Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Oct 1967, p. 20

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, --_ sini aN ee eee ee ere ee ee ML Te eS . ' . ' ~ . * » . | 2 . er . ~ es . "w . ? . ' * i HURT EARS 20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, October 10, 1967 |26--Apartments for Rent |30--Automobiles for Sale STARTED -- sil? 'the: inoue plex one-man ----~|TWO-BEDROOM apartment, $90 month-| bs cig Jig mag ey "x : built the Pano- ity, heat and Mot water included. Self-| O | ry of opera can be placed in the|/band ever was the Pan 26--Apartments for Rent 26--Apoartments for Rent contained. Adults only. Townline 'North nly 10 Down | RESULTS MONOKY, Octoain 6 iM, Mr. €. G., Sir Blaze Away and H!| vear 1690 when Peri's Euridice|monico built by Austrian Karl | -- NEE RSet Farce | , | | Adieu. jorence,|Waelzel. It incorporated 150 M | ltwo- 8 apariment with bat:| on the cor of your choice, FIRST RACE -- Mile trot. Purse $800./DAILY DOUBLE, 2 AND 3, PAID $17.70/was produced at Fl "eproait ine' tiacalnts. 00. obves, ove to if ~ | Jecny In five-plex, stove, drapes, refris-| with up to 48 months to re- Claiming. p although it has a_ prehistory flutes, ° lad 34--Aut i] | |eretor, laundry facilities, electrically/ MONDAY, OCT, 9 2<Merrie Meandef, W'li 5,00 -3.40 3.00, THIRD RACE -- Mile Trot. Purse) reek Peri-|18 trumpets, 5 fanfares, 2 tim- tracing back to the |] FREQENCY TOWETS | |neated, ail services included. $130, Tele} POY ot |7Mary Guy Key, Feagan 4.70 3.00/$800. Ciaimino. pipet! bals and 3 large drums A | | |phone 576-1648, ' _ FIRST RACE -- Purse $2,000 claim-|6-Winnifred Po Ka Bout, Ingles 4.90 7-Tcotsie Doll, Walker 15.80 6.00 4.30| clean age. * ala 4 3.30| TR | and | |faRee } M | yr St | Ing 3 and 4 year olds 1 mile and 70 yards! Also Started: Dictator Pick, Faber's 5-Danny K. Peters, Beitlich 6.40 3. 6 -- |THREE - ROOM me 0 Or ey QIKEP -- Oliphant, Fitzns. 16.60 7.30 470|Penny, Wise Bug, Mike Riddell and|8-Elvis, Palmer 6.60| CG ts Pp ; refrigerator. Central'y located in 12-Ferhad, Dittfach 4.70 3.50| Press On, se "also Started: Chuckmor, Have Julep, our | remier ment block. $85. 428 Simcoe South, Apart- MOTORS 2-Eolian Harp, MeCavley 3.40 Kinna Art, Even Glow and Nurse G. 1038 Sim | EO SURHGIE PEERY oof : Time 147 1-5 Cloudy and Good SECOND RACE -- Mile Pace. Purse . bdo 835 Oxford St. RITSON ROAD NORTH, Self - contained 137 King West Also Ran In Order: Those .Who Walt,|s800. Claiming. | FOURTH RACE -- Mile Pace. Purse var oer y 2 BEDROOM SUITES three-room apartment, furnished and Alton Cad, Altona Miss, Emerald Star,|3-Loyal Briton, Waples 5.70 3.50 2.90/$800, Claiming. Business . 1& clean, suit quiet working couple or| 723-6322 --- 723-8311 Miss Telso, Rodeo Pageant, Rossi and/5-Dandy Sandy, Waddell 3.20 2,40] 1-Sallor , Mon, Waples 7.60 3.40. 