Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 Oct 1967, p. 16

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412 THE OSHAWA TIMPS, Fridew.. ctoher 27. 1047 ce 16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, October 27, 1¥07 : ae | 1965 26--Apartments for Rent _ £6-Aporinionts for Rent Rey ONE - BEDROOM apartment, stove BUICK Wildcat, condition. two-door _ Telephone 725-: 5649, dition. Telephone 668-23 327. '30--Automobiles for Sale _|30--Automo les for Sale |36--Legal hardtop, | esr L O O K ! |1966 PLYMOUTH*Sports Fury, A-1_con- ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION refrigerator, laundry facilities and p Fy ----, ---- irs vt sagt ag 62 VALIANT, 2-door hardtop, 651 LU X U RY ee Adults only. Apply 822 King S RAMBLER AMERICAN _ automatic. Telephone 770-7845. P BRANCH 133 THREE-ROOM APARTMENT, private 220 1965 SUNBEAM Alpine. Telephone 725- TWO- and entrance and bath, close to downtown. 2 Door American $2235, (Bre ater ¢ pm TENDERS Telephone 725-8265 after 5:30 p.m Baia Pavenaie $ 135. (FOR SALE or trade for pickup truck THREE-BEDROOMS | linnon two cS tedtcan apartment Sahl hl ASL es 1960 Ford 6 cylinder standard shift, A-i| ee Port Whitby ree hydro, free. parking $2100 condition. Apply 248 Toronto Avenue FOR Oshawoa's Largest Suites (Cell_West Hilt 2eccet3. 6 8.19, Charges {A). SURV ROLET Nomad | Wager. ike ALTERATIONS and APARTMENT. Three rooms and bath $3 Bank Finan- DEW SHER, body, etc., automatic, radio, and Best Location Dee ontanee. Vina Mrokk: Ebike 406 Ae $13 "per week, Lic. 13829X. Wellman's ADDITIONS Telephone 8.47 7 onthe eG ae oe FREE SaRSEwoheaeon apaiment with REBEL 550 ALL USED PARTS, tires, wheels, redi ROYAL CANADIAN stove and refrigerator. Available Novem 22 ators, spindles for trailers, springs. 509 LEGION BUILDING @ HEALTH CLUB ber 1. Telephone 668-609) 2 Door Hardtop $2620, | Bloor Street East, 723-2281 iG 7 "BNIDY the homey ait Down Payment 129 (1965 IMPALA hardtop, one owner, pow COBOURG, ONTARIO e SAUNA BATH here lore atid Sr harmante 1 risa Haid Ak $120 ers, automatic, new exhaust, brakes, e SWIMMING POOL ' where the Pot $2500 two tires, $1,775. cash, - Telephone 668- HYDRO 3 sx $81.11. Choroe |: : nae SEALEL Tenders, plainly e ; : - 1963 PONTIAC Laurentian sedan, aqua-) marked as to contents, will @ OUTSIDE PARKING Por cant Nien a ot hl a Ph tahgy is at a be received by the President JAVELIN 5 p.m § Z | Royal © Canadian Legion, oe '537 OLDSMOBILE 98, mint condition.) Branch 133 until 5:00 p.m, Original lacquer paint, fully powered WEDNESDAY new motor and extras appreciated. Also '61 9 running mechanical! after 6 Corvair, new paint $495, 576 TAL INFORMATION Fail 380 GIBB STREET Wanted ad now by inig 723-3492, Must be seen to be NEED HELP in a» hurry? Place a Help NOVEMBER 22, 1967 for the construction of a one storey extension 30' x 58 with basement. Construction includes concrete block walls "ELIRNISHED ond Hardt g o URES Sse ae a c nd FURNISHED and ordtor $28 31--Compact Cars for Sale. "oncrete and "terrazzo floor UNFURNISHED Ww $ 200 8 tructura steel openweb oor | 'steel joists, and metal room a $2600, | | 2a edroom apo ae ints. 684 85 Hyena | * Volvo and Peugot deck. Alterations include ma ments ed entrar pe eae Ailes ¥ , r 1 i Twin elevators, swimming ~ BEDROOM apartment hos| $436.80 * Mercedes Benz sired cle raed IB Hct . ipo aes si, In Osh heat an sup General Repair and le floors and layin ceiling pool, fenced playground piled Elgin Stree W | M i Auto Sine Service Plans, Specifications and Ten Nest, Telephone | 4 geet der Forms may be obtained 723- amen FOR RENT four rooms € man 0 Ors Jake and Bill's Garage from the Consulting Engineers TWO BEDROOM epar n Oe warer: Ine Novembe Tele LT : _ 449 Ritson Rd *? 