Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Oct 1967, p. 21

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HURT EARS The most complex one-man band ever built was the Pano- monico built by Austrian Karl Waelzel. It incorporated 150 flutes, 150 flageolets, 50 obves, ig trumpets, 5 fanfares, 2 tim- bals and 3 large drums. noney } ns L ) 7 deposits ty Trust ied and Supervised }--Deposits over $400,006,000 re, Manager 3-1653 E., Oshawa cecal bt Caro" CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 34--Automobile Repair 36--Legal 36--Legal AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION CENTRE 1038 Simcoe St. N., 728-7339 Transmissions are Our Only Business -- Repairs, Adjust- ments, Exchanges. All Work Guaranteed. E. ] FRED STONE Brooklin -- 86 Queen St. E. Automotive Machine Shop REBUILT ENGINES OVERHAUL AND ENGINE PARTS BOWMANVILLE GENERAL TRADES PINE RIDGE SCHOOL SEALED TENDERS will be re- ceived, until 3:00 p.m. LO- CAL TIME on 35--Lost and Found Dark brown wallet containing Lost. citizenship pees and other important papers. Call 725-0349. Wednesday, November 1, 1967 FOUND. Small beagle hound. Owner may claim same upon - identification. Telephone 728-1721. for the alterations to the Jury House Pine Ridge LOST--Lady's gold wristwatch, Benrus, School, Bowmanville, Ontario. Tender Documents may be October 4, King Street downtown or K-Mart. Please telephone 576-2254. | obtained from Room 1704, LOST -- Gray male tabby cat, with} (Tower), Department of Pubile ind hi Works, Whitney Block, Par- white. paws ai chest, three months old, Vicinity Tayler and Baldwin. Tele- phone 725-4141. liament Buildings, Toronto 2, 36--Legal Ontario, (Telephone No. 365- 1079), or viewed at the TENDERS FOR CONSTRUCTION OSHAWA SPECIAL VOCATIONAL SCHOOL Sealed tenders, on a stipu - lated sum basis, ond plainly marked as to contents, will be received by the Business Ad- ministrator of the Oshawa Board of Education, 555 Rossland Road West, Oshawa, Ontario, until 3:00 p.m. local time on Thursday, November 9, 1967 for the construction of the Special Vocational School to be located on Gibb Street, Oshawa. Plans, specifications and tender forms may be ob- tained by General Contractors only from the office of the Architects, Nicol, Moffat & Moffat, 12 Berryman Street, TORONTO 5, Ontario, on de- posit of a certified cheque in the amount of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00). Plans will be on view at the Toronto Construction Association and the Oshawa and District Con- struction Exchange. Electrical and Mechanical Trades will deliver their tenders by hand to the Bid Depository at the Oshawa and District Construction Ex- change, 135 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario, by 3:00 p.m. local time on Tuesday, November 7, 1967 Oshawa Bid Depository rules and procedures shall apply. Tenders will be accepted sub- ject to the approval of the Oshawa City Council, the On- tario Municipal Board and the Department of Education. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. THE OSHAWA BOARD OF EDUCATION S. E. LOVELL, Chairman J. R. BACKUS, Business Administrator and Secretary-Treasurer NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF AIME L'ECUYER ROUSSEAU, deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of Aime L'Ecuyer Rousseau, late of the Town of Whitby, in the County of Ontario, retired, 'deceased, who died on or about the 28th day of July, 1967, are hereby notified to send particulars of the same to the undersigned on or be- fore the 31st day of October, 1967, Dated ot Whitby, Ontario this 28th day. of September, 1967. HUGH MICHAEL O'CONNELL, Executor, by his solicitors, Coath, O'Connel & Edmondson, 101 Dundas Street West, Whitby, Ontario. Builders Exchange Oshawa and Peterborough, Ontario. A_ $3,000.00 Bid Bond, a 100% Performance Bond and a 50% Payment Bond will be required as specified. A Deposit of $25.00 MONEY ORDER, OR CERTIFIED CHEQUE made payable to the Treasurer of Ontario, will be required per set of tender documents, which will be re- funded if documents are re- turned in good condition within thirty days of above closing date, otherwise for- feited. