Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 19 Oct 1967, p. 3

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SHAWA TIMES, y, October 19, 1967 the first time in 10 [ have complained. . got was a mess," spie said. itch told Reeve eryone was aware | to be returned on pt. 30. For that rea- rk did not need to AANTEED STMENT IFICATES 12% TEREST f 3 or 4 or 8 years or | or 2 years BUDGET CUTS SNARL US. INTERPLANETARY PROGPAM CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (AP) ~The brilliant success of Rus- sia's Venus IV comes at a time when budget cuts have hit the United States' future interplane- tary hopes for several years. The congressional cuts, heav- ily opposed by many scientific groups, may force the U.S. to take a permanent back seat, While the United States had no plans to soft land a space- craft on Venus, as Venus IV did Wednesday, she had hoped to land two unmanned Project Voyager laboratories on Mars in 1973 and two more in 1975 to study the planet extensively, in- cluding a search for life. Cuts in the National Aeronau- tics and Space Administration's fiscal 1968 budget request have delayed the first double Mars shot until at least 1975. Also eliminated was a preliminary scouting mission to the red pla- net by a smaller spacecraft in 1971 The U.S. Mariner V will pass within 2,500 miles of Venus today to make scientific meas- urements. At 540 pounds, it was not large enough to carry a landing capsule. Venus IV weighed 2.438 pounds. Each Voyager would weigh more than 20,000 pounds. The United States has two re- maining Mariner craft, both of which are to be launched to pass near Mars during the 1969 launching period. No other shots are planned before 1975, if then. Mars moved into position as a target every 25 months and Venus every 19 months. Supporters of Project Voyager note that Russia has missed only one of these launching op- portunities since 1960, emphasiz- ing the vigorous Soviet plane- tary program. Congressmen said an over-all $500,000,000 cut in NASA's budg- et was necessary because of the rising cost of Vietnam and na- tional programs. PASADENA, Calif. (AP)--A U.S. expert said Wednesday the performance of Venus IV indi- cated the Soviets have a much larger planetary program than the U.S. "This is not just a stunt. This is a solid sophisticated scientific achievement." The reaction came from Dr, Bruce Murray, assistant profes- sor of plenatary sciences at the California Institute of Technolo- gy and a membe rof the team which investigated findings of a U.S. spacecraft which flew by Mars in 1965. "to me," Murray said, "the most impressive thing is that the instrumented capsule sur- vived in both temperatures--a reported 104 in the atmosphere and 465 on the ground--as long as it did. It will be even more impressive if they are able to turn the capsule on again." Another scientist, Dr. Albert Hibbs of the Jet Propulsion Lab- oratory, said the reported tem- perature range indicates the possibility of life is very dim. But he added that the report the atmosphere was about 99 per cent carbon dioxide does not rule out life--"plants love it," Praise for the feat came also from Vice-President Humphrey, in his capacity as chairman of the National Aeronautics and Space Council. Humphrey issued a statement in Washington saying the land- ing "shows the world another impressive example of their in- tense interest in space, in plane- tary exploration in particular and in technological experi- ments.'" THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, October 19, 1967 3 " : Kinloch 2 i OSHAWA'S SMART MEN'S SHOP i 10 KING STREET WEST The Most Carefully Tailored Clothes You Could Wear ! Shiffo Hillman CUALITE Tatton ALCOHOLICS DRIA and { TRUST itby, Ont. ANONYMOUS Lakeshore Public Information Committee OPEN FORUM MEETING Sunday, October 22nd at 8:15 P.M. PARLIAMENT AT-A-GLANCE By THE CANADIAN PRESS WON'T RING TRUE NEW DELHI (AP)--'Sorry, wrong numbers," says Delhi |Telephones. The firm admitted 'Mariner V At Venus Today 'Has Done All Asked Of It \that more than 10 per cent of WEDNESDAY, Oct. 18, 1967 'i the 10,000 numbers listed in its Prime. Minister Pearson _ PASADENA, Calif. (AP)--A counter. A spokesman said it; Russian experts said Wednes- new supplementary direct % said the federal government {U.S spacecraft flies by Venus would be a day or more before dayt hat data radioed by the ee PP aly ae cory will support any move by |t0day on an information - gath-|data would be analysed and pre-| capsule showed surface temper-/Were Wrong. It even lists two fi tylists y 2 : lave a aN Th teaua a. of patsy K : "sa A bers for Now Delhi's chief Nova Scotia to aid workers |¢Ting mission that, even if per-| liminary results announced. ature of 536 degrees Fahrenheit vrhatagd eee 8 H . hurt by the planned closing of |fect, will but confirm findings of Mariner V was designed to and an atmospheric pressure 15 eG, councilor, "Bom: are United Church Auditorium - friends and | the Dosco steel mill in Syd- |& SOviet craft that landed there meausure the density and tem-|times that of earth. The atmos-|"'0?S: _ in CREATIVE ney. Wednesday and reported it hot perature of Venus' cloudy at- Phere was reported made up SIMCOE SOUTH and BAGOT ST., OSHAWA Justice Minister Trudeau a sicscnged life. a A mosphere, determine if the pla- Mostly of carbon dioxide, with, said his department is check- | ariner V, smaller and less net has a magnetic field and de- traces of oxygen and water! JRES | ing to see whether plans to Essen eo aiaae 'S'tect any radiation trapped in it, Vapor. ALF McG. and SHIRLEY B. of Ottawa | close the mill breach a com- | Venus $0 far has done all a ' ' Wee : . 5 l Sang aereunient' with: Oliawa. asked of it. WELCOME DATA ihuse Russians said their craft Buy Bihect Guest Members of A.A, will address this meeting. St. West | Opposition spokesmen Flight controllers at Jet Pro- Answers to these questions detected no magnetic field and/ Save up to 50 charged that the proposed |P¥!sion Laboratory radioed were radioed Wednesday by a thus no trapped radiation, The interested public who wish to learn HOW and eR ' cine ; 4 }commands during the night that! Soviet cans arac' > a ' ; THIS 1S THE SOVIET on the planet possibly with | wil have no real power to Wurned on power to operate in- suvere pr reac oat Sox tet confirmation that MARCUS Shela ZVim | WHY A.A. has helped over 350,000 Men and VENERA 3 spacecraft. of an instrument capsule trot struments and a tape recorder. planet's surface from the 2,400.' Venus' shroud of clouds is most- King Park Women regain their sobriety, are invited to attend. the type that landed on the its Venus 4. This photo: was protect consumers pound Venus V. U.S. scientists ly carbon dioxide--a gas proba- Plaza 723-4922 August trade figures showed |. Mariner V loops behind Venus ir 2 STE apy said the 500-pound Mariner V's'bly coming from volcanoes on planet Venus March 1, made available by the So- g jshortly after 1.30 p.m. EDT 32'%. ' : me. ] 1966. Today British top viet News Agency Novosti sain at a fc sy ae today. Alsace tel be welcome as 8 the surface--dimmed the pros- 5 ee ee space watcher, Sir Bernard while it was on display in $197. 190,660 ih Mine pai | A laboratory spokesman said ar on ey accuracy of the So- erg of finding life on that pla- Lovell, announced that the Moscow. month last year. "all systems on the craft were|__ ee: Pere daha Soviet Union apparently made the first soft landing The export balance for the | functioning properly. first eight months of the year | BEGIN DATA GATHERING was $278,700,000, well above | Plans called for this sequence 2 . last. year's $137,000,000. jof events: | Staid Old London Times Nhe ee a | Shortly after noon a sensor jaboard was to "'see" Venus 26,- The Commons meets at |000 miles away and start a tape 2:30 p.m. to resume debate on |to record data from instruments| Gains Circulation Rapidly the bill setting up the con-|measuring hydrogen, oxygen| (AP Wirephoto) OSHAWA RECREATION DEPARTMENT COMPETITIVE AQUATIC PROGRAM Competitive Swimming, Diving and Synchronized Swimming groups are being formed. The groups will be on an open basis for approximately one We can advise you sumer affairs department. | and radiation. The Senate is adjourned until | About 1.30 p.m., travelling at! LONDON (CP)--The Times,)after the newspaper was taken, Oct. 31. 