Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Oct 1967, p. 10

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1o--Real Estate fc po--Real Estate fe GUIL REALTY L REALTOR 16 Simcoe GORDON 723-528 12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, October 24, 1967 Frosty Mornings, A Sure Sign of Fall: Time for Want Ads, The Best Deal of All Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 9 to 12 BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY 20--Real Estate for Sale 15--Employment Wonted TAL NURSE, experienced, seeking Groancer in Oshawa or distiret. Write Box 81555, Oshawa Times. hitlladiestedlnacohadedletcbhiddnaStOne tena ad WILL LOOK after children in my nome. Pacific Finance TRogsiand Road East area. Telephone i' CABY DEBIT aay work Teo Credit Ltd. : OSBORNE : SOUTH.WE 17--Female Help Wanted Man agement- REAL ESTATE LTD. bungalow, large li with dining area. Goc rooms and kitchen Building Trades Rug - Upholstery Service |6--Marine Equipment Trainees een Female Wanted eyo benrent,giphal U Service. |ALL TYPES bulidi Irs. Roofing, RE-UPHOLSTERING i : large patio. Close ore cialers paris 178 gis chimneys, PDE ay aregincss: 725-9332 CHRIS CRAFT emale We are looking for intelligent 218 DUNDAS ST. E, a nice quiet Avenue coe Street N., 725-0397, Res. 723-7608. | masonry. Gord May, Whitby, 668-2774. © Wide selection of Fabrics SALES and SERVICE S Canada In The aggressive, young men with No, 2 HIGHWAY er, this home has YALE, FRIEDLANDER AND CO., Cher-| Corpent @ Workmanship Guaranted McVay fibreglass sail boats, erve or without finance experi- Whitby, Ontari cared for. sores Recouyasts Liowiont times raid (five full years) Crestliner, Peterborough and Canadian C.W.A.C. ences to train as branch itby, Ontario e fe ekg Ly a sheen . Quality Carpentry e oy budget Terms--Free Northcraft runabouts. Evin- Militia Corps managers, Grade 12 neces- ee COMMERCIAL PR -- stimates rude outboard motors. WW . sary. HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO. C GENERAL REPAIRS @ Over 20 i 'ek 11 @ 33,000 sa. T a years experience Oshawa Yachthoven es ' These positions offer. Soi on en aa Os! Home Improvement Specialists THE FURNITURE CENTRE 723-8186 Limited number of vacancies @ Excellent opportunity for Whitb 668-8826 land, "eg nahi Ontario, 725-3509; S$. T. Hopkins, CA; H. medals ogg "he District 90 Simcoe St. North es exist with the var lote Mil- advaheenent ly age ee reat, ' &. Beadle, CA; &. Lukow, - | for Many Years. i"STARCRAFT" GREW Traveller bo itia attached to the Ontario Sal ' secondary : » 3 feat } 5 commensurate with GORDON R. DAY, Certified General] aa eo en asTe PROFESSIONAL |Evinrude motors, Open seven days Regiment Oshawa, " seaerience with marit Toronto 364-6622 -- oot ia i Accountant, Sulte 205W, Oshawa Op- one = week. Marine Storage ani ipply ee * lent location ' ping Centre, 725-9953. ales or 623-3411 RUG CLEANING _ [Brooktin 655-36 If you have typing or filing anbreege Osh 728-5157 professional, high JOSEPH GUTMANN, Chartered Account; _ © Bay inde, Ri af = experiences and are willing @ Pension Plan. _ snawa s ment development. ¢ ant, Licensed Trustee, 17 Bond Street RECREATION ROOMS, kitchen cup- sant \ i each. Wilde Rentel, 66eare, me : to under go a few hours of @ Group life disability and We will be pleased East. Telephone 723-4833. boards, trim work, remodeiling and Free Pick-Up and Delivery a. ', d - are fat h Kk medical insurance 22 t : |generai repairs. E. Behm, 725-7066. ia 'egiass boat, | geipe : C.W.A.C, training each wee! fir charl : $22,800 you with all the par Bi intin | Angus-Graydon with 33 horsepower motor, sega) an interesting part time voca- @ Profit sharing. : Thik bealititul 6 room buna: e juepri ig |Dressmaking O49 tion awaits you in Canada's Car necessary, @mileage re- slow hen tn Wait ad MAIN STREET-- BELL DRAFTING and Reproductions 728-6254 |14 TERBORO = decar new look Militia. Telephone imbursed. { ferebi nd (td., §2% Simcoe Street North. 