Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Oct 1967, p. 14

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, October 26, 1967 regular responsibilities at doing) Lmuch of the regular work. En-) list them to get the younger two ready when you must go places. Perhaps you expect too much of the younger ones, especially |Bobby. When they quarrel ex-| jcessively, just separate them |for an hour or so. | Dad should pay more atten-| tion to Bobby when all is well, making things with him, explor-' ing things, reading to him and) rocking or cuddling him occa- sionally, But don't let Bobby get what he wants by having a tan- trum. Nothing you report is a very, serious problem. Sit down with Dad and figure out how you and he can settle the few annoy- ances you have and then find time to enjoy these wonderful children. | ANSWERING QUESTIONS ! noo | CHILD GUIDANCE }ANN LANDERS|;«. ..@@& _., «| Parents Deserve Holiday Teenagers Invent | 7a From Family Now And Then By GARRY C. MYERS, PhD Ann Landers Game more he demands, and I am afraid he will think we have "forsaken him," for sure, if we suddenly refuse to do things for him. : "Sometimes I feel that my husband and I need a vacation from them for a while but we are dairy farmers so can never get away." My reply in part: I'm sure you parents are doing far better as parents than you think you are. Don't assume you are doing many things wrong. Yet by changing your ways a bit, From Missouri a mother writes: "Your recent article on "Voice Control' was most helpful ; to me and my family, as we are ya|Prone to shout at one another) + ,\and this has caused me much concern. We have five children, | 16, 12, 6, 4% and 3. "I have so much trouble with i|the two little ones being stub- ;, born or balky. Especially the |4¥%4-year-old child. [ have tried not to push them too much as I know that makes them worse, but with so many children of Dear Ann Landers: A new fad|starved for fatherly affection; started a few weeks ago. It has/and this is why they become rat really taken hold a wonder!erly affectionate to "anything in| if you know abo s called/trousers." (Incidentally, the/}. "Let's play Ann L: es same thing occurs to little girls! Here's how it-w When| Whose fathers ignore them.) teen-agers get together (it can} I hope you will speak to your be either a group or just one|daughter's teacher, Ask her ad- boy and one girl) and the con-|vice. Some schools have excel-|/ versation lags, someone pops. up lent counseling programs and ; ith "Let's play Ann Landers."|perhaps Terry can get the help|! a Ps lee ne, ; It' is|she needs from the school coun-} different ages, there are dtp neenee Si ae Q. How may we make our 8- HEP eat hel nvone in{selor. If not, ask the teacher to |many things to do and places I/lighter. : year-old son more interested in! asked a qu v1 who/recommend someone. |have to take the older ones, I) Both of you need a vacation. I|reading? the (crowd 1 ol fag i ; just can't take the time to let! believe you could find somebody| 4, By finding ways to help alled Te It can be a| Confidential to I wanted help] { Pee them get balky. lout da" iad a gg va you/him become a better reader. 1 r t o " 4 ' nant Senna | q "i ; Pf sensible question or a dumbjand you gave he Tite wil FUN WITH FELT NEVER ON TIME lalone or with a little help" ev ghiicagrnae ning hans Rage ong question or a personal question eo 4 ~. Pa ged au "T'll tell Bobby (414) to start) Try to think of way Gh née evil are easier than his school- Saag oe a nik ith witk !good, solid advice, my friend, i / 4 ry k way! "| books. The trick is to vit anitnat it sometimes -- interferes Nothing -- but nothing-- her fancy on the dress and see es early, and if ev-|lecting some work so aeurventar answer that s ke Ann| excites two-to-seven fash- with Mothers' eM cettien enter ce] you_ might relax more, share ACCIDENTS LEAD Landers. "Pigeon" is then|With people's plans. then, help, thas trouble getting a sock on,|more fun with the children, ion - conscious youngsters press them on.. Viola - a The leading cause of deaths sked if he agrees with Ann fi Nasr any rs A : he refuses to finish getting) a He must say "yes" or "no" THE STARS SAY more than to have . part new ag dress in min- |ready. I've tried to. make hin | PLAN PROGRAM between the ages of one and 45| te his reasofs, If hel in creating a new dress utes flat. Here, two sisters 1.» 