Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 23 Oct 1967, p. 15

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(ES PATTERNS GREENWOOD ENTRIES TUESDAY, OCT. 24 FIRST RACE -- Purse $2,000. Maiden (EXACTOR WAGERING) + and 4year-o'ds, 7 Furs CLEAR AND PAST WOODBINE | RESULTS | GARDEN CITY RACEWAY SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21 FIRST RACE -- Mile Pace. Purse, $800. Conditioned. Also Started: Eddie's Pride, Spencer, Royal Duke and Melodie Byrd. Erin Pakistan - Soviet Union Aid Pact Seen On Way THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, October 23, 1967 17 Soviet-Pakistan relations since Ayub's Moscow visit of April, 1965, is lucidly manifest- sugar mills, a plant for manu- facturing spare parts for bull- dozers and road-building ma- i Gifts Srube ior ay Peg 135 gate a Ph pe ed SATURDAY, OCT. 21 6-Dr. Doug Smith, Waples 5.00 2.60 2.60 ed in the five-fold jump in chines. There is also an offer Roman Dark, Uyeyama A-111 (Dive of and). 7 Furs | FIRST RACE -- Purse $1,900, Claim-| The Crooner, Zinnia mee FIFTH RACE -- Mile Pace. Purse! trade between the two coun- to assist in setting up another } Se rea Sie + |pearene Mitts Cutheertebe 1% jing. Two-year-olds. 6 Furlongs. _ Also Started: Moorelands Dusty, Glan-|sgo0, Claimine, : | By RALPH JOSEPH precisely American, aid has {ries and in greatly increased plant, in the East wing, for : aa Si eca x ibs {Marshall "Houses Fat Ww ty iO Regt 210 270 ford Maid, J M Ginny and Logandale. |SShady Dmnd., Davies 5.90 3.80 2.80 Canadi, Press Correspondent faltered, and during the first Soviet participation in Paki- the manufacture of electrical D'Dongo, Potts 4 aun ifort Rouge, No Boy m2 Frisky "Flight, Griff S| SiGeeld RACH. = pale. Trot wore cas sik paalorelin 8.00 me KARACHI (CP) -- Presi. three years of the plan Paki- Stani development projects transformer equipment. | erento No be ir Future Timer No Boy Ti denn ater Highest Roler Sontey Torii Fare Gir Lave Davies 10.00 50 3.80| sean Usitorm™ Duke acewey folie ang} dent Ayub Khan's nine-day stan will have managed to so nc DON'T OFFER MONEY Boy of Fourche, Green X109 Dontands, Grubb 107 |Dalton's Ruler, Little Odds and Den:\¢Wee Symbol, Furness, 3.60 3.10200" "enignr, Duke: Aceway Julie and) ti to Moscow is expected to Scrape in just about $1,- MOSCOW BOOSTS HELP The total Soviet aid to Paki- . jive "winters McCauley, B-119 Cosmic "Kid, Grubb x107 yale Ng oe Hall Castieton's result in increased economic 200,000,000 from the usual ae See ae ts Ce ene Fhe Also Eligible: Flying Lure, No Boy 113 SECOND RACE--Purse $1,800. Claim. Gift, Sharp Hoot, and Avalon Jo Jo. SIXTH RACE -- Mile Trot. Purse) co.gperation between Pakistan Sources. assisting Pakistan in only one 000,000. See enue Preston tehy Romer' Prigas Keeiie ii) |ing. Three-year-olds and up. 6¥ Fur-/DAILY DOUBLE, 6 AND 3 PAID Szi.ve./$0 Fay Erle Sates: «45 sso a.90| and the Soviet Union, but if she is therefore faced with fi@ld--oil prospecting. Since 'The Soviet concept of aid is Soars Re smith entry 4 ee as es a 430, THIRD RACE -- Mile Trot. Purse|+Protector D'ledo, Holmes 2.90 250) Ayub was also shopping for the somewhat hopeless task of {He ,1965 visit they have a interesting. The Russians pre- SIXTH RACE -- Purse $2,100. Claim-|2-mission Clove, Kelly "~~ $50 4.50|$800. Conditioned. : \-Siiver Nib Lee, Stirton 3.30) arms there are no immediate ; : hand in some 15 projects. fer the term "co-operation" 7.80 3.40 2.99| Also Started: Kimbo and Fearless Doc. getting together another $1,- SECOND RACE--Purse $1,800. Ciaim-|i9 (5000). Two-year-old fillies. 