Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 23 Oct 1967, p. 17

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iments Ills Dominion Stores Ltd. and spice, tea and coffee pro- ng and distributing firm of |. Schwartz and Sons Ltd., 'sound" prospects. minion has a 17-acre option ikeside for a $1,000,000 dis- tion centre and Schwarts has plans for a $1,000,000 ing. Another possibility r recent negotiation is @ ),000 warehouse and office anada Packers Ltd. D ELBOW ROOM lifax has long pondered the gamation idea that would within. its clasp some of estern suburbs, now on the ty tax roll. rden Settle says elbow , services and immediate ssibility to transportation is most industries seek and n such industrial parks as side and an 82-acre park at ern Passage, near are h hey get the railway at the door. Lots of room for port loading and unloading none of the city parking pr' . iSSees5 DSOR c You STILL CAN'T SLEEP ) AT MY HEAD SHRINKER'S! RIGHT! TIME FOR MY APPOINTMENT NIGHTS? "wrens saree g Suc 14 pemene | ~l'D BETTER STRAIGHTEN THINGS OUT SHE WAS ROARING MAD) PHONE AND TRY TO © King Fantoree Syadioatey ina. 1967, World rights reserved EVEN HER ~iii|| BUSY SIGNAL : SOUNDS BUZ SAWYER = ost OFF THE NORTHERN COAST OF CUBA, A FISHING BOAT GETS ITS PURSE SEINE FOULED ON THE BOTTOM, WILL TAKE M' JANE ARDEN CE? 30 THIS CANNON SHOOTER.....HE Y HOUSE DOWN.... -- j PIECE BY PIE: ae ---- (/ | HE IS VERY GOOD, VON | WHAT PEREZ, HE HAS MANY] 6A SABOTS STACKED AND READY To FIRE {T'S SOME KIND AOF CYLINDER! BUT WHAT 15 1T? AND WHAT'S A SHINY NEW CYLINDER DOING OUT HERE IN THE OCEANE ITS-OUCHH= DEFYING THE GREAT SOCIETY "7 WE HAVE ORDERS TO CLEAR EVERYTHING IN THE WAY OF THE. NEW CLIFF MILLS MULAN ee TEE fo-25 I'VE SEEN 6OMB LAZY DOGS IN MY TIME cee - Fine Ponmerns Sp diertn, fan, 1067 Work scien I CAN'T FIGURE IT OUT. GREG JUST SEEMS TO HAYE EVAPORATED -- WHAT HAVE YOU GOT, MORTY? FARE I GOT HERE SAYS HE LIVES AT THIS ADDRESS. World Rights Reserved ©1967 Weak Disney Produ: Tecra V "THE "TOP 9 AND Y2!}3 MUST'VE DOZED OFF READING THE CEREAL BOX / HUH /.,OH, HI, BUTCH/ I WERE TURTLES, OR WHATEVER HEY WERE, AS SLOW THEN AS VERY SLOW PROCESS... exe : Sy World rights reserved. @ King Fame Speteann Toss 1007, WELL... IT SURE PROVES You DONT HAVE To BE GOING VERY FAST To SECRET AGENT X9 TAKEN AGAINST HIS WILL, THE SAME THING COULD HAVE HAPPENED TO DR. LYMAN, SINCE HE STAYED IN ROOM 303, ALSO. af MOTORS Lid. 1967 MODEL CLEAN-UP! TELEVISION LOG Channel Channet Channet Channet Channel 2--Butfale e 6--Teronte 7--Butfalo Channel &--Rochester Channel %--Toronto Channel 11--Hamilton Channel 12--Peterborough MONDAY EVENING 5:00 P.M. 12--Three Stooges aya 3--Movie 5:0 PLM, 12--Flintstones 8--Truth or Consequences 7--News 6--Let's Go Of Lands and Seas M. 6:00 P. 12--News, Wei Sports 1l--Pierre Berton &--How's Business 7--Movie 6--Good 4--News, Sports 6:30 P.M, 12---Ironside V--Rat Patrol 4--News 3-6-9--News, s Morning World Weather, Weather, 7:00 P.M, 1--Man From U.N.C.L.E. 9--Second Hundred Years 8--True Adventure $--Day It Is 4--Honeymooners 3--Accidental Family 2--News, Weather, Sports 7:30 PLM. 9--Lusiile Ball 7--Cowboy in Africa 4--Gunsmoke 3-6-12--Don Messer 2-8--Monkees 8:00 PLM, 11--Movie | 9--Bewitched | 8--Man From_U.N.C.L.E. 3-612--Danny Thomas 2--Movie 8:3 P.M, 9--Family Affair 7--Bear Bryant 4--Lucille Ball 9:00 PM. 9--Country Music Hall 8--Danny Thomas 4--Andy Griffith 3-6-12--Front Page Chal- lenge 9:90 PLM, 7--Peyton Place 4--Julia London Culhane 10:00 PLM. 4--Caroi Burnett 7---News Special 