Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 23 Oct 1967, p. 16

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]8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mendey, October 23, 1967 cB SRE ee ER A ERD Oe be BR WEB AO RH he Gh A PE TODAY'S STOCKS 10:40 Distributed by CP Toronto Stock Exchange--Oct. 23 Quotations in cents uniess marked $ x--Odd lot, from previous board-lot closing sale. | 10: Net Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge Cosmos MINES Aema inv $00 9 0 80S Agne Mo 3 eo arder 1000 32 32 32 -- Ares: 40 300 2S 9S -- 1 Arcadia 1000 2 2 'Auner 100 219 219 219 +4 Bankeno 250108 108 108 Barex 1000 44 «440 4k Belcher 100 22 Belletere $00 182 18% Wat BL Hawk 1050 33 8 3 : nty Ex 50 7 J} a Bement 300 570 $60 560 --10 Caimor 1B 4100 110 102 106 +3 ine 4 tung 2200 233-280 3+ 6 € Lencourt 2000 16 16 | C Malart 2000 12 Can Nisto 4000 57 SS 35 Cantri 3 3 : Captain Chestrvile Coch will Coin Lake Comb, Met Conieagas Conigo Con-Key C Shawkey Con Fardy CG Arrow Cc Hal € Morisn Con Negus C Red Pop Conwest Craigmt Crowpat Deer Horn D'Elda Denison Dicknsn Dome Dunraine East Sull Endako Frobex Goldrm Grdroy Green Pnt Gulch Gunnar 200 175 175 175 +144 21 1 High-B! 200 $12% 12%@ 12% 425 $252 254 25¥a+ %4 Int Bibis T 5020 80 78 7" +8 Iron Bay T 700 400 400 400 +10 | Iso 2050 170 168 170 +4/] Jaye Exp 5500 16 1% 1% Jeex 4000 250 «25 35 Jonsmith 100 23 3B 23 Joute! 1700 89 85 8 +4 Kam Kotia 1300 315 305 305 --S Kerr Add 815 $17 17 7 --% K Anacon 72100 83 83 83 Kid Coper 50 6 OO Kopan 1000 9 9 9 +1 Lakehead x 83 8B B +i Langis 1000 35 «6350 (35 | Leitch 1640 850 850 850 MeclL Msh 30 4 48 48 OF Marchant 1600 80 «680 Martin 1000 1914 192 91a2-- Mattgmi 370 $13% 135% 13% Maybrun 2000 10 9210 + McWat 1500 44 44 44 +% Merrill 1300 45 14 14 =--1 Midrim 2900 145 140 10 --2 Mt Wright 762 18 #W 8 Multi-Mi 200 131 131 131 --J Newconx 300 S585 585 585 | N ~ Hosco 100 176 176 176 N_ Imperal 500 330 325 325 --S5 N Mylama 1000 21° 2) 277 --" N Que Rag! 1000 490 490 490 Nick Rim 600 13 13° 13 Norbaska 7500 6 «6650 68 C+ 1 Norpax 500 8 8 + Northcal 1000 25¥2 25% 2542-- 2 N Coldstm 5425 133 130 132 +2 Northgat 1950 805 790 805 +15 N - Rock 1000 26 25 % --2 North Can 1300 142 142 142 Opemska 25 $10% 0% Ws-- Ve Orchan 1200 275 275 Pamou: 700 215 215 215 Patino 11001 $15%4 14% 15e--% Pax int 18500 16 15 15 +1 | Pce Expl 4500 138 135 135 Peer'ess 2000 7 Ta+ Pine Pol ¢ 210 $51 SI SI Placer 135 $32%e 328 32%--% Pow Rov 500 % 635 «(35 --1 Preston 1059 $20% 20%2 20% + 4) Que Chib 150 68 6 63 300 210 210 210 | Quemont ms 5 715 Radiore Soo 51 SI )] Rio Algom 3884 $34 33' 334+ % Rio 580 Pr 50 $93 93--=--O93 Rio Alg ¢ w 4770 $20 20 20 Roman 2485 $28% 28 2B4--% Rowan 10000 7 7 7 Ryanor 5000 18 7% 18 + Satel 20500 42 #40 Sherritt 735 480 480 480 | 600 425 425 425 +58) Sil Miller 1500 14 14 14 Siscoe 1300 380 380 380 Stanrck 425 525. 525 525 --10 Steep R 1025 645 645 645 +10 Teck Corp 280 490 490 490 Territory 300 14 1 14 Texmont 2000 72 «#172 2 --1 Texore 3000 23 3B Tombi'! 