'pretended to go and leave' Work out a program with thejin industrial nations is acci- and state his reason rte That is, of course, if it display their own individ- him _ ho h ldn't older children in which each Hasldente doesn't come up a good By ESTRELLITA does not entail hours, even ual ideas of arrangement: |j9,.) bat ' thi betskgoend ae sa : ' OSHAWA reason he is "It" until he makes +) momMoRROW half - hours, of tedious and 6-year old Darcy (right) |yony 80 Hin hi saving ae. the grade : aa ft painstaking hand sewing. wears a lavender dress with eknde hati dot jor 'ed a SHO PPI N G ALL-CRACKED U Tt may take a good deal of pa-) 4 recent innovation comes deep red, bright pink and |jpenls a! 5 00 ct salting thts| You'd come unglued it youltience, Perseverance and} up with an easy - do, chic white heart cut-outs and 4- jo) sh a oun WHY WE ; 3 pul sacl answers, Shrewdness to handle certain si-| "'fun-to-do" answer that is year old Demitra (left) is tha Bobby ts tile way aboutl CENTRE S One kid had a column of yours tuations you are likely to face| bound to satisfy the cre- in s pink dress with tr loverything te eats. If I don't let] DO NOT SELL in I s wallet, 2 parteiios oe on Friday but, forwarned, you! It is the Funfelt Kit which terflies. There are six kits fg a ead yok of gata A ROOM FULL Sh AB ragh itty a evar bapa ms should be able to take them in| contains a pre-sewn A-line to choose from; each offers ih "ed ae bbe ead of ne) Set cracked up the whole ¢ Ee | YOUr stride. Most will be con-| felt jumper plus a set of a different color dress and heed a stubborn streak and| OF FURNITURE ! This game is a gas. It alsojcerned with personal relation-| amusing iron - on - appli- a set of cut-outs--fishes, hatte: a milan oe at all. | helps kids get to know each)ships, so it's just a matter of) que' felt cut-outs. All the butterflies, daisies, apples, | ith ini anita as ela other woognhs Please a being unusually tactful. | youngster has to do is to hearts and a pussy cat. ee he eS in da tter tell us you aren't in-) . --By ny j S y 72 s ardl) poe ea Poe City Princes | FOR THE BIRTHDAY lo He cone eee oy eee AOee lever happy all day, Moreover, Did you know that you can have better furniture, that looks better, lasts longer, and actually costs less over the years by letting our experience and training help you properly select your home furnishings. We enjoy doing it, you will too! they can't seem to get along with the older children either The older ones boss them, too: they think they are helping me.| I guess, but it causes friction all the way around. I'm very wor- ried as our family life is miserable. The older ones didn't act this way so much, but they weren't so close together in age If tomorrow is your birthday, | your horoscope indicates that) by exceptionally generous influ-| the next five months will be ex-/ences during the year ahead,| where monetary. and) which augurs well for social and| transactions are con-| Fait ; rt |cerned, Other good periods on| domestic interests. Don t be dis-) Dear Ann Landers: I need| tHe, financial front will occur/mayed if, during mid-July, soma. help with my i2-vear-old|@Uting the early part of next/there may be some unexpected er Pay Maer jJuly, throughout next Septem-| changes on the domestic scene, daughter. Her daddy died when| ss ' she was seven months old and 1) ber and October. It will be im perhaps in the way of environ-| Dear Princes:Indeed not. I'm flattered. I wish I could be a lit- 'ath 4 tle yep ooh of i : = chee cellent ese sessions. Keep talk- : One OF Miter Sresure eee on | DURineas ing, kids. I'm all for i DANGER LURI lowe'en. It can li tile mask that « y vasa vey : ....4| portant to use good judgment in 'Also Bobby is very shy and bce ae yee winowed at of next September's ven-/ment. They should work out |Don (the baby) isn't. It seems io ogy abhi Wiacagae aoteceg : tures, however. Despite the pla-|very well. For the single, the jto make it harder for Bob be- ADY | TASKS Terry has grown netary blessing on your mate-|stars smile on romance--espe- WIFE PRESERVER 'cause the baby is friendly and quate openings fo as worn above Dodds, and there the risk of it slip as the child runs. OLD DISGI The By JO ALDW Just like Peter I who never grew Kaye flew into 1 week radiating . ha like Peter who flew wings, Danny land own jet plane but was the same. heart to children world," he said. comfort and stucco if you raised a m last year, this ye two million." These were his p to the represe: UNICEF who had meet him and as came, the mercuri corduroy jeans boots, was gone; g his personal