Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 Oct 1967, p. 12

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12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, October 27, 1967 (quncvermeveeeomerevernnrn nine ane RHE TTMTH NE COUNTY LINES Choir Sponsors Mardi Gras Night To Raise Money For Organ Chimes _ {suction centres across the coun- COLUMBUS -- The choir ofjsisted in the presentation of ajnadian Labor Congress, infor- the United Church is sponsoring|playlet. . . . Those taking part/mants said Thursday. _ a Mardi Gras Night in the Unit-/in the Anna Group' meeting) Of the three CLC affiliates in- ed Church and Centennial Hall/were Mrs. Skelding, Mrs. Royjvolved, one has already with- on the evening of Oct. 28 to/Taylor and Mrs. Russell Mount- drawn from the fray and the raise money for the purchase|joy. ... Mrs. J. Bradburn was|CLC's acting president, Donald of organ chimes. The program/hostess for the Dorcas Unit)MacDonald, has asked the oth- will include round and square| meeting. Mrs. Walter Wrightlers to let him choose between dancing, games, a masquerade'and Mrs. Stanford VanCamp)them. with prizes and refreshments. jtook part in the program. ...'| The International Alliance of x The Esther Unit meeting was|Theatrical Stage Employees, NEW MANSE held at the home of Mrs. Ivaniwhich has held the bargaining KEDRON (TC)--John Glover.iMfoyntjoy with Mrs. Arnoldijrights for more than a decade, treasurer of the official board|ypayjor, Mrs. Harold McLaugh-|told the CLC this week it is of the United Church, has an-iiin and Mrs. Merrill VanCamp/withdrawing its jurisdictional! snenenn Decides On CBC OTTAWA (CP)--A_ two-year struggle among four trade unions for 1,700 workers in CBC pro- over bargaining rights) Continuing the novel year, Oshawa _ Kiwanis usual guest speaker program. Past-president "Morry" Reed the world-wide scope of business, with nia, Hawaii, Australia, etc. today, because of their ligh ounced the new manse en-|1a, t in the program.|rig } \weight and cheap freight rate,|9"" : vavious|ing treatment by prices. The other 24 per cent/nor is it a luxury budget," said|§ .ydasinidinididdicidckéidks actiediest ae Gane ection taking hac id : ihe me rights in the matter, _ flowers can be ordered from|also paid tribute to the various paoa. On their return many Of} a. in real improvements in the/Ross. : x LITTLE CAESAR i Ria ¢'s <i | IATSE has come under heavy f ; lindividual staff members and reich harged they had on toe snoderate"' family. budeie ¥ to approximately $5,000 |supper were made at the Angli-lcriticism in recent months from(ro ny. or, trese countires andi i ians of his committee who|the Pilgrims charged the, form of better food, more au The "moderate" family budg-|2 pei , can Guild meeting at the home| or, : non"is 'rom thanks to the facility of the air-| 4 tAbutions fo the|been_ shown "phoney" films t0/and other family needs and de-let, Ross said, shows that "aspi-/@ x . SPECIAL SPEAKERS lof Mrs. Charles Fee. Ways and other unions, its own membersipjane, can be delivered in soa moetathage bd contributions induct them to make the triplcites rations and expectations muiti-¢% CONSULS ¥ KEDRON (TC) -- Rev. John) oo ot Sc iting th tie con and the Canada Labor Relations|awa, often within a 24-hour per-|Cemb sé RUCKER. land once in The Philippines had)" pocs emphasized the study|plied at least as rapidly" as ris-|§ +444. W. Grant, professor of church/™ vel ere dlecgiaea Board for inadequate support jing. Past-president Frank | Taylor,|heen overcharged and forced to|/qoos not represent a typicalling income and the production|$ PP arg Pues re history at Emmanuel College/™U"! within the CBC unit. Last week) Don Crothers, chairman of the,one of the club's official dele-ltiye under unsanitary condi-lty5 family, but provides alcapacity of the economy. : sual and former editor