Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 Oct 1967, p. 14

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, October 27, 1967 Piblageitecinin Frosty Mornings, A Sure Sign of Fall: Time for Want Ads, The Best Deal of All! Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 9 to 12. BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Accountents |Building Trades Plumbing and Heating 5--Trailers z se Be BOB CLANCY'S Accounting Service. Complete bookkeeping service, 178 Sim- coe Street N., 725-0397, Res. 723-7605. YALE, FRIEDLANDER AND CO., Chi tered Accountants, Licenced Trustees in Bankruptcy, 574 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. 728-7371. HOPKINS, BEADL® AND CO. tered Accountants, Financial Tre Bulicing, 187 sy Street ae Osnawe Ontario. 725-3509; Hopkin: E. Beadle, CA; 'e "Lukow, GORDON R. DAY, Certified Genersi Accountant, Sulte 205W, Oshawa Shop- ping Centre, 725-9953. JOSEPH GUYMANN, Chartered Account- ent, Licensed Trustee, i Bond Street Gest. Telephone 723-4633, Blueprinting BELL DRAFTING end Reproductions oes 52% Simcoe Street North. 723-4661 Siveprint! ing and photostatic coples. Building Trodes REPAIRS ALTERATIONS ADDITIONS HOMES-OFFICES-FACTORIES Ree Rooms and Kitchens a Speciality James Allen and Sons 725-6126 ROOFING, epairs, tary and Ht Roofing and Conatrociion. Tosa0a7, LOCAL CHIMNEY = cleener. Chimneys built end repaired) gas lin- ings Installed; roots repelred, 723-2997. 'gravel, -- L. AND |TERRANO PAVING, 10 years In busi- 19c, square foot. ness. Guaranteed wee Bond St. E 7%3- ALL TYPES building repa chimneys, -- eavestroughing, masonry. Gord May, Whitby, 668-2774. . Roofing, fireplaces, Plumbing Discount 149 Brock St. North WHITBY -- 668-6601 og; Cerpentry Direct to you, plumbing sup- | Quality Carpentry GENERAL REPAIRS Serving Oshawa and District for Many Years. Home Improvement Specialists ! Honest and Dependable Service plies. Everything in the plumbing line. 20% off all supplies. 12 p.m. -- 9 p.m. SATURDAY 9 a.m, to 5 p.m. CLOSED WEDNESDAY 900d condition. Telephone 7 down-town. 40 acre parkiand for winte sports included with storage member: ship. Call 655-3821. 1S-FOOT VACATION Citation valet In 723. TRAILER STORAGE -- "saan Park, Oct, Ist to April isth, 10 minutes from : ee : ; ' ir 17' TRAVEL TRAILER, sleeps six, elec. Phone 728.9968 after 4 p.m. 1¢-FOOT RAMBLER | tric brakes, two years old, $1,395. Tele- house trailer for in as GRENVILLE : : i g sale, in Telep' 942-6867 anytime. 3 ® Bs 6--Marine Equipment Gardening & Supplies 2 Day Service Free Pick-Up and Delivery FALL BULBS Early Tulips Lote Tulips Botanical, Tulips BAVESTROUOMING, fr estimates, guaranteed work Mu Holliday. Telephone 725-9404. EAVESTROUGHING, chimney _ fiash- ings. Free estimates. All work gueran- teed. Mel Meulemeester, 728-4797. COMPLETE HOME improvement serv- in Oshawa and eres. Reliable, ree- sonable. M. Lafontalne Const. 725-3756 Parrot: [ulips Lily Tulips Hyacinths Crocus Doffodils Narcissus ATLANTIC PAVING AND CONCRETE. Get your driveway paved by experts 20¢ . ft, all work guaranteed for three years. 1. CLASSIFIED RATES WORD ADS wore f 1 he fgg of Bord words, Moe tional words, consecu- ee insertions of i words, 3.24; addi- tional words 131 oe 6 _consecu- tive insertions of '4 words. 5.76; oddi- tlonel words 24¢ each. Charge---10 per cent = charge ¢ not paid within 8 do thod of Counti: ie tymn 24 om counts os Oe words; each word, nitial, figure or abbreviation counts as one word; phone number counts two wor Palegrata SOCIAL $2.50 per insertion with 23 cents addi- tional charge if not paid within 8 days. MEMORIUMS 2. 50 for the first 25 words ond 6c rach thereafter plus 13c per line of Poper Whites Iris Snowdrops Eranthis Lily Bulb Pans Potting Soil Wine Concentrates Gallon Jugs Fermentation Values Brittannia Malt Hops Cooper-Smith Co. 16 Celina St 723-2312 723-1139 Angus-Graydon 728-6254 |Re- 'UPHOLSTERY by experts, Estab- Hlished 20 years. Workmanship guaran- jteed. Free estimates. Credit terms. jtresses re-built, furniture re-finished. |Oshaws Uphoistering, 287 Dean Avenue, | 725-05 0311. | CHESTERFIELDS re-upholstered and re-styled. Free estimates. See our mate- lal for re-covering. Slip covers made to order, Dalton Upholstering, 75 Charles |Street, 723-7212 |Sales and Service CHRIS CRAFT | Phone 725-8576 Rug - Upholstery Service or 623-3411 ry, SALES and SERVICE - RE-UPHOLSTERING