Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Oct 1967, p. 9

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Nindow Prices re-|dian government does not have le-/the muscle to control either "\labor or prices. Guidelines tenq to discriminate against some ve removed, an explosion of wages m-jand prices may follow. 3 | Always ed * there with : Peady cash 00. 2500 or more NIAGARA FINANCE | COMPANY LIMITED 286 KING STREET w, 723-3487 AM - Prices! ER Decor Centre @ BROADLOOM ORATING groups, and once the lines are . Dear Ann Landers: I was in-|Lack of money and transporta-| 4 terested in the advice you gave|tion have been a problem (for to the young woman who was|them that is)---a blessing for us. afraid of self-service elevators. She said she had a terrible fear of being trapped with a man who might take advantage of her. Your advice was good, but it was incomplete. Will you please tell your fe- male readers there are several things they can do to protect themselves against an attacker. The following information might save a life: | An ordinary wooden lead pen-; ANN LANDERS Attackers Beware Of Women With Pencils as midnight and as early as 6 a.m. I would not stoop to listen- The girl calls our son as late ing in on his conversations but I can't help but hear some of the things he says since the upstairs phone is outside our bedroom. From his side of the conversa- tion I can tell she is talking pret- ty sexy because he frequently says, "Pipe down about that, somebody might hear you." | Several weeks ago I ranj cil, rammed into an ear can be}... is girl had) a lethal weapon. A woman who waueh. I rie Me ie pea must walk alone at night from a mother and invited her over to| bus should make it a habit to' discuss it. She promised to call carry @ pencil in her hand. me and make a date but she A sharp upward blow where | never did the lip joins the nose can cause| g . my acute agony. | ag Oy nd ; re en eis -. oan When the mother oj | A hard kick in the groin can doesn't give a hang? If it had! incapacitate any attacker. > A San rh high isis ean| been my daughter I'd have been i in 10 minutes --- Con- cripple a man if she stomps on/there his instep. cerned | A sharp blow on the Adam's| Dear Concerned: The moth- apple can cause an assailant to er's indifference to your phone} be breathless for 'at least five call should give you a clue as to} minutes. what kind of upbringing the girl| Just remembering these few has had. You can do nothing but pointers could mean the differ-|hope your son's upbringing will ence between life and death./be good enough for both of Please print this. --- Indiana e ¢ Dear In: In behalf of severaljest and open. Without preaching) million women readers, I thank! make sure he is aware of his re- you, Now, girls, go put a lead sponsibility to the girls he goes pencil in the pocket of your win- with, And put a curfew on the| ter coat. And clip this column boy. Don't let him stay out as and put it where you can re- late as he wants to. This is read it from time to time. brag many parents of boys ail. Dear Ann Lanfers: [ am not Confidential to Tired of Wash- |them. Encourage him to be hon-| § RS HITBY jibb waa EUPHOLSTER . . . for thet "LIKE NEW" look UPHOLSTERING SPECIALISTS AT REASONABLE PRICES, % Furniture Refinishing & Restoring %* Custom Bullt Furniture, Darlington Upholstery Bowmanville 102 King St, W. 623-7341 A Finer Used Car , ONT. 623-3396 GLANZER «=~ Cabinets . pear Specializing In Livingroom, Rec # room built-ins. Many types of mouldings and designs to choose. @ Free Estimates 576-2980 (. Griffin, 247 Cabot 576-0810 Nonquon GIRLS! GIRLS ! ATTENTION JUMP SUITS ARE IN ILONA'S DRESSMAKING SALON Dressmaking course starts Oct. 4414 Simcoe N. 728-0042 sending my name or address because your advice won't help} unless it is published. I want} our 17-year-old son to read it. I) am worried about his involve- ment with a 16-year-old girl. These two kids have been dat- ing (or I should say talking on the telephone) for six months. MRS. ALEX STEC (in coming) Mrs. Alex Stec President Barvinok Branch UWA At the annual meeting of the Barvinok Branch of the Ukrain- ian Women's Association, mem- bers unanimously elected Mrs. Alex Stec president. The meet- ing