2500 87 87 87 +2) Tormont 0, 6 6 6 Trin Chib 1500 12 12 U_ Asbestos $02 750 750 750 --28 Un Keno 1825 660 660 660 v 2500 280 270 275 +4 2000 38 «38 38 1000 12 12 «+12 100 270 270 270 5 180 147 147 147 +2 Alminex Am Leduc Banff © Deh +10 200 395 +5 00 585 585 585 -- 5 | 650 905 900 905 +5 550 $17 V7 v--' 210. $12% 12 12 : Int Helium 750 340 335 --5§ Midcon 2000 40 40 Mil City 600 160 160 160 N Cont 1000 89 B89 89 --4 NC Oils 730 640 640 640 Numac 300 400 400 400 --10 Pinnacle P 1500 310 299 299 --6 Place G 10 270 310 +45 Ponder 422 412 42¥2 Ranger 415 425 +10 Scurry Rn ¢ 33% 33% Tried Oil 225 226 +1 U_ Canso 392 370 370 370 --$§ U Canso w 100 170 170 170 W Decalta 2500 315 315 315 | INDUSTRIALS | Abitibi 1236 $B% BM BM | Alta Gas w 215 660 660 660 Algo Cent 200 $7% 7% 7% | A'goma St 367 $212 21 21a + Me Aican 2113 $27 26% 267 -- Va Alcan pr 200 $35%2 35% 35'2 Anthes A 50 $28¥2 282 282 Argus 120 $14%4 14% 14% Argus C pr 1750 $834 8% 8% + Ye Atl Sugar 200 $10% 105 10% + % Auto Elec 800 $92 We Vat ve 1685 $112 11% l1e#+ Vv 385 $13¥2 12% 1312 Beaver L 50 $33 330-33 oe 2583 $45¥e 45 45 Brazilian 900 $13% 1394 13% BA Oj! 370 $35¥e 35% 35% BC Forest 152 $19%% 1958 1958 BC Phone 100 $61 6) 61 -" BCPh 412 p 90 $7414 744 744 --A% CAE Ind 227 $11% 11% 11% Calgary P 400 $23% 23% 234+ % CD Sugar 250 $232 23' 23% Can Cem 61 $3644 36% 36% + "| Can Cem pe 2132 2 2 | Can fron 210 $19% 19% 19% Can iron p 7215 $852 B52 854 Can Perm 200 $11% 11% 11% + Va} Cdn Brew 2795 $7% 7 + Vi CB A'um A 200 $15% 1512 | C Curtiss 1000 175 175 175 | C Dredge 190 $6% 6% 6% | Cdn Food 40 S62 6 62 C imp Bnk 702 $122 12% 12%+ % C ind Gas 243 $11% 10% C Ind Gas p 230 $10% 1034 10% | ciL 225 Sié%e 16% 16% -- % C_ Marconi 100 S$6% 64% 6% | CPR 2070 $6134 61 6iz--% CPR pr 8960 $10'% 10% 10% € Petrofin 400 $142 14'42 14\4 Cdn Tire A 125 $25% 2512 254-- C Vickers a 8% 8% C Westing $174 174 iat s ™m 5 Clairton w 100 300 30 30 --5O Columbie x25 425 425 425 250 815% 14 1h xd--Ex-dividend, xr--Ex- rights, xw--Ex-warrants. Net change is! Cons Gas 3159 $20 | Shell Can 110 $30 §=--2934 29% ee ee iM Stock Sales High Low a.m. Chge Cominco 45 $27% 274 7M-- Con Bath 35 $29%e 295% 2958 -- '4 228 $11M% 11% 11% Sis-- Ve Couvret P 100 $54 5% Crush intl 150 $10% 1934 10% -- 1 | Cyonus A 710 418 418 M5 | Delta Elec 180 335 335 335 165 $3758 37% 37 D Bridge 244 $16 (15¥e 18 ' 1400 $14 1314 97S $21% 21% 21%% tin' | Disti Seag Dom Coal } Dom Glass 110 39% 914 | Dom Store | Domtar 1245 $12 11% 11% D Textile 125 $21 21% 21'-- rs Dupont 101 $25% 25% 2558 + ve Electro td 160 $12%4 12% 124 + v/Votes. Emp Life 200 $10% 10% 10% Falcon 245 $90%4 90% 90\4-- ¥ Fed Grain 100 $642 62 6% Fleet Mig 100 175 #175 «(175 Ford Cnda 25$168 168 168 7 FRE Pion 100 $31'4 31% 31% ing wage earners. Fraser 10 $19 «619 «19 --%) But political | Freiman 100 Shim 8% B+ 5 Fruenaut 100 $15%* 15% 158% -- 14) May 12% 12%2 Mitchell Sharp some 12 Intpr Steel Inv Group Inv Grp A ITL Ind Jamaic PS James Sti Jefferson "$8% $39 220 $16% $13% 1334 4 325 325 325 1 12 Me -- Ve Ve 2125 $17% 17% 17% 21% 21% + % 6% 130 450 450 450 240 $59% 594 59% Kelly DA 250 $3 S%e Sh Kelvinatr 100 $8 8 8 Labatt 733 $14%4 14% 14% + Laura Sec 325 $152 15 15 Levy 100 $29 2 2" Levy B pr 250 $25 25 25 Life Invest 100 $5% 5% 5% Met Stors p 150 $20' 20% 20 MGFM 100 255 255 Molson A Molson B 4 Lob Co pr 25 $404 40% 