Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 Nov 1967, p. 3

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E May Get ICS Haida INTO (CP)--The HMCS§ Canada's greatest fizht. ), May get a permament » dock at the Canadian | Exhibition if 12 Ontario n raise $390,000. é nen, who put up $20,000 to save the destroyer-- sank more enemy ships econd World War in pro. to her weight than any lied vessel--have tried fully to raise the vy public subscription, » GOADED LORD THOMSON British Press Questions Cabinet Minister's Future By HAROLD MORRISON \foreign secretary took this as a LONDON (CP)--The_British|personal attroat and laced into press today 'raised fresh ques-|Thomson and said his Sunday tions about Foreign Secretary|Times was doing '"'a great dis- George Brown's future in 'the/service" to Britain, wake of a storm in which he ac-} The Sunday Times as well as cused Canadian-born publisher|The Observer have been run- Lord Thomson of "cheating" |ning a series of stories on: how and charged that. the British/Kim Philby, a top British agent: press was "the most prosti-|had in fact spied for the Rus-| tuted" in the world. ' \sians for some 30 years before) The erratic and volatilejhe'defected. ™~ Brown, whose public antics; Brown said 'later he did not have made him a favorite tar-|have the Philby stories in mind get of the press, accused Thom-|When he made his, remarks but TORONTO (CP)--A four-man panel discusgjon Tuesday at the ; |world congress of junior cham- this -point but there were ru-/bers of commerce produced moxs when Thomson won eon-(criticism of foreign control in trol of The Times a year ago|/Canada's economy and diver- that the newspaper would contin-|gent views on capitalism and ue to support. British foreign|free enterprise. : policy in its editorial columns. Rion ot Lote grea of Brown said the aggressive|'"@ Privy Council, cited the Im- news and editorial policies of pending shutdown of the Domin- .__|ion Steel and Coal Corp. in Syd- The Times and Sunday Times ney, N.S., as an example of for- increasing their attempts to\'. Aacini ffecti i ; beat its competitors--was "a/ei8n decision a ecting Canadian very great disservice to this Companies. Mr. Gordon criticized Hawker |Siddeley Group Ltd. of Britain, jthe parent company of Dosco, country and a very great dis- service to the affairs which we ought to control." |Jaycees Congress Panel Raps Foreigi-Control Mr. Gordon said big business nd trade union leaders ,have too much power, but he defend- ed direct government interven- tion in the economy through Crown corporations. : Vincent Bladen; professor of| sity of Toronto, told the panel omy can be compatible. WROTE TRADE REPORT Prof. Bladen is author of the political science at the Univer-jrejected the idea Tuesday that|barriers n } i canada follow Britain and per-|birth control devices and pe Dr. Gray told Dr. Harry Har that free enterprise and govern-| mit ; f : ment intervention in the econ-/nomic condition to be consid-|contro] pills and making le {ered in deciding whether a legal|sterilization procedures, whic' l|abortion may be performed on a woman. royal commission report which health\committee to recommend ry (1--York-Scarborough), Dr lled to the Canada-United States changes in Canada's abortion|Gannell said pregnancies have auto trade agreement. laws to widen the grounds for/heen terminated in some hospi-|not necessarily be reduced by He took issue with fellow pa- terminating pregnancies legally,|tals for some time on compas~ . : THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, November 1, 1967) 3 [committee was told by Dr. D. |M. Aitken, Toronto, assistant |secretary of the 'Canadian Medi- jcal Association. |SHARES VIEW URGE ACCEPTANCE OF CMA PROPOSALS Canadian Doctors Reject British Abortion Laws OTTAWA (CP)--Four doctors problem would be lifting legaljchild may be physically or men- to dissemination of |tally disabled. This view was shared by Dr. |Gregg Tompkins, chief of obste- at the -|trics and. gynaecology Halifax Infirmary a' family's social and eco-|mation, greater use of birth ley (L--Halton), committee chairman, he is aware of no jwere less dangerous than abog- prosecutions of doctors who per- pon, form therapeutic abortions open- But they urged the Commons Questioned by Robert Stanbu- ly in proper hospital conditions Back-room abortions would poe at ale or earipg that hanged a re edi-| "T am your guest, but I must Mot Oe hee vitae' 3 on ieelia David Lewis, deputy na-as proposed by the' Canadian|sionate grounds. These included |™2king it easier to obtain a SAVINGS oaabir paged alf a start T e Times and Sunday! make this quite clear: I think itl nen out at wok, ~~ |tional leader of the New Demo-| Medical Association. risk to the health of the preg- therapeutic abortion legally in on what we are doing." He de- oy asia suggested that Brownyis time you stopped. Your busi-| je told the delegates that 'g9\cratic Party, who said free en- «y1y eolleasues and I have\nant woman and risk that the hospitals, the Commons health manded that Thomson, as pro- gs ; eee ness is to fight the other papers fall man ing injterprise is "'a ghost which a breaking ome | a 2 ollowing Thomson's _ intro- per cent of all manufaciuring in been breaking the law long Hl prietor of The Sunday Times, and befuddles men's} ' . ; : \off... . . 