723-4661. |ORESSMAKING -- expertly fitted sul new trailer, has 10 HP John: A 23-2021 Daily between 9 master bedroom has indirect ll @ Large, 3 yea Biveprinting and photostatic copies. |coats, dresses, Beautifully tailored slip-\Re-UPHOLSTERY by experts. Estab-|in excellent condition. Telephone 728 aa 723- a 2 lighting and bay window for low located o ranadarin covers, drapes, Mrs. Tom, 668-2372." | lished 20 years. Workmanship guaran-| 7686. : 1 a.m. and 4 p.m. or Thursday 725-657] i lavely, Glee OE Sour wail rai Wh 106 fe Building Trades |DRESSMAKING, designing, alterations,|teed. Free estimates. Credit terms. Mal-/FOR SALE 23 foot crusier with Mer- I ae Evenings between 8 p.m. and landbchped tok with: Hewers pec' Thies te aehiek i done at reasonable rates. Pr M | tor, i Hient condition. $2, ' % | : i ; age. REPAIRS \Call Mrs, Neve, 221 Lupin Drive, Whitby. Oshawa Upholstering, 287 Dean Avenes: |i seeeha iste toe cae ' vi iy " p.m GEO. THOMSON ond fruit trem fenced-in #t. Living room |ALTERATIONS and all types of sew- = Ng Hi a REGISTERED NURSE for | 9 home yard, attached garage and room, good size bedr ALTERATIONS |ing. Apply 207 Bloor West or 725-0865. CHESTERFIELOS, re-upholstored and 7--Swap and Barter ' i i 20 hours weekly. Telephone 725-2330. al those fags you have is in immaculate co! | : : ial fi -covering. Slip covers made . LARGE LOCAL PRINTER requires ex- ' always wanted. So act fast. for more informa ADDITIONS (Gardening & Supplies |i." ,rdar. Saiton Ustolsiering 5 chars BATH AND LAUNDRY tubs, $17; tllets.| -- CHYRCHES on the Faeroe | Islands taRGE cocat prinreR rewires | REAL ESTATE us for i |Street, 723-7212. |pumps, Kitchen and vanity units, made 1 STAND IN YARDS OVERGROWN WITH LUSH GRASS {lation department. Art ability an asset $10,000 FULL PRICE to CES-FACTORIES . order and installed; piping fittings, cars, IS A SEVERE SHORTAGE OF GRASS FOR THE ISLANDS' ANIMALS, BUT THE |but not essential. Wage to ability, Good SALESMAN ; MINTO STF HOMES-OFFICES- Sales and Service trucks, tratlers, H. Chinn, 723-7088. or 728- GRASS, WHEN HARVESTED, ALWAYS /S THROWN INTO THE SEA \So™mPany benefits. Apply 7 Terms available, central A very roor sender otha FALL BULBS VACUUM and polisher repairs, all = : GaitREseEy Taured, 7 pe TT PR. Wanted for Oshawa: office, Whitby, older type home, 2 en semi-detachec tafe le , Lm, = Lm. a . ms @ peal as makes, new. noses, brushes, new motors.|8----Articles for Sale tH Apply" Mr. "campbell, Genosha| Inquiries treated confident- storey, 6 rooms ,new furnace, is a well built hor -- t 6126 age Early Tulips -- 8--Articles for Sale 9A--Eggs & Poult: MPERIENESD-- HAIRONESTER 70) _ (all¥ Call W. Baldwin, ma- ee Bea on ecbaeaala regulated, clean e cient irae yoial 0 é ' ; 725-6 | date Tullos DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, On- NOW eo ee eae 99) atl see and operate beauty talon, Abel, OGOET. ok ing. There is 4 ---- ; tario Land Surveyor, Commercial blue- EUMIG & MM regular projector, stop, in person to Oshawa Beauty Salon, 15 and three large be ATLANTIC PAVING AND CONCRETE.| Botonical Tulips |prints. 11 Ontario Street. 725-5632. SIX SERVICE BAYS Pevares, tase entice ieee tae FALL FREEZER ie peraen I> oan CLOSE TO ed to sell at $17,7 Get your driveway paved by experts,/ Parrot' Tulips [GUARANTEED REPAIR to all wring- regulator, film splicer with editor. New WOMAN or two women to look 'after W FRANK SHOPPING CENTRE on appointment to | 20c sq. ft., all work guaranteed for three} : Jer washers and ranges. Free estimates. F R FA TER condition, reasonable, 317 Windsor elderly couple in their own home, pos- . e years. 723-0281. | Lily Tulips es Furn, and Appliances, 723-0011. 0 S SERVICE street, Oshawa. S p F C | A | S | sibly live in. Some light housekeeping RLTR On a quiet street in Oshawa, wt Ro id 1, shingles, js . ry SELMER TENOR saxophone, in excel- bilities. Telephone 668-8749. ° " H af repels lerge and amal foe. LAND 4 Pi scala |Septic Service WOREL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL (len! conta: Telephone 7a a i Gist NEEDED as monera" Fibs? for REAL ESTATE LTD. pi oe weir Rooting and Construction. ; rocus i Chev.,. Dodge, Ford, Ply- |WE BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE used light housekeeping and some baby- 506 Simcoe St., Osh = es SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. Prompt serv- pu g i ight IMEO® "OF s awe ard and a garage. A good i pl Re a ag wn roomed Polat th Doffodils ice on calls, Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut} mouth, Pontiac. We correct Ce ye a PV rise tithes CHICKEN LEGS sitting. Telephone 728-4164. _ mein 728-7585 fahia i the 20" fiving ack V @ We have Ke Sarinvtetless roots repaired, 723-2997. Norcissus Street West, Whitby. 