of the Ryer- FILM PRESENTED the board ordered a vote to de-|"Get Together Club," reviewed|gates to the annual Ontario-|tions, lyardstick to measure the spend- son Press, was the speciall ygapLE GROVE (TC) -- The|termine whether IATSE should)the history of the formation of|Quebec-Maritimes District con-) 'They flew from Windsor, Ont. ing habits of other families. speaker at the 129th anniver-|showing of the film 'Point Zero be formally decertified. Ithe club in Oshawa, its early|vention, at Sault Ste. Marie,|-------------------------- sary of the United Church last! fight," dealing with alcohol and| An international conference ofjproblems and subsequent)gave a report of the convention, ' MEDIAN IS $7,500 Sunday. Barbara Taylor, Port!griving, was one of the high-/IATSE officers in Honolulu\growth as a successful organiza-\its various 'meetings, study Bombers Raid The median income of 48,- Perry, was the guest soloist.'jiohts of the Hi-C Club meeting made the decision to bow out.|tion and generous contributor to|forums and entertainment pro- 000,000 U.S. families is about | ; Rey. Kenneth Deer conducted at {he Christian Education Hall.|However, a labor board spokes-|various community projects and gram. ® |$7,500 a year. | | the service. Morris Bradley spoke on the man said arrangements for the|welfare fund drives. | Another highlight of _ this} Close To Hanoi | The study was based on a) € theme "Life." decertification vote are contin-| Past-president Ken Jackson./week's meeting was the. presen- 2 7 \theoretical 38-year old man with ; + VISITING = a uing and it probably will be chairman of the agriculture and|tation of the "Legion of Honor"| SAIGON (AP)--U.S. Navy| ae | KEDRON (TC)--Preparations BOTTLE DRIV E held in four to six weeks. conservation committee, told of (25 years membership) certifi-/bombers raided an electric'| | St | | \ COLUMBIA PICTORES Presents ere being made for an. Every pogo Te ee % ~~ the activities and promotion;cate and pin to aon ox - i bi ark x | =O =JACK IENIMON Family Visitation of the congre-| Wolf Cubs and Boy Scouts \ work of the club in this area and/Don Storie. Past-governor A. E.|Hanoi Thurs. Tw ' Z F gation Nov. 5. The visits arejhold a bottle drive this S WINDOWS HIT reminded the members the an-|"'Bert'" Coulter made the pres-|ported shooting down a Old Fashioned OR a1 A MARTA MARIUS PRODUCTION designed to promote fellowship,|day. An apple day held recently nual "Junior Farmers Night," entation, on behalf of the club. Ay gear just rat of Vi) Ps, ancial survey. ... was a success -------------- ----_--__---- aa -- -------- the North Vietnamese capital. aes | a ew aces a st | BY GOLF BALLS | = Flyers bombed the power | 1 e | and realized $63 at the auction| PRESS SECRETARY NEW YORK (AP)--The | For T her Writes seg 1.1 miles north of Ley cen-| DANCE | sale on the farm of Mr. and| MAPLE GROVE (TC) -- Mrs.) ouner of two luxury apart. | mer @ac tre of Hanoi, = ~ _ Mrs. Harold Bennett. . . . The|E. R. Stephenson has pig oP ment buidlings on Staten Is- third straight day in "po - | | IN Kedron Hi-C Group and the pointed press secretary. of the jand has filed suit asking the . U.S. raids on bridges, rail yar " COLOR communicants class attended|Home and School Associa-| city to halt a bombardment of | Bowmanville Cc 00 Oar jand MiG air bases aroun the Inter-faith Service Sunday|tion ... An open house was goif balls from a municipal | !Hanoi and Haiphong. § H night at the Oshawa Civic/held lasti Saturday to honor Mr.| course, The U.S. command said re- | Auditorium. : jand. Mrs, Jack Harrie on the} Tower: bao hk Gimen Mk | BOWMANVILLE (Staff) --yplicants who apply to attend/sults of the latest Hanoi raid | QUILTS SHIPPED pecirelegie of tele aver yw corporate owner of the build. Education in Uganda differs|every year, only about 60 to 100|were ea yet prihgg tng ge bg [STOCK ) oobi Mrs, Charles! ings which parallel the 18th /from Bowmanville High School,|are chosen, so a large percent-/announced earlier tha r | BLACKSTOCK (TC) - AjGreenham spent last weekend] {2& sha : oh ' : ;|MiGs were destroyed or dam- large number of articles, in-|with her cousin, Mrs. J. R.