738.09 on receipt of a certified che welco mee. Ampie pace ' 5 10 NONQL ON RD LO 7 & que in the amount of $50.00 trai locatig AC 'i hich 'will. be refunded OSHAWA which will be refunded upon TWO ROOM ep2 ene ZOLTAN and NICK'S return of the plans and spe- vate nce, 53 Your Authorized Dotsu ifications in good condition a lates ond Flot Deol A certified cheque for ter " percent (10 f the tender Se 5 Ph price shall accompany eact a tender Rea A fifty percent (50%) Per " 728-0051 formance Bond be re D ally A _ SiX MODERN, LARGE 'rooms. tw Ni Fitba ining ey 1) quired one 't oms, in Whitby, centr i / pee ds Lowest or any tender not cen c snsportatior e allowed. one essarily accepted ONE-BEDROOM APARTMENT. - si Mr. H. W, Aller . k ve as ale. Tele. President 1] sanatiat Royal Canadian Legicr 1958 AUSTIN Cambridge. Telephone 725 Branch 133 ag : 2 ------ Totten, Sims, Hubicki THOUSA read Times Act jassl Nee urea sare ead es Action Class! & Associates Limited Consulting Engineers DOWNTOWN, wo + bedroorr 32--Trucks for Sale yt aa "TV 196) CHEVROLET, e owne MRR Ge ATTRACTIVELY DODD MOTOR SALES c) te TWO-, OR THREE-BEDROOM upstairs FURN ISHED ROO MA 314 PARK ROAD SOUTH otors, 146 North by. apartment, also one-bedroom basement ° RK ROAD SUU apartment, Private baths and entrances. _ T k Immediate possession. Apply 476 Crom- Available pr r e / 23-942 | ee Ronouee 95 72 weil Avenue Call before rs = "60 INTERNATIONAL i SUBLET -- 'twobedroom, two bath : Tan GUS O be ih rooms, modern, flew apartment 'mov 82 PARK ROAD N U BR WN Ing. to a Telephone = any- 728 867 ] MOTC MITE HALE TON TRUCK time, 576-081 - ihe >t L 4 Fo Motor e N sary be gx 0 LUXURY, TWOBEDROGM a imen KINDLY | OFFER very reasonable TRADE UP 1956 CHEVROLET ces, no lease. Apply 63 L priv Price new tires, fiberglass fend good body Lane, Bowmanville. Take Liberty for e e of Third Street fu y fs GNE-BEDROOM apartment, close to Osh- TWO ROOMS 'or THODE Le c awa Shopping Ce: parking, laundry session, by week facil . Worki TB EGUPIE phone 723-8635 RAMBLER : Z ONTARIO ee ae ' SALES -- SERVICE hath Sere eemese nie keep! 5 L S) | ONE-BEDROOM epartment, private en-|y ' and PAI trance, stove and refrigerator, public + a and INT 1955 GMC 12 villities | Included $85. monthly. Tele-', New ar phone 68-8547. none 723-0814 after 4 p.m. ---- se RRR rea ee | GARAGE FOR ONE CAR 5 nity of 1963 CHEVROLET, TWO-BEDROO, epartment with stove eiinuham Streets. Tele NI MO & Fleetside box, Exe and refrigerator, heat and hydro Inciud- Sines and Buck gham § e N cous. V OTORS "LTD eg a. Apply a Gliddon Avenue. Tele CENTRAL, < ---- - _ HITBY 668 phone 723-5323 7 clean furnished double or - mee SaceoT COURT on single-'eetha for "gentlemen. Private er "OSHAWA. 33--Automobiles "Wanted -- aheesing COURT Oe ocean, 198 St itrance, parking space, 47 Drew Street TRANSMISSION SERVIC care LE ment in' new duplex. Open & a.m. to ¢| reepnone 723-5537 : be baa seta CARS WANTED ROOM FOR RENT in qu p.m. 728-6824 r fi cont loca 480 MONTHLY, one-bedroo ei hg aba 6 BOND § E Buying A New Car ? apartment with refrigerator en hove the t ; ser ' Heat and hydr neluded. able TWO. arge fi. e re ae He used car to Ted November 1. Telephone 728 rance, newly decorated f ° ° Talk "Cash" to the New TAKE V r rp rr' le or two ladies. Apply 2/4 Guarantee Cat Deal Save'! TAKE V' Lady with one|merried coup th, mot Car Dealer and 'Save child w completely furnished | cedlllac_ Avenue Sou -- Call 576. 