Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 31 Oct 1967, p. 16

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38--Coming Events 38--Coming Events OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS |TWO ROOM apartment, newly decorated, | furnished, stove and refrigerator. Apply | -\184 Tyler Cres., after 4 | FURNISHED ONE bedroom apartment, | very spacious, private bath and entrance, | near shopping plaza on bus, suitable for two girls. Telephone 723-2749 | FURNISHED, BACHELOR apartment, near north General Motors. $60 monthly Sot. & Sun. 12-6 P.M or ofter hours 625-1759 | NOW RENTING More and more of Oshawa's or After Hours 625-1759 | GOVERNOR MANSIONS | ER and PAINT Easy YAZMTSHD>Y Uy 5 p.m. Monday - Friday. '60 CHEVROLET convertible V. floor shift, new top, $495. '61 Dod: PHONE 728-9724 | with your opartment number to be drawn on January 2, 82 PARK ROAD N. 728-8671 725-1987. To be seen by appointments only. CALL 723-5325 Details of drow given with application only. in vicinity of Tele GARAGE FOR ONE CAR Simcoe and Buckingham Streets phone 723-8452 TWO large furnished rooms, private en THREE-BEDROOMS Oshawa's Largest Suites cars, S7's and up. Trades Bloor East. ators, spindles for trailers, spri Street East. p.m. FURNISHED single room for rent. Im mediate possession. Close to Shopping c vf new, body, entre. 74 Grenfell Street or 723-5665. | gras aires, Nosy 8 \SIMCOE STREET NORTH AREA--One- |728-7351. Bloor 723-2281. Agency Superb apartment accommo- dation in all parts of Oshawa. tires, etc., automat La Contessa Apartment A Distinguished Address ONE LARGE room with two beds and one with one single bed. Ali furnished parking, gentiemen only. Telephone 728- 728-4283 or apply 340 Marland, Apt. 111 tric heating, free laundry, wall to wall broadioom in living room... Refrigerator 8 tom radio, - white wall tires. APARTMENT Telephone 728-4439 after 5 phone 723-0037. of Third Street. 728-4283 or apply 340 Marland, Apt. 111 north GM. Apply 313 Dodge Custom Royal, $75; 1960 room epariment in room, close to telephone $75. Telephone 839-5423. apartment building, good location, near French St. or_ shopping centre, downtown, hot . water, FOUR-ROOM (one-bedroom Apply 822 King Street TWO - BEDROOM apartment, ground ing s only Telephone «between UNFURNISHED Alea Apartment 9 Monquon % We 723-6022 or 725-9934 for further informa. 668-6526 or 668-548 f TWO-BEDROOM apartment, $90 month: ONE-BEDROOM APARTMENT. Suitable With refrigerator, stove, kitchen cup- RAMBL SALES -- SERVICE New and Used Cars to Finance at NICOLS MOTORS LTD. door hardtop, V-8, standard, radio, $395. Several good used| accepted. Terms arranged. R. B. Motor Sales, 509 a") WOLSLEY'saslon, an EVIIGaNrT Raw | '61 CHEVROLET Nomad wag 13829X. Wellman's, 1948 'DODGE, excellent condition, cus-| 98 1966 BEAUMONT, two-door hardtop, V-8, - furnished 1965 CORVETTE 327, 300 horsepower, | 1962 CHEVROLET, radio, power 2 am "door hardtop, six cyl-| or best cash 723-2347 Nonquon Road, where the rents suit THREE ROOMS, two-piece bath. Im-|1961 PONTIAC station wagon, 6 your budget, and ae caus for your on, Private, self-con- standard transmission, above Y ET goa erry gaa omeee quiet enjoyment. ur Sauna Room and L n Mitchell Avenue w t. $1 FOUR ROOM apartment. Available now. wl aa at, : s or C ue. no down payment. $10 per week No children. Close to bus and shopping 2m five acres of playground, carpeted Telephone 728-15 49340X, Wellman's. 728-7351 oie" sae Means at PING halls, and high speed elevators. You can - -- ee Eee entre 112 Stevenson _N oh __\enioy all these facilities, with the low WHITBY, above store, furnished, light 1959 MERCURY, convertible, new body, four-room apariments. monthly rent at the spacious Mona Lisa Nousekeeping, sing ie and shared. Every-'top and paint job. $250 or near Apartments, 191 Road. Cali thing supplied. Weekly. Men only. Phone Telephone 725-8464 ' t, hot fer luded. self- sit 5 r y Minted Tocnlinee North Moiconcha "Be: | for business. couple, $77. a month. Tele-/boards and sink: snare bathroom win) wr Mercedes Benz ened bes Pane elepnone 376 phone 728-5819 or Malaga Road one other person, $12, weekly, Apply 253 C TR pa bth 4h eee cesT SIENA, 3eneral Repair an as AN UNUSUAL apartment, ideal for two -- @ * 4 2 efrigereto 2Part- who want privacy with spacious sur ihe a ement room nicely furnished Aut mig Service refrigerator, wall 10 reundings Two roams with hardwood With refrigerator and stove, electrically n ill' trically heated. 728-'toore also filed bathroom and kitchen /neated. ign antenna, parking. Suit Jake and Bill's Garage __ Large enciosed patio to outside en. able for two. Telephone 723-7119 449 Ritson Rd. South for rent, frances, refrigerator and stove. 723- HOUSEKEEPING ROOM for clean Oshawa 728-0921 Street. 