| hole of the Silver Lake Park |reports former teacher Lloyd age of teen-age boys never Bet aved on the ground during cluding two quilts, were pack-|Macdonald, at Weston ... Mr.| ana course, said Auth had | Johnston. to school at -all. An education! strikes Wednesday on the Phuc Ay ed for shipment to the diocesan|/and Mrs. Howard Hagedorn and eon i i: Mr. Johnston taught at the in this country means prosper-/Yen air base 18 miles northwest | 10 GOOD office at the meeting of the/family, Plattsville, spent the) The suit, file uesday IN Bowmanville High School until|jty eans pov- of Hanoi. Anglican Church Women. Ap-iweekend with relatives here New York State Supreme |jast year, one he moved to ll ge Neco pean sl Tass, the Soviet news agency, COSTUME PRIZES preciation was expressed to]... Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mel-| Court also said the tenants |the former British colony in set to school are very keen and if @ dispatch from Hanoi said Costume Dress Optional Mrs. Carter, a former member|lor, Lynn Mellor, Grant Hum:| 4nd their families live in fear jarricg At a recent meeting of © is : U.S. planes bombed and strafed FUN GALORE now living in Bowmanville, for!phries and Stephen Mellor, Tor-| Of being hit by stray shots or her donation to the bale and tolonto, were guests of Mr. and) flying glass Mrs. Auston Beacock for bind-|Mrs. C. P. Swallow Mr.| The suit asked the court for ing the quilts. jand Mrs. Fred Wright, Barbara' $385 in damages and either an and Beverley, attended the! injunction against the use of GOODWILL jparty at the home of Mr. and/ the 18th hole, or an order to BLACKSTOCK (TC) -- Mrs./Mrs. Norman Wright, Ennis-| the city to re-design the hole Ken Lee gave a paper on|killen. to honor Mr. Wright on| to eliminate the danger. "International Goodwill" at thejhis 87th birthday... Mr. and meeting of the Candace Group.|Mrs. Harold Behm, Port Hope, Mrs. Ross Duff and Mrs. Lee|were visitors with Mr. and Mrs ' New Abortion | District John- the Durham County High School Board, Mr. ston reported in a letter: "We're just about settled in now. This is a _ boarding school and I have a house on the campus. As the boys are jwith us for a full term, there's much to do, night and day. "Occasionally, I'm duty offi- conducted the worship and as-/Sam Van Camp and family. | ve peas toeataty aavoMHs | ® for the whole school after Bill Approved hours, Saturday and Sunday. There is very litile money in By DAVID HOPKINS LONDON (Reuters)--Brit- ain's new abortion bill, exceed Parties Reach Agreement | Following All-Day Session A private agreement worked out late last night Be jin carrying out her sports ac- tw arties involved in a pedrve aiset that occurred injury. The private bill, bitterly con- early in 1962. Evidence indicated that at a tested in Parliament, received reliminary hearing, Mr. Mac-| House of Lords approval Thurs-| The Supreme Court spent)? n g, Ma A eight hours Wednesday delib- Millan, the defence counsel had/4ay night and now awaits only erating the case of Gott versus asked to see Mrs. Campbell's |/0val assent. The health minis- Campbell. jleg which, she claimed had oY, roaiey as aes te j y tury a scar on the knee. She showed|™ak rrangements for putting echedilad for this nittine of tie) him the wrong leg by mistake. |!t into effect. ; ' 'an%iIn court, she said 'I was' Abortion now is legal if there very y didn't! , ga ao eee ic ae: rattled when you asked to see is risk to the mother's mental | tively gives the medical profes-| was|what extent she was hampered | , hysical health. fence