7 Furs |s.Mink Slippers, Brownell 6.20|7-Crystal Boy, Arthur icati 4 ; ' These include heavy a io no! ing (3000). Three - year - olds and up,|SPeedy Minstrel, Grubb X104 | Also Ran in Order: Black Kitten, |2-Heathcliffe, Spencer 320 2.40) EXACTOR, 5 AND 4, PAID s4aeo. | indications these will be forth- 399,900,000 during the final slestibal comple pe : ah e t -- apt dy on 1 Furs. Eve Darby, Gritfo 16 jArctic Venture, Big Rocky, Berno Miss,|4Kit's Dale, Manion 7.80) coming. two years of the plan. With oreo, Seb The Western counties 00, Ors =amous Jour, Platts x102 Sweet eee ee Ghee 5) Te Teas, Me Tot, Mary Catharin and : Also Started: Fantebuious | Riddell, | SEVENTH RACE -- Mile Pace. Purse} The president took his dep- the Vietnam war continuing UP. * Taxila near Rawalpindi, fers are made of equipment Sandio, Stauffer Orrnery, i . jappy's Mac, Thelgiers, YY Frost and isoo9, Claiming. ' : cons' ; ; 4% "pe Forever Pilot, Platts X110 Red Rick, Grubb X108 DAILY DOUBLE, 7 AND 9, PAID $59.20, Darkie S. Riddell, Hstewart's Moot, F'gan 23.70 8.50 s.1o| Uty Planning chief, M. M. unabated, the prospects of Struction of silos and bak- and technicians, for which Cole Date, Cuthbertson 122 Pi Clore, Fitts, X11) a Seele Man Wacies 410 270| Ahmed, with him. Ayub him- American aid maintaining ¢T@S in both wings of the Pakistan is expected to pay, Silver Gus, No Boy 115 Sees Sane, No ber yee THIRD RACE -- Purse $1,900. Claim... FOURTH RACE -- Mile Pace. Purse |}eden Atom. Hill 370) self is Pakistan's planning yen its present level appear country, a highway bridge at usually in kind rather than in True Jac, No Boy 116 i ing. Two-year-olds, 6 Furlongs. $000, Claiming |_ Also. Started: Giobe's Birthday, Queen| --) ; : PP Khulna and a 110-megawatt cash, over a number of years Portmaker, Grubb X104 Rol Car an, aan toe 7-Pde. Ground, T'cotte 4.50 3.70 2.90.&SPr. Mark, Waddell $.00 4.00 3.00/piue Frost, Eclipse C, Trina Lee and| Chief), and the fact that the to be dim. th 8 to n years. Cap Ferrat, Gubbins 112 AJC Meyer, TE King and W T Mason |9-Se® Brat, Brownell 10.80 5.80/¢Rvgged Yankee, Woods 10.20 $.60/Babe Adios duration of the visit was ex- pit avuh has re nS ermal power station at -- So far the terms have been Bronselene,_ og fois +Grey Empress, Kelly 3.49\4-Northwood Debbie, Troy 7.20) sigttn whee < inet purse| tended suddenly from seven to sale ane b a q eat a6 @ Ghorasal, both in East Paki- pretty stiff. The Russians ex- Jet Invader, so Ran in Order: Brown-Eyed-Gem, -- Mile Pace. Purse ; faite imistic about increased So- i ef . i Zternal Flight, Gordon 114 (BXACTOR | WARERING) Leaside Rules, Sea Diver, Hasty Amber, | ---- -- | $2,500. Invitational Hep. nine days is taken to indicate {tot aid The Russians have pb Eup also an agree- pect repayment in 10 to 12 Artista, McCauley 109 sivkics shee ft Joss, Nosliw, Jacob Starr, Surfer Joe i : |@Galen's Boy, Feagan 13.90 460 3.10| that the negotiations with the happily "ebraced Ki i ment for setting up a network years, and take an interest of t -- Purse $2/100./and Fleet Reactor 2-Ovation, Dittfach 8.90) 2.Anglo United, Waddell 7.30 3.20 3 h t with appily embraced his policy of 15 broadcasting stations in 2% per cent. This contrasts THIRD RACE -- Purse $1,800. Claim-|Claiming (5000). Three-year-olds and Also Ran in Order: Joan's Jester,'s.) R Spencer, Wapies 280} Russians have met wi some of neutrality. It is a diplo- both Ptah = ing (3000). Three-year-olds and uplup. 