40% + Ve Loeb M 110 $14%4 14 14a + Maclean H 100 $56 56 = 56 MB Ltd 435 $257% 25% 25% Magna Et 400 $1734 17% 1754 -- % Markboro 100 $53_ 53h SSe + Ve | Mass-Fer 2235 $19%4 1912 191a-- Met Stores 9 $31 31 31 19% 20 + % Con Gas B 3 39 9 WO | Corby vt 145 $32 «3232 4 doctrine not to be lightly that no government in +i its right senses increases indi- vidual income tax rates with-| out, at the same time, putting its hand in the pockets of busi- By WARREN BALDWIN OTTAWA -- It is a politica discarded ess. Corporations have no} Even the number of shareholders' ballots in an elec-} 20+ nights. An increase in personal! income tax rates might do no "harm. It would not get at the re prices which, as Mr. Says, are being pushed up by _y, Yising costs and not an exces- SI and services. It would at least money to bring his budget nearer to balance. An increase in corporation +4 taxes, on the other hand, might 10% -- % give him 1386 m Minister reckoned his revenue - {2 from corporation taxes in the + current fiscal year at $23 mil- " lion less than last 1" spite of the fact that he ex- 4 8% +' pected 4 Canadian industries to be seven per cent higher in value. The government jcorporation tax revenues from ve the value of output but from ; Aithe profit earned and this has been far short of keeping pace with the increase in industrial production. EARNING RATIOS DOWN paying more for food, clothing ., | and a lot of other things the net 23? = Blearnings of Canadian manufac- 100 $192 194 192+ v/turing companies on each $100 100 $21%4 21% 214--% | Mon Food 300 $9% 9% 9% 736 $30% 30% 30% of steadily since 1965. In the first Morse A 100 $25v2 25¥2 25¥2--%a\six months of that year earn- % «1 ings on each $100 of sales for 400 $8% 8% 8% + "all manufacturers, according to x4 82 + 4'the Dominion Bureau of Statis- .y,\ties, was $10.60, In the first six %e/months of 1966 it had dropped 1, to $10.09. Figures just released for the first six months of this year show a further drop to $8.87. Morse pr 28 $58 «58S Morse -B pr 75 $53 52% 53 Murphy Nt Contain S12 $8% 8% Nat Groc 100 $178 178% 17% --738 NB Tel 102 $14¥2 14% 14'2- Noranda 306 $51% Sil2. Sa + Nor Ctl G 250 $1134 1194 1194+ Nor CtlG p 325 $23%% 23¥2 23% + NCG B 2p = 65: $27%4 2734 27% Nor Tar pr 750 $225 2258 2258 Ogilvie 100 $11% 11% 11+ % Oshawa A 390 $25 25 25 Pac Pete $20e 192 194-- % Pembina $172 17 #17 | Phillips Cb 30 S#iz 5912 5914 -- Pow Corp 130 $9 9 9 400 155 155 15 Price Com 275 $10% 10% 10% IN Gas 70 $92 92 9 220 270 270 270 QN Gs 66w 150 250 250 250 Rank Org 860 S$6% 6% Reitman Revenue 300 $1414 14 Revenue w 100 975 975 975 R Little A 740 $12. «(12 12 Royal Bnk 1050 $15 15 15 Royalite 225 $17 WW iW | Royal Trst 220 $18 18 18 Salada 464 $10% 10% 10% Scot York 100 $28 428 28 Shell Inv p 200 $3) ci) ci Sheli Inv w 720 $13% 13% 13% Simpsons 100 $34%4 34% 34% Simpson $ 875 $23 23 23 Slater Stl 735 $97 97% Sogemine 274 $15% 15% 15% Steel Can 2093 $21¥e 21 21 Steinobg A 750 $19 19 «(19 Texaco 270 $26'2 83 2ia-- Texaco pr 77 =$80 80 80 Tor Dm Bk 273 $1242 1244 1214--~ Traders A 100 $758 758 758 Tradérs B 23 S72 Mh Ta Tr Can PL 25: $28.4 28% 28% 7y TrCanPw 730 730 Trans Mt 934 20 Tru-Wall Un Ga 