19,000 miles an hour, the craft| Britain's oldest national news-|over by Lord Thomson last Jan- paper, is growing faster in/uary. i \closing to within 2,500 miles. It} , h solon te ald terms of percentage increase in| Circulation of The Times had Tobaco Firms was to emerge on the other side| month. Teams will then be chosen from t ose pale | 20. circulation than any of thebeen declining or stagnant frum after being hidden for 26 min-]_ ticipating to represent the 'Oshawa Aquatic Club i idmade seven other main national dai- lies, a government report shows. Audited circulation of The a high of 262,000 in 1960 until the changes in mid-1966. Circulation last year increased to a daily average of 282,000 from 256,000 On Offensive utes. 1 Distortion of radio signals as) they passed through the atmos- phere on either side of the pla- in C.A.S.A. competition. Classes for beginners in these fields ore still in the planning on doubling | ' F s | ee d in the previous two years. WASHINGTON (AP) -- The|net was to give scientists all stages. a oeat a first | halt arma yay "The Daily Telegraph, biggest prestinad sage aa Med Lepie re aoe - " nd and alti- | H 4 i the "qualities,'"' led its field|circulation Wednesday to an at-|tude of the atmosphere. | : : : | Aol ag from the sauy aoe tet. a with 4 daily average of 1,384,000/tack on the U.S. government's| Playback of the recorded tape! For information call 725-1111 | a Sis niece --to 334,09) from rons copies in the first half of this| anti-smoking campaign and Sur-|was to start 14 hours after en-| oem | Petute i « bne Shr k : " TS CF Theleael pees lige ga sear riggs Hi pa vision broadcaster must "de- days after the first ern of this notice, file with the City Clerk his objection to the Bonds, now on sale at every branch. ras : Lf Ake fe oad : ignifi | being undertaken. i ir' vote a_ significant amount of said work ] : : , sive outlook was accelerated Montreal-born Sir mien ae time to informing his listeners 4. The said Board may opprove of the said work being undertaken, but before re so, it Another Big Year iHBRED" hase pee eo Dall y-|... that however enjoyable may appoint @ time and place when any objection to the work will be considere 7 N M | Leaf ee a ee ta Pot thi smoking maybe, it represents &| his 19th day ef October, 1967 L. R. BARRAND, Clerk, oe erage in the first half of i peolhabit which may cause or con-\| CATED et Oshawa this 19th day © oe City of Oshawa. J hi bed eliakgh et the|tribute to the death of the user. | sue RD. cee aa Its chief rivals in the so-called quality field, The Daily Tele- graph and The Guardian, in- creased circulation. by ipet over 5 went. s' ler three per cent respectively, the figures show. FUTURE THREATENED The statistics are listed in a report of the government prices and incomes board, which says financial troubles threaten to re- by ts i i is $6.25, of which the Private of nationals , smallest of the "popu-|page ads, bought by the To by the Corporation. The total estimated cost per foot is $ i ' t ube a et grew by 24,000 to 871,000|/bacco Institute Inc., in U.S. Property Owner's cost per foot frontage is $3.125. The special Saeeseank Bed be fing nthe ll circulation of| with a heavy promotional cam-)newspapers. in ten equal annual instalments and the private property owner's annual rate per The Times followed a deliberate} change in style and makeup in-| year, up 29,000 from 1966 com- pared with The Times's gain of 52,000. The Guardian gained 8,- 000 to 289,000. Among the five so-called pop- ular national dailies, only the two tabloids--Daily Mirror and Daily Sketch--showed circula- tion gains in 1967. The Mirror dominates the field with a daily circulation of 5,222,000, an in- crease of 90,000 from 1966. The paign. The Daily Express, founded Dress Unveiled h OTTAWA (CP)--A crowd of young school children gasped, from 1966 and 358,000 below the) igh point six years ago. Lord Rothermere's Daily Mail, which has also declined geon-General William H. Stew-) art said in reply that the attack-/ er doesn't know the scientific} evidence. A Dr. Stewart said Barron's magazine, which made the at- tack in an editorial, "is dedi- cated to the business and finan- cial community--it says so on its masthead. The front page editorial of Oct. 2 was reproduced in full- The editorial took issue with a Federal Communications Com-! mission ruling that a U.S. tele- TAKE NOTICE THAT: improvement, a four foot frontage is 44 cents. 