McVay fibreglass sail boats, Dressmaking e Wid be if =p Fobri Crestliner, Peterborough ond iGe@ selection ot Faprics Northeroft runabouts. Evin- fey ge pcg al ie eM el e bidet fell "guia rude outboard motors. and ladies. Letter of recommendation ive full years |from alteration department of city de-| @ Easy budget Terms--Free Oshawa Yachthaven [partment store, 723-7866. | Estimates 723-8186 |DRESSMAKING -- expertly fitted suits,/ @ Over 20 yeors experience |*STARCRAFT" GREW Traveller boats. ere gee a ih, aon THE FURNITURE CENTRE Evinrude motors. Open seven days DRESSMAKING, designing, allerations, 90 Simcoe St. North seers, garam end ibe Le, professionally done 'st resvoneble. raves. ine a oon" inal Call Mrs. Neve, 221 Lupin Drive, Whitby.| PROFESSIONAL Wee Mc ae tea entinecien: JALTERATIONS and ai types of sew: $475. each. Wilde Rental, 668-3226. Ing. Apply 207 Bloor West or 725-0865. RUG CLEANING lig pAYERBORO Gacar best Wilh new trailer, has 10 HP Johnson motor, 728- In 7686. yas anions eons FE WHO R AND EIR LIFE SAVINGS ON THE ECT - BECAUSE THEIR ONLY SON HAD DROWNED THERE the Enchanted Fort "ot Mallorca, Spain, HAVE BEEN ENTWINED FOR @ Kine Fecmwe Breda, be, 100 FREE WINTER storage, outboard mot- org and lawn mowers, with regular tune- ups. Beat the Spring rush, do If now. |Wildo Rental Service and Sales, 1415 |Dundas East, Whitby. 668-3226. 7--Swap and Barter H AND LAUNDRY tubs, $17; foliets, basins, $10; pressure systems, sump pumps, kitchen and vanity units, made to order and installed; piping fittings, cars, HE a trallers. H. Chinn. 723-7088 or 728- 7288. FULL-TIME SALESMAN, Classified Ads lk for you sround the clock. Dial 723 2 today. 8--Articles for Sale |VACUUM and polisher repairs, al! tmakes, new hoses, brushes, new motors. jJack Lees, pick up and delivery. 728- 6956. DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, On- farlo Land Surveyor, Commercial bive- prints. 11 Ontario Street. 725-5632. GUARANTEED REPAIR fo al! wring- » washers and ranges. Free estimates. ican Furn, and Appliances, 723-0011. Septic Service SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. Prompt serv- ice on calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street West, Whitby, 668-2563. Surveyors H. FLIM, ONTARIO LAND Surveyor. Office 47 Prince St. 725-6881. 4 Res., 103 Elgin St. TV--Radio Repairs TV_ SERVICE COLOR verse; 25¢ additional charge if not paid within 8 days. RDS OF THAN' F250 tor the ta 35 words ond 7c thereafter with 25¢ additional pl If not bel within 8 doys. OMING EVEN' $2.38 per inch Taisplay): $2.00 for the first 20 words and 6c each thereofter (Word Ads). UCTI LES $2.38 PER IN INCH PER INSERTION, DEADLINES WORD ADS Nursery stock for Fall plant- ing. Cal HARDSAND LANDSCAING 725-1721 For free estimates TOP SOIL--MANURE fs) BLACK and WHITE FOR THE BEST, CALL Te LU TELEVISION FOR CLEANER, SHARPER TV_ RECEPTION MERION-KENTUCKY SO D BLUE-GRASS Sod Growers 4 p.m, DAY PREVIOUS eat AND FOUND | . DAY OF os pide } | 8) ne AND DEATH! 8 am, DAY OF PUBLICATION | N MEMORIUMS and CARD OF THANKS ! é p.m. DAY PREVIOUS CLASSIFIED DISPLAY 7 column--4 p.m. doy previous; 2 col umns or larger -- 10 a.m. day previous. cance AND CORRECTIONS } ° Hp SAY OF PUBLICATION elephicne 725-0697. Visitors Welcome 725-9674 -- TOWNLINE N gee twe yards up, de - Gelivery charge en one Instruction _ All-Green Nursery Your Own TV TOWER 728-5143 Corner Bond and Division T.V. TOWERS "BUILT IN OSHAWA" AT OUR OWN PLANT We give: you a better tower REGISTER NOW lessons, private or class. Morgen, 318 French St., for Hawallan Oshawa. guitar Apply Mrs. for less money. Money to Loan OSHAWA T.V. Any advertisement cancelled before! publicetion will be charged one day's! insertion, BOX NUMBER RENTAL $1.00 While every endeavor will be made to forwai repiles to box numbers to the edvertisers as soom os possible, we oc- cept no liobility in respect of loss or} damaged alleged te arise through gl | foilure or delay in forwarding such re- piles however coused whether by neg! i} pence or otherwise. The Times will not | be responsible for replies uncolied tisk in 20 days. \waeD CASH to consolidate your bills, MONEY A PROBLEM? Consolidate al! your debts into one low monthly poyment. First, second and third mort- goges orranged. 