HAWA BRANCH of Howard Society into. the news much, o accident. applies to all JHS is all done by volun- hom there are 15 in nf necessity, it is ducted under a cloak ity because of the d confidential nature ation. inteers have a diffi- 'ten frustrating job-- t with the rehabilita-. rison inmates so that an play a useful role ; can be rewarding, are major encum- ut the least of which tance of many firms mployment to those rd has been blotched on record. ay Sparks, former ident and still a vol- cer, makes no bones en he says: "Oshawa t firms are not .as 9 our program as be, but. we keep on ye is the basis of our Uae : S Says ex-inmates ive "reasonable as- ) their rehabilitation r all, they have paid to society. This is 'nt them to prison. is done we should o get on their feet." president is W. A, h, school attendance pr the Board of Edu- former social work- Simcoe Hall Settle- SAL BRANCH oper: direction of JHS sin Toronto and ie source of income annual grant from sr Oshawa Com- st. ht. It doesn't go far nsing food, clothing uchers, but the City partment also gives and helping hand vases which do not * JHS supervision). Welfare has as ve cases weekly -- where the new Osh- Hostel (to be opened fill an important sparks estimates ird of those helped | JHS become fully . City Welfare Ad- Herb Chesebrough gure much higher, these people are t types who made pak, The great ma- 1e useful citizens if break in the way of and _ transitional, heir release,") wa branch was or- years ago. Before S operated here for. ; a one-man. set-up [arold McNeill (now ctor of three Sim- erations). awa branch may he news next Wed t is when its mem heir annual pilgrim ston for an inspec of the Collins Bay ecurity Federal TORY A seaman's strike S. shipping. | World War ars ago today--in ins retreated be- Tagliamento ermans claimed 120,000 prisoners than 1,000 guns to ench troops ad- the Chemin des Da. Pe d World War ive years ago to- 142--Allied bomb- ed Buin and Faist n Islands for the 'cessive day; Al- ft sank two Axis ps at Tobruk and irgets on the is- 1. NAME ILL I$, ORT TAKE rT FOR eet Se oad + i! Leuven A. FEATURES OMTAMO Sennen eas: EGS COUNCILS HOLD MEETINGS WHITBY (Staff) -- mation" meetings The next meeting has scheduled for Nov. 8 and t or three further gotiations before the election, Dec. 9. Already, the two councils ap- pear to be melting into the type of unity required when th marriage of-the municipalities takes place Jan. 1. A joint meeting of the cor cils last week. indicated the co- operation between the town a township whén agreement was _ WHITBY / AJAX PERSONALS | Appeal Goal | Provincial Police Clarify In Reach, An evening with Pollock has been arranged by Whitby Arts Incorporated for Nov. 3 at 8 p.m. at the regal room of the) John § mith: Centre Everyone ontennial building, Street South, Whitby is invited to hear Mr. Pollock,)er, and artist,/convener, Mrs. Harry Lemire.| teacher, lecturer, who will bring paintings from)An his gallery in Toronto to illus-|could represented in collections in Canada and the United States. Whitby. Arts Incorporated is a) group of people interested in| promoting painting,, photogra- phy, sculpture, tery and -all the arts that ex- press man's varied personality. Anyone. interested in member-\* ship or further information should contact Mrs. L. D. Hart} ments will be served. Saturday at the Ajax Royaljof the canvass were slightly Go. : ' lations {0% Your sleeping accommoda- At the Ajax Ladies'. Pipe|Canadian Legion hall, Branch|under Hat Fes ag atg lear wakes Pein tions after the party. : Will Be Held or Fe z = 322. There will be dancing andjothers, including the special)/ma bi 4 a Ab a ssibl Y t Band meeting plans were com-| james. Proceeds from the eve-\names section under Richard|said today the contractor for| wake - pagans cdl Ate a THURSDAY, NOV. 2nd verging 4 ed Wie ganas ning will be for the minor Matthews, the financial and in-\the 140 additional Parking | ost however, the only legal at the Ball" to be he' is Saturday sports. surance companies under A.