2-4--1 Spy 10:10 P.M, Vi--Merv_ Griffin 10:38 P.i 3--Profile V3 "M. 2-3-4-7-9-11-12--News, WA x 11--Plerre Berton 11.20 P.M. evi int Teas P.M, 4--News Weather, Spor 11:38 PLM, 7--Movie | _4--Movie 2-4--Johnny Carson 11.35 PLM, 3--Dragnet 1i--Hot Line 9--Perry"s Probe 4--Movie T1458 PLM, 12--Movie 12.18 A.M, 9--Nobel Lecture 12.30 A.i 2.31 11--Mark Saber TUESDAY 8:00 A.M. | 11--Schnitzel House Virginia Graham 9:00 A.M. 11--Ed Allen Time 4--Carlton 9--Romper 8--Crossfire 6--Meta 2--Pat Boone 9:30 A.M. 12--Ed Allen Time M--Ontario Educatior TV Room 9--Meta 7--Africa 6--Ontario Schools 4--Love of Life 3--Good Morning 10:00 A.M. 11--Movie 9--Uncle Bobby 6-2--Snap Judgment 4--Candid Camera @2--Cencentration 3-6-12--Friendly Giant 12--Romper Room 9--I Spy CROSSWORD 9--Tugboat Annie 2-8--Personality 3-6-12--Dundee and the 12--One Step Beyond Weather and Sports M. and 4--Capiain Kangaree 8:38 A.M, 9--University of the Air 8:55 A.M, 3J--Dialing For Dellars, Fredericks nal 3-6-12--Canadian Schools 10:30 A.M, 7--Dateline Hollywood 4--Beverly Hillbillies 7--Honeymoon Race 4--Andy Griffith 3-6--Mr. Dressup 11:30 AM, N--Marriage Confidential 9--Mr. and Mrs. 7--Family Game 3-4-Hollywood Squares 4--Diek Van Dyke Show 12 NOON 2----News Weather Sports 1i--Little People %--Teronte Teday &-2--Jeopardy 1--Money Movie 6é--Luncheon Date 4--News, Weather, Sports 12.10 P.M, Hi jeroes 12:30 PLM, N--Photo Finish &--Eye Guess 4-4-6-12--Search for To- morrow Merv Griffin | 12:45 PLM, | 3-4-6-12Guiding Light | 1:00 PLM, | 12--Movie | 11--Mike Douglas 9--Movie 8--Dialing ter Bollars Virginia Graham 7--Fugitive | é--Luncheon Date | 4--Meet the Millers P.M. 4-4--As The Werld Turns 6--Let's Make a Deal 2:00 P.M. 7--Newlywed Game 6-4--Love Is A Many Splendored Thing | &8--Days of Our Lives a 12--Calendar 1--Perry Mason 9--Peopie in Cenfilet 7--Dream Giri 4--Coronation Street 4--House Party 2-#--Dectors 3:00 P.M. 9--Magistrate's Court 8-2--Another Werld 7--General Hospital 4--Te Tell The Truth 3-4-12--Take 30 3:25 P.M, 4--News 730 P.M, 1i--Bullwinkle 9--It's Your Move 7--Commander Tom 3-4-6-12--Edge of Night 2-4--Yeu Dent Say : 300 PLM, 11--Super Heroes 9--| .Love Lucy t--Match Game 4--Secret Storm 3-6-12--Communicate 2--Mike Douglas 4.30 P.M, 1l--My Mother, The Car 9--Movie &--Leave It To Beaver 4--Truth or Consequences 3-6-12--Barney Boomer ACROSS 5.Gelderland 18, Ponders 1. Gape city 20. Girt 6. Metal tag 6, Musical 21, Hebrew 11, Encouraged instrument letter 12. Stop 7. U.S. vice- 22. Con- 13. Hollow president sumed stone (1813-14) 23. Storks 14. Hag 8, Country 24. Levies 15. Muzzles in S.E, 27, Ahead 16. Pacer and Asia 30. Butt miler, for 9. Anglo- 31. Means example Saxon ing Saturday's Answer 17. Plural sert 33. Begone! 36. Smell ending 10. di Per 37. Capital of 18. English 16. Chinese 35. Devasta- Latvia oe auees dynasty tion 39. Spotlight . Han 22, Candlenut (2 p14 er ie Pe tree 12 25, Attempted |! Y; 26. Particles V4 28, French is 29, Pressers 1S yy 16 31, Musial 7 A ZY 32.One: Scot, [17 | GGG 33. Shriek 1) 90 121 22 123 |24 36, Spheres Z 38. Nob! 2 39, Farewell 2s //) ca ie 40, Come up 41. Rascal ae YZ? |3° 42, Belonging 7 toa V/ 444 ee G - Polynesian god 33 /34 |35 Y 36 [37 43. Coarse 38 UY 39 "A DOWN 40 V7Aa\ 1, Proposes 2. Riches 3. Excited 42 43 @ Anarchiste we 114 A CLOTH BAG WITH POWDER WADDING AND CANNON BALL W~ SEWED IN....EASILY LOADED AN' QUICKLY FIRED, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, October 23, 1967 19 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER FAMOUS HANDS