2610 TED CAMPIN MOTORS apartment working mother with FURNISHED DROOMS with kitchen -- * Sones 79" Th '6 PONTIAC Grand Parisien 723-4494 Res. 725-55 , sifting room with) General | door hardtop, V-# in- | radio, buckets Th t - two children, Child care anytim "end trucks for wreck- towing. Best prices elephone 728-4549 anytime yp ggtl WANTED, cars arge for hospital giris only elite 1A King Street East Cobourg, Ontaric In The Matter of The Estate of Floyd Westlake Late of the City of Oshawa In the County of Ontario, Dispatcher, Deceased | MOOTICE 10 CREDITORS ALL persor having claims against the estate of FLOYD WESTLA ote of the City of Oshawa i Ontario, » about the 24th day of Sep- tember, A.D. 1967 are here fied to send full par- ticulars to undersigned on or before the 20th day of November, A.D, 1967 after which date the Estate will be distributed with regard only to claims of which the under- hall then-have had not DATED at Oshawo this 18t! day of October, A.D. 1967. LAURA WESTLAKE, Executrix. By her Solicitor, JOSEPH P, MANGAN, Q.C 1412 King Street Ea bedroom apartment, $) Tindal on black Also new three-becroom turnished bedroom, jiaundry 942-6300 Nic : a & OSHAWA, Ontario in _gerage. Apply rivileges, parking spa AUTO WRECKERS CO. Cars MAIN. FLOOR a one SRT parts for sale. Iron and metals ------ -- --__---- rooms, beth $100 QUIET OLDER lady could vege bt 0 89 Bloor Street East. 725-2311 services. Telephone 728-4891 rished ror at tek sees GooD CONDITION Gaed ROK Or Sion el LOTICE that ™ soot FOUR ROOM epertment. Avallebie Si --s65y lar t. Willing to pay up to $150. awa ung omen' s Christia No et dren. Close to bus and shop ae 195 calectone 96 3920 afte Association will apply at the dante zi : EE next session of the Legisla Gecasaa MANSIONS, ecuit ¢ anon aur 34--Automobile Repair tive Assembly of the Province ments, 124 Park Road North, one "e é es 3 eS of Ontar a Private Bi three-bedroom epartments. erry rr Orizina th f Perry i 400 oF FRED STONE authorizing e Counci of and Abie] Aces B St. E the Corporation of the City of 9 a PONTIAC 'Laurentian: 6 nder. "ns J 86 Queen >t. F | Oshawa to exempt from taxa te "irises many Au ve Machine Shop tion for municipal or school " urposes or both, other thar hone LARGE WE C 2 Buick ¢ REBUILT ENGINES Wy Se the n F | a ve s Telephone 668-5996, /ver are OVERHAUL AND | s, land and equip wo-becrest Two NICELY. furnished f nt. | leath ' I ociation so apartments. From : ves Oshawa Bive.. South, by Joce ENGINE PARTS tne: stciation & rats Schetima lephone 728-3286 F otors, Ajax metacieed | they are owned and Dri lBBii Y / bie een j WHITBY ROYAL HOTEL, Whitb 7 rk St - xccupied and used ners. Ele y heated. From $70. or weekly, hot } 1963 CHEVROLET ayne four-d 2 AUTOMATIC i solely by and for the purposes $5. monte bale iy al Automatic trang | mile TRANSMISSION the Association, on suck WHITBY. One bedroom eeky ontlyi ite ne, Aaa ae CENTRE conditions as may be set out hed, steam heated e o, re n the by-law c t een's a 1955 CHEVROLET, 6 1038 e N vaio eT Ukey clean an ae shat r r re Ou DATED at Oshawa the 4th age tio e 4 Busine