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. T. R. Hilliard, Deputy * NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of: LESLIE SZATMARI, DECEASED Creditors of the above-named deceased, who died at the City of Oshawa, in the Coun- ty of Ontario, on the 26th day of August, 1967, are re- quested to send particulars of their claims to the undersign- ed on or before the 27th day of October, 1967, after which date the Estate will be dis- tributed. Dated ot Oshawa, this 5th day of October, 1967. PARKHILL & YANCH, 8 Simcoe Street South Oshawa, Ontario. Solicitors for the Administratrix ANNIE SZATMARI. COWIE -- Born to Ken and Anita (nee at 6:50 p.m. @ daughter, Carine Lovise A. Rundig and 4th floor staff. day) are proud to announce the arrival the Oshawa Generdi Hospital. Many floor 11 ozs., Friday, October 6, 1967, at Osh- awa General Hospital. and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Rose. Our) thanks to Dr. Beckett. | DEATHS Clara Duni 1, ROBERT J. KNIGHT, 665 Bloor St, any 1967, without my written consent. --Signed Robert J. Knight. 37--Auction Sales BOWMANVILLE AUCTION BARN Auction Every Saturday DOUG GOWER AUCTIONEER, 728-1005 38--Coming Events LIONS OCTOBER SPECIAL BINGO Notice To Creditors and Others In the Estate of ANDREW SMELANSKI, deceased: All persons having claims against the Estate of the above-nam- ed deceased, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County Of Ontario, retired labourer, who died on the 16th day of August, A.D., 1967, are here- by notified to furnish proof thereof to the undersigned before the 3rd day of Nov- ember, A.D., 1967. After the said date the Executrix will distribute the Estate having regord only to claims of which notices have been filed. Dated at Oshawa, Ontario, this 5th day of October, A.D., 1967. MARY LYSYJ, Executrix, by her solicitor, Z. T. SALMERS, B.A., 63 King St. W., Oshawa, Ont. Notice to Creditors and Others IN THE ESTATE OF RUS- SELL OSWALD BAILEY, de- ceased. All persons having cloims against the Estate of Russell Oswald Bailey, late of the Town of Whitby, in the County of Ontario, Retired Engineer, deceased, who died on or about the 23rd day of July, 1967, are hereby noti- fied to send particulars of the same to the undersigned on or-before the 15th day of November, 1967. Dated at Whitby, Ontario this 5th day of October, 1967. GEORGINA COUSINS and LILLIAN RUTHERFORD, Ex- ecutrices, by their solicitors, Coath, O'Connell & Edmond- son, 101 Dundas Street West, Whitby, Ontario. CITY OF OSHAWA Sale of Land For Taxes A sale of lands in arrears of taxes in the City of Oshawa will be held 'in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, Oshawa at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of Tuesday, the fifth doy of December, 1967, unless the taxes and costs are. sooner paid The list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes has been published in the Ontario Gazette on the 2nd day of September, 1967. Copies of the said list may be obtained at the office of the Tax Col- lector. Dated at Oshawa, Ontario, this 9th day of August, 1967. 