24 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, October 26, 1967 |26--Aportments for Rent 22--Lots for Scle ONE - BEDROOM apartment, stove and | refrigerstor, laundry facilities and park: |26--Apartments for Rent jin9. Adults only. Apply 822 King Street LOTS FOR SALE Choose BUILDING LOT | | One half acre lot, treed lot, close to No. 2 Hwy. at Dor- | 1 | | | an lington, close to schools, mak- apartment ing on ideal home locotion, suitoble for V.L.A. Priced et : $4,000. with BUILDERS Whitby serviced lot, 149 x | Cable TV 145', R-4 zoning, south cen- tro! area, priced at $13,900. |____ CHOICE LOT WHITBY Buy the 80 x 140' lot for $6,000. and build yourself a SUBLET $125. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY home One bedroom apt. 15 ACRES ROSSLYN ARMS We f No, 12 d th s ae er Ke 7 hows. bes Bees 723-8. 8475 _ enn lovely spot to build your country home. Coll to inspect. GORDON Osborne GOVERNOR MANSIONS ADULT PRESTIGE RESIDENCE One 2-bedroom suite. Immediate Occupancy REAL ESTATE LTD. the ity periment wig For 218 Dundas St. E. | MRS. FORREST WHITBY No. 2 Highwey | (resident manager) DIAL 723-1712 |THREE-ROOM APARTMENT, + private jentrance and bath, close to downtown. | Telephone 725-8365 after 5:30 p.m. 27--Rooms for Rent 30--Automobiles for Sale 32--Trucks for Sale ROYAL HOTEL, Whitby, 17) Brock St. N. Rooms nightly or weekly, hot, cold water in @ach room. 668-5012. ROOMS FOR RENT weekly and nightly rates, $12 weekly, maid service, res- faurant on hg Queen's Hotel, 67 RAMBLER SALES -- SERVICE and PAINT |TARGE "two - bedroom apartment In Port Whitby. Free hydro, free parking. |Call. West Hill, 284-6813. |APARTMEN Three rooms h, private entrance. King Street East, $65 |Monthly. Telephone 723-4847. se |LARGE two-bedroom 2 apartment y with istove and refrigerator. Available Novem- ber 1. Telephone 668-6091. |TWO - BEDROOM apartment, $90 month- ve heat, hot water included, self-con- tained. Telephone 576-3888. YOU WILL ENJOY the homey mas phere of the Mona Lisa Apartments, Nonquon Road, where the rents suit]? -- your budget, and the facilities for your quiet enjoyment. Our Sauna Room and laym, five acres of playground, carpeted hails, and high speed elevators. You can enjoy all these facilities, with the low monthly rent at the spacloug Mona Lisa Apartments, 191 Monquon Road. Cail 723-6022 or 725-9934 for further Informa- |tion {10 a.m, until 8 p.m. dally. | MODERN Two-bedroom basement ap ment in apartment buliding. Electrically equipped, automatic washing facilities. Adults. Near shopping centre. Apply 214 Cromwell Avenue. TWO large room apartment with bath, | Close to south General Motors. With or | without stove, refrigerator and washi: machine. Apply 645 Oxford Street, 728- $289, DROOM 2 apartment, near hos. 'tn Oshawa, heat and hydro sup- d. $75 per month. 123. Elgin Street | West . Telephone $68 5621. ONE - BEDROOM apartment, or unfurnished, private entra |to buses. Telephone 723-0044. |FOR RENT -- Apartment, four rooms and three-piece bath, $90 a month. Heat furnished ice, close ~ |Apply 66 Pa We are open for inspection from 4 --|single gentleman. Simcoe St. New and Used Cars LARGE FURNISHED housekeeping Easy to Finance ot room: refrigerator, clothes closet, pri-) NIICOLS MOTORS LTD. bath, f vate ba lor one or two gentlemen. ___ WHITBY -- 668-333) ~ GUS BROWN _ MOTORS LIMITED R.R. No. 3, Oshawa TRADE UP OR DOWN. Top fort: jurnished rooms, stove, frig, bath, Sona | Kitchenette, Suit- able for two ladies or married couple. _Telephone 668-4470, fe, clean, quiet room, north General er 3 Housekeeping FURNISHED, jierg close to hospi Motors. Bus stop Privileges. Telephone 728.5984. Price paid for Good Clean TWO FURNISHED rooms gag rent at peaoeed Tate fer Slate Gaeta icin Cors, liens paid, TERMS. and living room privileges for services lo retire 72; 13-2982 2_ evenings. with kitchen facil- rine only. $10 weekly. FLORIDA BOUND ities, working 1966 Pontiac 4 door hard- On grslal gp minutes to Shop- top, V-8, power steering ping Centre. 80. ' 4 rei a radio, Royal Master white- LARGE ROOM with kitchen, stove @nd-| Walls' Also 4 seasons air fri tor. Private bath. Appl 2 Sat Drew Street' or 'Yelophone 70.2772 after conditioning. ROBSON MOTORS Bowmanville 623-3396 p.m. FURNISHED single ree er rent. Im- Clos __Phone 728-7375 or 728-7376 37--Auction Sales HALF-TON TRUCK wanted from 1953 fo 1956 Ford. Motor, transmission not neces: sary. Must be good condition. 728: 1956 CHEVROLET half to ton, 6 cyil new tires, fiberglass fenders, good body. $325. Telephone 725-8885. 