Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Oct 1967, p. 8

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B THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, October 10, 1967 BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE Lindsay Youth Convicted After Bumping Wrong Car Frank §. Robertson picked the|sault involving his common law TWO PLEAD wrong car to bump into from|wife. The crown refused to ac-) Two youths pleaded guilty to/jelection turned out to be any-/government would see that cept the plea and indicated the/|liquor Osh-|woman. is in serious condition|Kilby, 18, of behind. Robertson testified in awa Magistrate's Court Friday that he had bumped a car ai Olive Avenue and Ritson Road when it failed to move through|Oct. 13. the intersection. It turned out the car belonged) to Constable J. Reardun, a fic officer with the Oshawa| police who was out of uniform A breathalizer test given by) Inspector Norman Smyti of the St Oshawa police indicated tha Robertson, 47, of 28 Hillsdale} Drive, Lindsay, had consumed from 28 to 30 ounces of wine. Robertson was convicted 0! impaired driving and fined 32 and costs or 20 days. On a hav- ing charge, he pleaded guilty and was fined $25 and costs or also given a|MEDICAL GROUNDS six-month licence suspension by five days. He was Magistrate Donald Dodds PREMATURE Louis Scarbeau got a pre- mature birthday present. Scar- ~ beau appeared in court pleaded guilty to minor «on- sumption of alcohol.Scarbeau 20, of 84 Woife St., indicated he was five days from his 2lst birthday. Magistrate Dodds took this into account and gave him a three - month suspended sen- tence. GUILTY PLEA Wayne McPhee, 19, pleaded guilty to charges of minor con- sumption of alcohol and com- mon assault McPhee was fined $200 and) costs or 40 days on the assault conviction and $50 and cost or 10 days on the minor consuming conviction. The sentences run consecutively. He was also placed on a $500 bond to keep the peace for one year and ordered to stay away from the girl he allegedly struck. REFUSED | Dewey Walsh attempted to plead guilty to a charge of as- k HI impaired driving resulted in al ee 0 ege \fine of $200 and costs or 20 days lfor Albert Northey, 68, of 135 | FORT WILLIAM (CP)--The Canadian Indian Youth Council| Sunday endorsed a proposal that could lead to establishment of an Indian university. The council's congress voted|fine of $25 and costs or five to support an Indian institute to|days for David Ruiz, 289 Blan-| be set up at Toronto's Rochdale|tyre Ave., , College in hopes it would later|fine of $25 and costs or five days become an Indian university. dale = doesn't bers can select their own study courses. In a brief to the three - day 00 Toronto, yin Oshawa General Hospital. «Walsh, of 32 Brock St. W. CONVICTED fined $25 and costs or five days.| /Kavanaugh resides at 97 Athol {DISMISSED |., was convicted on a charge| Conservative leader hit by Lib- of minor consumption of alcohol!era] Leader Robert Nixon and jwas remanded in custody until|and was fined $25 and hosts or|nonald MacDonald of the New \five days. 4 : or 864 King St. W., a Frank Kavanaugh pleaded NOt on the charge of public intoxi-| Mr. Nixon Saturday hit at the cial election. preathalizer operator and trof-|Suilty toa charge of common cation and thus was given the|premier for his suggestion that! assault but was convicted and/iacsser sentence of $25 and costs or five days. He was found try-|man in Ontario since the mem-|CTV during which he was que! ing to sleep in the entrance of|bers of the legislature already tioned by three reporters. | E. the Oshawa General Hospital|serve the people in that general' te said the Liberals would| Nurses' Residence. | cerning Mr. Robarts is with national unity when he led a govern- ment that has oe a real feeling of neglect and separa- tion in one major portion of this province." He said that "here in the North the swing is solidly