RY LE IT irs in ces! ! ARS BASSADOR upe. 6 ¢yl., automa- er worranty, 9,000 § CE WAS $3195 MARCHAND TELLS COMMONS New Immigration Bill Plan Reduces | Diefenbaker OTTAWA (CP)--In a @ e A i Seen Free Of Discrimination {aise on IT ra By STUART LAKE | OTTAWA (CP)--The new im- migration biJl soon to be placed before Parliament will be com- pletely free of discrimination, Immigration Minister Marchand said Thursday. Included in the bill is a new] assessment system that allows immigration officers to apply the same standards in the same way to all potential New Cana- dians, Mr. Marchand told the Commons as it debated his de- partment's $303,000,000 spending program for the year ending next March 31. The estimates were still under fire from opposition MPs when the Commons adjourned and will come up again later in the session. Today, the Commons will con- sider the spending program of the veterans affairs depart- ment. BILL LIMITS PMs Earlier the Commons gave first reading to a private mem- ber's bill that would stop prov- incial premiers from calling themselves prime ministers Three--premiers Johnson of Quebec, Robarts of Ontario and Bennett of British Columbia-- are doing so. Eugene Whelan (L--Essex} PARLIAMENT AT-A-GLANCE By THE CANADIAN PRESS THURSDAY, Oct. 26, 1967 Manpower Minister Mar- chand told the Commons this year's $110,000,000 retraining program will have to be ex- panded. Interim Opposition Leader Starr called for a review of the program by a Commons committee. External Affairs Minister Martin announced that the first. definitions of Canada's 12-mile coastal fishing zone will be issued in the next few days. A private bill was_ intro- duced by Eugene Whelan (L --Essex South) which would bar provincial premiers from calling themselves prime min- isters. FRIDAY, Oct. 27 old age pensioners, the govern-| ment, John Diefenbaker is a lit- ment plans to eliminate interest} tje like the man who isn't there. criteria. Die? eal ig $5 for non-sal-| He sits, almost unnoticed, in the Prospective immigrants with) Revenue Minister Benson on ertn aed on Ceres, relatives already in Canada|noynced the change Thursday | tive teadee. , should get a better deal than|quring a Commons adjournment| jt has been that way since they now are getting, he said. ldebate. Herb Grey (L--Essex!Oct, 16, when he was replaced SYSTEM QUESTIONED West) raised the question andjas leader last September by Herb Gray (L--Essex West) said the interest charges were a! Robert Stanfield. asked Mr. Marchand not to con-|>urden to the elderly. As the private member for sider the points system as in-| Non-salaried taxpayers now|the Saskatchewan riding of alterable after it has undergone|Must pay quarterly tax instal-|Prince Albert, Mr. Diefenbaker its first testing. ments. If they fail to do so they,pops in for the daily question Mr. Marchand disclosed that|47@ assessed an interest charge, period which starts each day's social scientists from the Uni-|C@!culated on a complicated] session. : . 'versity of Montreal are trymg|Da sis. and, in most cases,) In the Commons at these to find out why so few French-|#™ounting to only a few dollars.|times he sits silently, a peerless speaking persons come to Can-| Many pensioners, long accus./Gepater taking no part in the ada. jtomed to paying most of their |depates. Pa ie Oe : Turning to -his manpower res-|'mcome tax through payroll de- rh wit Rae ine purliginenteey ponsibilities, he said $110,000,000|uctions, overlook the quarterly|he Ww! egeee F : instalments. Introduction of the|Silence some time, possibly on Of his budget. was set aside for 1 sion|an issue that he considers of retraining Canadians for other|SUPplementary old-age Dene Aine aiporiaee, GuEH G4 jobs. This was not enough and|@atlier this year shoved many tha seesldie ih aeinthn. « more money would be spent on|Pensioners into an income level rae aie Canis this program this year. ag they had to pay income)Strong, u . | Mr. Benson said he had ajChael Starr, who has taken over jstudy made on the amount ofthe role as Opposition leader feveane veg Soci through ap ik bay gpa goad arto the interest charges and found|in the House in n mn! y- |that even with computers it w as| election in Colchester-Hants. fied for entrance under the new) Licences The Commons meets at | 11 a.m. to study estimates of the veterans affairs depart | ment. The Senate is adjourned | until Oct. 31. | South) introduced the bill,! which would restrict the title to, where the lines the leader of the national gov-/drawn. should be! Granted TORONTO (CP)--Licences jeosting more to collect the! At 72, Mr. Diefenbaker occa- small amounts than was netted, sionally proves he has the old bh : ; ; view |fire--but outside the House, not for drilling rights to the last) He added in an interview! i 'his week, he delivered a rat F jlater that the department haba v ive cr pe gg Pigenssorg jand under | collected some $200,000 in the at and te Bi esaeT ie sed week by the Ontario mines de-|!ast tax year from those owing S0ViTnmen! § Mil to imil the r |less than $5 in interest. death penalty to murderers of partment. tlie el ean litchchat _|police officers and prison A department statement is- guards. He sits just to the left of Mi-| THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, October 27, 1967 3 Campaign Starts For Tax Support Sits Quietly Catholic educationists argue} COUNTRY OF MOUNTAINS Tax Char es jthat the present tax-supported| Mountains account for 85 per g akes No Part In Debates |.2220%" .cr=' campain|sstem brent the schooling ofeenof Sevan ea De : | will begin next week to seek On-/Catholic children into artificial|more than 250 are over 6,500 move; tario tax support for the top|Parts when a unified structure/feet high. ly as pungent. He needs an grades of Catholic high schools.