1958 ¢ G.M.C. dump truck 9800, $600. Also 1964 Mercury dump truck, F 700, $1,- Fo ao tires. Telephone after 6 p.m. _ lie 'DODGE haif | ton "pick up, 6 stand- ars, long box, a $1,650. Private. elephone 576-3764. BIRTHS DEATHS AUCTION SALE PUREBRED HOLSTEIN, CATTLE, MACHINERY The Property Of ERNEST WRIGHT Lot 35, Concession % Darl- ington Township. WN- 33--Automobiles Wanted DARLINGTON NORTH. Mile West of Enfield and |b CARS WANTED Buying A New Car ? Sell your used car to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Cor Dealer and 'Save'. TED CAMPIN MOTORS __ 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 st Daring. paid, Telephone 728-454 Robert Nicols. |SHAW AUTO WRECKERS CO. Cars jbought, parts for sale. Iron and metals mediate Centre. 74 Grenfell Street" or 723-5665. OSHAWA TRANSMISSION SERVICE New convenient location 116 BOND ST. WEST We now have the facilities to do all general repairs, Guaranteed work. Call 576-2610 '0 CHEVROLET convertible V-8 hurst, floor shift, new top, $495. '6) Dodge, two- 8) ane V-8 standard, radio, $395. '6s CORVAIR Monza. | Best offer, 7 Phone 728-1854, COMFORTABLE ROOM for rent for Telephone 725-6536 or apply 323 Athol Street East. TWO ROOMS for a married couple chen privileges, laundry facilities. 7 phone 728-0467 before 3 p.m. SIMCOE STREET NORTH AREA--One- bedroom apartment with kitchen privi- leges, free parking. Suitable for oné per- son. Telephone 723-6508. WHITBY, above store, furnished, fight housekeeping, single and shared. Every- thing supplied. Weekly. Men only. Phone 668-6526 or 668-5481. 28--Room and Board Tele- jand water Included. 1. Tele- |Phone 576-3378. WHITBY -- Heated, three-room apart- ment with bath. pr ha redecorated. Centrally located, 668-25 WHITBY 668-8826 j TORONTO 364-6622 [ 23--Real Esto Estate Wai Wanted | ted ---- WANT 17 TO SEL SELL. | Premier YOUR HOME ? || 61 KING EAST -- -- large) ] |8partment, or may be converted to|-- | |offices. Immediate possession. Will re-| | {decorate to suit. Telephone 725-0360. | |ONE-BEDROOM apartment, private en-| trance, heat and hydro included. Rea- Sonable rent. One child welcomed. Tele- | jPhone_72 723-1927, ROOM AND BOARD for gentieman. Ap-|after 6 p.m. Whitby 6 668-6306. ply 38 Brock Street East, Osha 1%1 FORD F Prefect, dependable trans- BROOKLIN AREA. Room in walk-out poration: $70. Telephone 725-4355 after 6 basement in apa home. ae, ey p.m. Jone or two people. Laundry done. Board | jp» 4 Optional, 4655-3058, 57 CHEVROLET | hardtop, , 283, stick shift. Also 1955 Pontiac, stick shift. Tele- ROOM AND BOARD for gentleman, good Phone 655-3438 meals, lunches packed, close to bus, 56 CADILLAC, "$400 or best offer. "Apply | 195 Albert St. 1967 OLDSMOBILE Delta. t Nothing down. $50 monthly, 7 per cent. Private. Call Toronto 221-5915 evenings. |Parking. 728-4845. ROOM AND BOARD for gentleman, close to bus stop, central. Telephone 725- 2305. | | six MODERN, | two! G' centrally located. We have mony buyers. Our dy fo finance tha deal sath 1 & 2 BEDROOM SUITES u more cash. We charge Drapes, fridge, stove. Free u , 4% to sell city hydro ond parking, controlled mes --- that saves you o entrance. Apply lot of $, Call Allan Thompson 349 Marland Ave * |bathrooms, in Whitby, |ROOM AND BOARD for gentleman, six is FORD, fair shape, $100, new ¢ genera- days, lunches packed, close to bus. Tele |+o-° ang new battery. Telephone _ 725-9314, phone 723-0566. eee ee 668-5172. R isa METEOR, i ideal second car. No 00) ARTMENT. Suitable, ees, jown payment. $3 per week. Licence pes business couple, $77 month. Tele- 29: Wanted to ent K7866. Wellman's 728- 7351. phone 728-5819 or 339 M, Road. __| WORKSHOP or double wanted |47 RAMBLER Classic, executive tend vast 7 driven, TOWER on the Green, sublet, new, un-(for storage and repairs. Telephone), ciiinger automatic, radio, 3,000 miles jlived in, two-bedroom, --two-bathroom | 723-8851 daytime. Pests ees n° down payment. 64. |a@partment. One month rent free. Tele-| ; dé mon' ank terms, Licence 57023E. | Phone 728-3737. | 30--Aut biles for Sale |Weiiman's 728-735 \1a3 | KENT STREET, Whitby, 2-bedroom |unfurnished suite. Adults only. Telephone | 668-8995. CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST 725-2227 723-5221 or 728-2870 REAL ESTATE WANTED Bere gg TRADE YOUR PROPERTY Sagueny Ave., 2 bedroom nor N.H.A, dupl et apartments, convenient loca- taining 2 apts, live in one | tion. $115 to $120 monthly -- rent the other. Use including appliances and parking. One child welcome in certain buildings, your home os the down pay- ment. To see if your home LARGE two-bedroom apartment = in japartment building, good location, near shopping centre, downtown, hot water, parking, refrigerator, sere broadioom. One baby welcomed. 725-6851 |$95. MONTHLY rents cosy ciate four- }foom apartment with basement, adults, |Includes heat, lights. Central location at Two BEDROOM vant in @ a ment _ buildii tral, refrigerator, stove, ground floor, $105 monthly, pos session November 15 or December 1. qualifies for rack. please . dag id eM Adults preferred. Telephone 728-8876. call without obligation. letween aca ¥ AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY, oil heat- H. ed apartment, three rooms, spacious JOSEPH BOSCO, Realtor Ricl: Estate Lad. Realtors cupboards, tile bathroom, kitchen, two 28-7377 : outside entrances, large patio, refriger- ator, stove, two car parking. 