Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Oct 1967, p. 23

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iget 'on- and ea customarily roams the compass andjof political eamcern, also ling|touched on: tic provinces: Robert C. Coates (PC--Cumberland) said person-.. ter-|al incomes in the region are 30 rn-jper cent below the national~ ent average, unemployment twic@er ved'as high. He recommended a The budget debate, which 1, The economy of the Atlan- zed |Senate committee study of the ~ iq] (Situation; ort. 2. Expo 67: Mr. Coates said ida|fair-goers should not find them- ac-|selves shut out of pavilions helclosed for the benefit of impor- tant _ visitors. ELECT RVATIVE ae oY 1" SELF-STORING Comb. Storm end Screen ALUMINUM DOORS 19 RS $21.88 to $23.77 NUM WINDOWS We ae Te ! NOWes, J A R VE MORE 'DAR! ~» G 13%, | devel qa' ft ee lin, , 12 HEY LAs T! 2°10" x 6°10"1 $8.40 OUT OF 3/40 %- WAS VALS PINE PANELLING -T f -T' ' Dritled For H. bundte bundie bundle bundie $3.72 $4.26 $4.96 $5.67 Hinges Installed! MAHOGANY -0x6-6.. $7.16 -6x6-6.. $8.75 -0x6-6.. $10.45 Hardware $2.75 Per Set! ouvered rizontal Sparkling White! "$35.75 $3.39 TO 9 P.M. Also Available ! ! MICKEY MOUSE SOB/YOU TREAT ME Like A eee IESTIONS ! é ESTIONS! NAMING IT THAT'S WHAT NELLIE! SOMETHING WRONG? King Feauren Spedieata, tats 1967, Wert nghss reverved. i WHY DOES SADIEHABRINS THIS ISE-YEAR-LD BAQHELOR? was the homeliest gal iatthe hills DAY TERRIFY -_ Well --here's the story -- Sadie Hawkins was the inter of early itch settler, Hekzebiah Hawkins.She |- DINNER... AN' BEEN AT IT TH mercy! wuat's TAKING IT $0 LONG ?/ ting Peale Syeicsta, tos, 1067. Word sights remerved. SECRET AGENT X9 NO. EVERYTHING'S FINE, SAHANI. 4 King Festeres Syndicate, Inc, 1967. Woeld sighas WHEN THE HOUSE LIGHTS 6O OFF FOR THE SHOW, TLLTRY SNEAKING BACK TO LAZLO'S ROOM... THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, October 12, 1967 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER North dealer. Neither side vulnerable. NORTH 6K10862 @KI9763 oss '--- SOUTH rey oAg2 4AKQ097653 Opening lead--four of hearts, Let's say you're in six clubs reached on the bidding shown. East's two club bid marks him with great length in the major suits, including probably the king of spades, and also sug- gests a void in clubs. Assuming these facts, how should you play the hand? If you win the heart lead with the ace, discarding a dia- mond, and then play the ace and another diamond, hoping to establish the diamonds and thus avoid a spade finesse, you run into trouble when West wins the diamond and returns a spade. - « « for LUXURY, GLAMOR and EXCITEMENT S EF the all new THE TV DON'T SEEM TO o8t HOT énous 2! : » ell Rahas Rare Channel 2--Buffalo Channet 3--Barrie Channet 4--Buffalo Channel 6--Toronte Channel 7---Buffalo Channet &--Rochester Channel 9%--Toronto Channel 11--Hamilton Channel 12--Peterborough THURSDAY BVENING 5:00 P.M. Va--Rocky and -his Friends N--Jericho 8--Mr. 7--Flintstones 6--Gentle Ben 4--Perry Mason 3--Tralimaster 30 PLM, 12--Flintstones 8--Truth or Consequences F--News 4--Let's Go 2--Of Lands and Seas 6:00 PLM, 11--Plerre Berton 12--News, Weather, Sports 6--How's Business 7--Movie 6--Political Talks 4--News, Weather, Sports &--My Three Sons 6:30 PLM. 12--Premiere Theatre Vi--Mothers-In-Law 4--News 3-6-9--News, Weather, and Sports 2-8--Huntley-Brinkley News 200 P.M, 1--That Gir! 9--Flying Nun @--Four Winds to Adventure 2--News, Weather Sports 7: P.M, 7--News, Weather, 730 PLM. 12---Bewltched ki 2-8--Daniel Boone 7--Fire Prevention Test 7--Batman 6--Accidental Family 3--NYPD 7--Flying Nun _ 3-6-12--Poltical Talks 4:30 P.M. AND BESIDES, I NOW LOOK MORE UKE A PLANET' CHAS. 10-12 uN: 9--I"'s 7--Bewitched 3-6-12--Telescope 2-8--Ironsides 9:00 P.M, 9--Dean Martin 7--That Girl '68 PONTIACS, BUICKS, BEAUMONTS, ACADIANS VAUXHALLS and FIREBIRDS at... The CLIFF MILLS MOTORS Lid. TELEVISION LOG 4--Movie 3-6-12--Man_from 7--Peyton Place 2-8--Dragnet 10:00 P.M. 12--Dean Martin i--The Merv Griffin Show 9--Mannix 7--Good Company 6--Dragnet 3--Run for Your Life 2-8--Dean Martin 10:30 P.M. 7--Second Hundred Years 4--The True North 11:00 PLM. 12-11-9-8-7-6-3-2----News Weather, Sports 1:10 P.M, 1--Plerre Berton MW: .M, 4--News, Westher Sports : Mi, 6--Viewpoint 11:25 P.M. 6--News, Weather, So-rte 11:30 P.M, 7--Movie 24--Johnny Carson 11:38 P.M. Merv Griffin 11:48 PLM, 11--Movie 9--Perrys' Probe 11:48 P.M. 12--Movie 6--Frost ever England 11--Schnitzel House 4--Captain Kangaree 8: »M. 9--University of the Alr 4---You and Your family J--Dlaling fer Dollars, Virginia Graham 9% .M. 1i--Ed Allen Time 9--Romper Room 6--Pastor's Study 4--Cariton Fredericks .. 