1. F. MARKSON, Treasurer $1,850 IN CASH PRIZES DOOR PRIZES INCLUDE 1 MINT COIN SET with $20 GOLD PIECE and 8 -- $10 PRIZES This Week Only 2 JACKPOTS $200. Each Both Must Go Increased to $300 {In 52 Nos. or Less PLUS $10 per line both games. Early Bird Game 7:45 Sharp Guaranteed minimum $10 per line and $50 full card. a $150 Jackpot Game 20 Regular games at $20 Double in 15 Nos. or less. Last 5 games, $30 per game. ADMISSION $1.00 Bus service leaving King and Simcoe Street at 7:00 and 7:15 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 11th JUBILEE PAVILION BINGO DNIPRO HALL EVERY TUESDAY 7:30 P.M. All Regular Games $10 Share The Wealth Jackpot $150. in 57 Nos. or $20. Consolation Good Service For Greater Attendance FREE ADMISSION DNIPRO HALL Corner Bloor and Edith Sts. 50¢ KINSMEN BINGO 2--$200--Nos. 52 and 50 1 MUST GO $25 CONSOLATION TUESDAY See Saturday's Ad ADMISSION 50c RUMMAGE SALE, Simcoe Hall on Wed- nesday Oct. 11 at 1 p.m. Unit 2 Kings- view Church Women. l7sth year, dearly beloved husband of E., erdale Hospital, Toronto, Clara Dunn ' E. Oshawa, will not be responsible fer Bowman, olic Church at 8:45 a.m., Oct./funeral home at 8 p.m. today. one |1390A Younge Street, on or after this date, October 7,/05 Sanford Bowman, Oshawa, sister of|urrection Cemetery. Rt. widow of Ormond Bowman, Mrs.. Eva Taggart, Oshawa. Survived of A, _W. Miles, 30 St. Clair Avenue West Toronto, on. Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock, CARONE, Domenico Entered into rest at Oshawa, Ontario, on Sunday, October 8 1967, Domenico) Carone, beloved husband of Isabella Ber-| nardis, son of Angelo Carone, father of Maria Celeste, Dorena and Angelo, Italy, | brother of Mrs. Peter Bavaro (Anna),) Oshawa, Mrs. Sam Carone (Angela) and Resting at the Armstrong Funeral ome, Church, Wednesday, October 11, at 8:45 a.m, Interment Resurrection Cemetery. | Prayers will be held at the funeral home, Tuesday 7:30 p.m. | | eral Hospital on Tuesday October 10,| Resting at the Pinkham. Funeral Home 3 Pine Dale Cemetery. LACHMAN, Nicholas Entered Into rest in the Oshawa General Hospital on Monday, October 9% 1967, Nicholas Lachman, beloved husband of Pauline Stefanowski Lypka, father of Mrs, Stanley Cook (Mary) and Walter Joseph Lypka, Toronto. In_his ééth year resting. at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa with Requiem High Mass In St. George's Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, Wednesday, October 11, at 9:30 a.m. Interment St. Gregory's Cemetery. Prayers will be held at the funeral home, Tuesday, 8 p.m. WOUDSTRA, Dirk Suddenly at his home on Monday, October 9, 1967, Dirk Woudstra of 40 Concession St. West, Bowmanville, in his Tryntie Zorge; beloved father of Wouter, Ake Jan of Holland, Dirk Roelof, Her- man and Mrs. G. Evers (Harmina T.). Resting at the Northcutt-Elliott Funeral Home, funeral service 2:00 Wednesday afternoon, Rehoboth Christlan Reform Church. Interment Bowmanville Ceme- tery. STAFFORD BROTHERS LTD. Authorized Dealers ROCK OF AGES FAMILY MONUMENTS 318 Dundas St. E., 668-3552 Whitby, Ont. "IN MEMORIAM -- COPE -- In loving memory of @ dear mother, Violet Amy Cope, who passed Time takes away the edge of grief But memory turns back every leaf. --Sadiy missed by the family. LOGAN -- In loving memory of my husband, John Logan, who passed Oc- tober 9, 1964. His presence | miss, His memory ! 'cherish. --Always remembered by his wife Ger- trude Logan. A LASTING TRIBUTE For Permanence and dignitv we suggest MOUNT LAWN MEMORIAL PARK BRONZE MEMORIALS For courteous advice please visit the Park Office. | 723-2633 CARDS OF THANKS MacLEAN -- We wish to express our sincere thanks to Reverend Lytle, friends and relatives for their acts of kindnes? jand messages of sympathy, in the re- |cent loss of @ beloved daughter, grand- |daughter, and niece, Loreen Ellen |MacLean. The MacLean family. | REID -- The family of the late Edward J. Reid wish to express thelr sincere thanks to Dr. Bryce Brown, nurses at the Oshawa General Hospital, Rev. Dr. G. Minielly, UAW Local 222, General Motors, relatives, friends and neighbors for acts of kindness, messages of sympathy, floral tributes, helping hands and donations, in the loss of & husband, father. and uncle. Literary Giant Ot France Dies PARIS (AP).