Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 Nov 1967, p. 20

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__ Herd coco tbeadhaieg a2 aa a | Reception Held For Cobourg Pair| Prepare Lunches : . | Days In Advance : Celebrating 60th Anniversary |... 'sie, Mets Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gibbs|Lodge, Carl Downs, Arthur were honored by a reception|Blanchard, the Reverend Dun- With school back in session, a, ea" " Wi a * ve, SA held at the Golden Ploughican Abraham, Reeve Merril part of your schedule should in- LY ey + Lodge recently on the occasion| Van Camp and Ken Symons. clude time for lunch planning, Wrens wae y of their 60th wedding anniver-| Mr. and Mrs. Gibbs re- suggest Home Economists. at Tony Ces |sary. < ceived telegrams from Her Macdonald Institute, Guelph. It ¥, LA &® Mr. and Mrs. Gibbs were|Majesty Queen Elizabeth I; is more 'economical to plan } |married in England and came/Honorable Lester B. Pearson,| ahead for several days, so that to Canada in 1913, They farmed|Honorable John Robarts, Rus- nly one stop at the " grocery | lat Tyrone until last November/sell Honey and many gifts and store will be sufficient. |when they took up residence at cards. : |the Golden Plough Lodge. A buffet lunch and anniver- | They have.one daughter, Mrs.;sary cake was served by the Anthony Janczyn and two sons, | staff of the Lodge. Pouring tea Richard and John, all of Dar-|'were .Mrs. G. Bruce, Mrs.\". lington Township. a Anthony Janczyn, Mrs. William pyr ll greed foods aH Present, Those congratulating the /Elliott, Mrs. A. Peeling, Mis.|the good health of the carrier couple during the afternoon and| Arthur Perfect and Mrs. Alfred be ae sara -- i evening included, Russell Rowe,| Perfect. Henith s Fo au ue MPP; R. Bothwell, Mrs. Lyle} More than 100 guests attend. 2)! : Pearce, members of the Aux-jed this reception and out-of-/ When you are making up the iliary 'of the Golden .Plough|town guests were from Tyrone, Shopping list, check the supply Lodge, members of the Cobourg|Hampton, Oshawa, Bowman- of waxed paper, paper servi- Legion, sisters of the Rebekah'ville and Cobourg. ettes, foil wrap, sandwich bags, per er er Mes EE GSR UES - etc, Another wise idea is to find SS a There are four musts in every lunch -- meat, fish, eggs or poutiry -- vegetables, at least one -- fruits, at least one -- ANY --\ ort i : y gies out the likes and the dislikes of | ® the lunch carrier. There is no . National Association Strives °c caver There Is, 20 , : he doesn't like. | . | Completed sandwiches are ' 10 Modernize ortion WO lt en i Fhe sac ois on hewans es Wik AGG mn ea + i hkerice is s perishable as the fill- CATHY COLLEY PRESENTS RED ROSES TO HER GRANDPARENTS : lings alone. Food Specialists at Sorerece ea OTTAWA (CP)--The sobbing|Mrs. Perron 'hopes to make. a Macdonald Institute, Guelph, woman on the telephone said|monthly feature, and other ad-\advise that' the sandwiches @) n House Hosted By Family Showers Honor, she was unmarried, four months| ministrative costs are financed| should be refrigerated as soon pe regnant, and had already paid) by the executive and private do-las made, and kept there until! ' P ' t : Mary Zmuadzki |for an unsuccessful abortion. nations. : . departure time. You should plan} or T n TS Tan wen 1e said she had a to "4 -- yor -- na [ to eat them within 4 hours, if . - eae turn to. She wanted Mrs. Sylvio|great deal to bring the subject possible. | An open house was held for/Mervyn and Bernard and one Bride Elect ee ee ie eae LU OSCE tO OO 8 ee Mr. and Mrs. Frank Owen at/daughter, Mrs. John Colley, Mary Carol Ann Zmudzki, ray om AG rt eee sol verhere was a stigma attached cation and clinics for mothers (Muriel), all of Oshawa, and ' : Canadian Abortion Laws, ; tow Who do.not want their babies the home of their daughter and) oe oranddaughters and four Whose marriage to Gilles Neault)help her get rid of the baby. to the mere word abortion. Now|. + sq important now. In the son-in-law, Mrs, John Colley and) orandsons will take place on Saturday After a 15-minute conversa- it's discussed on the radio and long-term future, she sees laws Mr. Colley, 117 Gibbons Street,) At the open house the honor-|morning in St. Hedwig's Roman ar a pg gon a a wl prepared #//owing abortion on demand. i of th 40th y F t | Nicci steq| With the caller