ast sier { h-Damas Traffic Survey re- ling the possible economic sts of one-way traffic on e firms most closely affect. yy it. '.-COL. STEPHEN F. Wot- EMO's director in Ontario nity, has a big date up- ing. will be here with some of- Is of the Canadian Emer- '"y Measures College, Arn- ? ie latier are so impressed the local EMO's methods THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, October 27, 1967 § BUFFALO DINNER ATTRACTS FULL HOUSE > WHITBY (Staff) -- "Sorry, Sold Out' was the sign that greeted the overflow crowd which tried to gain admission to the buffalo meat dinner put on by the women's group of All Saints' Anglican Church in Whitby, Wednesday night. A quantity of buffalo meat or bison meat, was released by the federal government during Can- ada's centennial year for dis- tribution across the country. W. B. King made application on behalf of his parish for a por- tion of the bison delicacy for eastern consumption. It was shipped from the west and put in deep freeze by a Kitchener p ac king company. Last weekend, the Whitby con- signment was brought after being deboned and put into roasts, and the ladies of the church, under the general con- venership of Mrs. Ronald Car- ter, painstakingly prepared the meat for the dinner. The bison is distinctly Can- adian, and was one of the main Plant Officials V LULL isit sources of food supply for the Indians in the days of the Pioneers. Workmen building the transcontinental railways also consumed large quantities of bison meat. The animal attains a height of about six feet, has short horns, a large hump of muscles at the back of his head and shaggy hair of a dusky brown color. On the stage as part of the western dinner setting was a large, floodlit mural, prepared by Mrs. John Hird and helpers, depicted a herd of buffalo on the western plains moving in solid columns to watering places and alkaline licks, To one side of the large mural was a towering "scarecrow" cowboy with complete acces- sories. Cacti and gourds dom- inated the dinner tables, while the faces of well known men in the congregation were carica- tured on '"'dead-or-alive" posters adorning the entrance to the hall. The menu listings used west- Harvey Whale ANH AARNE WHITBY / AJAX PERSONA District Commissioner Mrs.|tendent's trophy was presented chaired ern language. For example, Western Well Water, turned out to be apple cider. Whitby Mayor Desmond New- man and. Rev. Leo J. Austin of St. John's the Evangelist Church, who were seated with the dinner guests, were loud in their praise of the finished product, The work of the women paid off for the Cree Indians in Sas- katchewan, as the proceeds will be used to help the children of these first citizens of Canada in this area out west. synnvnnrasrnngnarssgat nr tntnnneR LS | Will Present | nomen) mart ADiviston of the &, S. Kresge Company Limited a . sesh Williams' Play the|to John McKenzie by Charles \cyr. The foreman's cup, won For Final Preparations ni.ricis ete me ee ecording and interpreting Whitby and District Girl Guides ological readings (and "of Canada meeting and an-|by Urbain Wassell, was AJAX (Staff) -- "Tight of Sager a eggr er leaders' conference . at St.jert McLean presented a spe- Heart," by Emlyn Williams, t to see it in action first- AJAX (Staff) -- Officials ofjlion dollar companies have; The picture to prospective | Now "os ye ey Pay Pr ae Pc in aaa Bass A pean hdr geeings olor 1. Affiliated Medical Products|moved branches to Ontario.|buyers looks good. Ajax has!» m. Guides who are ready for lowing the presentations, guests i Aiton xe Andrew's auditorium, Ajax. Cur- tain time is 8:30 p.m. This is a classic which has Mrs. Sarah Casey, formerly) been made into a movie. Direc- Ont., who had/tor is Harry Chapman, Oshawa. visited Ajax Thursday for final preparations before the United States-based company locates in the town to manufacture surgical rubber gloves. Ajax received 25 per cent ofjone of the lowest hydro rates, |their them. Ajax doesn't have an in-|is well planned and has one dustrial commissioner, the most favorable Mr. Christoffersen and his|tax rates at between boss, Dana Grant, don't believe'cents a square foot. ntario County's EMO has 'uments to make readings fallout. They also have a k method of interpreting e and of taking what Col, cyclist badges will. be|danced to the music of Phillip A Ofltested Nov. 4, at 10:30 a.m., at| Townsend. oad Whitby municipal building. and 23)Radge secretaries have now taken office. For Brooklin, blue of Valentia, ton calls "appropriate ac- 1e province has indicated it will adopt the Ontario nty method and the E-M ege (a Federal agency) - well follow suit, according Sol. Wotton, who explained systef at Arnprior recently. 