4345, gentieman with Steady employment Business --- Repairs, Adjust- ments, Exchanges. All Work Guaranteed. 35--Lost and Found Lost, + two children. Child care anytime. ' . Oo R For appointment to - view 569 wn eee location hy 'a this luxury apartment FREE, half month's rent. Beautiful two OND ST. WEST S M please call bedroom apartment, $125. All services We now hove the facilities Also new three-bedroom bungalow, walk to do all general repairs, x MAB 2405 : S S MRS. FORREST n bare, Avpy Box WeiH. Guoranteed work | MAIN FLOOR APARTMENT, _ three | Te | (resident manager) foniea) BAIN SID a innit" includes sl Call 576-2610 | Tel 728-4891. ; = eS - Y 723-1712 eee ee 45 RAMBLER Classic, one owner, radio, above average, no down payment. $57 N ees 27--Rooms for Rent per month. Bank. terms. Licence 'K- 8 it, | ge, two- | 36--Legal Dark brown wallet containing citizenship papers and other important 49. nicest people ore enjoying aes gas includes heat, hydro, water, Call 725 WHITBY 668-3331 |paers. Call 72503. sonable rents at the 9385 Pe BL Uaich Para Ee, LOST -- Lady's gold wrist watch on be LAKE VISTA AREA -- Lady with one OSHAWA |King Street area in front of Huston's One 2-bedroom suite child will share completely furnished Garage. Reward. Telephone 576-0343. Immediate Occupancy apartment with working mother with TRANSMISSION SERVICE |rew ween ond ora ge and white kit- vicinity of Cadillac South, childs' Telephone 723-2045. NOTICE TO CREDITORS | ---- |5581, Weliman's 728-735), IN THE ESTATE OF | YOU ATTRACTIVELY eMac ccrinat ad veapagtvie:| WILLIAM ALEXANDER | could be the | FURNISHED ROOM dition, Asking $1,400 or best offer. Tele. | WILSON | ne. 7254 venings, | * Tene gE EP oe ree All persons having claims \ 1964" CHE mer | | LUCKY TENANT | Avoinbie in-prvote home. QMEYROCET, cli igg:| AU, parame showing, cc to win 250 DOLLARS | Call before 5 and P.M. |Workers Credit Union, 728-5187, 10 a.m.-/ LIAM ALEXANDER WILSON late of the Town of Whitby, in the County of Ontario, re- tired, deceased, who died on or about the 8th day of April, | Dated at Whitby, this | 1968 | Pe herons et sf | Bedsitting room $80 -- Two (ONTARIO STREET, 77 -- Two fur- -- --------___--____ | bedrooms $119 ond $129, [nished, light housekeeping rooms on '60 CHEVROLET Bei Air, automatic, |'967, are hereby notified to Incl. stove, fridge, water third floor. Available November Suit pial bleeds and bg pty Me acl send into the underisgned ; , ve A ' t 9 fl # n per week. Licence ell. TWO- and hydro and electric heating eee ee Apply between 59) ais' 7287351 | on or before the 20th day of SAVE DOLLARS! | November, 1967, full parti- culars of their claims, after which date the Estate will be distributed only to claims of which the underisgned shall then hove having regard 13th of October, A.D. 1967, HUGH T. NICHOL, Q.C., Barrister & Solicitor, 319 Brock Street South, Whitby, Ontario Solicitor for the Administrator CITY OF OSHAWA Sale of Land For Taxes ion - trance, newly decorated, suitable for and Best Locatio | married couple or two ladies. Apply 214 tires, radio with rear speaker, disc| | Choose Cadillac Avenue South. prekes oat Paget f new paint. cael | alc fue phew tes oF qui ti " FREE FURNISHED BEDROOMS with kitchen Tai CHEVY HT eanie a =| HONEe and laundry facilities, sitting room with * Six cyl jer, 'andard, @ HEALTH CLUB television, near bus -- stop, General $950 or best offer. Telephone 728-4128, day @ SAUNA BATH an Motors, hospital, downtown, hydro in- 143 PONTIAC convertible, V-8, auto. SWIMMING POOL cluded, girls only. 728-3719, matic, power steering and brakes, new e . LARGE furnished bedroom, laundry and |'0P, ood tires. Telephone 668-8457. @ HYDRO a artment kitchen privileges, parking space. Apply FOR SALE or trade for pickup truck. | re) TSIDE PARKING 574 Crerar, oe eke _____ 1960 Ford 6 cylinder standard shift, A-1/ id UTS NICE BED sitting room, warm and condition. Apply 248 Toronto Avenue. | ; bright, equipped for light housekeeping | CHEVROLET. 62 Acadian. \- Family and Adults Floors, with $10 week. Complete privacy, free park- able. Private cia. Telmohone "a 2, f | ing, near downtown and main. street _ a te. ah 2 Furnished or Unfurnished Whitby. 668-6207 1962 VALIANT, | 2-door, hardtop, é51X, Ahi " dai ~ automatic. Telephone 728-2845. RENTAL INFORMATION | Cc bl V ROOMS FOR RENT weekly and nightly. -- ea Oo | aole i rates, $12 weekly, maid service, res- 36 PONTIAC, 327, 365 hp cam | 723-5111 taurant on premises. Queen's Hotel, 67 Solids, 3 2's, completely rebuilt and Simcoe St. N. Oshawa clearanced. munci 4-speed, Corvette 380 GIBB STREET uh dabheretdte erhronthch ash ------- clutch assei y, 4.11 gears. Best offer h | rie tines aoa fed asi Serious inquiries only. 668-4553, $-7. oe | Os awa Renta |Drew Street or telephone 728-2272 after ALL USED PARTS, tires, bed el A sole of lands in arrears of | taxes in the City of Oshawa jon, like will ic, radio, $300. and stove. 