|Spaces at the crowded StAHOR | oy dor hin 10. get posecahion at the Ajax community centre. Members of the pipe band will be in full uniform and will per- form under the direction of Neil McRae, Sr. Other pipe Amalga- between the town and township councils are coming into the home stretch, been meetings are expected to wrap up final ne- weaving, Pot-| irs, tal "Autumn than three - hours; PLANNING wo department which. is 000 yearly * reached on 14 points in less Councils agreed that the new municipality set up a planning expected to.cost between $15.00 and $25,- on They agreed on an organiza- tional chart which provided for ¢ the positions in the new town. he cil chambers for two of all 'personnel The two councils also agreed: --provision be made in the coun- addi- 1Q- tional seats on council tables; nd Whitby' council chamber prizes, door prizes and refresh- ments will be- served. Elected officers for the 1967-68 term are as follows: President, Mrs. vice-president, Mrs; lan Beaton, Mrs. Maurice Mrs. Robert Fyke; social lady interested in joining contact Mrs. Maurice) Royal Canadian Air Force Corporal Maurice Saunders is|$32,700, with several large com-| a three-week embarkation|panies in the town still to re-| et eat er VOU jleave and is : |home of his parents, Mr. and) wr. simms said a meetin j D ] P ki | at Mr. § 5 § g of _ Mus Saunders of|/committee chairmen is being) e ays ar Ing |Brooklin. Cpl. Saunders will be) arranged for Friday, when final} pending three years in Ger- predictions could probably be made. | The appeal at 668-8185. Coffee and refresh-|to attend a social evening .this|While some -particular sections} visiting at Russell S| many. The general public is invited Ajax-Pickering General Leaves Ball' the acoustics are -poor in the and the engineer was _ authorized WHITBY United Appeal president Ted] liquor, an the! port. Conrad, the Ontario Hospital|was unable to move equipment A sell-out crowd attended the Staff under Cliff McCarden, and\onto the site because of the Hospi-|the teaching staff of the town|heavy mud. under section chairmen D. Wil-| Ss \ son and Lloyd Gibson, reported |tion of the additional parking to.investigate the purchase of a loud speaker system; ~--a floor plan in respect to the location of personnel be adopt- ed and arrangements be made for additional telephones. --to move Division Court Clerk Mel Femia 'from his office at --a letter be sent to the Cen- the municipal building to maké tral Ontario Joint Planning room for the director of social Board requesting that the board services. They suggested Mr. reconstitute its membership in Femia move to the Centennial view of the ,amalgamation and Centre; to provide for one appointed of- --the Whitby District High ficial and two elected represent- School Board be given the op- atives to sit on the board; portunity to rent the Whitby --insurance for the new mu- Township Municipal Building on nicipality be discussed with in- a temporary basis; surance agents Frank --each. voter in the new mu- and George Vicks; nicipality be mailed a card ad- vising them where and when to vote on Dec. 9; --to forward copies of the final OMB order in connection with amalgamation to alt local boards; The report continues (Staff) -- Whitbyjwhen they may legally carry|Warehouse {could include your cottage, tent, motel room, house, or any place spending are at least night | you legally | president said weather prevented the start of construction on the Liverpool GO Transit parking lot addition residence and Mr. Ingraham said consiruc-|"!8_ residence bands have been invited to at-|held at the Ajax community|intg campaign headquarters|spaces would begin as soon as tend. There will be spot dance|centre sponsored by the 'Wom- over the éstimated budgets. |weather permitted and is still 7 e jen's Auxiliary. General con- President Si ah expected to be completed this Shoulders and vener, Mrs. William Rowland, |, ea the a nia rot |month. it a point to Remembrance [2s 2:sste4, 5s the foiowing|toned, the downtown, merchant! The present lot holds 200 cars conveners: Refreshments, Eliz-|' paign \but is filled to overflowing daily Week Declared WHITBY (Staff) -- Mayor Desmond Newman was author- ized by council Monday night to declare the week of Nov. 4 to 11 as Remembrance Week in Whit-| by. Members of. Branch 112,| Royal Canadian Legion will hold their annual Poppy Day can- vass Friday evening, Nov. $3 and Saturday, Nov. 4 and _ their church parade to St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. at 10:30 a.m., Nov. 5. During the week the Poppy Flag will be flown from the flag staff in front of the mu- nicipal building. The Remembrance Day Par- ade will be held at 10:30 a.m., Nov. ll. Council approved the pur- chase of a wreath to be laid at the cenotaph. abeth Gadd; lunch, Jili Mason; \for the Elsie Lodge; posters, | Wilma Lowe; publicity, Janet Clarkson. More than 175 couples danced to the music of decorations, prizes, Isobel in costumes. Prizes were won funniest (the be speeded up to meet the F'ri- Walker: day deadline. 