counsel argued strenuous-/™Y_ les. ee, iy fo a GAiceeainent Commented Mr MacMillan, The bill, applicable to Eng- A group of students from "You didn't realize I was a'land and Wales only, extends O'Neill Collegiate sat in on the|Married man with five. chil-'the legal grounds to take into proceedings until the morning/| ren? 4 account the mother's financial recess. They were welcomed by| Mrs. Campbell said she has and social situation and the ef- Chief Justice Campbell Grant. {complained of periodic and fect of another child on her In asking for an adjournment \spasmodic back pain ever since family. Charles MacMillan, the defence|the accident. An orthopedic sur-; 4 jey clause in the new legis- counsel pointed out that the ac-|2€0n once suggested she Weal jation is that decisions made-on cident occurred on April 23,4 back brace and she didn'tithese grounds should take into 1962, the writ wasn't made out Purchase this for some timé.iaccount the "total environ- until April 16, 1963, and the The defence counsel hammered ment" of the woman. statement of claim wasn't away at this point, and said Abortions also will be permis- The two of you were making } until Dec. 16, 1964 The 'tw 'Inf sible where ther : , made ur D a total of $7,000 a vear and here is serious risk The evidence indicated that sAuldnle: Aitord: an B18 beacelt that the child will be born seri- the accident had occurred on Couldn! allord an 9's brace: ously handicapped, mentally or Highway 10 at the Dundalk physically, ion wider powers to decide| Uganda for education, and the boys have to pay 150 shillings ($21) a term for their school- ing. When you consider that receive for wages paid when they shillings a month tivities as a result of the ae oad is desirable. |their children to school. pro- cedure inaugurated earlier this the} importations from the Dutch Indies, Holland,|? St Africa, South America, Califor- ong to become law next April, effec-|local help around here are well "Out of several thousand ap- JOHNNY CARSON NEW vision star Johnny Carson was upstaged Wednesday night by a fleet-footed thief who drove off with the per- former's rented limousine while Carson stood ing. The episode took place outside the RCA building where the National Broad- casting Co. has studios, po- lice said. It was raining heavily and Carson's chauffeur, Clar- ence Leonard, went to meet him with an umbrella, leav- ing the car door open and the motor running Suddenly, a man dashed into the rented car and sped off. Police were looking for deroad, thwest of Toronto.! ies . Bviden 2 wet a car driv- New Laws Sought MAKING IT LEGAL en by Edward B. Campbell of > The total-environment ap- _ Ajax collided with a car driven To Control Rabies proach probably will procure by Kenneth Gott. The Campbell legal abortions when families vehicle had been southbound) TORONTO (CP)--Vaccination|live in overcrowded conditions. and registration of dogs should'And it probably will mean abor- ted for licensing, one tions for women who say they America's foremost cannot afford another baby or on rabies ontrol|that another child would be ursday. harmful to their existing fami- M. K. Abelseth, assistant lies. on Highway 10 and the Gott vehicle had been attempting to make a left hand turn no onto Highway 10 Mrs. Marjorie Campbell, now)" of Whitby, a social worker, was aid Dr director of laboratories and vet- a ---- = -- ---- the auto THIEF UPSTAGES | MONTREAL (CP) -- Captain master. of the Bluenose II, maintained that) ==" YORK (AP)--Tele- | most of the 500,000 people who| Dr. quain | Labor Congress! Kiwanis Club Members Speak On Own Vocations Jack ted the newer Langmaid members jwith the club's activity in voca- \tional head of the third generation to}... operate "Reed's Florists," gave ae an interesting talk, pointing out The speaker pointed out thaturing July and t/Tequired, and cost