was held at the home of Mrs. Phillip Choloniuk. Other officers on the slate for! the coming year are the retiring president, Mrs. John Dutchak; vice - president, Mrs. Paul Plishka; recording secretary, Mrs. Walter Kuch; treasurer, Mrs. Walter Grigorenko; finan- cial secretary, Mrs. Joseph Maga; press secretary, John Goreglad; telephone com- mittee, Mrs. Lawrence Skura- tow and Mrs. Phillip Choloniuk; Sunday school, Mrs. John Kos- and use good judgment--espe-jhad as its guest speaker, Bert tuk, Mrs. John Dutchak and Mrs. Morley Parfeniuk; hos- pital, Mrs, Walter Grigorenko and Mrs, Choloniuk; program, Mrs. Walter Kuch; Ukrainian Mrs.| ing, Ironing, Cooking and Screaming Kids: Welcome to the club, Did you think the Hon- eymoon was going to last forev- er? Too bad you can't read over my shoulder for a couple of hours. You might consider your- self lucky. MRS, JOHN DUTCHAK (Retiring) "Students Day Dinner" hon- oring the junior and senior high school Ukrainian students is set for Nov. 19. Co-conveners Mrs. Paul Plishka and Mrs. John lawa Police Department, address the first educational|Pratt, showed colored slides ofjall the ingredients for a Satur-| Receiving the guests Jaycettes on the various com- a" part of the evening's enter- tainment at the IODE (Gold- en Jubilee Chapter) annual "DOING WHAT comes naturally" are six stars of a "floorshow," which was SOCIAL & PERSONAL Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Telephone 723-3474 for Women's Department Det. Sgt. John Powell, Osh-; President of the Oshawa will, Rock and Mineral Club, John meeting of the season of Osh-|his 10,400-mile trip to the West awa Catholic High School Par-|Coast and Mexico at the open-| The women ents' Guild tomorrow ening.|ing meeting of the season. Basil » Chapt f ODE, ; . : e evening ep tity lance aaa bipens 'ee hapter of the LODE \the Golden Jubilee Chapter; | are| specimens as aj A film, "Narcotics and Addic- d ena jof specimens. tions," outlining the dangers|/assembling and consequences of taking nar-|centennial project for the local cotics, will be shown in the/ schools. mnatorium. | sbaestias | Miss Viola Lidkea showed Ernest Millard, ART, herma- pictures | of "A Mediterranean tologist at the Oshawa General | Holiday for the Travel Group Hospital, addressed the Oshawa! the University Women's Club |which met last evening at the home of Miss Leuta Pierson, Thornton Road South. Members ponents of blood and how they were designated into blood groups, at a club meeting. He displayed many different blood) collections and administration! packs and explained how each|® Leif Olsen in-} Mrs. D. H, Woodhouse will perform the opening ceremony 2:00 p.m. and Mrs. John Dutchak and the committee as- sumed the responsibility to pre-| pare the program and menu. | A Christmas party to be planned by Mrs. William Droz- wik and Mrs. Walter Grigo- renko, will be held in Decem-| jber. | "THE STARS SA By ESTRELLITA FOR WEDNESDAY | Maintain a realistic attitude \cially in the p.m, If action on a lcertain project seems to be re- iquired, get busy. If intuition ltells you to "bide your time," dancing, Mrs. William Drozwikjhave patience. In no circum-| and Mrs. Stephen Hercia; mem-/stances, become entagled in the) bership, Mrs. Josepha Maga; \affairs of others. | welfare convener, Mrs. Grigo- renko; representatives to UWC,|FOR THE BIRTHDAY : Mrs. Donald Sadoway, Mrs.|_ lf Wednesday is your birth- Goreglad, Mrs. Stephen Gonta;|day, your horoscope indicates representative to Youth Assoc.,|that you have just entered an Mrs. Kuch; auditors, Mrs. Droz- excellent five-month cycle in) wik, Mrs. Hercia and Mrs. which to forge ahead with im- Gonta. portant plans--not only as a re- The outgoing president, anal- sult of past efforts but also {tions asked about the people, INE-STOP STORE for: Jug Milk at Milk Store Prices-- yzing the activities, said the co-operation of ie i. \those in a position to help you. that| through Christies Bread -- Patent Dru -- Cards & Gifts -- Hallowe'en Supplies & Treats 4q@ Smoke and RAY S Gift Shop 1188 Simcoe St. $. 