Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 Nov 1967, p. 22

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milton he attended a night(sculptors aren't willing to do it to a log and carved out a future, |tectural commissions: 1, 1967 " ok | and 10 archi-/Ha 22 YHE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, November ¢ | Churchmen dressed in black, scarlet, purple| Sculptor jof frustration he took a hatchet|works of his own an are iltourse in fine arts, Then he|--they regard: {t-ag. prostitution U S I d 0 V | At L th Sit | Most of the 200 delegates d frustration behind him. He|ce™ ry | |from some 25 countries eraded| and frustration. behing him, ne i : in| poetry in coffee houses and sell- alve n ust n erge u er 1 e Pt Formerly works in elegant plastics and islMontreal next spring -- aitar drawings at street fairs. | NOT ENOUGH HORSES and white took their places. them must be finished by De-|drifted around North America) put 1 don't." Today he's left logs, hatchets| odd jobs, reading| ber, for he has three one-|working at quietly through the streets on! : rapidly bei recognized inter- their way to church. icp ee A ed ie nationally as an articulate and|the talking stage at the Gallery| But Downing doesn't have to LONDON (CP)--A $10,000,009 WITTENBERG (Reuters)-- Moos in Toronto and the third is yead poetry in coffee houses any movie of the Battle of Hastings = 8 Church leaders from many na- pe reformation celebrations E naginative sculptor. if ' " Of Nuclear Minin For Ore tions prayed today at the coincided with festivities mark- = Y | gain of tik ork is on view Planned for the ultra-contempo-|more, He now teaches a sculp-|is to be filmed next year 'in 0 iceman lat. the University of Toronto|rary Whitechapel Gallery injture studio course at the Uni-|Spain. Director Michael Win. TORONTO (CP )--U nitedme a East for crude oil jaunched the Reformation 450! The Schlosskirche was not the TORONTO (CP)--Ten years sculptored facing is his--and|1968. States. industry is on the verge|for years years ago one Luther knew. The smaller'ao9 ex-navy photographi ffi-|two more of his works are being He said that by using nuclear, Church bells pealed and the| one of his day burned to the 8 PONE Pee eee ee . tap the earth of ore, oi] and nat- explosions to break up ore, bro-|Schlosskirche Castle (church)|ground in 1760 and was re-, ; ural gas, the Canadian Institute/Ken rock would be produced for|was packed as the colorful|placed by a new gothic struc-)!ng 8 beat as a policeman in his, At present, he has 22 works in|costs the earth." of Mining and Metallurgy was! three of using nuclear explosions to told Monday : Dr. Henry F. Coffer, a vice president of CER Geonuclear Corp. of Las Vegas, told ¢ meeting of the institute that ir tive years there could be 1,00 nuclear explosions annually ir the U.S. for the purpose of ex tracting rew materials from the earth He seid nuclear energy can be used to free deposits of natu-/ ral gas or oil, create huge stor-| age craters underground, dig canals and ports and clear high ways | Dr. Coffer said the first par tially-industrial nuclear explo- sion to occur in New Mexico) within two weeks will be deto nated 4,200 feet underground,| allowing deposits of natural gas to flow at six to eight times their current rate The first fully commercial ex plosion is set for next October near Rifle, Colo., to open a de- posit of 100,000 900,000,000 cubic feet of natural gas--twice the volume of current Canadian re serves Dr. Coffer said plans have been made for an explosior which will free enough oi! to make the U.§ dependent of Trenton Goes Wet TRENTON,--Ont.