Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Oct 1967, p. 26

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1] FOOLS! You KNOW TE AUTHORITIES DON'T ALLOW ENOUGH GAS TO GO TO KEY BUZ SAWYER DONALD DUCK BESIDES, WE DARE NOT Go "THERE! I TOLD YOU BACK TO CUBA. THEY COULD $0! OUT OFGAS!... THROW US IN PRISON FOR AND WE'RE BARELY BREAKING THEIR ELECTRONIC DEVICE... IT'S BETTER TO TAKE IT TO KEY WEST AND DEFECT, HALFWAY. King Fenteres Syadionta, ime, 1967. World rights reserved SOMEHOW, I DON'T SEE HOW I COULD WORK THAT INTO A CONVERSATION IT oreo BUT IF EVEN A TEXAS RANGER..... JANE ARDEN I WOULD RATHER MAKE A FIGHT OF vf oon HE'S INTHE HOW THAT-"*@e-TREE STARTIN'TO. \ NOW THE TREE CAN'T rabies THREW A KITCHEN M-MOVE!! / FIGHT BACK--ILL. COND ) SINK AT MES? "4 MOW IT DOWN !! Sy | YOU'RE HERE TO D0 MORE THAN SLUG VISITORS. WHERE'S. MR. LAZLO? SECRET AGENT X9 LI'L ABNER DEAR / MORE DBLAY AND 317 HAVE BEEN LATE TO WORK // | Channet 2--Buttale '} | Channet 3--Barrie | ms | -- | = | | Let 3-6-12---Man_from U.N.C.L.E Channet 4--Buffalo \icbende alee Channel 6--Toronte | 28--Dragnet Channel 7--Buftalo 10:08 P.M, | | 12--Dean Martin Channel @--Rochester =| 1}_The Merv Griffin Show Channel %--Toronto 9--Mannix Channel 11--Hamilton |7--Good Company 6--Dragnet Channel 12--Peterborough 3--Run tor Your Life | 2-8--Dean Martin 10:30 P.M, THURSDAY BYENIN® | 7Conversation | 5:00 PLM. 6--The True North 66 | 12--Rocky and his 11:00 P.M. e. 3 | Friends 12-11-9-8-7-6-3-4-2---News a | teJericho Weather, Sports 8--Mr. Ed | 11:19 P.M, 7--Flintstones | 1l--Plerre: Berton 6--Gentle Ben | 11:20 P.M, 4--Perry Mason 6--Viewpeint 3--Tralimaster 11:25 P.M, 6--Nows, Weather, Sperte 2 5:3 PLM, | 11:30 PLM, 12--Flintstones + havle &--Truth or 1 Lal Consequences | 28--Johnny Carson | ¥--News | 11: PM, 6----Let's Go 2--Of Lands and Seas 6:00 P.M, Pierre Berton 12--News, Weather, Sports B--How's Business 7--Movie 6--Rango 4--News, Weatms. ports My Three Sone PRIDAY 4:30 FM | 12--Premiera Theatre 4:06 AM 11--Mothers-In-Law W--Schnitzel House 4 News 4--Captain Kangaree 3-6-9--News, Weather, 8:38 A.M and Sports University of the Alr 9-4--Huntley-Brinkiey 4--You and Your famil 7 THAT'S THE | ews J eae a if j WORST PART, HER 7:08 PLM 7--Dlaling ter Dollars, £ OLD MAN MADE That Gir Virginia Graham ME PROMISE I ,| | 9--Flying Nun by "a | ---1 WOULDN'T.!| | 8&--Four Winds to 00 A.M, Ma ' ae | Adventure | 11--Ed Allen Time ~~ FOOTBALL, 3 | 6-Day It Is %--Romper Room ' gt THE ONLY WAY, fos" > | 4--Movie 8--Pastor's Study CAN MAKE A Buck! / r 3-That Girl | 6--Meta " Ed | seas Weather | 4--Cariton Fredericks . £43 ¥ | Sports 2--Pat Boone a | 7: PLM, s y -M. 4 P | ¥--News, Weather, 12--Ed Allen Time = H | 7:3 P.M, j 1--Ontario Educational 3 1l--Hockey Re Ber 4 | 9---~Star Trek | 9--Me uj H | te Danie Boone | &-Ontario Schools 4 H 7--Batman | * ithe 4 Life 6---Accidental Family S00d Morning S , 4--Peanuts Special ee Ph dg AM -- NYPD | 11---Movi | foe 4:00 PM | %--Uncle Bobby . 7--Flying Nun | 8-2--Snap Judgment 4--Don. Knotts | 4--Candid Camera | +12--Canadian Schools 3-6-12--Hogan's Heroes B PLM. 10:30 A.M, 911s Happening CLIFF MILLS MOTORS Lid. 1967 MODEL CLEAN-UP! | TELEVISION LOG 7--Honeymoon Race 4--Andy Griffith | 3-6-1l--Mr. Dressup 11:30 A.M, | .M, | 11--Marriage Confidential 9--Mr. and Mrs. $-2--Hollyweed Squares 7--Family Game 4--Dick Van Dyke 12 NOON 2--News, Weather, Sports 11--Little People é--Luncheon Date 4--News and Weather; Sports 12.10 P.M, 3--Super Heroes 12:30 P.M, 11--~Photo Finish | | | | 12-6-4-3--Search: for Tomorrow 12:45 P.M, 12-4-4-3--Guiding Light? 1:00 PLM, 12--Movie 1i--Mike Dougias 9--Mevie S--wialing For Dollars, Virginia Graham J--Fugitlve 4--Meet the Millere 4-Luncheon Date 3--Movie 1:30 PLM, 4-4--As The Werld Turne S--Let's Make A Deal 2:00 PLM, 7---Newlywed Game 4-6--Love's a Many Splen- dored Thing @-2--Days of Gur Lives 2:4 P.M, 12--Calendar 1i--Perry Mason 9--Peepie in Cenfilet 7--Dream Gir! 4--House Party 4--Coronation Street 2-4--Doctors 2:00 P 9--Magistrate's Court 7--General Hospital 4--To Tell The Truth +6-12--Take 30 24--Another Werld 3:30 P.M, 11--Bullwinkle | 9--It's Your Meve 7--Commander Tom 4-6-12--Edge of Night 4--Yeu Don't Say 4:00 P.M, | 1}--Super Heroes 9--1 Love Lucy &--Match Game 4--Secret Sterm 3-6-12--Communieate | #-2--Cencentrati ' J---Bewitched | ee pateline' Hollywood emia Ts levy Secanaee [seincrriendly clom . | Yagiltigan's Istana 9:00 P.M, } 11:00 A.M, 8--Leave It to Beaver 9--Dean Martin 12--Romper Room 4--Truth or Cense 3 hy 7--That Girl | 9--Tugboat Annie | quences ss ij 4--Movie 2-8--Personality | 3.6-12--Barney Boomer ° Be = of CROSSWORD at > 6 DOWN ala 7h > 1. Wrinkle M / | le 2. Meander & 9. Fragrance . Gremlins = 10. French 4. Roulette painter bet 12. Jumps 6. With 13, Winged might 14, Escapes? 