to get in touch; An ass ' ared | i | } * gooey i eir 40t att anal ped Se Catholic Church has been feted) 3) ie Salvation Army home|for submission to Justice Minis-|. Spin ged I feel a mature, é* Mr. ade Mrs. Owen wefe bot one of the grandchildren. Each by friends and relatives re-|tor unwed mothers, Mrs. Perron|ter Trudeau asks for legal abor-/inte pry Reta nar Pg en i ant born in England. Mr. Owen/grandchild presented a rose to| cently was visibly shaken ition when en sang cion' 'ne Gants io have @ chia, " came to' Canada in March 1925|their grandparents and includ-| A surprise personab shower 'When you get calls like that, in danger, w Nie iat ve ci i "1 don't think Canada---is , from Rye, Sussex, England./ing the oldest granddaughter's! was held for the bride-elect by if you have any heart at all, probability | of menta ta a ; § Pentalpha Chapter . 5 HH] ' 're fight mad." she said.|tion or serious malformation of ready for abortion on demand I Mrs. Owen, the former Flor-/fiance, a dozen roses in alli yy at oC} iak at herjoUre Ughting " she. said.| 18 Pits | Arch Masons of ( ence Tarr,:was born in Totnes,|were presented Mrs. Paul Chomniak at her)" «when I used to work in a/the child, or in cases of rape or|yet, pt ge a it will come. The| celebrated its 100th Devon, England and came to! Pouring tea in the afternoon home, Linden Court. -In atten-idrug 'store, women in that kind|incest. peptone sipsella ae be | = verhary at oe \ Canada in September, 1927. |were Mrs. William Simkin and dance were neighbors and for-jof trouble would sometimes | 57 ang CONFERENCE | T eee aes ape dance on Saturday . The pair was married Oc-|Mrs. Percy Danniells and in'mer school friends of Miss|come in. They seemed to tink "But even if those 'three le pr ppeaee te is sponsoring ning. Caught by th tober 30, 1927, in Saint Paul's!the evening, Mrs. Arthur Read! 7muqzki there was some kind of magic points are included in Pee onc face, in Ottawa} did. camera---at---the United Church, Stirling, Ontario,/and Mrs. Bryan Boville. The "41014 59 friends and relatives potion. tion, it won't solve the social|, oy ee 0 discuss the need | table in the upper , " Rey } A : rved and out 50 friends and relatives; "Mrs. Perron thinks reform of| + te of itiagay (for reform and measures to re-| - nf by 'the' Reverend C. W. Bar-| granddaughters servec suthared at the bridatabee ) wart |problem. The majority of illegal] ; itlepal abort t | are the Worshipful rett. The bride was given in|James Colley. kept. the..guest!® Se ana ceaneanate ee legislation is spart Of 5b ortions are not performed for|(UCe esa abortion rates. elie marriage by Hugh Owen, Frank book stead af . 5 ee teat the solution to the problem. But) toasons."? About 400 invitations are| Owen's brother. Mr. and Mrs. Owen's oldest fee Rees sigh Gs Satis at/she thinks a lot of the trouble/" A oinates of the number of|0ing to members, MPs, church Mr. and Mrs. Owen "have re- son, Mervyn, presented his par- ies . wheres end wlisaheth should be stopped before it) 4 tions now performed illegal-|groups, medical, law, and| sided in Oshawa for about 35lents with an electric blan tS eaideki Miss "Alice" Seubert: nee by having doctors and|) 15 between 100,000 and 300,-/health and welfare officials. years. Mr. Owen was a clect-jon behalf of the Misehd Jirice and Nonoy Kwak oad peg ed a year. Mrs. Perron says| Mrs. Perron thinks limited re- rical maintenance instructor atjeral floral arrangements and as. Michael Zmudzki and|1y sie education and family)in. higher number is quite pos-|form will come soon. MPs have| General Motors until his retire-)gifts were received by the 100 Mrs. Sonn. Toniae coven g. nee ; ip/sible including 'accidental' |expressed approval to her, and| ment last year. Mrs. Owen has guests who attended pe ee [; An : morners ne yen eouie miscarriages. ja parliamentary committee «is been an active member of the) A congratulatory message was The affianced pair were en-ifamily planning clinics could) sie i. why she feels sex edu-' studying the matter Red Cross for many years, andireceived from the Hon jejtertained at the bome of Mr.ivive financial, peycbisteic 200) oo ieee ac icetemee nie cremiecieeesiieiencinl both are members of the Cen-|Michael Starr, MP. Out-o niand Mrs. G: Edmond Burrows.