'Some of us think it is\¢ jhaunts oh"? . elas Can- ? onaccias mors control and said a. the foreign secretary| about time we stopped giving) enade, is controlled from| vinds." sea ier poets ig pg eo os a agp you shut up. hor le rg hg og not amusedithe Russians half a start on|\-- a] Guat fem ie wrikings Ollie General Sioenital : o PERSONAL 4 e public outburst occurred|and sai e only response he|what we are doing and, my| |American economist J. Kenneth At one point, he conceded that 4 QO CHEQUING ACCOUNTS PERSONAL LOANS CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUSi & SAVINGS CORPORATION 19 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa 723-5221 23 King St. W., Bowmanville 623-2527 Tuesday night at the swank/Ccould make to Thomson is "thatldear Roy, I k you d-The| s : By sa i hf > Savoy Hotel where Thomson en-|You are the only man I have|cunday 'Times to bine ahs fatal rie Seeks |Galbraith, Mr. Lewis' argued/i. had terminated a pregnancy td : 3 : ke | that the proponents of free en- oneal dues eer bi Mang who actually cheat account and for God's sake, i. lterprise include capitalists who } su Strialists at a ; . stop. : | To Restrain \frequently ask governments to dinner where Brown was the) Brown added that he was not| intery their behalf guest speaker, making a joKé: He was absolute- SOME APPLAUDED iaien dake Walie cite Cand ie Thomson, who decided today|!¥: Serious. ' y Some of the guests applauded| Bell Tele hone centives by the CMA that the best policy is to say/SAYS BOND BROKEN dap ta en de ln et \"Srof Bladen. said free enter. --Danger to the life or health of nothing more, introduced Brown] "You actually once gave me Brown then remarked that some') gpa 4-w A (CP)--The Bell prise is not dead and can be the pregnant woman. with a few light remarks, in-|your bond and broke it. My|%! the British industrialists Telephone Co. of Canada opera- Feengthened by : --Substantial risk that the child cluding a joke about a fictitious|\dear Roy, I think everybody|Presen' sia en es 80t tion should be restricted to tele- government action may be born with a graye men- George Brown whose . longevit: here who has heard the joke aa le quactonal sls phone services and not permit-|" The other panelist was Doug- tal Physical disability. might have been boringly pro-|you have presumed to tell about it} oy 'should get that much. ted to expand into other areas|jas Ambridge, board chairman PREFERS PREVENTION in a case involving a sexual of- fence, one of the additional grounds proposed by the CMA. The other grounds proposed TIRE & RUBBER CO. Goodyear require "Class A' MECHANIC for the Peterborough store. Guarantee wage plu commission. Good work conditions, all company, , benefits. To arrange an appointment for interview JE HEINTZMAN IO RENTAL PLAN a novel plan for parents : sh to test their children's | ability before purchas- ano. Heintzman will rent | attractive, new small appropriate longed if he stayed away from me should know you broke your of telecommunications, a brief , 4 t Sta} J s } 3 au F tib Paper\Co r Ce vould pre or 6 ie -if you de. wine and women. word." Brown. suggested Thomson|tg the Commons transport and ag sys laa sil se uy ie ee be alacad on call collect F } rho » purchase it, the ai For some unknown reaso | eae ; "a n was trying to do "a Cyrus|, ~ apse : Fi FRIDAY ether > ix wn reason the! Brown did not elaborate ye eaton& velerente is the Ca communications committee) je said all economic systems preventing conception than on 705-745-4675 till 5 NIGHTS cartage will be vale , urged Tuesday ' atte rye onancy ba " up t p.m, d ca that pace nadian-born industrialist, now " 3 jin the world are changing; but| terminating a pregnancy.. an fg oc alas lliving in the U.S., who is on, J2dustrial Wire and Cable Co./predicted that capitalism® in| Dr. Donald Low, retired pro SATURDAYS lance on Heintzman's Ltd. argued that the special act|some form will emerge as the|fessor of obstetrics at Univer or 705-745-8386 Former Socred Leader y if diy t s