ell hip 1s worried. throughout 1 think the layoff considerably. There of players who played is in the game, espe- Izdebski, our second rterback; who played lly well on the roll coach Jack Wiley d, "We played very proud of our guys »e didn't win. That in the third quarter m momentum and no way we could stop urned the tide. A few way and we could vably done the same s is the first time we shutout this year." / to judge a lavour. If it r, it's a bet- gs people to n's friendly 'makes any as for along staying with. ITION drink oF, St. Louis with single goals going |fornia's Mike Laughton. New Ways Of Selection _ Needed For NHL Awards " first of December, I hope." New Contract! After Shutout By THE CANADIAN PRESS Excellence is not necessarily {is own reward, but you'll have a hard time convincing 'Johnny Bower. The 43-year-old veteran Toron- to Maple Leafs goalie Wednes- day night blanked Montreal Canadiens 5-0 and to celebrate the deed, Toronto coach Punch Imlach gave Bower a new Na- tional Hockey League contract. After the game Imlach tore up a symbolic piece of paper ; before Bower, indicating a new contract. Neither would discuss possible terms of the new con- tract. The loss kept Montreal in third place in the NHL's East- ern Division behind idle Detroit Red Wings and New York Rang- { ers, who moved two points | ahead of Detroit with a 2-0- de- feat of California Seals. In other games Wednesday, Boston Bruins lost their second game in eight starts, 5-1 to St.! Louis Blues, while Pittsburgh Penguins down"ed Minnesota/Players over 40 get that oppor- North Stars 4-1 tunity." California goalie Charlie , KINGS STILL LEAD ne ter JOHNNY BOWER ..»New Contract Hodge held off New York for The results left Los Angeles|most of the game at Oakland,| Kings still atop the Western Di-'with the Ranger: finally win- vision standings with 10 points, ning on two goals scored four one more than Pittsburgh. minutes apart in the third pe- The Leafs got goals from!riod. ® Dave Keon, Frank Mahovlich,, The Rangers, undefeated. in Bob Pulford, Mike Walton and'eight games, got Kurtenhach's George Armstrong while New/winner just 15 seconds after he York's goals went to Rod Gil- stepped out of the penalty box bert and Orland Kurtenbach. after serving five minutes for Ron Stewart scored twice for high sticking and hurting Cali-| to Wayne Rivers, Bar Pla---Goalie Ed Giacomin got credit ger and Al Arbour. The -lone:for-the sutout: Boston goal was scored by Ross Lonsberry ruined St. 'Louis Lonsberry. goalie Glenn Hall's shutout bid At Minneapolis, the Penguins with a 30-foot shot with only grabbed sole possession of sec-|about two minutes left in the ond place in the west on goals'game, just seconds before Bob by Andy Bathgate, Art Stratton, | Plager cut him down with a Paul. Andrea and Keith Mc-|solid body check. Creary while Andre Boudrias| Tonight, the Red Wings geta scored for Minnesota chance to tie the Rangers as "I told him he played so well, they take on the Leafs in De- I'll tear up his contract and he'll troit while Chica go Black get a new one," said Imlach|Hawks visit Los Angeles and after the game Minnesota North Stars play the "He'll get a good raise. OnlyiFlyers in Philadelphia. MONTREAL (CP) -- A sep-jed in the past by a poll of sport- arate trophy for the Western Di-jswriters and sportscasters in vision champion and a_ new/the six NHL cities. Voting was method of selecting the rookie|conducted twice during the sea- of the year will be considered|son with the over-all winner re- by the 12-team National Hockey/|ceiving $1,000 and the runner-up League within the next month. ($500. The leader in each half "T think we'll retain the/also received an additional $250. Prince of Wales Trophy for the} However, with this season's team that finishes first in the|partially interlocking schedule old division and present 'a new!hetween the old division and the up to the V a Division win-!new séction, most selectors will ner," league president Clarence|gnjy see clubs in the other. divi- begs rh es F agin twice during the season. "There will only be one awar a for the best rookie . . . the meth- 5 campbell faye any, change. le od of selection will have to be} ay odified." have to take the form of a "for- anh Il says both decisions|M#! decision" by the league's Camp! . role ShRa "hy the |poard of governors, but, at the will have to be reache y the t, he feels = and a coaches of the 12 teams should The Calder Memorial Trophy | vote instead of the writers and for the outstanding rookie