576-1426 or 725-9321 4319. bet 1:30. aie ------ x} for 1:30 i | LUXURY TWO-BEDROOM aperiment, Baha abe tieenvosaneins Riverside Dave Netiy OMAR SHR: EDROOM $105. - $130. broadioom, Intercom, ali|LARGE HOUSEKEEPING room with CHEAP for quick sale, 1959 Meteor In| 4, TWO B services, no lease. Apply 63 Lamb's extra space, parking" facillties. $11 a good running condition, 6 cylinder, is Lane, Bowmanville. Take Liberty to end week. Located at Crear and Wilson Road. standard, good tires. Best offer. Tele- 1 38--Coming Events = be held in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, Oshawa at the hour of ten bedroom apartment with kitchen privi- | 3 eagyere o'clock in the forenoon of | ' 1963 PONTIAC Laur 30 if ° 140 Nonquen Reod VALIANT nie ee focone per marine, automatic and extras, exrel Tuesday, the fifth day of DEVELOPMENTS LTD. [Minty oak oe eee en ee porn nig ae unless. the " " t i ~~ SI RUT Rn nnn te ALAS axes and costs are sooner Calt 725-1481 CAL facilities. Telephone, gss.osve," P'*'"8 's7 OLDSMOBILE 98, mint condifion.| aig 725-9934 jis 728-4283 aie aon t aoa REET Original lacquer paint, fully powered, xf 723-6022 NE ROOM. Gentleman preferred. Con- new motor and extras. Must be seen tobe} The list of lands for sale for ONE BEDROOM veniences. Parking, Telephone 668-5149, appreciated. Also '61 Corvair, new paint, f hi marageneren wills good running mechanically, $495. 576. ita Pe Fotatch ee been r AC a bedroom, | 2451 after 6. publishe in the intario 0. refrigera- building. Central location, refrigerator, ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED bedroom, "*"_! a peng ite st Big elrigera- -- tove, broadioom. 'Available December suitable for refined gentleman, adult 1958 THUNDERBIRD, 95 per cent Gazette on the 2nd day of tor, drapes supplie 1. Telephone 725-8088 or 576-1677 private home, central. Warren Ave., park: stored pchrevghout, mechanically | 4-1 September, 1967. Copies of ONE BEDROOM in new building, elec- ---- Best offer. Telephone 725-0678. 300 Athol! the said list may be obtained | at the office of the Tax Col- lector. Dated at Oshawa, Ontario, 9th day of August, 1967. F. MARKSON, Treasurer stove, refrigerator, drapes | TWO-BEDROOM apartment with siove TWO FURNISHED rooms, close fo south supplied jand refrigerator, heat and hydro includ. General Motors. Suit couple Cooking and standard transmission, reverberatar and ed. Apply 234 Gliddon Avenue. Tele Washing facilities. Telephone 728-4997 rear defroster. Telephone 668-3614. 723-53 FURNISHED BASEMENT housekeeping 1959 FORD four-door standard; 1958 Morris, SHELDIAN MANSIONS parking. refrigerator, stove, breadioom: apartment, on first floor. Suitable for automatic, radio, extras. Telephone be. | ' 5 ee 2 3 bed One baby welcomed. 725-6851 quiet working adults or re fore S$ p.m. 725-2884. ublet large 2 ond 3 bed- GENTLEMAN HAS oneb pear. Available around Decemb % ~ --- = | . -bedroom apart rah | room suites with two bath- ment to share. Sauna room, swimming Phone 723-9557 ae psf alegre rian taste aitioe| rooms @ Hi-fi @ intercom, Poo! and all modern conveniences. Tele: WHITBY Two-bedroom apartment, 1965 Pontiac Strato Chief, automatic, 6, slavatnry @ true Hyde 'aha Phone 576-3839, oe _______broadioom, drapes, electric radio, 21,000 miles. $1,550. Telephone parking TWO-ROOM furnished apartment, pri. Cet rigesr ator. Immediate é th 9 ts Ne elephone 942-43 Her 5, 668-2788. | j.---- TueY tan dae vate entrance. Stove and refrigerator thie deiash bal cab ed - 57 BUICK CENTURY four door hard- CALL 728-2502 : an yore included, $70. monthly. ONE-BEDROOM, Self-contained apart: top, V-8, automatic, power steering and elephone 725-2539. ment, available November |, Ajax area, brakes, radio, good tires, low mileage ed ee a | Oe. POD 'aparime: stove and Stove, refrigerator and 'laundry room. excellent condition. Telephone 723-6353. FURNISHED and refrigerator, laundry facilities and park. Telephone 668-2177 is st and 2 and com: x Deiisas aes floor, vacant December |. Quiet adults. p.m. or evenings between S$ and & p.m. 1, 2 ond 3 bedroom apart- LARGE two - bedroom apartment in Telephone 668-3591 or after 4.30, 668-8755. 728-6073 ments. Controlled entrance Port Whitby. Free hydro, free parking. THREE-ROOM upper duplex, private '$7 PONTIA( - Twin elevators swimming all West Hill, 284-6813. == _centrance, all convenienc heavy wir-linder standard, new snow tires ol. fen 1 0 YOU WILL ENJOY the homey atmos- i"9 heated, paved parking, TV aerial. pletely winterized, $325 pool, fenced playground phere of the Mona Lisa Apartments, 191 725-1113, 8-5.30, evenings 728-0915 offer, 725-7913 after 5:30. "cylinder, average, . Licence est offer 1957 CHEVROLET station wagon, V-8| 'and two-bedroom 'tion de 8 " apartments. Frem $75. fo $115. monthly Hs We lare open for inspection from TWO FURNISHED housekeeping rooms motor, automatic transmission, good | Cali W. Schatzmann Realtor, BS, ntl 8 Pm. Bally. and bath. Single ar double or rented body, tires, and radio. $195. Telephone| WHITBY - apy ae 38 offices ONE - BEDROOM apartment, near hos psd Sink, ema aty var refrig- 576-1148. if -- Modern offices, | pital up. erator. Very central itabl one - = -- lect mn + pital, in Oshawa, heat and hydro sup. y vitable for on Cot ci plied $75 per month. 