576-0790 SIMON?S SHELL SERVICE 97 King St. E. t at Mary 576-1360 @ Complete Car Care Lubrications & Tune Ups Ignition & Carburetion Specialists a) FREE DINNER If you find your name in this advertisement, bring it in to the Rib Room and receive one Dinner Free. Compliments of the GENOSHA HOTEL 70 King St. E. V. Osmond, 1156 King E, social duties were rewardng; ? t the time and efforts spent con-|Whether in business or engaged was used. Mrs. 2 troduced Mr. Millard who was|Will receive at the Christmas % ~ Mc.|fair, bazaar and tea to be heldjseven IODE members were| sense ea see aces a ee ne |November 3 by St. Andrew's|sent to meet the devil. Available At . warm water, Lie back lazily 2 United Church Women under; Crinolines, black net stock-| Bs and ae roars | | Crinolines, black net stock-| and relax, Excellent for re Fi Mrs. Ernest M. Marks has\'Me general convenership ofjings, and energy allowed the| NU-WAY PHOTO relieving hives, itching oe A é accepted an invitation from the Mrs. A. W. Armstrong. members of St. Gertrude's} CWL to open their bazaar and fun fair on Saturday, Oct. 28 at 2 p.m. Conveners for the affair are Mrs. W. L. Gilchrist and Mrs. Patrick Kennedy. Mrs. Robert Oshorne, mem- ber of the Kinette Club, will be convener for the Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Christmas Card Drive. Anyone interested in ob- taining 'these cards may con- The Harvey Hunt Unit of tact Mrs. Osborne, 1070 Ronlea Simcoe Street United Church|Avenue. Martin, a teacher of the M. 7. HOUSEHOLD HINT Hobbs Public School, Hamp-| ton. Mr. Martin, the group an insight into thejing. BUTTONS & BOWS SONGS & DANCE MAKE FOR AN ENJOYABLE EVENING, WESTERN STYLE THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, October 24,1967 1] EDWARD BIND, appears to MRS. saloon _ girl, performance by her accom- iit panist, Miss Wilhelmina Pe ae eae Cruikshank, alias, Wallace | a have been upstaged in her Young. ad |teacher from a next-door class-| Reaction Test rushed in and knocked Indicates Women the gun from the other youth's hand | jroom, CALL 576-1411 . ie ' Pe Ree | is of n Overpowering Steady on, it's all a joke,"'f for.cperavas vou property, ond the youth pleaded. ong eal eg needs and without obligation 'Oo «you. SARNIA, Ont. (CP) -- Two ie L. Burgess, director of] Please call : in|Planning, s y ; REAL |women attending a class in gen Dil a Kage hadif J, J, WILKINSON estate adult education at Lambton Col- St the reaction| 100 King st. E. Oshawa tt: of a psychology class. The shots Phone 576-1411 and dance. Saloon Cowgirls are Mrs. Wallace lege of Applied Arts and Tech- were blanks. | and Mrs. {Morris and Mrs. George Werry/livered a_ recitation describing) Keep suede shoes new by rub-|dancing was formerly of|bing them with a piece of rub- Cape Town, South Africa, gave|ber sponge after each wear-lorchestra. The orchestra was dinner girls are: Mrs. R. J. Kelly Young (left), Mrs. R. S. |nology may not have reacted as\ --_-- MecevontO (left), Mrs. Paul Bellinger Irwin, and Mrs. D. M. |the psychologists expected t Robert Starr. Campbell. PaychDibETs SepRE ec: BO they did teach two young men jnever to underestimate the power of a woman. Two teen-agers, unshaven and dishevelled, roared up to the college in an old car, ran down |"Floorshow" Highlights | IODE Dinner And Dance peta i _ al ge Rail fences, hurricane lamps,|a backdrop of blue skies, and One youth pulled a gun and hay, cowgirls, saloon girls are|cacti fired several shots in the air . | Desks were overturned as two ee cep gic siete were women students jumped on one y vester wW. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Brown,|of the youths and pinned him to A of the Goldenimrs. Brown is the Regent of\te floor, -- better furniture, that George Delgrosso, a 250-pound ooks better, lasts longer, nt and actually costs less over WHY WE DO NOT SELL A ROOM FULL OF FURNITURE! Did you know that you can attired in "buttons and bows' land Mr. and Mrs. FE. L. Dis- : and "doing what comes natur-|rey Honored guests teciuied 7" the years by letting our ally," sang and danced through] °° sve sda | 4 experience and training a parody of "Annie Get Your|Mr. and Mrs. Michael Starr, |g help you properly select Gun" at their annual dinner|Mrs. Starr is the honorary| your home furnishings. We and dance held on Saturday|vyice-regent; Mr. and Mrs. A. V.