of the} itco. : . sportscasters. season is the chief concern of 5 The league president says the the league at the moment. i ' ; 5: {single all-star team, including PAST SELECTION {players from both divisions, will The annual winner. was select-|apply in the expanded league. HOCKEY STANDINGS By THE CANADIAN PRES§ | METRO JUNIOR B National League WLTFA P Eastern Division Dixie 6 1 1 45 25 13 WLT F A PtlYork Steel 6 1 0 48 22 12 New York 6 15|St. Michael's 5 1 145 22 11 "Detroit 6 13| Etobicoke 4 2 14026 9 Montreal 5 12|North York 3 1 33931 9 Boston 5 il| Whitby 3 4 0 36 32 6 Toronto 5 10) Aurora 25 13340 5 Chicago 1 3/Markham 1 4 11938 3 Western Weston 1 60:19 36-2 Ios Ang. 4 10|Brampton 9 6 01558 0 Pittsburgh 4 9 : Phila 3 7 American League Minnesota 2 7 §| Vancouver (WHL) 2 Cleveland 5 St. Louis 2 6| Buffalo 4 Phoenix (WHL) 7 California 2 6 Western League Wednesday's Results Montreal 0 Toronto 5 New York 2 California 0 Roston 1 St. Louis 5 Pittsburgh 4 Minnesota 1 OHA Junior A F San Diego 2 Seattle 2 Central League Tulsa 4 Fort Worth 5 Eastern League Long Island 1 New Haven 3 Nashville 2 Greensboro 3 Wi A Pt International League N Falls 70 ; i if 7: Columbus 4 Daytow 3 Toronto B1 48 12 Central Junior Kitchener = 5-2 48 21 10) crhiths Falls 2 Brockville 5 Hamilton yak as Eis |e 3 BS : | Montreal 4°39 35 31 St NOHA Junior Oshawa $8 1 36-98 3 Garson Falconbridge 1 North | St. Cath. 3.6 0 26 33 6|Bay 6 London » Tae Gs Feige V fee | Wee) B.C, Junior | Peterboro 1 5 2 19 36 4)Vernon 1 Kamloops 4 | 1 8 1 If G& Si Victoria 10 New Westminsier 6 | Ottawa rk I, Corby's smooth, | 10 year old Canadian whisky with a most distinctive flavour. (Bh. CORBY DISTILLERY LIMITED, CORBYVILLI, CANADA ¢ a i et ee Campbell Starts Contract Talks | Hillman, the last holdout in|he understands Campbell was Hitliaan; who will baal geoval TORONTO Clarence Campbell of the/S0n and has missed the first National Hockey League met\¢ight games of the season. Wednesday with Pr ee we ee eee wea ee eee eee ar ee ee ee he settle the player's dispute with|ment after the meeting, but To-| Toronto Maple Leafs. ronto coach Punch Imlach said} - -- |the NHL this season, refused to|Making all efforts to settle the EXPORTS GO UP (CP)--President come to contract terms this sea-|matter immediately. "But that's only second-hand old in February, gained a regu- defenceman games. 'period last year. LATEST SALE BULLETIN! FEATURES MANY VALUES NOT SHOWN HERE! GET YOUR Copy! MAIL COUPON BELOW! CLOSET LINING! . Famous "Chickamauga" Brand! BIG 40-FT. 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Mail Coupon To: CASHWAY LUMBER, COX 330, MALTON, ONTARIO BUIRENE oiescey sis sscasocuccenecen ys PHONE BROOKLIN 655-3313 oar ew enseereseaceesecerieeas THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, November 2, 1967 11] Sweden's exports for the first! lar spot on the Toronto defenceleight months of 1967 totalled! information, because Campbellllast season, He played in 55 reg-|$2,952,000, an increase of eight| a , The league president- was notididn't tell me_ that," Imlach/u lar-season and 12 playoff |per cent compared to the same Larry Hillman in an effort to'immediately available for com-'said. EASY CREDIT 1 HERE'S WHAT WE DO... We thoroughly inspect the spark plugs, ignition points and condenser, Balance the carburator. Set up the timing. | Clean the fuel bowl and filter: Clean the distributor cap and wiring. Adjust the automatic choke. Inspect, clean and fill battery, Check fanbelt for wear and tension. Check | \ resistance of ignition wires. Check starter eapacity, \§ voltage regulator and generator output. Clean the air filter, \™ Check each cytinder for compression. Check 'cooling system and anti-freeze content. 6 CYL af B66 ia 988 MECHANICAL PARTS EXTRA GOOD, YEAR BATTERIES if your battery fails our 4- point test, select one of.the four Goodyear lines of top quality batteries... Bate teries that will give quick, sure starts all winter long. NO CHARGE FOR FAST INSTALLATION 959 SUBURBANITE var" RETREADS: et 775/14 TUBELESS BLACKWALL (With your old tire) Save half the cost of new winter tires! Suburbanite Retreads have the same Tufsyn rubber compound, traad design, width and depth as the new Goodyear "Suburbanites". All casings are safety-checked, Safety Spikes can.bs added, No Limit Lifetime Guarentee! | 162 | KING E, | SERVICE MELE STORES e237 A division ut The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company ot Canada, Limited Peay ee oe eee" BR Yee eg Ce er ee ee We ee RR a ee!