723-4345. Oshawa Rental Agency Superb apartment accommo- dation in all parts of Oshawa. SELL YOUR HOME NOW! Call 576-0330 H. Keith Ltd. VALIANT _REALTOR WANTED -- Three bedroom t bungalow DEVELOPMENTS LTD. northwest areas Between Rossland CA Rd vay, Park Rd. a ane mn Ba etal aten tartan eanes| | 725-9934 -- 728-4283 ONE and two-bedroom apartments, heat, stove and refrigerator Included. Children welcome. Apply 300 High Street, Whitby, apartment 6 or 668-5462. THREE-ROOM apartment, on ground floor, excellent condition, heat and hydro supplied, immediate possession. Telephone 723-5656. APARTMENT or rooms to rent, for couple or single person. Apply 180 Alma Street, Oshawa. ONE, TWO and three bedroom apert- ments, and refrigerator, wall to jwall electrically heated. 728- | 9726, CLEAN, COMFORTABLE three room Ted Mendyk af Guide Realty Ltd., 723- 5281 THREE- OR FOUR-BEDROOM home, with dining room, good residential area in Oshawa required. Client has cash or TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT would consider trading his present 2 teven-room modern, split-level, brick} stove, refrigerator, drapes home in Toronto area. For information supplied. call J, Wilkinson, Realtor, 576-1411. 728-4283 or apply 24--Stores, Offices, Storage} 340 Marland, Apt. 111 SE for rent. Approximately - 800 cubic feet. Telephone 725-262) 7,000 SQUARE FEET of fioor area. Will rent part or all, 1405 King Street East. Telephone 723-1605. La Contessa Aportment iTORE por RENT as ee A Distinguished Address Newly decorated, $100. monthly. Call J. Wilkinson Realtor. 576-1411 140 Nonquon Road apartment, suitable for bachelor or coup- Ae Reasonable rent. Apply 168 Conant eet. AeRRTMGRY FOR RENT, availabie November 14. Three rooms and bath, private entrance, partly furnished. Drive- way. $75 monthly. 576-0867. LARGE, ONE bedroom apartment, $70 monthly. Apply 20 Harmony Road South, after $ p.m. er telephone 728- 1377, | BROOKLIN--four-room apartment plus laundry room, private entrance, stove tl Peli dead supplied. Telephone 655- pest + ROOM open basement apart- ment, ample cupboards and closet space, bathroom with shower. $60 monthly, heat and water supplied. Telephone 723-2754. ROOMS -- houses, apartments for rent, 25--Houses for Rent Landlords' Association, 23 Athol Street : vaste ! -1481 | - ; é 5wo-- BEDROOM | Call 725-148 [Telephone 728-1070. abla NovernbeF On buy titac retuoheny tT ONE- AND TWO-BEDROOM apari- ee | 2 ONE BEDROOM NEW FIVE-ROOM bungaiow. Telephone 720. Apply 350 Trefaigar Avenue. Apartment, stove, refrigera- tor, drapes supplied. 728-4283 or apply REE bedroom bungaiow,, 340 Marland, Apt. , Oshawa, convenient to monthly. References. |---- SHELDIAN MANSIONS home available No- $65. monthly, Apply Monday, C at 296 Annapolis between 10 a and § p.m. | W1 FIVE ey Hy "piece bath, 395| n Available @ Sublet large 2 and 3 bed- mber 15 prone. daa room suites with two bath- THREE 'BEDROOM split-ievel_ home, in| rooms @ Hi-fi @ intercom, modern kitchen with) en, close to trans-| m November 1 1 Mu be clean! ts. Rent to be negoti-| to $150. monthly. Call! elevators @ free hydro and parking. CALL 728-2502 __ jor telephone 576-0668. jments available. Good location, modern well maintained building. Stove, refrig- erator, laundry facilities supplied. Tele- phone 728-5282 or 723-0525. UNFURNISHED apartment, three rooms 1961 GaEVESLET "Biscayne, $250. Tel Phone 942-3867 after 5 p.m. 1955 CHEVROLET, A-i Telephone 723-6364, or best offer. '@ CHEVROLET Bel | Air, utomatic | radio, clean and reliable, no down ment. $7 per week. Licence J75570. Welt. i man's 728-7351. 66 MUSTANG V-8 automatic, red with {black interior, immaculate, private. Tele-! phone 723-8302 after 5. | 42 TRIUMPH TR3. immaculate, 42,000 original miles. Never driven In winter. HACKNEY MOTORS TRADE UP OR DOWN FINANCING AVAILABLE Looks and handles like new, $825. '61 '66 FORD Custom two door. |Austin Healey, best offer. 668-6961. Lic. 411386, 4-speed Hurst |SAVE DOLLARS! Several good used | transmission, 427 motor, two id 57's and up Trades accepted. 4-borrel carburetors, heavy Bloor. eat B. Motor Sales, 509 duty suspension, heavy duty 174; pontiac Sirato Chiel, completely| rear end, 11,000 miles. Fast- reconditioned. Ready for trouble-free est car in town. .... $2,095 driving. Lic. 495865. Wellman's, 728-7351. "62 JAGUAR Mark II, six cylinder over- drive, '66 OLDSMOBILE, 4 - door hardtop, local one owner car, 13,000 miles, warranty in effect. Lic. J93192, power steering, power brakes, power floor shift with radio, executive For appointment call 728-7351. 