|is most needed. | audience for maximum effect.. Most Rev. Philip Pocock,| The Association of Catholic! His best audience through the Coadjutor Archbishop of To- High School Boards, supported years has been in the Commons. ronto, says the aim is to seek by 8 ne vly-fi a--C lic And now he won't use it. extension of tax support be- Y Oy ee SAUIONE COMMONS SUBDUED cause: "A system that ends at high school lay advisory boards, | With "the old chief" silent Grade 10 is a truncated sys-| Will launch the campaign Nov. 4| the Commons is more subdued. |" at a two-day study congress. There's nobody around to slash! the government. Instead, the old Prairie law- yer spends most of his time in his office, answering the mail and mulling over the me- mentoes of the past that people keep sending along. | Somebody has just sent him} an original passenger list for a 1916 Halifax-to-England voyage of the S.S. Lapland. On the list was Lieut. John Diefenbaker, on his way to Europe as a First} World War soldier. | This weekend he sheds a re- minder of the past when he| moves out of Stornoway, the| government-owned house used by leaders of the Opposition. The departure will be marked by one of those peculiar ironies that crop up in the life of unu- sual men. As his own man, Mr. Diefen- baker regarded himself as out- side the country's traditional ruling establishment. His new home, which he will rent, is in Rockcliffe, an elite district fa- vored as the Right Place to Live by the capital's diplomatic, government and business es- tablishment. ' 5 Year Guaranteed Investment Certificates NOW EARN "Ao per annum AND ARE Guaranteed--os to principal end interest. Flexible--may be used as Col- lateral for loans. Redeemable---by Executors in the event of death. Authorized--cs Trustee Act in- vestments. CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION Member Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation 19 Simcoe St. N., Oshewe 723-5221 23 King St. W., Bowmanville 623-2527 SALES - BATTERIES - CORDS REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES 5 OF AIDS HOME APPOINTMENTS BUDGET TERMS Canadian HEARING AID Consultants * OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS end SATURDAYS 0 BOND ST. E, 725-2771 thea 7 : ernment. | The U.S. state departmen jsued Thursday said the new li- Board Of Education But he did dt to a ingle sepor- Also tabled was a document|said in Washington Thursday it) cences, covering sites in the| He G P giving details of Canada's 12//is "not prepared to recognize|west end o fthe lake, bring the| yey Mog pode hrg ebay Rea iE mile fishing zone off the Atlan-|the validity" of the new Cana-|tota) offshore acreage under li- Probes Use Of LSD ts Hho i eae ae '2795 FEWER VOTE In Norway's municipal elec- tion, held in September, 75 per cent of the electorate went to |the polls, compared to 85 per YIcent in 1965. i The Best Fuel Oil For Less WESTERN OSHAWA OIL LTD. 725-1212 SE WAS $2295 1895 ler Classic automatic, power . Like new. Lie. E WAS $1895 *1695 eutomatic, power kes. Radio. Lie, Handsome new decanter. Smooth, light flavour. Now you know why Hiram Walker's Gold Crest HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S OIL 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR SERVICE 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS SO aed a How you feel about winter often depends on where you sit. Book your seat to the sun this winter on ee Air Canada's daily jet service from Toronto to - Nassau, Jamaica, Antigua, Barbados, Trinidad & Tobago...3 jets a week to Freeport. What a great way to warm up to winter. Just lean up against a friendly back ammo, and relax. Or scrunch down into mounds of hot; white sand and let the sun $199 bake you brown. How far, far away can winter be! Oo See your Travel Agent soon and find out how close summer can be ona ANTIGUA® sun-swathed island in the Bahamas and the Caribbean. Ask about Air Canada's $219 best-ever Club Calypso service there -- the fun of island-hopping -- and for a free copy of our 40-page, full colour booklet "Island Vacations", Or write to us in Toronto et 130 Bloor Street West Fly away to the Calypso Islands with AIR CANADA "cine ais tic coast. The zone was pro-jdian zone. _ {cence or lease to more than 3,-| q claimed by the Canadian gov-| Interim Opposition Leader Mog 00 acres. TORONTO (CP)--The Toronto ye gy ol ius wl 66 ernment three years ago but, a : hat "ss Serious drilling of