-- Andre Mau- rois, whose humor and human- WANT-ADS DON'T COST--THEY PAY Bourgault Opposes Vote On Construction Of School TROIS - RIVIERES, Que. (CP) -- Pierre Borgault, re- elected president of le Rasem- Pierrefonds, a predominantly English-language city. "We have set up a truce to blement pour I'independance) give the citizens a chance to nationale, issued a warning to the citizens of Pierrefonds, a Montreal suburb, Monday at react and we have decided that the whole party will engage in the conclusion of the separatist/golved following the referen- party's annual meeting. Mr. Bourgault, speaking to about 1,000 delegates who attended the two-day meetings, said the RIN will organize an dum," Mr. Bourgault said. "If they're going to, once dians to second-class citizens, all-out demonstration in Pierre- ; fonds if a referendum, sched- aaphog Prince nce gy we will all uled to be held next. Friday, the battle if the problem is not again, reduce French-Cana- in the two or three days follow- le Ralliement Nationale, Que- bec's No. 2 separatist party. But they united to laugh at skits mocking. federal politi- cians from Quebec and to cheer deliriously at a recording of Gen. de Gaulle's "'vive le Que- bec libre' speech. Opponents of fusion, led by Mr. Andre Ferretti, considered the RIN to be a left-wing social- ist party, saying that joining with the RN could only be done at the expense of the RIN's tra- ditional philosophy. Neither the RIN nor the RN gained a seat in the 108-mem- ber Quebec legislature in the 1966 provincial election. The RIN gained 5.6 per cent of the popular vote and the RN 3.2 per cent. ism distinguished him as a giant of modern French litera- ture, died Monday at 82. He underwent surgery two weeks ago for intestinal block- age and returned to his home at suburban Neuilly, where he died. A memorial service will be held Thursday at the French Academy, of which he was a member, Maurois was born into a fam- ily of textile industrialists but the First World War changed the course of his life. He became a liaison officer with the British and quickly turned to writing of his affinity for English calm. His gently humorous accounts of life with the British officer corps in Les Silences du Colonel Bramble, and Les Discores du Dr. O'Grady, established him as a best-selling novelist and an Anglophile in the spirit of the Entente Cordiale. NEW PRESIDENT ELECTED USED MANY MEN It took about 10,000 U.S. The death occurred suddenly, wey oe pie rag 2 years. Oct. 8, at the home of his} A member o . George's! The memorial service for) First = id-| BIRTHS sister, 52 Drew Street, of Dom-|Ukrainian Greek Catholic|Harold W. Clark, who died Oct.ler Sard Ayserakis, 6 ture LACR Spooner and 5D Polat dniry enico Carone. He was in his | Verfeillie( Sunday, x 46th year. 5 Piles bunt 6 teeters carina Louis Bars June 22, 1922, at Bit-|/Ukrainian Fraternal Society. e Pounds, 2, gucces. creme! ier. Miritto, Bari, Italy, the @eceased pai was a son of Angelo and the|his first wife, eMURTRY -- Bill and Pat (nee Halll')late Maria Carone. A resident|Cherewaty, Mr. Lafhman is sur- by Rev. L. W. Herbert, min-jAdded Luxury, Beil A-110 Sf' daughter, Angela, Marie, 10. ibs.(0f Canada for 10 months, helvived by his wif 5 o1s., born Friday October 6, 1967 st/had lived in Oshawa for three|Pauline Stefanowski Lypka; a/Church. Interment was in Osh-| scottish Princess, No Boy B-110 thanks to Dr. Halam-Andres end fourth| months, . : aff. Mr. Carone is survived by|(Mary) of Toronto; a son, Wal-| ROSE -- Bill and Marilee (nee Park-(his wife, er) proudly announce the arrival of their Bernardis; first born a son, Dean William, 6 ibs.idaughters, Maria Celeste and|the Ukraine and two grand-jand Bob Stuart. Proud grand-/Dorena and a son, Angelo, all|children. | parents are Mr. and Mrs. George Parker|in Italy. The Also surviving are two sis- yi ters, Mrs. Peter Bavaro (Anna) a a - of Oshawa ae Mrs. Sam Ca-|George's n ek rone (Angela) of Toronto and ; : a brother, Gino, of Toronto. Catholic Church at 9:30 