0 $14% 14% 14% Un Won wt 490 «490 J Sections ¥ Versafd $104 10%e 10% Venez pr 260 260 Versatil A ik GW tc'st Ws 4\2p Woodwd A Zellers 25 $32%4 32% 32% Sales to 11 a.m: 638,000 FOREIGN TRADING r 200 195 195 195 155 55 155 0 450 450 450 Low Cost 2nd Mortgages Get cash fast for house repairs, a new Car, vacations, or any other good reason. You Borrow $2,000 $3,000 $4,000 $5,000 Above payments based on 14% per annum for 7 years WHY OUR PLAN Is BEST: NO BONUS CHARGE OR HIDDEN FEES: With the Associates, you get a mortgage agreement that ments. SPEEDY SERVICE: Just tell us your needs and we'll set up a plan for you immediately, ASSOCIATES REALTY CREDIT LIMITED a --15 --75 +% | Ve 'é a + --10 +% +15 yi\there had been no increase in jsales_ of tured goods at rise by six cents for each $100,lower |/0f sales but the largest part of |unemployment. increases Wages and. prices paid to the peg oie Yet the earnings|of this of those same manufacturers in hae first six months of this year ; |have been $6.20 for every $100 food sold compared with |$7.20 a year ago. The new suit or dress may *\tion is relatively few compared|be costing more this year but,|trib |to the great mass of taxpay-/for every $50 in sales by the/living, {manufacturer of textiles, earn- considerations|ings have dropped from $3.15 give Finance Minister|t0 $2.90. For the retail trade as ai uneasy |@ Whole the drop has been from|f $1 million. 31/$2.80 to $2.60. In the economist's jargon this is a cost-push inflation and a ot of the problem of rising|little too hard a push, which Sharp|could come with higher taxes, |ily can only lead to fewer sales, Sharp's Task Not Easy As He Ponders Tax Hike went in) Manufacturers suggest that production and higher products in the first six months year had collective profits before taxes of $15 mil- lion. After paying taxes they were $1 million in the red. In the first three months, in spite of the fact that increased bus jfares in a number of cities con- tributed to the rising cost of transportation made only 90 cents on each $100 of revenue and paid taxes of $1.00 per $100 for a total loss All of which suggests that Mr. Sharp might think twice before he loads more taxes on business. It does not necessar- Inco, France | BUSINESS_SPOTLIGHT N.S. County Governments Handle Expansion Ills Sign Pact PARIS (Reuters)--Agreement has. been reached between France's department of geologi- cal and mining research and In- ternational Nickel Co. of Can- the South Pacific. istry and the ministry for over- seas territories ments, said a French Consor- The management board of the|? new company will be French, the communique said. exclusively in the' hands of a about $15,000,000 in Until now, exploitation of New\assessment in 1961 when Dart- Caledonia's ore bodies has been|mouth more than doubled its|ago. land areas by amalgamating a By ED SMITH HALIFAX (CP)--County gov- ada on formation of a second/ernment in Nova Scotia is learn- company for developing mineralling to cope with expansion of resources in New Caledonia in|yrban cemtres. Industrial parks provide part of the answer and A communique issued Satur-jare flourishing on the outskirts t day night by the industries min-/of a number of former one-in-|'!