1. Wotton says that the local 0 operation can complete interpreting job much fast- vith "'lay technicians" than CEMC can with. profession- eople. irpose of the plan is to w EMO to decide on the 'ssary action in an emer- *y. It would also help the rr to be able to advise the lace as to what it should 'quickly and effectively'. 'MO has had some rough 's since its debut (a ghost it which was spawned inally by shock-waves from A4-bomb that shattered Hiro- 1a 6.22)--s years =ago__siast ust), ew Canadians have ever n it seriously but it has rived. It has long been a »ping-boy for the politicians it has cost many millions lollars to keep it alive thus HE DEMISE of the Toronte le Leafs Baseball Club has lened many in these parts, is especially applies to Con- er Frank McCallum of Osh- , an executive of the club. 1e controller has been an | baseball enthusiast since days of Christy Mathewson ley Jacobi brought him to awa to play baseball -- as infielder -- in 1928 after he played in the old Ottawa ey League with Ottawa and dinal. 'ont. McCallum, a former or, bought a dump truck went into business for him- in 1931. He started driving cars for General Motors 932 and soon went into busi- ; for himself 'in this phase he auto world, AISTORY 1920--The headquarters of e League of Nations was oved to Geneva from Lon- yn. First World War Fifty years ago today--in 17--Austro-German forces ivanced on the Italian ont capturing Gorizia and ividale; Allied troops ade gains west of Hou- ulst farm in the Ypres ctor; United States troops ere reported in front-line enches on the Western ront. Second World War Twenty-five years ago rday--in 1942--it was nounced in London that roes of the Dieppe attack id been. decorated by the ing; The 8th Army essed its attack at El lamein; U.S. bombers tacked a Japanese air- 'ome at Lashio, Burma. l IDA JOINED AT BASE -- GROWN 1 GARDEN of 66 FELL fAMILY iN, ONTARIO % The town's major developer, Duffin's Creek Estates Ltd., has scored again in obtaining a branch of another large Unit- ed States firm. Statistics may be dry, but in the past three years Ajax with a population of under 10,000 has obtained more industry than Oshawa. One of the reasons is Dave Christoffersen, land salesman. Mr. Christoffer- the company's son has been working in Ajax for the past two and a half years. His job is to bring indus- try to the town. In the past two years, a dozen U.S.-based, multi mil- BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE in the hard sell, but for them, selling is a 24-hour-a-day, seven days a week task. The people at Duffin's Creek Estates believe that what is attends all meetings of town council and is aware of all happenings in Ajax. ALWAYS PREPARED When a prospective buyer comes to town to look for pos- sible factory sites, Duffin's Creek is prepared. Every avail- able statistic about the area is available at a moment's notice. Drinking Under Age Fines Ordered Paid Peremptory PICKERING -- Magistrate H. M. Jermyn made the payment of fines on all drinking under age charges peremptory in Pickering Court Thursday. The offenders had to pay their fines before they left the court or be sent to jail. "You people seem to feel that because you are young you have a strange amnesty. You seem to think it is a joke," His Worship said, pointing to a row of young people. "You brought some friends along. There is no amnesty for young people like you. You are liable to a fine of $2,000 or a term in jail, or to both on the charge of con- suming liquor while under age. I think the backshed with a good heavy barrel stave is what a youngster like you needs." Pleading guilty to drinking while under age, Doris Foster, 17, of Tullock Dr., Ajax, was fined $50 and $15 costs. She was in tears when the money did not arrive