a.m., The deceased is at the Arm-|Gregory's Cemetery. Rev. J. C.!7, for strong Funeral Home for mass|Pereyma will sing the mass. 1 by two grandsons and two great grand- Monsignor Paul Dwyer will sing sons. Funeral was held at the Chapel/the mass, Prayers will be held at the funeral home at 7:30 p.m, to-jday, at day. Hospital, of Miss Etta Elizabeth Nicholas Gino Carone, Toronto. in his 46th year-/ctreet East, died Oct, 9, at the|/Brock Township. Oshawa with mass in St. Gregory's}Oshawa General lwas in his 66th year. Nellie Lachman, the deceased|to her rc not in JOHNSON, Etta Elizabeth, R.N. i was a registered nurse. Entered into rest in the Oshawa Od gt ig A ag oe Pag Etta Elizabeth Johnson R.N. of Hills-\awa for 31 years. A carpenter,jheld at the Pinkham Funeraljde Monpszat, now Prince Hen-|Pagan Prince, No Boy 118 dale Manor, Oshawa. in her gsth yeer./ mir, Lachman formerly worked|Home, Sunderland, at 3 p.m.,|rik of Denmark. They have just! Also Eligible: pe"'Kes Ibs AAC in'Sunderland. Service in the Chapel atfor Millwork and Building Sup-|Oct. 12. Interment will be injreturned from a visit to Mont-| Royal er oboe tik j p.m. Thursday October 12, Interment| plies Limited. Previously he had!Pine Dale Cemetery. Die rn ig Ca THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, October 10, 1967 2] WOODBINE ENTRIES WEDNESDAY, OCT. 1) Its Andy, Green XX111 Bella Angelica, Turcotte 118 OBITUARIES FUNERAL OF | HAROLD W. CLARK | DOMENICO CARDONE worked for Brown Lumber and Church, the deceased served as|5, at the Osh jAynaiey. Blue, Turcorte 118 ; shawa General Hos-|Littie Qui 1 | i } ji vill, Green A-X110 FOURTH RACE--Pi secretary for many years of the} pital, in his 75th year, was|Guylene, Simone Xxx105 ling (6500), Tiras joorcue tae we held at. the Armstrong Funeral por arming Sue pione, x108 eae Predeceased, Oct. 2, 1952, by|Home at 2 p.m., Oct. 7. | Granizado, Bradfield xt rae Hi Petiene ib ui 'former Annie} The service w Suzy Jon, Alter 115 |Shining Wings, Swatuk as conducted |i-hd-m' Bay, McLeod XXX108 lest Runnee Kel' Xi |Rhann, Fitzsimmons 116 ,san Dark, Uyeyama C-110 |Redirect, No Boy 114 I'm @ Devil, McCauley 118 Nilo, Brownell 111 \(EXACTOR WAGERING) | FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2,000, Maid jen two-year-olds. 64 Furs y |Gimerack, Inouye 115 tw olsister in Poland; a brother injson, Lloyd Hewson, Ted Stone|®--Mrs 8 M Benitz and J Shiewitz | Elsa, Romance, Plats, X107 es Garnement, Swatuk X110 |C--M G and & C Preson entry |Turf Accountant, Gomez 120 i |Victory Star, No Boy 115 | SECOND RACE--Purse $1,800, Claim-/Arctic Fleet, No Boy 120 FUNERAL OF Ing (3000). Three-year-olds and op a Aber! Reeder Leste) x110 \Furs | Rves miral, Stauffer 115 JOHN HENRY (HARRY) (5"% poy, radfield x15 Grey Countess, No Boy 112 McGUIRE Golden Karime, Uyeyama 117 the formerjister of Kingsview United! Stanley Cookjawa Union Cemetery. | Also Eligible: The pallbearers were Whirlinn . Tyshoon, Uyeyama C-118 vi Fred |,"p AND P Muccl ond V end Prescott entr daughter, Mrs. the former Isabella|ter Joseph Lypka of Toronto; a|Fox, Bruce Garrard, Rod Hew. his father; deceased is at 4... |Go Go Mina, Swatuk X107 Tom Jester, No Boy 120 |Roman World, Barroby 117 } | SIXTH RACE -- Purse $2,800, Allows ances, three-year-olds and up. Fillies and mares, 6% Furs Margabella, Armstrong 111 _ Requiem High Mass was sung| Mission Clove. Kelly AXN2 ; in The Church of St. Gregory |Phi's Delight, Nedeau 120 Oct. 11, Interment will be in St./the Great at 10:30 a.m., Oct. |2vl@ Gall; Bell 114 :30 a.m., «| Elm | Me 1 John Henry (Harry) | Love Quest, No Boy had IMcGuire who died Oct. 5: at Wivee re fe Gey 6 Ukrainian Greek n On Wednesday, October 4, 1967, at Riv-\in St. Gregory's Roman Cath- i aj A Leblanc C-120 Speedy Lament, Dittfach 115 8 Prayers will be recited at Bay iages: The deceased was!Red Razor, No Boy 113 So War, Kelly 106, f A In his y