Repairs day of October, 1967 ¢ andla 1963 PONTIAC t automatic ents, Exchanges. All Work 3 & BASTEDC ler a ex eed otreet Sout : CITY-WIDE COVERAGE at iow cost Is Solicitors ¢ r the ie r 1964 CHEVROLET hap Ghat th Classified Ads, Phone SONGS OPP! 34? ---lWorkers Credit Ur w5187, 10 an -37--Auction Sales ritenen t8Cli- 6mm. Monday TWO-BEDROOW eze- % A 65 CHEVELLE 1961 RAMBLER yee Talaniohe 36--Legel : : MUSTANG, hardtop, V- NOTICE Zc CREDITORS AND - OTHERS OF DOUGLAS SDALE, RADIO DECEASED 63 PONTIAC St '60 CHEVROLET conver floor ahift, new top, $49. ack female kitten In vicinity of| TRIUMPH f arewell.. Little giri's| p, radio, 42 rr Reward. Telephone 723-8437 any- AUCTION SALE E OF LAND PROPERTY SALE T-1648 Approximately six and one- tenth acres of land, being d 4, Concession 1 f Clarke, located rth side of Highway about one mile East f Newtonville Interchange. sale to be held on the pro- OPM M LOCAL TIME ROOM AND BOARD 'or gentiemar 65 CORVAIR 'onza. Best offer. Tele WEDNESDAY ' hes packed e@ 19 phone 728 j f MUSTANG 1965 Telephone Sees NOVEMBER 1, 1967 or fleman, after 6 pir y a n TERMS: $100.00 Deposit at ane 1957 > 967 ore hereby TE > : eam a hia gigas! tia rn Tele. send in to' the time of sale (cash or certified fo! ROOM AND BOARD for cer 3 ed Personal Re heque made payable to the ¢ je: ose D 456 CADILLAC, $400 or be the said de Treasurer of Ontario) balance oe Aiba Rs before the 15tt payable within thirty (30 1958 FORD hape, $10 mber, 1967 day tor and new battery. Teleph or of their For further information please r yi any 1958 METEOR, idea rediately after the contact TWO-BEDROOM APARTMENT down payment. $3 p . Re ss a bn aad Ave eliman's 728 ee etna Ser THE AUCTIONEER 67 RAMBLER Cia ' eee rari Mr. J. Reid " 29--Wanted to Rent nder automatic. + pectin ieee Orono € '] 6 regara my 3 a WORKSHOP or couble tert eHcahe ahall Sher Ontari : Hor storage and = re r 8 Telephone: 319 23-8651 daytime 196) "CHEVROLET Biscayne, $2 merging * OR GARAGE for one n vicinity of Sim ne f p.tr 2 OY USnawe. HS 395. MONTHLY © e and Buckingham Streets. Telephone 1985 CHEVROLET, A Department of Highways f riment w 8452 c hone Right-of-Way Division RANE: OLD arm oF 60 CHEVROLET Central Regional! Office TWO BEDROOM for retiremen ee ay aoe Ua inca icon ee y Solicitor Downsview, Sige rans aeeaing e Bo 45), Oshav MACKEY & BAILEY Telephone: 248-3445 "sh MUSTANG V8 automatic, reo wit 7 Simcoe Street Nort! OR rk nterior, in te, private. Tele a, Ontar Department of Highways, AVAILABLE | IMMEDIATELY, o FOR pied dl : District Office No. 7 4 - ath ere : 38 Hope Street Nortt Bi RESULTS dren PER MONTH Box 129 ao yin oe ort Hope, Ontario two-bed eat.) TIMES 1964 upon hae Park 4 dail Ae ps Telephone: 885-6381. Stove 'and refrigerator Childrer CTION Cl FIED power options. Apply 662 ad daily for o t . welcome, Apply 360 High sireei, whitey, ACTION CLASSIFIED Pee year. Too small] SALE SUBJECT TO:A RE- apartment ¢ or 668-5 \DS 77) OLDSMOBILE, series 2200, two-doo! to be noticed?) SERVE BID 123 KENT STREET, pd gga pee ea te | DEPARTMENT. OF HIGHWAYS shed OO" 2A a excellent condition Telephone ' dbs - ie ad sist " ' 723-3492 76-086. = | You're reading it! | ONTARIO. |37--Auction Sales | | | AUCTION SALE | SAT., OCT. 28th | 37-- uction Sales" GREENWOOD RACEWAY FIFTH RACE -- Purse $1, "eg claiming , OCT. % THURSDAY, 8 three year olds and up 7 fur: | : -- Purse $1,800 claiming 7-Big Rocky, Grubb 440 2.90 2.80 