24 hour service, inciuding weekends, Call: R. W. LAHAY & ASSOC. WILLOWDALE ONT 223-2060 or 223-8797 SUPPLY LTD. TAUNTON RD. E. Gust East of Ritson) 723-8131 723-8132 TELEVISION -- RADIO 24 Hour Service HOLMES | ELECTRONICS REGULATIONS jbuy that new car, boat, travel espenses. TV RENTALS jWwe feature second mortgages of 12 per THN OSHAWA TAS WILL MRE cet alo te marigeats, aloe or TOWERS TISEMENTS SUMBITTED OTHERWISE |" sential eervate. tunes. Call Ta-4é3i any PHONE 668-5679 FAN Sav RNA Gr She T.V. Rental ¥ N ON nd VERTISEMENT.. NOR YOND | THE Firemen -V. Rentals SERTION IN WHICH oe ALCAN SER | The Oshowo Times rese | MORTGAGES FURNITURE d tn bl gl First mortgages arranged and "APPLIANCES. a hased. Open without no- he Tienes bonus. ' 452 SIMCOE SOUTH r more 80 723-0011 reproduce o ectly, but assume no 2f advertisement if. any inoccu any form are contained therein ft'S EASY TO PLACE « TIMES ACTION WANT AB | Cell Classified Direc? } 723-3492 libitit second mortgages orranged d and purcho nt in- terest rate 12 Onan half- year without notice or bonus M. F. SWARTZ 262 King Street East Oshawa, Ont. Telephone 723-4697 | SERVICE CALL ONLY 2.50 | Fast T.V. Service DOMINION TELEVISION 728-5154 9 a.m. to Q p.m. NOW SIX SERVICE BAYS FOR FASTER SERVICE WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL Chev., Dodge, Ford, Ply- mouth, Pontiac. We correct wheelalignment, inspect and correct costor and comber- align toe - in and toe - out to correct eondition.... $7.95 @ Parts extra if required @ Torsion ber adjustment extra, BRAKE SPECIAL Most popular cars. First Quality Rovaline, 4 wheels, Pius $2.00 per wheel lebor cost) WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL including weights per wheel, each .....- SHOCKS, MUFFLERS, FRONT-END WORK at COMPARABLE PRICES UNIROYAL CENTRES The New Home of DOMINION TIRE STORE 17 Park Road South Phone 725-6511 8--Articles for Sale 9--Market Basket BUYING OR SELLING furniture or ap- pliances, Call Elmer, 263-2294, 263-2695, GUARANTEED, USED wringer was television, refrigerator, etc., $34.50 and up, Alcan Furniture and Appliances, 452 Simcoe South, 723-0011. FREE! Furnace cleaned, adjusted free. Guaranteed trouble-free winter If you jpurchase from Western Oil Company. | 725-1212. FURNITURE rooms of new furniture. Pay only $15 monthly. Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe South. TYPEWRITERS, adding machines, cash jregisters, new, used, sales, service, all makes. Call your Royal dealer, 664, STUDENT TYPEWRITERS, rd portable all makes. New, used, guaran- teed, sales service. $30 up. McLinton's Office Equipment. 728-3664. TV TOWER SPECIAL -- 40-ff. structure, - Three 1 Apples Mclntosh $2 Per Bushel 8 AND SELL -- good used furniture and appliances. One location only. Pretty Furniture, 444 Simcoe South. 723-3271. TELEVISION SETS: 17 Emerson, new picture tube, $29.; 21% RCA, new pic- ture tube, $49.; 24" CBS, $59.7 23" RCA, $89.; all sets reconditioned and guaran- teed. Twelve to choose from. 576-3877. FOR SALE -- Frig, small cot, desk, some antiques, bird cage, ironing board, all channel antenna, $50. TRIO Tele. ALGOMA vision. 728-5143. BUY, SELL, TRADE. Used furniture, appliances and sporting goods. Ray 6) C d Whittaker Sales and Service, 723-9241, R HARDS Lt ° 19 Prince Street, Z SKATES, new and used, hockey equip- Thickson Rd. N. ment and sticks at bargain prices. ; Cycle Centre, = Bond St. E., 44, Whitby PIANO -- Upright, Mason. and Risch, apartment size, vig hig As 10 years old. Piano Co. T ONTARIO NO, 1 WINTER potatoes, de- livered or apply 14 Rockcliffe Street. Telephone 723-9439. WINTER | POTATOES. Ap Apply William Sack, Thornton Rd. S., first farm south of Hydro sub-station, west side. WINTER CABBAGE $2.00 doz. Savoy (curly) cabbage, $2.50 dez. Frank's Greenhouse, second farm east of Ajax on Base Line, south side. PUMPKINS, CABBAGE, Spsnish onions, -- large heads, eee, paint sprayer, flite bag. Phone 728-5513. Lowry ayy ren, new, man space hea' lephon' 12.0237, BLACK HUDSON | coat with ¢ vine gray Persian lamb collar. in good) Cy ageat Size 14 to 16. Telephone 728-| PLAYPEN, CRIB, car seat, childs' win fer coat size 6x. settee, buffet and other household Items. Telephone 942-2703, CONTINENTAL BEDS from $29.95, mat- tresses half price, all sizes, headboards one-third off. Factory outlet, 723-3889 SWAMP BUGGIE, goes 'anywhere, re built motor, dual transmission, heavy duty rear end, also has snow plough. ideal for the hunt camp, 728-5810 for appointment. 