with Soviet lead- A '; idget Terms, i Aastra oy eae incorporating Bell as a:tele-\hest answer to the economic sity of Toronto, agg better : - h . y ires i *t proble . rie ray a riththe-social SIMCOE ST. N, « "You are ruining a lot of aye aes caer aa problems of all countries way---to--deal,--with socia aad 728-2921 laims Cubans Expelled oo Brown said to Thom- telephone service to "all com At times Thomson tried to in- n OTTAWA (CP)--Robertlan interview he said all of the terject, but Brown brushed him Thompson, former: Social Credit|expulsions had occurred some off. in companies not specifically re-| leader, said Tuesday that at|time ago and he believed at After Brown continued with a lated to the telephone industry least four employees of the|least three had been previously prepared speech on European/and to expand its interests in? Cuban embassy here. have been|reported |policy, Thomson said in thank-\communications areas such as expelled for 'inadmissible, ac-|. An extern@ affairs depart-ling him: é teletype and cable television. tivities." i ment spokesman said he could) «we don't always take George, J. G. Torrance, of Toronto, Mr. Thompson, expanding on/not confirm that the'expulsions. very seriously and now youjcounsel for Industrial, said Bell| earlier charges of Cuban sub-/had occurred have a very good picture of the|was seeking the right of origin- versive acts against Canada, FOLLOW-UP TO CHARG man who is foreign secretary of|jating, transmitting and receiv- In seeking a new charter, Bell was requesting rights to invest said in an. open letter to Exter- ' ' kar | hee i tn : eat Altai Miniater Martin that The letter was a follow-up to this great country, the Right ing electronic communications nace panera 'i y : ;|Honorable George Brown. when its original charter limits! the activities included sale of\Charges Mr. Thompson made in ; 4 : F i . a * | rn " . A foreign office aide then|it to carrying communications arms -and ammunition to separ-|the Commons Oct. 17 that Ha- ; f oe See separ:| in or F .44,\tried to guide Brown away but|for other parties i atists and distribution to univer-|Y8na radio was beaming broad: | oo ic dangled with venoriers -- i sity students of a handbook on|©asts designed to promote rebel-| h wn re ded hi dt | i guerrilla warfare by "Che Gue-|lion in Quebec and among In-| ed the BHEh a Pheine & vara. the Coban told leader ve diane and Metis in Western Can-/;usc" 11S BULB Dress Of veins arranty geeently reported slain. in Bolivia. | 44a- ue ae pagan a sh 1 : vor! F e was prepare Mr. Thompson gave no fur-| - Cuban officials have denied) ever aaa 10 eoeak th British Useless er tls i tr ot Wa a, cme, anueirg patter a a+ comer To eee wa vestl- |hasis. 70 (C i eis { gation of thé charges still is) 4 TORONTO (CP)--The warran- Ford Recalls being carried out by the exter- STORY MAKES HEADLINES -- t¥ system on new farm machin-_ ' nal affairs department and the, The story was headlined in ¢Ty was described by the Ontar { RCMP. - |many British newspapers.. The|ia Farmers' Union Tuesday as questioned| nonsensical and often even' 700 000 Cars Mr. Thompson's letter said he|Evening Standard -- ¢ | ns . how long Prime Minister Wilson} Phoney DE was concerned that Mr. Martin i I brief | ; : STROIT (AP)--Ford-Motor had informed the press there|can tolerate a foreign secretary, In a brief to the royal com- t mission on farm machinery, 4 4 Co. said Tuesday it if recalling|were "no Cuban broadcasts at|"whose public behavior has be- ' - more than 700,000 1966-. andlall." The broadcasts had been|Come an almost constant source|OFU suggested warranties 1967-model cars because of pos-|advertised by Communist or-|9f embarrassment to the goy-|Should cover a given amount o sibly defective steering wheels.|gans both in Cuba and Canada. |¢rnment." work and contended that five The recalls involve 745,000) The Evening News said\seats or 500 working hours| cars, including 447,000 1967| BEING INVESTIGATED Brown's public lashing of Thom-| Would be sufficient. model Mustangs, of which 267,-| Mr. Martin, if a reply 're-|son overshadowed all other pri-|, The brief also accused manu- t 000 have the type of steering leased by the exterfial affairs}vate conversation in Whitehall | facturers of introducing changes | wheel that may be defective.