123 Elgin Street Or two respectable ladies only. 725-9559. nee Mauieed. Telia aI THREE "aie : West. Telephone 668-5621 TWO-ROOM, upstairs, furnished apart - -- a IM apartment refrigerator ONE.BEDROOM a ment, newly deccrated, $50. monthiy be ridhia Gat ; o partment, private en- d os c y. ES and stove Private bath, private en PNE-BEDROOM apartment, private. en- Tie)" ne ctan single room, $7. weerly, 21-----compact Cars for Sale A . Available November Telephone sonabie rent. One child welcomed. Tele. Centiemen only. 72 5 5} : = phone 723-1927, FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING room ye Volvo and Peugot | MONSTER BINGO -- Over $500. in Prizes =| OAT., OCT. 21st AT 8 P.M, ST. GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM SIMCOE ST. NORTH ADMISSION 50 CENTS Il Prizes Doubled on Admission Ticket ]8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, October 31, 1967 |26--Apartments for Rent |30--Automobiles for Sale |[33--Automobiles Wanted : econ ccosacssiaamn } nes t6--Apartments for Rent |26--Apartments for Rent | REGENT ARMS Only $10 Down ve Palas i on the car of your choice, g | ip reek es EP ony. with up to 48 months to re- Sell your used car to "Ted" Immediate Occupancy | Move to Quiet oy ne odults only. pal at , Talk "Cash" to the New | M l Gl "_ Pa : Cor Dealer and 'Save'. ala en 723-6944 TED CAMPIN MOTORS Casa Manana 723-6944 Morley Stalker | 723850 RL eessr4 230 Nipigon St, Courts AVAILABLE NOW, thee-room apart | MOTORS me We hates Se wecent Bee "ates 835 Oxford St. ment, upstairs, stove, refrigerator, heat, | 137 King West paid, Telephone 728-4549 anytime. B eel lel the ights, nthly, priv obert Nicols. . APO @ Best rento eatald in f forjoble live | |relephone_ 723-4937 : 723-6322 -- 723-8311 SHAW AUTO" WRECKERS CO. heart of town. Building for comforto |TWO AND A HALF room apartment, |bought, parts for sale. tron and me @ Impressive lobbies. ing wiipia palking distance jfuralshed Aaults only) WON CONT ge co ee sean ee 89 Bloor Street East, 725-2311 of South GM plont : or 668-5481. MORE CASH it ----_-- - @ Controlled entrance door. BASEMENT ree-p | | 34--Automobile ir saab is suites > Cociroiled anironts door ipa. 'mk cupboards, heat," hye, 'or | Paid for Good Clean Cars. | = : = eee | © Moder spacious wiles es, Tee Wales cre fer'em cite] rode UD or down, Liens Bald, FRED STONE balconies Large boiconies days x ; e ---- caps @ Hi-fi music in every suite pe are) DODD MOTOR SALES Brooklin -- 86 Queen St. E. @ Hi-fi ~~ in every suite, ° Lots of oo space [Close to soutn General Motors. Tele 314 PARK ROAD SOUTH Automotive Machine Shop f ts ' ree porki Y é ® ne . vee ne @ Hydro included 2 WHITBY -- jnreeroom. peconieinee 723-9421 ss REBUILT ENGINES @ Free parking. @ Extra powder room in apariment, refrigerator and stove, very OVERHA le ; q facilities, $75, monthly. UL AND This is your chonce ee es GUS BROWN ENGINE PARTS ACT NOW Call. Today ELF--CONTAINED 3 room t, Mire Warner eevate Behe eaale: airaceee ranting! R.R. No. 3, Oshawa AUTOMATIC | RS. WERNER lerator, stove. Suitable for two business) TRADE UP OR DOWN. Top a 57 TRANSMISSION 725.0657 725-06 adults. Telephone 725-988) ee Price paid for Good Clean CENTRE st =" ' i Weekdoys 12-9 P.M lutea ee ie seeptial, or cowntowe | corte ene balan TERMs, | Weekdays 12-9 P.M eo Tok PM | Telephone 728-4265 Phone 728-7375 or 728-7376 | 1038 Simcoe St. N., 728-7339 ¢ : | ransmissions are Our Only WEDNESDAY, NOV. 1, We will give individual atten tion to anyone wanting to squore Also simple Tickets Door prizes, spot prizes and refreshments, A massed band Ajax Ladies' Pipe Band and other crea Pipe Bands LIONS SUPER BINGO IN $1,450 Prizes 2 JACKPOTS Nos, 52 and 58 One Must Go $300 in 52 Nos. or Less $200 in Announced Nos. $25 Consolation Prize PLUS $10 per line both games $150 JACKPOT GAME 20 regular games ot $20. Double in 15 Nos. or Less Lost 5 Games $30 per game ADMISSION 50c Early Bird Game 7:45 Sharp Guaranteed Minimum $5. Per Line $25, Full Cord Bus service leaves King and Simcoe Streets ot... 7:00 and 7:15 P.M. The Biggest Prize Money in the area for a 50¢ admission charge. Every Wednesday All proceeds to chority JUBILEE PAVILION PLAN TO ATTEND SPECIAL BINGO NOV, AJAX LADIES' PIPE BAND HARVEST MOON BALL 'Novembe Peg 1967 At The New Ajax Community Centre Music by the GLENGARRY BAND $1.50 per presentation by the For tickets coll the door, NEW SQUARE DANCE CLUB STARTING learn the modern dance figures. round dance basics. REGISTRATION AT: 510 BOND WEST, OSHAWA any Wednesday Evening 8:15 - 10:30 or phone instructors, Susie and Bill Robinson, 725-3117 15th person. 