Apple, Bell 1 varon Market, Leblanc A-116 Toronto, mother|11. Interment will be in Res- sth year. | also. Eligible: Snow Time, Griffo 111 |Royal Herod, Platts A-X108 Miramar Caribe, Kelly X10? A---Stafford Farms entr (EXACTOR WAGERING SEVENTH RACE -- Purse $3,000. Ak |lowances, two-year-old fillies, About 4 mile on turf course san Leo Gallagher, John oe eeny @ Bargman and N Gittning ste, No Boy 108 igi te | 'ofsky entry : " \Desroches and George King. |¢_ars'G'€ Beston and Gold B Stable| ingele NO Boy £907 ! entry Ethew Queen, Kelly X108 % Rhythm Sal, Turcotte 114 THIRD RACE -- Purse $1,800, Claim- pyr. 1 EXPECTS HEIR ing (5000), Maiden two-year-olds foaled| a' Ginanelae tarm Ua The S was § AG Cuernela. tatan by Rev. | roman Pride, 'Turcotte 117 MISS ETTA ELIZABETH |°: @ "wesnere. in erment was|Feast or Famine, Kelly A-XI1 JOHNSON jin St. Francis de Sales Ceme-|}it The Line, Platts B-x111 sccmip aie tery Pickering. [erene vo ci libel c-1 RG af uv uU, 10 ts) The death occurred early to-| 'The pallbearers were George) Football, Swatuk, | X105 the Oshawa Generallmngiand, Arthur O'Hara, Wilf AW Moiowan and G © Danerfleld j gees ' +! entry Rey. Johnson. The deceased was in her 85th year. sas NICHOLAS LACHMAN A daughter of the late James| In poor health for six months|Johnson and Elizabeth Houlden, | Lachman, 292 Bloor|Miss Johnson was born in| COPENHAGEN (AP) -- Prin-)i0 Ca. ¢ Furs She resided|cess Margrethe, 27-year-oldjgucen's. award" Platts' XIi Hospital, Hejat 70 Burke Street from 1955 to\heir to 'hh cnet ed throne. yet boon No' Boy caida 1960 when she became a resi-loxpecting her first baby in/SUCKY, Noseye Barroby 115 late Paul and|dent of Hillsdale Manor. Prior|seven months time, the royal] Red. Victor, stauter 18 1952 she|court announced Monday. Mar-|Re Stine. Gabbing 118 jgrethe was married last June|Lori Be, No Boy A-l15_ maT 4 af ; 7 a ) j|Mr. Pioneer, No Boy A-118 service will be|10 to French-born Count Henri|cer 'Sorvice, Brownell X110 EIGHTH RACE -- Purse $2,000, Claiming (3000). Three year olds and up. 1 1-16 Miles Level Road, Dittfach 105 Try Brandy, Gordon 116 Supreme Chief, Ferro 116 |Vedas, Gubbins 116 Sabre Hawk, Kelly X108 Harlion, No Boy 11. Communicate, Bradfield X111 A son of the The funeral King City, McCauley 113 |Galanx, Inouye 113 Brandy, Walsh 118 XX---7 Ibs AAC |XXX--10 Ibs AAC 'POST TIME 2 PM 'real's Expo 67, My Middeen, Dittfach 115 Headlines make lousy houses! HOME OWNERSHIP MADE EASY a new plan for the middle ince . OME : ~overstate? yer eee oe 673034 New Democrats will build housing you can afford interferes with the construction| cy#eER DE GAULLE HEST of a school for French-speaking Most of the members attend-|Tom Tomlinson of Hamilton SAULT STE. MARIE (CP)--|army Engineers and 6,000 Canadian and American civil- students in an English-speaking}. ; section of the Bg i ing the two-day meoting booed|was elected Ontario presidentlians to complete the Alaska : " ein a each other consistently through-|o¢ jhe Loyal Order of Moose] igh: in eight months He said the situation in Pier-|out the weekend but went home|sunday at the closing session of ghway in eight months. refonds is "intolerable and)jaughing at French-Canadianithe group's two-day convention. FOUND IN SPACE scandalous." MPs in Ottawa and cheering Lond , Ont. was selected as} Most of the material in the 'The RIN has been involved in|French President de Gaulle. the site of next year's conven-juniverse--including the stars a dispute for more than a The separatists split with|tion. About 1,000 delegates fromjand loose particles in sealed vote for yourself-vote Ni D be : HONE 728-0203 month over the construction ,of|boos over the conference's cen-|across Ontario attended thejexists as plasma, the so-called a French-language school in|tral issue--proposed fusion with|convention. fourth state of matter.

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