7 Furs FOURTH RACE--Purse $2,400, Allow-|Rouletabille, Post Pioneer, Son Costume) "Also Started: Guy Stone, Scat Time! measure of success. Gn gain tee hem 4 ih oth wings of the country. sharply with the soft terms of (Divan of 2nd), 7 Furs Alberta Sunshine, Platts X104 ances, Three- and four-yearoldy. 6 Fur-|and Great Cohoes. and Waygone. ; : : matic gain for them to have Other projects include a 30-to-50-year repayment pe- Brillie, No Boy 115 Ca.edon Star, Turcotte 113 longs. What Pakistan is looking for Pakistan at dead centre be- plants for manufacturing agri- riod ith 10 f a Broth of @ Boy, Brownell X107 Victory Trip, Bell 108 3Aynsley Blue, T'cotte 5.80 3.90 340) SEVENTH RACE--Purse $50,000 Add-) NINTH RACE -- Mile Pace. Purse! is increased external assist- ng agri- riod, wi years grace an Speedy Wheeler, Grubb X106 River' Party, No Boy 115 Pretty Wise, Hale 116 Miss Orleans, Stauffer 109 Majestic Sal, Boid Champ, Grubb X104 iz Kiss Me Quick, Grubb Quick Load, McCauley 117 Robin Whippet, Dittfach 114 8-Wellington Square, Armstrong 7,40 4.90\ed. "Canadian 4.90'ship Stakes", Also Ran in Order: Kilbrannan, Gay \}%_ Miles on Marshall Turf. International Champion: $1,300. Conditioned Three-year-olds and UP.|4DH-Espionage, Sper 14.40 10.00 5.39} ance for its third five-year de- tween the East and West in- Stead of wholly pro-West as cultural implements, assem- bling watches, bicycles, trac- an interest rate of one-quarter |5-DH-Leta H'bt, Moore 24.50 18.20 6.00! velopment plan, which is she was before 1962. of one per cent, or even no Kelly X14 Swaps, Pat's Honey, Gay Andrew, Buend|¢.He's a Smoothie, McC'b 7.90 3.80 3.00/4.Non Stop, Arthur tors, a cast iron factory, a tea service charges at all, that 3 60 | 290) threatening to flop miserably Breezy Breeze, Bradfield X106 Hard Pressed, Grubb X107 Notte, Sensationally, Windy Flash, Mr.'ja-canadel, Grubb Also Started; Tigalus, Belmont Ernie, ; The increased warmth i leaves processing factory, some Western countr ler. Dark' Duel, Platts X014 Fairmar, No Boy 112 What and Break Camp. 5-Pretko, Turcotte 3.90 \peverly Dillard, Blaze Oregon and Scion| because of diminished Ameri- ;_ i Ld g ; ern countries offer Vedas, Gubbins 115 Winning Cue, Armstrong 112 Also Ran in Order: A-Orbiter, Climax Grattan can assistance over the last Money Galore, Swatuk X11 | FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2,600. Allow-/2nd, B-Ramsings, Carodana and B-Char-| attendance 4,224. Handle $187,889. O14, Glen Francis, No Boy 116 | BIGHTH RACE -- Purse $2,000. ances, Three- and four-year-olds. One/dai tt tale s mide plbansertisiahi ena 2 years @VveERYBOoDY BENEFITS uate EVERYBODY Gives Aged Dust, Gibson X11) Claiming (3000). Three-year-olds and'and one-sixteenth Miles. A--Gardiner Farms and Hillcrest Stable When Pakistan drew up the up. 1 1-16 Miles «* Claim-| Thirty Grand, Kelly X110 109 |S-Caesar B. Good, D'fch 3.10 2.50 2.20 Entry. 