4 Great DESIGN DRAWN In 1868 the design for the|work is started it would take Seal of verry Darbyshire. Many were|drawn up and it incorporated|the new parking facilities and the arms of the four originalla few days to asphalt the new nuts),|provinces. lot. | \resulting in traffic tie-ups at the ___..'eastern terminal of the com- {muter system. regard to the disposition of an- imals through the Humane So- $4,850. Town council will con- | ciety. The agreement would be tribute 50 per cent of the cost | subject to the approval of. the with the department of high- | municipal board since it would ways paying the remaining 50 | be binding on the two munici- per cent; | palities; --the township clerk be in- | fa AN structed to provide the town | POLICING engineer with transparencies of | --Mayor. Desmond Newman township maps. and Deputy Reeve Gordon Han- na along from the police commission ar- range a meeting with Cowan: : . . . Legal Position On Liquor | . bd | " , 7 7 ! ile: treasut Simms says oe ae és eae suppose that you lof the public as to where andjcase of beer from the Brewer's|Canadian purchase After placing it Ontario Provincial|your car, it must not be opened hereeernnroeee R eS les ; 3 {Police release says. Liquor ofjor taken out until you have >, trate his talk. Mr. Pollock has|Little at 723-6487 or'come Tues-/Simms said today that the course includes beer, wine, hard, reached The exhibited with various groups|day evening at Ajax St. An-|Whitby United Appeal goal of!jiquor, or any beverage con- dence *in Canada and abroad and is/drew's Senior school. "This sounds simple. enough,/ jbut it raises a number of ques- BAY RIDGES (Staff) -- Wet tions. How, for instance, could take- liquor to a "bring your own': party? An- swer, you can't, unless of course arrangements have been made of it would be-to come to your return to Centre St the liquor. "If the whens and wheres of jtransporting liquor are confus- jing you, don't just shrug your | up. Make the facts} straight in your mind and don't just hope you never encounter| then with give set any problems with the police. CO-OPERATION INDICATED 1. Amalgamation Planning Nears Completion rane Street in the town for road > approach purposes at a cost of | a bylaw be prepared with One item on the agenda was deferred by councils to its next meeting. The question of street names in the town and town- An with representatives the at- J THE grr Wednesday, November 1, 1967 5 WHITBY BLOOD DONORS * CLINIC Monday, Nov. 6th Royal Canadian Legion Hall Byron St. South, Whitby @ 2:00 to 4:30 P.M. @ 6:30 to 9:00 P.M. torney general to discuss the ship will be discussed on Noy, "matter of policing the new mu- 8. when the councils will meet nicipality; at the township municipal of- --to purchase a lot on Coch- | Air Hunting | 'Ruled Illegal fice in Brooklin. sion said Tuesday in a ruling The commission's air traffic 7 {committee said it has suspended jfor two months the licence of |Bohman Airways of Ranier, OTTAWA (CP)--United States Minn., for such activity. : : i Bohman Airways admitted in charter aircraft that hunt MoOse|_ letter to the committee that 'let us!spotted from 'the air in the Ca- on moose-hunting charters over a nadian wilds are®violating their|ontario and Manitoba and pilot in|the pareve leat Ay licences. | spots moose and lands his U.S t adian transport commi party in the area y | The committee ruled this vio- Liquor Control Act is anjlates a licence condition that aa ee ie bane Act with real teeth in it. Being/U.S. charter flights into Canada Ves e ree | j ing tre $$8.495 4s now. within veach taining "alechol STNG TRA BHGwHate" VOU with real teeth in it. Being|must not transport traffic within pi eda echt Pe Sa sect 8 ais are actually living Th , (found illegally transporting li-|\Canada. They are limited to Total collections to date are : ; > "Iquor is an arrestable offence |flying passengers to a destina- and