72. BASE HOHNER accordion and case. $175., lessons on ay Included, nearly new. Telephone vikite. WRinos R Sake large tub, 725-7130. ALUMINUM @ SIDING @ AWNINGS @ WINDOWS @ DOORS ES EVENISS SALES LTD. 15 Prince St. 725-4632 DRAPERY $1% MATERIAL yard A large variety to choose from DRAPES, REPAIRED, RELINED end CUSTOM MADE M & DRY GOODS and DRAPERIES 74 Celine 723-7827 HANDBAG | REPAIRS | New handles, frames, zip- INDEX TO CLASSIFICATIONS | --Women's -Column 2--Persone! 3--Sportsman's 4--Motor: 5--Traliers é--Merine Equipment Column O--Farmer's Column --Pets and Livestocs 12--Articies Wanted 13%--Articies for Rent 14--Business 5--Employment Wanted lé--Agents Wanted y--Female Help Wanted --Maele Help Wanted 9--Male or Female Help Wanted O--Real Estate For Sale 10s--Summer Properti Farms for Sele 's for Sa! ea! Estate Wanted MORTGAGE LOANS Re-finance Present Mortgage @ Pay oll your bills @ Make home Imprivements @ Expand your business @ Fast courteous service A. ROSEN Athan Ont. Mort, Brok Assoc. 725-0532 or Week- ends A evenings 728-5623 pers, etc. Reasonable rates. 395 CONANT STREET 723-9077 ---- | Soules wALNaT china cabinet, excel- lent condition, two pair of lined drapes, | belge background, pair drapes, gray background, ali large size, Telephone 725-2782. FREEZER, five months old. Cost $500. Accept $375. Financing arranged. Must sell. Telephone 576-3042, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, All In ex- cellent condition, One year eid, 120 St. Peter St., Whitby. 1383. 'CONN 576-2045, PIANO BY MEWCOMBE with bench,| thoroughly reconditioned, 52" high, ex-/ cellent tone, $250. Telephone 623-3900 CHESTERFIELD ~ matching chair, only six moni id, color gold, new $240., asking $163. °Telephone 723-0370. Potatoes, 'squash, etc. Walter Huron farm, half mile west of Oshawe on 401 north serv' |WINTER BAGE for sale. Telephone | 723-1640. Apply 534 Fox Street. McINTOSH APPLES No. 1, $2.75 6 bushel, bring your own containers. Nick Buldyke Orchard at 401 South Service Rd. and Thickson Road, 9A--Eggs & Poultry FALL FREEZER SPECIALS! CHICKEN LEGS Individuolly Packed 49c per Ib 50 Ib. lots delivered free on Wednesdays and Fridays, CHALET FARMS LTD Originally Port Perry Packers UNION ROAD PORT' PERRY 655-4422 (no charge) EGGS "DAISY FRESH" DAILY White Feather Farms, Oshawa, 655-4752. Picked up, deilvered at store or home. STEAM IRON end dry iron, man's brown 'sae size bg i boy's dress sult, size 10. Excellen' 723-5108. ASTRAL refrigerator and base, Quebec stove and Quebec heater, rangette. Tele- phone 725-9528. 10--Farmer's Column DEAD AND CRIPPLED farm stock eek Up promptly. Margwill Fur Farm, DRAPES, green, living and dining room; bedroom drapes and track. Com- bination planter, bookcase; 24" core Electric stove. Telephone 723-4119. ted Hampton 263- me ML leenos 101-C-67, e FOR SALE -- baled hay and Et ded or 11--Pets and Livestock 17--Female Help Wanted 18--Male Help Wanted Loe BOARDED with experienced cére, iarge box stalls, excellent riding facilities Telephone Blackstock 986-4362. AT LUNDILU Kennels, Pekingese, toy poodies and Lhasa Apso puppies avail- able, grooming and stud service, Town- line Rd. N., Oshawa, 723-6216. GERMAN Shepherds. Reg'd. pups. Pro- fessional training, boarding. Stud Pinto, Show mare. Texas sedi Cory-J Ranch THREE SADDLE mares for sale. Tele- phone 723-6203, 12--Articles Wanted Free Pick-up donate your child's old or damaged tri- cycle and ride-on toys, to be re-constructed and used by the retarded, Call 725-7267. GOOD USED FURNITURE wanted, etc. Highest prices. Call anytime. MacNeill's Furniture, 668-5481, 668-6526, WANTED DRESSER and chest of draw- ers, bedroom sulte, Telephone 723-3271, or 723-3989. 13--Articles for Rent Stenographer Post Office Department OSHAWA, Ontario $2848 - $4256 (salary according to qualifications) Good typing and shorthand speeds are required, Some ex- perience preferred. Starting salary dependent on exper- lence and qualifications. Per- manent position; excellent benefits including three weeks holiday and cumulative sick leave; Apply immediately on Applic- ation Form PSC. 100 obtain- able at Post Offices and Can- ada Manpower Centres, and send to the Public Service Commission, P.O. Box 8, Tor- onto-Dominion Centre, Toronto 1, Ontario. Quote reference 67-T-1485. RELIABLE WOMAN wanted to care for children and do light housekeeping. Must live In. Telephone 