(CP)--Resi dents' in central Trenton Mon- day approved the establishment} of liquor and dining lounges in the downtown area to compete with those that have operated on the outskirts since 1965 About 29 per cent of the eligi-| ble voters voted 75 per cent in favor of the new outlets | Residents in nofthern and eastern fringes of this communi-| ty of 18,300 about nine miles west of Belleville voted for all forms of outlets after being an-| pexed from adjoining dry town-| ships in 1946 | Three downtown hotels, res-| tricted to beverage rooms, said they were losing business as a result ' W.Coast Seeks Jurisdiction OTTAWA (CP)--A West Coast} Liberal MP called Monday night for Canadian jurisdiction over fisheries in the waters eround Queen Charlotte Islands} and southward to Vancouver Is-! land. Ron Basford (Vancouver-Bur- rard) said the West Coast will be satisfied with nothing less in implementation of the new 12- mile fishing zone. Speaking in a Commons ad- journment debate, he asked for a full government statement. on} its intentions concerning the} Queen Charlotte Sound, lying} between the Queen Charlotte Is-| lands and Vancouver Island; | Hecate Strait, between the is-| lands and the mainland, and| Dixon Entrance, between the is-| lands and the Alaska Panhandle to the north Fisheries Minister d did not say how the planned to draw it in the regior he said some of th lands in question were head more than 100 miles ay yond the d ognized by international law Oswald Widow Launches Suit DALLAS, Tex AP) ce no y ree knives to a billfold to sweaters, as having belonged to Oswald at the time of his death "The value of these items then and now is $500,000,' she said in an action filed Friday in U.S. district court in Dallas 'The U.S. attorney-general has taken all right, title and interest in these items," the document read Kennedy was slain during a motorcade in Dallas Nov. 22,) 1963. Oswald was arrested and charged with the murder. He} was himself shot td death two| days Jater by Jack Ruby while} -being transferred from the city} jail to the county jail Mrs. Porter, a native of the Soviet Union, married Kennedy Jess Porter June 1, 1965 PLAYOFF DATES SET | NEW YORK (AP)--The Con-| tinental Football League met Monday and set dates for ifs| g ision championship the playoff game be- ers of the league's and Western divisions. Neptunes will 'la., Panthers in m game Sunday, in Norfolk. The Eastern *hampion will travel ,to Ana-| heim, . Calif., for the league championship game against the winner of the Western Division en Sunday, Dee, 10. church site in this East German|ing the 50th anniversary of the! ity i p } j i i __the|London, England, in the fall of|yersity of Toronto. ner, who made the successful city where Martin Luther|Bolshevik Revolution. medical sciences building--the & "There's more hope all the|British comedy The Jokers, He didn't start working injtime for sculptors to live off) says he can't find enough horses i ago-- (heir art," Downing says. "'It's|in Britain to shoot the movie' t. "It especially easy for them in Can-/here. "Anyway northern Spain ada provided they're. willing to looks like southern England," Some'he says. y Robert Dow = d put on display at the Ontario plastics until six months pee aes Pot bum Wer PONE Gpllery. Ob Att: as soon as he could afford i ciapennanieaniaerlcinciesinaiel to six cents a ton Iprocession of church leaders|ture late in the 19th century. inative Hamilton, when in a fitiprogress, 12 of them gallery} After attacking that log inido architectural work. ; / --* / BLADE BONE REMOVED. 19) st yicq (BLADE ROAST +53] 2 what kin A 5 Q o| "le of coffeemaker . | BLADE STEAK . ,cr'stiisno STEAKS GROUND CHUCK = mre = 699 \" $1.89 9 ; _Goyou use? | ppIME RIB ROAST zz .89' Any coffeemaker can give you a good exp of coffee, LEAN BONELESS providing you use a fine fresh coffee BRAISING RIBS LB 49: BRAISING RIBS LB 79: that is ground exactly right for your coffeemaker. Buper-Right Quality, Frozen Maple Leaf, Tray Pac, Pure We've always known that the correet grind '2 CHICKEN WI NGS lb 29. PORK SAUSAGE th 5 9. 8X Brand, Vao Pac ~ Burn's, Pickle and is important to coffee flavour. That's why, years ago, we developed Custom-Grinding. WIENERS - Parvat Wines Rave 2. pk 99. PIMENTO LOAF ber pkg 2 5. macrwivnedotaveigponecrtmarote «| TURKEY THIGHS «59. PORK LIVER -- +33 but seven different grinds... to fit amy coffeemaker, Burns Mock Maple Leaf, Vac Pao "33: including electric percolators, of course. CHICKEN LOAF 6-07 pkg 2 5 ¢ WIENERS Maple Leaf, Vao Pac, Boneless Midgets (Ask for medium-fine grind for electries.) ' SMOKED HAMS ' 9 9. ----¢ Shoulder or Butt Custom-Grinding means a little extra work for us A&P Brand (Fried in Batter) Reg. Price pkg 45¢.