PUREBRED HOLSTEIN, ESTATE or see ear alse ane VT ft SShining Mark, Platts 3:30 3.00 CATTLE, MACHINERY F. R. "REX" HERVIEUX Arctic Vntre, Ftzsmns 18.00 7.40 4.80 Stu Fu, Gordon 5.20 | ce 4Park Heights, Kelly 3.50 °3.30| Time 128 pee walk a The Property Of at the 6&Mr, Tot, Griff %.90| Also Ran In Order: Suit Cleaner, Ouia Oe ae ae SM 107 2-5, Cloudy and Fest Gail, Supreme Chief, Judge Burns and ERNEST WRIGHT BOWMANVILLE 'Also Ran in Order: Silencer, Tomboy |Sabre Hawk Pete, Brockton Boy, Phil'¢ Delight Apple Lot 35, Concession 9, Dar AUCTION BARN ; SIXTH RACE -- Purse $2,600 allow ngton Township. TOWN and Mr. Expediter ances two year olds 1 mile F t ects - a} p $2. -,2-Post Pioneer, 2 2.90 L EAST WHITBY & | Household effect hall SECOND RACE -- Purse $2,300 claim: : : : 0 2 Manse 1 | tand desk, odd chairs, T.V ing two year olds foaled in Cda 1 mile/4OH-Hi Duke, Dittfact 3.00 4.6 DARLINGTON NORTH 18 , , * laFriumvir, Swatuk 12.00 4.50 2.40/6DH-Elhew Queen, Kelly 2.30 2.90 Mile West of Enfield and end tables, dining room suite, | {winning "Monarch, Grubb 3.40 2.20; Time 140 4-8 ct North. Second Farm, or 3 |. davend, reclining chair, 3 3-Machedash, Griffo 2.20 Wg stcrecdh Order r Arciic Fab le, Mid- ' * 14) Miles East of Raglan and | piece chesterfield, glassware, Tigp? Hs fas Orles Regardet Bull DH-Dead Heat for 2nd. South bookcases, assorted dishes, |pyrpie and Dashing Kn ; Hd Exactor, Post, Pioneer (2) and HI i : le, Arctic Nonture 3) and) Duke (4), pal continental beds, dressers, The Daily Double, Ar POUR ens Meee Bidhase (0° arid SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28 vanity mirrors, chest of draw- ers and many other articles Triumy r (2). aid $139. ex Elhew Queen. (6), paid $12.90 RACE -- Purse $2,00 claiming Edad ee SEVENTH RACE -- Purse $2,600 al- sale To Commence Sharp! a year olds and up foaled in Cda : At 1) AM ee | No reserve. Terms: cash ee rie . lowances three year olds and up 7 furs ' | SALE STARTS 1:30 P.M i-Fast Answer, Kelly 13.20 7.80 4.70/5-The Cheat, Grubb 3.20 2.70 2.59 CATTLE 9-Roman Tribune, Fitzsmns 19.90 2.201 £ Cinesiongue, Platts 10.60 430 a : > ee dc "Andrea Inez, Dittfach So War, Gomez 2 Holstein Cows due in Doug te Jim Wood ei gy He Time 128 25 Pa Oct ) ft 1 De uctioneers Also Ran in Order: Rullahs Image, Also Ran in Order: Sharon Market, - Hole mo -- " : Harlion, Danish Dancer, Vital Mahn, Pierlou, Lykke Til, Blue China and Man: Noo 10 Holts a Colve Bowmanville Auction Barn Now | Wonder and Galanx. 6 teo 2nd. WOv stei ves. 2 Holstein Heifers due Nelson Street at FOURTH RACE -- Purse $2,000 maid- EIGHTH RACE -- Purse $2,300 ciaim- Ayrshire bred in Sept en two year olds foaled in Cda 7 furs ing three year olds and up 1 1-16 miles bb a0 NOY Old Canning Factory 2Rues 'Admiral, Gomez 4.20 2.80 2.60) S-Baranof,_ Gru 15.40 6.70 3.70 4 Ayrshire Cows fresh 3-Persian Port, Platts 3.10/RArctic Flash, Fitzsimmons 5.50 3.40 in Sept. full flow 728-1005 --- 723-0976 'Victory Star, Armstrong 2.60 Paris Fashions, Kelly 2.80 |} 2: Time 128 2-5 Time 4 een ae 4: aa iso Ran tn Order: Garnement, Gim aise 'Ran In Order; Kours, Rhann, Jolsteins bred in Aug . k and Royal Mangoneo. ootprint, Bush Hawk and Bengal 6 Holsteins bred in 38--Coming Events The Exector, Rues Admiral and Persian|AMfendance, 6.98. Total" Handle, $4 sept. 8 Holstein bred in Port, paid $28.70. Sept. 8 Holsteins Heifers 1 year! ROWE TOURS 13 Holstein Cows some bred, some open 8 Holstein 2 year old Heifers CARIBBEAN and WEST IN- Purebred Holsteins DIES cruise, 15 days, 7 ports. Rot broe S Robinbrae Supreme S.F. ROTTERDAM SATURDAY, OCT, 28 {Arctic Venture, Fitzsimmons A-113 Nancy due in Dec i 5 17, 1968, (SLEAR AND FAST Tricky Pal, No Boy 108 P 2 Acal January to ; . Brother Leo, Kelly X-108 Wymilwood Rag pple FIRST. RACE. -- Purse $1,900. Ciaim-|Great Promise, McCauley 116 abst Berti due in Nov. FLORIDA circle tour ling {3500). Two-yearclds. 