728-5986. Linens, Dish- | es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee | Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal Wear, Men's Formals, White Fox Furs, Mink Stoles. SARGEANT'S RENTALS 463 Ritson Rd. S., 725-3338 | Polish National | Hall for Rent AIR CONDITIONED Wedding Receptions, Ban- quets, Parties, etc. We Cater if desired. For more informa- tion call Joe Diugosz 728- 3718. Peter Soltys 723-4332. Tables, Chairs, LARGE LOCAL PRINTER requires ex- perlenced person for offset copy prepar- ation department. Art ability an asset but not essential. Wage to ability. Gocd company benefits. Apply 57 Simcoe Street South. BANQUET WAITRESSES rec required, red, full or part-time. Apply In person to Mr. Campbell, Genosha. Sade Capeciencea persennel management requiered Informe-; awa Section to train you In sales or No immediate investment Telephone Beauty Counselor tion, 725-6816. FULL OR PART time opportunity, lenging and rewarding, Incentive bon- uses and commission, Telephone Toronto 1 694-8433. SALESLADY WANTED Experience not necessary. Write Box MB81734, Osh- awa Times. CED hairdresser. Apply in WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walk- ers, reducing machines, sick room sup- piles. Aid Rentals, 105 Beatrice 725-1644, ENTERTAINING? Fifty to one hundri people: Oshawa Tennis Club ban- quets, parties asad Bar, kitchen, parking. 723-776. TV RENTALS -- Alcan Furniture and Appilances, 452 Simcoe S. Phone 723-0011 14--Business Opportunities SPARE TIME OPPORTUNITY Own and Operate A route of cigarette vending machines In your area estab- lished by us. Minimum of $32. capital Investment for secured stock, with good credit rating essential to qualify. For further. details WRITE BOX M8 1509 OSHAWA TIMES * ATTENTION * A rapidly expanding Cana- dian company is offering a franchise in Oshawa and sur- roundnig area to ambitious person promoting and handl- ing product in the consumer field. Successfull applicant will have protected area. Full company assistance, free ad- vertising. May be started on a part time basis. Minimum $200 investment. Reply in confidence stating age, ex- perience, present occupation, | etc. to CHEM-CARE PRODUCTS LTD: 276 Eddystone Avenue, Downsview, Ont. Phone 630-1438 SNOWMOBILES: Dealer inquiries _in- vited; BOA-SKI, the most revolutionary new snowmobile now has openings available for dealerships In and sround | Oshawa. Standard equipment on models jinclude twin lights, electric start, three- ply nylon track, warranty with engine from 15 to 30 HP, complete accessories available. Dealership to be awarded Im- mediately. Large investments not re- quired. Interested parties contact: Doro- thy and Thomas Dist., Inc., RFD No. 1, Colton, N.\ Phone 315-265-5410. EXCLUSIVE HIGH profit business. ¢ Clean, light, Interesting work. Choose your ow hours, part or full time, No selling, wit train qualified applicant. Age no bar- rier. Work at home. $5,000 cash In- cludes stock, fools, fixtures and large number of active accounts. For personal interview write Box M82698 Oshawa FIBERGLAS FENDERS from $29.95 and up. New and used auto parts. Re- built starters and generators. 1175 Nelson St, 725-2162. GENUINE BORG fuil- -length oat, dark 11--Pets and Livestock brown, size 16. Almost new. |bed with white headboerd, PP ty 51 Melrose Street. and pump, $25.7 FOR SALE --. USED TV SETS A-1 condition WASHER 21% TV, $30.; eight-plece dinette sui $50.; two-piece sectional, leather, $50. two steel beds and springs, 54", $ Apply 67 Drew after 6. ;|POODLE CLIPPING iced, QUALITY Panes inside te Ryo » all bri will trade for calves or pigs. ume. 985-7892, SNACK FOOD distributorship availabie ocal area, good estab- CATTLE oR. SORES. BOARDED for |lished volume, nationally Pit brand, : bagla e gone eed and care. Tele-/excellent profit potential, annual vol- phone 6279 or 723-1239. ume $100,000. Minimum capital requir- ed $5,000 but will provide financial as- babel to mead party. Apply to: Mr. Lecour, room 511, Genosha Hotel, Oct- ober 30 - Nov, 3, between 5-9 p.m. person to the Vogue Beauty Salon, 10 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. HOUSEKEEPER TO live-in, 35 yeers or under. Telep Telephone 723-8: 18--Mele le Help Want Wanted _ Pacific Finance Credit Ltd. Management- Trainees We are looking for intelligent aggressive, young men with or without finance | experi- ences to train as branch managers, Grade 12 neces- sary. These positions offer @ Excellent opportunity for advancement @ Salary commensurate with experience with merit increases. @ Pension Plan @ Group life disability and medical insurance. @ Profit sharing. Cor necessary, mileage re- imbursed, 725-6571 GEO. THOMSON REAL ESTATE SALESMAN Wanted for Oshawa office, Inquiries treated confident- lally. Call W. Baldwin, ma- nager, W. FRANK jessential J. Wi HORSE RANCH Couple with car, no children, (we don't have facilities for more than two). General farm duties. Fencing, core for hor. ses and cattle. Salary, room and board, Experience prefer. red, Call Port Perry 985. 