North dealer. North-South vulnerable. NORTH WAQ5s4 OQ876 &AKTA3 WEST EAST 31084 @KQ65382 9393 @K87 @K5 @A $Q952 3106 SOUTH @ART 91062 3109432 a3 The bidding: North East South West 1H Dble 3@ Pass 5@ Pass Pass Dbie Opening lead--three of hearts. Here is an_ interesting hand played by Bela Kassay, one of the leaders of the Hungarian revolt in 1956 who has since then made his mark as a bridza | | | | i ) | } | | HUBERT I'M TAKING FREDDIE FOR A LITTLE WALK- p 4 WOULD HURRY \. BACK WITH WISH MOTHER "i XTHOUGHT You \ NoT WITH YOUR MOTHER WERE GOING To }OUT THERE ON THE A> TAKE FREDDIE ROAD SOMEWHERE O)M FoR A WALK? DRIVING LTDA \ THE CAR! HH ly Chg. " a, 3S LS »)* YOUR HEALTH Dear Dr. Molner: What harm- ful effects should be expected from the use of cortisone or its derivatives for arthritis? Why do doctors frequently refuse to pres- cribe it? it is the only thing that has ever given me decided re- lief. I have taken it for short pe- riods and have not felt any bad effects. -- Mrs. S.F.K. I have written a number of; times about side effects because} so many readers are over-fear- ful that there will be "harmful side effects'. from medications that are in normal use. j Now I have to take the oppos- ite tack in this case. | Cortisone can be an extremely | useful medication, but being al powerful hormone it has to be used carefully. It can, indeed, have a remarkable temporary effect in some cases of arthritis. In fact, this capability led to false hopes some years ago when it was first being used. It was given to patients so seri- ously afflicted with arthritis that they were bedridden, i HAD LET DOWN Quite a number of them got out of bed and danced around-- and the world thought briefly that at last there was a cure for arthritis, This was soon followed by a devastating letdown. Corti- sone didn't cure arthritis at all; it merely gave temporary relief. When the medicine was stopped, Doctor Describes Cortisone Use |By JOSEPH G, MOLNER, MD close infection can get a dangerous start with- out being recognized. It can make diabetes worse. It can cause skin disorders, And those without some tion, so that watchfulness, are just a few samples of the things it can do. Being a power- ful hormone, too much cortisone can affect virtually every part of the human body. This does not mean that corti- sone should not be used. It should. It is very valuable and life-saving in some instances. It is used quite often for various ailments which respond well to a temporary "'lift" provided by cortisone. But it dare not be used for more than a brief time in quan- tities which overcome the symp- toms of arthritis. Used in small enough doses so they can be taken over an extended time, cortisone is no better and, ac- cording to some studies, not even as good as the salicylates (aspirin-type drugs) which can be taken with so much more safety and much less cost. WHAT IS IT? Dear Dr. Molner: The cause of death on my father's death certificate was acute myocar- dial infarction. In plain English, what did he die of?