2.60 Building for comfortable liv- Drapes, fridge, stove. Free (teacher. No children. Telephor 3094. asa pad AL List Boat 1-Echo Ridge Tommy, Avery 2.99 |S. Willow's Boy. ¢ » Gurren : ne Ing, within, walking distance hydro ond parking, controlled | THREE - ROO OSHAWA ' sirens bales Vuarectensrizcea Mr "gis ge eo Breer ou South G! lant. refrigerator and stove, adults preferred. | SECOND RACE -- Purse $1,800 ciaim- Wick, Merrywood Atom, Capte! : Ce - lled GHvencs doors entrance. Apply Available now. Telephone 723-2394 after TRANSMISSION SERVICE ing three year olds and up 62 Furs | and Timber Prince. | @ Controlie kh | S p.m, Near south General Motors. New convenient location {4-Dark Scope, Armstrong 7.60 4.80 3.40/6-Pretko, Turcotte 34.10 3,50 2.50! e a sultes 349 Marland Ave THREE-ROOM basement apartment, 116 BOND ST. WEST S-Poor Old Sam, Platts 11.50 5.90/1A-Canadel, Kelly 2.10 Sty FIFTH RACE -- Mile Pace. Purse earns @ Lorge iconies. modern furniture, private bath and en- We now have the facilities PLAS A 6@ ls Valam, Adams sm | $800. Conditioned, | ; i t ranch, Rigo - : c Time 119 3-5 Time 206 1-5 Course good i , Byrd, Coke 13.20 9.00 5.30] @ Hi-fi music in every suite 725-2227 WM carcgg =i aia Parking space. Tele} 4 do all general repairs. Also Ran in Order: Gay Pageant, Gar-| Also Ran In Order: indoctrinate, A- Sertiogn: Waples 6.90 3.80 @ Lost of closet space wcities ----| Gueranteed work den's Ace, River Bully, Berno Miss @nd/ Orbiter, Grand Galop and Tatao --_--'}.Liza. Row Gil, Geisel f @ Free Parking savenieeieenlipeennaecieatlaeaeetamaeirenimemnin TWO-BEDROOM -- apartment, parking, 6.2 Prince Bunty A -- Hillcrest Stable and Gardiner) Also Started: Invincible Pick, Joses : Private bath, Available October 17. Ap- Cail 576-2610 Late Scratch: Baby Ruler |Farms entry Comet, Minor Joe and May Chief C. @ Hydro included r b4 Extra powder ram in 2 | 3 c t | ply 225 Gibbons Street or 725- meieae Hi Daily wae (4) and Dark| Late Scratch: Mays Relic Scratched--What's Up Front, .... . ; i a ontessa | : i cope: (4), pal ; | | } | SEVENTH RACE -- Purse $20,000 m4 es and 3 bedroom suites H Asachant | |ONE and two-bedroom apartments. Ap- MORE CASH THIRD RACE -- Purse $2,000 clalm-jadded 'Cup and' Seucer Stakes" two) SIXTH RACE Mile Pace, Purse Pa y ariand Ave., Apt. 103 or tele- $800. Conditioned. j | aes Py ig - . Paid for Good Clean Car ng three year olds and up 1 1-16 miles year olds, foaled in Cda, 1 1-16 miles on . 3.80 2.80 2,90) Call Today ae Ad | [phone 576-0688. a a 4-Dyke, Waples 3.80 2) . Mrs. Wi lence ONE BEDROOM apartment, refrigerator) Trade up or down, Liens paid. | 7-P8ch newer Kel * feo dZolsxrcne Bleed, McComb 7.90 500 3.30)¢Adam's Joy, Winger 13.90 6.40] rs. Werner | = land stove, lovely view, spottlessiy' clean ' a hig ct Ml eal 00" EO lsArctic Bizrd, | Mc : l-Superior Richard, Hie 2.90 | eae y view, spottiessly clean 16-Meteor, Platts 5.40 7-Rouletabille, Kelly 4.90 3.80 rf |. Peak! | Close circuit TV for your and well maintained. Telephone 728-507%., DODD MOTOR SALES Time 149 1-8 11-No Parando, Turcotte 4.00 PE par bts ge yy nc Gan 725-0657 protection. Choice luxury (BACHELOR APARTMENT in eperiment| 314 PARK ROAD SOUTH Also Ran In Order: Ann's Reply, Time 146 2-5 course firm HA ; : ; ' Mighty Patrol, Fast Jay, Aged Dust, Ro-| Also Ran in Order: Son Costume, Big 1D $83.50 | suites electrically heated and _duliding iiove and retrigerator, _ $85 723-9421 tundo 2nd, Roman Tribune, Drag Pit and Blunder, United . Queen, 'Solomefeor, EXACTOR, 4 AND 6, PAID $8 * Weekdays 12-9 P.M | tastefully decorated through- Renny: Arlee November 1. Tele) _ ----------_---- Fort Rouge Swiss Movement, Dance Me | Loose, seventh RACE -- Mile Trot. Purse| on term deposits y H vit Hy a ah streemmprceetenitemsctnenia> Northern Oil, Richar a 43 ith Pag cr jigne Re } oye crn phat lade ONE-BEDROOM apartment, for couple RAMBLER FOURTH RACE -- Purse $2.400 allow- ber Toger YS al ante ae PP . r lu . oauna and re On TOOMS. jor two ladies. Apply 204 Dunlop East, ie ances two year olds foaled In Cda, 6 furs e Mee , f : Whitby or phome 668-4849 ALES -- SERVICE 1A-Cent. Year, Dittfach 23.80 7.40 3.60 EIGHTH RACE -- Purse $2,100 ciaim-/2-Clever Sal, Waples 6.10 3.60 white. paw: i 7-Sudb Larkin 2.70 old, Vicinity 140 Nonquon Road EEE AES STE ROMA EI ECC EID and PAINT 4-Parade Ground, Adams 13.50 5.30/ing three year olds and up 1% miles on "Als Serta: Dream Acres Guy, uaran rus phone 725-414 ! Cali 725-1481 27--Rooms for Rent ; |S Request Denied, Gritto 3.60' Marshall turf course jHarlan Boy, Lady Spring, Quarnaval! = 1 NOW RENTING j - | New and Used Cars Time 113 3-5 a |S-Paris Fashions, Kelly 7.30 3.20 2.40) SOO) SW, Girl 3 [Tie BEReAnA . | c dora nail Also Ran in Order: Greek Victress,/3.admiral's Gift, Dittfach 3:40 2.30 acd cud Sosevieed }6--Leg ONE: BEDROOM ATTRACTIVELY | NICOLS "MOTORS TD Leprechaun Lady, Dan McGrew, and A- é&Kour A, Barroby PT is Giae idle. Bulk. Polek Federally Incorporated a perv! More and more of Oshawa"s APARTMENT Be ater agree ie i bh (Ne Pe 6 $1,700. Conditioned F a . '< iiate G. F, Boltz and D. F. Kissner entry! aj Ran in Order: A-Gailant Scot,'*'; " aia i or nicest people cre enjoying . FURNISHED ROOM WHITBY -- 668-3331 The Bxacior, Conternial Vier end Parl Ncoration: "Red: Purse and Pieawil Sriinaile. Daren utcelt Masog rey Capital and Reserve $27,000,000--Deposits over 400,000,000 | ; mere Ne a 42 ee round, paid $189.90 i jeri ai sooty | reasonoble rents at the for rent with stove and re Available in privote home, |' MUSTANG, black, two-door hardiop,| °7° Sround Paid $ sete SDA Oy and te. w.|UWie Ol Wick Feepen 410) 3 frigerator, modern building Coll bebeeas 5 and 7 8 cylinder, automatic. Excel FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2,400 allow: Erhardt entry Alte, Storied: Colerina, Blaze Oregon, | Rein Harmatare, Manager FOR € R A A quiet area close to shopping mon Between 2 end "Pim. |tion. Telephone 623-2775 after 6 p.m. ances 3 and 4 year olds 6 furs The Exactor, Paris Fashions and Ad-/Fat FP. frologue, Sherry North a 28-1653 lininedints Gkeinay DOLLARS! Severai good used Beauty, Ncleodi3.10 5.80 3.60 mirai's Gift, paid $17.30 sarciel soot cake Tel. 728-16 re) R P bd shorten Daca cis 82 PARK ROAD N. Trades accepted. BY The Count, Kelly 5.70 3.60 attendance, 16,097. Total Handle, $1,016, Mile 'Pace. Pores * E.. Osh OSHA $95 per month appoir 728 8671 Motor Sales, 307 &Marro Brownell .40 | 535, v . 