723-8210 or 723-6487, or buy them at '67 Peterboro and Harry of Winnipeg. 50c KINSMEN BINGO 2--$200--Nos. 52 and 50 1 MUST GO $25 CONSOLATION TUESDAY See Saturday's Ad ADMISSION . 50c | THE LAKEVIEW Handcraft Guild will | hold a rummage sale at Simcoe Hall, ! November 1, at 1 p.m. # BIRTHS COGSWELL ~~ Gerard and Doris (nee Weedmark) wish to announce the arrival of Rhonda Lynn, 6 pounds, 9 ounces, on | October 25, 1967, at the Oshawa General | Hospital, Thanks to Dr. A, Rudnick and staff on fourth floor. | ane ee == ---- ' ' ' ' i) ' 1 ' 1 u HAENSGEN -- Delmer and Erline (nee McKay) are pleased to announce the safe arrival of their daughter, Cathy Lynn, on October 29, 1967, weighing & Ibs. 2 o7s., at the Oshawa General Hos pital, With grateful thanks to Drs. W. G McKay, A. Halam-Andres, J. Dillon and 4th floor staff. KAPUSCINSKI Frank and Pat (nee Wallace) happily announce the birth of a son, Philip David, 8 pounds, 15 oyn ces on Wednesday October 25 at Osh awa General Hospital. A brother for Mark and Scott. Many thanks to Dr. | McKay and nursing staff on fourth floor, | KELLY --- Lionel. and Donna (nee' Brady) proudly announce the birth of a@ son, 8 pounds 1] ounces, on Tuesday October 31, 1967 at the Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital. A_ brother for Shane. | Thanks to Dr, Ross and Fourth floor statf = MITCHINSON -- Eric and Ellen are) happy to announce the birth of their! first child, a son, Thomas Richard, on} LUXURY PILLOWS Tuesday, October 24, 1967 at Hotel Dieu! |Hospital, St. Catharines, Ont. Proud By ALICE BROOKS |grandparents. are Mr. and Mrs. Thomas irs nate' , | Mitchinson end Mr. and Mrs; Richerg| First to catch everybody's eye -- charming, ture-to-nature rose pillows in gay color. Brilliant rose pillows Christensen. TESSIER -- Martin and Barbara (nee (14 Saunders) are proud to announce the d arrival of a son, Darrin Martin, 8 inc Ss sofa or bed. A QUICK pounds, 15 ounces, on Monday, October inch) to toss on fa 30, 1967, at the Oshawa G | Hospital. Embroider in red, pink or) he \k" brother tor Lynn, Thehky Ip, OF yellow, green leaves. Pattern| By ANNE ADAMS -- ee e IE 'kK pat Beckett and thanks to ath floor nursing iat teanatay «mous, | ONE QUICK ZIP does it Haft for making everyining $0 Plessenl. "THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins)|gets you dressed for trips here, | for each pattern (no | everywhere. Sew this stamps, there, \please) to Alice Brooks, DEATHS ton blends or textured craft Dept. 60 Front Street|cotton. Send now. ' : West, Toronto 1, Ontario. On-| Printed Pattern 4773. Misses care nicely, neatly detailed. dress in lof The Oshawa Times, Needle-|Dacron-cot Entered into yest atthe Aiex and Pick-|tario residents add 2c. sales/Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20. Size ering General Hospital on Monday Oc tax. Print plainly PATTERN 14 takes 3 yd gee nr ; tober 30, 1967, Edna May Datlin of 18' a x ° rd MIFTY CENTS (50: 7 i i | NUMBER, NAME, ADDRESS FIFTY CENTS (50c) in coins K fi Road, Pick , bel id fi ' ' of the late Charles Edward Huband| First time! Jumbo 1968(no stamps, please) for each and dear mother of Mabel (Babs), Mrs. Needlecraft Catalog -- hundreds|pattern. Ontario residents add Donald McLellan of Pickering, Charles 4 " . ; Edward of England, Aitred. of/of designs, 6 free patterns (in-|3c sales tax. Print plainly SIZE, Dearly loves grenémetter of fever eramsjciudes designer sweaters) in-/NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE |children and one great grandchild. Mrs.|Structions inside. Knit, crochet, NUMBER. Me {ubana Je resin at Mceeciie Funetal emurgider, 200, Send order to ANNE ADAMS, linge manbeal: service in the y Rg Book No, 1 -- Deluxe Quiits--|care of The Oshawa Times, Pat. Wednesday November |. at 2 p.m. in-/16 complete patterns. Send 60c./tern Dept., 60 Front Street West, |bekah Lodge No. 350. Pickering wii| Book No. 2-- Museum Quilts|Toronto, : jheld a momnorial service at the Fun |-- patterns, for 12 quilts. 