| evening at the Carousel Inn. Walker, and Mr. and Mrs. Hay- Carrying lariats and sporting) »orq Murdoch eee ja stetson, the cowgirls offered! \their rendition of 'Blood on the Saddle, Buttons and Bows, OSHAWA TIMES PICTURE RE-PRINTS jand "Don't Fence Me In." | Mrs. EB. G. Storie's solo put 20% Discount o n Orders of 5 or More Pictures enjoy doing it, you will too! Botty Haydl Co. Ltd. Interior Decorating, Fine Furnishings 15 KING STREET EAST 725-2686 ae | baths | \ \ relax you Just pour a % Ib. package of Cow Brand Baking Soda into a tub of jrather unique words to the; jsong, "The Man That I Mar-} jried'"' and Mrs. E. R. Snow de-| the events that occurred when |saloon girls to perform the \"Can Can" in all its traditional splendor | This event was convened by SERVICE | 251 King St. £., Oshewe | skin and sunburn, COW BRAND TVR Mrs. E. L. Disney and the re-/] 8x 10 -- 1,50 each Ba hearsals for the "floorshow"| 58x 7 -- 1.25 each NING SO DA jwere under the direction of| . i Wire, 2. GS Storie and Mire ho 4 R. A. Patte and her committee |were responsible for the west- 1 alien BURNS entertainment Following the | Fab a LS the enjoyed to music of Bev Smith and _ his a: 'set in the western scene, with school system in South Africa and answered the many ques- the country and the education. Te Ye Sine Silver dese rves in the fabrics . FOR THE FINEST Custom and Ready Made DRAPES latest Shades and &C tributed toward the betterment of the community. : Every member was needed in the organization to devise new ideas and to carry on the capacity of work assigned. She also expressed thanks to those who had made possible the 10th anniversary of '"'Barvinok" and the centennial dance. She added that various committees in connection with the Ukrainian week proved to be immensely energetic. The report from the eastern convention, held at Windsor, was heard. Mrs. Donald Sado- way interpreted the promotions of the outcome and reported that the Ukrainian World Con- gress would take place in New York City in November. Different stitches of Ukrain- jan embroidery applied on chosen articles and some crafts would dominate this year's handwork projects of each member. In the leisurely eve- nings group gatherings planned for such purpose would lead to social relaxation and the bene- ficial asset of learning, the pro- gram eonvener explained. in creative work, your talents and abilities will be under ex- cellent stimuli for the next 12 months, and you should net fine results from your endeavors,| | fine care {| Dry Goods & Draperies EXPERTLY INSTALLED DRAPERY TRACKS 723-7827 provided you do not yield to your innate tendencies toward "Free Customer Parking While Shopping at Our Store" over-aggressiveness and undue suspicion of your fellowmen-- even those who have your best interests at heart. Best cycles for financial gain: Between now and the end of March, early July, all of September and next October. Best for job advance- 'ment: Late December, January, late April and next October. There may be some changes on the domestic front in July, probably in the way of environ- ment, but they should prove beneficial. Best periods for ro- mance: The balance of this month, January, May, late June and late July; for travel and stimulating social activities: January, July and August, of next year. A child born on this day will be highly intuitive and percep-' tive, but may be inclined to a secretiveness which could dep- | | That's why we recommend Hagerty... the world's most respected name in silver care. BIRKS | SJEeweerurers Shopping Centre Oshawa rive him of many friendships. ; i St. John Ambulance PUBLIC FIRST AID INSTRUCTION NINE THURSDAY EVENING SESSIONS Another Class begins Thursday, October 26 ot O'Neill Collegiate -- Room 111 At 7:00 P.M. Please Register by phoning 668-4666 (business hours) BIRT Ht SALE | HDAY | Starts Thursday - 10 A.M..| BURNS JEWELLERS | 20 SIMCOE NORTH See Our Ad In Wednesday's Paper | COLOUR is JUST THE BEGINNING When pattern and texture are added the room comes to life. Sunworthy wallcoverings make the difference and give your decorating that fin- ished look. See them today at... SUNWORTHY ATTE'S Paint & Wallpaper 96 YEARS AT 85 SIMCOE ST. NORTH FREE PARKING et rear off William St., East

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