32 King St. iy shawa cists - t Time 112 4 a oe : S M A ment to see apartment z Devdas bi --| ings eHav-- =i : Also Ran In Order: Devivar, Sarl. ohey Sone 6.50 4 4 vo ye " e Malibu, automatic, one Mark, Kilbrannan, Jammed Market and BY y - e é R TELEPHONE 725-4466 MOTEL ommodations, = week!y./owner car. Telephone 723-5019 evenings. |Bella' Regina 1-Santa_ Raider, Waddell 410 y)/, ' S ° T iwo rooms, $38.1 three rooms, $33. Teic-|I94 PONTIAC Parisienne, 200° T3'é- givew pace -- purse $1500 added May Be Found On veliey, 'Edgewood Wally, Lucky Pet' and| Sealed * L After. 6:00 P.M hone _ 668-5201, Hollywood Motel, Whitby.|foP,, automatic, and powered. Excellent ,,.ockay" Clubs Stakes Handicen three | PAGE 21 jScet_ Gay. i rr Y M ate ae seas ate WE HAVE a limited number of unitsitenp sees : year olds and up 1'4 miles on turf crs. Attendance, 3,203. Handle, $168,911. ~_? SAGUENAY AVE available on a monthly rental basis) ------__ TE Sg as EM OeareCnS ns watt : from October until June. Facilities in-'61 CHEVROLET Nomad wagon, ke N E 2 Bedr Apts clude Indoor snd outdeor swimming new, tires, body, etc., fomatic, radio, -- sauna bath, exercis om. Live |$13_per ie 1 Wellman N N Convenient location n a hotel 'atmo pher . 10 'minutes ion 728-7351 ing : bg Boord r $120 month Apply F hman Motor i965 CHEVROLET impala, 5.5. coupe Rossland Aibeineg aad Bowmanville | ___ silver grey, black vinyl top, 327 V-8 r ee TWO iarge furnished rooms, private en DUCKet seats, console, etc. Excellent con Ontario, S gba AE tapeade trance, newly decorated, suitable fpr dition. 668-6987 after 6, week days only. | Gina on _ buildings narried couple, or two ladies, 214 Cadil-|47 DODGE Dart G.T. automatic, six | PHONE 728 9724 728-1678 between 9 and 5 p.m. |!ac_Avenue South or 723-3541, cylinder, bucket seats, radio, white walls, ; Thursd said . LARGE hed bedroom, laundry and Console, mounted snow tires, telephone H. MILLEN kitchen privileges, parking space. Apply 668-3598. ' HNOeS alt 574 Crerar '59 PONTIAC convertibie, six automatic 'ee TWO housekeeping rooms, sultable for | white walls, rad red and white WA'S BEST adies or lemen. Apply 3l4. Elgin terior,.red exterior. $350 or best offer ' RENTAL VALUE ONE BEDROOM West after 4pm. oF telephone 7265512. |Telephone 923519. be loco R ONE 4) ousekeeping room for|1965 PONTIAC Laurentian, automatic, Oshawa, | APARTMENT pe Athol Power steering, radio, reverberator and y S E E "ROSSLYN ARMS" S many other extras. $1,700. Telephone ond tend f \ - TT mem. | 725-8185, tained by LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING for rent LN AS SMCS RY IN TOWER on 2nd floor, $125. monthly gle rooms, centrally. located "in|5? JAGUAR, blue, with twin carbure only. fror tsunhare Men only. Telephone 668-6526, tors, twin overhead cams, disc brakes, Architect good tires, no 'scratches. {? interested 723-8475 - | Cal| 728-1389 after 6. $750 or best offer: Moffat, Se Tear THREE SEPARATE rooms, one e light ---- nod His A hdc TORONT tT e | housekeeping room. Apply 136 Colborne Bodied Lahde dla Bi sal ry Mrs posit of Street East : r ext