2200 or Toronto 293-3291, [REAL ESTATE REPRESENTATIVE -- Due fo expanding buginess and in Ing inquiries we require _ two om with incenth Peg Pxoatiance FB oe Agey| "bot a 'or confidential ink iikinson, Realtor, S7¢-14iie a TV SERVICE MEN, full =) 'time, for outside calls, experienced Ny. Sau ary to $150 weekly, 728-5154, EXPERIENCED LICENCED auto ms. chanic for Taunton BP station, corner of Townline and Ti Road, Apply In person. JANITOR REQU REQUIRED. 'Apply In parsan . PPly In person exe aT OF PORTUNITY- Large company has opening for @ local retle dent with business or sales background, Reply stating personal history, educa. tion and experience to Box 82595 Osh, awa Times. FULL TIME drivers wented, pd 25 yea ing arrangement, Sales mini Apply 143 King iter 19--Male and Female _ Help Wanted ~ THE DEPARTMENT OF REFORM INSTITUTIONS requires a COOKING INSTRUCTOR AT THE PINE RIDGE SCHOOL, BOWMANVILLE Duties: Under the supervision of the Head Teacher, the in- cumbent provides instruction in the theory and practice of commercial cooking for classes of eight to ten selected stud. ents. Qualifications required: Grade 10, preferably supplemented by Courses in food service and household science; com. pletion of the apprenticeship requirements for the cooking trade; plus five years exper. lence at the journeyman level; ability to instruct and controf ward students, Salary commencing et $2.71 per hour with annual Inere- ments to $2.93 per hours. Write or telephone for ap- pointment with the Superin- tendent, Pine Ridge School, Bowmanville, STUDENT (male or female) To enrol in school of Radio logical Technology. Educa. tion: Grade XII! Arts and Science with 60% average with 4 options, two of which must be mathematics ond science. A transcript of marks will be required. For further information please apply in person to: DIRECTOR OF PERSONNEL, Oshawa General Hospital OSHAWA, ONTARIO HOW TO EARN MORE MONEY -- MEN and WOMEN 1 need a full or part-time person to help meet the de- mand for a much needed ser- vice for motorists, Pleasant, dginified, good paying work. No experience necessary but a car is. For full information phone 576-3351. RLTR, REAL ESTATE LTD. 506 Simcoe St., Oshawa 728-7585 Forming Carpenters Wanted | Rate $3.60 per hour NOW $3.75 per hour NOV, 1 For further information cai! 725-7583 anytime BEAUTIFUL BABY SUbeTn an for training, talking 'dein Apply P. Broad, 114 Elgin Eas' FB en shampooing, | 15--Employment Wanted MOVING, move Insured, odd fobs done, with or without truck, Rent truck with driver. 728-2882. EIGHT USED VACUUM cleaners, and up. 263 Simcoe Street South. T $10. ele-| PUREBRED Whitby, 668-1 6977. CHAIN SAW WORK, trees taken TOY, white Poodles, hone 728-7552. TV TOWER SPECIAL -- 40-foot , EVI | N pl seven weeks old, registered. One male, |structure, all-channel entenne. instelied. TRIO TEL SIO ONE NEW SCALE Williams upright jone female. Telephone 728-1948, $50. Oshawa TV Supply Limited, Taun- 728-5143 plano. DEER HOUND FOR SALE. Ready to |ton Road East, just east of Ritson Road. 35 Division St. 987-4744, run. T 723-9533. KELVINATOR deep freeze, 17 cublc|SIBERIAN HUSKY puppies, 5. Pereanel CLEARANCE foot, $125.; Singer Zig-Zag automatic) The perfect pet. Gasire pet ledieo Kitchen and Dinette Suites, veggie. machine, $125. Tele-|gog Road, RR i, Bowmanville. "| ECTROLYSIS lovely 5 pc. suites with high REGISTERED thoroughbred » four | EL | bevked chal cha pat USED TIRES, most ail sizes. B. F. Good-| years old, Telephone 723-5873 after 5:30 | 723-4641 ac ed chairs, w 9g rich, 88 King Street West. 725-4543. p.m. } : vinyl backs, walnut arbor- [MOFFAT RANGE, almost new; ches-|SEVEN SIAMESE CATS, four male, | Removol of superfluous holr ite tables. $69.95. Many |terfield and chair, In very good condi-|three female, $100 lot or $15 each. Eight | Morie Murduff will be in more all slashed in price. tion, Apply 51 Melrose or 723-7539. ___| cows and heifers, some In calf, 942-3317. Ossawa Oct. 25, 26 Nov. Ist WILSON'S FURNITURE ea ae at canstea "et OP SADDLE, 'never used. $20 or best offer. Phone . Genosha Hotel on 20 CHURCH ST. std ake none 623-7276, East. 1ST AND 2ND mortgages @ buy, sell and errange, For service, ilcensed broker, phone 725-1423. 