7 Furs Mission Clove, Dittfach 116 Sky-Hy Marg, bred. 24 Feb 12 |S07 of Bruce, Gordon A-114 Tall Indian, Gordon 113 Soin Seiloeto eta Give January to February Hasty Amber, German XXX104 Edgor's Whistle, Eastman 114 ob aero MACHINERY. y 20 day Joss tuk X107 A--Mrs G C Beaton and Gold D Stable CHI ' Tome te ubb X109 entry AC row crop Tractor March 22 till April 10 wighest Ruler, Gordon A-112 (EXACTOR WAGERING) WD45 ractor WD45 Frisky Flight, Griffo A-112 & VD45. AC Tractor WD ALIFORNIA and NEW OR Fleet' Reacror, Gibson: X10? FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2,400. Allow MC Deering Tractor cr" te ~ ie Reha Surfer Joe, Eastman 117 ances, Three- and four-year-olds. 7 Furs W30, AC Hay Conditioner LEANS tour 30 days Maraquero, Armstrong 122 pelt se ce beth Ep Ee Mic r le 1 MH 44 Special Tractor February 19 to March 19 E Jays Grey, Michaud XXX702 td Tans henane Alls ea ver latts » bea hg with loader. Hay Buncher 3 : Royal Brandy, Walsh 117 Kilbrannan, Lawson XXX109 MH self propelled No. 82 RACUSE NEW YORK A---R Henderson and C F Reinhart entry, Gay Swaps, Kelly X108 0 ft. cut Al conditior charter bus weekend of SECOND RACE--Purse $2,000. Claim Wallicgien cavers gp Eas a ie c f , --Purse $2,0 im-| Well e stron ew Holland Baler 66 November 24 to 26 ng (3000), Thrée- and tour-yearolds. 1| Jurisdiction, Leblanc A-111 New Idea Mower 7 ft. cut Mile e Montesco, Gordon 119 ide Rake. Case Chartered bus to KINGS ae ne Mod Bs A--G W Brydson and D H Stable entry fertilizer and grain Drill 16 ru VILLE, DETROIT and JACK Mr. What, McComb 106 SIXTH RAGE -- Purse $2,600. Allow- ® Haye: blade Til y Miss Nowata, N y 11 ances ree-year-olds. 1 Mile Cockshutt 8 | ade J ler MINER'S BIRD SANCTUAR hia iowa a Ne oy. 2 Rauiracks. tarcette 118 AC 10 ft. Cultivator to see birds in migration Ann B, Good, Bradfield x98 Countenaire, Kelly X118 Glencoe chisel a 9 November 3 till 5 Mace, Cuthbertson 113 fEtte Rule, 'Grubb X13 t MC21 tooth Cultivator Three Times Tipped, Grubb X105 a uthbertson 114 ~ 17 rther: i V ¢ AC corn: Cultivator For information to the above Bella pedigreed Boy ee amber Mrea, pitttach 123 XX102 AC 3 heal a ah plat tours telephone or write Wallbcseer ar dla 3 pe ates ee Dion insu age Box an ickminster atts RAC -- Purse $10,000 Wagon. 2 Kagons and Racks | ROWE TRAVEL AGENCY 5 Aise,, Eligible: added 'Mazarine Stakes." Two-year-old Vagon, < Kag fh omb's Aw Gibson A-X103 fillies, foale Cd. 1-16MI1 AC Harvester bode: 885-2527 Port Hope or Swrapenne, Kelly X108 Coeur Valent, Anetreng 110. { hay > Bale Elevator BURLEY BUS LINE< Winshot, No Boy. 103 United Queen, No Boy ain Auger, MH oh des oleh Last Marriage x | ake Care, Dittfac eeu Cobourg 372-2118 , 3 han Sal, Yopeaite Grain r 2000 b Scale uz, Gibson A-X102 Amber Relic, No Boy A Grain Trailer. Lincolr A--Mrs G Caputl, Mrs M Schmidt and (Bunty Escar, Kelly 112 Welder 225 amp. Chain Harrows D F Kissner entry Nangela, Walsh 112 _ Cockshutt Spreader. 