2--Pat Boone 9:3 AM. 1--Donne Reed 9--Meta 4--Leve of Life 10:00 A.M. 1--Movie 8-2--Snap Judgment | 4--Candid Camera 230 A.M, 8-2--Cencentration 7--T.B.A. 9--Uncle Bobby } | &--Match Game | 4--Secret Sterm 9--Mr. and Mrs. 8-2--Hollywood Squares 7--Family Game 4--Dick Van Dyke 3--Ed Allen Time | 12 NOON | 12--News, Weather, As 1i--Little People 9--Toronte Teday 2-8--Jeopardy T--Movie é--Luncheon Date 4--News and Weather; ports 12.10 P.M, 3--Super Heroes 12:38 P.M, --Photo_ Finish 12-6-4-3--Search for Tomorrow 12:45 P.M, 12-6-4-3--Guiding Light 1:60 P.M, 12--Movie li--Mike Douglas 9--Mov ie 6--wialing Per Bollers, Virginia Graham J--Fugitive 4--Meet the Millers é--Luncheon Date 1:30 P.M, 44--As The Werld Turne 8--Let's Make A Deal 2:00 PLM, 3--Newlywed Game 6--Culsine dored Thing @-2--Days of Our Lives 2:38 12--Calendar 1l--Perry Mason 9--Peeple in Cenfilet 7--Dream Girl 3:00 P.M. | 9---Magistrate's Court 7--General Hospital 4--Te Tell The Truth 3-6-12--Take 30 2-6--Anether Werld 30 PLM. | 11--Bullwinkle 9--It's Your Meve 7--Commander Tom 3-4-6-12--Edge of Night | 244--Yeu Don't Say 4:00 P.M, | 11--Super Heroes 9--1 Love Lucy 11:08 A.M, 9--Tugboat Annie ey 4--Andy Griffith 38--Good Morning 2 .M. Ti--Marrlage Confidentiad 4--Beverly | 3-6-12--C 1--Gilligan's Island --M jovie &--Leave It to Beaver 4-Truth or Conse quences 3-4-12--Barney Boomer CROSSWORD ACROSS 1. Flaps 5. Gaucho's weapon | 9. Irish exclama- ; tion. ; 10. Oust 12, Extension 13. Slow: music 14. Former Polish city 15. Edge 16. Music note 17. Scrutinize 19. Public notices 20. Tahitian national 'od 46. Raised 11, High, : craggy DOWN hills 1,Utensilsof 15. Barri. Brazilian ore 2. Italian river 3. Ales 4. Cutting tool 5, Being in the cre group 6. Across 7. Girl's name 8. Behaved 9. Belt 31, Spheres 2 4 34. Supports 36. Ma's mate 37. Mend 39. Herring 41, Scotch child 42, Separated 43. 44, Ulna, tibia, talus, etc, 45. Baltic, ~ Arabian, White, eta, & a = =I OI S| 3] FS S = 4--Love's 8 ey Splen- HUBERT I THINK IVEGOTA GOOD REASON THIS TIME-HELL HAVE To | YOUR HEALTH Doctor Explains 'jered the vessel Electrocardiograms By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD ; Dear Dr. Molner: Have you ever heard of three cardio- grams showing heart damage (different machines and differ- ent people making the tests) and a heart catheter test show- ing good heart and lungs? If so, B lease tell me why.--Mrs. Yes, this is quite possible. The electrocardiogram re- flects certain changes in the heart muscle, as revealed by electrical characteristics of the muscle. Catheterization examines the heart from a quite different jaspect. It measures the amount of oxygen in the blood at differ- ent places in the heart. Depar- ture from normal readings can indicate such faults as a heart valve which does not open or close properly; some difficulty in the passage of blood to the lungs and back; or a gap in the tissues which separate the var- ious chambers of the heart. In this last instance, blood may be recirculated through some of the chambers instead of progressing normally from one chamber to the next. Obviously this means that the heart has to do more work than should be required for. equiva- lent total output. You might think of it this way. Imagine that you have a water pump at your summer cottage. The flow of water begins to dwindle. Why? Is it because of faulty valves or leaks in the pump? Or is it because the motor (correspond- ing to the heart muscle) has slowed down? In your case, Mrs. H.A.B., the cardiograms show damage to the "motor" but the cathet- erization shows that the pump itself is not leaking. Dear Dr. Molner: Why do doctors hedge so about cing smoking, and about advising people to quit or not to start, when the. evidence of damage to health is so obvious? Is it because so-many doctors smoke and don't have the will- power to quit, or if they have quit as I understand you have, they feel it's a personal choice? Anything harmful to an indi- vidual affects society in general harmfully. If I were a doctor I would unequivocally advocate non-smoking with no ifs, ands or buts.