Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 31 Oct 1967, p. 3

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wyers otest DSOR, Ont. (CP)--The yr Star says a number of yr area lawyers have pro- to External Affairs Min- Paul Martin and Essex siberal Member of Parlia- Herb Gray in anticipation - appointment of a new described as "'French-Ca- , Roman Catholic, Liber- story Monday, the paper iat "at least 10" lawyers ethnic groups other than 1 and English, and who 'weak political affili- have registered their ints. = autify and Protect With Mammiitune » SIDING @ +» by Keiser! tra insulation @ No main- e! @ All work guaranteed e Estimates. ALBRAITH | Elgin East -- 728.0181 f on ance rest true interest 'ipt Account. No ns you so much ranty Trust cal- linimum daily 'ileges but with- ime. Minimum Trust pervised. excess of $400,000,000, shawa 3 Aanager wegen feed d LTD. 723-5278 FORTUNE PASSED IN FEW MINUTES Streamlining Of Debates Criticized By Opposition By STUART LAKE OTTAWA (CP)--At least one of the temporary rules adopted by the Commons to streamline its work may go by the boards at the end of this session. Davie Fulton loops) Monday expressed his dissatisfaction with the new rule limiting debate on spending by government departments to 30 days, just about one day for each department. Previous Par- liaments have spent up to 57 days on estimates. Because of this "ridiculous" rule, he complained, "some time Thursday there will be hundreds of millions of dollars} passed in a few minutes, the subject matter of many of which have not even been re- weigeg to in committee of sup- ply." The former Conservative jus- tice minister said cabinet minis- ters. are able to duck tough questions with the excuse they do not have enough time to answer all the queries tossed at them during the debate. ANSWERS NEEDED Outside the Commons, ley Knowles North Centre) said he agreed some way should be found to have ministers reply to all questions thrown at them dur- ing these debates. (PC--Kam-| I | | | PARLIAMENT AT-A-GLANCE By THE CANADIAN PRESS MONDAY, Oct, 30, 1967 Industry Minister Drury re- ported that six government departments are working to- gether to find ways of helping the economy of eastern Nova Scotia. Manpower Minister M ar- chand criticized the CNR for not giving enough notice of planned layoffs in the Atlantic provinces and Quebec. Former Social Credit leader Robert Thompson called for action on 'seditious' activi- ties of separatist MP Gilles Gregoire during his current | trip to France. A study for the Economic Council of Canada forecast a doubling of university enrol- ment in the next decade. Mr. Drury replied to a num- ber of queries before he was in- Because he had a pre- vious engagement, the Com- mons went on to works depart- ment spending in the evening session. Richard Bell (PC--Carleton)} But a time limit, requiring j . aid he found it strange Mr. all-party consent, should be|peary aan' aH kept, be said. Drury didn't come back after Monday was the 28th day this session of the Commons spent on government spending. Its targets for the day| were Industry Minister Drury and Works Minister Mcllraith. supper. He had been in the mid- dle of his speech when he left. department| SHORING UP ECONOMY Points made by Mr. Drury in his reply included: A number of departments, in- Rejected By Commons; OTTAWA (CP)--The federal,400,000, its appropriation for the| government has rejected ajcurrent fiscal year. Company of Young Canadians' The rejection, assumed to be request for a one-third increase|part of a general government in its operating budget for the|belt-tightening operation, next fiscal year. Informants said the federal agency had asked for $3,600,000 for the 1968-69 fiscal year start- ing next April 1. The company was told it would get only $2,- Primacy In Rome LONDON, Ont. (CP)--A anited Anglican - Roman Catho- He church would include a pri- macy centred in Rome, Rev. Eugene Fairweather, an Angli- can theologian, said Monday. Dr. Fairweather, professor of theology at Trinity College, To- ronto, said the question no longer is if there would be a primacy in Rome but rather what kind of primacy. He told a meeting of Roman Catholic and Anglican priests that the