riginal | a $4,600. Selling for $2,750. Teleph ; ince | REGENT ARMS LARGE FURNISHED room, refrigera-|Soseiago Stlline for $2 ieee: the amor Overlooking the park located f th com artrients (0% Stove, bed-chesterfield, sink, etc. | -- EE SEES Dollars (: on Mary St. North. | erate bes tad lt Suit couple. Apply 25 Diviston Street. | 1942 SORVAIR. Exes lent condition, $600 be on vi | tain dalie- ont ns Tin dhl i echbtahen eldest AO lephi 524819. Swimming pool, soune bath, | Quiet building, adults or COMFORTABLE ROOM rent for | welephone 655:4819, Rea Construct . ray | ofter 6 04 ngle gentleman. Telephone 725.0536, or ALL USED PARTS, tires, wheels, radi the OF gym room and rec room | 323 Athol East. hake - get poche springs. 509 je i [) Our model mate ie fami 723-6944 ROYAL HOTEL, Whitby, 171 Brock St.| == oe " = Spore Wa Paar struction {' J E 7 gc N. Rooms night! r weekly, hot, co oF "8, ot " "4 Ribot: droom Apt gg ON REE Sh Water In each room. 666-5012. " |hardtop, red exterior, black vinyl root, Electrical 4 room Ap' i Bs RTS ae werner {Diack leath interior. 28,000 Hes, radly . j FURNISHED and FURNISHED ROOM and kitchen, close power steering and brakes, Gocketsy cone Trades ' OPEN DAILY | UNFURNISHED Shore: Faspenee clean heme. Tele sole radio, padded dash tinted 'wind. Benanee M A ashi | CESARE oa ameter s , Ire! \- FROM 2 P.M. 9 P.N 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apart- [TWO FURNISHED rooms with kitchen, |atter 5. SL a District or by appointment. | men Controlled entrance bonis Al Lecco Close oe yi fin 1967 BEL AIR four-door sedan, very low ' change, Twin elevators, swimming eect enirance. Apply ° 54 werd mileage, automatic transmission, power North, © 723 3037 z dell steering, radio, excellent condition. Tele- F " pool, fenced playground. HOUSEKEEPING ROOM near north Phone 728-3602. 1 ' 3:00 p.m 723 2347 G.M., furnished, stove and refrigerator, WILDCAT -- '63 Buick, two-door hard . recen y er eae parking avails top, radio, power steering, pewer J Tuesda : eeapennnpeinnmme gentleman only weekly elephone | brakes, sole, bucket seats. A host of Immediate Occupancy SHELDIAN MANSIONS AM other options 'ic, 280724, $1,895, Cash ap ee WHITBY -- Two large bed-sitting rooms, |!rade or terms. Peleshok Motors, Ajax Casa Manana @ Sublet large 2 and 3 bed- furnished er unfurnished, In quiet home, | 942-6300, : Bohn | room suites with two bath-|Private entrance. Can be rented to-i/4¢ VOLVO Cenadien fourdoor, tour and proc S rooms @ Hi-fi © Intercom, |2ether_or Separate. Telephone 668-2083. | speed tr radio, disc brakes. Tenders v 230 Nipigon St. elevators @ Free hydro and | |NICE comfortable rooms for rent. Light |Impeccable condition, Lic. 107414, $1,895 Noite? evators \housekeeping, cooking, privacy and free|Cash, trade or terms. Peleshok Motors, jec Best rental value in the heart parking. jparking, mid-town near bus stop. Tele-|Aisx. 942-6300, Oshawa C of town. CALL 728-2502 jPhone Whitby 668-6207, 1960 PONTIAC Laurentian hardtop, good torio Mt . | Li ra) {SELF CONTAINED farge basement Condition, $450. Telephone 725-18 poe