of administration. He guidance, and employment gestions. |. "Bob" Sinclair, the 1967. camp committee, gave ummary 's camp operation, the num- r of campers accommodated of the past August, property pure scholarship sug- chairman of sum- staff hases anxious to learn, not to acquire knowledge, but to get that ever import ant piece of paper will get them a job. "The headmaster runs that the centre of the city. The dis-| patch said five U.S. planes were shot down and several Ameri- Pilgrimage To Be Probed DETROIT (AP)--One investi- gation is under way and another with presentation of trophies|is sought of a trip to The Philip- and prizes to the various win-|pines by Club|ners, will be held Tuesday eve-|who soug members listened to several of|ning of next week, at Kiwanis of their ailments. their clubmates give brief talks;\Camp. on their own personal vocations, jan interesting change from the Wayne County (Detroit) Pros- ac-jecutor William jlaunched Thursday although he has not received any formal complaints. In Lansing, State Senator John McCauley, asked for a Senate investigation to determine "whether the people organizing an these trips are benefitting finan-|tistics. and other items and the rest on shawae cially and working a fraud 0n| he report shows a "moder-|taxes, life insurance, gifts and the public." late" living standard cost 39 perjcontributions to social and char- Sounds of the The Detroit area group, in-l\.ent more than in 1959 when thelitable organizations and job-re- NOW Generation cluding Canadians, spent twOllact study was made. Fifteen|lated expenses of the husband. THE GIG FUN DANCE weeks in The Philippines receiv- Antonio Ag- {can flyers bailed out. the| whole show here -- the school, the dormitories, kitchen main- tenance, staff homes, etc. He is at pre sent installing a_ septi bed for a large new dormitory that he has just completed. As| there is never any money for anything he often has to resort to selling scrap metal or any- thing else he can get his hands on in order to get ready cash} for new buildings, food for the kitche jhere n and has supplies. Wo been quite an rking eye 111 crippled persons} ht a faith healer's cure/more it takes to live, says @ L. investigation FOOD LAID ON SUTTON, COLDFIELD, Eng. land (CP)--A troop of scouts abandoned the tradition. al cooking fire when they went on a three-day expedition. Their food was pre-cooked and deliy. More Money You Make More It Takes To Live ered by a catering company. It WASHINGTON (AP) -- Theja steady job earning $11,000 a) stowed more time for "adven. more money you make thelyear, his wife who doesn't work, |ture", said the organizer. a 13-year-old son and an eight- BY THE BUCKET year-old daughter. Mount Waialeale, on the It took them $9,191 in an aver-;js!and of Kauai, in the age U.S. city for a 'moderate' awaiian Islands, has an living standard last year, and/annual average rainfall! of with price increases since then) 471.68 inches. the figure is at least $9,420 a)---- year now. government report showing a "moderate" standard of living costs a U.S. city family of four more than $9,000 a year. "Psychologically, the family feels as much pressure as be- fore because it wants more,"| hey spent $7,329 on food, said Commissioner Arthur M. housing, clothing, transporta- Ross of ihe bureau of labor sta- tion, medical and personal care Chalan PRPS pay (Ay ' Qe per cent of the increase was in| "Jt is not a poverty budget Friday, October 27th vsnectoewoor ARS | MAY SAT., OCT. 28th pared with 34,000 in 1960. vF opener and I thought you'd be! intere sted." The letter, which was read to| you can see what a hardship it|the high school board, closed when legal termination of a! must be for parents to send| With Mr. Johnston's wish that things were going as smoothly lin Bowmanville as they were | Ellsw in Uganda. LIFEBUOY TAKEN orth Coggins, | HUNTERS INCREASE Moose hunters in Ontario in c|1966 totalled about 60,000, com- RED BARN "Oshawa's Friendliest Dance" Y), STARTING PHONE 723-2648 x as Featuring THE BILL BACKWELL COMBO SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28th PRIZES FOR THE BEST COSTUMES Dancing 9 p.m. to 12 HALLOWEEN DANCE NEW LEGION HALL 471 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH TODAY THE LIQUIDATOR GOES FROM ONE HOT-BED OF INTRIGUE TO ANOTHER! 