bilateral dialogue be- tween the two churches must be accelerated but not to the exclu- sion of other more local discus- sions on union now under way, such as between the Anglican and United churchés in Canada. Dr. Fairweather is the Cana- dian Anglican on a 25-man com- mission appointed by the Pope and the Archbishop of Canter- bury to explore possible basis of union between the two commu- nions. He is also one of four Angli- cans appointed by the Archbish- op of Canterbury as an Angli- can observer at the Vatican council in Rome. The commission, comprising 13 Anglicans and 12 Roman Catholics, including a Canadian priest, has met twice, last Janu- ary in Italy and August in Eng- land. At the second meeting the com i recom ded the possible joint use of churches and other buildings by the two faiths, development of common texts in prayers and creeds common to both churches, and greater collaboration in educa- tion for the ministry. 5 Year Guaranteed Investment Certiticates NOW EARN %WAo per annum AND ARE Guaranteed--as to principal and interest. Flexible--moy be used as Col- lateral for loans. * Redeemable--by Executora in the event of death. Authorized--os Trustee Act In- vestments. CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION Member Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation 19 Simcoe St. N., Oshewe 723-5221 23 King St. W., Bowmanville 623-2527 OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS and SATURDAYS will ty. The number of field workers} will level off at something over 400, the target to which company now is building. Cur- rent field strength is 180. | The increased appropriation) would have permitted expansion} to between 750 and 1,000. | Field workers are the core of the organization, which tries to| raise social and-economic across the country. Almost since its inception last year as a personal project of Prime Minister Pearson, the company has been dogged by bad publicity. It is not known whether this was a factor in the financial holding action. The bad publicity included a short-lived scare over a take-| over by: young radicals, tne! work of field worker Depoe among Toronto hippies) and adverse community reac- tion to some volunteers in the field. the publication of a brochuré to} help acquaint people with its activities, Both moves were reported to be at least partly the result oH recommendations by two man-} agement consultant firms) brought in to improve the com-) pany's image. The firms report-/ ed in September after a sum-jat mer-long study. ~--|Co. because CYC Increase Request David|of Devonshire says NOTICE cluding his own, were giving ur- gent consideration to shoring up the sagging economy of Nova Scotia. This included possible establishment of a deep sea port on the Strait of Canso. All money spent by the gov-| ernment on defence research) programs did not go down the} drain as suggested by Harold Winch (NDP--Vancouver East. About $103,000,000 was spent on 109 such programs supported by the industry department.) Value of. the sales resulting from them was $348,000,000. Saint John, N.B., delegations might just as well discontinue) their yearly treks to Ottawa-- which seek to have their city named a depressed area, eligi- ble for special government aid. He said he hoped Saint John would never have an unemploy-| ment problem serious enough to) qualify it for the program. If it) did, it would become a de- pressed area automatically. Debate on works spending in-} cluded a demand for assurances that the Northumberland Strait} crossing from New Brunswick to Prince Edward Island would Stan- torrupte : -prive srs not be put off by the govern- (NDP--Winnipeg idagge' by private members I ) ment's economy drive. CROSSING A PRIORITY Melvin McQuaid (PC--Kings) said the crossing should have one of the highest priorities. Earlier, Mr. Drury said the with the government's decision to cancel construction of two coast guard cutters. Sharp MONTREAL (CP) The president of the shipyard| Minister Sharp said Monday too|form club. A text of his speec FINANCE MINISTER talks to reporters shortly after telling the pro- vincial Liberals at a Reform Constitutional Changes cry Depot sould nat be bakes] MOt Cure-All For Canada - Finance} was quoted as saying the firm|great hopes should not be was sold to Burrard Drydock)pinned on const itutional had decided not to go ahead the government)changes "In the economic field, for ex- with construction of the cutters.