the penalties provided arejtion point and bringing them the prohibitive.' back Whitby Theatre Guild ----- announces --~ A CASTING MEETING Whitby Centennial Centre South at 8 P.M Casting is for the January Production of "THREE TO GET MARRIED" Any®ne interested in Acting, o Backstage Work Is Cordially Invited to Attend or Call 668-8006 | NOTICE Township of Whitby © Electors. CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS' LIST Voters' List, 1967, Township of Whitby, County of Ontario, Notice is hereby given that |! have complied with Section Nine of The Voter's Lists Act, and that | have posted up at my office at Brooklin, Ontario, persons. entitled to vote in municipal elections and that for inspection. 'on the 31st day of October, 1967, the list of all the municipality at such list remains there And | hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any ommissions or errors cor- rected according to law, the last day for appeal being the 14th day of November, 1967. Dated this 31st day of October, 1967. WM. H. WALLACE, Clerk, Township ef Whitby Box 140, Brooklin, Ontarle Mr. Ingraham said that when" Canada wasjtwo weeks to grade and gravel Mr. and Mrs. Norman Camp- bell; most original (the Vik- ings), Mr. and Mrs. George Robinson; most authentic (the Egyptians), Mr. and Mrs. Jack Vickers; with a special men- tion to the hippies who staged a "Love In." Judges were: Mrs. Robert Rowland, Clark Mason, Howard Goddard and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Baldry. Spot dance winners: Mr. and Mrs. Danny Noland, Vicky Balsdon and Ken _Littlefair. Mrs. Frank Gabura, the presi- dent of the Ajax-Pickering Hos- pital Women's Auxiliary and Lil Gadd made the draws. Whithy Theatre Guild To Awards For The Whitby High School Annual DRAMA FESTIVAL | Offers Sincere Thanks The Following Organizations Who 'Donated | @ ATTERSLEY TIRE SERVICE LTD, @ BATHURST CONTAINERS LTD. @ CROVEN LTD. @ KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS, COUNCIL 4898 @ LAKE ONTARIO STEEL CO. ATTERSLEY Nw z 5 5 ¥ : : E w DUNDAS . BROCE | i NEW LOCATION PLEASED to ANNOUNCE OUR NEW LOCATION IN WHITBY. Our new location has given us the opportunity to ex- pand our tire service and also enable us to add a complete line of sporting goods. ... ... WHITBY'S NEWEST SPORTING GOODS STORE! | Sample earnings on an ordinary 3% savings account: 3'%% interest on $500 mininmm balance .... $17.50 20 free cheques and 40 cheques@20€........ 8.00 NET $9.50 4 interest on $500 minimum balance...$22.50 Sample earnings on a National Trast savings account: NET $22.50 é TIRE SERVICE 108 DUNDAS ST. E. -- 668-3356 FREE / AUTOGRAPHED BOBBY HULL PHOTO bauer * Completely leather lined outsole. * Telescopic eyelets half sizes. Recommended by Bobby Hull %* Leather insole and leather * All black full-grain leather * Major skate blade 6-12 We are the distributor for Cope Wee (Largest Sporting Equipment Company in the World) x We picked HESPELER hockey Sticks to sell because of their quality and the many years (over 50) of the manufactur- ing of hockey sticks. Sad. ' _ ATTERSLEY 103 DUNDAS ST. E. -- 668-3356 TIRE SERVICE Lid. Free chequing privileges: When you put your money ito an interest- paying savings account with chequing privi- leges, shouldn't you be able to keep the money it's earned? You can, at National Trust. as Our free chequing privileges (on a reasonable number of cheques) mean that there are no -fees or service charges to bite into your earn- ings...or your savings. And our 4'/2% interest tate--calculated semi-annually--helps your savings grow steadily, too. (The National Trust Savings Account, in this that's how you keep the money your money earns. case, produced more than double the net return ofa standard 3'2% savings account.) Looking for a faster way to save? National Trust has a new, non-chequing Special Deposit Account with a 4'2% interest rate calculated every month. Now make mote of the money you're determined to save: it's the one account to have when you don't want to write cheques. When you add it all up, National Trust is the _ place for your money. For saving-tt. For earn- ing it. And for keeping it. : . Open a savings account with us anytime up to Nov.15 and earn interest from Now. - National Trust SINCE 1895 32 Sinicoe Street Sout! Member of Canada Deport Inne Corporstion