6. Not warm INTAISTATLMBMIAIRIRIV] NOTHING I6 TOO GOOD! | LOOK/...HE HAD A SHOWER slang 7. Girl's SIL (AIVIEMEUIRIGIE (SI KL, FOR HIS GON PUT IN JUST FOR LITTLELEROY,'| | 25, Spanish name SICIEIOMMDIEIE!D) epic 8. Anitem 16, Public 9. Soothe notice 41, Presi- coin 17. Like dential . 80.4 37. At one : 18.Offspring _ nickname © 82. Attuned = 19. pia » 45, Prairie 35. Poker 39. Tree z 20. Frothy Aut on afb need 23, Badly 172 73 [4 6 {7 |8 ee 24. New Li Y id YA, Jersey 10 iH o Seaport YY, 26, Pay 12 V/A\3 attention ? VA Hie 28. Not tough 14 is I ea : BL Affix = mae VA, bs G ' ve THAT LVE THREE 32, ---- 17 18 19 TO THE DOCTORS, iahibeep catonies Pa cars YY), U/ = WHERE ARE YOU pier AND WEIGHT' MEAL OFF My DIET! Eng. 20 21 122 23 e GOING 33. Greek Wy or LL Y Y F letter oa 34. Musie YA, LALLA note 26 (27 Y 28 29 |30 ne 35. Roman ; yy Lo y 7, 35 mone \ a 36.Way" V1, LLL) 38. Black 34 Go Yyare 37 wood Le, L 40. Because 38 3 Y 40 w 41, Tablet 4 +] 42.Agreements {41 UY, 42 i= 43. Pieced out Z = 44. Malt GE CK wn TSE "ib ET BY ; TH DRAG A MOUNTAIN CANNON ® THE HIGH PLACE, --_] | JUST WHAT THE NAME IMPLIES. ..LAZLO'S BEING CONDITIONED TO REJECT =i HUBERT PEOPLE DOWN THE STREET HAD BURGLARS LAST WEBIC- MIGHT AS WELL LET THEM KNOW WERE PROTECTED! ifs YOUR HEALTH Cluster Headaches Query Answered \By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD| Dear Dr. Molner: All | | my life |L have been troubled with pros- | Dear Dr, Molner: I have been tate trouble stemming from a jtold that I have cluster head-|case of gonorrhea at the age of aches. I have not heard of them|99. | am now 64 and still receiv- before. Would you discuss theming treatment by massage and in your column?--Mrs. 1.0. medication at intervals. That Cluster headaches are a var-\helps, but the backache, burn- iant of migraine, and related to/ing urine, and the need to get histamine headache. |up at night continue, The ig Monge il ape ® NEEDS SURGERY group or a bunch; hence cluster} sera headaches are likely to appears sed ge lhl dat in a series, followed by a period | yoy comment on ahis? CIM in which the patient is free of| ~ paced them. | Chronic prostate trouble alone They may occur at. night,|!8 enough reason to be wary of waking the patient: or they may|Venereal disease, or to get tend to occur at some particular|treatment immediately if the time of day. disease is contracted. Gonor- Onset is sudden. While they)"hea can be the cause of pros- are severe, usually they are of|tate infection. At your age other reasonably short duration. types of infections can occur f and become chronic, It can be VARIOUS CAUSES difficult to subdue. Headaches may have causes} Timing of the surgery as well fense against consists of attacking and con- tinuing to attack declarer in a |naturall } that a partnership should avoid choosing as 26 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, October 26, 1967 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top Record-Holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) South dealer. Neither side vulnerable. NORTH K int @K532 4KQ105 WEST EAST 49743 486 9Q10842 1AKTE ty poraa 83 & 9g SOUTH @AQI102 93 @QI107 hAl6 The bidding: South West North East 1@ Pass 2 # Pass 2¢@ Pass 36 Pass 3@ Pass 4@ Opening lead--four of hearts, The most usual form of de- a suit contract suit where he is weak. The un- Elderlying prupose is to force him to use up his trumps so that, when the defenders eventually obtain the lead, they can. cash whatever cards remain in their long suit. While this is going on, de- clarer does everything he can to frustrate the attack upon his trump fortress. If he is blessed with nine or more trumps be- tween his own hand and dum- my's he will usually be able to withstand the onslaught. When his side has eight trumps, declarer's position is