|a m ple, constitutional amend- Mr. coast guard ships were not on e lis' TORONTO help solve Canada's Drury said the govern-|ments are not |ment had set aside a number of{much effect, if any, upon the} ship-building contracts for west-|production of wealth, either in ern yards two years ago. The|/Canada as a whole or in any going to have particular province," he said in jan address here: problems are contained in a|25 years. brief the Canadian Federation) of Mayors and Municipalities| incorporates some Mayor's Brief On Housing tativel-planned company act Includes Incentive Request (CP)--Proposals|winter building bonus for the the|for subsidies and incentives to|next two winters and maintain housing|a 6%4-per-cent mortgage rate for The brief on urban problems) resolutions| plans to present to Prime Min-|passed at the federation's gen- jeral meeting in Montreal | July, ister Pearson next Monday. Included are proposals to have Ottawa pay a large part of | three years, Duke Devonshire Explains Role Proposals $70,000,000 a year for the next standards incommunities|the down payment for single-|three years and would put al family homes during the next|house within reach of families! re-instate the $500) with annual income of $5,700 or more, a federation official said Dantzer, will present were sent to Canadian mayors and reeves this week, The federation proposes Federation President would cost last about Vv. M. mayor of Edmonton, the brief. Copies the TORONTO (CP)--The Duke federal government give house thing about being a duke that you can dlways get a good ibis et 8 | Grants would decrease as the table at a restaurant." The duke, touring Canada as ciety, added Sunday night in an interview: "I think the worst thing is that some people might think you are different, and that is very annoying." The duke leaves Tuesday on a western tour that includes stops Winnipeg, Vancouver and Victoria. perty and who want the get you the best WHY ? 1--Because we are als you more cash. That saves you call us. : Tom Houston Harvey Hogan Ralph Schofield To Property Owners considering Sale of their pro- The Real Estate Department of CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST can of your property -- who can often refinance the sale to get 2--Because we charge you ONLY 4% couunon on town and city homes So just think about this when you wish to sell your property to YOUR best advantage--then Allen Thompson best deal they can get! deal in the sale © a mortgage company a lot of money! Real Estate Dept. Central Ontario Trust TEL. 723-5221 OR 668-4416 728-2870 655-3663 576-1680 e best|buyers $1,500 toward down pay- he ois ment on a house costing $10,000 less, exclusive of land costs |house price increased--$1,000 on than $20,000. a house costing $15,000 or less, The company has made plans|chairman of the Central Council $500 en one costing $20,000 or for a quarterly newsletter and|of the Royal Commonwealth So-|ig-; and nothing on one more Club being objective by any main political party or by the mass of thejdelegates said their countries' population either in Quebec Or main newspaper is foreign-| elsewhere in Canada. But the debate about separa-| _ fism French-Canadians as a society| were not participating fully and are not able to participate fully in national life, partly because/ of the laws and partly because of the attitudes that prevail. One of the most practical con- tributions could make to improve this "is to support the efforts that are being made to turn Ottawa into a genuine bilingual capital and) to give French-Canadians living) in groups outside of Quebec the| right to be taught in their own! language." : luncheon Monday in Montreal, that the national unity debate is no longer , centred on separatism but | - pursued as a desirable owned. on how to make tion work better (CP Wirephoto) Confedera- | Press Ownership | Troubles Africa KAMPALA, Uganda (Reu-| Both Ugandan and Tanzanian THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, October 31, 1967 3 