668-2563 wheelalignment, inspect and | Street South. 723-1671. EXPERIENCED PRACTICAL nurse. or Price? Why only $12,900. type dealin ak e stalled; onc a | i ail Med seth ond bs ivi ivalent for nig' uty. References. i ' . f m vse Tanate| Paper Whites [Surveyor Sig ta node arts RC | fe eh: me Om) = TRUCK DRIVER with $2,000. down, Tange living room urray . stead Asis . a) 4 'ypewriter 4 pi Times. : Iris ; i chine $20., electric adder $40. 723-4434, c¢ per 'b. ae : ' ; dining roo sere H. FLIM, 10 Surveyor.| correct condition... . $7.95 Bosnia Matt lec cull nate endo RELIABLE LADY.t0 care for four! Experience in handling lum- separate dining EAVESTROUGHING, . chimney Snowdrops Office 47 Prince St. Res., 103 Elgin St : BUYING:OR SELLING furniture or 9! 50 Ib. lots delivered free on [children (ihree pi Sa Elle oc : P pave ty : HARMONY VILLAGE ing kitchen and bec te. Mel en elite Eronthis ee © Ports extra If required Petherick Wednesdays and Fridays. ee iggel eae Chk ef 4 This 2 year old elect listed 9 on main floor with feed. Me! Me ee Cee ae BARE TYPEWRITERS, $49. No money down, : p.m. to operate dump and plat- i i S COMPLETE HOME improvement serv-| Lily TV--Radio Repairs @ Torsion bar adjustment |s2. weekly. Adders, cashiers, new, used, Se Sg ge geo gee a ainemtin alii e room brick home with attach 2 extra large bedro com : , PENSIONER WILL give good home to] ¢ bss wand knowles d firepl fomil : roan ae h 'and area. Reliable, ree rentals, service, tradeg. Bill Hamilton, CHALET 4 'orm trucks, g nowledge ed garage, fireplace, family with washr Se ete vatonteine Gonst. 3756. Bulb Pans TV SERVICE extra, Ragian, 1-985-7160. Hite lady for light housekeeping. 725 jt on dd Distee room, 4 bedrdoms, stove bachelor apartmen ---- Potting Soll COLOR HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, All in ex. - : pits vsk pkey fridge, broadloom included t. Paved drive, LASSIFIED RATES Wine Concentrate or Most ane errr rat [encracmaian, Cagage oe tm S| FARMS LTD. -- |yg Mate Help Wanted | 'Steody employment. Reply | Tbs seen tobe appraca aoe and large wel = Gallon Jugs BLACK and WHITE Quality Rovaline, 4 wheels, | GUARANTEED, USED wringer washers, Originally ------|_, in confidence giving complete ed. Call for appointment te For an appointmen ey insertion of 24 words, 1.20; Fermentetion Values FOR THE BEST, CALL 4 television, refrigerator, etc., $34.50 and Port Perry Packers resume to Box 81713, Osh- inspect. call tonight. additional words, Sc cael geet B ts Molt ' UP. lg Fornture and Appliances, 452 UNION ROAD awa Times. e five insertions of 24 words, 3.24; addi-| Britannia Ma 1 R | @) Pius $2.00 'cer whet imeoe South, 723-0011. : PLIT LEVEL tional words 13¥4¢ each; § conse] Hops - WN. I. ° richly FIBERGLAS FENDERS from $29.95 PORT PERRY . : : A SOUN tive insertions of 24 words. 8.76; TELEVISION and up. New and used auto parts. Re- 655-4422 SUCCESSFUL HORSE RANCH = 2 new split level homes still INVESTME ona! . e built starte id tors. 1175 Nel: si i Hh i 1 corget0 per cont gsctonat corse] Cooper-Smith Co. | ror CLEANER starrer | WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL fi" hsatis: om emerstors 1178 Helen ae lant hoe Melee | Moreen eer he See Vi © 4 bose | i a recente no cl , 6 i r If not paid within 8 days. TV RECEPTION tncioai 'iy heel, [YOUNG MAN'S overcoat, 'size 36, worn| ----____72 Cee more than two). General farm CASnAE FEE, nis, attached of Op Method of Counting -- Less thon 24 16 Celina St. Y ret ncluding weights per wheel, twice. Also four, Super Sport 14 wheel|EGGS DAISY FRESH" DAILY -- dut F ; for 'hor ' : 7 Can be purchasec ds counts os 24 words; each word, : our Own OG oo hcak canoes $1.9 discs for Chevrolet car, 317 Windsor Av-|White Feather Farms, Oshawa, 655-4752. utiles. Fencing, core tor nor- gorage. East end of Oshawa, $17,900. Comfor Initial, figure