1964 MERCURY Park Lane, with all power options. Apply 662 Simcoe Street, South after 5 p.m. ; . {61 OLDSMOBILE, series 2200, two-door | antenna, tinted glass, auto hardtop, automatic, power equipped. | matic, radio, A-1. .. $2, radio, excellent condition. Telephone| ¢ 576-0816. | 65 BUICK sedan, Lic. ligg¢ PLYMOUTH Sporls Fury, Ad con:| A54467, automatic, 2-way |dition. Telephone 668-2327. | power, radio, like new. "62 VALIANT, 2door hardtop, 651%, | CEE ane aa ed $1,995 automatic. Telephone 728-2845. | 1965 5 SUNBEAM Alpine. Telephone 725- *62 PONTIAC, 2-door hard- |2296 after 6 p. MUSTANG 1965, A-1 condition. . Telephone --|wagon (child's), | condition, $ a | bought. 89 Bloor Street a 725-2311. |GOOD CONDITION used MGA i- lar for project. Willing to Bg up cf $150. Telephone 576-3920 after 5, 34--Automobile Repair FRED STONE | Brooklin -- 86 Queen St. E. | Automotive Machine Shop REBUILT ENGINES OVERHAUL AND ENGINE PARTS AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION CENTRE 1038 Simcoe St. N., 728-7339 Transmissions are Our Only Business -- Repairs, Adjust- ments, Exchanges. All Work Guaranteed. 35--Lost and Found LOST. Dark brown wallet citizenship papers and other |papers, Call 725-0349. |LOST. Vicinity of "Grenfell Sire Street, brown with red wheels. Telephone 723-6030. | Containing important North. Second Farm, or 3 {@! Miles East of Raglan and South. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28 Sale To Commence Sharply At 11 AM, CATTLE 2 Holstein Cows due in Oct. Holstein Heifer due in Dec. s Holstein Cow due in in Sept. full flow. the Alax-Pickering General Hospital, on Tuesday, October Barbera, Bryan and Dav wish to announce the safe arrival of. Hach! baby sister, Margaret Ann, 7 pounds, LINE OF EAST WHITBY x Oshawa General arents are Edward and Dobbie). 5; thai Hoar) 1) ounces, on Sundi a Pyeaild pine Nov. 10 Holstein Calves. ras Ped x ja corer 2 Holstein Heifers due 1967 at the. Oshawe Gan alts in Nov, Ayrshire bred in Sept. |A brother for Vicky. Many thanks to 4 Ayrshire Cows fresh ee Manitius, Or, Ross and 4th floor staff, nounce the arrival of Dianne Mary, at|q, 24, 1967. A sister for Id. HECKBERT -- David 'and Michael a Den! pec! inks to Dr. Bastian ind nurses one staff on fourth floor. McQUAID -- Ken and Jo-Anne (nee si are pleased to announce the safe rrival of Daniel Albert Aldin, 6 pounds, jay, October 22, 1967, it the Oshawa General Hospital. jcune -- Ray and Gwen (nee Love) py to announce the birth of a son, ye? ly, 8 pounds, 3 ounces, on Wed- ictober 'aad 1967, at the 'Oshawe dea (Mildred), Daniel, Earl. Funeral é PEREYMA, Sophia BOYES -- Bill and Elizabeth Boyes,|Entered into rest in St. Peter's Hos- Pickering, Ontarlo are happy to an-|pital, Melville Saskatchewan on Wednes- jay October 25, 1967, Sophia Olinyky of the late Karl Pereyma and pliall of Mrs. Howard Gourtie (Helen), Oshawa, William of Goodeve, Saskatchewan, Rev- erend John C. Pereyma of Oshawa and Peter of Resting at the Baugh Funeral Chapel, Mrs. Ann Cherepushchak, and Yorkton. In her 84th year. Saskatchewan with mass in jober Melville, Gihows "General" Howie er St. inichaels Ukrainian Catholic Church, nige (nee|Gocdeve Tuesday November 1, 10 a.m, Interment St. Michaels' Cemetery, Good- STRONG, Elsie Mildred suddenly at Memorial Hospital, Bowe manville, on Thursday, October 26, 1967. Elsie Knapp of RR 2, balk year. eye wife of ae eh Pontypool, In her mothe: f Mrs. Mrs. °R. Hayford " (Phyllis), Clifford, Stanley and Resting at the Northcutt-Elllott Home. Funeral service 2 Saturday afternoon. Interment Murray, o'clock, Ballydutt Cemetery. sharon hai -- William and Ada (nee ) we. ha Bs ng Bid to announce the safe Willlam Holstein bred in April. 4 Holsteins bred in Aug. 6 Holsteins bred in DEATHS STAFFORD BROTHERS LTD. Authorized Dealers ROCK OF. AGES FAMILY MONUMENTS 318 Dundas St. E., 668-3552 Whitby, Ont. Sept. 8 Holstein bred in Sept. 8 Holsteins Heifers 1 yeor 13 Holstein Cows some Robinbrae Supreme Pabst Berti due in Nov. Sky-Hy Marg, bred. Robinbrae Supreme Ruth | yr. |¢! MACHINERY ] Suddenly at his home, Port Perry, Gregory, loving son of Mrs. Bruce Men- Nancy due in Dec. ies of Flersor seen 8 baal igivliek ol 'ol an isabel, of eter- Wymilwood Rag Apple borough, Thelma (Mrs. L, Farley) of Ludington, Mich., and the late Marjorie Ormerod, in his 58th year. Resting at the Perry, until Thursday morning, thence to the Kaye Funeral Home, 539 George St. MENZIBS, Archibald Ceci on IN MEMORIAM hapel of McDermott-Panabaker, Port AC row crop Tractor 6 Ne feternoronah, for: caves 9 reay WD45. AC Tractor WD45. a p.m. Intermen je Lake Ceme-|) MC Deering Tractor tery, "Petecboroush, J W30. AC Hay Conditioner. : MH 44 Special Tractor 38--Coming Events h with loader, Hay Buncher. a MH self propelled No. 82, 10 ft. cut Al condition. New Holland Baler 66. New Idea Mower 7 ft. cut. Case side Rake. Case fertilizer and grain Drill 16 run. Cockshutt 8 blade Tiller. AC 10 ft. Cultivator 36--Legal NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND. OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF ROBERT