shortly after the conclu- sion of the court session. Six months' suspended sentence on a similar charge was imposed on Ene Vantrie, 17, of 78 Ad- miral Road, Ajax. "T've learned my lesson, now. I'll try to straighten. up," Arthur Nelson Kimmell, 20, of 34 Forest Road, Ajax, told the court. He was ordered to pay the $50 and costs peremptory fine or spend 10 days in jail, for drinking under age. ESCAPING CUSTODY Pleading guilty to escaping from custody, Leonard Bernard Powers, 21, of Galt, was sen- tenced to three months definite and six months indefinite in re- formatory. The sentence will be consecutive to other sen- tences. The accused escaped from an unmarked Pickering police car which was taking several convicted -prisoners to|p, the cells from the Ajax court last week. PLEADS GUILTY Pleading guilty assault, Brian Skinner, 22, a student at the Provincial Trades Institute, was fined $50 and costs with the alternative of 15 days in jail. At the re- quest of the crown, a charge of pointing a firearm was _ with- drawn and the BB pistol was confiscated. The © arose after a traffic accident. SUSPENDED to common | vious suspension of his licence. UNDER AGE "There is an age limit for drinking. Well, if you are more afraid of the girl friend than the court, I will place you on six months' suspended sen- tence,' the magistrate told Daniel Donald Huider, 20, of 34 ichmond Street East, Oshawa, who admitted drinking while under age. On a charge of not having a licensed driver with him while he drove on a temporary per- mit, Huider was fined $10 and costs or three days in jail. A charge of failing to have insur- ance on his car brought a fine of $75 and costs or 15 days and a charge of failing to notify the department of transport of a change of ownership resulted in a fine of $25 and costs or five days. FINED $100 A fine of $100 and costs was imposed on Ole Iverson, 17, of Pickering, who pleaded guilty to a charge of careless driving. The court was told the accused had driven a car and harassed the occupants of another ve- hicle. GUILTY PLEAS Pleading guilty to charges of theft and wilful damage, Thomas Russell Reynolds, 16, of Pickering, was remanded to the House of Concord. When he appears in court, Nov. 23, the case will be given further con- | sideration. The court was told the ac- cused committed a_ series of thefts on Oct. 24, when a bed- sheet was taken from a Bay Ridges clothesline, a tool box, tools and a bicycle from other places. The accused was found hiding in the closet of a model home where he had broken a window to gain entry. He admit- ted sleeping overnight in the jouse. NO INSURANCE A fine of $50 and costs or 15 days in jail on a charge of hav- ing no insurance on his truck and a fine of $100 and costs or 15 days in jail on a charge of driving while his ability was impaired was imposed on Wal- ter Croke, 33, of Pickering. There was a mandatory suspen- sion of his driving licence for three months. altercation | REMANDED Charged with trafficking in narcotics, Robert Murray was remanded to the Ajax court for "A person can go to jail for|hearing. a period of up to two years on the charge of driving while under suspension," said the Magistrate as he suspended the passing of sentence for 12 months in the case of John Booth Reynold, 17, of Picker- ering. There was an additional 12 months added to the pre- GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES 612% INTEREST For o term of 3 or 4 or 5 years 6%4% for 1 or 2 years VICTORIA and GREY TRUST | Whitby, Ont. | ! ) "Industry doesn't like to be associated with a dead town, they're more comfortable in a growing industrial " a nity," said Mr. Christoffersen. good for the town is good for "Getting industry is one of them. As a result, Mr. Grantiine most competitive busi- jnesses in this . province. -We're jcompeting with municipality," said Christoffer- sen. | But being the only large |landowner in the town puts Duffin's Creek in a unique pos- ition. Frequent meetings with town council serve to hammer out differences and to estab- jlish a basis of agreement. |Negotiations are continually under way for new projects, and together with the town, an \official plan is being prepared |and will be unwrapped in a few |months. The