60¢. | FALL'S NEW FASHIONS -- era on Tuesday evening at 7: ; fi ' A lpm Mrs. Hobend'was'a member of the| Book No. $ -- Quilts for To-|see the best of the new styles [Daughters of England of Oshawa. day's Living. New, exciting col-|for all sizes in mal ney Fall- lection -- 15 complete patterns. | Winter Pattern Catalog. Get one Sunday, 60c. {pattern free -- just clip coupon Book of Prize Afghans--Knit,|in Catalog. Hurry, send 50c 60c. right now. John MacMILLAN, Loana Mary In Oshawa General Hospital, October 29, 1967, Loana Mary Buxton, | beloved wife of the late James Mac- [Millan and dear mother of Mrs. Alfred|crochet 12 afghans. Rose (Audrey), Oshawa, Mrs. Phil La Porte (Muriel) of Timmins, Mrs. Fred Barnes (Janet) of Cochrane and the late s Mrs. George Fildes (Ruth) of Oshawa; | s in her 80th year. Rested at Mcintosh-| = Anderson Funeral Home until Monday t rf noon. Funeral from La Por Funeral Home, Timmins, Ont., on Wednesday, November 1, Interment Timmins Ceme- tery. | | vt te Wounded In Apartment In Oshawa General HospitSt, on Monday, | un n r ~ |October 30, 1967, Albert S. Pinn in his} } Bel id husband of Gert ' S - . eee Gent tattoo are SO Flos; CLEVELAND, Ohio (AP)--AlIrving Konigsberg, mayor of a had as AIRS lll of 'uy. 2nd\19-year-old bride and a former|University Heights. "We can't Lien baterears, rattan Oh Ais, * bes.| boyfriend who held her captive|get at him." } An-lat gunpoint since Saturday night hla fied RGES FROM BEDROOM mond Green (Nora), Oshawa, Mrs said police had STAFFORD BROTHERS LTD. vate funeral service at Mcintosh-/ ment pressed by a donation fo the Ontario, "Go away and leave us)talk Batch into freeing the girl | Batch, 23, in the third floor of Police had not talked to the | | Authorized Dealers thony Gabriel (Vera), Ed and ieg hi were carried out of an apart- = saat eli Gh, is wore aad baeh ta (ee sulaathali University Anderson Funeral Chapel, on Tuesday./Monday. Police said both had/Deen In 5 ivers Serer aun MRBEThY Tee. Me en been stot, \Heights apartment trying to reat, rgundation, 247 Davenport Road, | tone,"? Lida Caldwell, the new|When he came "© ~ bes bride. said as Martha Smith|"00m with a pistol pointed a ltried to talk to her son, Robert Her neck. J i ichts |Sirl since five shots were fired is § +b: versity H ts (girl since five shots w I pedir gy alvely Meleny: about dawn Monday. Earlier. ROCK OF AGES Police said Batch refused to|Batch fired three shots and one | FAMILY MONUMENTS } c | 318 Dundas St. E., 668-3552 |heard two shots and rushed into|Utside the house. Good district, near hospital, bus stop Nicely furnished, refrigerator, hot plate 723-0258 ' ___________ ONE BEDROOM apartment, with bal- ONE- AND TWO-BEDROOM apari-\cony, in modern apartment building. Va ments available. Good location, modernicant November 1. Telephone 728-2870 or 310 weekly 32--Trucks for Sale THREE - ROOM, self-contained apart-|Dein and entrance, suitable for working whole Oshav 'ment. Private entrance with refrigera- CAE aa ----"________|ROOM AND BOARD available for gen- 1961 CHEVROLET, Va-ton, for, stove and laundry facilities. Avail-/THREE compietely furnished rooms, tieman. - Lunches, packed. Parking avall- excellent condition, $11 able December Telephone 723-6806. parking, heat and water, TV outlet. Close able. Central lephone 668-6363 ' ONE-BEDROOM apariment, private to schools and churches, share bathroom - - - - 29--Wanted to Rent 240 Marland, Apartment 106, Oshawa ---- | 568-6889. bath, $85 monthly Includes heat and| 722-158 137 Elgin East tices 38 Arth N BASEMENT, furnished apart : - = 238 Arthur MODERN B. lurnished apar PAINTER' reauires tes or ive bed SER r - _-- ---------|ter, electric heat, hydro. Parking. Avail FULLY FURNISHED three - soo pam lable now. Telephone 728-2756 ment apartment in Whitby Private bath a md OR AE EE RS ARETE | f / fe now. PRIVATE ENTRANCE, four-piece bai 'Tikes ee picture windows. Felephone 728-1527. Wa nt-Ads Don"t ONE-BEDROOM aparimen! Ground TALBOT COURT, 596 -- West side of CLASSIFIED ADS Cost-They Pay! | 723-3492 floor. Four-piece bath, washer |Shopping Centre, three-bedroom apart.) , f f ' ' area Johnson. Telephone 668-8826. bath TIMES ACTION and dryer, parking 4102.50 |ment in new duplex. Open # a.m. te 6] Prene a.m, 720-6004, ZOLTAN and NICK'S Your Authorized Datsun one owner,| weekly. Hobbs Motors, 146 Brock North, Whitby. 1963 CHEVROLET, 94 ton pickup. 4 x & Fleetside box, Excellent condition. Tele-; to hydro. Available November 1 y st ment, in a refined, quiet home in south- : -- - --------| past area. Two ladies or gentlemen.|foom house or bungalow. Will do all|Phone 728-7758, ONE - BEDROOM apartments, $65 10/Heat and water. Hydro separate, Tele. Painting and general repairs. Abstainer 1989 CHEVROLET Fleelside, 6 ply snow $75 monthly, stove and refrigerator in phone 723-5730. and references. Telephone 728-3048. tires on rear. $495. 