or abbrevietion counts as) 9 se TV TOWER enve. icked up, delivered at store 'or home. ses ond cattle. oo and lots of outdoor Medi gps number counts two - : : SHOCKS, MUFFLERS, jMbiik GAS acer ound we Von GY, SEN aE FoR en BY S AL ARY : and board, Experience prefer- Haiti pia FRONT-END WORK at excellent condition. Telephone 728.5915. |10---Farmer's Column red. Call Port Perry 985- ia? a 120'.. Oil m4 BIRTHS -- DEATHS TOP SOIL--MANURE | 728-5143 COMPARABLE PRICES BETTER QUALITY Borg cost, worn|lpEAD AND CRIPPLED f tock 2200 or Toronto 293-3291. ee edenpat SOCIAL NOTICES once, size 20, Swinger camera, case and]; arm Bee = CP BE TY REE eT Rarer gem er gare meng bed " phone tonight. $2.50 per insertion with 25 cents addi- N k for Fall plant Corner Bond and Division film, never used, set of four Kolinsky Apel bgt Heth sea Hi ih Read Hed piv aA ia val bald pat yy © peareon. Grek bungalow e 52. nee ! is r g | 5 one _ collec! - 5 . Sal- i tional charge if not paid within 8 days. ro ag 'or Fall plan UN | ROYAL furs, reasonable. | 723-7567. scent an 'ican aeay jampton ~ eee realy Tee aiek only. Sa sll Oe tae Mie NORTH-E IN MEMORIUMS . CHESTERFIELD and matching chair,| TLE OR sy =D tor ny --~ ee eg eee BRR ET ' $2.50 for the first 25 words end 6¢| LH ARDSAND LANDSCAING T V. TOWERS CENTRES two end tables, coffee table, two beauti-|te Witter Gone tna, sg eon Tee| Due to an expansion program |FULL ae Oe tema et be ri| fenced in back yard, every- Vil @ 1% storey Bach thatectter ius 180 Pe aot pid 795-1721 Vive -Hlaw: Hoe ot ful buffet lamps, A) shape. Apply 283\ hone 723-6279 or 723-1239. si have openings for three years of age or over, neat appear: thing in first class condition, bedroom ale ki thin 8 days. is "BUILT IN HAWA" Non r "COLT boy's bicycles |] Fy u time representatives, ance. Apply main desk, Genosha Hot Asking $20,900, room with fireplace eae Se VLANs est nates Pog teh: ae DOMINION TIRE STORE ak ite cot wih adie" fit, wine s;| | 1--Pets and Livestock _| whose living standards, re- |LARGE METROPOLITAN newspaper re- ' bath. Full price, § $2.50 for the fint 38 words end Je) ee SS white bunny snow boots, size 10. All|HORSES BOARDED with experienced| quire quires the part - time services of an $1,000 DOWN further particulars, pach thereafter with 25¢ additional | MERION-KENTUCKY We give you a better tower 17 Park Road South good condition. Telephone 623-2839. __|care, large box stalls, excellent riding ple aed dg Mc arf ge at ic . eras 10 Ks bold Winn Peer [BLUE GRASS SOD for less money WASHING MACHINE, 9° x 12° fent,|facilities. Telephone Blackstock 986-4362.) $7,900---$9,000 a Year aude' the hiring oF carrier boys' ana| A nice little home at a very COMING EVENTS |BLUE- : Phone 725-6511 lantern, vacuum cleaner, cupboard, cof-|AT LUNDILU Kennels, Pekingese, toy collection of accounts. Reply. in confi-| economical price, you'll love COMMER $2.38 per inch (display); $2.00 for the/ bea Presanad Bet a 100° vg rg poodies and Lhasa Apso puppies avail- Men selected will attend our jdence to Box 81418, Oshawa Times the cosy living room, and the Vill @. This 2 ye fae PS and 6c each thereatter A||.Green Nursery OSHAWA Ty. RECAPPED ener Porawe ci a ree (line RecN, Oshawa. 7236, Town- national sales training school, reg Nant hen ferihee ee would be neat iktchen. What would and cement block ws : a : Il receive salary and ex- o Bon oe ou say to $11,500. with $1,- d f icin Guaranteed trouble-free winter if you|GERMAN Shepherds. Req'd, pups. P " '4 TRUCK DRIVER for furnit aoe) ey arr ' used for servicing $258 PER SNCH PER INSERTION. Sod Growers SUPPLY LTD. SNOW TIRES purchase from Western Oil Company. fessional. training, boarding, Stud serv.