encov 22 cities in Canada His visit was t day next will be the night of the and "'Shell-Out fo has become a Can: According to } Step, president of Branch of UNICE Danny Kaye, th have never looked TOTAL PARTICIP. "We have one cent participation elementary school: and the co-operatio dent Councils of th: ates. O'Neill Co already raised func athon to Pickering The Oshawa | helping UNICEF « a club project. Th delivering collectio teachers' kits to and circulating with posters ad\ makers to have s on hand come 1 ning. The children wi boxes to school o: morning and the sisted by members and School Associ: Catholic Parent-T ciation, empty the the sacks -- provid UNICEF committe CLUBS IN STORIES | The annual be published ni have held spec to make these souvenir edition Secretaries the centennial | of executive off ects may also t Articles mu Department, Th 4. Envelopes sh Stories shou sheet of paper, The sender's n cluded on the : man in the house--unfortunately W : 'outgoing and seems to attract hen you cut recipes from|peopie's attention and Bob magazines, paste them on 3X5" |seems to shrink back more and index cards and file in cate-|more, gories. Even a shoe box will do'CONSTANT DEMANDS. haat rial interests then, you could|cially throughout the next her only uncle lives 1,000 miles offset it by becoming involved|month, in January, May, late away. jin dubious schemes or in-|June and late July. Most propi- Ever since Terry was 8 small/ fluenced by impractical per-|tious periods for travel: Next child she was overly affection-|sons, Best periods for career| January, July and-or August. ate toward any male who came|advancement: Late December| A child born on this day will){r 8 file. into the house. She climbed on and January, late April and Oc-|be endowed with the talents re-| men's laps, combed their hair.|tober of next year. quired for success in practically HOUSEHOLD HINT | ~e -- patted their faces and begged) Except for a brief period in|any phase of the business world, Powder baby sparingly them to kiss her. This was con-| January, when you may belin the medical profession or as/Clouds of talc dust inhaled into sidered cute when she Was 8 ynder some tension, personallan entertainer--especially injbaby's lungs can cause serious Lay Bag hed pte i be-| relationships will be governedihighly dramatic productions. 'inflammation. use she has not ot | Betty Haydl (Co. Ltd. Interior Decorating, Fine Furnishings "It seems the more we do for 15 KING STREET EAST 725-2686 Bobby to show our love, the grown it} as I had hoped she would. I feel she should not be kissing the mailman, the meter reader, the paper boy and everything in trousers. I would appreciate your advice on what to do, Ann.| --Trouble Ahead NE"DS AFFECTION Dear Trouble; Little girls who grow up with no man in the house sometimes become 'EVERYBODY BENEFITS hn:. EVERYBODY GIVES COMMUNITY ;4 MANY CAMPAIGNS IN, ONE | what better time than Autumn TO wear our suis in new "foliage" colors =| Here ore suits as exhilarating as a crisp fall doy -- and as colorful es the turning leaves. Their rich new colors take you out of the ordinary into a new season of style. Come in and try One on. Take a look at the handsome new man looking | | 1 =. = -- back at you from the mirror, You won't need any: further persuasion | Take advantage of BIRKS' SPECIAL HOMEMAKER'S PLAN WATCH FOR 34 PAGES OF VALUES Nov. 1st, 2nd 3rd, 4th to buy Sterling Silver Flatware English Bone China | Fine Hand-cut Crystal No down payment. No interest or carrying charges up to 24 months. Free Top Coat! With zip-in lining with every As the new season begins, it's time once again to think purchase of @ suit. of entertaining, of dinner parties, of festive gatherings. A well appointed table is always appreciated by your quests -- and by your family. ' Our Homemaker's Plan is designed so that you can make purchases easily, spreading payments over two years, with no down payment, no interest or carrying charges. FOR THE MONTH OF OCTOBER ONLY ! BIRKS - 2 LOCATIONS - DOWNTOWN OSHAWA DHA ie 36 King St. East SHOPPING CENTRE The writing on: WwW £4 tek eS for pictures, Sh Open Friday Till 9 Open Thursday and Friday Till 9 j delay. Late arti ( { BOTH STORES CLOSED -- os AT 1 PM. | OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE ¢ rs rl \ F LU " . a eT et ee et a ae Soe tat ee ae Vwi ee pe ER RT EE CT Oe IT Oe he ee eae ahaa 7 sig tic ei alae Reg rode ke alae ni al cs nae se

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