3.20 2.90 | B-DAYBREAK Farm Entry. |NEW DEVELOPMENT MADE) final draft of the plan in 1965, FOURTH RACB--Purse $7,100. 4-Jame¢ Bay, Platts Ing (3500), Two-year-olds foaled In Cda.|Drifted, Dittfach 1 Pcie Cones Gre oi ark ae A MOSCOW (AP)--Tass news} she had expected to pull in as- 1 Mile, |Erin Pan, No Boy 112 | Also Ran: Colucie, Black Ringo "| EIGHTH RACE--Purse $2,100 Claim | acency reported three Soviet| sistance to the tune of $2,- Abundantly, Turcotte 114 Ci icate, bs X10 | Leelover jing. Three-year-olds and up. 14 Miles|%o ' Pi z ee : 2 . 4995 jovase Pe Nedoad. 117 iparntiss crite tt? A--E Lieberman Entry cw jdoctors have developed an arti-| 500,000,000 over the five-year a Swanky Franky, Grubb X114 Priam King, Gordon 115 | EXACTOR, 5 AND 4, PAID $10.40. 5-Royal Doctor, Gibson 610 3.30 2.50|ficial bone to correct deafness period, mainly from the Aid- ' . SIZES 2-8 irish Jive, No Boy 116 |Garden's Ace, Brownell X110 | |7-Career Lady, Kelly 3 | df Gy fataroratl f the! to-Pakistan consortium Jock's Pride, No Boy A-117 |Monisteo, Swatuk X107 | SIXTH RACE --Purse $15,000 Added. |4Victoria Garden, Turcotte 2,80 | CAUSE! y deterioration of e I s s Re ** n SE EASY | Highest Ruler, No Boy A-117 X--S5 Ibs AAC |\"Grey Stakes-Handicap'. Two-year-oids.| Also Ran = Orser soca) Black stirrup, a tiny bone in the inner| Because of the 1965 Kash- AN ON W - : Grey Lodge, No Boy 116 XX--7 tbs AAC lone and. one-sixteenth Miles Monk, Enlyn Sun and Thunder Jay ; laine ek Y E h A--Cherudon' Stable and C F Reinhart|XXX--10 Ibs AAC l@Dancer's. Image, G'z 3.40 2.40 2.40| EMACTOR, SAND 7, Palo siv.zo, ear. It is made of teflon, Tass mir nad ae oe things, CAMPAIGNS IN | By ANNE ADAMS entry |POST TIME 1 PM \1-Gadget Man, Nono 2.90 3.10' Attendance 16619, Handle $1,042,323, |said. the flow of Western, or more Bete ee re ee ee ei tr; September means SCHOOL -- nursery, kindergarten, grade! r| Delight daughter with a whirl of ,/a jumper and curve - collar t printed Pattern 905: Chil- OPEN DAILY ,|dren's Sizes 2, 4, 6, 8. Size 6 7 fo @ PM. e eo FRI. TILL 9 P.M. Ltd. COMPLETE HOME IMPROVEMENT SERVICE Let MILL-BUILT Contract Dept. @ Build your recreation room @ Remodel your kitchen @ Remodel your bath fe special in custom and factory built kitchens. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED -- FREE ESTIMATES PHONE: 728-6291 ROOFING 210 Ib. No, 1 Standard ASPHALT SHINGLES PLYWOOD HEADQUARTERS jumper 1 yard 54-inch; blouse 14% yards 35-inch. -| SIXTY-FIVE CENTS (65c) in 8icoins (no stamps, please) for seach pattern. Ontario residents -!add 8c sales tax. Print plainly -\SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, , {STYLE NUMBER. Send order to ANNE ADAMS, -jcare of The Oshawa Times, Pat .|tern Dept., 60 Front Street West, s| Toronto. | FALL'S NEW FASHIONS -- -|see the best of the new styles -|for all sizes in our new Fall- .| Winter Pattern Catalog. Get oné pattern free -- just clip coupon ,jin Catalog. Hurry, send 50c lright now. MILLWORK & BUILDING Supplies 1279 SIMCOE ST. NORTH -- OSHAWA 728-6291 -- YOUR ONE-STOP BUILDING SUPPLY CENTRE INVENTORY CLEARANCE Heavy Duty Overhead GARAGE DOOR BY CANADIANA All steel and all hardwere included ENTRES Prefinished in cherry tone; complete with post formed, arborite counter top. Ideal for homes, cottages and rumpus rooms, i AVAILABLE IN 6 SIZES UPPER LOWER REG, 108.80 ry Snarled s In U.S. "pecro- "% TILE Self ticking v' P| panels, 12" x 1 panels. 