2 drum THIRD RACE -- Purse $1,900, Claim-| ecm) Bong NA Pay TP, stee! Roller. 2 set Clippers sea Two-year-olds (Divn of 1st).iDance Me Loose, No Boy 110 Int. 3 furrow Plow Ace urs ri ee Winning Isie, Dittfach 112 bottom, Post Hole Digger Ralivnes Bay Grubb x11 ee ee taRe has ae t 6 section Harrows. Crean 1 Bella Angelica, No Boy 114 aR pat teh ah Pl Separator 600 Ib. Grinder. ice St Gertru e S Giey Eas No Boy 11] Cape recta ob ge aim MC grain Binder. Forge " Daltons Ruler, German XXX}02 Miles ' Anvil. Snow dohad Fence Posts Purple Hill, Turcotte 117 Calecon Shisel, UMIIE X107 Wheel Barrow ton Chain Block PARISH HALL Landieeghet is ene Rag Blue Mel Gibson X107, ty All Jack, 40 'e Ladder. Forks z : has yan, Swatuk X109 Admiral's Gift, Grubb X111 Shovel. Bars, Chains: Dishes 690 KING ST. E Joy's Gent, Dittfach A-112 Larkspur Lady, Platts X100 Cook Ware. Jars and other res F bends Gibson X109 Be Cote Kelly: y igible: stic, 112 ite Jock's Pride, Dittfach A-117 Spanking Breeze, Grubb X11) renms, cast Farm sou | Every Monday *1°.%tr a!' win teat ig REMARKS: Mr. and Mrs. FOURTH RACE--Purse $1,800. Clalm-| Caledon Star, Turcotte 111 Wright have been milk ship- ot 8:00 PM ng (3000). Three-year-olds and up X--5 Ibs AAC : : XX--7 Ibs AAC pers for a number of years - mes t XXX--10 Ibs AAC and have a ne herd ¢ Ww 20 Games Jackpo s ANG POST TIME 1 PM Plan to attend. - Snowball and NO RESERVE ' k W. t Lawrence Harris Clerk Share the Wealth Lunch available by Enfield F ; ree Admission U.C.W PETHICK AND REID No Children onder 16 THURSDAY, OCTOBER % Ottawa Duke, Stirton 490 3.50 AUCTIONEERS FIRST RACE -- Mile Trot, Purse $900, Algo stanteds' We bon Fleet Scar Condition Scot's Up, Jimmy Riddell and Press On. » rT A 1 8-Lauriur Davies 14.50 4.70. 3.50 ANTIQUE and MODERN T N 7 Flood, Walker 3.10 2.70| SIXTH RACE -- Mile Pace, Purse Furniture. Acution Sal e, cs 3-Handsome Pick, Waddel 4.10| $1,500, Conditioned ge \ Iso Started: Missile Way, Lady Jess, 4-Pat Sultan, Ellicott $2.50 12.80 9.38 property © Mrs. J. R. Luke, p iN Fantabulous Riddell, Aunt Myrtle and|t-Highpatch, Walker 4.30 3.30 230 Roxborough Ave., Osh Leland Blue 2-Landsweep, Feagan 249 Sat., Oct.. 28, 1967 oo waee Also Started: Michael Kirk, Elmer C., mi o ott ND RA Mile Trot. Purse} Brave Ezra, and Singlela 90. Bin Tar north B | N G O ). Conditioned | "EXACTOR, 4 AND 1, PAID $114.20 St. E. at Roxborough 7-Cheertul Count, Hayes 28.10 9.60 5.90 Ave. or turn south off Adel 8PM Claudette Mir, Wellwood 9.40 6.00 SEVENTH RACE -- Mile Pace. Purse cide St. East , A 4-Bambi Riddell, Palr 3.106900. Claiming ide S s Aes Also Started: Hit Parade Mir, Ka- 7-Tay Town Laddle, C'rn 16.80 4.90 4.60 Organa Symphony = organ Early Bird Game 45 i Be le, Lady Dean Who, Nat Frost|2-Long N Lovely, Feagan 3.20 2.50 i tm i lik ) ee Mac. Gentry McKlyo, Hie Gane ait tel ea bee MeN | DAILY. DOUBLE, § AND 7, PAID $171.20.! Also Started: Queen Blue Frost, Postal b oak § ' | hiet May Trust, Mr. C.G., and Adiov sak office desk, Thor ironer HOLY CROSS THIRD RACE -- 5)2 Furlong Pace. 'Susie : ker d buffet MCOE ST Pp Claiming {ike new), dressers and burtet, | Ch Cox 4.90 4.00 3.00) EIGHTH RACE -- Mile Pace. Purse wardrobe, chiming mantle (Snowball Jackpot $110 ir 2-5 Purdue, Furness 6.50 5.70 /$1,500. Op Claiming clock, hutch, Captain's chairs. 