TUNSTALL, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, Labourer, Deceas- ed. All persons having claims against the estate of the above-named deceased, late of the City of Oshawa, Coun- ty of Ontario, who died on or about the 29th day of July, 1967 are hereby noti- fied to send to the under- signed on or before the 16th day of November, 1967 their names and full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date, the es- tate will be distributed hav- ing regard only to the claims of which notice has been re- ceived, %3 PONTIAC ead four-door, six cylinder, standard transmission, radio, top, Lic, K3367, A-1 condi- $995 Lic, 24911E. A very clean car, Full price tion '65 MORRIS 1,000 Lie. only $995, Terms with only $10 down. ' ' Three d ly. St Motors, 137 K43411, 18,000 miles, A-1 King. st. W. Onley SIR ee Nitra Ne condition ......... $995 |1958 CHEVROLET Impala two-door hardtop, rebuilt engine, body A-1. Tele- '62 PONTIAC 2-door hard- top, Lic. K3367, automatic, WARIO; EL eres $895 ATTENTION HUNTERS '59 Willys Jeep. Lic. 80002 phone 723-5014, FOR SALE or trade for pickup truck. 1960 Ford 6 cylinder standard shift, A. condition. Apply 248 Toronto Avenue. 3710 or apply 144 Annis. '59 FORD, six, automatic. Telephone 725-| DATED AT OSHAWA, October 26th, 1967 Mrs. E. Gardner, Executrix, by her Solicitors, Greer, Kelly & Jermyn, 114 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario with cab, 4-wheel drive, heat- er, good condition, four new WOE i oh eccesa sa ia $995 FINA STATION 1180 Simcoe St. North 728-0031 723-1903 his BUICK CENTURY four door hard- V-8 automatic, power steering and be es, radio, good tires, excellent con- dition. Telephone 723-6353 after 5. 1965 PONTIAC Laurentian, four door sedan, new white wall tires and discs, radio, power steering and brakes, six automatic. Telephone 728-8526. '64 PONTIAC Parisienne, V-8 automatic, Power steering, radio, Whhipalie wheei discs, perfect condition throughout. 65 aeererin Street South. Telephone 728- 2245. and bath, ground floor. Adults only. Tele- Phone 725-7216 after 6:30 p.m. ONE and two-bedroom apartments. Ap- ply 291 Marland Avenue, apartment 103 THREE-BEDROOM apartment, newly jdecorated, on Mill Street, Newcastle, | |$100. a month, heat and hydro Included. | Telephone 797-2719. FURNISHED, + newly decorated room basement apartment. Priva' france, bath, parking. couple, $100 monthly. |p.m. CENTRALLY LOCATED, furnished bed-| room and kitchen, all conveniences, suit- | hree-| en- Suitable for | 728-6036 after ' Guide Reality Limited FURNISHED and UNFURNISHED TWO-BEDROOM modern house. Excel-| dentia! ar Stove, drapes, ga-| r ded. Cisse to schools and bus,| 1, 2 and 3. bedroom apart- $ onthly. Available October 31. | ments. Controlled - entrance. me | Twin elevators, swimming conveniences, availabe | pool, fenced playground. | gagoaay Im- |DOWNTOWN, | 30 Colborne Street East FIVE- ROOM "HOUSE, ail v $80. monthly, 9 s' monthly $85 |able for couple, also one single furnished | bedroom. Apply 141 Church Street. TWO-BEDROOM APARTMENT, refrig- erator and stove Included. Available im- mediately, $115 monthly. Will accept one child. Telephone 728-4535. 27--Rooms for Rent ATTRACTIVELY | | FURNISHED ROOM 7 ¢ Write Box 81668, 'two - bedroom apartment, refrigerator. | a Tim jstove, free laundry facilities. Apply Available in private home Apartment 1 | rater ' ----|_ Call before 5 and 7 pim. | upstairs 2 i 26---Apartments for Rent |rwo., on THREE-BEDROOM pret Eat aiso apartment. Private baths and entrances. ' = |Immediat Apply 476 C NOW RENTING. [insist possesion doer' "Crom one-bedroom basement 82 PARK ROAD N. + 728-8671 4 Py ' lsusteT -- two-bedroom, two bath. KINDLY OFFER "very ~ reasonable com- re and more of Oshawa's | pooms, modern, - new apartment bath: fortable front room, central, cooking people ore enjoying ling to three-bedroom). Telephone any-|Privileges to mature woman in return onable rents at the jtime, 576-0814 for companionship. Prefer one employed eer ae full or part-time. Phone 725-7401 | LUXURY TWO-BEDROOM apartment, R A |$105. - $130, broadioom. intercom, all TWO ROOMS for rent, immediate pos- ' \services, no lease. Apply 63 Lamb's S€3s'on, by week, day or month. Tele @) R |Lene, Bowmanville. Take Liberty to end Phone 723-8635; 668-4005 ater 4 p.m / of Third Street ONTARIO STREET, 77 -- Two fur. c M [one BEDROOM apartment, close fo Osh. |"ishad. light housekeeping rooms en hopping Centra, parking, laundry |*ird floor, Available November 1. Suit ¢ etc. provided Working cauple 'WO Working persons. Apply between 5-9 ) Avaliable Nov. 1. Telephone |2.™ |ONE-BEDROOM apariment, private en- trance, stove and refrigerator, public jutilities included, $85. monthly. Tele- Iphone 723-0814 atler 4.30 p.m | TWO-BEDROOM apartment jand refrigerator, ed Apply 234 phone 723-532 TALBOT COURT, WE -- West side of! Shopping Centre, three-bedroom apart- ment in new duplex. Open 8 am. to é D.m. 728-6824 $80 MONTHLY, one-bedroom basement apartment with Heat and hydro included | e 1._ Telephone 728-3397. LAKE VISTA AREA -- Lady with one! child will share completely furnished with stove heat and hydro includ- Glidden Avenue. Tele VAZMSAD>VU> PHONE 728-9724 YOU refrigerator and stove. 