Ten Applications Received For Slow-Growth Grants TORONTO (CP)--Industries;ment makes a saving in welfare, times as many expansions as in slow-growth areas of North-|and social programs." new plants, and each expansion ern and eastern Ontario are eli- ee represents more efficient use of gible for grants up to $500,000| WILL EASE TAXATION | capital. the program will also} from the Ontario Development|, He s all sai - Easter Paadal ent er{help the province meet the). Mr. Randall said another new orp., Stanley ' ster) t ss eapiqincentive program operated by of economics and development \steeply - rising costs of social $ id Mond i 'land other programs and allevi- the trade and industry branch said Monday. : AG 'iin co-operation with the ODC is Speaking at the opening ses-|ate the tax burden on munici-| g great sion of a week-long industrial/Palities. eat OF ones fos Prot yes ' long s f aban 'ompan - development seminar, Mr. Ran-| Mr. Randall told delegates) 9 i, Citar. moe Branch offices outside Canada dall said 10 applications are qj.(that more than half of the prov- ready being processed and the|i"¢© § 14,000 manufacturing ge ; first grant is expected to be an-|fitms employ 14 persons or less, {Prepare lists of companies that nounced early in December providing about 300,000 job op-)might be encouraged to come to He told snmusivial serimi portunities. Pei if suitable financial ar- J s : S- : |sioners and representatives of "If our economy is to Fe pees betula be. made. regional development councils|tinue to expand and provide| The companies are ap lin Ontario the objective 'of the|79:000 new jobs required annual-|Proached and financial assist- Inew program is to providel!Y, new industry is essential, |ance through the ODC fs dis- equalization of opportunity for|but it is also important to en- cussed municipalities to attract new in-|Courage established industry to] To date, three companies ldustry, particularly in slow- expand jhave been settled in Ontario lsrowth areas, and also for ex-| Every year there are threelunder this new plan." |pansion. | If a company makes a sub- SEE EUROPE stantial contribution to a slow- SSRN ey ENRON REESE NRE RDN AIRLINE AND STEAMSHIP growth municipality in terms of SPACE IS STILL AVAILABLE jemployment, it makes sense to help that industry, he said. Enquire about our complete European Tour Packages, Take the worry out of trovel . . . contoct.. . "As the economy of a municl- Meadows Travel Service THIS YEAR WHILE GOOD pality improves, the govern- DOWNTOWN DELIGHTFUL INFORMAL DINING ROOM GOOD FOOD REASONABLE PRICE Special Noon Luncheons rs)--East African delegates at} i the Commonwealth Parliamen- Hotel Lancaster se heap A Lila Mr. Sharp addressed the Re- tary Association conference 27 KING ST. WEST i p| here said Manday the problem _ ~ a _ was issued later. of the press in their countries is s* He said separatism isn't not one of freedom, buf of own- ership. had demonstrated that English-Canadians KING WEST Garden Centre 843 King St. W. -- Oshawa 728-9429 Fall Time is Planting Time! We have an excellent nursery stock on hand for your Fall planting needs. OSHAWA RECREATION DEPARTMENT PUBLIC SWIMMING PROGRAMME AT THE CENTENNIAL POOL DAY TIME Monday 11-12 AM, Tuesday 7-9 P.M. 9-11 PM. 2-3 P.M Thursdoy 11-12 AM. 7-9 P.M Friday 6-8 P.M, Soturdoy 2-5 P.M 7-9 P.M 9- 10:30 P.M Sunday 2-5 P.M PROGRAMME Children and Adults Children and Adults Adults Adults Children Children Children Children Children Adults "Children Adults Adults Adults Adults Adults and and and and ond ond Adults FEES:: Children - 15¢ -- Students - 25¢ -- Adults - 75¢ & onus savings ACCOUNTS @ 6'x9's @ 9'x12's @ 9'x15's @ 9'x18's @ 12'x15's @ 12'x18's ANY SIZE, ANY COLOUR as to 139! now ovailable. Also. 5: @ Hardtwists @ Ozite @ Thick Plushes @ Acrilans T.V. . advertised 501 gothique-extra wear Spectacular 1968 dense pile plush Shop at home service --- 24 hour answering service, CALL 576-3790 3 DAY SERVICE » M&D CARPETS | Bre~lanrs Snerialists EASY TERMS have a way of multiplying Bonus Savings Account deposits made up to the 10th of November earn full interest at 414% for the entire month. ROYAL BANK You can bank on the Royal

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