the lake|Board of Education agreed these circumstances is not near- since then, Canada has been in chand's es tim sft helped|Ped began in 1913, and since|Thursday to investigate the use| ------ F ronet 500 negotiations with other coun- doubts ath andes ti beh wey. {then more than 500 shafts have at LSD and other hallucinogenic utomatic, bucket tries seeking their agreement on'build Canada would have q lbeen sunk. dius by studbats. or console. Lie. By last year, the wells ac-| Trustee William Lang accused age counts for 28 per cent of Ontar-'trustees Barry Lowes and Alan CE WAS $2895 Petition Seeks Increase io's total natural gas production| Archer and board chairman} of 15,537,157,000 cubic feet. |William Ross of a_ publicit A spokesman for the provin-| Stunt and said "I think we ar $2595 cic ] St tf cial government's energy | Putting students all in the same n 1 ingua a branch said recent scientific ad-!P0t: icsciiniitiiaiaiiiaiiia ' vances have virtually elimi- Si hg cag was ordered ; ' in| nated the risk of water pollution| after Mr. Lowes and Mr. Archer 65 EN le i No Beg dre Bre > et hegre - -- 2 from the drilling but a ban is/attended a meeting of a com-| bers of Parliament from all par-|Parliament are _ reporte n bal nies 4 Rtaelass tanks 2 Goel Roa i igned a petition draft-|newspapers on the basis of a/DeIng cont n offsho ; up of policemen, | ALIENTE ties have sign tut lation from English to(@rilling in the other Great/educationists, municipal offi-| od by Anguee Cooma bok 7 ible| Lakes lcials and others interested | , automatic, power Lotbiniere) asking The Cana-|French, at the cost of a p S. s sted. rokes, Radio, Lie, dian Press to increase its|loss of essential elements of the French-language parliamentary|speaker's thought. ing staff. TPP iss news co-operative that} In 1951, after receiving their provides news to 103 Canadian|news in English for 34 years, daily newspapers, including|French-language members of nine in the French language. The Canadian Press got to- Signers of the petition include| gether with CP to set up a Serv- more than a dozen English-|ice in French. speaking MPs from provinces} Gillis Purcell, CP general other than Quebec, among them|manager, said Mr. Choquette's NDP Leader Douglas and Mar-|petition will be brought to the garet Rideout, parliamentarylattention of the French-lan- secretary to Health Minister| guage newspapers. MacEachen. These newspapers have a spe- The request was originally|cial committee to study all as- made in the Commons by Mr.| pects of the service. Choquette on Wednesday. He rose on a question of privilege, which was ruled out of order. The petition, delivered Thurs- day to the parliamentary office of Canadian Press by Mr. Cho- quette, said there are only two French-language reporters on the CP parliamentary staff of more than 20. E WAS $1995 The service offered by the na- tional co-operative news agency 5 is of primary importance, it said, because it goes to a large ; number of newspapers and P radio stations across the coun- try. Often, the petition said, Ss" m. to 12 noon ~---- dio, Lic, K11394, JS PRICE Ss" oon te 3 p.m. -- Vo WALKER'S > | C{ ILD CRESI S" m, to 5 p.m. -- TORONT ee $5 * BAHAMAS \ ys $149 ° 'a, WE ARE LAUGHING! BARBADOS, o RINIAD EL TOBAGT a' $278 Ve 21-day economy excursion fares valid December 16, 1967 to April 14, 1968. N WHISKY When a whisky is as smooth as Gold Crest, you've got something good going for you. Because S PRICE everybody likes it. And 00 since a whisky like this Because the Real Estate Dept. of CENTRAL doesn't ha en vei often a ce aa Hen tgeey . Save TELA te cals' FOR RESERVATIONS AND TRAVEL INFORMATION CALL iret oh Corl er DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE by putting Gold Crest up in a new kind of decanter. Talland cylindrical. Clean, clear, and slim. With a cut glass sunburst in the base. It lets you show off just a bit. Because it looks great, and tastes so smooth and light. It's the kind of whis- ky that goes well at any kind of party. Try it at your next party and see. Gold Crest. The Party Whisky. » will buy the cor | OSHAWA--WHITBY--BROOKLIN 102 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY, PHONE 668-8862 ONLY 4% COMMISSION That saved us $250.00, which is a lot of money to us! Why don't YOU list YOUR home where they charge you ONLY 4% TO SELL IT, and where they also have their own mortgage money. This means they can get you more cash for your property ! | CENTRAL ONTARIO LES cara ora 723-5221 VILLE Tom Houston 668-4416 -- Javelin Alien Thompson 728-2870 ENT" FOR ALL TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS CALL OR SEE FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL 57 KING ST. E., OSHAWA -- WHITBY -- BROOKLIN -- PORT PERRY 576-3131-2-3-4 Kevin Chipman CALL FOR COMPLETE TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE 25 KING ST. OSHAWA PHONE 723-7001 "PERSONALIZED" TRAVEL SERVICE MITCHELL and WAITE 62 PRINCE ST. (North of King) OSHAWA Hervey Hogan 655-3663 FOUNTAINHEAD Ralph Schofield 576-1680 Hiram Walker & Sons Limited. Distillers of fine whiskies for over 100 years, 728-7395 4