3. Application will be made LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NOTICE 1, The Council of The Corporation of the City of Oshawa intends to construct, os a local Drive between Harmony Road North and Keewatin Street North, and intends to specially assess a port of the cost upon the land abutting directly on the work. 2. The esimated cost of the work rs $12,275.00, of which amount $7,831.91 will be paid . approval of the undertaking of the wide cement concrete sidewalk on the North side of Regent by the Corporation to The Ontario Municipal Board for its said work and any owner may, within twenty-one The Rarron's editorial also re- clapped and rushed for @ NOS€-lfrom a 1961 high point, dropped to-glass view of Queen Eliza-|197.900 from last year to 2,-| beth's "maple leaf of Canada/i9j 990 in early 1967. The. Sun,| dress" as Governor - General) .tablemate of Cecil Harmsworth! Michener unveiled it in the Na-|xing's Mirror, fell 77,000 to 1,- tional Museum Wednesday. The Queen wore the gown at a 161,000 in the same period, CALVERT OF CANADA LTD., MONTREAL ® TORONTO @ VANCOUVER The Bank of Nova Scotia Come talk to us about Canada Savings UNIROYAL & BE PREPARED a wtate banquet and aap) he visited Canada in 1957 te ark pea monarch to HEAT WITH OIL dian | age ---- of the Cana oe DIX ON"s The pale green satin gown, | linked Twith silk, is decorated OIL with a rising arc of emerald) How Calvert found a new way to make rye incredibly smooth. CENTRES The New Name of Dominion Tire Stores AUTO SAFETY SERVICES )p"' - velvet maple leaves studded 313 ALBERT ST. d d emeralds |UCH" i my entae Bic ot white | 24-HOUR SERVICE crystal surrounded by pearls re- 723-4663 i sin uh sia ities eae penne presented the white rose of York. ; : A floor-length skirt measuring about 17% feet at the hem, | flows from the fitted bodice. Nobody ever made a rye as smooth as Grand Prix before because nobody ever knew how. It took Calvert ten years to do it, and naturally our Master Blender is pretty proud of it. But try it yourself. In ten seconds you'll know why he's so proud. We made it incredibly smooth by making it dry. And we made it dry by discovering a new way to make rye without any cloy- ing sweetness. This makes Grand Prix a full-bodied rye so smooth you can actually sip it CALVERT GRAND.PRIX SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS VROLET }E 2 % CITY OF OSHAWA CLEANUP WEEK k of October 23rd to October 27th inclusive, has bla duaigaoted os Cleanup Week in the City of age sg and arrangements have been made for the ated lilt om pt vate residences, on their usuol gorbage doy of 0 : -- household accumulations of furniture, clothing as rubb : resulting from the cleaning up. of grounds or from we ' household repairs, and domestic waste mato such a paper, rags, cartons, packing cases and bottles. aria { | ROYALINE SHOCK ABSORBERS for > provide you ar to those Guaranted for 20,000 miles or 20 Months "47-95. Installation Included WHEEL BALANCE Weights Included 1 Wheel -- 1.95 2 Wheele -- 3.70 3 Wheels -- 5.45 4 Wheels -- 6.60 ould be put out during the All material to be collected sho' 4 ¢ above mentioned week only, and ot the same time and in the ble downlead. same place as the garbage for the regular collection. ' st. * . copies Materials Not Included In This Collection Suide 5 Wheel 7.50 USE UNIROYAL'S BUDGET PLAN ' is . Large quantities of waste food products (in excess of the nor. . ; oR mal amount handled in regular garbage collections) are not Seg ats < ar u Friday -- included in this collection. ° ; iol collection applies only to private households OAS 8 i Sue 2 ses: a PARK PLAZA 168-4502 ' ao ecclenani, stores, businesses or Industries. ' LE TV 725-6311 (AS LTD, ORE a DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS King St. West at Park Rd. CITY OF OSHAWA

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