--Mrs, P. M. How many people ever quit smoking because a doctor told them to? All you can do is lay down the facts, which I try to do, and let people decide for themselves that they're better off if they don't smoke. That's why I quit--I saw the evidence. Dear Dr. Molner: What causes the eyes to swell? I wake up with bags, or almost blisters, under my eyes. I am 42. Does menopause have any- thing to do with it?--Mrs.S.K. Menopause in itself does not. The soft, thin-skinned tissues under the eyes may swell read- ily if excess fluid is being retained. This can occur from Many causes, ranging from crying or fatigue to low thyroid function or disease of liver or heart. In the latter cases, other symptoms would be present. Swelling of the eyes alone is not indicative of any one type of ill- ness, PRE-FABS FOR SALE CHICHESTER, England (CP) --Sussex municipal authorities plan to build 100 prefabricated homes which can be assembled in three weeks for families wh« want to buy a house but cannot afford normal prices. They will cost about $10,000 and buyers can put down $15 with a 40-year mortgage, In the actual hand, you go down whether' you finesse or [not If you take the ace and ruff a diamond, you establish \the suit all right, but you are |then unable to take advantage of it because West has all the missing trumps. It should not surprise you to jrun into this dead end since the bidding indicated that it might happen. The problem is to make the slam despite a 3-0 trump break and the unfavorable lo- cation of the king of spades, and this is a challenging prob- lem even if you look at all four hands, The eritical play comes at tric!: one when you must cover the four of hearts with the five and discard a diamond on East's king! The effect of this play is that West can never take the lead for the embar- rassing spade shift. Let's say East returns a heart to the ace (his return doesn't really matter) on which you dis- card the nine of diamonds. You cash the diamond ace, play a club to the ten, ruff a diamond, play a club to the jack, and ruff another diamond. That establishes the suit and, after drawing West's last trump, you cross to the ace of spades and discard a spade to bring home the slam, That's all there is to it. EDITOR'S NOTE -- The bridge hand in Wednesday's Times was incorrect. The cor- rect bridge hand appears in to- day's paper. Old Pottery Vessel Found MORTLACH, Sask. (CP) «@ The oldest and most complet pottery vessel ever found on the northwestern plains of North America has been recovered at an excavation site near here, says Fred Bard, director of the Saskatchewan Museum of Natu- ral History. An archeological crew recov- during the course of excavations at the Walter Felt site south of Mort- lach, about 85 miles west of Regina. Mr. Bard said that while the vessel was badly broken and crushed, it could be restored. Excavations at the site have unearthed artifacts dating from back as far as 465 BC. The Walter Felt site is described as the location of a bison kill used by Indians, Bison were driven over a cliff and butchered where they fell. The debris resulting from the kill, including arrow points, scrapers, knives, tanning tools and food utensils, were dropped where they were used and accumulated as long as the site was in use. Through the debris, archeolo- gists can reconstruct the eco- nomic life of the hunters. Mr. Bard said the vessel, sit- ting in a shallow pit with two medium sized stones between the upper and lower halves, gave credence to the theory that hot stones were placed in these vessels to cook the con- tents. APPOINTMENT MADE RICHMOND, B.C. (CP) Douglas A. Kitson of Richmond has been appointed British Columbia co-ordinator for the Canadian Arthritis and Rheue matism Society. QUEENIE om "That's DEFINITELY Mr. Simpson, but that's definitely ix. Bot MRS. Simpson..."

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