3 Available | | GARAGE FOR ONE CAR In vicinity ra Simcoe and Buckingham Streets Tele-| Phone 723-8452. % FORD Galaxie four-c -door, eight cylin- der, automatic and radio. Only $395. Terms with $10 down, Lic. 11888E. Clean Motors, 137 King and reliable. Stalker St. W. '61 COMET sedan, radio, low mileage, }no rust, like new. Reasonable. Apply 235) |Eulalie Avenue. RAMBLER AMERICAN 220 2 Door American $2235. |%i CHE 9 ET Nomad waa Mike | new, tires, body, etc., automatic, radio,| Down Payment $_135. $13 per week. Lic. 13829X. Wellman's, $2100, | 728-7351. 36 months x $68.13. Charges ; * ators, spindles for trailers, springs. 509 $352.80. Scotia Bonk Finan- Bloor Street East, 723-2281. ae aie: 7% PONTIAC PARISIENNE, two-door = hardtop, V-8 automatic, power equipped, REBEL 550 radio, vinyl top, white walls, wheel 2 Door Hardtop $2620. Sec, Excellent condition. Telephone P. 120. ~ a Down avment + 120 '4 CHEVROLET Impala, four-door hard top, six cylinder standard, spotless throughout, Lic. 39102E. Full price only $1,375. Stalker Motors, 137 King W. "1 FORD, V-8, standard, radio, Lic K53448, Full price only $595 with iba $10 $2500, 36 months x $81.11. Charge $420. JAVELIN down. Stalker Motors. King . 2 Door Hardtop $2770, |1959 DODGE -- 24 eae auto P. t 70. matic, radio, good tires. Excellent con- own Rave) to dition. Telephone 728-9398 - 11965 IMPALA hardtop, one owner, pow- 36 months x $84.35. Charges ers, automatic, new exhaust, brakes, $436.80. two tires, $1,775 cash. Telephone 668- 6748. AMBASSADOR 1963 PONTIAC Laurentian sedan, >aqua-| marine, automatic and extras, ex lent | 2 Door Hardtop $2800. |congition. Apply 439 Gibbon Street ai mi | Down $ 200. |S p.m. | $2600. 36 months x $84.35. Charges 9050.00 %* Volvo and Peugot * Mercedes Benz General Repair and Auto-Electric Service Jake and Bill's Garage 449 Ritson Rd. South Oshawa 728-0921 Wellman Motors | LTD 100 NONQUON RD. OSHAWA CENTRAL, clean furnished double or| jingle rooms for gentlemen. Private en. |trance, parking space, 49 Drew Street. Telephone 723-5537. NEWLY DECORATED large, furnished bedroom in adult house. All conveni- ences paid. Close to north GM, hospital and downtown, Available now. Tele- phone 728-7283 |ROOM FOR RENT in quiet home. Mid- jos aged lady preferred. Telephone 725- 721 |Two large furnished rooms, privé ig en- |trance, newly decorated, suital for |married couple or two ladies. ADpW 214 {Cadillac Avenue South ZOLTAN and NICK'S Your Authorized Datsun and Fiat Dealer Specializing in Volkswagen Only $10 Down on the car of your choice, with up to 48 months to re- pay at: Repair and Service 160. Simeoe South Morley Stalker 728-0051 1960 VAUXHALL, mechanically 4-1, body and tires good. Recent valve job and clutch. Excellent transportation. | Telephone 725-1690, '6 CORVAIR, automatic. Excellent con- dition, $300 Telephone 725-2535 MOTORS 137 King West 723-6322 -- 723-8311 ! |2partment with "working mother with FURNISHED BEDROOMS wilh Klichen could be the Oe agg Children. Child care anytime! ang laundry facilities, sitting room with rs TE AN | 23-456 ___ |television, near bus stop, General US Y N nf |FREE, half month's rent. Beautiful two. |Motors, hospital, downtown, hydro In-| t ARS bedroom apartment, $125. All services.|Cluded, girls only. 728-3719. t 250 C > Also new three-bedroom bungalow, walk- R } in private home. cur opertment number |'R98rage. Apply Box masz Immediate" possession. "Telephone " 72-| es MAIN FLOOR APARTMENT, three, 4543. on January 2, Grawn rooms, bath $100 @ month Services. Telephone 728-4891. FOUR ROOM apartment. Available now. | Includes 4! FURNISHED FRONT bedroom in apart jment, new furniture, two blocks from hospital. Lady only. 728-2718 after six. No children. Close to bus and jcentre. 112 Stevenson N. |LARGE furnished bedroom, laundry and 1960 Volkswagen parts for phone 728-9694 before 5 p.m 32--Trucks for Sale sale, Tele. MORE CASH Poid for Good Clean Cari Trade up or down. Liens paid. 9 > Va-ton, DODD MOTOR SALES [Bement acum ee ne 314 PARK ROAD SOUTH ae 146 Brock North, Whitby. 