793-7232 able. -- |CADY. "WISHES + "We forth and Greenwood Aree. Arriving for ores. a.m. Telephone 576-3701 _dates for appointment Mendel bevigyd SECOND mortgages. CAL EXECUTIVE will drive your jSgreements purchasec and so Henn! cer to Florida about November 4, Tele- pand Hennick, Barristers. ng Stree! phone 655-4525. ride to Toronto, Den- Painting and Decorating (3--Sportsman' 8 ee arom "4--Stores Offices end Storage t5--Houses for Rent Rent PAINTING AND PAPER hanging flor and exterior Free estimates any inte-! guns bought, |HUNTING LICENCES -- New end used sold, and traded. Ammuni- 3 \tion and Figen 'supplies. Valley Creek, 26--Apartments for i be 28.282. fa---Expo Accommo cl ob sale ile A alse [16 Bond st cJ--Rooms for Rent ° 2 0 2--Room and Board Plumbing and Heating \¢n-Adoteibiliee %--Wanted fo Rent 30--Automoblies for Seis ALL ed dap) repelrs and remodelling,|NEW LOCATION. Rey Whittaker Ore- 31--Compect Cers for Sale new u materials. Reasonable!stop Cycle, 19 Prince, Oshawa. Parts, 2--Trucks for Sale rates. "Estimates free. 723-1191. J. Foley.|service, sales, all makes, now small 33--Automobiies Wanted engine service, all types and snow j4--Automodiie Repelr 25--Lost and Found WANT-ADS DON'T COST--THEY PAY. » machine service. 723-9241. | diced ap fous ROOMS with paying guest. no wor en ad-writer to Hy yeu omnes yer oh SPACE HEATER, propane gas, thermo stat control with gauges for two tanks and twenty feet of copper tubing, like new. Telephone 725-4679. CRAFTSMAN metal lathe and motor, swing 6" and 12" centre, $165. Also arc welder for garage or any other work, nearly new, $150. Telephone 728-8876, 1-7 p.m. NIAGARA Cyclo massage, $75 or best offer; crib complete $10. Apply 213 Al- bert Street or telephone 723-0063. STOVE, 24". Good condition. esti: house refrige: 5 Telephone 728-86: WE BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE sa furniture or anything you have. The City Treading Post Bad 44% Simcoe Street South. 723-167 SACRIFICE! '300 Savage DeLuxe rifle with 2.5 Weaver Scope, fip-off mount. Like new, $130. 985-7149, Port 'Perry. FRIGIDAIRE 40-inch range, in eee Telephone 728-6785 after 5 ScunHE CABINS -- four $150. each, and two, 12' each, Apply 630 King West. DRUM OUTFIT -- complete outfit con- ru a, fi aro $250. tains -- Bass drum, (new chrome rim style), 20" size, floor tom, side tom, high hat pedal and cymbals, cymbal and holder for bass drum, foot pedal, snare drum, new design snare stand, funing keys, 1 pr. sticks and 1 pr. brushes. $25.00 down, balance at $9.00 per month to approved credit. For more A lel call 725-4706, Wilson and 9004 | female, woRter 6 BOARDED, large box stalls, good feed. Telephone 725-1097, POODLES, biack minlatures, male end registered. Telephone 668-6137. lin 665-4820, end) FEMALE BEAGLE $10. Telephone Brook- down, small moving fobs, light cart- age, odd jobs, etc. Phone 668-8682. RELIABLE WOMAN will care for one or two children in her own home. Five-day week. Wilson Road South ares. Tele- phone 728-3397. WILL BABY-SIT children In my Monday to Friday, hours. 723-1274, YOUNG AGGRESSIVE mother will look after children in her own home. For further information telephone 576-1458. PHARMACIST AVAILABLE for occa- sional part-time work. Reply to Box 'M82187, Oshawa Time: CHAIN SAW work, trees taken doi roto-tilling, small moving fobs, cartage, ee lobs etc. Rellable. Reasonable 648- | 868: home, during daytime AQUARIUMS repaired, nee new and some old style for sale. REGISTERED Dé months old, 987-4970, with children. Reasonable. 5647. custom built, UND, $30, Telephone Noncaiiie. AMERICAN COCKER Spaniel, two years old, registered, papers, all needles. Good Telephone 668- SELL ! SELL | SELL ! That's The Job HORSES BOARDED, Oshawa area, Lee Ltd., Music Store. TYPEWRITER, gaara $20; portable, $35; electric typewriter $95., adding ma- chine $20., electric adder $40. 