| penses, followed by, actual [piiance store, experienced with good ret-| 000. down? separate office an Q UU add) Ama eee ___|ices. Pinto. Show mare. Texag saddle} field training as applied by erences, top wages. For personal inter- electrically heated DEADLINES : Visitors Welcome : TAUNTON RD. E. | FURNITURE -- Three rooms of T new Shirts. Cozy-J Ranch Kennels, 655-4662. successful field trainers. view, call 778-2521. able. WORD ADS es ee Gun Fon: of Riton | $15 Home, Furnishings, 424 Simeoe 'South. llerger reeds' sist'ue, Galtierta' Tere] No shortages, no slack per- 119. Male and Female he 4pm. DAY PREVIOUS MANURE, two yerds and up, dellvered,| 723-813] 723-8132 | ole : TVERWRITERK Gain methine Gah |thone | Wiss $25, up. Delivered. Tele} ios, Qur men always have Help Wanted NEWTON\ $O5T_AND FOUND CATION hin ee. |e for a 775 x 14 inch tire with _|registers, new, used, sales, service, all|HORSES BOARDED, Oshawa ja] Places to go ond people to. |___ --_, 1X @ Nine room Pam. D F " TELEVISION -- RADIO a Plymouth, Ford or General makes. Call your Royal desler, Kaeo box stalls available, excellent care and| see. HOW TO EARN HOUSE jlenh condition' iS ; ' |) mos . BF, +i feed, t I iT it tralls fo ss cellent conaiti Boars A OE NELICATION |Money to Loan HOLMES Motors wheel. rich_a8_ King. Street West. 72668. _lexercie. 724-29 or ivauy._ | Rapid advancement for men MORE MONEY -- c- Town of Newtonvil RIL | > REFRIGERATOR, McClary, apartment|QUALITY CLIPPING RVICE again wit management potentia t. Lawren IN MEMORIUMS and MONEY A PROBLEM ' ee Ata ao Hever RIE ANE COCTS (OPEL eTMI ING SERVICE. SOMO) Ch 4. onstrate thelr ability, MEN and WOMEN ce left the area, mo CARD OF THANKS Consolidate all your debts into baby carriage, $25. All excellent condi-) 2 jephone 788-7607. y ; ! need a full or part-time St. East sell, try your ow abit, DAY FREVIOUS one low monthly payment. ELECTRONICS AUTO PARTS tion' 726-7683... {ALASA APSO terrior), three years, reg- tates Docs. wi ave person to help meet the de- WHITBY ment. Phone Gui sISP! ee ---------- |istered, female. Has all needles. Good tisfi le: ve : CLASSIFIED DISPLAY | > eote| First, second and third mort- TV RENTALS 723-1121 |TV TOWER SPECIAL -- 408. structure |with children 3150, best 'onter. 725aaoT, Gincas gies ee TO nited mand for a much needed ser- c . ' more informatoin umns or lorger -- 10-a.m. dey previous.| gages arranged. 24 hour . pet Sa gene ee SR TOM leas BM 797. Crater vice for motorists, Pleasant, . o in and see the 5281. CANCELLATIONS AND service, including weekends, TOWERS (formerly Motor City Auto Parts) | ------- ec SABES Used "furniture; BEAUTIFUL" BABY BUDGIES, ready s 5 ' dginified, good paying work. ~otorey -- 4 Bedroom e CORRECTIONS Cal PHONE 668-5679 hepliahens cd Gea aoe Ray (or training, talking strain, Apply P. This is not @ job No experience necessary but Beauties ONE AC Bam. DAY OF PUBLICATION | © "R "Ww. LAHAY & ASSOC. ss TV: Rental Whittaker" Sales and. Service, 7a | an ae atk THIS 1S A CAREER a cot is. For full information OPEN DAILY Xb Vacant lon Sei aton will oe eharete one doy's WILLOWDALE ONT , NEW pri | A L U M | N U M pd id apap gigtine ane ass Joriginal raw wi ie Ste lass If you have a proved soles phone 576-3351. 10 am until 7 m al gies insertion. | 223-2060 or 223-8797 4 SAUER new Soe ond, ee foUib™ 725-2647, record or strong sales poten- [$100 WEEKLY or more, full, part-lme, ees ade Oshawe BOX NUMBER RENTAL $1.00 eee | ALCAN | SIDING Cycle Centre, 204 Bond St. E., 725-6344, |PUREBRED TOY PUPPIES -- chihua.| tial and desire to earn $500 _|Iadies. men, Cues ee ee iba e While avery endeavor will be mode tol Ri Rh eee te, Const etal wrpenuay FURNITURE and sd puerta ONE CERCOMAGIC refrigerator, auto-|TUe,, Pekingese. Champion sired, regis:| to $1,000 a month and are ee | MECULLOUGH DRIVE seats as acon oe find erg had Sad We feature second mortgages of " per APPLIANCES @ AWNINGS matic defroster. Also oné General El Train. "Glraie one nee wiling to work hard we want |20-Real Estate for Sale A 6 oom, é ld brick CLAY LOA ce ge . Also fi : / . Telephone 668-6689. Pas elated aos : room, ear oO} tent no liability in respect of loss, oF Fetus private tunase Call I2sa6s1 ery 452 SIMCOE SOUTH @ WINDOWS ne |POODLE CLIPPING and shampooing,| °° talk to you. banal Etietira li ae 149 ACRE Soren ce deiey in forworcing much. ro-|tti 723-0011 @ DOORS toarinwent sires are Hon 10 years sig, [easonably priced. Telephone wnitby,| You must be between the age, a 64% mer i, 1) ©. One thouse i lay in forwarding suc Me GS OU ' i i Vea : Le , Se othe nae, The Tones will Rot | Mortgage: ae LES ee SeMERARIAT PUPPIES --repiatered|| cor fel me igptciad snap $123.00 