and spin speeds. time cycles. 2 wash and spin speed time cycles. 4 water temperature selec speeds. 6 water temperature selections. 6 water temperature selections. Push- selections. 4 woter temperature selec tions, Heavy duty 4 h.p. motor ony Push-button controls. Timed bleach button controls, Bleach dispenser. Many tions, Heavy duty 14 h.p. motor. Many ether features, -- and rinse conditioner dispensers, Many ether features ether features. other feotures. vaieent Press Dryer Parmaniat Press Dryer Permanent Press Dryer Permanent Press Dryer | In 1769, a Highland » Scot named Alexander * Gordon arrived in London. And started, , of all things, a gin dis- tillery. Soon, Mr. Gordon "was making the finest. . | gin the English had ever tasted. From a secret recipe 'known only to him. | (And later, only to his descendants.) Now, 200 years later, Gordon's Gin is still made exactly the same. Only now, it's the largest selling gin in the world. Made in nine countries, including Canada. To make sure its wonderful taste never varied from place to place, how- tAIDFORD" TALKIE i] gost J it" RAIND ! Not only a ic¢able, too! Set is ceiver and. contains vinyd_ strap and-bat- tk Kk kk kk Kk kK KK kK DEJ-M650 DEJ.M625 DEJ.M620 DEJ-M605 MOFFAT Permanent Press Dywer MOFFAT Permanent Press Dryer. Fx MOFFAT Perma MOFFAT Permon clusive stoo-and-dry feature. Automa clusive stop-and-dry feature. Automatie matic Dry re regular cycle, T dry regular and permanent press cycl dry regulor and psrmanent press cycles. eveles S dry Remote contro! cycle selection. Adijust= Push_button selection, Adjustable pers feotures, oble permanent press buzzer signal. manent press buzzer signal. Many other Mony other feotures feotures, Washers from 250.00 & up Dryers from 169.00 & up "Before You Buy -- Give Starr A Try" C 8 | FURNITURE ! | and APPLIANCES keep his secret either. ENTRE and sss Cetus eee 491 RITSON RD. S., OSHAWA OPEN FRIDAY 'TIL 9 P.M. 723-3343 or 723-8191 SOUTH LESS LELSLLSLLLLeLS: eveles FELL LLLLESS Hse ore fascinated ever, we had to let nine other people nak set! Perfect- * i = Soeeent pot in on the secret. ir; $86) a ° . be ord' on' slectro- We hope you won't hold it against us. pey' 4 the wort of circuitry After all, Alexander Gordon didn't ys = = ese Hea - maaan a= = Doe a a

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