723-4434, TYPEWRITERS, $49. No money "down, $2. weekly. Adders, cashiers, new, used, rentals, service, trades. Bill Harmilion, [Reglen, 1985-716, ;|GLASS REPAIRS wood windows and aluminum screens. ic a articles, Phone aoa VACUUM REPAIRS, all makes, brushes, etc. Pick-up, delivery. 942-0213. Fleming Vacuum Service, Main Sireet,| Pickering. to sluminum and Free pickup and delivery, 728-2284 723-1239 or 723-6279. PUPPIES and trained dogs, toys and larger breeds. $25. vey Delivered, Tele. phone__1-985-2645, 4 box stalls available, excellent care end h feed, two corrals plus nature trails sed | pepad [exercise Of Times Want Ads 723-3492 ADDITIONAL SALES LINE Sales agent, presently selling in the area from Scarborough to Bowmanville required to handle an exclusive commis- sion line of industrial hard- ware for a national company. WRITE TO BOX M82638, OSHAWA TIMES Wanted Licenced 'A' Mechanic Full employee benefits, top wages and bonus. Excellent working conditions, APPLY Firestone Stores COBOURG 372-2127 KITCHEN CABINET INSTALLER Must be fully qualified for apartment buildings, hourly pay or footage basis. Apply in person to: Parkad Apartments. 255 Simcoe St. WN. (corner of Simcoe and Adelaide) JOB SWITCHES The average man between 20 end 24 can expect to switch jobs six or seven times. In many cases the change will he PART TIME Interested and remunerative completing insurance reports in your area, 1-2 hours daily. Reply to: Box M82016 Oshewe Times Por SLED akeaxrscs state saab ae aaah HELP WANTED -- Christmes free Production. M. Walter Company, Bow- manville, after 5 p.m. Telephone 62 7511, $100 WEEKLY or more, full, part-time, ladies, men, Fuller vertoran, Whitb¥e Bowmanville, Oshawa, 728-4922. 20--Real Estate for Sale J.-B. McMULLAN & Co. Realtor 120 Dundas West WHITBY 668-6201 COMMERCIAL LAND Two bedroom older home on nicely landscaped lot. This bungalow is in excellent con- dition and only 3 minutes from downtown Whitby, con- sists of living room, dining room, large kitchen. TV cerial, aluminum awnings. Carries for $80. per month. | WHITBY (CUTE AND PRETTY) Two bedroom frame home in older part of town. Large kit- chen, living room, 4-pce. cer- amic tile bath, rec - room, breezeway, attached garage, patio, TV aerial and many other extras, Open to offers. WHITBY (3 UNIT APARTMENT) Brock St. older brick home on large landscaped lot. 54 x 130'. This income home shows good return on investment. List price $19,300. LIST PRICE $26,900 Four bedroom brick bungalow, large rec-room with bar, at+ and kitchen, 4-pce. tile bath, large rec-room with bar, at- tached garage, well land- scaped lot 74 x 162', Close to schools and shopping. fo 8 totally new career. Is the "Help Wanted" column in The Times' Classified Section. Whether you're leppcelares or looking for a better Ps @heck "Help Wented" now! And the place to took for the best obs | T AFTER HOURS CALL | Doug Winstanley 655-3642 Tim Vipond 668-8562 Alvin Puckrin 668-4335 . REALT REAI 16 Simet 723- ADELA! FERN 1 @ Just liste tive and clean alow with am kitchen, doub good size gor in your mean Phone now fo ' VACAt tl @ In one creas of the on a quiet res will take a si a double gar tate too long well worth th $7,000.00 ir area. ' SPACIOUS | Ill @ Good ta inside and out orated four Professionally lawn fenced ¢ indicate the their home. 6 room, carpeti room, dining | room and ha and oven, TV ant neighbor! home a real | down paymen tonight for a inspect. CELINA 1V @ Two ap arate bathroo Completely re very good st $12,000. only information. large dining room, tool shed, sit sized beautifu Must be sold. EXECUTI Vi @ Must t dining , room, draperies and hollywood -- ki finished recr bar and built. es. Landscape with trees an entry, covere foot hedge a privacy. Mak to see this hi SOUT MULTIPLE VII @ 5 roon main floor w ed apartmen shop attachec used for busir extra large | 115," -40F 3 please call t SOUND 1 Vil! @ Caref es the finan this 11. suit distance of t units contair es and are y parking. We details. Plea: GUIDE LIN 16 Simco 728 W Dol Re 1363 Si pgs PRINC Executive, | bungalow, v oge. Locate four corne! rooms, plus tion room $22,000 w See this bre weekend, 8 immaculate brick home, ping Centr income hor home for suggest yor * BILL 72 SHOPPING CEI year-old brick low, two thouse day's replacem ments, too. Mu: se, busines 5103, W. O. Ma FOR SALE include | fixtures and o school. Call Ji . d. 8. Realier,

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