--Mrs. E.B. Of a heart attack. Circulation to his heart muscle was shut off, most likely because a blood clot former and then lodged in a narrow place in the artery, the disease reverted to its for- mer state. It was impossible to keep on| giving the cortisone for many|le reasons. It causes edema-| accumulation of fluid in the tissues. It encourages intestinal disturbances, including duode-| nal ulcers, It weakens the! bones. It can cause mental dis-| orders in patients having a ten- dancy in that direction. It can mask the symptonis of intec- shutting off the flow of blood to the heart muscle. Therefore the muscle quickly became _help- ss, and the heart stopped beat- ing. The majority of people re- cover from milder heart at- tacks, but his was acute--a se- vere one. Dear Dr. Molner: Is it true that gelatin water can replace |milk and give a child all the vi- tamins that milk can give? My sister refuses to let her baby player in New York, where he now leads a more peaceful ex- istence Kassay got to five diamonds doubled and West led a heart. Spurning the finesse, which was likely to lose on the bidding, Kassay went up with the ace, cashed the A-K of clubs on which he discarded a heart, ruffed a club, - ruffed a spade, and ruffed the fourth round. of clubs, establishing the seven as Ja trick. Kassay then ruffed another spade in dummy and led the seven of clubs. East, who had discarded a spade on the pre- vious round of clubs, discarded another spade, since he could not on either occasion afford to ruff with the ace of trumps. Kassay discarded the ten of hearts on the good club as West ruffed low, but the con- tract was now unbeatable, He ruffed the heart return and led a trump, and when the A-K fell together, Kassay easily made the rest A well-known book which discussed this hand stated that East could have defeated the contract by discarding a low heart on the fourth round of clubs, and the king of hearts on the fifth round of clubs. The theory was that West would ruff low and return a_ heart, permitting East to ruff with the ace, after which West would score the setting trick with the king of trumps The suggested line of defence is certainly imaginative, but, unfortunately, it is at the same time ineffective. If East dis- cards the king of hearts, South ~ |minutes simply ruffs the seven of clubs with the nine of trumps and the defence collapses. 3 Banks Robbed Within One Hour MONTREAL (CP) -- Three east-end branches of the Provin- cial Bank of Canada were held up in the space of an hour Fri- day night. At about 7 p.m. four masked men armed with gistols and sawed-off rifles held up @ branch on Frontenac Street, es- caping with $3,000 in a car. Fifteen minutes later another branch in the Repentigny shop- ping centre, was raided by twe gunmen who forced employees and customers to lie face 'down on the floor while they took ag undetermined amount of money. The third holdup took place 30 later at a nearby branch en Beaubfen Street. Four armed and masked men got away with about $2,000. Canadian Bishop On Commission LONDON (AP)--A_ Canadian bishop was among the theolo- gians chosen by Pope Paul and the Archbishop of Canterbury to gserve on the joint preparatory commission studying marriages between Roman Catholics and Anglicans, The Church of England infor- mation office announced Thurs- day that Most, Rev. Frances J. Spence, auxiliary Roman Catho- lic bishop to the military vicar of the Canadian armed forces, Ottawa, will serve on the com- mission. QUEENIE 023 "Save your eloquence for the jury, Mr. Walsworth--I'm just your client." have milk or eggs. He is a very sickly child and we are worried about him.--Mrs. R I don't blame you for being worried. Gelatin water most de- cidedly will not take the place of milk. It isn't a matter of vita- mins so much as calcium and other nutrients. Gelatin is a very incomplete form of protein and it contains no vitamijns., This mother should be advise more completely about her child's nutrition.

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