TWO-BEDROOM unfurnished apartment /"00m, electrically heated, private bath-|-47 FAIRLINE 500 two door hard Impressive lobbies [er Simcoe North, with refrigerator en | Foor, parsing, Ne re wa gM | 269. Red with black vinyl top and i \S Gunisetiid entience iioor Stove. Adults only, $100. Telephone 725-/Shopping centre. Telephone 728-7119. __|terior, automatic, power steering, radio, mc UA 3388, PLEASANT, FURNISHED oom, sull-|four-ply tires. Make en offer, 839-4204 Ra able for business gentleman. Ideally lo-| ig PONTIAC Parisienne, V8. twodoor |Apply 68 Wayne Street, Apartment 9. i el Close fo ie downtown. 'hardtop, power equipped, vinyl top. Ex- | ee leellent condition, $2,400. 728-1234 Large balconies ONE- AND TWO.BEDROOM room "fo fle: sen eG esata eee r 5 apart. jentie- | : ; se ets, ianr an it sa Roe, Teepte |, CMRMROUR, eee Modern spacious suites |THREE- end four-room apartments. Hi-fi musie In every suite 3 afetrigerator, balcony, reasonable 4790. V-8 automatic. Has been used for pleas- @ valiable October 15. Near Osh- = lure driving only. Interior and exterior Lots of closet spoce ______ | 28----Room and Board close to new condition. 668-4889. i apart-| DAs tlemen, 3% AMERICAN Montclair, 19,000 original Free parking modern ROOM "AND BOARD for gentleman: | mies, Bore note brakes, power Busine Ve, Petro" Pee ee Rey etry micas. Packed: steering, radlor new tires. Original This ts year thence led. Tele-|' Ritson Road South. throughout. Showroom condition. --723- beak sss Dho ROOM AND BOARD or room for gentie- 1265. ACT NOW A REBATE on rent on ® two bedroom|men. Near Houdaille and South General) ation wagon. NO CREDI 1 0! yxur rtment In Bow ie, for|Motors. Parking facilities. °863 Ritson . Call MRS. WERNER spar *eime" superintendent, voider Reed South. Tabane ee ee 725 57 Couple welcomed. Write Box 4 CLEAN, quiet home, room e for | 31--C, t Cars for Sale -06 FURNISHED THREE-ROOM apa , friends to share or private room, lunches A main floor, private entrar Heat and|Packed, Central, Telephone 723-8398, %*% VOLVO and PEUGOT Weekdays 12-9 P.M hydro included. Apply Colborne WHITBY -- Central location. Room and Sat. & Sun. 12-6 P.M Street East, ee giboad board | for young gentlemen. Parking, % MERCEDES BENZ &é bd 59 C s AP. F rR = V. Lunches packed, or housekeeping or ofter hours 625-1759 atch seasks Fla Saher ae room. Call 668-4928, General Repair and gaat slcaty, Couple. $55 per month. Telephone ROOM AND BOARD for elderly ledy| Auto-Electric: Service IN TE tel seccned eS mS Ci by «family with nursing home per- j YOU TWO - BEDROOM apartment in new|iences and special care for elderly ws ye Sis bab sed AIM ould be the buliding. Very reasonabie, semi-furnish-| People -- call Port Perry 985-2094, | 4 itson » Sout v ROUSS LUCKY TENANT ed. Apply 43 Wayne Street ROOM, suitable for one gen-- Oshawa 728-0921 TWO-BEDROOM apart avail i . North - East area. Telephone; s i November 1, electric heat 0. & a8 ZOLTAN and NICK'S U Oo S All pers: to win 250 DOLLARS race, drapes, bus at door, adjacent shop-|ROOM AND BOARD for gentle Your Authorized Datsun B T MY DADDY D E ! He says he wants against t * with your apartment number = [ping. 725-9872 or 723-5035. meals, lunches packed, clos d Fiat Deal | L'Ecuyer to be drawn on January 2, DOWNTOWN, 30 Colborne Street East,/parking. 