official plan will call for a town of 30,000 people, with an assessment ratio of 50 per cent industrial to 50 per cent resi- dential. It will call for an in- dustrial park, completely sepa- rated from the residential sec- jtions and a new shopping mall. In 10 years, Mr. Christoffer- sen predicts, Ajax will be one of the wealthiest towns in Can- ada, taxes will decrease as schools and public facilities, built to last, are slowly paid off. How does Duffin's Creek for Ajax is good for us." lations with the neighboring fore any amalgamation place, a civil war is sure to Historical Group Meets WHITBY (Staff) -- Ford Lindsay was the guest speaker at the Whitby Historical Soci- ety's first meeting of the sea- son and was introduced by the president, Mrs. Alex Ingram. Mr. Lindsay came to Whitby in 1925 with his father, who was minister at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. He has done research for the Oshawa {Times on local history. The speaker recalled names of prominent Whitby people, and said, "It was a pity that women EXPLOFIEF! ae, | i Superbly tailored English \f Venetion and Courier Cloth | SUITS and SPORT SUITS by MICHAELS/STERN 89:5 . 99-55 | See them now. | MERCANTILE | DEPT, STORE THE WHITBY CONCERT ASSOCIATION is now enrolling SUBSCRIBERS for Nov. 17. ESTONIAN M Jan. 15 CANADIAN O ADULTS $6.00 Mar. 9 ISABEL VILA, VIOLINIST WITH PIANO SUBSCRIPTION STUDENTS $3.00 Call H. R. HARE, 668-2281 for information 1967-1968 SEASON THREE OUTSTANDING PROGRAMMES ALE CHOIR PERA COMPANY | WITH ORCHESTRA "Don Pasquale" by Donizetti |Estates feel about amalgama- |tion of Ajax and Pickering Township? 'Well,' said Mr. Christoffersen, "what's _ Ajax Mayor Harry Smith be-| Whitby." lieves in maintaining good re- the Ria jand brown badges is Mrs. A.| | secretary is Mrs. R. Stubbings; | commu-| Whitby brown badge secretary Fairview is Mrs, B. Lintner. Whitby Salvation Army held jan auction sale of home baked every other|890ds, prepared by members of the Women's Home League. |Other products were fruits and| |vegetables which had been do-|the home of Mrs. A. K. Craig, | nated service, for the Thanksgiving Acting as auctioneer lived with her daughter, Mrs.) Brough; for Whitby, blue badge|Gortion Glenney, Kent Street,|Winners, Jack Vickers, Freda : Jepson and Joe Mullen, Ajax. Whitby, is now a resident at Lodge and is cele- brating her 96th birthday to- day. Members of ther family and friends will drop in to offer! their best wishes. St. Andrew's Presbyterian} Women, group three, met at! 713 Burns St. Donald Butts, Wi; the and Mrs. president, | was Envoy John Simpson, Osh-|chaired the meeting. Members| |awa. Proceeds from the home-|were reminded of the card] |baked goods will go towards night of Oct. 30, to be held at the sale of work, fund. LASCO golf club held its) second annual presentation dinner and dance at the Whitby! centennial building. The presi-| dent of the golf club, William| Avent, was in charge of ar- rangements. More than 130 guests and members enjoyed) the evening. In the absence of honorary president Gerry Hef- fernan, the president's trophy was presented by Samuel Venn to Jim Lawrie. The Gibson cup, won by Al Sydorenko, was pre- sented by Douglas Holmes, substituting for Mr. Gibson who was ill. The superin- jsome of us have not taken the time years ago to talk to these jhand about the history of Mr. Lindsay quoted from an article written by the late 'some of the men who gradu- ated from Whitby schools. Among these names was that of Hamer Greenwood, who was eventually knighted in England and became the chief secretary jof state for Ireland. Duncan |McIntyre thanked the speaker. | Brian Winter was present at |the meeting and autographed the book he has written, "A Town Called Whitby." Mrs. Alex Ingram invited all to stay for coffee and to view to. be held/the home of Nov. 4 at the Citadel. Thd|Ross, 1740 Brock St. fruit and vegetable receipts|arrangements. were made for|len 506, Pat Bremner 502:and Jean King | will be for the home missions|the viewing of the television | | Miss Marguerite| S. Final} program "Flashback" for Nov.| 13. A bus will leave Whitby Dominion store plaza at 6:30 |p.m. Tickets are available from! Team Standing -- Mrs. Craig at 668-5073. The| hostess served refreshments, as| sisted by Mrs. Donald Butts. | The Women's Christian Tem- jperance Union meeting was) held at the home of Mrs. A. H.