- 7 ' THE OSHAWA TIMES WE'LL HAVE OTHER UNFORGETTABLE Zé 4 fi Toots. HOW's \ Yes, Drove | (AND THE Last TIRE) HARD 70 } DAYS, CHUM.e» BUT RIGHT Now || Wednesday, October 18, 1967 \ ie Para Hey [Pree ink ae hana INTO THE ROUGH? l) L1GOT A BIRDIE [-=| 4 E IN WASHINGTON. nian E | i BRIDGE R =I 2 By B. JAY BECKER ~ Wt n i | en $ or oe North dealer. 5 { North-South vulnerable. Je) a ' ) rl \ i NORTH | g we: of OAKQB @AK72_---- - 68 SERIES DAGWOOD, WHAT 1S] [A LADY ON THE BU I Pa Poirig Is JU: DT™<TH THAT SMIRKY SMILE wT 8 eis SNOW NW? to KET eS] | 9783 91078 eS ON YOUR FACE WHAT 16 THIS? A WOMAN! AND THAT THESE SHOTS | ATTENTION, DON $8762 $7104 wz TALL MAN... WHAT DO THEY FROM A PEREZ, 4 @Q7104 4963 in earning extra money over ». HERE? 80 = ba ae 5 ghee? i fill out the coupon below and a tots b Fy n, Gairdner and Co. Ltd., 320 ma $85 e bidding: EMpire 6-6833, =| North East South West, a 1@ Pass 16 Pass | 5 os a sub-agent for the 1967-68 _-- te ane + 8 Pass ae @' Pass SNT Pass aie 69 Pas 76 : Opening lead-- queen of clubs. When Sylvia first discovered THE NEW WOULDN'T the Blackwood convention, she EXPRESSWAY STICK ME WITH THESE. 'adopted it with all the enthusi- WILL ENABLE. DULL JOBS! AIN'T NOBODY BEEN ON THE asm of a child playing with @ Giese eae Ee PE ey es THIRD PLOOR THIS EVENING EXCEPT A brand new toy. WAITER FROM ROOM SERVICE. To have a tool at her com- seaaaiel g¢ DOGPATCH IN eae mand which would first tell her a 7 7 : how many aces her partner had, Meanwhile \7 SECONDS nas the SECRET AGENT X9 CLIFF MILLS MOTORS Lid. for 1967 MODEL CLEAN-UP! /*~: TELEVISION LOG Channel 6--Toronte "TY 2--Run for Your Life 10:3 P.M, WEDNESDAY BVENING | A Viggo a the "waiter" forced lockon { Room 303... Sports 3--Super Heroes 0PM, sity b4, HUBERT AGO I PUTA DOLLAR and then tell her how many |kings he had, was a temptation |Sylvia found it impossible to jresist. Whether a hand justified the Juse of Blackwood was only of |secondary importance to Sylvia. NT she needed in any hand was |the faint odor of a slam and |she was off to the races. | Take this deal where Sylvia jwas South. She responded to |North's diamond bid with a |spade, and to the three club bid with three hearts. But when North now bid three spades, |Sylvia beamed with joy as she jinvoled the Blackwood convene tion. After North had shown three laces by responsing five spades, land then two kings by bidding |six hearts, Sylvia blissfully un- |dertook the grand slam. It simp- lly never occurred to her that \four aces and four kings do not necessarily make 13 tricks. Some of her elation disap- peared when dummy first came ldown and Sylvia saw that a jtrump loser was virtually cer- jtain, but with: typical aplomb YOURE GETTING A oe Wing she proceeded to make the con- Chi B 2 .M, Seems Spare x [Ticemtormm™ | Sania it DIVORCE ? BUT IT WAS a ees Ri Cainied Ao Ratals; Boi coment IngcAenes Weather, ONLY THREE WEEKS She cashed the A-K of clubs and ruffed a club, cashed three casas ra sored 9--Sports Hot Seat 'S--Teronte 'Teaty INTO AN OFFICE diamonds and ruffed a diamond, So sree lintioalitthen | ae. COLLECTION FOR land then cashed the A-K of Channel 11--Hamilton Weather, Sports 4--News, Weather and YOUR WEDDING! hearts and ruffed a heart. Channel 12--Peterborough | 11 pierre 'Berion" sa-oesnirey At this point dummy had he | 11:20 PM 12:10 P.M, A-9 of spades and a club, Eas' the J-7-3 of spades, Sylvia the mM. ' 5:00 P.M. é--News, Weatner Mel BA K-10-6 of spades, and West the LIBBY $ 12--Woody Woodpecker Sports Veen Q-8 of spades and a club, When Se ee, ac Sauu 3-4-6-12--Search for Te- Sylvia now led the club from E Pp B R 0 Ww N 2-Flintetonee 1--Movie a--Mery Griffin dummy, East found himself ut- 34--Zorre. ee ee 1245 PAM, terly unable to prevent her from PM, 3--Untouchables 3-4-6-12--Guiding Light taking the rest of the tricks. 