6 sq. fot. per The experiences of New York 54"----Reg. 60.95 8x7 carton. Reg. 3.98. land New Hampshire would fi Sele ° Sel 44 95 Cleerance PER '| ' "3 Vegke ans le eg to aa but Gast the hope 4 We corry the ball for ed. aes ee au ONLY o ony 5.85 0 |that a state-run lottery was a i] 2 oT 4 ' l 80 CASH end CARRY jtax bonanza waiting to be 4 lower prices on all your fall Sele 53.3] es o 4 é = e CASH end CARRY |plucked. LLANE LITE, : Aw White and Brown REG, 123,60 Sale REG. 128.40 Sele REG. 147.06 Sole To boost its lagging sales, New York's lottery advertising jin the future will play up the |prizes that could be won by a |player. One advertisement fea- jtures a picture of a $100,000 win- jner. In the past the advertising had been keyed to helping edu- cation, The lottery is also looking into the idea of pushing sales with jsex appeal. In September a jscore of attractive young ladies in bright yellow mini-skirts |toured New York City to spur ticket sales. The lottery lasses got a send-off from Deputy Mayor Robert W. Sweet and Mayor John Y. Lindsay pro- claimed "Lottery Day" in the city. Lottery sales in New York and New Hampshire are nof helped by federal restrictions on the use of the mails and on sell- ing across state lines. Tickets and all lottery material are banned from the mails. Murphy said a major factor in the lagging sales was the un- realistically small number of lottery outlets in New York state. The tickets sold principal. ly through the banks. He added also that no one ever "could gauge the degree of public ace- peo ge of lotteries." New Hampshire's sales have been hurt by the competition from New York and by federal restrictions. __A 1966 U.S. Supreme Court de- cision makes it illegal for a per- son to cross a state line, pur- chase lottery tickets and deliver receipts for them outside of the state. That decision originally concerned New Hampshire and was aimed at stopping persons frim buying blocks of tickets for their friends in other states, And in July the U.S. House of Representatives voted to forbid banks to sell lottery tickets. In New York, banks are the main outlet. The House measure, now before the U.S, Senate, deferred the effective date until next April to give the legislature time to make adjustments. New Hampshire uses other means to sell its tickets and is not di- rectly affected. OTHER TAKES SMALL Other states also rely on gam bling revenues as a tax source, - ut the takes are generally small. The largest amount is 97.35 103.43 Insulation C.G.C. RED TOP Garden Storage Shed Metal. Will solve your storage problems. No maintenance. Size 5' x 6', green and white. Knocked down. 79.00 Reg. 99.50 CASH & CARRY se 08.08 sua. 06.70 115.87 i Te cm eee ON DISPLAY IN OUR UPPER SHOWROOM TAA em GLIDDEN PAINTS CLEARANCE of Discontinued Lines 10 Colours to choose from Spred Lustre Spred Satin Qts Reg. 3.55. Qts. Reg. 3.50, Clearance Clearance Gals. Reg. 11.60. Gals, Reg. 10.60. Clearance Clearance CASH AND CARRY We inventory over 70 different prefinished nels including Burmese Teak, Brazilian osewood, Black American Walnut. Archi- tectural Grade, sequence matched. High Vinyl Flortile 12 x 12. 