708 Carnegie, 728-4845, e oe lot A be | . t * the: Town 2-bedroom apartment, refrigerator, |<----------______-- peci i olkswaa | d k re) b 1968. saves eats fee iundrYYeelicc| 30---Automobiles For Sale| S**cializing in Volkswagen to do his fair share to make Oshawa a bet- Calinty Bedsitting room $80 -- Two S115. Apply apartment 1 mee 160 5 S ; deceased, bedrooms $119 and $129. |FOUR-ROOM apariment Newc imcoe _ south ° ' ® 4 ® about the Incl.: stove, fridge, water, {bath, Yirgelece, serial apd garden. Re} [ O 0) K | 728-0051 ter place to live in, He believes in fair 1967, ar ; elephone Newe ! Se iemapic hydro and electric heating.. 11960 JAGUAR, six cylinder, twin cam,| tmen THREE-ROOM apariment. Suit ~ for motor and automatic transmission. H oe H h 40 Only CALL. P25 G25 lime working rte Avolabie Ode ate] RAMBLER AMERICAN [sits BF, Teulon Vilage Tocplone 15 share giving . . . He says that © per ni -5325 only. CALL 723-5325 two-room apartment ava' Oct 173 Details of draw given with | Apply 509 Dundas St. West, Whitby. * i 1967 VOLKSWAGEN. DeLuxe under war . applications only. MODERN one-bedroom apartment with) 2 Door American $2235. (ranty, excellent conditian,' radio and k k | d d h Ee "ic ldeean aime sce wheel Gorn pene Ste32+ Gnu' acemurits, ee ote ann an workin erson per wee edged to the and transportation, electrically heated, edad Aisha AM : sider trade. Telephone 723-8222 $110. monthly includes heat and elec- $2100. |=. > . eee Ed naling, "tme" "*) 36 months x $68.13, Chorges |32--Trucks for Sole | 20 Community Chest Agencies will help ea MANSIONS TARGE two > bedroom apariment in| 9352-80, Scotia. Bank Finan- {1947 HALF-TON pick up, long wide box,| Seite | | 3 five-plex ne th neral Motors, rea- cing. A-l Condition. Telephone 668-2453 h hi If D dd ADULT PRESTIGE sonable ren, free launary" tals, im | ts ea Tefee eau goat coon those less fortunate than himself. Daddy RESIDENCE caeale Sometion:. Telephone 725134 REBEL 550 Sturdy rack for box, 1967 licence, asking 101 c Tass 2 tiadivemh: wiltes THREE LARGE ROOMS, first fleor| "2. Door Hardtop $2620. cP lalla ll IEE a" if k d ua M : w - r tes, vith vent and gera priv n D Va 5 +b wan usemert, wie aut, PVE *| Down Payment' _§ 120, | GME Teton, 60 or bes ofer_ Tew says "one gift works many wonders. y Immediate Occupancy Road South. For information telephone) 9 $2500. " a a For appointment to view use 36 $81.11 Ch 5 erence "ivy stock Cate. eisot rae ! ? ae sghioke sy : APLETE xt months x hl. Cha motor and body, stock racks, $250. Tele. D these luxury apartments, COMPLETELY FURNISHED one - bed) 277 "9 phone 728-1997. daddy cares: oes yours : lease call a fear Bearionh, pelvale. eiioe, athe): 2450) 1961 CHEVROLET haif-ton truck, tou Pp : ace, will tak ¢ child. Close to jalf-ton truck, four- MRS FORREST south Genera Mators Telgphorie ess JAVELIN wheel drive with snow piow hydraulic, 726 Good condition. Telephone 728-2858. : : el ' 2 Door Hardto $2770 ----- ee i (resident manager) ONE - BEDROOM apartment, central, . + DOr Hardtop 24/0. 