56 Nos Haygarn, Hicks 2.90|5-Keniand Lass, Wkr 9%.10 4.60 3.60 antique secertary's desk, Gone (Reg. Jackpot $50. Full Card $10 mane Started: Pree ane echo TRlage billy tack Winger His 130 with the Wind lamp, brass | each horizontal line Tommy | Also Started: Aigermac Grattan, Arm student's lamp, parlour lamp, i bro Harvey, Rough Sketch and Balla wagon wheel, antique tele- | pee ae n door prizes t Rah stal {RACE -- Mile Pace. Purse sta phone, cellection of sea lca nigh leon aa SGracie Byrd, Varcoe 23.90 10-10 5.50) NINTH RACE -- Mile Pace, Prrse lis, drifwood centre pieces woley Nuiere eae 8.50 4.80! $900, Claiming. as : 1-Shady Diamond, Davies 2.60|S-Royal Oaks, Woods 7.20 3.90 260 coal oi! lamps, odd tables, | NEW S ARE Also Starela: Lady Violet Direct, Tom|2-Pass Port, Hicks 2.40 qs ook hall tree U Tally, L Gold and Superior Mark 4Van's Gift, Young 60 pA peg Also Started: Duke Atom, Stewart's or pote out DANCE CLUB FIFTH RACE -- Mile Trot. Purse|Hoot, Trina Lee, Colonel Philip and jar croc D 4 i) Claiming. Babe Adios epergne National Geopraph STARTING Gay Philip, Farmer 9.20 5.90 3.40' Attendance 2,485. Handle $147,379. books, set of encyclopedias » WEDNESDAY, NOV. 1, '67 (Britannica),- Lawnboy wer eee Hiker vee sialyl We will give individual atten tools, Many more articles too Mae tggaiblg WENUDG: Fe numerous to mention. Terms pany ; e least pelos danc igure !so. simp! NG Kuctiones round dance basic <ING uctioneer | REGISTRATION AT 510 BOND WEST, OSHAWA any Wednesday Evening 8:15 - 10:30 3039 OSHAWA Auction Sale t. 28 or phone instructors. PP ek 4 aa sharp Susie and Bill Robinsor Household Furniture Property 725-3117 of Estate of late Mrs. R, J B G Lawson, 87 Christina Cres., ORANGE TEMPLE Pickering (Village). Walnut desk, Ribbon Mahdg- any sideboard,. Oak Dining- room suite, Deury 16' Loud- speaker and Projector, Wal : nut bedroom suite, Twin SATURDAY, OCT. 21 beds, 2 chests, cedar chests Dressing table, large chest of 7:30 P.M drawers (antique), Upholster- ed arm chair, 2 upholstered 20 GAMES $8. arm, eas - vere ited Share The Wealth stools 'ockir chairs n- figue). 2 Wilton rug 4--$40 Jackpots To Go Spode china, table lamp --$150 Jackpot To Go floor lamps, silver dishes, an- tique china, Pictures, wing- Children under 16 Not Admitted chair, headboard (double), ee Occasional tables, Table saw with extension. sand) 12 Brooklin & Ate: horsepower motor Lawr mower, garden tools Figure Skating Club Many other articles Terms cosh. Sale at 1:30 announces Tlchhore 6684 i reve Registration Sat., Oct. 28 { 1:30-4 p.m Someone { at Wants ' Brooklin Arena Your Skating Nov. 4 Hallowe' en Dance "Don't Wants" . HARMON PARK HALL SAT., OCT; 28 A Courteous 8:45 P.M. Dress Optional Ad-visor & Prizes will be happy to help you Start Spot Dances Get Fast Cash i The Quick Want Ad Way ! TO SATURDAYS Oct. 28, Nov. 4, 11, 18, & 25 Direct to the Track LV. OSHAWA 11:00 A.M. LV. WHITBY 11:10 .A.M. LV. AJAX 11:20 A.M. RETURN FARES OSHAWA $2.85 WHITBY $2.55 AJAX $2.45 Includes Admission Return After Last Race Tickets and Information ot OSHAWA BUS TERMINAL 18 Prince St. 723-2241 WHITBY -- Harry Donald Ltd. Telephone 668-3675 AJAX (North Ajax Coffee Shop, Telephone 942-3390 Ajax (South) The Coffee Cup Telephone 942-2940 | 4 E f ; 18--Comin BI UAW. SATURD/ (& 73 20 GAMES, 4 GAMES $41 ONE G JAC SHARE 7 Simcoe St. 50-5( Center TURKE Sat., 4:3 Adu! Children é 5 ond ST. GERT HALLOWE and F Sat., 2 ST. JOHN'S EVERY FRID, Corner Blo Jackpot ! Two extra 20 Games Jackpot and §

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