723-9421 1965 CHEVROLET '4-ton truck, 8foot 'kitchen privileges, parking space. Apply| 65 RAMBLER Classic, one owner, eae fleetside box. $1,095. Telephone 725-1895. | GEORGIAN MANSIONS, adult apart-|574 Crerar. above average, no sell eyieet ye it: INTERNATIONAL, ain dump ~ |Truck, * e' *. Tee daet™ abana" ey "6 SUEY, OLDEN aay 2 ave We 5, lana Hee re on Perry, TaN oe Y led, furnished rooms, rent free In <2 | Bineus atest Becie r 1a jdows' comfortable home, fifteen min 1957 FORD, V-8 automatic, $50. _1959 |- era THREE- and four-room apartments. |utes to Oshawa, Write Box MB&)449, Osh-|Chevrolet 6 cylinder standard, $125. Tele. '@ INTERNATIONAL Dump truck, Low cpplication enly. Apply 48 Wayne Streei, Apartment #, |awe Times. Phone after 6 p.m. 723-0057 mileage, Best offer, Telephone 728-2757, ? ' A / ae ae ee ~-- 22 wae ae ae ¢ / Peed , re , ALL USED PARTS, tires, wheels, radi-| 31--Compact Cars for Sale| 1959 VOLKSWAGEN, A-1) condition, ia 37--Auction Sales Auction Sale Sat., Oct. 28 Sale at 1:30 p.m. sharp Household Furniture Property of Estate of late Mrs. R. J. Lawson, 87 Christina Cres., Pickering (Village). Walnut desk, Ribbon Mahog- any sideboard, Oak Dining- room suite, Deury 16" Loud- speaker and Projector, Wal- nut bedroom suite, Twin beds, 2 chests, cedar chests, Dressing table, large chest of drawers (antique), Upholster- ed arm chair, 2 upholstered 2 upholstered | arm chairs, stools, Rocking chairs (An- tique) 2 ilton rugs, Spode china, table lamps, floor lamps, silver dishes, an- tique china, Pictures, wing- chair, headboard (double), Occasional tables, Table saw with extension stand, horsepower motor, Lawn mower, garden tools. Many other articles. Terms cash. Sale at 1:30 p.m. Auctioneer. Loyal Pogue, Telephone 668-4271. a TIMES Classified ACTION | ADS Glencoe chisel Plow 9 tooth. MC21 tooth Cultivator AC corn Cultivator. AC 3 furrow Plow new. Dion insulage Box and Wagon, 2 Kagons and Racks AC Harvester Header for corn and hay. Bale Elevator 20 ft. Grain Auger, MH Grain Grinder, 2000 Ib. Scales. Grain Trailer. Lincoln Welder 225 amp. Chain Harrows 6 section Harrows. Cream Separator 600 Ib. Grinder. ice MC grain Binder. Forge. Anvil. Snow Fence. Fence Posts Wheel Barrow. | ton Chain Block All Jack, 40 ft. Ladder. Forks Shovel. Bars, Chains. Dishes Cook Ware. Jars and other items. TERMS: CASH FARM SOLD REMARKS: Mr. and Mrs. Wright have been milk ship- pers for 'a number of years and have a fine herd of cows, Plan to attend. NO RESERVE Lawrence Harris Clerk Lunch omer, by Enfield PETHICK AND REID AUCTIONEERS 38--Coming Events JAYCEES KINSMEN Bring This SPECIAL FULL PRICE PASS To The FRIDAY, . OCTOBER 27th, 1967 [> KINSMEN SUPER CAR iti ot the PETERBOROUGH MEMORIAL CENTRE $8,600 IN PRIZES INCLUDING n Brand New 1968 Ambassador |, Sedan or $2,000. in Cash. i) $1,000. Hi-Lo Game $1,000. Smal! Snowball (52 nos.) $1,600. Big Snowball (58:nos,) $600 regular games $450. Special games Plus 4 Early Bird Games (Share the Wealth) at 7:30 Don't forget to buy the econ- omy pack for value and save money. Many free and valuable door prizes. KINSMEN Monster BINGO Admission 50c Two Jackpots 53 and 58 ONE MUST GO $500. IN 50 NOS. OR LESS $200. In announced Nos. $25 Consolation Prize $10 per line both games $175. Jackpot $20 per line. $75 full card 20 Regular $20 Games pay double in 17 Nos. or less Five $30 Games Special - $50 as door prizes HOLY CROSS BINGO |: THIS WEEK FRIDAY jamcure at 800 P.M. to be drawn this week. ADMISSION FREE 20 Reg. Games -- Total $300. SNOWBALL $110 in 56 Nos. Plus $10. each horizontal line. | Reg. Jackpot $50 full card $10 Each Horizontal Line Plus Horizontal Lines Share the Wealth Early Bird Game 7:45 Reg. Game 8:00 GOOD PARKING NO CHILDREN PLEASE ry Early Bird Game 7:45 p.m, EXTRA PRIZES Every Thursday at the Jubilee Pavilion BUSES LEAVING FOUR CORNERS AT 7:00 and 7:15 P.M. end Returning after Binge Children under 16 Not Admitted for RESULTS Telephone | 123-3492 | for all other departments 723-3474 Open Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Saturday. SUNNYSIDE BINGO 20 Games -- Jackpot -- dear --Remembered always, ton. --Always George and family. October bred, some ; ra Hei f Monday, ap rc ig Stilt eecor] . 8 Holstein 2 year ol eifers, |Menzies, dearly jovi usband of BROWN -- In loving memory of a dear Helen Ormerod, loving father of Gary, wn, Purebred Holsteins Archie Jr., Grant, David, Ronaid and Heh ad Oey ont hg ai Memories are treasures no one can steal, Death is @ heartache which no one can heal, Some may forget him, now that he's gone, But we will remember, no matter how long. --Sadly missed, forever loved and re- membered by daughter Amy, son-in-law lack and grandchildren, and jaye. Penny BURK -- In loving memory of my dear usband, Claude H. Burk, who passed way suddenly Oct. 26, 1956. He left us quietly, His thoughts unknown, But he left us a memory We are proud to own: So treasure him, Lord, In your garden of rest, For when on earth He was one of the best it broke my heart to lose you, But you didn't go alone, For part of me went with you The day God called you home. --Sadly missed and lovingly remembered y his wife "Bernice." DAVIDSON -- In loving memory of a father, William Davidson, whe assed away October 26, 1965. Nothing can ever take away The love a heart holds dear, Fond memories linger every day, Remembrance keeps him near. --Ever remembered by daughter Edna, randsons Donald, Fred and his wife inda. DUPUIS -- In loving memory of John Cockshutt Spreader. 