163 CHEVROLET pick up, deluxe cab, re- is cation, second floor, completely pri Down Payment $ 170. cent paint job, mechanically it. . Will n 723-1712 vate, includeg heat, hydro, parking, tele $2600. jtrade for older car plus cash. Telephone vision outlet. Ad only. Immediate ; +. 1576-0846. 170 Cabot -- ------------------=----eeeeerem| Dossession, $85 monthly. 728-1 36 months x $84.35. Charges [-- SAAT DRE Pe Oey A, TWO - ROOM aparimeni with bain, $436.80 33--Automobiles Wanted | TROIS - Oshawa Rental Aste ic Senerai"Hotors" win' or win e Te Se gerepyrges " 4 8 } 7 e i Must " (cP) -- P out stove, refrigerator, or washing ma AMBASSADOR elected pre a west Sie dahil bib andes Wer Ap Horton $2800, | a ae WANT O 5 bs Wung-- £4 ANQ Secnent D Agency LANSDOWNE DRIVE -- Upper two-bed att $ 200. | nationale, i room apartment in triplex, refrigerator e , > Superb apartment accorimo- jand stove. Free washing and: drying. $2600 Sell your used car to 'Ted the citizen: dation in all parts'of Oshawe. |Feved parking, heat Included. 7234670./ 96 1 gay ay Charges Talk "Cash" to the New Montreal : ONE and two-bedroom apariments, heal, Cor Dealer and 'Save the conclus + VALIANT stove and refrigerator included. Children $436.80. TED CAMPIN MOTORS bare aaa welcome. 300 High Street, Whit : DEVELOPMENTS LTD, soartment'¢ or essa 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 * ur Bou ea! TWOBEDROOM epariment, cccrieay Wel M S ; , "CALL qwopeonoon spare secricaly VVEIIMAN IVIOTOLS warren, cars sna rusts for wreck about 1,000 725-9934 re 728-4283 drapes, centrally located, 25 Mili Street. paid. Telephone 728-45 pro gett attended th 7 4 Telephone 723-0564 or after 5, 723-2295 100 NONQUON RD. ert Nicols. said the R ----| FURNISHED, $80 monthly, three-room SHAW AUTO WRECKERS CO. Cars Soe yt at ene 'eee mites -- BouBM Bios sitet Ea. Mira T fs 8 hospital and downtown. Adult. 725-3093, |-- SES EmNERE UR vik coh io imo nro sia a uled to be Choose NEWLY FURNISHED bedroort GUS BROWN GREA ER interferes v apartment, television ydro pald, sulteble for two « hers or MOTORS LIMITED pA ig an siness giris, On A ee ae Mar Telephone' 726-0260. goqieia ; ss R.R. No, 3, Oshawa \ Classified Advertising pox cmglg apartment Mipet Cite eee ee re ed se skolgetld | Births. Deaths, Memoriums | ae veld | e. parking, laundry fi rice paid for an i i od with s Adults 'only, "Avavable' Novemter| Crs, liens paid, TERMS. Cards-of-Thanks and Obituaries) 11 ONTARIO STREET NORTH . TELEPHONE 728-0203 refonds 1. #22 King Steet East. | Phone 728-7375 or 728-7376 May Be Found On ye) Geeest Noort naa en gop ee = Cable TV otter i o'clock " "Waser FILL SPARE ROOMS with peying guest. PAGE 21 ; - re THREE - ROOM spariment, ref Phone 723-2492 no wior an ad-writer to pal FULL TIMB mele bertender required Sere. stove, batt Poyvate entrance. Avail: help You phrase your ad. | s Apply Mr. Campbell, .

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