| Mitchell, Colborne Street. The | president, Mrs. Harold Quan- itrill, read a message sent by |the national president, Mrs. |A. H. Keith of Winnipeg. Mrs \Ruth Pickering was in charge }of the devotional. Members) |were reminded of the Oshawa} WCTU bazaar to be held Nov.| ;21 at Simcoe Street South church hall. Mrs. Olive Robin- json read a_ report received good|men and get some facts first) the field secretary, Mrs. R. H. McKelvy, in which she jtold of her experiences coun- seling at Expo during the sum- mer at the science pavilion, township, but believes that be-/Colonel George Ham, which!when more than 50,000 received takes|tells of the achievements of | counseling. yom Ajax president of the Senior} Citizens' Friendship Club, Mrs. Mary Anderson, was assisted by the following members at its annual sale of work held at} the new municipal complex,| Mrs. W. Wright, Miss D. Leg-| goe, Mrs. Kathleen Bell, Mrs. | Hetty Hancock, Mrs. Elsie} Thompson, honorary president) and other members assisted. | Mrs. A. Sutherland, daughter of| the first president, Mrs. Amy the antique items brought by some of the members. Turner, officially opened the event. MASQUERA A ROYAL CANA WHI 9-12 Musie by H. SATURDAY, PRIZES -- DRESS OPTIONAL DE DANCE | T DIAN LEGION TBY OCT. 28th P.M. W. Swingtet | -- 3,00 COUPLE \In the cast are three award Pic-Ax players became known under this name in 1962 when| the Ajax Mayor William (Bill)! Parish made the suggestion. Last year, the Pic-Ax players | presented "Home is the Hero' at the Poor Alex Theatre, Tor-| onto. Three members have ap- peared with the Oshawa Little Theatre from time to time CANDY LEAGUE High Triples Gladys Wiles 599, Florence Moore 582, Doreen Kehoe 580, Janette Woodcock 563, Florence Kalar 543, Marie Lintner 520, Elaine Avison 515, Grace Sandford 507, Phoebe Mul- | High Singles -- Gladys Wiles 248, Dor- | een Kehoe 235, Jackie Banks 221, Elaine | Avison 211, Grace Sandford 209, Ada Baxter 208, Florence Kalar 207, Liz Mar-| tin 207 and Florence Moore 207. Allsorts 14,568; Gum: drops 14,023; Humbugs 14,236; - Jelly Beans 14,720; Life Savers 14,277; Lolli Pops 14,577; Maple Buds 14,806 and Pep-| permints 14,829 One-Stop DECORATING SHOP @ Wallpaper and Murals @ Custom Uraperies @ Broadloom @ C.l.L. Paints end Varnishes @ Benjamin Moore Paints DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD. PHONE 668-5862 107 Byron St. S., Whitby ff \ alae! 4 DISCOUNT = BOMBSHELL BONE CHINA CUPS AND SAUCERS K mart Discount Special Price 21.49 'Sawreyy F viscount BOMBSHELL HOSTESS POTATO CHIPS A great item for Hallowe'en Shell-outs, 20 -- 5c bags; 99c value Kmart Special Discount Price Fine English bone china cups and saucers, decor- ated with delicate floral prints, will add special grace to any table! DISCOUNT BOMBSHELL Limited RECORDS Take advantage of this greot sav- ing to build up your record library. Kmart Special Discount Price SATURDAY ONLY DONALD TRAVEL Whitby RECOMMENDS 2 WEEK ALL INCLUSIVE CARIBBEAN HOLIDAY FROM $369 DEPARTURES EVERY SATURDAY STARTING JANUARY & FIRST CLASS HOTELS AND VILLAS + FINE FOODS WITH ALL SERVICE CHARGES AND TIPS INCLUDED r WAIT ! iotas BUY A PUMPKIN FROM A LION THE WHITBY LIONS CLUB WILL BE ~ OUT IN FULL FORCE ON rh i VAIPNY) 4 DISCOUNT = BOMBSHELL Corduroy TV CUSHIONS Attractive cushions, 4 button style. Approx. 22 x 22". Choose from melon, brown, gold, blue or green. 1.77 DISCOUNT BOMBSHELL Reg. Kmart Price 2.47 Special Discount Price SATURDAY ONLY VIF sry) DISCOUNT BOMBSHELL TOILET TISSUE LADIES' SLIPS Made of fine cotton with streteh In a poly bag straps. Dainty embroidery and lace : d = 7 ¢ trimme Reg. Kmart Price 76 Bia Keiete fie 197 Special Discount Price SATURDAY ONLY Special Discount Price SATURDAY ONLY 1.17 DISCOUNT BOMBSHELL Limited Quantity MEN'S DRESS TROUSERS Top quality dress trousers in a good range of sizes and colors, Regular Kmart Price 14.50 Special Discount Price -- SATURDAY ONLY J SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28th | SUPPORT A WORTHY CAUSE : a os a oe ee ca oN On Highway No. 2 Between Oshawa and Whitby PLEASE -- NO PHONE OR MAIL ORDERS