sometimes seriously jeopardized, but when his total is only seven |trumps, the situation may be- come downright precarious. It y follows from all this trump a suit in which their combined holding jis only seven trumps, especially when they are divided 4-3 or 5-2. Observe South's problem in the present case. A heart is led and continued, which he ruffs. If he now draws West's trumps, he goes down. He winds up with only nine tricks -- five spades and four clubs. With all the trumps gone, the defenders eventually score the ace of dia- monds and three heart tricks. This result should not sur- prise declarer, since he starts with only a 36 per cent chance of finding the trumps divided 3-3. However, South can protect himself against the more likely 4-2 trump division (48 per cent) by playing in the following man- ner: After ruffing a heart at trick two, he should lead the jack of diamonds. If he wins the trick, he draws trumps and scampers home with ten tricks. If the jack of diamonds loses to the ace and a heart is re- turned, South discards a dia- mond, deliberately refusing to ruff in order to guard against a 4-2 trump division. The de- fense is then at the end of its rope, since a heart continuation can be ruffed in dummy with- out shortening declarer in trumps. Frenchmen Seen Top Spenders MONTREAL (CP)--If the number of francs exchanged for dollars at Expo 67 is any indica- tion, Frenchmen have been the fair's most numerous and welt heeled foreign visitors, next to Americans, says the manager of Expo's only bank. "Our foreign exchange figures don't prove this, of course, since other visitors may have ex- changed their money in uptown banks or, like the British, be suffering from stringent curren- cy restrictions," Paul F. Leger, manager of the Canadian Impe- rial Bank of Commerce's Expo branch, said Tuesday in an in- terview. French francs account for 50 per cent of the bank's foreign exchange with British sterling second at 16 per cent. German deutchmarks are next at 15 per cent and Japanese yen close by at 14 per cent. The remainder of the 30 or more foreign curren- cies handled by the bank ac- count for the other five per cent, BOOKS SEIZED OSLO (AP)--Norwegian po- lice raided the premises of five importers of sexy magazines re- cently and seized hundreds of copies deemed to be pornograph- ic, most of them from Sweden and Denmark. Violators of laws against dealing in pornography can be punished with up to twe years in prison and heavy fines, either inside or outside the jas its extent will have to de- head. The type (or types) we|pend on your doctor's judgment. are discussing today all come! under the general category of| Dear Dr. Molner: I read your vascular headaches, related to ajl etter from the lady who sudden dilation of arteries|\couldn't swallow pills, and the within the head. The cause of|suggestions from your readers. this dilation, however, varies. |Nobody came up with my dis- The histamine form is the|covery. consequence of a sudden release} Try it yourself. Put a pill on of histamine in the body, chemi-|the tip of your tongue (which cally the same reaction which;many people do) and try to accompanies allergies. Some-|swallow it. You will have diffi- times disensitization is anjculty if you succeed at all. answer, But put a pill on the back part of your tongue and see how quickly a swallow of liquid washes it down.--G.C.W. Thank you. very much. I'm sure it will help many, When there is warning of an attack coming on, as is the case with most migraine sufferers, medications containing ergot and other drugs can, if taken promptly, stall off the headache but may not stop the headache once it has begun. Dear Dr. Molner: I have jumps on my wrists, neck and Emotional upsets are a known/ankles which the doctor says QUEENIE "If you want to remain man's best friend, don't interrupt when I'm girl-watching." factor in many such headaches |are fatty tumors, but I ar Alcohol (which dilates arter-jafraid they will become malig ies) can precipitate attacks, and|nant,--M.H. 'ave to he removed because of ppearance or because they are drugs such as nitroglycerin can| Fatty tumors do not become do the same, malignant. They sometimes arge enough to be a nuisance, but not for fear of eancer,

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