|department, said he wanted toltoday designed to make previous mod-) The other models include 298,-|assure Mr. Thompson that "I/ "Mr. Brown has obviously|@!S obsolete without {mproving) 000 Falcons, Fairlanes and|am not treating. the matter atibeen deeply nettled by tite se-|@fficiency. -- ~ | Thunderbirds produced in 1966 all lightly, but it is being fullyjries of lengthy articles run by } and 1967. : investigated and that I fully ap-/Lord Thomson's Sunday Times AUTO FIRM EXPANDS | A Ford of Canada spokesman preciate the sincerity of your|on the career of Philby, as a So-| Chrysler Corp. is building a said Canadian owners of 30,090 motives in raising ae viet spy, and other intelligence $35,000,000 factory 10 miles east! j of the total number of vehicles, Mr. Thompson's letter was|matters."' of Pretoria in South Africa affected will be notified by mail,dated Oct. 30 and Mr. Martin's) PH IS Pa ES e to return them to dealers for in-| Oct 31. 2: | spection and replacement of! The external affairs minister de to assure | parts when necessary. said he was grateful for the ad- BOOKMOBILE SCHEDULE derness | \ spokesman here said no ditional information and had HIND H breakdown was available on the|turned it over to security au- NOVEMBER 1967 i Falcon, Fairlane and Thunder- thorities QUARTERS i bird models Mr, Thompson's letter cited a Wilson Plaza (Wilson. S. & Creror pe 1s 8 oe 2 a0 9-00 73° i The company said its -re- variety of reports about: Cuban Loke Visto Plaza (Cedor & Wecker be Ale & 30) 280-3003} : B. } search disclosed "a small num- broadcasts and about alleged DrG. F, Cannon sehoel (Oxtord & Emerald) 2 $e: & 30. 8:80 00 | gE ° ber of reported loose or disen- training of separatists by pipe aS ag ena Ny af aaa ' a aon 4 a 75 Ibs. 5 gaged steering wheels" in the guards from the Cuban pavilion heey Gina N & Fecorush 9425 2:30 5:00 "pots ¢ | Falcons, Fairlanes and Mus-|at Expo. Simcoe' Placa telincoe Ss. & Ridan $) 10 & 24 2-30---8-00 re ; o 1968 Firebird Hardtop Coupe b. 54 4 tangs. It also asked Mr. Martin to Eastview Park (Central Park & Fulalie) 10 & 24 5:30--8:00 | . F The Mustang defect involves explain why some 120 members Rossiynn Plaza (Rossland W. & Stevenson. 25 10 00---12:00 ry ™ 69° , "the possibility that the rein-/of the pavilion staff had visited N 1:30-4:00 9 Ib. forcing rods in the plastic steer-| the Adam Beck dam and power-|@ Harmony Church (King E. & Harmony N.) 14 & 28 2:30---S:00 : ing wheel spokes could sep-|house at Niagara Falls, Ont., Beau Valley School (Morigold & Ritson) 14 & 28 5:30--8:00 OU arate, causing an uneven load/and why Cuban embassy offi Sage aS eviaes seca aah Sai ire 49c on other parts which would re-|cials had made direct contribu- Elegy ole POET a Neu riee eee ton Tien on J c J ' ves De Luxe sult a steering malfunction or|tions for the defence of separa-' overibec (Remembrance ey 9 MIXES lat a rn | in Pontiacs great new sports car. a conte @ Vd > 85° NCH IES 2 O UJ ; D"' Go Wide"Tracking in a'68 Firebird! 5 1.00 t If outdoor sports are for you, Firebird is vane kind of sports car What sets one Firebird apart from another? Mostly, it's what lurks Y d For '68, Firebird spans even more of the road---and Wide-Tracking under the hood. For '68, you can choose an overhead cam six with Sproule's § ; is greater than ever. All five new Firebirds sport such standard either 175 or 215 hp, a 350-cu.-in. V8 with 265-hp on regular gas) / ' : 4 M E features as wide oval tires and front buckets. All have a new upper , _or 320 on premium, or a 400 cubic incher that develops 330 horses, 3-qt. Jug : 5 : SI co ST. NOR level ventilation system that eliminates the vent windows for a big There's lots that's news about Firebird for '68. Like, vaine. im picture-window view of the passing scene. And all have an improved Leave it to Pontiac to make a great sports car even greater 58° ' a HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS - rear suspension that gives the road an even smoother going over, And.an even better buy! : Sweet--Peamealed--Whole or Holf : SNOW WHITE -- NO, 1 : ¥ : : MUSHROOMS , : ' Cottage Rolls i... 'topless osm h ¢. irebird by Pontiac ="="/5y 4 : : : : . Cg 49; Lean Rolled --Beef c torn c ib Ib . 5 : : aoe : ; E eer f 0 o'clock Pot Roast » 1Buit Chops D MARGARINE BLADE ' 1968 FIREBIRD'S COMPREHENSIVE WARRANTY, eagghecy ™ : Cc c {([] 24. months/24,000 miles warranty on the entire car (C1 5 years/50,000 miles warranty on the power train. ROAST PORK LOIN Ib 7 LBS. [1 5 years/50,000 miles warranty on steering, front and rear suspension and wheels. For complete information, see your Pontiac dealer. \ Tender Beet Shoulder Freezer Special - | 8 ROAST oe lig Lean BEEF See your authorized Pontiac dealer -- nage ¢ FRONT THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. 4H. DICK PONTIAC - BUICK LTD. | [Drie Bih tea S QUARTER 266 KING ST. W., OSHAWA, ONT 103 DUNDAS ST. EAST, WHITBY, ONT . . i ' " , . ° ' , : : Prime Rib 54 Cut ond Wropped FREE PHONE: 723-4364 - PHONE: 668-5846 J

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