per "month. "This pry ey pve vt jen or otner i. F wry | cr ' ecoue ee de ee " a car, be n r : 4 e arn cleaner. ze sepone for replies uncalled ed | SERVICE CALL ONLY 2.50 E V E N | & S SPACE HEATERS, two, will sell cheap. (cream color, male or female, sig Weeks! Does this sound too good to home has 'been well cared farm house, 2 b my Ore | MORTGAGE LOANS Fast T.V. Service Ideal for cottage. Telephone 942-6584, 18|°% nlature poodle BURS,) 5 if He for, the colored fixtures in , REGULATIONS | ' SALES LTD. |Queen_St., Aiax, registered. Telephone 728-9122 ie tue, se YOU are the bath are like new, double shed. 135 worka EG' ' . se emer | eames -- : 1 t ; h THE OSHAWA TIMES WiLL NOT BE| @ Re-finance Present DOMINION 15 Prince St 725-4632 |CONTINENTAL BEDS from $29.95, mat-|12__ Articles Wanted Phone 723-5271 windows shreugh-out and it's age bhaigh ona RESPONSIBLE FOR ERRORS IN ADVER- Mortgage ae srestee att, Eaciory outlet' 723-3800 oe Carousel Motel REALTY LTD., 728-7328 | 9°ing for $19,500. Call to- ee an all : . s Pie icu THEMFUNSwaiTiNG NOT FOR MORE! © day your bills : TELEVISION FREE ESTIMATES ery PERSIAN lamb coat (small), taper. A Bolle day. " ; THAN ONE INSERTION OF ANY AD-| @ Make home imprivéements 72B:5154 9 '9 power mower, chesterfield sulte, rifle Free Pick-up donate your ask for Mr. V. A. e 103 KING STREET EAST VERTISEMENT NOR BEYOND | THe @ Expand your business } 750 on. ae No obligation on your gas, other articles, Newcastle, 987-4630. child's 6ld: or 'domaned the between 9 A.M. and 7 P.M. REALTOR $19,750 LIVE RENT PRICE CHARGE FOR A i i Fant courten i nr terms] : A oe ere i SERTION IN WHICH ERROR OCCURS.| nul etal denna hdl Tiacres SiLeranRet anieenee TastTign: oe a Oe eet (eoetion' only: Pretty| cycle and ride-on toys, to be Tuesday, Wednesday 1% acres and 5 room house, xi © Real ince The Oshowo Times reserves the right to A. ROSEN $50. Oshawa TV. Supply Limited, Taun-| ers, electronic air cleaners, [Furniture 444 Simcoe South. 723-3271. _| re.constructed and: used. by and Thursday NEW LISTING -- ORONO fo ere ond garden. Close ond Teugh all th : t rti cordiny o (its) KV 0 it, t of Rit: tT , . . z t ae _ oes ee an es . fe} a slassify odvertising 'according | Memiber, Ont, | Mort. brek. ton Road East, just east of Ritson Road Gan and. elecitic apallances, TELEVISION sets 7 Eg ne the retarded. Call 725-7267. ale lad modern five bile ow taxes, $3,000. Bani 18 coors: 2 ir eek- 2 RB poder) . 93" room bungalow on an extra re 4 dine ts | 2--Personal | 576-3915 or 723-9079. KIL- |ture tube, $49.; 24" CBS, $59.7 23" RCA, SUPERVISORS ours for free. 1 ip Sie coset fue tana fescorticts ends and evenings. 728-5623 | LINGBECK Heating and Ap- $89; all sets reconditioned and guaran-; large lot, house to be com- Bee hihi inforn for widta amace thm Get Winch: Siete ELECTROLYSIS pliances teed. Tweive to choose from. 576-3877. ic[d dalatd pedal dct Bd ed hag todd nc To provide residential super- pleted with large recreation AJAX night. actus! error occupies. The publishers | FIRST AND SECOND mortgages, sale SR BED VS [DOGHOUSE -- Sturdy, well-built. Suit Ee ee cit, genasae, | vision, counsel and guidance room and fully decorated in- Dutch clean 3 bedroom brick : e endeaver to reproduce oll advertising |agreements purchased and sold. Hennick 723-464) DRAPERY ] able for any size dog. Telephone 942 ne oH wanc| to Bove 14-18 veors of age side, located right in the vil- semi bungalow with large motter correctiy, Du' oi "Yiand Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Street is per 2886. | Gi a uniforms want- * * i: : eee et a ee ere | Removal of. superfluous bolr MATERIAL yard | RIFLE -- 30.30 calibre. New condifion.