3.00 per couple |visited his ship this summer at! Expo were decent. But he mused, 'I am minus one pair of binoculars, our special five- pound Bluenose passport stamp, watch- }one dory horn and a lifebuoy." 1o9 Dancing Saturdays COUPLES ONLY JERRY REIDT ORCHESTRA | NOW PLAYING | | TECHNICOLOR ® The John Heyman/Peter Watkins Production hospitalized for two weeks as a result of the accident and re- York erinary science in New ceived two minor vertebrae State; was speaking to a confer fractures ence on rabies called by the To Edward Campbell, who was ronto Academy of Veterinary pinned in his car following the Medicine, Federal, provincial accident, said of Mr. Gott, "He and municipal health officials came over and said 'I'm sorry, ¥ST® Pre : it's all my fault'." _ Mr. Ht a5 said cats would Mrs. Campbell indicated she|2° 'he major problem of the fu- had been an active sports- S far as control of disease eoncerned IZZA Phone 723-0241 or 728-0192 EPI'S woman before the accident, and a great deal of courtroom con troversy took place over to PERCH HAUL UP In Lake Ontario the catch of perch nearly doubled to 138,000 pounds for the first six months of 1967 from 71,000 in the same period of 1966 CHILDREN 35° Up to 2 P.M. ODEON MOVIE CLUB BUGS BUNNY and GOLDEN HORSE SHOE REVIEW Pius Color Cartoons ALSO FREE PRIZES and POPCORN Odeon = 4 4 > > 4 Doors Open 12:30 P.M. Show Starts at 1:00 P.M. DRESS -- SHIRT and T THIS WEEK [ "THE SPRING | | GARDEN ROAD" | 0.C.V.1. AUDITORIUM SAT., OCT. 28th -- at 8:30 p.m. APPEARING THIS WEEK A Brand New group to the Loncaster Claude AND HIS Country Folk AT THE ESTABLISHED HOME Of Country & Western MUSIC IN OSHAWA + «75¢ Members IE... No Blue Jeans 4 q q q q q 3 | u EI dona Ste EVERYTHING THAT A MAN SHOULD KNOW AND A on MOTION PICTURE COULD SHOW ABOUT WOMAN! JOSEPH E. LEVINE yon SHIRLEY Maclai ALAN ° ARKIN BRAZZI _| CAINE PETER mes FEATURE TIMES \ Weekdays: 7:20 - "YOUR BEST SHOW VALUE ODEON? Phone 725-5833 ROSSANO -| MICHAEL VITTORIO GASSMAN SELLERS au: ARTHUR COHN rascrn VITTORIO De SICA's 9:30 Last Complete Show ot 9:05 ADDED ATTRACTION JERRY LEWIS IN "BIG MOUTH" BOX OFFICE OPENS 7 P.M. SHOW STARTS AT 7:15 P.M. Your Car Is Your Reserved Seat ALL COLOR SHOW DEBBIE REYNOLDS -- DICK VAN DYKE "DIVORCE AMERICAN ROD IMOR-REVOR HOARD IL SOHN , "THE EXQUIDATOR' '\ Added Thriller ! INDOOR- OUTDOOR THEATRE STYLE" ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Bit TODAY [OO HIDE HDHD DEI ie Wakeup! Break the rules! es Fall over laughing}! THE SPRUCE VILLA HOTEL WHITBY RESERVATIONS 668-3386 FOR CHRISTMAS PARTIES AT THEIR BEST RESERVE EARLY 668-3386 ONLY A FEW OPEN DATES LEFT IN DECEMBER SPRUCE STILL TOPS THEM ALL -- THE BEST ENTERTAINMENT IN TOWN THIS WEEK ONLY RAY BELMONTE ' DUO ONE OF THE FUNNIEST ACTS IN ONTARIO ALSO Starlita THE EXOTIC BEAT OF AFRICA Broadway's barest, rarest, unsquarest love play finds happiness on thebig wide color screen! CHARLES MILDRED 'Boyer Natwick TECHNICOLOR? = @. TODAY ! FEATURE AT: 1:30 - 3:30 - 5:30 7:35 - 9:40 Entertainment and Dancing Nightly Saturday Matinee 4 to 6 p.m. French Buffet Daily 12-12:30 and S-9 p.m, Sunday Dinners 5-8:30 p.m, DINE DS | Now Licens L.C.B.0. ORED for Sunday Banquets -- Weddings -- Parties TORONTO 10:40 | Distributed Toronto Stock Exc Quotations in cents 1--Odd lot, rights, xw Fields Neen 185 a) Pine Point Preston alta

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