away All Election Fronts Rugged For Robarts cee By THE CANADIAN PRESS |Mr. Nixon said that an ombuds-| Mr. Robarts was linked to the; j; js the second northe-n What started out_as a quiet}man in Ontario would play alaffair by Mayor Gordon Stron-| swing of the campaign for Mr. weekend for Premier John|major role in protecting the|ach, Liberal candidate in Lon- | acbonald who feels that his Robarts in the campaign :or/individual in expropriation pro-}don South, who said: |party will pick up eight of the the Oct. 17 Ontario provincial|ceedings and that a Liberal} "The board is Boch of = 15 area seats created through a London _ establishment, 'he istri red fame vexaishment in which! MAb qlee they hel Ite John Robarts came to power. re. Mr. Nixon said Sunday he| Even Conservative candidate ita paiead 6 will reject any suggestion for a|John White (London South) said 117 nee umber of seats open coalition with the New Demo-|the matter "obviously cannot | ct in this election com- crats if the Conservative gov- be left at this stage," sven with 108 seats at dissolu- ernment is returned with a| Then Sunday Mr. MacDonald PF?" Of the 108 seats, the minority in the Oct. 17 provin-|ripped into what he apparently Progressive Conservatives held considered the cavalier attitude wa hy Liberals 20, the NDP He made the remark on aj% the premier regarding the). + and there were five telecast on|North by challenging reported vacancies s-comments by Mr. Robarts in ; Mr. Ni which he said Northern Ontario| Mr. Robarts and Mr. Nixon is being treated no differently| spent most of the Lagppes than any other part of the prov- holiday in their home areas an jwith their families, although charges. Richard T./thing but. 410 | 'justice is done and done efec- King St.| Not only was the Progressive |tively." {Democratic Party, but he also Laurence J. Richard, 17, of|got involved in a controversy in was convicted|his home town of London. there is no need for an ombuls- free-time political A charge of having against) |Michael William Dougherty, 6) y/Grandstand Place, Apt. 4i0,| was dismissed when |Magistrate Dodds agreed that |Dougherty's "explanation might 'be reasonable." Both Arthur Babcock, jbert St. and Harry Burke, {Gladstone Ave., pleaded not} ty to charges of public in- cation. Both men argue explaining that they were sick Both men were convicted and fined $50 and costs or 10 days 290 Al- a The seven days Babcock had|Martin, Ottawa's Mayor 53, General Michener, a wheelchair|of hearing that Northern Ontar-| misuse of funds following reve- | +, Case d on a from. Government House t/q "cold and bare. . P. \capacity. jsupport meaningful legislation); Sunday Mr. Robarts wasjand not turn out a_ minority Sinks |Mr. MacDonald went right. on DOUBTS PROPRIETY campaigning at the Lakehead jdrawn. into charges that the/government just to defend it. tudents London board of education is} But a minority government] Mr, MacDonald questioned|and Timmins. |misusing public funds and was|would be defeated because it\the propriety of a premier con-' Mr, Robarts gets back into |forced to promise a government| would lose the confidence of a) investigation of the charges. |people, he said. "POWERFUL" "EMOTIONAL" e.° & B Michener | Then Monday at Port Arthur, | In London, the premier was \Mr. MacDonald challenged anjcalled upon to answer demands i ' learlier statement by the pre-|by four election candidates for OTTAWA (CP) -- Governor-|mier that he is 'sick and tired/quick action into charges of | because of a_ sprained |i js being neglected." jlations by Leo Juhani, a former | nkle, led hundreds of students} at Kincardine, Mr. Nixon|member of the architectural | symbolic hunger march|called the Robarts government|services department of the| r . faceless|board of education. arliament Hill Saturday. |bureaucracy" and promised; Mr. Juhani, now living in| External Affairs Minister|that a Liberal government|Toronto, said that -- while) Don}would strengthen the position of;employed by the London board | he was called upon to work on |B? ,. \ Nor jwith probation. The youth was grant/46, of 147 Brock St. E., when he degrees and students or mem-|pleaded guilty to a charge of already spent in custody was to|Reid, the Governor - General's|the individual in the province. count military aides, church minis- eee ters and youngsters connected EXPENSIVE with volunteer groups working Breaking a stranger's nose at to: alleviate world hunger all} a highschool dance can prove|took turns pushing Mr. Mich- t. be an expensive proposition. |ener's wheelchair on the two- John Goodwin, 16, of Mayfair|mile walk, | Apartments, Nonquon Road,! The Centennial International | pleaded not guilty to a charge_of|/Development Program organ- assault causing bodily harm.jized the Thanksgiving walk to Evidence given indicated that/open a fall program seeking to| Goodwin had knocked an 18-\involve Canadians in the prob- year-old down at a dance at'lems of developing nations. | O'Neill Collegiate. After the arrival on Parlia- Crown Attorney Edward ment Hill, Mr. Michener joined | Howell told the court when/the marchers in lunch--a rich| Goodwin was convicted that /piscuit. | "the criminal record is his Then, in a televised speech, As well as looking after the|projects outside the jurisdiction public interest in other areas, of the board. RE-ELECT Reened tw UNITED ADULT ENTERTAINMENT NOW PLAYING TIMES: 1:30 - 3:30 - 5:30 - 7:30 - 9:35 PLAZA THEATRE TODD DOERR irk abt FP They're young...they're in love SOTO, S CONSERVATIVE greatest punishment."' he said the march had the| ...and they kill people. Magistrate Dodds imposed 8 appearance of 'just a pleasant| sentence | valk along a scenic and his-| toric route."' In reality it was a pilgrimage in pursuit of an ideal. one-year suspended also required to sign a $500 bond to keep the peace for one year. A requirement of the probation is the payment of medical ex-| "EARN" Modern Square Dancing AVE a F DUNAWAY Pleading guilty to a charge of| Lauder Rd. LIQUOR CHARGES | Having liquor in a place other than a residence resulted in | } Scarborough. The! IndianYouth'" "| tome was imposed on Adolph Starasts, than a residence. having liquor in a place other 2 | congress that started Saturday, the council's past president, Harold Cardinal, and Rev. Ian McKenzie of Rochdale, said the institute will provide an alter- | native source of education for | Indians. | Some objectives of the insti-| tute would be to teach Indian culture, literature and history, become a centre of Indian Jan- guage and become a focal point for Indian organizations. FINDS BAND IN DUMP SUNDERLAND, England (CP) -- Hunting fur a needle in | APPEARING THIS WEEK Silver Pine Sweethearts | 3 GIRL ENTERTAINERS AT THE ESTABLISHED HOME Of Country & Western | music | IN OSHAWA a haystack was easy compared | with housewife Geraldine} Campbell's task. She noticed} that her wedding ring was missing after a garbage collec- tion, She ran four miles to the city dump, found her box of garbage and 'ound the ring inside. | IZZA | Phone 723-0241 or 728-0192 EPI'S PLANNING A,+ © BANQUET © CONVENTION © MEETING First Class Facilities For 20 to 400 Guests Quality Service Experienced Staff RESERVE YOUR | | ° FUNCTION NOW! 723-4641 | "Cyndy Taylor" RONNIE @CLYDE MICHAEL J POLLARO-GENE HACKMAN: ESTELLE PARSONS ADULT TECHNICLOR vay »SEVEN ARTS ENTERTAINMENT PROM WARNER BROS. TODAY: Feature at 1:30 3:30 - 5:25-7:35 - 9:40 Keegent 3 SAGA GQ QGQRGGAGR RGGI STARTING SEPT. 19th EVERY TUESDAY | 8:00 to 10:30 P.M. Sir Albert Love School | Instructors | "Jim" & "Betty" Allen | PHONE 723-3692 or 725-6126 GENOSHA HOTEL PRESENTS ... 