|gup, Complete Or partial. Telephone 725-| Qualifications: lage and easy walking dist- fomily kitchen and _ living ie any fo fey bay ae BLAEE . WE HAVE many clients in the expand-! AAgrie Murduff will be in A large variety 'to choose from | Telephone 725-8183. Be one : a Integrity, good character, self- aD Rts spores etc. Only room, a home you can afford. Hy eo 8 TIMES ACTION WANT AD lope nara' bearing tape Inerett rater :| Ossawa Oct. 25, 26 Nov. Ist DRAPES, REPAIRED, RELINED|20.30 WINCHESTER carbine, like new,/13-- Articles for Rent control; ability to instruct and 2,500 down. Phone Bill Rat- Carries for only $98, P.I.T. able home. The b Cell Clossitied Direct it you have money to loan write Branch| Phone Genosha Hote! on ond CUSTOM MADE |870. Stereo tape recorder, $110. Tele- supervise adolescents, prev- cliffe 655-4457. with Mortgages at 61% % and a Gracias s | pty Gael Beate £0. Bas 296 Cakville) -- these dates for oppointment pel EES a A : ious experience in youth work only $15,500. Call tonite. foo eee 723-3492 Ontario bee ee eee |DINETTE buffet, walnut with @ Formi- Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- desirable, prepared to work STURGEON LAKE -- Furnish- kitchen have cat eae ishes r : , 5% feet long, 'ik , COs é , i ~ Painting and Decorating -- (Eairion area, arriving sam, Telephone] yr ,cOODS & DRAPERIES |fteritice $50. Telephone 723 hy Curlery,, Glasses, Coffee | shifts. Applicants must pass | ed 2 bedroom cottage, three $18,900 pie aoe geliat | eA) OF EOL ---- "LS<" | STUDENT TYPEWRITERS, standard , " ; an educational background piece bath, treed lot, $6,900. Clean 3 bedroom brick, ¢l ie INDEX TO PAINTING AND PAPER hanging, Inte 6 ---- portable all makes. New and used ang| "veor, Men's Formals, White test to provide proof of at For more information contact SHO bie Gnd! Ghiesing cites washroom. Paved CLASSIFICATIONS jon Pleee: Yeisen hh Tet and|3-----Sportsman's Column HANDBAG guaranteed, sales and service. Sot. an Fox Furs, Mink Stoles. lacs' Grade 10. standing Joe Crawford 723-1021. ae un polio ani into a spacious ss 3 j 5 pRB, Setaictstesdcla dae teeee ate lant up. MeLinton's Office Equipment. Tele- 44 ence The night lanterr |__| HUNTING LICENCES -- New and used REPAIRS phone 728-3664 SARGEANT'S RENTALS | (Grade 12 preferred). yard. : home. Think yo J--Women's Column |Plumbing and Heating guns bought, sold, and traded. Ammuni-| ai ponding ¢ 463 Ritson Rd. S., 725-3338 Benefits: GROCERY STORE with six i 2~Personal |-- fion and hunting supplies, Valley Creek, ew nonaes, irames, Zip= |9__Market Basket anil eon ne Starti Sal $2.32 it? It's yours for 3--Sportsman's Column | 5 f 16 Bond St. West. pers, etc. Reasonable rates. = RENTALS. Hunting equipment, gung, de- oa eee ee wed ail eet bribes sbulld Vivian Halligan 942-0296 and $17,300 f Pepe te age | Plumbing Discount |peer HUNTERS WANTED, Abstain: 395 CONANT STREET |WINTER POTATOES also Spanish, and|coys, bosts, canoes. Wilde Rental. 66s e582 par Thor With ease pennant Ceulbe' Acid Marlow Hancock 723-0288 now! 3 4 ' ers only, $55 per week. 668-5673. cooking onions. Apply jam Sack, | 3226. eae a : * , rade. 5 gai td baagia is, | 149 Brock St. North SRY NSRP SRNR RSI ee! 723-9077 anornion. Rowe: SOUT, nee earn) South'WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walk-| ience and training. Full On- Call Earle Allen 725-7782 or N. Van den Broek 668-2675 id 8--~Articles for Sale | WHITBY -- 668-6601 |4----Motorbikes PDEUE Si iabarscitalinadd mane] _TUETO SUPT UBL ers Mecucia (pachines, sick room sue) tario Civil Service. benefits 728-7328. DB Vicker 576-2476 SIDE SPLIT 9~Market Basket | "eg Co ee FOR SALE --- USED ONTARIO NO. 1 WINTER potatoes, de-/Piles. Ald Rentals, 105 @ ws such as vacation, sick leave, : ' " XIV @ This ve 10--Farmer's Column | NEW LOCATION. Ray Whittaker One- livered or apply 14 Rockcliffe Street.| ENTERTAINING? Fifty to one hundred ' ; i A 1--Pets and Livestoem | Direct "1 bth Selle git Stop Cycle, 19 Prince, Oshawa. Parts, TV SETS Telephone 723-9439. peoples Oshawa Tennis Cluo. for. ben: i get oesind deAbolls 4 ACRES with modernized 3 Olive Ferguson 76-3637 bedroom home ir 12--Articles Wanted | plies verything in the |service, sales, all makes, now small APPLES, Cortland, M Spy' djquets, parties, weddings. Bar, kitchan,| paid life and medical insur- bedroom home with 4 piece Andy Ke area has Torgor Aion tr : PLES, : s \ TAL rees Ooreeivaiilon plumbing line, 20% off all [erulne pervice, ail types and sry A-1 condition Delicious, Vaemile south of Taunton|parking. 723-7726 ==... | ance plans. 