12--Flint 11:40 PLM. 1:00 P.M. W--Phy) Diver 11--Hot Line 12--Movie z So Sylvia made seven spades 8--Truth or. Conse- 9--Perry's Probe 1l--Mike Douglas and Blackwood triumphed ; quences +--Movie eba s-Movie i hii WEVE AGREED again! ; i % i ating 'or 0! 3-6--Let's Go 1a--Movie Virginia rahe TO SPLIT THE Of Lands and Seas 12.10 A.M, 7--Fugitive COMMUNITY 200 PLM, 9--Pro Football 4--Luncheon Date WITH PORK 11--Plerre Berton 12:38 A, 4--Meet the Millers PROPERTY SPORT BRIEFS: ae Weather, 1l--Mark Saber Bailes os BA RIGHT DOWN is --How's Business @--Let's Make @ Dea! THE MIDDLE - 3 7--Movie THURSDAY 46--Aa the World Turne LOPAT QUITS A's Poa gane telend ae 4:00 AM. He 2:00 PM. KANSAS CITY (AP)--Eddie Weather = Senoltesl Nouse entree Stine Lopat resigned as administra. 4--@aptain K 4-6--Love is a M € 3--He and She reo oe iplendored Thine" tive assistant for Kansas City 12--FBI #unleesty of the Alr #4--Days aft Lives Athletics Monday, saying .he Too News, Weather 1--Dialing. For" Dollars |12~calender had not always been in com- tone ° Virginia Graham 1i--Perry Mason plete agreement with owner 'gahaws 3 Mi. 9--People in Confilet Charles O. Finley and his base- 1\--Ed Allen Time 2 . 14--Huntiey- Brinkley boner Ream Poa apes yi) ball policies. Lopat was mana- 11--Walt Disney's. Worla | &--Pastor's Study 4--Coronation Street ft ger of the Athletics in 1963 and 9--~Invaders # $--Meta 4--House Party oh 4 a Anais kavantire 4--Carlton Fredericks 3:00 P.M, was named _ administrative Tchiale 2--Pat pom i 9--Magistrate's Court assistant in 1965. é--Day It Is 11--Donna' Reed 4-Te Tell 4-It's a Stall World 9 Cartoon Playhouse Sa1s--TaKe Be ae YOUR HEALTH TRADE DRAFT CHOICE o News, Weather Scheve ct Lite' ee en MONTREAL (CP)--Montreal 7:0 PM 3--Good Morning 4--News hg avi of the Eastern Foot- @-2--Virginian 10:00 A.M, 3:98 P.M, all Conference announced Cini eee Unae: Bobby one vor Move @a aroxysms Monday they have traded a Lc ae So She nievient 7--Commander Tom future Canadian college draft 11--Movie 3-412--Canadian Schools | ACM Edge of Night choice to Edmonton Eskimos of | 4--Candid Camera 9--Pro Football AM, 3-6-12--Mission Im- possible 7-T.B-A B. 4--Beverly Hillbillies 8:% P.M, "5 4-Beveriy Hillbillies Pr enemratien 24--Yeu Den' 4:06 PLM, 11--Super Heroes 9--! Love Lucy &--Match Game 4--Secret Sterm Given Explanation By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD the Western Conference for offensive tackle George Suane- ach, a Canadian who stands six-foot-one and weighs 240 VW: . POA aa den ghzTugboat Anni wens bee Dear Dr. Molner: In words|drinks for a time will shoW|pounds, has played with Eskios éaGrhen Acres 4-Andy' Griffith 4:30 PM that I can understand, would|/whether they are an important/for two years. aera Million Ques- #4--Personality | Nie About Time '| you explain exactly what parox-/factor, In others, smoking may 24--Kratt Music Hall | 11--Marriage Confidential | 8--Leave It to Beaver |¥.§™@1 tachycardia is?--Mrs.|be the culprit. MACDONALD SIGNED. ac RU ale sr. and Mrs. 4--Truth er Conse- HLH. Again, an overactive thyroid} MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP)--Par+ 2612--Festlval * opie Ver bine $411 birhay bainer This means the heart has/gland may be responsible, 80 ajke, MacDonald, nine + year ee ee too fast/metabolism test can be most/National Hockey League vet- a rate. That's all it means. enlightening. eran, has been acquired by CROSSWORD It is beside the point that the| Again--and this is more com-\Memphis South Stars of the patient, in the grip of such a|mon these days--some medica-|Central Hockey League. Mac- ' aceon 46, oe 12. Enter. SWAB] Rang spell, often feels that something| tion may be at the root of te/Donald played with Toronto, eet ge caps 26 nist MEARRAMRITIe], [terrible is happening