98 Riverside Drive cluded, heat and weter supplied. Free jo Saye 5] oa sage ----~'North, Oshawa, after 6. parking. Children welcomed. Whitby,/BRAND NEW two-bedroom apariment OSHAWA, Whitby, Pickering area, 8 CTech dE 648-5462 lat 128 Thomas Street. Stove, refrigera- four-bedroom home by executive new to| HALF TON trailer, good condition. R Large lot preferred. Cail Dave onable. Telephone 668-5984. "WANT. RESULTS? GET WITH THE ACTION! | DI well maintained building. Stove, refrig- | 728-438 $$ ~ erator, laundry facilities supplied. Tele-/ Owe BEDROOM anarimenir lover ye. 2e---- Room and Board ond Fiat Dealer phone 728-5282 or 723-0525 apartment, stove, re | o°" elcid ac haat c ' ine Velie eaaepeenemmanes ab Mectncrs frigerator. Adults only. Available Novem. ROO! R R opecializing in ie) swagen ONE and two-bedroom apariments. Ap- ber 1. Telephone 728-4438 8 KLIN AREA. Room in walk-out Repair ond Service ply 29) Marland Avenue, apartment 103 INGLE GI nnn enn |DASEMeENt in country home. Suitable for Hi or telephone 576-0668 SINGLE GENTLEMAN: wanted to share one or two people. Laundry done. Board 160 Simcoe South wf Ete nde aalaa doad modern fiat. Telephone 728-6339 optional. 655-3058 728.0051 . fi ish t it 7 "a eters = _ -- on - THREE BOOM unturnishes Pevinad hie IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, four rooms, ROOM AND BOARD for gentleman, good BR ee stedtlaaden tn cll Rene OY miher cones lg £ Telephone private yard and basement. Adults only, meals, lunches packed, close to bus, 64 MGB, all extras Including hardtop, 773-6598; atter bpm, $85 _monthiy: Telephone 723-7463. parking. 728-4845, wire wheels, radio, etc. Telephone 576- ie --------- |SUBLET TWO bedroom apartment, $105 ROOM AND BOARD for gentleman, six 208 T M turn: 'tment, | 1 ! 9 man, six aoniis Seon on a apie Central |monthly. Immediate possession. Apply |days, lunches packed, close to bus. Tele- location, parking avaliable. Apply |20_Slmcoe. Soutly apariment 3. Phone 723-0566 co ond car. No down payment, $8 per week. 3) Elgin Street East or telephone 723-/TWO-ROOM furnished. apartment, large APARTMENT TO SHARE with ynung Licence 4838E. Wellman's. 728-7351. 07 rooms, plenty of cupboards, private|married couple, meals optional. Apply ROWE TOURS CARIBBEAN and WEST IN- ES cruise, 15 days, 7 ports. S.F. ROTTERDAM January 2 to 17, 1968. FLORIDA circle tour | January 24 to February 12 | 20 doys March 22 till April 10 CALIFORNIA and NEW OR- LEANS tour 30 doys 1963 VOLKSWAGEN DeLuxe, ideal sec-| February 19 to March 19 SYRACUSE, NEW YORK, charter bus weekend of November 24 to 26 Bob | Chortered bus to VILLE, DETROIT and JACK MINER'S BIRD SANCTUARY KINGS- see. birds in migration November 3 till 5 For information to the above tours telephone or write ROWE TRAVEL AGENCY 885-2527 Port Hope or BURLEY BUS LINES Cobourg 372-2118 ad new by dialing 723-3472, Children Under 16 Not, Admitted BINGO DNIPRO HALL EVERY TUESDAY 7:30 P.M. Regular Games Shore The Wealth Jackpot $150. in 59 Nos, All $10 Whitby, Ont. \the bedroom. About 50 police officers were | | Mrs. Caldwell was shot in the outside the house. Some are stomach and Batch through the @™med with tear gas and shot- guns, but no attempt was made | chest. : | IN MEMORIAM | Both were alive when carried to fife the gas or rush the apart- from the house, an Associated) a: . Fi | 2h ' |Press photographer standing by| Police said coffee spiked with dcORNER In loving sremory a reported a sleeping drug was passed to Olive. Comer, "who passed away, October : [Batch and the woman early ate i: t TRIED TO REASON today but it could not be con- ee re Sie ane mene fe tues | Mrs. Smith had flown to firmed that they drank it. mother.|Cleveland from her home in| No one misses her more than us. or $20. Consolation --Always remembered by . , Good Service For Greater jAlleany Roma, Jim, Ken, Thelma and! tonnstown, Pa.. to try to reason PARENTS STAY AWAY ilies. ¢ ng * oe e : . . Attendance peeee a ; with her son. She arrived less) While Batch was holding their | ovina memory of a ghter m-ey' FREE ADMISSION lear rrothers Elizabeth Monsahor, whe {tian an hour before the shoot- pee suit a pling, Dremeezed DNIPRO HALL passed away October 31, 1953 ng. girl with long auburn hair, Mr, Corman Bloor ond Edith: Sis ene vine Rey aEe always Batch had warned he wouldjand Mrs. Herbert Pendergraft -- there; «hoot Mrs. Caldwell and himself|remained at their home on the ae guided my path and' helped me if anyone intervened east side of the city, several OPEN HOUSE | 11 | yellow her footsteps 1 will never, Earlier, he used the woman miles from the scene. AND BAZAAR White Cross Centre 187 SIMCOE ST. S. Wednesday, Nov. 8 2 p.m. -- 5 p.m. 7 p.m. -- 9 p.m. Home baking, toys, aprons, crafts, knitwear. SOCIAL BINGO WEDNESDAY NOV. 1, 8 PM ST. JOHN'S HALL Corner of Simcoe and Bloor Lunch served, everyone wel- come books, EVERYONE WELCOME go wrong. as a shield and drove police into| Pendergraft, an unemployed Pa NA ae lovingly remembered a stairway with a volley of|shipping clerk, said police had grandchildren Garry, Sharon and Col-|shots, {told him to stay away from the j een: | No one was shot. |Batch apartment lest he anger MONAGHAN -- In loving memory of a said!Batch. dear mother, Elizabeth Monaghan, whom) - - ---------- God called to be with Him, October 31,/ 1953 ~ee-ee 222' Dunnville