40 hour week with bath, fireploce, large garage. als 728-0196 loom': throughou 15--Employment Wanted supplies. Gini ia ae on Townline Road. Telephone 728-6908. |TV RENTALS -- Ajcan Furniture and| opportunities for promotion in Call Dorothy Vivien 263- Barbara Reynolds 723-1887 oured tiled be lecAgente, Wanted | (ONDA, 160 c.c., Scrambler, 1967 mod- TRIO TELEVISION WINTER POTATO 'Apply William|Appliances, 452 Simcoe S. Phone 723-0011 ' : i7--Female Help Wanted | 12 p.m, -- 9 pm. ie Mo Ca Gee ban ae 728-5143 Sack, Thornton Rd. Sw first term south] -- challenging ond progressive 2138. Roy Soley 723-4726 large patio. Ph« 16--Male Help Wanted oer j miles, Must sell, $525 or best reason: - of Hydro sub-station, west 4 15--Employment Wanted service, spect this unus eet fuce ho oe | SATURDAY 9a. tp 9 bam, [able can othr: 7 35 Division St WINTER CABBAGE -- large heads.|movine, es ens cad jobs done,| 'APPIy in person Monday to RAVINE LOTS--4 only in.ex- eae ye Tao 48 home. Priced at 20a--Summer Properties Ae CLOSED WEDNESDAY 5--Trailers CLEARANCE 7--|$2.00. doz, Savoy (curly) haesoes +9 3250 with or without truck. 'Rent truck with} Friday, 9:00 a.m, to 11:00 clusive east end location, over George Abramoff 723-4871 e eee Ve err L ; jdcz, Frank's Greenhouse, second | farm ldriver. 728-2882. a.m. and 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 200 ft. deep, small creek at Gordon Wh FOUR BEDRO 22--Lots for Sale | TRAILER STORAGE -- Geneva Park, Kitchen and Dinette Suites, east of Alax on Base Ling, south side. | 7 ---- ge oo ication Fast Led cioer fay Gaia rdon White 668-6337 ee hn | Cs kat Pe Mati] lovely 8 pe. suites wih bigh |RUMPRIM, GARBAGE Seni rs ame, any ease fom ming pool, Call Bob Johnaon | 0°96 Sullivan 668.6226 re ah 25-Houses for Rent | FOR sports. included with storage member- bachee oe been grain |farm, half mile west of Oshawa on 4oy|nurse., Reasonable rates, Ritson South) THe SUPERINTENDENT, 728-2548. arab OSes ; ig Pave t larg 26--Apartments for Rent | ship. Call 655-3821 vinyl backs, walnut arbor- north service toad. -- oo = a PINE RIDGE SCHOOL 3 age, itchens, Expo modet a ee LADY WITH TWO CHILDREN, 4 and 2, , ivi 2 Rooms for Rent | RESULTS aX 10 HOLLYWOOD house frailer,| ite tables. $69.95. Many |---- would like pasition in home where board| -- BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO 10 ACRE LOTS << Mapl $9,500 FULL PRICE living toom, 4 oe aren ans Beare, Rowse trate sot Whitby. tet 16! more all slashed in price. ar Mee a hapa 2s F Grove Road No th, fealy Village bungalow of 2 bed- seis vein i 29--Wanted to Rent = a WILSON'S FURNITURE ' cere. Sees a) ee aes » rey NERY rooms, large li 30--Avtomoblies for Sale | TIMES 1959 CHEVROLET pick-up and ; gh a ST IF IT'S FOR SALE EXTRA SPECIAL care for preschooler|29, WATCHES treed, close to school ond kitehen, bother 6 fared HIGHWAY 3l--Compact Cars for Sale | in good condition. Best offer. Inspection : or beny IN my home. Good lunch. Bh ie ayerece (nen Dalwaen 2 end 24) church. Call Morely Burgess , bathroom, attache S2-Trucks for Sale | ACTION CLASSIFIED invited. Telephone 728-8694 after 4 p.m. |yvacuuM REPAIRS, all mokes, hoses, AN ACTION vided, Five day week. Vancouver Court. |ganexnect fo switch ies oe fer 723.0049 gorage, hard and soft water, XVI @ 159 ac 24~Automobiie" Repair Rientee Veen beciieg nin ciete CLASSIFIED AD Hoar Civile: Avditorivm,Valepnone 7155s totally niew, career i new style oi! furnace, large Twy. No. 35, ro 35--Lost and Found ; ADS 36--Lega | 37----Auctions | 723-3492 Fleming Vacuum Pickering, GLASS REPAIRS fo aluminum WANT-ADS DON'T COST--THEY PAY 3b--Coming Events H--Notices id wood windows and aluminum screens, Free pick-up and delivery. 728-2284, WILL SELL IT! WILL GIVE day care to two pre-school- ers or 'toddiers, in my home. Large fenced yard. Park Road North area. 728-1463, Ano the place to took for the best [ops Is the "Help Wanted" column in The Times' Clasgified Section. Whether you're junemployed or looking for @ better lob, check "Help Wanted" now! sell for you around the clock. Dial 723- 3492 today Ve FULL-TIME SALESMAN, Classified Ads well landscaped grounds, $2,000, down to quolified buyer. Call Sid Martyn ot 723-9810 with bush, Chris hunting. Pricec call for details,

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