to tim,|trouble. Drugs to suppress the|New York and Detroit. A fore Ss io Pianist IAREMZAMe(o{r| [and sometimes is sure that be/appetite or other forms offward, his best year was with De- if pone ' des [DIOMMY I! IVI [OMEINIOY lis about to die. He usually isn't, I' reducing pills' are foremostitroit in 1962-63, when he scored 10, Leave ofi 48. Oboelike 18, Java AIS MHI IN} - ae DOWN "en a an ace but this fear persists in some|in this category, plus "'stay|33 goals and had 28 assists. syllable 1. Cloudy 22, Dagger POLMIALIslomsi} [patients even though they have|awake" pills which in many 11. Incite 2. Wing fi 24, Dis. [UIPMESINIAICIKEEWIAR |passed through previous|cases are caffeine or ampheta- 12, Degraded _. 3. Paten patchea MEME Meret jattacks many times and come|mine. QUEENIE 13. Nuclei of 4. Notions 26. Gem Baao aUoi out unscathed. The patient bothered by tach- starch 6, Lose stone SiAINIDMNSIUMIS In rare instances these spells) Ycardia is one who, more than grain weight 28.Nation Yesterday's Answer [of racing heart beat may|Others, may be in the greatest/~ 14. Greek 6. Hindu 29. Public accompany some real heart dis.| need ae a -- io letter title vehicles 36. Stop order, and mination will| whom there has been Contact in Seay Seemer Simme, Sige, [esis dias Get at, Sale Pa ee aes . . appropriate treatment can)" . '17. 8. Goddess of timher - for John begin and general emotional! and Knife 4 | volcanoes: * tree Wayne ' Most of the time, however,| Physical makeup of the patient, +e i. oo bagged a the patient merely is being|ie is far better prepared to 20, English : ithe siseia overstimulated in one way orjtrack down whatever may be pans Tie rr CTT e 13} |another, and-the burst of rapid|the hegomes the tachycardia, or : heart action is the result. racing . ot Wakes io V7 The stimulation may be men-|_ If it is sheer tension, tranquil- 23. Stowe" Ls Y tal or physical. The emotional neigh poy leg P egeorn rgd yo acter ! ensions which build up and A ; d WY, throw a person into "a case of|Stock of himself and decide sam f Y is te nerves" can cause the heart to| Whether he is letting himself in sakes race thus. Emotional tension,|for such troubles by being a ee i L3 ' Y Y after all, can have many differ- daly hahah: yriig things ic ent physical manifestations| "4 3 : poe' be VAY involving the digestion, kidneys,|) Finally, a combination of 7, LL 4 : po se out F os KE vascular system (headaches|causes may be involved, since|success. I don't understand why . Tastes Y being one form), tense muscles|the habitual worrier also often|you are questioning your doce 32. Wild ox i ba 4 Y Ey Fy which translate into backache.|depends too much on_pills,|tor's recommendation on this.' 33, Because y aL : : | 35. Secular In some folks, the racing heart/coffee and smoking 'to calm : a 37. Dinner 35 184 se occurs. my nerves." rissa Mrs. W.K.: * a = A, a son's ood type does nbd serge Se T SOMETIMES COFFEE Dear Dr. Molner: What is|change. There could, for a lim- 88.R ~ /} Some individuals who happen|your opinion of radioactivelited time after transfusion, be 41, Nickel: 42 Y to be somewhat sensitive to caf-jiodine to cure an over-activejan equivocal result of a test if n sym, V1, feine will have the heart start/thyroid? My doctor has recom-/blood of a different type were tL} 42, Beyptian i Ao VA |\to race simply because they/mended this method instead of/transfused, but those cells ao goddess " ) have had too much coffee, tea|surgery.--Mrs. F.G. would in time die off, and all 43. Boasts 47 Y 8 or cola--what may not bother! This method can be used injnew cells created by the body 45, Jargon Zi another person can be too much|suitable cases, and has been|would be of the person's normal : for them. Cutting out caffeine'used a great many times with'type. o a 4 ¢€ v e > 4 etn