Committee To Meet With Dymond Just in your judgment, always right, Honest and liberal, ever upright, Loved by friend and all you knew. | A_wonderful mother, that mother was) you. DUNNVILLE, Ont. (CP)--A] ------- five-man committee of the On- day, James Medves, manager tario Farmers Union is to meet/of Electric Reduction Co. Ltd. Friday in Toronto with Health/of Port Maitland, said his firm Minister Matthew Dymond _ to/is ready to assist the inspectors. --Lovingly remembered and sadly mis: . sed by daughter Theresa, sons William and George. In a separate statement Mon- A LASTING TRIBUTE For permanence and dignity we suggest MOUNT LAWN discuss a threat of fluoride poi-- "We are sure that the com- MEMORIAL PARK soning causing concern to Citl-/mittee's findings of true facts BRONZE MEMORIALS For courteous advice please jzens here and in nearby Port' will correct the widespread mis- EUCHRE Woodview Community Centre Cadillac Avenue North Wednesday, November | 8 P.M. Sharp Lunch and Prizes. Admission 50c AUTUMN TEA FRI., NOV. 3 2:30 - 4:30 Knox Presbyterian Church Simcoe St. N. Sale of Baking & Fany Work ---- | Town Funeral HARDINI, the magician [Reverend T. Fleetham of and ORVILLE, the clown are now booking adult shows, children shows 728-1331 |RESERVE SATURDAY, November for our Snowflake Tea and bazasr Simcoe Street United Oshawa. |John Morris and Rev. R. a' Church, [wee HELP in a hurry? Place a Help|Proceeds for Crippled Children's School|rin for thelr consoling words. Moise Wanted and Treatment Centre, |Menerd, |Maitland. conceptio Earl W. Deamude, chairman week." . ee ee jof the committee from Dunn- ville Local 384, announced the) DENIES REPORTS meeting at a news conference. Mr. Deamude denied earlier Monday night. published reports that 22 farm- Fluoride fumes from a ferti- ers are opposed to the inquiry | CARDS OF THANKS ,,£" plant at Port Maitland and want the plant closed. | We wich: Io ashen our {Have been blamed for harming -He said the majority of farm- visit the Pork Office. 723-2633 ___|thanks to friends and neighbours, Albert Crops and livestock and endan-jers fully support Mr. Dymond's tree i it 1 i 3 aa $ : Street United Church Unit 1 Powling gering the health of residents. (actions and don't want the plant league and U.C.W., for their many s' | . Dunnville is 30 miles south-/closed unless no other solution jpathy cards in the loss of Mrs. Allman's | other Mrs. Charlotte Hegadorn, Bath oact of Hamilton. jto the pollution threat is possi- Mand Mrs, Arthur Allman.|""Mr. Dymond announced -Fri-\ble. The plant employs 300. in aineaee Gheoka aed apprecianon ia day that a three-man inquiry) At their meeting Friday, the Jour friends, neighbours and relatives for| Will study pollution in the area, farmers will ask for compensa- thelr many acts of kindness, beautiful starting today. Health inspec-ltion for farmers remalniny in lfloral tribut id e f 4 j j ciay, It gue recent Berexcnent in'ine|tors will screen residents near the area if crops continue to deteriorate and their health is |pathy, in our recent bereavement in 1 loss of our dear father. Special thanks to|the plant for symptoms of fluo- Home and Reverend J Smith cf, Whitby United Church and|POSis, or fluoride' poisoning. jendangered, They will also seek G6 _ d ; ¢ circut. for their consoling Pat alld : e jcompensation for farms in the The family of the late C. Ledgett.. | UNEXPECTED REMEDY §jiarea, whose owners want to sell MENARD -- 1 would like to express), NORTH WINGFIELD, ep ae cannot because of crop fail- |my sincere thanks and appreciation tolland (CP )--Gardener Les/ures and rumors of dangers to wel ot "Kindness beeuliur tioret irike|oten, 73, couldn't do anything|health. Also, they will seek utes and messages of sympathy in my about his thinning hair until he provincial aid in marketing recent bereavement in the loss of my accidentally got some special|crops because of unwillingness iki Rowse Norse oF 20, Armatcong tomato fertilizer on it. His bald!by distributors to handle Dunn- at|Funeral Home, palibearers and Rev. spot vanished and he says: |ville produce since publicity San-chagag-|««Now. it's starting to get really|was given to the pollution dam- |thick."" age. ' ltalk to his mother. Then they|knocked out a searchlight set up | vert Recomm To This | | McMu REAL EST 323 King St 120 Dundas Stree FOF ONLY § Balance 4 Bedroom Bungalo large Ic "Rent Is / "BUYING A HOMI IN; Call For Ap WA TAKE ADV, SPEC Westinghouse Electric Clothes Dryer Regent Washer, with E> automatic wringer ... A TOTAL SAVING Of} FREE This Week Or with NO Up To a 23 King Street W LEAK RECOMMENDEL OSHA Quick, BUSINES The Times Busine services for mor handy-to-use-fin¢ on the very fir Whether you're a service or a wom we suggest, tha ACTION BUSIN You'll find the r

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