\emotional help to women for tennial- United Church |guests attended from Toronto,| Elgin Street East. The staff of,whom abortion was still not ° The couple have two sons,{Bowmanville, and Port Perry.|Burrows, and Selby presented /legal he dtouse latre --__----------- | the couple with a four place set- Q 3 : ting of dishes. Mr. and Mrs. G.|STARTED IN 1966 _ ii. E, Burrows, and Mr. and Mrs.| Mrs. Perron, 33, is a slim William Selby presented them/|five-foot-seven with brown hair e with a Czechoslovakidn leadjand dark brown eyes. Born in 0 crystal decanter and liqueur;/Hamburg, Germany, she came | glasses. to Canada in 1956. She is mar- » i wae ----- ried to a drug salesman and has BAKED SAUSAGES oo Is. pleased to announce the addition of {| 14 Ib. pork sausage 'The Association for the Mod- , ASS ' | 4 ec. flour ernization of Canadian Abortion John Catalano 2c. water Laws began Nov. 2, 1966, after| te thair cobalt _Pierce sausages well, roll/Mrs, Perron had suggested the lightly in flour, and place in topic to a radio talk show. baking pan with water. Cook, "Reaction was very favora- Sour yenyen John wishes to take this opportunity to gently about 30 min. in moder-|ble, People seemed to think it/ invite all of his many friends to visit ate oven (350 F.), turning with was about time somebody did} him ot the HOUSE OF FLAIRE. tongs. The sausages should be| something." thal -- the gravy rig 4 - The association now has about) 723 1 rown, Accompaniment: Baked)309 members across the coun-| - or escalloped white or sweet try, Minimum membership fee 14 ONTARIO ST. PH, potatoes. is' $1. The newsletter, which! EATON'S 46/1 seen Le SEAL PLUS CROSSFOX ik el a ee in where fashion ia, and have taken measures to remove the "dullsy LES LEGS! Razzling dazzling looks. ile" This ful chic coat, a sleek, pup seal enhanced wi avish crossfox, is one of their creations. It is double-breasted, has two na from fur coats The quicksilver leg. The \ poe ets and fold-over cuffs. : : aM gilded leg, The whitened leg. The cloak-and-dagger a j ' [ il GOntas 4 maith fa one leg. Wear dark legs with brights. Pale legs with darks. POLE HEAT ar. It definitely is. the type of coat to make a woman feel pampered and luxur- A new heater that Color with like color, Emphatic. Dramatic. Romantic. positioned up or di ious pole. beyond the rez : er, BYE 20e peat --By Tracy Adrian BALLINGER Meat Market 46 SIMCOE ST. N, -- OSHAWA 725-3564 -- PH. 725-3565 @ OPEN DAILY 8.6 @ FRI, 8B AM. to 9PM, @ FREE HOME DELIVERY | ' hildren, affords heat | Collect them all. The opaques. The transparents. icy esc tgoeed | | maybe rotated a fu degrees so that het The flat-mattes, Ribs with fancy insets. Fishnetty. | cage es pal . areas. The chrom Patterns. Knee-high. Thigh-high, Panty hose. Kicky comes in see section i watts, 115 volts. tights. Gather them up by the armful at Walker's. : % APPLES STUFFED i SAUSAGE MEA Priced from 79¢ to 3.00. ' Meaty Ls , : 1% ¢, sausage meat 1 cs, hot water ® These Are Some Of Our Specials © Hosiery Department aes apples tut do ' ' them. Fill hollows with SLICED meat. Place 'in baktr ¢ pour, water around and Cooked HAM ,, 99 oo . Lule geet 4 a s i quently. Accompanimen LUCAS ARTHI ----- VAC PAK x ze eta esate ate ke It's 6 small price to poy for a machine-made wig thot keeps a Py) potatoes. BA ON Le 79° Special ! its set and is ready for wearing the moment you need it! + And t think h 'd eut d haird bill eS pe 'Human Hair Sicrcetos ie Mii cee ee OSH ICTURE SAUSAGE LB 53° : & women already own one! Come-and pick from the 12 = PICTURE RIB LOIh WIGS eolours and 6 styles available! Complete with pre-styling, eS ---- RE-PRINT: P B styrofoam head form, and plastic carrying case. DON'T ; PORK CHOPS 69° 20% Discount on LB. MISS THE EXCITING WIG DEMONSTRATION IN THE of 5 or More Pict BABY BEEF Ecton's Upper Level Millinery Bor! MILLINERY DEPT., UPPER LEVEL, THURSDAY AND a'. : Available ot FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2nd and 3rd. | . LIVER u O9F manne NU-WAY PHI nm one 88 SERVICE At BALLINGER'S an Your Meat Is : each tecees OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE MILLINERY DEPT,, UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 204 251 King St. E., Os FULLY GUARANTEED : Open Daily Till 6 P.M. -- Open Thurs, & Fri. Evenings a 9 PLM. ¥ 8x10 -- 1.50 e ; 5 x 7-- 1.25 ec ' s aaa

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