2 drum Dupuis, killed accidentally October 27, steel Roller. 2 set Clippers. 1966. Int. 3 furrow Plow Ace Surrounded by. friends 1 bottom. Post Hole Digger. : In the midst of my loys With @ smile on my face ache Longing, dear John, tor you. Beveriey Bran- FISH -- In loving memory of a dear int, Lillian Fish (Lemon), who passed Beret 26, 1966. sent you are very near, Hig fcves, still migsed and very dear. --Will always be remembered by het lece Arlene and children. FISH -- In loving memory of my wife, "Sy who passed away October 26, Just when your life was brightest Just when your years were best You were called from this world of sorrow To a home of eternal rest --Sadly missed by husband Henry. LAING -- In loving memory of a dea wife and Nisilie Jessie May Laing, whe jober 26, 1966. connot tell how | miss her, cannot tell what to say; God alone knows how | miss her In @ home that is lonesome today. remembered by husband LAING -- In loving memory ef @ dear ister, Jessie Laing, who passed away 26, 1966. Sister you are not forgotten Tho' on earth you are no more Still in memory you are with us As you always were before. --Sadly missed and lovingly remembered by Albert and Evelyn. LEMON -- In fond memory of a be- taved brother-in-law, Cyril, who passed way October 24, 1963 and our sister Lillie, October 26, 1966. le do not forger them loving We loved them too dearly For their memories to fade From our lives like @ dream Our lips need not speak When our hearts mourn sincerely For grief often dwells When it seldom is seen. by brother Eart ind sisters Edna, Ethel and Mildred. Lem Cherished memories of Uncle or and Aunt Lillle who passed October 24, 1963 and October 1t broke my heart to lose you But you didn't go alone You called Aunt Lillie to go with you The day God called you home. Neither said goodbye to me But perhaps it's just as well 1 never could have sald goodbye To the ones | loved so well. by away 1966. Sadly missed, niece Beverley. MCCLELLAND -- In Ioving memory of our dear son and grandson, William John Jack), who passed away suddenly Octo woke that ber 26, ae une. knew when we The: AEE the day would bring For the call was sudden, the shock severe To part with one we loved so dear. --Sadly missed and ever remembered by Dad, Mom, sister Jill and grandma. SMITH -- In loving memory of a dear friend, Mrs. Arthur L. Smith, who passed way October 26, 1966. 1 am thinking of the sheuphttut things That you have said and d Sadly missed by Marion Hayes. TEMPLAR -- In loving memory of @ N dear husband and father, Charley Tem- plar, who passed away October 26, 1964. St. Gertrude's PARISH HALL : Calm and peaceful he is sleeping, Sweetest rest that follows pain; We who loved him sadly miss him, But trust in God to meet again. --Always remembered by wife Nellle, Ron, daughter-in-law Eleanor and grand- jaughters Lynn and Anne. 690 KING ST. E. Every Monday at 8:00 P.M. A LASTING TRIBUTE For permanence and dignity we suggest MOUNT LAWN MEMORIAL PARK BRONZE MEMORIALS For courteous advice please visit the Park Office. 723-2633 Snowball and Share the Wealth Free Admission No Children under 16 TO-NIGHT $2,300 IN PRIZES ST. GERTRUDE'S CWL HALLOWE'EN BAZAAR and FUN FAIR Sat., Oct. 28 2-- 6 PM. Parish Hall, 690 King St. E. JACKPOT NOS. 39--Notices 54 and 59 AT THE RED BARN 8:00 a.m, to 12:00 p.m. 4 7-7:30 P.M. EXTRA BUSES Available due to 4 cancellation The DODSWORTH ORCHESTRA now booking for New Year's Few dates open for Christmas Parties, etc. 723-7726 Times Action Classified Ads Bring Fast * -- Results TELEPHONE 723-3492 other departments 723-3474 8:30 p.m. --5.30 p.m. tm ~ e = GRE FRIDAY, CLOUDY AND GO FIRST RACE -- Ing (3000). Maiden Mile Old Tauny, Walsh | Transit Pride, Duff i sebenlait i aga Censun, in, No Boy A-' Pearly Bive, Bell 1 Roman Emperor, G OBIT MRS. SOPHI Seriously sick Mrs. Sophia Pe eve, Sask., die Peter's Hospita She was in het deceased was Rev. J. C. Per St. George's 1 Catholic Chure! The former Mrs. Pereyma ter of the late Daniel Olinyk. kraine in 1874, ada in 1903. SI ber of St. Mic Greek Catholic eve, Sask. and the work of the of the church, Predeceased | Karl Pereyma, survived by two Howard Gourlie awa and Mrs. chak of Good Rev. J. C. Pere and Peter Pere Sask.; 16 grand great - grandcl Mrs, Pereym: 'Baugh Funeral Sask., for mas ael's Church, a.m., Nov. 1. Ir in St. Michael's | eve, Sask. FUNE FUNER MRS. ROBER The memoriz Mrs. Robert | died Oct. 22 at dence, 190 Klu her 74th year, p.m., Oct. 25, ai Funeral Home. The service w Rev. H. Dyck, bert Street Uni terment was in Cemetery. The pallbeare William and Fre Lee, Jr., Donale ley Dwire. FUNER MRS. LU STRYCI Requiem High Ludvinea Strych Oct. 23, at Hills her 93rd year, \ George's Ukrai Catholic Church Oct. 25 The mass was J. C. Pereyma. in St. Gregory's The pallbeare and Nelson Star' alski. Frank Za' Harrison and F