080 gauge. Slight__ imperfections. Reg. 89c ea. Spesicl 45° R-10 x 15--~-60 aq. ft. Only 10 or more cartons Lesser lots add 20¢ per cartos CASH end CARRY EAVESTROUGH STANDARD GAUGE tier CASH & CARRY ony 10.95 cs PREFINISHED} = «sx DECORATIVE PLYWOOD PANELS | me Mahogany WITH WALNUT INLAY . Cocoa Mahogany OAK, ELM, ASH & CHERRY V4 x 4x 8 Sheets -- Reg. 15.68 ONLY 10.10 EACH 10 sheets or more. Each only TRANS RN AR RNIN Lesser lots, add 20c per panel --Cash & Carry HEATHER TEAK, PLATINUM WALNUT, CEILING TILE ENGLISH WALNUT & RUSSETT CHERRY 12 x 24 Tongue & Groove IN CRATE LOTS 4.29 4.92 (white) 64 sq. ft. per ctn. 4x8 ONLY REG. 7.35 LESSER LOTS ADD 20c PER PANEL 6 24 PER CASH & CARRY ONLY e CIN. bao dee et vt iia ROR RISENER eS (carton lots only) Cash and Carry CASH & CARRY 12 x 12 ELUXE CAVALIER, MANDARIN D ACOUSTIC COLOR CONTROLLED TILE Classic Prefinished Random V-grooved 64 sq. ft. per ctn. 4x 7 -- per panel Reg. $4.20 Crate Lot SPECIAL, each PER ONLY 7.3 CTN. (earton lots only) Cash and Carry SPECIAL er THERMOSTAT CONTROLLED, COMPLETE WITH ONL CORD 29.95 37.95 36" 1000 watt. Reg. 39.95 SPECIAL 48" 1500 watt. Reg. 49.95 SPECIAL CASH and CARRY We carry @ full line of trough and accessories Fall Clearance Chain Link Fencing 50 FT. ROLLS .. 13.00 . 14.65 4x7 ONLY REG. 6.45 36" galv. Reg. 6.75. Clearance 42" green plastic coated, Reg. 14.15. Clearance 48" green plastic coated. ey 11.35 Reg. 15.95. Clearance CASH and CARRY 36" green plastic coated. Reg. 12.35. Clearance PARTICLE BOARD / 100% bi. grein-fi finish, No hidden knotholes or core voids. Will not splinter, check or crack, Ideal for flortile underlay. 5/16 x 4 x 8, Only, each WHEEL BARROWS Garden Type Reg. 9.95 Special (K.D.) 7.95 4x 8 -- per panel Reg. $4.80 Crate Lot SPECIAL, each : LESSER LOTS ADD 20c PER PANEL CASH and CARRY CASH and CARRY 4x7 ONLY Aluminum Combination 'ealized by New York-- 3130,000,000 annually--for pari- nutuel betting. It is a common impression imong Many people that gam- ling income practically under- vrites the Nevada State govern- nent, but that is not the case. 'he gambling tax brought in 23,800,000 this past year--just 400,000 more than the sales a x. The Nevada Legislature this ear boosted the sales tax to hree from two per cent and in+ reased the gambling tax rate. 'he extra money primarily will e used for education. REG. 3.85 Unfinished, V Groove MAHOGANY PANELING 4x8 ONLY EACH REG. 3.35 2.97 CRATE LOTS Lesser lots add 20c panel Only 5.80 I. P. Pecfinished PANELING Antique Birch Above price in lots of 24 sheets or more. Lesser lots add 20 per sheet. Building Products FLORTILE 1/16 gauge 9 x 9 vinyl. asbestos 80 Pcs. Per Carton 08: ONLY @ PER TILE Carton Lots -- CASH and CARRY ARBORITE SPECIALS 2x 4---4 x 4--4x8 sheets. Reg. 60¢ 4. ft. Clearance per ft. 39° CLEARANCE SCREEN DOORS Made from select Redwood -- 2-6 x 6-6 -- 2-8 x 6-8 -- 2-10 x 6-10, Reg. 10.95. Cash & Carry STORM WINDOWS BY -- REBMEC -- ELECTROPILE SEALED Exclusively ineered Box Frame Construction. fiminates deflection. @ No tracks to remove. Inserts come out easily. @ Every window is custom made. Four different expanders to fit off square Sills. e@ Newly designed screen gives added rigidity. @ Exclusive locks on top sash eliminates rattles and enables removal of screens during winter if desired, 2 AS LOW AS KAISER ALUMINUM SELF STORING full 1144" thick 2-10 x 6-10 Only . . 21 95 $. D. GLASS Reg. 24.95 \ CASH end CARRY --

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