2 COMPLETELY NEW SHOWS Plus 2 Beautiful Exotic Dancers STARLITE LOUNGE HARRY'S HIDEWAY TOMMY DANTON REVUE | The Ambassadors Featuring... Featuring ... The Beautiful Exotic Dancer The Curvacious and Talented "MADELENE" @ @ @ 3 SHOWS NIGHTLY ... DON'T MISS THEM! ! Come Join in the Fun with SALLY BISHOP and the COUNTRY GENTS "Country & Western With oa Beat' Entertainment Nightly -- Soturddy Matinee Whithy Hotel DUNDAS ST. WHITBY Laff Along With... THE SHAMROCK "You've Never HAD So Much Fun" @ 5 Shows Nightly Central Hotel @ Fully Licensed KING ST OSHAWA PLAN NOW! Whether it be a family dinner, a banquet or a Christmas party + + « THE GEORGIAN MOTOR HOTEL is waiting to show you their unequalled service and dining facilities. MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS EARLY for the holiday season at Oshawa's fin- est hotel. RESERVATIONS TAKEN NOW 723-4693. FEATURED NIGHTLY IN THE "Vintage Room" GARRY DEAN and company EORGIAN MOTOR HOTEL THORNTON SOUTH and CHAMPLAIN 723-4693 ; ee himself as deeply as|action today at Barrie, New- market and Richmond to Montreal where he receives an honorary degree from| McGill University tonight. Mr. Nixon, whose only week- enl campaigning was by attending a fall fair at Burford, near his home riding of St. George, today is in the Toronto area before travelling to Wind- sor for a night rally. RIDING AMID SMOG | More than 90,000 privately- owned horses are stabled within CROOKS ARE CLEVER ~ TOTTERDOWN, England ne bbers found a near Toronto, before travelling ek -- mi robbing a Bristol bank. They put an out- of-order sign over the night safe in the bank wall and put their own "safe" beside it. Storekeepers placed their tak- ings in the false safe overnight and the raiders trotted off with $6,000 the next morning. SIR ALEC RETURNS Sir Alec Guiness plans to return to the London stage this fall after an absence of one the city limits of Los Angeles. year. Hayley kids games, anymore. || "Speaks whole new generation of long-haired, soft-eyed ki to discover that a man he is tough, or queer because he is tender i, 'The BOULTING BROTHERS Production the family HAVLEY MILLS JOHN MILLS HYWEL BENNETT MARJORIE RHODES ure Times Today NOW PLAYING 39 KING ST. E. -- PHONE 725-5833 Mills isn't playing clearly and truly to a ds who are beginning is not a man because Newsweek Magazine ADULT Entertainment way 7:10 and 9:20 P.M. SPRUCE VILLA HOTEL WHITBY RESERVATIONS 668-3386 or Spur of the Moment Walk In. Entertainment and Dancing Nightly Saturday Matinee 4 to 6 p.m. HAVE FUN TONIGHT AND EVERY NIGHT... Dine & Dance at the "SPRUCE" French Record Breaking THE FAVORITE CHARLES ECKSTEIN MC, SINGER, COMEDIAN Girl Cast Featuring LORAINE & CAROL DUO EXTRA ADDED ATTRACTION The Sensational MISS DEE DEE RIP DETROIT'S QUEEN Sunday Dinners Banquets -- Weddings -- Parties @ 3rd WEEK @ AND HIS ALL OF EXOTIC Buffet Daily 12-12:30 and 5-9 pm. 5-8:30 p.m. t sunday Photography. ®& course gives you. And prospective models will Toronto Casting office is now Models. ' forming. No contracts to sign # So don't delay, Call us today. : Miss Shirley Hickey 4 Top Toronto Modelling Instructor Live the life a model leads or look like you do. 4 The Vicki Jenkinson Model Agency shows you how to be "| @ prettier you. Learn the exciting secrets mode!s from top Toronto Instructors, Walking, Posture, Make-up, Speech and Diction, Fashion, TV Commercials oe New fall modelling and self-development courses are now 723-0311 ? a ° ld é Viohi Jenkinson f Model Agency and Charm School Z 739 Station Plaza -- Oshawa : Branches in Oshawa, Don Mills and Richmond Hill f > 1 Oe MC . 4 eo 8 . = " i 4 Visit The Canadian National WINTER SPORTS SHOW i Coliseum -- Toronto -- Oct, 20, 21 & 22 » = njoy the exciting Fashion Sh i 4 pr loyal) ashion Show featuring V. J, ] of famous Whether you want to be a glamorous model, or just look . like one, you'll gain poise, self assurance and confidence. = Get the look -- and the looks -- that a Vicki Jenkinson be happy to know that our open to assign jobs to V, J. and the rates are reasonable. 8 OSHAWA TIM ATCH 1 ORLD S yn COLO! ynd Enjoy "See On

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