€- dustry towns and around some multi-industry bases and _ depart- Halifax and Dartmouth. Warden Ira Settle of Halifax tium will put up 60 per cent of|county knows what the bursting the capital and Inco 40 per cent.|of a city's boundaries can do to|"ere. assessment municipality's structure. ber of highly-ind French company, Le Nickel. The communique said: 'With the important technical co-oper-|Dartmouth fringes. fence went a major industrial centre, real- thoughts will be best. of the French government." such as grants. The Atlantic Warden Settle But we had to look ahead. A lot of hard work, fore- sight and industrial parks haye put us on the way back. We haven't made up for all that lost assessment but within 10 years we hope to," says Warden Set- New industry is sprouting in many pockets of the county, but in particular focus is, the 233. acre industrial park at Lake- side, about 10 miles west of Development Board spent more than $560,000 He estimates the county lost/for installation of water and industrial |sewer services since establish- ment of Lakeside two years Installed are the $175,000 cus- trialized|toms brokerage building of Bor- der Brokers Ltd., and the $300,- Inside the stretched-out new/000 warehouse and office build- suchling of Drummond hoger g ni i lants as the Imperial Oil Ltd,|Ltd., an Aluminum Co. of Can- aren of Inco, the new ibe iaiand rateeiy: EMI Coster Ltd. elec-|ada Ltd. Distributor. And, plans will be able to develop this/tronics plant, National Gypsumjare set down or negotiations South Pacific Ocean territory as|/Ltd., and sites for new and ex-junder way now for another $3,- ded industries the county|500,000 of industrial and com- ized thanks to the intervention|government had negotiated for.|mercial development. "Sure, we got our transitional is optimistic that Dominion Stores Ltd. and the spice, tea and coffee pro- cessing and distributing firm of W. H. Schwartz and Sons Ltd., are "sound"' prospects. Dominion has a 17-acre option at Lakeside for a $1,000,000 dis- tribution centre and Schwartz also has plans for a $1,000,000 building. Another possibility under recent negotiation is @ $1,000,000 warehouse and olfice for Canada Packers Ltd. NEED ELBOW ROOM Halifax has long pondered the amalgamation idea that would bring within its clasp some of its western suburbs, now on the county tax roll. Warden Settle says elbow room, services and immediate accessibility to transportation is what most industries seek and get in such industrial parks as Lakeside and an 82-acre park at Eastern Passage, near lare mouth. "They get the railway at the back door. Lots of room for transport loading and unloading and none of the city parking clutter." ve public demand for goods him more badly needed little or no more oney. In June the Finance year in the gross output of does not get its While Canadians have been sales have been dropping To put it another way, if Canadian manufac- home and abroad since 1965 government re jindustries would have been low- 150 $114 11% 114+ "ler this year by nearly oné-fifth. --,4\Fortunately for Mr. |budget, the value of total sales 300 $8 7% 7%--Yehas increased by 22 per cent. To the |Finance Department prophets be a, | Who prepared Mr. Sharp's June --¥%|1 budget forecasts tax collec- + 4 tions --"*\tween April 1 and August 31 +%jare about SKD Mfg 100 $7' 7% Lacs "\than the rig year. But a hike in corporate tax rates just now could easily kill the goose or at least sharp- ly eg If you believe that your chain ; and more profit as food prices 240 249 --15 keep going up take a glance at the Senate-Commons 8 8%-+ \2\tee Report on prices last May. velIt showed that * land 1966 chain store profits did venues from taxation of these Sharp's surprise of the from corporations be- $60 million higher same period last reduce the size of the golden store is making more Commit- between 1965 is crystal clear. No bonus or hidden fees are ever charged. Prepayment Privileges. Confidential arrange- 111 SIMCOE ST. S., OSHAWA P LOOKING FOR A COMMFORTABLE QUIET RENDEZVOUS DOWTOWN? THEN GO TO THE Tally-Ho Room Hotel Lancaster 27 KING ST. WEST Monthly Payments As Low As $37.05 $55.58 $74.10 $92.63 HONE 725-6531 CLUBS IN THE WORLD'S LARG HYDRONIC WHIRLPOOL BATHS: Have a soothing mineral whirlpool bath. The swirling 'action massages, relaxes tightened muscles to make you feel great. signed Vic Tanny exercise an MEN Age 21 to 75 SEEEESESEESE5S5E5555H5555S555E5S55S555555E5 555555555555 VIC TANNY'S T CHAIN OF HEALTH CLUBS - SEES5S5SE5555SS055555555S55555S5 Now Enrolling TROPICAL SWIMMMING POOLS... A blue, tropical 'pa- tadise of bamboo groves, coco: palms, huge carved South Sea totem poles and waterfalls, where you can soak up the atmosphere of the South Seas. » OSHAWA AT The CAROUSEL MOTOR INN (BLOOR ST. & STEVENSON RD.) FULLY EQUIPPE GYMNASIUMS Enjoy your exercise in lux- urious broadloom surround- ings . . . fully equipped bk the most modern machines to help you get in shape fast. " CANADA'S MOST COMPLETE AND LUXURIOUS FACILITIES @ Ultra-modern health club for men @ Luxurious figure contouring salon for ladies @ Temperature controlled tropical swimming | se @ Hydronic whirlpool baths @ Turkish baths @ Specially de- reducing machines @ Mech | body reprop @ Figure contouring and firming @ Mild progressive resistance exercising apparatus @ Profession- al massage @ Desert dry heat rooms @ California sun rooms @ Finnish rock sauna @ Private clothes lockers @ Private dressing booths @ Salon hair dryers @ Private tiled shower areas @ Juice bars @ Fully equipped gymnasiums @ Individual programs and personal extraordinary service. Individual Plans for Women Age 15 to 75. Open Mon. to Fri. 10 to 10 p.m., Sat. 10 to 8 p.m., Suns. 9 a.m. to 5. p.m. VIC TANNY'S Gym and Healt Spa's IN THE CAROUSEL MOTOR INN BLOOR ST. & STEVENSON RD. FORONTO, OSHAWA, LONDON, HAMILTON, ST. CATHARINES, OAKVILLE, CLUBS OPENING SOON IN MONTREAL, BURLINGTON, SUDBURY. KINGSTON, Ql APFILIATED CLUBS IN WINNIPEG, EDMONTON, CALGARY. VANCOUVER. VICTORIA PHONE 723-8171 KITCHENER, WINDSOR EBEC, ST. JOHNS SEESE55556E tA TTT cei GREG "THE MAN" DELMONICO- HAS FAILED TO SHOW UP AT. His OWN ENGAGEMENT CELEBRATION... i) I CAN'T FIGURE ITOUT. GREG JUST SEEMS TO HAVE EVAPORATED --

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