-- SAVE 6e PORK CHOPS '35° COD FISH CRISPS" ona 39. and a little extra time for you. Aligood, Smoked, Sliced, Rindless (It takes 15 seconds to grind a pound.) Vie 2-lb 37 A&P Brand or Sea Seaid Brand Reg. Price pkg 58¢ -- SAVE 6e But what a difference in flavour those few seconds make. --, BACON : 6% "1 SOLE FILLETS Moor kg 5 3 ¢ CHICKENS VAG PAC --3TO4LE 39. Sea Seald Brand isc, sic tht ac GLUE le ase SMOKED KIPPERS b 29% You know, there's only one reason we insist Blue Water Brand Reg. Price pkg 79e -- SAVE 100 on selling custom-ground bean eoffees_. WE CARE. ag No ACO DUE TO THE Low, Low neva" «= SHRIMP & CHIP i407 eke @ Qe "Super-Right' Meats--Your Best Buy! (MILD & MELLOW) (VIGOROUS & WINEY) . 4 8 O'CLOCK COFFEE | BOKAR COFFEE mei '020" Foods! jam w65- 325789 [a7 Qe usp 19 GREEN "BEANS © = 5.3: - | sie - aes DINNERS ciicrsrorssnine orrts @ Se ~ SAVE 100 SAVE 806 SAVE 40 | SAVE 240 Fancy Quality Reg. Price 2 pkgs 49e -- SAVE 240 Semmes = Oven-Fresh Jane Parker Buys! --=-- en ae ty CREAM PIES reonsks BQ eo anak Ge BG tae 7 Jane Parker FULL 8-INCH Chocolate, Cocoanut, Banana, Lemon or Strawberry Reg. Price each 49¢ -- SAVE 100 24-OZ PIE ¢ 5 A a A fy AS WHITE BREAD Jane Parker Sliced -- Daily Dated 3 24-01 S 5 mC Beauty Aid Buys! -- Reg. Price loaf 250 -- SAVE 10e LOAVES ¢ - P.O UND-- asta bilan Gillette Deodorant SAVE Tie SPANISH BAR CAKE...» '32.0em JocQQe RIGHT GUARD wir: At Gee eee. Baca QQ. TOOTHPASTE wim QB ; Be : ; : : : ¢ Super Stainless -- pkg of 10 $1.29 -- SAVE 160 SAVE 290 NONE PRICED HIGHER AT A&PI | ; AP CORN reg Price 2 tn So = SAVE ™ # -- 9 9. GILLETTE BLADES fe ' "set MGHER AT Value-Priced! eee. | TOWET TISSUE SE" 3-289 ge Size 0. 1 Grade SAVE 160 PKGS OF ROLLS 4 TOMATOES ib 29: - Kraft Cheese * Reg. Price pkg S7e -- SAVE ie coonacenrmerrcoanssr" | EVAPORATED MILK 1 Qeerom@Qe PIZZA MIX sien Qe Ken-L Ration Reg, Price tin 27¢ -- SAVE Be York Brand FEATURE PRICE! onarer mete LETTUCE HIGHER 23% DOG FOOD y) 26-0z1ins Mp Jc BEANS WITH PORK bs 8-fl-oz tins 99. TABLE SYRUP 16-floz my AE Ontario Grown Red Delicious, Crisp, Juicy Cereal Reg. Price pkg 89¢ -- SAVE 4e Full ot #lavouk co Maney Gncd Mother Parker : Reg. Price pkg 730 -- SAVE 4e Detergent Reg. Price btl 69e -- SAVE 160 APPLES sieicinQe | TEA BAGS steno Qe SWAN LIQUID sw2st-053« QUAKER MUFFETS «03 5« Dr. Ballard's Champion NONE EHIGEs HIMUMR AP kan Borden's Plain Reg. Price pkg 390 --~ SAVE 40, Betty Crocker (8 Varieties) Reg. Price pkg 499 -- SAVE 9e DOG FOOD GA 4 ' : 5 5 bee CHEESE cHaTEAU s0ss35< CAKE MIXES 2-089. von Mrsiccim 5 Se \ g Chicken-Noodle ' FEATURE PRICE! --c Savings On Fine:Groceries!. FDC 7) terior BB Breakfast In a Moment (4 Flav ) Reg. 69¢ SAVE 100 cima" oe ae HONEY 3 Siete 1.00 ours eg. _ 16-0z containers ao S=S=___E__= A=] OVALTINE pkg of & envelopes 59: MODESS 1G "marist BO PO : ! owt s : Vv, 7 W Rose Brand (Parchment Wrapped) FEATURE PRICE! 2, : os 6 DEO «MARGARINE svi. 9Q< COOKIES conisris 2h Qe siivon ne 1 cn | FOR 40 YEARS VAN KIRK WILDFIRE CHOCOLATE BARS 4tccba:39e | BUTTER i C ALL PRICES IN THIS AD GUARANTEED THROUGH SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4th, 1967 4 OSHAWA, WHITBY & BOWMANVILLE AIVY PLANTS 2" 31° J OTD CHEESE 6 5< CORN NIBLETS Geos 89. LIPTON SOUP, +»-2nne 25 I\/\/% a ee es Mr. and Mrs, Will iston show their f seven, the oldest + in front of a line of The Penistons had Hallowe'en 1965, ar BEFORE TH Three | Impaire " BOWMANVILLE cases of impairec heard by Magistra Baxter in .court here resulted in fines of costs with the optior days in jail being There was an auto pension of licence months following ea tion. David Scott Park, Bowmanville, was s police at an early h morning southbound vers Rd. near Mospo driving on the wror the road Donald Barker, Orc a car on the parkin; Newcastle service s while the driver wer moved over into th Cem ne, tve COM > that th CENT is also plec Loan field AGENCY |

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